
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
a cross-sectional study of a program for hiv infection control among public house workers.we report results of a cross-sectional study of a program for human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection control among public house workers in dar es salaam. forty percent of the 605 workers sampled had been part of this program, which included behavioral counseling and provision of condoms, for 1 year. the remaining 60% were new recruits. program participation was associated with both enhanced condom use (p less than 0.001) and behavioral modification (p less than 0.001). females, and specifi ...19911992106
the prevalence and incidence of hiv-1 infection and syphilis in a cohort of police officers in dar es salaam, tanzania: a potential population for hiv vaccine assess the suitability of a cohort of police officers in dar es salaam for hiv vaccine trials by determining the prevalence and incidence of hiv-1 infection, active syphilis and their associated factors. design and setting: an open cohort study of police officers in dar es salaam, tanzania.200010716508
etiology of genital ulcer disease and association with human immunodeficiency virus infection in two tanzanian cities.the etiological agent is usually not established in cases of genital ulcer disease (gud) in tanzania, since diagnosis and treatment of this disease are based mainly on clinical rather than microbiologic parameters. gud increases the risk of infection with hiv. however, the association between specific gud infections and hiv infection has not been fully investigated.200312567167
herpes simplex virus infection and genital ulcer disease among patients with sexually transmitted infections in dar es salaam, tanzania.the relative importance of haemophilus ducreyi and treponema pallidum in genital ulcer disease in africa has decreased recently, whereas that of herpes simplex virus (hsv) type 2 has increased. we analysed 301 lesional specimens from tanzanian patients with genital ulcer disease for the presence of h. ducreyi, t. pallidum and hsv-1/hsv-2 by performing a separate pcr for each pathogen. infectious agents were detected in 211 (70%) of the cases. a single pathogen was found in 191 samples and two or ...200717598041
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