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polymerase chain reaction techniques for differentiating cytotoxic and noncytotoxic pasteurella trehalosi from rocky mountain bighorn evaluate 2 polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-based methods for differentiating cytotoxic and noncytotoxic pasteurella trehalosi from rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis).199910328428
a bighorn sheep die-off in southern colorado involving a pasteurellaceae strain that may have originated from syntopic cattle.we investigated a pasteurellosis epizootic in free-ranging bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis) wherein a pasteurellaceae strain carried by syntopic cattle (bos taurus) under severe winter conditions appeared to contribute to pneumonia in affected bighorns. twenty-one moribund or dead bighorn sheep were found on the "fossil ridge" herd's winter range, colorado, usa, between 13 december 2007 and 29 february 2008. eight carcasses examined showed gross or microscopic evidence of acute to subacute fibrin ...201020966277
phylogenetic and epidemiologic relationships among pasteurellaceae from colorado bighorn sheep herds.we used 16s rrna sequencing and leukotoxin gene (lkta) screening via pcr assay to clarify phylogenetic and epidemiologic relationships among pasteurellaceae isolated from bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis). only six of 21 bighorn isolates identified as "mannheimia haemolytica" in original laboratory reports appeared to be isolates of m. haemolytica sensu stricto based on 16s rrna sequence comparisons; the remainder grouped with m. glucosida (n=8) or m. ruminalis (n=7). similarly, 16s rrna sequence ...201323778616
how respiratory pathogens contribute to lamb mortality in a poorly performing bighorn sheep ( ovis canadensis ) herd.we evaluated bighorn sheep ( ovis canadensis ) ewes and their lambs in captivity to examine the sources and roles of respiratory pathogens causing lamb mortality in a poorly performing herd. after seven consecutive years of observed december recruitments of <10%, 13 adult female bighorn sheep from the remnant gribbles park herd in colorado, us were captured and transported to the thorne-williams wildlife research center in wyoming in march 2013. ewes were sampled repeatedly over 16 mo. in april ...201727690193
assessing timing and causes of neonatal lamb losses in a bighorn sheep ovis canadensis canadensis herd via use of vaginal implant transmitters.we evaluated the use of vaginal implant transmitters (vits) as a means of detecting, capturing, and radio collaring rocky mountain bighorn sheep ( ovis canadensis canadensis) lambs to estimate survival and to facilitate carcass recovery to assess causes of mortality. we focused on one of several bighorn herds in colorado, usa, suffering from depressed recruitment that was not preceded by a classic all-age die-off. we captured, radio-collared, diagnosed pregnancy by ultrasound examination, and in ...201728192042
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