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[histopathology of liver, kidney and spleen of piaractus mesopotamicus, prochilodus lineatus and pseudoplatystoma fasciatum infected by myxosporean parasite, caugth in aquidauana river, state of mato grosso do sul, brazil].histological analysis of kidney, spleen and liver of piaractus mesopotamicus, prochilodus lineatus and pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, infected by myxosporean, caugth in aquidauana river, ms, was studied. after necropsy, samples of liver, previous kidney and spleen were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and processed followed histological routine methods. sections of 5microm were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. myxobolus porofilus, m. colossomatis and were found in p. lineatus, in p. mesopotamicus ...200819265578
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