
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
host-parasite relationship of bulinus truncatus and schistosoma haematobium in iran. 4. effect of month of infection on cercarial-incubation periods of s. haematobium and s. bovis.studies were conducted each month for one year to determine the cercarial-incubation periods of schistosoma haematobium and schistosoma bovis in bulinus truncatus for different months of infection. the snails were kept in outdoor aquaria in order to simulate the natural temperature conditions in the endemic bilharziasis areas of iran.the results showed that the cercarial-incubation periods of these two schistosome species varied with the environmental water temperature. snails exposed in august ...19665295560
studies of the relationships between schistosoma and their intermediate hosts. iv. the genus bulinus and schistosoma bovis from morocco.schistosoma bovis from morocco was used in infection experiments with several populations of bulinus truncatus. the snails from libya, malawi, morocco and senegal were very compatible with the schistosome since the infection rates were approximately 90%, the mortality was low, and a very high production of cercariae, approximately 1.2 million per 100 exposed snails, was observed. only a very few b. truncatus (2n = 36) from rhodesia became infected. b. permembranaceus and b. forskalii were refrac ...1979541499
[development of the sporocysts of schistosoma bovis after microsurgical transplantation in bulinus truncatus].microsurgical transplantations of schistosoma bovis daughter sporocysts to uninfected bulinus truncatus leads to a dedifferenciation of transplanted sporocysts producing an additional generation of daughter sporocysts. these ones settle into the whole digestive gland and produce infective cercariae. for all the parasitosis, a part of the daughter sporocysts born from the transplanted ones, remains in the head-foot region and are in their turn responsible for an active sporocystogeny. data demons ...19846508141
schistosoma bovis: patterns of cercarial emergence from snails of the genera bulinus and planorbarius.a comparative experimental study of the rhythmic shedding of two geographic strains of schistosoma bovis cercariae by bulinus truncatus and planorbarius metidjensis did not show any differences in emergence patterns. in our opinion, the results support the hypothesis that cercarial emission rhythms are determined primarily by the parasite in these snail/parasite associations.19863780932
schistosoma bovis: variability of cercarial production as related to the snail hosts: bulinus truncatus, b. wright and planorbarius metidjensis. 19873440697
genetic variability of schistosoma bovis cercarial production according to miracidial dose.cercarial production related to miracidial dose variation with schistosoma bovis strains from sudan and spain in bulinus truncatus from tunisia was studied. results showed that an increase in the miracidial dose proposed to the host-mollusc (1 and 5 miracidia) gave rise to a decrease in cercarial productivity of sudanese s. bovis and to an increase for spanish s. bovis. it is concluded that this response difference to the miracidial dose variation depends on genetic characters peculiar to the pa ...19873571926
[comparative analysis of the rhythm of cercariae emergence in three strains of schistosoma bovis (trematoda: schistosomatidae)].a comparative experimental study of the rhythmic shedding of three geographic strains of schistosoma bovis cercariae (sardinian, sudanese and spanish) by bulinus truncatus showed a significant difference in the emergence patterns. the results support the existence of a genetic variability of the emergence rhythms. the origin of the variability is discussed and could be found in the pastoral practice and the ecological characteristics of the different transmission foci.19873508513
interference of echinoparyphium elegans with the host-parasite system bulinus truncatus-schistosoma bovis in natural conditions.histological observations of bulinus truncatus naturally infected by both schistosoma bovis and echinoparyphium elegans in sardinia (italy) have shown that e. elegans is pathogenic to the mollusc and dominant to the schistosome. the larval stages, rediae and metacercariae, acted as compressors. rediae, mainly the young and very motile ones, also behaved as predators. the organs of the mollusc were variably affected; the ovotestis totally disappeared. the larval development of the schistosome was ...19902260898
cercarial shedding patterns of schistosoma bovis and s. haematobium from single and mixed infections of bulinus truncatus.the cercarial shedding of schistosoma bovis and s. haematobium were studied in single and mixed infections in the snail host bulinus truncatus. the two species displayed a distinctive diurnal cercarial emergence with an earlier shedding pattern for s. bovis than s. haematobium (the average emergence peaks were respectively at 0800 h and 1200 h). in mixed infections, each species kept its own cercarial shedding rhythm with no marked alterations. the cercarial emergence pattern is proposed as a ne ...19912050991
molecular approaches to the identification of bulinus species in south-west nigeria and observations on natural snail infections with schistosomes.the current study considers the distribution of a small sample of 138 bulinus snails, across 28 localities within eight nigerian states. snails were identified using a combination of molecular methods involving both dna sequencing of a partial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) fragment and restriction profiles obtained from ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (its) amplicons. the results showed that the majority of bulinus samples tested belonged to the species bulinus truncatus while only t ...201020854706
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