
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
a solid-phase competition elisa for measuring antibody to foot-and-mouth disease virus.a solid-phase competition elisa has been developed to measure antibodies to foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) virus and has been validated using an extensive range of sera from cattle. the assay uses polyclonal antisera and inactivated purified 146s antigens of fmd virus and was compared with the liquid-phase blocking elisa and the virus neutralisation test on a range of serum sets. when examining test sera at a 1:5 dilution with a cut-off point of 30% inhibition of reaction, the solid-phase competit ...200111483215
predicting herd protection against foot-and-mouth disease by testing individual and bulk tank milk samples.four groups of cattle were tested for antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) virus type o(1) over three 70 day vaccination cycles using the liquid-phase-blocking-elisa (lpbe). first lactation cows showed the lowest titres and group protection levels (gpls) against fmd virus strains with 'r' values < or =0.5 while second lactation animals gave the highest results. when mean serum titres for each group and sampling date were plotted against gpl a strong correlation was found. revaccinatio ...200111483220
[molecular characterization of aphthous fever virus isolated during the years 1993-1994 in argentina].nucleotide sequence and phylogenetic analysis of the vp1 structural protein have been used extensively as diagnostic and epidemiological tools for foot and mouth disease virus (fmdv). in this report we have applied this methodology to the analysis of the vp1 coding sequence from fmdv strains isolated in argentina during 1993-1994. the results demonstrated that the field isolates were related to the vaccine strains used at that time. however the involvement of the vaccine virus appeared to be dif ...200111494760
subcellular distribution of the foot-and-mouth disease virus 3a protein in cells infected with viruses encoding wild-type and bovine-attenuated forms of 3a.picornavirus infection induces the proliferation and rearrangement of intracellular membranes in response to the synthesis of nonstructural proteins, including 3a. we have previously shown that changes in 3a are associated with the inability of a taiwanese strain of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) (otai) to grow in bovine cells and cause disease in cattle, although the virus grows to high titers in porcine cells and is highly virulent in pigs (c. w. beard and p. w. mason, 2000, j. virol. 74, ...200111504550
hbv core particles as a carrier for b cell/t cell the middle 80s, recombinant hepatitis b virus cores (hbc) gave onset to icosahedral virus-like particles (vlps) as a basic class of non-infectious carriers of foreign immunological epitopes. the recombinant hbc particles were used to display immunodominant epitopes of hepatitis b, c, and e virus, human rhinovirus, papillomavirus, hantavirus, and influenza virus, human and simian immunodeficiency virus, bovine and feline leukemia virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, murine cytomegalovirus and ...200111509871
tracing movement of african buffalo in southern africa.genetic characterisation of two pathogens, namely foot and mouth disease (fmd) virus and mycobacterium bovis, isolated from african buffalo (syncerus caffer) in southern africa was used to determine the origin of buffalo in situations where the source of infection was obscure. by determining the phylogenetic relatedness of various fmd virus isolates using partial sequencing of the main antigenic determinant, vp1, the origin of buffalo moved illegally to the non-endemic region of south africa was ...200111548532
genetic heterogeneity of sat-1 type foot-and-mouth disease viruses in southern africa.genetic relationships of 50 sat-1 type foot-and-mouth disease viruses were determined by phylogenetic analysis of an homologous 417 nucleotide region encoding the c-terminal half of the vp1 gene and part of the 2a segment. viruses obtained from persistently-infected african buffalo populations were selected in order to assess the regional genetic variation within the host species and compared with ten viruses recovered from recent and historical cases of clinical infection. phylogenetic reconstr ...200111676416
dynamics of the 2001 uk foot and mouth epidemic: stochastic dispersal in a heterogeneous landscape.foot-and-mouth is one of the world's most economically important livestock diseases. we developed an individual farm-based stochastic model of the current uk epidemic. the fine grain of the epidemiological data reveals the infection dynamics at an unusually high spatiotemporal resolution. we show that the spatial distribution, size, and species composition of farms all influence the observed pattern and regional variability of outbreaks. the other key dynamical component is long-tailed stochasti ...200111679661
the 3a non-structural-protein coding region of the southern african sat type isolates differs from that of other foot-and-mouth disease viruses.the 3a non-structural protein of foot-and-mouth disease viruses is a relatively conserved protein comprising 153 amino acids. recent studies have demonstrated correlation between mutations in the 3a non-structural-protein-coding region, including a 10-amino acid deletion, and attenuation of the viruses in cattle. although the 3a coding region of several type a, o and c isolates has previously been described, nucleotide sequence data of the 3a coding region of the south african types (sat) 1, 2 a ...200112026059
foot-and-mouth disease: a review of the virus and the symptoms.foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) is the etiologic agent of foot-and-mouth disease (fmd), which is a disease of cattle, swine, and other cloven-footed animals. fmd is characterized by the formation of vesicles on the tongue, nose, muzzle, and coronary bands of infected animals. the virus has several unique characteristics that enable it to cause one of the most economically devastating diseases in today's world. the ease with which it may be transmitted by contact and aerosol, combined with it ...200111936028
genetic analysis of foot-and-mouth disease virus type o isolates responsible for field outbreaks in india between 1993 and 1999.partial nucleotide sequence at the 3' end of id (vp1-encoding) gene of 90 foot-and-mouth disease virus type o isolates recovered from field outbreaks in india between 1993-9 were determined. the sequences were compared with each other and reference viruses. the published sequences of 15 type o isolates recovered from different parts of asia and one isolate (o1bfs) from europe and one from egypt (o1/sharquia/egypt/72) were also included in the analysis for comparison. on the basis of phylogenetic ...200011218224
evaluation of three 'ready to formulate' oil adjuvants for foot-and-mouth disease vaccine production.foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) type or(2)/75, grown on bhk 21 clone 13 cell monolayers, was inactivated with formalin. the virus was clarified and was either concentrated with 8% polyethylene glycol 6000 (peg) or used in its untreated form for the preparation of oil adjuvant vaccines. the oil adjuvants used in this study were montanide isa 206 (which renders a water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) type of emulsion), montanide isa 57 and montanide isa 50v (both of which render water-in-oil (w/o) typ ...200011137244
association of bovine drb3 alleles with immune response to fmdv peptides and protection against viral challenge.we have analysed the influence of bovine mhc (bola) polymorphism on the immune response and degree of protection induced by peptide vaccines against foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) in cattle. the peptides used for animal immunisation were: a (vp1(138-156)), at (peptide a linked to vp1(21-40)) and act (peptide a, linked to vp1(196-209) and vp1(21-40)). sixteen different drb3 types were found among the 46 cattle analysed by pcr-rflp typing. no absolute correlation was observed, for any type, with the ...200011137253
genetic determinants of altered virulence of taiwanese foot-and-mouth disease 1997, a devastating outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) in taiwan was caused by a serotype o virus (referred to here as otai) with atypical virulence. it produced high morbidity and mortality in swine but did not affect cattle. we have defined the genetic basis of the species specificity of otai by evaluating the properties of genetically engineered chimeric viruses created from otai and a bovine-virulent fmd virus. these studies have shown that an altered nonstructural protein, 3a, is a ...200010623761
inhibitors of rt-pcr in serum.amplification by rt-pcr of the rna present in foot-and-mouth disease virus particles is inhibited by substances present in the sera of several species. this inhibition appears to be caused by a direct interaction of the substances with the rna and not the enzymes used for its amplification.200010644091
genetic and antigenic variance of foot-and-mouth disease virus type asia1.the capsid protein encoding genes of five recent type asia1 foot-and-mouth disease virus isolates, representative of three genotypes, were sequenced. the deduced amino acid sequences were aligned to each other and to two published sequences. the sequence differences suggested different antigenic properties of the isolates. one isolate was used to generate monoclonal antibodies (mabs) which were analyzed for neutralizing activity and reactivity with trypsinized virus. trypsin removes the major an ...200010664412
validation of the specific isotype assay to detect antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease virus in bovine milk.the specific isotype assay (sia) detects igg1 against foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) virus in bovine milk. a strong correlation was demonstrated between milk antibody titres, and those in serum as measured by the liquid phase blocking elisa. thus the sia would be useful on a herd basis to monitor the milk of vaccinated cattle to determine when re-immunisation is advisable. the sia titration elisa was then simplified to a single dilution test and optimised to differentiate the reactions in the milk ...200010716352
improvement of a serodiagnostic strategy for foot-and-mouth disease virus surveillance in cattle under systematic vaccination: a combined system of an indirect elisa-3abc with an enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot assay.foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) recombinant non-capsideal viral antigens 3a, 3b, 2c, 3d and 3abc were assessed individually in an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (i-elisa) for their ability to screen for persistent infection-specific antibodies in cattle, regardless of vaccination condition. results of sequential serum samples from non-vaccinated animals with experimentally induced persistent infection, and their correlation with virus isolation, indicated that the polypeptides 3a, 3b an ...200010795516
type i interferon production in cattle infected with 2 strains of foot-and-mouth disease virus, as determined by in situ hybridization.four calves were exposed via aerosol to 1 of 2 strains of foot-and-mouth disease virus. two animals received virus derived from an infectious clone virus (a12-ic) and 2 received virus derived from the same clone but which lacked the leader coding region (a12-llv2) that codes for a protein responsible for turning off host protein synthesis. animals were euthanized at 24 and 72 h post exposure. cattle receiving a12-ic had a rapid course of disease with more virus in tissues while a12-llv2-infected ...200010805253
antigenic variation among foot-and-mouth disease virus type a field isolates of 1997-1999 from iran.the sequences of the antigenically relevant capsid proteins vp1-3 of 10 isolates obtained during an epizootic of serotype a foot-and-mouth disease virus in iran, and collected within two and a half years, were found to be highly similar. however, each isolate differed by at least one amino acid from all others. this prompted us to analyze the immunological reactivity of the isolates. to this end, monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against one isolate were generated and characterized with regard to neu ...200010831859
a comparison of methods for measuring the antibody response in mice and cattle following vaccination against foot and mouth disease.we present a comparison of methods for evaluating the potency of foot and mouth disease vaccine in the laboratory. the anti-fmdv antibodies (ab) in vaccinated mice were tested by liquid phase (lp) elisa, solid phase (sp) elisa and virus neutralization (vn), and were compared with the ab titres detected by lpelisa, which is the official test in argentina for testing the potency of fmd vaccines and protection against a virulent challenge in cattle. the results demonstrated that it is possible to r ...200010836271
duplicated dq haplotypes increase the complexity of restriction element usage in cattle.the mhc of cattle encodes two distinct isotypes of class ii molecules, dr and dq. unlike humans, cattle lack the dp locus and about half the common haplotypes express duplicated dq genes. the number and frequency of dqa and dqb alleles means that most cattle are heterozygous. if inter- and/or intrahaplotype pairing of dqa and dqb molecules occurs, cattle carrying dq-duplicated haplotypes may express more restriction elements than would be predicted by the number of expressed alleles. we are inve ...200010861045
high-efficiency utilization of the bovine integrin alpha(v)beta(3) as a receptor for foot-and-mouth disease virus is dependent on the bovine beta(3) subunit.we have previously reported that foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv), which is virulent for cattle and swine, can utilize the integrin alpha(v)beta(3) as a receptor on cultured cells. since those studies were performed with the human integrin, we have molecularly cloned the bovine homolog of the integrin alpha(v)beta(3) and have compared the two receptors for utilization by fmdv. both the alpha(v) and beta(3) subunits of the bovine integrin have high degrees of amino acid sequence similarity to ...200010906183
selection of t-cell epitopes from foot-and-mouth disease virus reflects the binding affinity to different cattle mhc class ii molecules.the major histocompatibility complex (mhc)-restricted selection of t-cell epitopes of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) by individual cattle mhc class ii dr (bola-dr) molecules was studied in a direct mhc-peptide binding assay. by in vitro priming of t lymphocytes derived from animals homozygous for both mhc class i and ii, five t-cell epitopes were analyzed in the context of three mhc class ii haplotypes. we found that the presentation of these t-cell epitopes was mediated by dr molecules, si ...200010941845
characteristics of foot and mouth disease virus in taiwan.since march 1997 two strains of foot and mouth disease (fmd) virus have found their way into taiwan, causing severe outbreaks in pigs and in chinese yellow cattle. outbreaks occurred in march 1997 were caused by a pig-adapted virus strain (o/taiwan/97) which did not infect other species of cloven-hoofed animals by natural route. the epidemic spread over the whole region of taiwan within two months and the aftermath was 6,147 pig farms infected and 3,850,746 pigs destroyed. in june 1999, the seco ...200010945282
application of latex beads agglutination test for the detection of the antibody against virus-infection-associated (via) antigen of foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) virus.latex beads agglutination (la) for the detection of the antibody against virus infection-associated (via) antigen of foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) virus was estimated using experimentally infected animals. the via antibody titer by the la test were compared with the neutralization titer and the titer by agarose gel diffusion (agd) test, which has been used as a standard method for via antibody titration. the latex beads were coated with via antigen in carbonate buffer solution (0.5 m, ph 9.6) for ...200010945307
an integrated model to predict the atmospheric spread of foot-and-mouth disease virus.the application of a computer model called rimpuff for simulating the airborne spread of foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) is described. rimpuff is more sophisticated and accurate than other fmd simulation models previously described. it can be run on a desktop computer and performs analyses very quickly. it can be linked to a geographical information system and so the information generated can be integrated with geographical and demographical data for display in a format that can be easily assimilat ...200010982082
the role of management segregations in controlling intra-herd foot-and-mouth disease.transmission of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) by aerosol spread can occur over considerable distances. however, this is less effective in hot, dry environmental conditions, and a detailed study of an outbreak within a large dairy herd in saudi arabia has shown that contact spread is the main mode of transmission within a herd: both physical and spatial barriers curtailed the course of disease across the farm. hence, the speed and path of an outbreak can be altered by changing the positioni ...200011059037
carriers of foot-and-mouth disease virus: a review.this review describes current knowledge about persistent foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) infections, the available methods to detect carrier animals, the properties of persisting virus, the immunological mechanisms, and the risk of transmission. in particular, knowledge about the carrier state, the period in which virus can be isolated from animals 28 days or longer post infection, is important, because the risk that animals may carry the virus will influence the diagnostic and preventive me ...200011087128
development of reverse transcription-pcr (oligonucleotide probing) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for diagnosis and preliminary typing of foot-and-mouth disease: a new system using simple and aqueous-phase hybridization.a reverse transcription-pcr (rt-pcr)-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay system that detects a relatively conserved region within the rna genome of all seven serotypes of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) has been developed. the high specificity of the assay is achieved by including a rapid hybridization step with a biotin-labeled internal oligonucleotide. the assay is highly sensitive, fast, and easy to perform. a similar assay, based on a highly variable region of the fmdv genome and employing ...200011101603
a note on outbreaks caused by mixed foot-and-mouth disease virus infections.two outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) in vaccinated cattle were investigated wherein a mixed infection due to fmd virus (fmdv) types o and asia 1 was detected by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and confirmed by antigen capture polymerase chain reaction (pcr). the clinical picture and the epidemiological data on these outbreaks are presented. the isolated virus strains were compared to the respective vaccine strains by means of monoclonal antibody (mab) profiling and nu ...199910672344
effect of mycobacterium sp. wall and avridine on the antibody response, igg isotype profile and proliferative response induced by foot and mouth disease virus (fmdv) vaccination in cattle.different immunomodulators have been previously tested in our laboratory as enhancers of the specific immune response to fmdv vaccines in a murine model [2-4]. here, we present results of two of these immunomodulators, a water-soluble fraction of the cell wall of mycobacterium sp. (wsf) and a synthetic lipoamide, avridine (av), which were tested in bovines included in fmdv oil vaccines. two different concentrations of inactivated viral antigen were employed and the effect of different concentrat ...19999987173
low temperature and pressure stability of picornaviruses: implications for virus uncoating.the family picornaviridae includes several viruses of great economic and medical importance. poliovirus replicates in the human digestive tract, causing disease that may range in severity from a mild infection to a fatal paralysis. the human rhinovirus is the most important etiologic agent of the common cold in adults and children. foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) causes one of the most economically important diseases in cattle. these viruses have in common a capsid structure composed of 60 c ...199910049311
demonstration of bovine cd8+ t-cell responses to foot-and-mouth disease virus.the aim of this study was to investigate the importance of cellular immunity in foot-and-mouth disease in cattle, in particular to determine whether a cd8+ t-cell response could be detected, as these cells may play a role in both immunity and virus persistence. as attempts to characterize classical cytotoxic t cells had yielded non-reproducible results, largely due to high backgrounds in control cultures, a proliferation assay was developed that was demonstrated to detect antigen-specific, mhc c ...199910092006
evidence of partial protection against foot-and-mouth disease in cattle immunized with a recombinant adenovirus vector expressing the precursor polypeptide (p1) of foot-and-mouth disease virus capsid proteins.a recombinant live vector vaccine was produced by insertion of cdna encoding the structural proteins (p1) of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) into a replication-competent human adenovirus type 5 vaccine strain (ad5 wt). groups of cattle (n = 3) were immunized twice, by the subcutaneous and/or intranasal routes, with either the ad5 wt vaccine or with the recombinant fmdv ad5-p1 vaccine. all animals were challenged by intranasal instillation of fmdv 4 weeks after the second immunizations. in th ...199910092007
production of interleukin-12 as a self-processing 2a polypeptide.interleukin-12 (il-12) is a heterodimeric cytokine composed of two disulfide-linked subunits (p40 and p35) encoded by separate genes. we used the apparent autocleavage property of a 2a peptide from the foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) to express bovine (bo) il-12 as a self-processing polypeptide (p402ap35). we demonstrate that 2a will mediate the cleavage of p402ap35 into two separate subunits in a manner similar to that observed during the processing of the fmdv polypeptide. furthermore, thi ...199910213462
comparative organization and function of the major histocompatibility complex of domesticated cattle.this review focuses on recent advances in research on the bovine major histocompatibility complex (bola), with specific reference to the genetic organization, polymorphism and function of the class ii genes. the bola region is unlike the mhc of humans and mice in that a large inversion has moved several class ii genes, including the tap/lmp cluster, close to the centromere of bovine chromosome 23. therefore, close linkage of mhc genes and other genes associated with the mhc in humans and mice do ...199910319257
serological survey of viral antibodies in llamas (lama glama) in argentina.this study analysed sera from 390 llamas (lama glama) from nine farms located in three different argentine provinces: buenos aires, cordoba and jujuy. the samples were tested for antibodies against 8 virus known to infect cattle: bovine herpesvirus type 1 (bhv-1), bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv), bovine adenovirus (badv iii), bovine enterovirus (bev), bovine rotavirus (brv), bluetongue virus (btv), bovine leukaemia virus (blv), and foot-and-mouth virus (fmdv) by conventional methods such as s ...199910337237
recombinant viruses expressing the foot-and-mouth disease virus capsid precursor polypeptide (p1) induce cellular but not humoral antiviral immunity and partial protection in pigs.the importance of the induction of virus neutralizing antibodies to provide protection against foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) infection is well established. however, recent studies with recombinant adenovirus expressing the precursor polypeptide of the viral capsid (p1) indicate that cattle inoculated with this recombinant vector developed partial protection against fmdv infection, in the absence of a detectable specific humoral response. other viral vectors have been widely used to induce ...199910364496
serotyping of foot-and-mouth disease virus by antigen capture reverse transcriptase/polymerase chain reaction.the technique of capturing of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) from clinical material in microcentrifuge tubes coated with type-specific antibodies and amplifying the viral sequences by rt/pcr in the same tube, promoted the detection and serotyping of fmdv with high sensitivity and specificity. the efficiency of antigen capturing and shelf life of the coated tubes was improved by glutaraldehyde fixation of antibodies to the tubes. virus in infected tissues, even after storage for 25-30 years ...199910403675
efficient inactivation of viruses and mycoplasma in animal sera using uvc irradiation.transmission of viruses by animal sera represents a considerable risk for humans and animals particularly when the serum is used for the production of pharmaceutical products such as vaccines. procedures applicable for inactivating large numbers of different viruses, both enveloped and non-enveloped, are therefore mandatory. for this purpose we have developed and validated uvc irradiation as the virus-inactivation procedure of choice for serum to be used in an industrial setting. spiking experim ...199910404882
chaperonin 10 of mycobacterium tuberculosis induces a protective immune response to foot-and-mouth disease virus.chaperonin 10 of m. tuberculosis conferred partial or total protection against generalized foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) in guinea-pigs challenged with o1 lausanne fmd virus. chaperonin 10-immunized animals mounted an antibody response to the protein, one epitope of which was found in the c-terminal half. a similar recognition pattern was observed in fmd-convalescent guinea-pigs, swine and cattle. anti-chaperonin 10 sera showed antiviral activity against fmdv-infected bhk-21 cells. there was stro ...199910416374
rapidity of specific antibody-antigen interactions.analysis of humoral immune responses against viruses has concentrated on studies with serum dilutions, which reflect characteristics pertaining to the diluent buffer but not the serum environment. the majority of virus-specific antibody in serum from foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv)-vaccinated cattle bound to antigen within 10-60 s, whereas aspecific reactions evolved more slowly. upon dilution of sera, the reaction characteristics no longer related to those obtained with the serum, particula ...199910447921
differentiation of convalescent animals from those vaccinated against foot-and-mouth disease by a peptide elisa.we have identified continuous antigenic determinants within the amino acid sequences of the conserved nonstructural region containing proteins 2c and 3abc of foot-and-mouth disease virus which can distinguish between the sera from vaccinated and infected animals. an elisa based on a 3b peptide gave a positive reaction with sera from cattle, pigs, sheep and guinea pigs infected with all seven serotypes of the virus, but not with sera from vaccinated animals. in experiments with cattle and pigs to ...199910462239
expression in cattle of epitopes of a heterologous virus using a recombinant rinderpest virus.we have investigated the bovine immune response to heterologous proteins expressed using a recombinant rinderpest virus (rpv). a new gene unit was created in a cdna copy of the genome of the vaccine strain of rpv, and an open reading frame inserted that encodes the polymerase (3dpol) and parts of the capsid protein vp1 from foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv). infectious recombinant rpv was rescued and shown to express the fmdv-derived protein at good levels in infected cells. the rescued virus ...199910466801
improvement of the immune response to foot and mouth disease virus vaccine in calves by using avridine as adjuvant.the epidemiological analysis of the cattle population during the eradication plan of foot and mouth disease (fmd) in argentina clearly indicated a higher incidence of the disease in animals within their first year of age. it is important to improve the efficacy of the vaccination in those animals. in a previous report, we have shown the effect of an immunomodulator, avridine (avr), in the enhancement of the immune response elicited by fmd virus (fmdv) vaccines in experimental hosts [berinstein, ...199910490231
localization of foot-and-mouth disease virus rna by in situ hybridization within bovine tissues.foot-and-mouth disease is a highly contagious disease of cloven hooved animals. in cattle, both acute and long-term persistent infections occur. foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv), a picornavirus, has been shown, using virus isolation procedures, to replicate in the pharynx and soft palate of cattle. in this study, in situ hybridization has been used to detect fmdv rna within the cells of tissues removed from infected bovines. a digoxigenin-labelled anti-sense rna probe was prepared correspondi ...199910513288
e. coli expressed proteins as diagnostic reagents for typing of foot-and-mouth disease virus.truncated proteins corresponding to the c-terminal half of vp1 of four vaccine strains and two field variants of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) were expressed in e. coli. the expressed proteins were affinity purified and their type specific reactivity was confirmed by immunoprecipitation with anti-virus antibodies. antibodies were raised against the purified proteins in guinea pigs and the type specificity of the anti peptide antibodies was confirmed by antigen capture reverse transcription ...199910542020
ability of foot-and-mouth disease virus to form plaques in cell culture is associated with suppression of alpha/beta interferon.a genetic variant of foot-and-mouth disease virus lacking the leader proteinase coding region (a12-llv2) is attenuated in both cattle and swine and, in contrast to wild-type virus (a12-ic), does not spread from the initial site of infection after aerosol exposure of bovines. we have identified secondary cells from susceptible animals, i.e., bovine, ovine, and porcine animals, in which infection with a12-llv2, in contrast to a12-ic infection, does not produce plaques; this result indicates that t ...199910559301
monoclonal antibodies to an indian strain of type a foot-and-mouth disease virus.a set of five neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mabs) to an indian strain (ind17/77) of type a (subtype a22) foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) virus (fmdv) was used in the study. four of the mabs (27s, 37s, 85s, and 143s) identified a trypsin-sensitive (ts) epitope(s) and were specific for vp1, while the remaining mab (145s) reacted with a trypsin-resistant (tr) epitope and was specific for vp3 in western blot analysis. both the epitopes (ts and tr) were conformation-independent in nature. results ...199910749367
exposure of in vitro-produced bovine embryos to foot-and-mouth disease virus.the aim of this study was to investigate whether foot and mouth disease virus (fmdv) interacts with in vitro produced (ivp) bovine embryos. one milliliter of a suspension of fmdv (2 x 10(7) tcid50/ml) was added to several batches of these embryos 7 d after in vitro fertilization, by which time they had either developed to the morula/blastocyst stage (n = 256) or degenerated (n = 260). six experiments were performed in which developed or degenerated batches of embryos were incubated with fmdv for ...199810734479
a similar pattern of interaction for different antibodies with a major antigenic site of foot-and-mouth disease virus: implications for intratypic antigenic variation.the three-dimensional structures of the fab fragment of a neutralizing antibody raised against a foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) of serotype c1, alone and complexed to an antigenic peptide representing the major antigenic site a (g-h loop of vp1), have been determined. as previously seen in a complex of the same antigen with another antibody which recognizes a different epitope within antigenic site a, the receptor recognition motif arg-gly-asp and some residues from an adjacent helix partic ...19989420281
differentiating infection from vaccination in foot-and-mouth disease using a panel of recombinant, non-structural proteins in elisa.a profiling elisa was developed to detect antibody to the non-structural (ns) proteins lb, 2c, 3a, 3d, and the polyprotein 3abc, of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv). the assay was used to examine panels of sera from naive cattle, and from experimentally infected or vaccinated animals. all sera from cattle experimentally infected with any of the seven serotypes of fmdv were positive for antibody to 2c, 3a, 3d and 3abc, and the majority were positive for lb. the three categories of sera could b ...19989491499
assessment using elisa of the herd immunity levels induced in cattle by foot-and-mouth disease oil vaccines.the development of a liquid-phase blocking sandwich elisa (lpbe) to measure antibodies (ab) produced in cattle with the o, a and c foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) types of commercial vaccines used in argentina is described. the test was specific: 99% of naïve cattle sera (n = 130) gave titres below log10 = 1.2, and none had a titre above log10 = 1.5. comparative studies with serum neutralization test (snt) using sera from cattle which received one or more vaccine doses is reported. the overa ...19989500182
antigenic structure of foot and mouth disease virus type a22 (indian isolates).variations in foot and mouth disease virus are due to amino acid substitutions in the vp1, which is a major immunogen. analysis of this hypervariable region is essential to know the antigenic structure of the serotype and is necessary to select a suitable vaccine strain. fmdv type a22 is one of the four prevailing virus types for which the vaccine is used regularly. to understand the antigenic structure of this type, carboxy- terminal region of vp1 from two field isolates and vaccine virus were ...19989536655
foot-and-mouth disease virus virulent for cattle utilizes the integrin alpha(v)beta3 as its receptor.adsorption and plaque formation of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) serotype a12 are inhibited by antibodies to the integrin alpha(v)beta3 (a. berinstein et al., j. virol. 69:2664-2666, 1995). a human cell line, k562, which does not normally express alpha(v)beta3 cannot replicate this serotype unless cells are transfected with cdnas encoding this integrin (k562-alpha(v)beta3 cells). in contrast, we found that a tissue culture-propagated fmdv, type o1bfs, was able to replicate in nontransfecte ...19989557639
evolution of a common structural core in the internal ribosome entry sites of picornavirus.the translational control involving internal ribosome binding occurs in poliovirus (pv), human rhinoviruses (hrv), encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv), foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv), and hepatitis a virus (hav). internal ribosome binding utilizes cis-acting genetic elements of approximately 450 nucleotides (nt) termed the internal ribosome entry sites (ires) found in these picornaviral 5'-untranslated region (5'utr). although these ires elements are quite different in their primary sequence, ...19989562889
homologous and heterologous antibody response of cattle and sheep after vaccination with foot and mouth disease and influenza viruses.homologous and heterologous antibody response to fmd and influenza vaccines was studied in 37 calves and 45 lambs at the age of 2 months. the fmd and influenza monovalent killed vaccines were administered simultaneously twice. another group of 18 calves was vaccinated twice, first at the age of 2 months and second at the age of 6 months, with trivalent fmd vaccine. the antibody titers were measured by elisa and hi after second vaccination, for fmdv and influenza, respectively. the conclusions of ...19989569464
induction of anti foot and mouth disease virus t and b cell responses in cattle immunized with a peptide representing ten amino acids of vp1.we previously demonstrated that the immunization of cattle with a synthetic peptide representing the amino acid sequence of foot and mouth disease virus (fmdv) type o1 campos vp1 residues 135-160 (p135-160), containing immunodominant t and b epitopes, was able to induce a strong neutralizing antibody (na) response. the epitope mapping of p135-160 identified t and b epitopes in the area restricted to amino acid residues 135-144 (zamorano et al. 1994, virology 201; 1995, virology 212). we are now ...19989569465
host factors affecting the homologous and heterologous immune response of cattle to fmdv: genetic background, age, virus strains and route of administration.sixty bulls were tested for antibodies to the heterologous serotype c1 of fmdv following repeatable vaccinations with a commercial trivalent vaccine (o1, a22, asia1). six (10%) bulls were found to possess rather high levels of heterologous neutralizing antibodies which showed accumulative trend with age. two high positive and two negative bulls for the heterologous serotype c1 were selected for progeny test involving ten daughters of each bull. the four bulls, either positive or negative for the ...19989607052
the foot and mouth disease virus type o outbreak of 1992 is not related to vaccine strain (o/r2/75).vaccination is the only pragmatic approach to control foot and mouth disease in india. strict quality control measures are essential to supply potent vaccine to the field application, in addition to monitoring the performance of the vaccine in the field. during the process of monitoring, an outbreak of fmd in vaccinated animals caused by type "o" virus in tanjavur district of tamil nadu and a type "o" virus from unvaccinated herd of karnataka were studied. field isolates and vaccine virus were s ...19989608661
antibody to the nonstructural proteins of foot-and-mouth disease virus in vaccinated animals exposed to infection.cattle which have been infected with foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) virus can be differentiated from those that have been vaccinated on the basis of the detection of antibody to one or more of the non-structural (ns) proteins of the virus. cattle which have been protected by vaccination can become persistently infected with fmd virus (fmdv) without ever showing clinical signs. vaccinated, protected cattle which are persistently infected cannot be distinguished from animals that merely have been va ...19989652054
differentiating foot-and-mouth disease virus-infected from vaccinated animals with baculovirus-expressed specific proteins.we had shown in preliminary studies with a small number of animals that antibodies against 2c could be detected in cattle and pigs which had been infected with fmdv but not in animals which had been vaccinated against the disease. to determine whether this test was generally applicable, sera from several hundred animals which had been vaccinated with different products in many countries have been tested in an elisa using baculovirus expressed 2c. our results show that only 1-2% of the sera gave ...19989652055
cattle response to foot-and-mouth disease virus nonstructural proteins as antigens within vaccines produced using different concentrations.four groups of ten nine-month-old nelore heifers were used for this study. each group received one of four foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) trivalent vaccines for the duration of the experiment. the four vaccine formulations (normal, 2x, 4x and 8x) differed in 140s content to determine the serological reactivities to fmd virus (fmdv) nonstructural proteins 2c, 3abc and 3d. vaccination was by the intramuscular administration of vaccine on day 0, 180 and 360. bleedings were done at 30 days post vaccin ...19989652056
diagnostic potential of mab-based elisas for antibodies to non-structural proteins of foot-and-mouth disease virus to differentiate infection from vaccination.this paper summarises the development of monoclonal antibody (mab)-based immunoassays measuring antibodies to non-structural proteins of fmdv to differentiate infection from vaccination. of the three non-structural proteins 2c, 3c and 3abc evaluated in this study, the polypeptide 3abc was the most immunogenic. three elisas for the detection of antibodies to 3abc were developed. two assays rely on the competition of test sera against either a anti-3a mab or against antisera to 3abc raised in rabb ...19989652058
detection of cattle exposed to foot-and-mouth disease virus by means of an indirect elisa test using bioengineered nonstructural polyprotein 3abc. 19989652059
influence of il-12 on interferon-gamma production by bovine leucocyte subsets in response to bovine respiratory syncytial virus.the cytokine il-12 is a key molecule in the regulation of cd4+ t cell development and specifically potentiates the development of t helper 1 responses in mouse and man. however the biological effects mediated by bovine il-12 have not been defined in cattle. to produce the expression of the two mature proteins a polyprotein approach was used. this system is employed by positive strand viruses and encodes both products from a single open reading frame (orf). the 2a region of foot-and-mouth disease ...19989656442
monoclonal antibodies, against o1 serotype foot-and-mouth disease virus, from a natural bovine host, recognize similar antigenic features to those defined by the mouse.eight neutralizing and two non-neutralizing anti-foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) bovine igg1 and igg2 monoclonal antibodies (bmabs) recognize conformationally dependent epitopes. the majority of those shown to neutralize virus passively protected mice from virus challenge, regardless of isotype. well-characterized anti-fmdv mouse mabs, representing five independent neutralizing epitopes on o1 serotype virus, were examined with each of the ten bmabs in a competition-based elisa. five of the n ...19989680132
the biological relevance of virus neutralisation sites for virulence and vaccine protection in the guinea pig model of foot-and-mouth disease.five neutralisation epitopes have been defined for the o1 kaufbeuren strain of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) by neutralising murine monoclonal antibodies (mabs). a mutant virus which is resistant to all these mabs also resists neutralisation by bovine polyclonal sera, and this characteristic was exploited in the current study to investigate the biological relevance of neutralisation sites in fmdv virulence and vaccine protection. the five site neutralisation-resistant mutant was shown to b ...19989683571
quantitation of foot-and-mouth disease virus genomes in bovine tissue by competitive rt-pcr.the sensitivity of a reverse transcription-dependent polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) for detecting foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) genomes was quantified by use of rna transcribed in vitro from fmdv-specific cdna. previously, the cdna had been elongated by 228 base pairs. the minimum number of template molecules required to obtain the specific rt-pcr product was determined to be 10(4). this was achieved by use of 1 microg of primer for cdna synthesis and by undertaking of at least 30 cycl ...19989694331
protection of swine by live and inactivated vaccines prepared from a leader proteinase-deficient serotype a12 foot-and-mouth disease virus.previously, we demonstrated that a genetically engineered variant of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) serotype a12 lacking the leader proteinase-coding region (a12-llv2) was attenuated and induced an immune response that partially protected cattle from fmd. in this study, a12-llv2 was tested in swine as a live or chemically inactivated vaccine. animals vaccinated with chemically inactivated a12-llv2 or wild-type (wt) virus in oil adjuvant developed high levels of neutralizing antibodies and w ...19989711798
construction and evaluation of an attenuated vaccine for foot-and-mouth disease: difficulty adapting the leader proteinase-deleted strategy to the serotype o1 virus.over the last few years we have utilized a system to genetically engineer foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) to produce live-attenuated vaccine candidates. these candidates have been generated in the genetic background of a tissue culture-adapted strain of serotype a12 virus. based on this a12 system, we created a virus lacking the sequence encoding the leader (l) proteinase (piccone et al., 1995), and demonstrated that this leaderless virus, a12-llv2 was avirulent in bovine and swine, and coul ...19989712511
genetic heterogeneity of indian field isolates of foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype o as revealed by partial sequencing of 1d gene.the sequence of 165 nucleotides at the 3' end of the 1d gene, determined from rt pcr amplified cdna fragments, of 25 type o strains isolated from different parts/regions of india during 1987 1995 and the vaccine strain (r2/75) currently in use in india were subjected to phylogenetic analysis. one isolate from the neighbouring country nepal was also included in the study. the virus/ field strains showed high degree of genetic heterogeneity among themselves with % divergence in nucleotide sequence ...19989725665
differentiation of infection from vaccination in foot-and-mouth disease by the detection of antibodies to the non-structural proteins 3d, 3ab and 3abc in elisa using antigens expressed in baculovirus.the baculovirus expression system was found to be efficient at expressing the 3d, the 3ab and the 3abc non-structural proteins (nsp) of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) as antigens recognised by immune sera in elisa. elisa's using 3d, 3ab and 3abc detected antibodies from day 8 and 10 after experimental infection of susceptible cattle and sheep and cattle remained seropositive for more than 395 days. the elisa's detected antibodies against any of the seven serotypes of fmdv. the 3d elisa was ...19989739326
heterotypic recognition of recombinant fmdv proteins by bovine t-cells: the polymerase (p3dpol) as an immunodominant t-cell this study we have examined the recognition of vp0, vp1, vp2, vp3 and p3dpol by pbmc and cd4+ t-cells from infected, vaccinated-challenged, and multiply-vaccinated (o1, a24, c1 or asia1) cattle using recombinant proteins of an o1 serotype virus. the structural protein vp1 was recognised in an homotypic context whereas vp2, vp3, vp4 and p3dpol were also recognised by t-cells from animals exposed to heterotypic viruses. only the non-structural protein p3dpol was consistently recognised by t-cel ...19989783461
evaluation of a live-attenuated foot-and-mouth disease virus as a vaccine candidate.a variant of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) lacking the leader (l) coding region (a12-llv2) was previously constructed and shown to be less virulent in cattle than its wild-type parent (a12-ic). in this study, cattle were tested for their clinical and immunological responses to subcutaneous inoculation with a12-llv2 or a12-ic or to intramuscular vaccination with chemically inactivated a12-ic. five weeks postinoculation animals were challenged by intradermal inoculation in the tongue with a ...19979007062
development of tests for antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease virus in cattle milk.the liquid-phase blocking elisa (lpbe) and a specific isotype assay (sia) for bovine igg1 were modified to detect antibodies against fmdv isolate o1 manisa in cattle milk. samples from vaccinated animals were mostly indistinguishable from negative control cattle in the lpbe but 90% of milks from convalescent animals (which had also been vaccinated several times previously) gave positive results. the sia was able to detect 95% of cattle vaccinated up to 12 months previously, and 100% of the recov ...19979015288
infectivity assays of foot-and-mouth disease virus: contact transmission between cattle and buffalo (bubalus bubalis) in the early stages of differences were observed between cattle and indian buffalo (bubalus bubalis) in terms of temperature, viraemia or virus replication in the pharyngeal area, during the acute phase of foot-and-mouth disease. like cattle, the indian buffalo became infected and excreted virus before any clinical signs of foot-and-mouth disease developed. the disease was transmitted from cattle to buffalo and vice versa, during the acute stage of infection, as if the animals had been of the same species, presumab ...19979123797
baculovirus expressed 2c of foot-and-mouth disease virus has the potential for differentiating convalescent from vaccinated animals.determining whether animals have been infected with foot-and-mouth disease virus or vaccinated is important because infected animals frequently become carriers of the virus, shed it intermittently and thus may be the source of new outbreaks of the disease. we had shown previously that the sera of convalescent animals contain antibodies to 2c, a highly conserved non-structural protein, whereas the sera of vaccinated animals do not. this is explained by observation that 2c is retained on the membr ...19979128860
dexamethasone inhibits virus production and the secretory iga response in oesophageal-pharyngeal fluid in cattle persistently infected with foot-and-mouth disease virus.cattle persistently infected with foot-and-mouth disease virus were treated with dexamethasone to suppress the immune system in an attempt to influence the level of virus recovery from oesophageal pharyngeal (probang) samples. twelve carrier cattle were assigned to one of three groups: control; 0.1 mg/kg dexamethasone; and 0.5 mg/kg dexamethasone. groups 2 and 3 were injected intramuscularly three times weekly for 3 weeks with dexamethasone between days 33 and 56 post-infection with foot-and-mou ...19979129595
foot-and-mouth disease virus-infected but not vaccinated cattle develop antibodies against recombinant 3ab1 nonstructural protein.foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) vaccines induce antibodies against structural and some nonstructural proteins present in vaccine preparations. to differentiate between fmdv-infected and vaccinated animals, we developed immunochemical assays capable of detecting antibodies against a fmdv nonstructural protein. recombinant nonstructural 3ab1 protein was expressed in e.coli and in insect cells and used to detect anti-3ab1 antibodies. elisa and western blot analysis showed that sera from cattle infecte ...19979170505
characteristic in vitro evolution pattern of foot and mouth disease virus a81/castellanos/arg/87.the in vitro evolution of foot and mouth disease virus (fmdv) a/81/castellanos/arg/87 (a/castellanos/87) was studied by partial biological and biochemical characterization of viral populations selected after 25 passages on secondary fetal bovine kidney cell monolayers. these passages were performed in the presence or absence of immune pressure exerted in the form of antiviral polyclonal serum. while the viral populations passaged in the absence of immune pressure acquired characteristics such as ...19979175254
total and isotype humoral responses in cattle vaccinated with foot and mouth disease virus (fmdv) immunogen produced either in bovine tongue tissue or in bhk-21 cell suspension cultures.the anti-foot and mouth disease virus (fmdv) serum antibody activity of protected and non protected animals immunized with inactivated fmdv originated in either bovine tongue tissue (bttv vaccines) or bhk-21 cell suspension cultures (bhkv vaccines) was evaluated. the results show that 80-100% of the bttv immunized and only 40-60% of the bhkv immunized animals with liquid-phase blocking sandwich elisa (lp elisa) serum titres of 1.5-1.7 u, were protected against the challenge with any of the four ...19979178462
tissue culture adaptation of foot-and-mouth disease virus selects viruses that bind to heparin and are attenuated in cattle.isolates of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) exist as complex mixtures of variants. two different serotype o1 campos preparations that we examined contained two variants with distinct plaque morphologies on bhk cells: a small, clear-plaque virus that replicates in bhk and cho cells, and a large, turbid-plaque virus that only grows in bhk cells. cdnas encoding the capsids of these two variants were inserted into a genome-length fmdv type a12 infectious cdna and used to produce chimeric viruses ...19979188578
[seroprevalence of viral infections in llamas (lama glama) in the republic of argentina].this study reports the seroprevalence of bovine viral infections in llamas (lama glama) in argentina. this is the first study made in the country including 390 llamas and testing antibodies against eight viruses. samples were collected from nine farms distributed in three different provinces: buenos aires, córdoba and jujuy. the samples were tested for antibodies against eight viruses known to infect cattle: bovine herpesvirus type 1 (bhv-1), bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv), bovine adenovirus ...19979229724
computer simulations to identify in polyproteins of fmdv ok1 and a12 strains putative nonapeptides with amino acid motifs for binding to bola class i a11 and a20 haplotype molecules.the computer program "findpatterns" was used to search fmdv- (ok1 and a12 strains) coded structural and nonstructural proteins for the availability of putative proteasome-generated nonapeptides with motifs reported for bola class i a11 and a20 haplotypes. these bola class i a11 and a20 nonapeptide motifs are identical to motifs of nonapeptides that interact with the peptide binding grooves of hla class i b35 and b27 haplotypes, respectively. the computer findpattern program was used to analyze t ...19979237351
antigenic features of foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype asia1 as revealed by monoclonal antibodies and neutralization-escape mutants.neutralizable antigenic sites/epitopes of serotype asial foot-and-mouth disease virus (strain ind63/72) were identified using monoclonal antibodies (mabs) and their neutralization-escape mutants. relative affinity/reactivity of the mabs for viral (both native and trypsin-cleaved) and subviral antigens in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) showed dominance of trypsin-sensitive and conformation-dependent neutralizable antigenic sites. characterization of neutralization escape mutants identi ...19979282776
nucleotide sequence of the p1 region of foot-and-mouth disease virus strain o1 has been shown that variation of antigenic site i in vp1 of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) plays an important role in the antigenic diversification of this virus. however, the o1 campos strain is able to efficiently cross-protect cattle against the o1 caseros strain, despite having a different sequence in the site i. in this paper we report and compare the p1 coding region for the capsid proteins of fmdv o1 caseros and o1 campos. the deduced amino acid sequence showed a total of 31 amino ...19979311571
plasmid dna encoding replicating foot-and-mouth disease virus genomes induces antiviral immune responses in swine.dna vaccine candidates for foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) were engineered to produce fmd virus (fmdv) particles that were noninfectious in cell culture or animals. the prototype plasmid, pwrm, contains a cytomegalovirus immediate-early promoter-driven genome-length type a12 cdna followed by the bovine growth hormone polyadenylation site. bhk cells transfected with this plasmid produced virus, but the specific infectivity of pwrm was much lower than that achieved with in vitro-generated rna genomes ...19979311823
antiviral activity of an extract from leaves of the tropical plant acanthospermum hispidum.incubation of the alphaherpesviruses pseudorabiesvirus (prv) and bovine herpesvirus 1 during infection of cell cultures with an extract prepared from the leaves of acanthospermum hispidum impaired productive replication of these viruses in a concentration-dependent manner whereas propagation of classical swine fever virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus and vaccinia virus was not affected. the 50% inhibitory concentration for cell growth (ic50) was 107 +/- 5 microliters/ml, and the concentration r ...19979330761
escape mutants of foot-and-mouth disease virus selected by monoclonal antibodies directed to a trypsin-sensitive neutralization epitope.five monoclonal antibodies (moabs) against indian reference/vaccine strain of foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) virus subtype a22 (ind17/77) and a guinea pig antibody against a synthetic peptide representing amino acids (aa) 136-151 of vp1 polypeptide of a22 virus were used in the study. all the antibodies either failed to react or showed a reduced reactivity with trypsin-treated (tt)-146 s virus particles in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), and could neutralize the infectivity of the refer ...19979385400
the non-structural polyprotein 3abc of foot-and-mouth disease virus as a diagnostic antigen in elisa to differentiate infected from vaccinated cattle.a diagnostic assay to differentiate antibodies induced by foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) infection from those induced by vaccination was developed. the test is an indirect-trapping elisa which uses a monoclonal antibody to trap the non-structural 3abc-fmdv polypeptide expressed in e. coli. experimental and field sera from naive, vaccinated and infected cattle were examined. using the established threshold of 0.20 optical density units, the sensitivity of the assay was 100%, as all the exper ...19979413510
a large-scale evaluation of peptide vaccines against foot-and-mouth disease: lack of solid protection in cattle and isolation of escape mutants.a large-scale vaccination experiment involving a total of 138 cattle was carried out to evaluate the potential of synthetic peptides as vaccines against foot-and-mouth disease. four types of peptides representing sequences of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) c3 argentina 85 were tested: a, which includes the g-h loop of capsid protein vp1 (site a); at, in which a t-cell epitope has been added to site a; ac, composed of site a and the carboxy-terminal region of vp1 (site c); and act, in which ...19979060612
an analysis of foot-and-mouth-disease epidemics in the uk.there was a major epidemic of the foot-and-mouth-disease virus among cattle herds in the uk in 1967-68 which showed a very rapid early spread, a much slower later spread, and eventually infected 12% of herds in the core epidemic area. a simple discrete-time version of a susceptible-latent-infectious-removed epidemiological model is used to generate a set of estimates of the transmission rate. this parameter has high values over the first few days, then the values are lower and they subsequently ...19979080685
functional expression of a cattle mhc class ii dr-like antigen on mouse l cells.cattle dra and drb genes, cloned by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction, were transfected into mouse l cells. the cattle dr-expressing l-cell transfectant generated was analyzed serologically, biochemically, and functionally. sequence analysis of the transfected drb gene clearly showed showed that it was drb3 allele drb3(*)0101 , which corresponds to the 1d-ief-determined allele drbf3. 1d-ief analysis of the transfectant confirmed that the expressed dr product was drbf3. functional i ...19969110933
the performance of southern african territories serotypes of foot and mouth disease antigen in oil-adjuvanted vaccines.the performance of selected oil adjuvants containing southern african territories (sat) serotypes of foot and mouth disease virus was assayed by testing antibody levels elicited in cattle, sheep and goats, and by testing protection of cattle on challenge. various oil adjuvant formulations were tested initially in cattle and guinea pigs, and compared with a standard alhydrogel and saponin-based (as) vaccine. a commercial double oil emulsion vaccine elicited higher antibody titres and a more prolo ...19969025141
evaluation of the presence and risk of foot and mouth disease virus by commodity in international trade.potential sources of foot and mouth disease (fmd) virus include semen from bulls, rams, goats and boars; embryos and ova from ruminants and pigs; meat and meat products and milk and milk products. the author discusses precautions to prevent the transmission of fmd via these commodities.19969025152
antiviral activity of crude extracts of guarea guidona.crude extracts of leaves and fruits of guarea guidona were tested for antiviral activity against pseudorabies virus and foot-and-mouth disease virus in the ib-rs-2 pig cell line and against bovine herpesvirus-1 (bhv-1) in the gbk bovine cell line. the highest nontoxic doses of extracts from fruits and leaves were 125 micrograms/ml and 500 micrograms/ml. respectively. crude extracts presented antiviral activity against pseudorabies virus with a decrease in virus titer of 3.0 log units at 500 micr ...19969033817
emerging foot-and-mouth disease virus variants with antigenically critical amino acid substitutions predicted by model studies using reference of the major obstacles to the design of effective antiviral vaccines is the frequent generation of antigenic viral variants in the field. the types of variants that will become dominant during disease outbreaks is often unpredictable. however, here we report the genetic and antigenic characterization of emerging foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) variants with antigenically critical amino acid substitutions predicted by model studies using reference viruses and monoclonal antibodies. the ne ...19968852403
antigenic analysis of type o foot-and-mouth disease virus in the persistently infected bovine.the antigenic profiles of serotype o strains of fmdv collected from the oropharynx of persistently infected cattle were defined with a panel of monoclonal antibodies (mab's) in an indirect antigen-trapping elisa. the mab profiling showed no significant loss of reactivity in two neutralising antigenic sites of persistent fmdv isolates collected over a period of eight months. early and late serum taken from a carrier animal showed similar neutralising activity against early and late carrier isolat ...19968856023
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