
PMID(sorted ascending)
respiratory tract infections due to branhamella catarrhalis: epidemiological data from western australia.during a 3-year period branhamella catarrhalis was isolated in significant numbers from 239 (1.3%) of 19,488 specimens of sputum sent for routine microbiological examination at a 700-bed general hospital. the majority of patients (83%) were over 60 years of age and 65% were male. there was a distinct seasonal variation in isolations with a peak incidence during the winter and early spring, a pattern not found with other pathogens. susceptibility to amoxycillin decreased by approximately 50% over ...19873119360
sentry antimicrobial surveillance program asia-pacific region and south africa.the sentry antimicrobial surveillance program was initiated in january 1997 and was designed to monitor the predominant pathogens and antimicrobial resistance for both nosocomial and community-acquired infections globally by using validated, reference-quality identification and susceptibility testing methods performed in a central laboratory. consecutive bacterial or fungal isolates, deemed clinically significant by local criteria, are forwarded to the local reference laboratory from various stu ...200312807276
upper respiratory tract bacterial carriage in aboriginal and non-aboriginal children in a semi-arid area of western australia.streptococcus pneumoniae, haemophilus influenzae and moraxella catarrhalis are associated with otitis media (om). indigenous children experience particularly high rates of om. few studies worldwide have described upper respiratory tract (urt) carriage in indigenous and non-indigenous children living in the same area.200616940834
antimicrobial susceptibility of moraxella catarrhalis isolated from children in kalgoorlie-boulder, western investigate antimicrobial susceptibility of moraxella catarrhalis isolated from a cohort of children being followed in a study of the natural history of otitis media in a semi-arid region of western australia.201020350222
association between early bacterial carriage and otitis media in aboriginal and non-aboriginal children in a semi-arid area of western australia: a cohort study.streptococcus pneumoniae (pnc), nontypeable haemophilus influenzae (nthi) and moraxella catarrhalis (mcat) are the most important bacterial pathogens associated with otitis media (om). previous studies have suggested that early upper respiratory tract (urt) bacterial carriage may increase risk of subsequent om. we investigated associations between early onset of urt bacterial carriage and subsequent diagnosis of om in aboriginal and non-aboriginal children living in the kalgoorlie-boulder region ...201223256870
high nasopharyngeal carriage of non-vaccine serotypes in western australian aboriginal people following 10 years of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination.invasive pneumococcal disease (ipd) continues to occur at high rates among australian aboriginal people. the seven-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (7vpcv) was given in a 2-4-6-month schedule from 2001, with a 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (23vppv) booster at 18 months, and replaced with 13vpcv in july 2011. since carriage surveillance can supplement ipd surveillance, we have monitored pneumococcal carriage in western australia (wa) since 2008 to assess the impact of the 10- ...201324349245
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