
[serosurvey for spotted fever group rickettsial infection in vertebrates in shimane prefecture].we carried out a survey for the prevalence of antibodies to the spotted fever group (sfg) rickettsia in vertebrates such as dogs, cattle, deer, and mice in shimane prefecture. rickettsia japonica was employed as antigen in indirect immunofluorescence (if) tests. the experiment for natural infections using decoy animals was performed in the field of the endemic area. 1. among 115 street dogs, 18.3% possessed the antibodies against sfg rickettsia, while all of the 8 hunting dogs had the antibodies ...19957602185
human babesiosis in japan: epizootiologic survey of rodent reservoir and isolation of new type of babesia microti-like parasite.we have carried out epizootiologic surveys at various sites in japan to investigate wild animals that serve as reservoirs for the agents of human babesiosis in the country. small mammals comprising six species, apodemus speciosus, apodemus argenteus, clethrionomys rufocanus, eothenomys smithii, crocidura dsinezumi, and sorex unguiculatus, were trapped at various places, including hokkaido, chiba, shiga, hyogo, shimane, and tokushima prefectures. animals harboring babesia microti-like parasites w ...200111724838
mice and moles inhabiting mountainous areas of shimane peninsula as sources of infection with yersinia pseudotuberculosis.a total of 1,835 yersinia spp. were isolated from 925 (60.5%) of 1,530 wild mice and from 139 (79.9%) of 174 moles living in mountainous areas of eastern shimane prefecture, japan. the yersinia spp. included 1,106 yersinia enterocolitica, 26 y. enterocolitica-like, 176 yersinia mollaretii, 149 yersinia frederiksenii, 70 yersinia intermedia, 231 yersinia kristensenii, 5 yersinia aldovae, and 72 yersinia pseudotuberculosis. human pathogenic y. enterocolitica was not isolated. y. pseudotuberculosis ...19902254420
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