
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
campylobacter infections in the united states. results of an 11-state january 1982, 11 states (alabama, arizona, georgia, illinois, minnesota, new mexico, oregon, texas, vermont, washington, and wisconsin) began reporting monthly their isolations of campylobacter to the centers for disease control in atlanta. the information reported included the species of campylobacter organisms, the week of the report, the site from which the organism was isolated, and the age and sex of the infected person. a total of 3,966 isolates were reported in 1982, of which 3,900 wer ...19846087756
a survey of campylobacter and other bacterial contaminants of pre-market chicken and retail poultry and meats, king county, part of a larger study to determine the flow of campylobacter and salmonella from food animals to humans during 1982-83, 1,936 swabs were collected for bacteriologic study from pre-market chickens, retail poultry, and other retail meats as well as from equipment and work surfaces used to process such foods. of the 297 samples collected in a poultry processing plant, 56.6 per cent were positive for campylobacter jejuni/coli (cjc), as were 23.1 per cent of the 862 retail chicken, and 17.2 per c ...19863953916
campylobacter jejuni enteritis associated with raw goat's milk.during a three-week period in july 1983, six cases of campylobacter jejuni enteritis in king county, washington were associated with a dairy that produced raw goat's milk. four patients consumed the dairy's milk, and the other two patients comprised an employee of the dairy and her infant son. two case-control studies confirmed that, at the time the cases occurred, consumption of the dairy's milk was a risk factor for c. jejuni enteritis in king county. c. jejuni was isolated from the intestinal ...19873605046
seasonal occurrence of campylobacter spp. in surface waters and their correlation with standard indicator bacteria.campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli, and a campylobacter-like organism were isolated from a number of natural water sources in central washington, including ponds, lakes, and small mountain streams at elevations ranging from 1,460 to 5,400 feet (ca. 445 to 1,646 m) above sea level. at the two sites where extensive sampling was done, the bacteria were recovered throughout the year. generally, the recovery rates were highest in the fall and winter months and lowest during the spring and summe ...19873579268
prevalence and characterization of hippurate-negative campylobacter jejuni in king county, washington.a total of 593 strains of thermophilic campylobacter species were isolated either from humans with diarrhea or from poultry in king county, washington. of these strains, 98 (52 hippurate-positive strains and all 46 of the hippurate-negative strains) were selected for further phenotypic characterization and genetic classification. hippurate hydrolysis, the test typically used to differentiate campylobacter jejuni and c. coli, did not always correlate with the genetic classification. all hippurate ...19873654945
migratory birds of central washington as reservoirs of campylobacter jejuni.migratory ducks, canada geese, and sandhill crane from the pacific north american flyway have been screened for campylobacter spp. samples (298) from these birds were examined and the incidence of campylobacter spp. in the samples were as follows: sandhill crane (grus canadensis tabida), 81%; ducks (aythya collaris, anas carolinensis, aythya americana, and anas platyrhynchos), 73%; and canada geese (branta canadensis), 5%. all isolates were identified as campylobacter jejuni. to our knowledge th ...19883378202
outbreak of escherichia coli o157:h7 and campylobacter among attendees of the washington county fair-new york, 1999.september 3, 1999, the new york state department of health (nysdoh) received reports of at least 10 children hospitalized with bloody diarrhea or escherichia coli o157:h7 infection in counties near albany, new york. all of the children had attended the washington county fair, which was held august 23-29, 1999; approximately 108,000 persons attended the fair during that week. subsequently, fair attendees infected with campylobacter jejuni also were identified. an ongoing investigation includes he ...199910499785
prevalence of campylobacter spp., escherichia coli, and salmonella serovars in retail chicken, turkey, pork, and beef from the greater washington, d.c., area.a total of 825 samples of retail raw meats (chicken, turkey, pork, and beef) were examined for the presence of escherichia coli and salmonella serovars, and 719 of these samples were also tested for campylobacter spp. the samples were randomly obtained from 59 stores of four supermarket chains during 107 sampling visits in the greater washington, d.c., area from june 1999 to july 2000. the majority (70.7%) of chicken samples (n = 184) were contaminated with campylobacter, and a large percentage ...200111722889
prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of thermophilic campylobacter spp. from cattle farms in washington state.the prevalence of thermophilic campylobacter spp. was investigated in cattle on washington state farms. a total of 350 thermophilic campylobacter isolates were isolated from 686 cattle sampled on 15 farms (eight dairies, two calf rearer farms, two feedlots, and three beef cow-calf ranches). isolate species were identified with a combination of phenotypic tests, hipo colony blot hybridization, and multiplex lpxa pcr. breakpoint resistance to four antimicrobials (ciprofloxacin, nalidixic acid, ery ...200515640184
dissemination of antimicrobial resistant strains of campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni among cattle in washington state and california.the purpose of this study was to investigate the genetic similarity of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli with similar antimicrobial resistance phenotypes, isolated from cattle on different farms and at different times, in order to evaluate the possible existence of disseminated antimicrobial resistant clones. pfge after smai and kpni restriction identified 23 and 16 distinct pfge patterns among 29 c. jejuni and 66 c. coli isolates, respectively. in c. coli, 51 (77%) of the resistant is ...200717321701
improved protocol for isolation of campylobacter spp. from retail broiler meat and use of pulsed field gel electrophoresis for the typing of improve the detection of campylobacter spp. in retail broiler meat, a reference method (r subsamples) based on the enrichment of 25 g of meat in bolton broth at 42°c under microaerobiosis was compared with an alternative method (a subsamples) consisting in the rinsing of meat samples for 30s in buffered peptone water with antimicrobials with incubation at 42°c under aerobiosis. one piece of meat (breasts, tenderloins and thighs) was rinse in experiment 1 (a1) and two pieces in experiment 2 (a ...201323545445
risk factors for campylobacteriosis in two washington state counties with high numbers of dairy farms.campylobacteriosis is a frequently reported, food-borne, human bacterial disease that can be associated with ruminant reservoirs, although public health messages primarily focus on poultry. in washington state, the two counties with the highest concentrations of dairy cattle also report the highest incidences of campylobacteriosis. conditional logistic regression analysis of case-control data from both counties found living or working on a dairy farm (odds ratio [or], 6.7 [95% confidence interva ...201324025908
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