
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
capillaria plica infection in a dog. 196114472036
capillaria plica infection in dogs.the prevalence, pathologic effects, and treatment of capillaria plica infection were investigated in two breeding kennels. the prevalence of c plica infection in mature dogs in two kennels (127 dogs) was 76% and 59%. pups less than 8 months old did not pass c plica eggs in the urine. age, breed, or sex predilection was not observed in mature dogs. in infected dogs, hematuria, dysuria, and pollakiuria developed without secondary bacterial cystitis. a direct life cycle could not be demonstrated ex ...19807400020
[prevalence of protozoans helminths among cats purchased for experimental use in the kanto area].prevalence of protozoan and helminth parasites in adult cats for experimental use obtained from kanto area, japan during the period of 1973-74 (91 cats) and 1980-81 (80 cats) was investigated by means of autopsy, fecal examination and serological tests. no protozoa were found in blood smear specimens. the rate of positive toxoplasma antibody tests was 65.4% (hemagglutination test) in 1973-74 and 26.3% (latex agglutination test) in 1980-81. oocysts of coccidia found in feces were isospora felis a ...19836653679
helminths of the raccoon (procyon lotor) in western kentucky.seventy raccoons (procyon lotor) from western kentucky were examined for helminths from december 1985 through may 1986. twenty-three species of helminths were collected including 10 species of trematoda (brachylaima virginiana, euryhelmis squamula, eurytrema procyonis, fibricola cratera, gyrosoma singulare, maritreminoides nettae, mesostephanus appendiculatoides, metagonimoides oregonensis, paragonimus kellicotti, pharyngostomoides procyonis), 2 species of cestoda (atriotaenia procyonis, mesoces ...19873625429
ivermectin treatment of urinary capillariasis in a dog.eggs of capillaria plica were found by microscopic examination of urine sediment from a 5-year-old female border terrier with signs of cystitis. two courses of oral fenbendazole treatment failed to eliminate the infection or to alleviate clinical signs of cystitis; however, a single dose of ivermectin apparently resulted in complete parasitologic and clinical cure.19873679960
[what is your diagnosis? which therapeutic action do you recommend? capillaria plica infection]. 19892740885
helminth parasites of the raccoon (procyon lotor) from north-central arkansas.twenty-three species of helminths (4 trematodes, 2 cestodes, 14 nematodes, and 3 acanthocephalans) were found in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, pancreas, tongue, urinary bladder, and subcutaneous tissues of 30 live-trapped or hunter-shot raccoons from north-central arkansas between november 1989 and april 1990. helminths were not detected in the brain, diaphragm, gallbladder, heart, liver, reproductive system, or trachea. each raccoon examined was infected with 3 or more of the following hel ...19921738063
[contributions to the parasite fauna of local hosts. 10. on the endoparasitic fauna of felis silvestris].the investigations based on examination of the internal organs of 25 wild cats of the harz population died from different causes in the period from 1982 to 1989. 22 animals (= 88%) were positive for parasites. the following species were found: hydatigera taeniaeformis, taenia crassiceps, t. martis larv. (spurious parasite), mesocestoides litteratus, capillaria plica, capillaria sp. (aerophila?), toxocara mystax, cystoisopora felis. toxocara mystax and hydatigera taeniaeformis were the most often ...19938334454
[investigations on the endoparasitic fauna of domestic cats in eastern brandenburg].the internal organs of 155 cats originating from 3 different territories in the eastern part of brandenburg state were examined for parasites between 1993 and 1995. parasites were found in 85% of cats. parasites with the highest prevalence were toxocara mystax (45%), hydatigera taeniaeformis (22%), ancylostoma tubaeforme (17%) and opisthorchis felineus (16%). metorchis bilis, mesocestoides spp., taenia pisiformis, capillaria plica, capillaria sp., ollulanus tricuspis, aelurostrongylus abstrusus, ...19979139627
[bladder infection with capillaria plica in a male dog].in a male dog with symptoms of haematuria an infection with c. plica was established. during the first urine examination large numbers of erythrocytes and leucocytes were seen. the dog was treated with antibiotics. after 10 days a second urine examination revealed several eggs of c. plica, accompanied by leucocytes and erythrocytes. the infection was eliminated with fenbendazole treatment (50 mg/kg/day, for 10 days).200212096464
extraintestinal nematode infections of red foxes (vulpes vulpes) in hungary.a survey was carried out to investigate the prevalence and worm burden of extraintestinal nematodes in 100 red foxes (vulpes vulpes) of hungary. the overall prevalence of nematode infections of the respiratory tract was 76%. eucoleus aerophilus (capillaria aerophila) was the predominant species (66%), followed by crenosoma vulpis (24%), eucoleus (capillaria) böhmi (8%) and angiostrongylus vasorum (5%). pearsonema (capillaria) plica was found in 52% of the urinary bladders. in 3% of the foxes, tr ...200312944046
helminths of red foxes (vulpes vulpes) in epidemiological study of helminths in 1040 red foxes collected from various localities in denmark during 1997-2002, revealed 21 helminth species at autopsy, including nine nematode species: capillaria plica (prevalence 80.5%), capillaria aerophila (74.1%), crenosoma vulpis (17.4%), angiostrongylus vasorum (48.6% from northern zealand (endemic area)), toxocara canis (59.4%), toxascaris leonina (0.6%), uncinaria stenocephala (68.6%), ancylostoma caninum (0.6%), and trichuris vulpis (0.5%); seve ...200616580775
prevalence of trichinella larvae and extra-intestinal nematodes in norwegian red foxes (vulpes vulpes).a survey of the parasitic fauna of the norwegian red fox (vulpes vulpes) population was carried out in 1994/1995 and 2002-2005. all foxes were killed during the licensed hunting season from october to april and, in total, 393 animals from all regions of the country were examined. the present study details the results of extra-intestinal nematode and trichinella larvae examinations. all individuals were examined for trichinella, using routine digestion methods. parasitological examination of the ...200616378689
pearsonema (syn capillaria) plica associated cystitis in a fennoscandian arctic fox (vulpes lagopus: a case report.the bladderworm pearsonema (syn capillaria) plica affects domestic dogs and wild carnivores worldwide. a high prevalence in red foxes (vulpes vulpes) has been reported in many european countries. p. plica inhabits the lower urinary tract and is considered to be of low pathogenic significance in dogs mostly causing asymptomatic infections. however, a higher level of pathogenicity has been reported in foxes. a severe cystitis associated with numerous bladderworms was found in a captive arctic fox ...201020540788
canine bladderworm (capillaria plica) infection associated with glomerular amyloidosis.capillaria plica (trichuroidea: capillariidae), commonly known as bladderworm, is a nematode rarely associated with clinical disease that resides in the lower urinary tract of wild and domestic canids. in the present paper a case of canine urinary capillariosis associated with glomerular amyloidosis is described. the dog, an 8-year-old, male, hunting jagd terrier had a history of weight loss and diarrhoea and was referred to the university of parma teaching veterinary hospital (uptvh). clinical ...201020034745
high prevalence of capillaria plica infections in red foxes (vulpes vulpes) in southern germany.the nematode capillaria plica is an ubiquitous parasite of the urinary tract of canidae and felidae. it causes a wide spectrum of clinical symptoms, ranging from asymptomatic infections to urinary bladder inflammation, pollacisuria, dysuria, and hematuria. foxes serve as reservoir hosts and are considered to be a potential source of infection for companion and hunting dogs as well as domestic cats which acquire the infection by ingestion of earthworms which are the intermediate hosts. despite it ...201021190041
symptomatic capillaria plica infection in a young european 8-month-old owned european cat showing abdominal pain, fever, distended painful bladder and urinary blockage was presented. intravenous fluids were immediately administered and, after sedation, a urinary catheter was applied. blood and urine analysis revealed cystitis and a moderate-to-severe degree of renal failure. about 20 thread-like nematodes, identified as capillaria plica larvae and fragments of adult stages, were found in the urine sediment. after treatment with an oral formulation of ...201121835667
Helminths of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Lithuania.SUMMARYRed foxes and raccoon dogs are hosts for a wide range of parasites including important zoonotic helminths. The raccoon dog has recently invaded into Europe from the east. The contribution of this exotic species to the epidemiology of parasitic diseases, particularly parasitic zoonoses is unknown. The helminth fauna and the abundance of helminth infections were determined in 310 carcasses of hunted red foxes and 99 of raccoon dogs ...201121996514
ribosomal and mitochondrial dna analysis of trichuridae nematodes of carnivores and small mammals.several species of trichuridae nematodes can infect dogs, cats and wild mammals. the diagnosis of these infections relies on the microscopic identification of eggs which are characterized by a similar "lemon" shape and polar plugs in all trichuridae. thus, morphological diagnosis to species level is challenging. the use of biomolecular diagnostic methods is desirable but very little genetic data are known from trichuridae of carnivores and small mammals. the aim of this work was to genetically c ...201323920054
data on the parasitological status of golden jackal (canis aureus l., 1758) in hungary, twenty canis aureus individuals were submitted to parasitological examinations in 2010-2012. two coccidia: cystoisospora canis (15%) and toxoplasma-type oocysts (5%), one trematoda: alaria alata (10%), six cestoda: mesocestoides lineatus (20%), echinococcus granulosus (10%), dipylidium caninums (5%), taenia hydatigena (15%), taenia pisiformis (20%), taenia crassiceps (40%), and nine nematoda: angiostrongylus vasorum (10%), crenosoma vulpis (30%), capillaria aerophila (5%), toxocara c ...201424334089
capillaria plica (syn. pearsonema plica) infection in a dog with chronic pollakiuria: challenges in the diagnosis and treatment.capillaria plica (syn. pearsonema plica) is a nematode parasite of the urinary tract of canids, felids and mustelids, which can cause cystitis, pollakiuria, dysuria and hematuria. an eight-month-old female crossbred dog from switzerland presented a six-month history of frequent urination. during the first clinical examination, c. plica eggs were detected in the urine sediment. three series of treatments with fenbendazole (50 mg/kg body weight[bw]/day, orally) for 10 days each, three single day t ...201424042057
efficacy of a novel topical combination of fipronil, (s)-methoprene, eprinomectin and praziquantel against feline urinary bladder worm (capillaria plica) infection.infection with urinary capillarid bladder worms has been observed in cats worldwide. although considered as generally causing no or little harm, infection with urinary capillarids may be associated with clinical disease which requires an appropriate treatment including the use of anthelmintics. therefore, the efficacy of a novel topical combination formulation of fipronil 8.3% (w/v), (s)-methoprene 10% (w/v), eprinomectin 0.4% (w/v), and praziquantel 8.3% (w/v) (broadline(®), merial) was evaluat ...201424703076
flotac and mini-flotac for uro-microscopic diagnosis of capillaria plica (syn. pearsonema plica) in dogs.capillaria plica (syn. pearsonema plica) is a nematode that resides in the urinary bladder and rarely in ureters or in the kidney pelvis of various carnivores, especially foxes and dogs. urine sedimentation technique is actually the only diagnostic tool that permits the identification of c. plica eggs, but its sensitivity is low and when an infection is suspected (or when it is necessary to confirm treatment efficacy) more than one examination of urine sediment should be performed. the present p ...201425178780
pearsonema plica (capillaria plica) infection and associated urinary bladder pathology in red foxes (vulpes vulpes) from bosnia and herzegovina.pearsonema plica is a widely distributed nematode parasite that occurs in the urinary tract of various domestic and wild carnivores. the aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence and geographical distribution of p. plica and associated urinary bladder pathology in 112 red foxes (70 males, 42 females; 87 adults >1 year, 25 juveniles <1 year) from six different geographical regions in bosnia and herzegovina. the urinary bladders of the red foxes were subjected to gross examination and hi ...201525687525
diagnosis and therapy of capillaria plica infection: report and literature review.worldwide, data on capillaria (pearsonema) plica infections of the urinary tract in domestic carnivores are limited. nevertheless, cystitis with hematuria, dysuria or pollakiuria may suggest a c. plica infection. a three-year old dog from poland showing pollakiuria and hematuria was presented. at urine analysis, c. plica eggs were found in the urine sediment. the dog was unsuccessfully treated with a daily oral dose of fenbendazole 50 mg/kg bw for 5 days, while a single subcutaneous administrati ...201526204197
extraintestinal nematodes of the red fox vulpes vulpes in north-west italy.extraintestinal nematodes of the red fox (vulpes vulpes) are a wide group of parasites that infect wild and domestic carnivores and occasionally humans. nematodes in the cardiopulmonary system, stomach, urinary apparatus and muscle tissue of 165 red foxes (vulpes vulpes) from north-west italy (liguria and piedmont) were investigated between 2009 and 2012. of the cardiopulmonary nematodes, a high prevalence of angiostrongylus vasorum and eucoleus aerophilus (syn. capillaria aerophila) was found, ...201524725462
use of the flotac technique to diagnosing parasites of the urinary tract of dogs.among the nematodes that infect the urinary tract of dogs, the dioctophyma renale and capillaria plica are those more frequently reported. for a long time, sedimentation was the only method used to detect eggs of these parasites in urine. the aim of this study was to analyze urine samples (n = 54) of dogs, obtained by bladder catheterization or cystocentesis, by using a modified flotac technique. animals were divided into two groups, i.e., with (n = 20) and without (n = 34) suspicion of urinary ...201626864789
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