
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
the control of glossina morsitans morsitans (diptera: glossinidae) in a settled area in petauke district (eastern province, zambia) using odour-baited targets.a trial to control g. m. morsitans with the use of 980 odour-baited, insecticide-impregnated targets was conducted in a 300 km2 area in the eastern province of zambia between 1989 and 1991. the area is highly cultivated and cattle density is high (about 8 cattle/km2). targets were deployed along roads and tracks. deployment was restricted to suitable tsetse habitat. the effect of the targets on the tsetse population and on the transmission of tsetse-transmitted trypanosomosis was monitored by me ...19979551476
the importance of cattle as a food source for glossina morsitans morsitans katete district, eastern province, zambia.the feeding habits of glossina morsitans morsitans in the eastern province of zambia were studied. a total of 687 meals were identified. results show that 75.1% of the meals were taken on cattle. these results are discussed in relation to the published data on feeding patterns of glossina morsitans morsitans and the control of tsetse or tsetse-transmitted trypanosomosis in the study area.19979164604
age prevalence of trypanosomal infections in female glossina morsitans morsitans (diptera: glossinidae) on the plateau area of eastern zambia.trypanosomal infections in female glossina morsitans morsitans were investigated in an area in the eastern province of zambia between 1992 and 1994. a total of 4416 flies were captured, aged using the ovarian ageing method and screened for trypanosomal infections in both the mouthparts, salivary glands and the midgut. congolense-type infections were identified in 4.8% of the flies. vivax-type and immature infections were identified in 1.8% and 6.8% of the flies, respectively. the prevalence of c ...200717933364
heterogeneity in the trypanosomosis incidence in zebu cattle of different ages and sex on the plateau of eastern zambia.on the plateau of eastern zambia, trypanosomosis is endemic. glossina morsitans morsitans westwood (diptera: glossinidae), the only tsetse species present, is almost entirely dependent on livestock as its source of food with cattle being the most preferred host. to determine if tsetse challenge is distributed equally over the various age categories and sexes within a cattle herd, a longitudinal study of trypanosomosis incidence was conducted during the rainy season. a total of 354 head of cattle ...200717618594
the comparative role of cattle, goats and pigs in the epidemiology of livestock trypanosomiasis on the plateau of eastern determine and compare the prevalence of trypanosome infections in different livestock species (cattle, pigs and goats) in areas where game animals are scarce and livestock constitute the main food source of tsetse, a survey was conducted on the plateau of the eastern province of zambia in katete and petauke districts where glossina morsitans morsitans is the only tsetse species present. blood was collected from a total of 734 cattle, 333 goats and 324 pigs originating from 59 villages in both ...200717493757
gis and multiple-criteria evaluation for the optimisation of tsetse fly eradication programmes.tsetse flies are the vectors of trypanosomes, the causal agent of trypanosomiasis, a widespread disease of livestock and people in africa. control of tsetse may open vast areas of land to livestock-keeping, with the associated benefits of developing mixed crop-livestock production systems. however, as well as possible positive impacts there are also risks: bush clearing would accelerate and cattle numbers would rise, leading to a reduction of vegetation cover, and an increase in runoff and erosi ...200717058018
disappearance of some human african trypanosomiasis transmission foci in zambia in the absence of a tsetse fly and trypanosomiasis control program over a period of forty years.we conducted a situation analysis of human african trypanosomiasis (hat) in zambia from january 2000 to april 2007. the aim of this survey was to identify districts in zambia that were still recording cases of hat. three districts namely, mpika, chama, and chipata were found to be still reporting cases of hat and thus lay in hat transmission foci in north eastern zambia. during the period under review, 24 cases of hat were reported from these three districts. we thereafter reviewed literature on ...201121276598
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