
PMID(sorted descending)
early adolescent pregnancy increases risk of incident hiv infection in the eastern cape, south africa: a longitudinal study.adolescents having unprotected heterosexual intercourse are at risk of hiv infection and unwanted pregnancy. however, there is little evidence to indicate whether pregnancy in early adolescence increases the risk of subsequent hiv infection. in this paper, we tested the hypothesis that adolescent pregnancy (aged 15 or younger) increases the risk of incident hiv infection in young south african women.201424650763
intimate partner violence, relationship power inequity, and incidence of hiv infection in young women in south africa: a cohort study.cross-sectional studies have shown that intimate partner violence and gender inequity in relationships are associated with increased prevalence of hiv in women. yet temporal sequence and causality have been questioned, and few hiv prevention programmes address these issues. we assessed whether intimate partner violence and relationship power inequity increase risk of incident hiv infection in south african women.201020557928
impact of stepping stones on incidence of hiv and hsv-2 and sexual behaviour in rural south africa: cluster randomised controlled assess the impact of stepping stones, a hiv prevention programme, on incidence of hiv and herpes simplex type 2 (hsv-2) and sexual behaviour.200818687720
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