divergent selection for body weight and yolk precursor in coturnix coturnix japonica. 9. evaluation of traits associated with onset of sexual maturity. | an experiment was conducted to compare traits associated with onset of sexual maturity in japanese quail lines. lines divergently selected for high and low 4-wk bw (hw and lw), and high and low total plasma phosphorus at beginning of lay (hp and lp) were compared with a randombred line (rbc1) that served as the base population for hw, lw, hp, and lp. the hw sublines (hw-hp and hw-lp) and lp subline (lp-hw) were also compared to their respective line of origin. most of the differences observed fo ... | 1993 | 8265491 |
melatonin and photoperiodic time measurement in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | artificial extension of the duration of nocturnally secreted circulating melatonin with exogenous injections produces a short day effect in the reproductive status of mammals, and this paradigm has been applied to japanese quail to test the hypothesis that birds are similar to mammals in this respect. male quail reared on non-stimulatory short days (8l:16d) were switched to mildly stimulatory 12l:12d and given daily melatonin injections at dusk (10 micrograms 2 h before dusk and 10 micrograms at ... | 1993 | 8265672 |
experimental light damage increases lipofuscin in the retinal pigment epithelium of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | lipofuscin accumulation in the retinal pigment epithelium (rpe) of japanese quail was investigated in normal and light-damaged animals at 4 months and 12 months of age following a single, 18-hr light-damaging exposure (3000-3200 lx) evaluated 6 weeks postexposure. quail in a second experimental group light-damaged at 4 months of age were exposed to a second, identical light-damaging exposure at 12 months of age. rpe lipofuscin was quantitatively assessed in three ways: (1) total lipofuscin, expr ... | 1993 | 8282031 |
the effect of water loss upon the urate, urea and ammonia content of the egg of the japanese quail coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1. the urate, urea and ammonia content of the whole egg of the japanese quail was measured in late incubation in eggs subject to different rates of water loss. 2. high rates of water loss substantially increased egg urate content, but had little or no effect on urea or ammonia content. 3. allopurinol, an inhibitor of urate synthesis, reduced egg urate content to low levels, but produced no effect on urea content, and a small reduction in ammonia content. 4. the urea concentration of the embryo w ... | 1993 | 7902795 |
heritabilities of growth curve parameters and age-specific expression of genetic variation under two different feeding regimes in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | this study investigated genetic variation in growth and final size in relationship to differences in heritabilities under good and poor feeding conditions. heritabilities of growth and final size were estimated for several traits under ad libitum and restricted feeding conditions. a 30% feed restriction from hatching to 44 days of age in japanese quail chicks decreased body weight and tarsus length at 44 days of age and the length of the third primary convert feather at 24 days of age relative t ... | 1993 | 8405992 |
proteins of the vitelline membrane of quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) eggs. | proteins in the vitelline membrane of quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) eggs were analyzed by sds-page. ten major bands, molecular mass ranging from 14.5 to 285 kda, can be clearly distinguished. two bands corresponding to the molecular masses of 33 and 175 kda were detected in the inner layer of the membrane and both were stained with periodic acid-schiff reagent, indicating that they are glycoproteins. nine bands were detected in the outer layer of the membrane. among them, 265- and 285-kda b ... | 1993 | 8378223 |
basic and lectin histochemistry for studying glycoconjugates in the lingual salivary glands of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | traditional non-lectin staining methods and lectin histochemistry combined with specific exoglycosidase digestion were used to investigate the histological structure of these glands and to visualize the occurrence and composition of salivary glycoconjugates. the quail lingual glands comprise the anterior lingual gland, with rostral and caudal portions that differ in morphology and histochemical staining, and the posterior lingual gland devoid of regional differences. carbohydrate histochemistry ... | 1993 | 8215987 |
effect of acth and glucocorticoids on lipid metabolism in the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1. immature male japanese quail received repeated (chronic) injections of 0.8 i.u. corticotrophin (acth), 0.1 mg or 1.0 mg corticosterone (b), or 0.02 mg dexamethasone (dxm) and were fasted then refed at the end of the treatment period. a subgroup of the dxm group were given a single (acute) injection of 0.8 i.u. acth or saline before refeeding. a further group that had been given repeated injections of saline were fasted at the end of the treatment period. 2. all chronic hormone treatments decr ... | 1993 | 8102958 |
ultrastructural characteristics of primordial germ cells in the quail embryo. | an avian species, the quail has become a desirable animal model in experimental embryology and reproductive biology. to understand the ultrastructural characteristics of primordial germ cells (pgc) of this species, we studied pgc in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) embryo at various developmental stages from their appearance in the germinal crescent through migration to settlement in the gonadal ridges by means of electron microscopy. the results were compared with those of anothe ... | 1993 | 8363058 |
effects of exogenous melatonin on some endocrine, behavioural and metabolic parameters in japanese quail coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1. melatonin administration in drinking water (5 micrograms/ml) to japanese quail resulted in a 20-fold increase of plasma melatonin levels in comparison with the control, day time concentration (0.34 +/- 0.05 vs 6.88 +/- 1.10 nmol/l). 2. plasma triiodothyronine levels increased (5.8 +/- 0.93 vs 7.97 +/- 0.64 nmol/l), corticosterone decreased (28.04 +/- 3.42 vs 15.96 +/- 2.56 nmol/l) and no significant changes were recorded in thyroxine concentration after the treatment. 3. a higher occurrence o ... | 1993 | 8101160 |
effects of bis(tri-n-butyltin)oxide in japanese quail exposed during egg laying period: an interlaboratory comparison study. | the guideline no. 206 for testing of chemicals of the organization for economic cooperation and development (oecd) comprising an avian reproduction test using the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica; termminck and schlegel 1849) as pair-hold test organisms has been applied in a version that reduced the treatment period to 6 weeks without any pretreatment. in the present study bis(tri-n-butyltin)oxide, c.a. no. 56-35-9 (tributyltin oxide, tbto) was examined by five participants in an inter ... | 1993 | 8507099 |
the circadian nature of melatonin secretion in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | plasma melatonin concentrations were measured in japanese quail held under different photoperiods and constant darkness (< 1 lux). when subjected to ld6:18 (6 hr light: 18 hr darkness), levels rose approximately 2 hr after lights-off, attained a peak level 8 hr after lights off, and subsequently declined to low daytime levels before the next lights-on signal. this generated a distinct daily rhythm in melatonin secretion with a duration of approximately 13 h. on exposing quail to a range of photo ... | 1993 | 8345447 |
[quantitative ultrastructure of the myocardium of japanese quail after long-term hypodynamia]. | quantitative ultrastructural myocardial changes of myocardium of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were studied during an immobilization stress (hypodynamia) lasting 9, 30, 60 and 90 days. hypodynamic quails were fixed by waistcoats to the feeding place simulating conditions of long lasting space flight which the quails were determined for. the surveyed morphological parametres were: mitochondrial rate, mitochondrial volume in % of cytoplasm, volume of myofibres in % of cytoplasm, ... | 1993 | 8339327 |
research note: effect of diet density and pelleting on productive parameters of japanese quail. | an experiment was conducted to determine the response of growing japanese quail to two dietary energy levels, high (3,200 kcal me/kg) versus low (3,000 kcal me/kg), and two forms of presentation, mash versus pellet. seven thousand, two hundred day-old japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were randomly distributed into 24 floor pens containing 300 quail each. the experiment was divided in two phases: starter (until 2 wk of age) and finisher (days 14 to 33). weight gain was less (p < .05) f ... | 1993 | 8464802 |
visual pigments and oil droplets in genetically manipulated and carotenoid deprived quail: a microspectrophotometric study. | the spectral absorbances of visual pigments and retinal oil droplets were studied in three groups of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica): an unselected control population and two artificially selected strains that exhibited different early approach preferences between blue and red stimuli. the oil droplets were examined with and without prior carotenoid deprivation. four cone pigments and five oil droplet types were identified, resembling those in other avian species. carotenoid deprivat ... | 2007 | 8351832 |
sensory nerve endings in the beak skin of japanese quail. | this study is concerned with the distribution and ultrastructure of sensory nerve endings in the beak skin of adult japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). the following nerve endings were found: free nerve endings, clusters of dermal merkel nerve endings, herbst corpuscles and ruffini corpuscles. the latter were found only in the dermis of the tip of the upper beak. the remaining endings were present in the skin of all areas of upper and lower beak. free nerve endings were supplied by eith ... | 1993 | 8238960 |
ultrastructural changes of oocyte and follicular wall during oocyte maturation in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | this study examined structural changes in oocyte and follicular wall during oocyte maturation in japanese quails. the structures of the germinal disc and the surrounding follicular wall were observed by light and electron microscopy 25, 6 and 1 h before the expected time of ovulation. the germinal disc of the oocyte was located near the oocyte plasma membrane at 25 h before ovulation, and the germinal vesicle was located in the centre of the germinal disc. numerous cytoplasmic elements, such as ... | 1993 | 8464010 |
dopaminergic interplexiform cells in the retina of pigmented and hypopigmented quails (coturnix coturnix japonica). | interplexiform cells (ipcs) have not been previously described as a component of the population of tyrosine hydroxylase (th) immunoreactive (presumably dopaminergic) cells in the avian retina. in this study, carried out in both pigmented and imperfect albino mutant quails (coturnix coturnix japonica), we initially describe th immunoreactive cells in the inner nuclear layer whose internal dendritic arborization extends into strata 1, 3 and 4/5 of the inner plexiform layer. then, we describe ascen ... | 1993 | 7903119 |
the changes in body temperature, oxygen consumption, co2 production and muscle protein turnover rate by selection for body size in japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1. body temperature, oxygen consumption, co2 production and muscle protein degradation rate were measured in the three quail lines selected for body size, a random bred line (rr) and two lines selected for large (ll) or small (ss) body size. 2. the body temperature at 15 weeks of age was highest for small body size line and lowest for large body size line. 3. the body temperature, oxygen consumption and co2 production of females were significantly higher than that of males. 4. the fractional deg ... | 1992 | 1361899 |
circadian nature of the photoperiodic clock in japanese quail. | the photoperiodic clock in quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) is based upon a rhythm of photoinducibility (phi i) but the extent to which this rhythm is circadian remains unclear. two types of experiment investigated this situation. in the first, gonadectomized quail were adapted to live in periods of darkness by training them on a schedule containing one short day and 3 days of darkness (sd/dd/dd/dd). they were then exposed to a single pulse of 6 or 10 h of light at different times across 3 day ... | 1992 | 1469668 |
gut microflora can modify fatty acid composition in liver and egg yolk lipids of laying japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1. the influence of the gut microflora on lipid metabolism was investigated in germ-free (gf) and conventional (cv) laying japanese quail. 2. serum and egg yolk cholesterol concentrations showed comparable values in both gf and cv environments. 3. the fatty acid composition of liver lipids was modified by the presence of gut microflora. notably, in the presence of the gut microflora, proportion of oleic acid was reduced and conversely, stearic and linoleic acids were enhanced. 4. in egg yolk lip ... | 1992 | 1358512 |
direct and correlated responses to bidirectional selection for dustbathing activity in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | bidirectional selection was conducted for dustbathing activity in male japanese quail over 17 generations. the response to selection was slightly asymmetrical, due mainly to scale effects and a threshold imposing discontinuity on the visible expression of dustbathing in the low line. correlated responses to selection were found for latency to dustbathe, duration, intensity, and incidence of nonbathers. in general, changes followed linear patterns over time in both lines with the exception of qua ... | 1992 | 1417682 |
sources of behavioral deviation modeled by early color preferences in quail. ii. diathetic genes and the leftover variance "v(e)". | the sources of deviation from population-typical norms of variability were studied in relation to early approach preferences between colors in newly hatched japanese quail chicks (coturnix coturnix japonica). subjects were drawn from an unselected genetic control line, two genetic lines that were artificially selected for extreme blue and red preferences, their hybrids, and a large set of backcross and assortatively derived generations. large progressive increases were observed with selection in ... | 1992 | 1417681 |
sources of behavioral deviation modeled by early color preferences in quail. i. behavioral synergism and systemic instability. | differences between population-typical norms of individual variability were studied in five genetic lines of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica); two (bl and rl) were bidirectionally selected for early approach preference between blue and red stimuli, two (hi and lo) for high and low imprintabilities to the same stimuli, and the fifth (cl) was an unselected genetic control line. selection resulted in reliably divergent extreme choice performances and imprintabilities and in progressively ... | 1992 | 1417680 |
production, hatchability and fertility of eggs from breeding japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) fed diets containing furazolidone. | 1. breeding japanese quail were allocated to 8 groups, each group consisting of 20 females and males. the birds were fed one of 4 diets for up to 33 d: a control diet or a diet containing 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg or 1000 mg/kg furazolidone. subsequently, quails were fed a furazolidone-free diet for up to 21 d. egg production, quality, hatchability and fertility of the groups were measured. 2. significant reduction in egg production occurred in birds fed 400 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg furazolidone, the eff ... | 1992 | 1393678 |
serum esterase inhibition in birds: a nondestructive biomarker to assess organophosphorus and carbamate contamination. | with the aim of proposing a nondestructive biomarker for monitoring the toxicological risk to birds of exposure to the organophosphorus insecticide azamethiphos and the carbamate insecticide methomyl, laboratory studies were performed on serum "b" esterases in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). the birds received two single dose treatments of each compound (azamethiphos and methomyl), i.e., 50 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg respectively. in the first treatment, serum butyrylcholinesterase (bche) ... | 1992 | 1637204 |
effect of feeding palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids to japanese quail hens (coturnix coturnix japonica). 2. maternal diets and stage of incubation on the lipid metabolism of quail embryos. | an experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of diets containing 3% of either palmitic acid (diet pa), oleic acid (diet oa), or linoleic acid (diet la) and three stages of development (days 11, 13, and 15 of incubation) on 1) weights of yolk plus yolk sac membrane (ty), yolk sac membrane (ysm), yolk, liver, and extrahepatic tissue (et); and 2) the fatty acid composition of phospholipid, triglyceride, and cholesterol ester fractions of ysm and et of quail embryos. embryos from birds fed di ... | 1992 | 1614943 |
growth and development of lines of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) divergently selected for body weight at 4 weeks of age. | 1. divergent selection for body weight resulted in significant increases and decreases in body weight and the relative weight of the pectoralis major breast muscle in heavy (hw) and light weight (lw) strains of japanese quail compared with a randombred control strain (r1). 2. the relative weights of the abdominal fat pad and total carcass lipid were increased in the hw strain, particularly in the females. 3. sexual maturity was similar in hw and r1 hens but was delayed in the lw hens. hw hens la ... | 1992 | 1354587 |
sexual development and free-running period in quail kept in constant darkness. | in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) sexual development may occur in total darkness (dd). linked to sexual maturation, variations of the rhythm of feeding activity were observed: in dd, the amount of activity increased and the period of the free-running rhythm lengthened. during the first weeks in dd all the quails presented a free-running period less than 24 hr (22.3 +/- 0.5 hr; n = 50). at the end of the experiment, the more a bird was mature, the greater the lengthening of its perio ... | 1992 | 1505719 |
the effect of dehydration on brain temperature regulation in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1. the effect of dehydration and heat exposure on body and brain temperature was studied in quail exposed to increasing ambient temperatures within the range of 25-40 degrees c. 2. the body-to-brain temperature difference was not affected by increasing ambient temperature or hydration state. a mean body-to-brain temperature difference of 0.96 +/- 0.64 degrees c and 0.85 +/- 0.65 degrees c was found in normally hydrated and dehydrated quail, respectively. 3. the slope of the relation between brai ... | 1992 | 1348680 |
evidence for genetic etiology of heteroploidy in embryos of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | the japanese quail was used as an experimental system to detect the effects of genes that affect chromosome behavior and distribution. from a random-bred population, three inbred generations were produced by full-sib matings in 36 families. the expectation from such a breeding scheme was that embryos bearing aberrations induced by recessive mutant genes would cluster within families and recur in particular lineages. chromosomal aberrations caused by errors during fertilization, cleavage mitosis, ... | 1992 | 1611913 |
stumpy limb--an embryonic lethal mutation in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | an embryonic lethal mutant was found in japanese quail and named "stumpy limb (sl)". all sl embryos died at pre-hatching stages, showing brachycephaly, a thickened neck, short upper and lower beaks, and short and thick extremities, while their body length was similar to that of the normal embryos. observations on the skeleton revealed a globular skull, unusual curvature of the processus palatinus maxillaris of the upper beak, and shortening and thickening of the appendicular bones. some embryos ... | 1991 | 1748170 |
social motivation in japanese quail coturnix coturnix japonica chicks selected for high or low levels of treadmill behaviour. | social motivation (as measured by a visually isolated chick's tendency to establish visual contact with, move towards and remain in proximity to a group of conspecifics) was assessed in lines of japanese quail which had been selected for high (hsr line) or low (lsr line) levels of an index of treadmill behaviour which combined the tendency to run towards conspecifics with the tendency to move away from them. hsr line chicks peeded sooner and more frequently before establishing visual contact wit ... | 1991 | 24923697 |
localization of neuropeptide y-immunoreactive cells and fibres in the brain of the japanese quail. | in the present study, we have demonstrated, by means of the biotin-avidin method, the widespread distribution of neuropeptide y (npy)-immunoreactive structures throughout the whole brain of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). the prosencephalic region contained the highest concentration of both npy-containing fibres and perikarya. immunoreactive fibres were observed throughout, particularly within the paraolfactory lobe, the lateral septum, the nucleus taeniae, the preoptic area, th ... | 1991 | 1934027 |
learning to discriminate the sex of conspecifics in male japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica): tests of "biological constraints". | male japanese quail learn to approach and remain near female, but not male, quail if they are allowed to copulate with female quail and receive noncopulatory exposures to males. the generality of the mechanisms involved in this type of discrimination learning was investigated in the present study. in experiment 1, ss learned to spend more time near initially unfamiliar blonde quail than familiar brown female or male quail as a result of being allowed to copulate with the blonde, but not the brow ... | 1991 | 1890391 |
the effects of busulfan on gonadal differentiation and development in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | to determine the effects on gonadal differentiation and development, two concentrations of busulfan (1,4-butanediol dimethanesulfonate) were injected into the albumen of unincubated japanese quail eggs, and the eggs were then incubated. half of the hatchlings were killed at 3 days of age and the rest at 10 wk of age (4 wk past puberty). hatchability of fertile eggs was lowest in those eggs injected with 420 micrograms of busulfan (19.6%), intermediate in the 210-micrograms group (54.7%), and hig ... | 1991 | 1886873 |
discriminating the sex of conspecifics by male japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | how male japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) discriminate the sex of conspecifics at a distance was investigated by testing subjects with male and female stimulus birds on the other side of a small window after opportunities to copulate with females and again after repeated exposures to males in the absence of copulatory opportunity. time spent near the window, frequency of window approaches, duration of window visits, rate of walking near the window, line crossings outside the window ar ... | 1991 | 1860310 |
transcription of a quail gene expressed in embryonic retinal cells is shut off sharply at hatching. | the avian neuroretina (nr) is part of the central nervous system and is composed of photoreceptors, neuronal cells, and müller (glial) cells. these cells are derived from proliferating neuroectodermal precursors that differentiate after terminal mitosis and become organized in cell strata. genes that are specifically expressed at the various stages of retinal development are presently unknown. we have isolated a quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) cdna clone, named qr1, encoding a 676-amino acid ... | 1991 | 2034690 |
divergent selection for duration of tonic immobility and social reinstatement behavior in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) chicks. | japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were selected over 8 generations for long or short duration of tonic immobility (ti) weighted for independence from social reinstatement (sr) behavior (as measured in a treadmill) and for high or low levels of sr behavior weighted for independence from duration of ti. divergent selection for long or short duration of ti and for high or low levels of sr behavior resulted in immediate and significant responses that continued throughout the 8 generations. ... | 1991 | 2032452 |
genetic and experiential manipulation of fear-related behavior in japanese quail chicks (coturnix coturnix japonica). | we examined effects of environmental enrichment and regular handling on fear-related responses in chicks of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) selected over several generations for short or long tonic immobility (sti and lti, respectively). sti chicks froze less, vocalized and walked sooner and more in an open field, emerged sooner from a hole-in-the-wall box, and showed shorter ti reactions than did chicks of the lti line. similarly, environmental enrichment reduced silence and inactiv ... | 1991 | 2032451 |
the serotoninergic system in the brain of the japanese quail. an immunohistochemical study. | the presence and topographical localization of the serotoninergic system in the brain of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) have been studied by means of peroxidase-anti-peroxidase immunocytochemistry. the perimeter, diameter, area, and shape factor of immunoreactive cells have been recorded and analyzed morphometrically for intra- and interspecies comparison. the data reported here confirm and extend results previously obtained in the brain of other avian species. serotonin-immunor ... | 1991 | 2007251 |
the influence of thiourea on the development of the cultured quail embryo. | although thyroid hormones are known to promote embryonic development, it is still questionable whether the hormones of the thyroid gland exert a stimulatory effect on the early embryo. in attempting to elucidate the thyroid function in this period, we tried to block the synthesis of thyroid hormones by thiourea and followed the embryogenesis under these conditions. the experiments were performed with cultured quail embryos (coturnix coturnix japonica), which seemed especially suitable for those ... | 1991 | 1905865 |
parallel measurement of brain acetylcholinesterase and the muscarinic cholinergic receptor in the diagnosis of acute, lethal poisoning by anti-cholinesterase pesticides. | the activity of acetylcholinesterase (ache) and the density of muscarinic cholinergic binding receptors (mcbr) were measured in brains from normal japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and from quail after lethal intoxication with diazinon. these were measured in brains from whole heads held at 25 c for 0 to 8 days after death. the maximum relative loss of activity due to post mortem decomposition alone during 8 days was 13% and 10% for ache and mcbr, respectively. during post mortem decom ... | 1991 | 2023308 |
thermal and metabolic responsiveness of japanese quail embryos following periodic exposure to 2,450 mhz microwaves. | two studies were performed to determine if repeated exposure of the avian egg to microwaves can alter metabolism, temperature, and growth rate of embryos. another aim was to supplement conventional heating with microwave heating and provide an optimal temperature for growth. japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) eggs were exposed from day 1 through 15 of incubation (8 h/day) to sham or microwave (2,450 mhz) irradiation. microwave exposures were at two power densities, 5 or 20 mw/cm2, and a ... | 1991 | 1930307 |
renal carbonic anhydrase in the quail coturnix coturnix japonica. ii. changes of enzyme activity in developing and regressing mesonephros. | carbonic anhydrase activity was studied during development and regression of the quail mesonephros by in situ and extra situm investigation. a close correlation was noted between enzyme expression and tissue morphofunctional state. carbonic anhydrase appears in early development; its highest activity is reached when the kidney is actively secreting, followed by a decrease concomitant with tissue involution. the main localization of the reaction product is the distal tubule showing strongly posit ... | 1991 | 1905113 |
photosensory elements in the pineal gland of the japanese quail, with special reference to the paraboloid. | in 1-day-old japanese quails, coturnix coturnix japonica, photosensory elements of the pineal gland were examined by means of histochemical demonstration of glycogen and transmission electron microscopy. the parenchymal cells of the quail show immature structure, especially, small apical protrusion with a few mitochondria in the pinealocyte and rare appearance of the dense body in the supporting cell. the paraboloid is found in cytoplasmic processes projecting into the follicular lumen and in pe ... | 1991 | 1883075 |
lipogenesis depending on sexual maturity in female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1. lipid biosynthesis in the liver as well as transport into the follicles in japanese quail were investigated depending on sexual maturity at 5, 7, 9 and 11 weeks of age. lipogenesis of the liver and incorporation of lipid into the follicles were determined by administering [1-14c]sodium acetate. 2. body weight increased up to 9 weeks of age, whereas the weight of the liver and follicle did not alter after 7 weeks of age. 3. fatty acid synthesis in the liver was at its highest at 7 weeks of age ... | 1991 | 1799977 |
immunocytochemical distribution of glial fibrillary acidic protein in the central nervous system of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | in the present study we detailed the distribution of gfap-immunopositive structures within the central nervous system of the japanese quail. different fixation and embedding procedures were applied. the best results were obtained on frozen cryostatic sections from freshly dissected brains subsequently fixed by a short immersion in cold acetone. immunopositive structures were observed both with immunofluorescence, and with immunoperoxidase methods. immunoreactive cell bodies and processes were ob ... | 1991 | 1776703 |
light- and electron-microscopic observations on the relationship between prelampbrush oocytes and surrounding granulosa cells in the laying japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | transmission electronmicroscopic (tem) observations demonstrated that the most superficial region of quail oocytes during the prelampbrush stage differs locally from the deeper ooplasm and is an active zone which forms exooplasmic cones, ridges or knob-like protrusions in the direction of/or in the granulosa cells. this exooplasm, in which no mitochondria were seen, is separated from the endooplasm, by a narrow interrupted filamentous layer. using a lipid-preserving method of fixation, morpholog ... | 1991 | 1747204 |
photoperiodic control of the termination of reproduction in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | typically, birds come into breeding in the spring as a response to long days, and end reproduction some weeks later by becoming refractory to those long days. the refractory state is subsequently dissipated by the short days of autumn and winter, so producing once again a bird that can respond to long days. bird species differ in the extent to which refractoriness is developed; the present experiments took advantage of the relative, rather than the absolute, refractoriness in quail to measure qu ... | 1990 | 1983038 |
temperature modulation of photoperiodically induced lh secretion and its termination in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | long days induced lh release in photosensitive japanese quail and ambient temperature did not affect this process. temperature also did not affect the levels of circulating lh concentrations at the steady state of lh release on long days. on the other hand, low ambient temperature was required to reduce circulating lh to a nonbreeding level together with the change of the photoperiod from long to short days; the changes of the photoperiod without low ambient temperature induced a decrease of cir ... | 1990 | 2289686 |
effects of the nonsteroidal inhibitor r76713 on testosterone-induced sexual behavior in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | a new triazole derivative, r76713 (6-[4-chlorophenyl)(1h-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methyl]-1-methyl-1h- benzotriazole), was recently shown to inhibit aromatase selectively without affecting other steroid-metabolizing enzymes and without interacting with estrogen, progestin, or androgen receptors. this compound was tested for its capacity to intefere with the induction of copulatory behavior by testosterone (t) in castrated japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). in a first experiment, r76713 inhib ... | 1990 | 2286366 |
hatching of japanese quail chicks (coturnix coturnix japonica) following long, daily cyclical interruptions of their incubation. | the adaptive advantages were studied of long, daily cyclical interruptions of incubation for the hatching of japanese quail. the aim was to mimic in a more pronounced form the natural cyclical variations to which avian embryos may be subjected and still survive. the results indicated that by consecutive daily 8-h interruptions of incubation it was possible to lengthen the embryonic period by one-third without apparent harm and with potential improvement in hatchability. after consecutive daily 1 ... | 1990 | 2084682 |
spatial arrangement of the stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium in the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | the spatial arrangement of the stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium of the japanese quail was investigated by preparing three-dimensional reconstructions of a seminiferous tubule from each of 3 quails. it was found that the stages were not distributed at random, but were arranged in a wave which spiralled helically along a seminiferous tubule. adjacent stages in space were always adjacent numbers in the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. complete spermatogenetic waves were found ... | 1990 | 2250235 |
renal carbonic anhydrase in the quail coturnix coturnix japonica: i. activity and distribution in male and female metanephros. | carbonic anhydrase activity was studied in the quail metanephros by means of histochemical, histophotometrical and biochemical methods. male and female samples were examined separately in order to show sex-related differences in enzyme activity and localization. the staining patterns revealed differential distribution of reaction product in the different tubular segments. the initial portion of proximal tubules showed positivity on the brush border in female kidneys only. extra situ investigatio ... | 1990 | 2127415 |
the influence of supplemental corn oil and free fatty acids on the reproductive performance of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | an experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary corn oil (co) and commercial free fatty acids on the fatty acid composition of blood plasma and egg yolk lipids and on the reproductive performance of japanese quail. when quail were fed a semi-purified low-fat basal mix, the substitution of 3% of co for corn starch (cs) improved egg weight (11.2 versus 10.8 g), reduced late embryonic mortality (16.7 versus 28.4%), and improved hatchability (75.7 versus 64.1%). diets in which palmiti ... | 1990 | 2123342 |
muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the songbird and quail brain: a quantitative autoradiographic study. | in order to clarify the neuroanatomical basis for postulated muscarinic cholinergic control of a wide array of physiological processes in birds, the distribution of muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the brain of three avian species was investigated by quantitative autoradiography. the species consisted of two passerines (songbirds), the european starling (sturnus vulgaris) and the song sparrow (melospiza melodia), and one galliform, the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). [3h]n-methyl ... | 1990 | 2229474 |
aromatization mediates aggressive behavior in quail. | although testosterone (t) stimulates aggressive and reproductive behaviors in males of many vertebrate species, it is now known that the full expression of t action in the brain requires aromatization to estradiol (e2) and subsequent interaction of locally formed e2 with nuclear estrogen receptors. in experiments reported here, we used a behavioral test which quantifies the response of an individual male japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) to the visual stimulus of a conspecific. we have ... | 1990 | 2191894 |
the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and estimation of its duration. | a regular, well defined spermatogenic cycle was found in the japanese quail by examining thin sections of isolated lengths of seminiferous tubules embedded in epoxy resin to resolve the structure of developing spermatids. the stages of the cycle initially were identified in studies using a preparatory method for fixation which separated adjacent cellular associations. the cycle was divided into 10 stages with relative frequencies (%) of stages i to x respectively of: 11.9, 14.8, 24.1, 10.3, 8.2, ... | 1990 | 2325016 |
plasma cholesterol responses to the adrenocorticotropic hormone in japanese quail following eighteen generations of divergent selection. | japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) lines were divergently selected for plasma cholesterol response to adrenocorticotropin (acth). data for generations 9 to 18 indicated a greater response in the low (l) line than in the high (h) line, which was contrary to selection responses for the first eight generations. during generations 9 to 18, selection differentials were greater in the h line; however, heritability estimates were greater in the l line. these data suggest caution in the interpr ... | 1990 | 2158649 |
steroid modulation of muscarinic cholinergic and alpha2-adrenergic receptor density in the nucleus intercollicularis of the japanese quail. | androgen modulation of neurotransmitter receptor density was investigated in the nucleus intercollicularis (ico) of male and female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). ico appears to play an important role in the neural control of testosterone (t) dependent vocal behaviour. two receptor types were investigated in this nucleus; muscarinic cholinergic receptors, labelled using [3h]n-methyl scopolamine (nms) as the ligand, and alpha2-adrenergic receptors, labelled using [3h]p-amino-clonidi ... | 1990 | 12106090 |
comparison of hypocholesterolemic activities of the bile acid sequestrants cholestyramine and colestipol hydrochloride in cholesterol fed sea quail. | the pharmacopolymer bile acid sequestrants cholestyramine and colestipol hydrochloride were mixed with a diet supplemented with 0.5% cholesterol at levels of 0.25%, 0.5%, and 1.0% for cholestyramine and 0.5% and 1.0% for colestipol and fed to young, male, sea (susceptible to experimental atherosclerosis) japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) for a period of seven days. after treatment blood was obtained by venipuncture from non-fasted animals and analyzed for serum total cholesterol concen ... | 1990 | 2396902 |
anti-atherosclerotic activity of colestipol hydrochloride in sea quail. | young, male, sea (susceptible to experimental atherosclerosis) japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were fed an atherogenic diet consisting of yellow corn meal and soybean meal supplemented with 2% cholesterol and 1% cholic acid. a control group of ten animals was fed the atherogenic diet for eight weeks, and another group was fed the same diet containing 2% colestipol hydrochloride for the same length of time. at the end of the treatment period serum and arterial total cholesterols were ... | 1990 | 2337384 |
tissue deposition and passage into eggs of ochratoxin a in japanese quail. | laying japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were given single oral doses of 0, 1, 5, and 20 mg of ochratoxin a (oa) per kg of the body weight. after 6, 12, and 24 hours and 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 days an appropriate number of birds was sacrificed and oa in blood, muscles, liver, kidney, abdominal yolks, and collected eggs was measured. the highest concentration of oa was found in kidneys and the lowest in muscles. four days following the application, oa could still be detected in kidney, li ... | 2012 | 2231319 |
characterization of insulin receptors in primary cultures of quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) oviduct cells. the level of insulin receptor is regulated by steroid and peptide hormones. | 1. we have characterized the insulin receptor in primary cultured quail oviduct cells and examined the hormonal regulation of its level. 2. we have also shown the recycling pathway of insulin receptors in the cultured cells using specific inhibitors (tunicamycin, chloroquine, monensin, and brefeldin a). 3. our data suggest that glucocorticoids play important physiological roles in egg-white protein synthesis through increasing the number of insulin receptors and insulin through enhancing the tra ... | 1990 | 2085960 |
serum chemistries of coturnix coturnix japonica given dietary manganese oxide (mn3o4). | 1. plasma creatinine and inorganic phosphorus were increased in manganese oxide (mn3o4)-treated adult male coturnix quail, but bun, bun/creatinine ratio, uric acid, and total calcium were decreased. 2. serum enzymes (alkaline phosphatase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, glutamic pyruvic transaminase, and lactic dehydrogenase) were elevated in mn3o4-treated adult male coturnix quail, but creatine phosphokinase was not affected. 3. dietary mn3o4 at 5000 ppm did not produce overt signs of toxico ... | 1990 | 1981341 |
aggressive behavior in birds: an experimental model for studies of brain-steroid interactions. | 1. although testosterone (t) stimulates aggressiveness in males of many vertebrate species, it is now known that the full expression of t actions in the central nervous system requires aromatization to estradiol (e2) and subsequent binding of formed e2 to its receptor. 2. we have recently confirmed these as rate-limiting steps in the control of sex-related and individual differences in aggressiveness of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). 3. in this review, we describe some of the n ... | 1990 | 1979529 |
the influence of stress treatment on femur cortical bone porosity and medullary bone status in japanese quail selected for high and low blood corticosterone response to stress. | 1. femurs taken from japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) genetically selected for either exaggerated (hs; high-stress) or reduced (ls; low-stress) blood corticosterone (b) response to unfamiliar environments were examined to determine their cortical bone porosity (cbp; degree of osteoporosis) and medullary bone (mb) status following treatment with or without stress. 2. femur cbp was elevated in both sexes of stressed, hs-line quail and was attributed directly to the presumably exaggerate ... | 1990 | 1970526 |
the dynamics of progesterone output in perifused granulosa layer of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica): response to adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate and aminoglutethimide. | a perifusion system has been developed in which the rates of progesterone output of quail granulosa layer in response to steroidogenic stimuli, can be measured under dynamic condition. in response to a continuous perifusion for 8 h with dibutyryl cyclic amp (dbcamp), there was a gradual increase in the rate of progesterone output, which reached a plateau at 4-5 h of perifusion. when progesterone output was inhibited by aminoglutethimide, a reversible inhibitor of the cholesterol side chain cleav ... | 1989 | 2559251 |
an autoradiographic study of alpha 1-adrenergic receptors in the brain of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | the neuroanatomical distribution of alpha 1-adrenergic receptors was studied in japanese quail by quantitative in vitro autoradiography using the specific antagonist [3h]prazosin as the ligand. the presence of saturable (bmax less than 200 fmol/mg protein) high affinity (kd less than 0.12 nm) binding sites was detected by saturation analysis. high concentrations of [3h]prazosin binding sites were detected in the archistriatum/pars ventralis, the hippocampus, the cortex piriformis, the area corti ... | 1989 | 2558805 |
lead influences on physiological and growth responses in coturnix coturnix japonica selected for large body weights. | coturnix coturnix japonica, selected for large adult weight (fatty), were 40% heavier than random-bred controls (rb). given dietary lead (50 or 500 mg/kg) from hatching, fatty (10%) showed a smaller decrease in body weight than did rb (22%) at 6 weeks. egg production was lower in fatty, and lead (500 mg/kg) caused a greater suppression in fatty. lead added to the diet of fatty and rb control diets at 7 weeks into egg production caused a 15% decrease in rb production but only a transitory decreas ... | 1989 | 2792056 |
variation among lines selected for body size in the fractional rate of degradation of protein and acid protease activity in the muscle of quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | fractional rates (%/day) of degradation of muscle protein were determined by measuring the output of nt-methylhistidine (nt-mh) in the excreta at 2 and 10 weeks of age in three lines of quail, a random-bred line and two lines selected for body size, one for increased and the other for decreased size. in all lines, fractional rates of degradation of muscle protein at 2 weeks of age were higher than those at 10 weeks of age. the fractional rate of degradation at 2 weeks of age was highest for the ... | 1989 | 2695061 |
mitogen stimulation affects contractile protein mrna abundance and translation in embryonic quail myocytes. | in cultures of differentiated, fusion-blocked muscle cells obtained from embryonic japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), mitogen stimulation leads to an immediate reduction in the rates of synthesis of skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain (mhc) and alpha-actin. the molecular mechanisms responsible for this downregulation were examined. the cellular abundances of the alpha-actin and mhc mrnas were affected differently by mitogen stimulation; alpha-actin mrna abundance declined by an amount w ... | 1989 | 2796987 |
distribution of alpha 2-adrenergic receptors in the brain of the japanese quail as determined by quantitative autoradiography: implications for the control of sexually dimorphic reproductive processes. | with the use of [3h]p-aminoclonidine (pac), alpha 2-adrenergic binding sites were mapped in the brain of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). the sites were labeled with the use of in vitro quantitative autoradiography. special attention was given to areas implicated in the control of sexually dimorphic reproductive processes including sexual behavior. preliminary competition experiments found that [3h]pac binding on tissue sections exhibited a pharmacology appropriate to the alpha 2 ... | 1989 | 2569910 |
a dorsomedial subdivision within the nucleus intercollicularis identified in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) by means of alpha 2-adrenergic receptor autoradiography and estrogen receptor immunohistochemistry. | the nucleus intercollicularis is an important site in the control of vocalization in birds. in oscines, a subregion of the nucleus intercollicularis called the dorso-medial intercollicular nucleus appears to play a key role in this process because it receives the majority of the projections from the nucleus robustus archistriatalis and sends most of the projections to the motor nucleus of the hypoglossal nerve. in this paper, we present neurochemical studies of the nucleus intercollicularis in t ... | 1989 | 2546669 |
[cellular specificity of lectin binding in the kidney of the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica)]. | the goal of this study was to demonstrate the distribution of glycoproteins in the various segments of the japanese quail nephron, using lectins labeled with hrp or fitc. each one of the six labeled lectins had a characteristic distribution pattern along the nephron. the study shows that lectins are useful markers for certain nephron segments or for cell types in certain segments of the renal tubules. pna marks the thin portion of the medullary loop, dba marks the thick portion; it is thus possi ... | 1989 | 2757236 |
effects of brefeldin a on the synthesis and secretion of egg white proteins in primary cultured oviduct cells of laying japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | we investigated the effect of brefeldin a (bfa) and monensin on the secretion of egg white proteins in primary cultured oviduct cells. monensin inhibited the secretion of egg white proteins, but this drug also caused morphological changes of the cells and inhibited their protein synthesis. bfa inhibited protein secretion without any remarkable morphological changes of the cells and without significant inhibition of protein synthesis. in the presence of bfa at 1 microgram/ml, only 10% of synthesi ... | 1989 | 2713420 |
localization of aromatase in synaptosomal and microsomal subfractions of quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) brain. | the subcellular distribution patterns of aromatase, 5 alpha- and 5 beta-reductase in the hypothalamus/preoptic area of japanese quail were studied using standard methods of centrifugation, and fractional constituents were identified by marker enzymes. aromatase was concentrated 8-fold in the 100,000 g pellet (p3) along with a 3-fold enrichment in the microsomal marker nadph-cytochrome c reductase (ncr) a result consistent with glandular tissues. in addition, aromatase was enriched 2-fold in the ... | 1989 | 2716959 |
estrogen receptors in quail brain: a functional relationship to aromatase and aggressiveness. | estradiol (e2) mediates many of the activational effects of testosterone (t) on masculine reproductive and aggressive behaviors. using japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) as an animal model, together with a newly devised procedure for quantifying aggressiveness, we recently showed that aggression is e2-dependent and that individual differences in behavioral intensity are correlated with aromatase in the hypothalamus/preoptic area (hpoa). in this study we characterized estrogen receptors ... | 1989 | 2720027 |
prevention of hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis in japanese quail by high intake of soy protein. | this study was undertaken to determine the influence of levels of soy protein on cholesterol metabolism and the development of atherosclerosis in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). quail were fed purified diets containing one of four levels (10, 20, 40 or 60%) of soy protein either with (atherogenic) or without (control) 0.5% cholesterol. results showed that higher proportions of protein (40 and 60%) in atherogenic diets had a preventive effect on the development of atherosclerosis in ... | 1988 | 3214472 |
steroid secretion by ovarian cells of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | mixed cell preparations (theca plus granulosa) prepared from the hierarchy of follicles of quails ovaries were incubated under defined conditions with or without the addition of ovine luteinizing hormone (olh), ovine follicle stimulating hormone (ofsh), theophylline, cycloheximide, or dibutyryl cyclic adenine monophosphate (db camp); or in the presence of androstenedione or testosterone as aromatizable substrate. steroids secreted into the medium during the 4-hr incubation period were assayed by ... | 1988 | 2848745 |
the claude bernard lecture, 1987. embryonic chimeras: a tool for studying the development of the nervous and immune systems. | chimeras have been constructed in the avian embryo following the observation of the particular structure of the interphase nucleus in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). in all embryonic and adult cell types of this species a large amount of heterochromatin is associated with the nucleolus, making quail cells readily distinguishable from those of the chick where the constitutive heterochromatin is evenly dispersed in the nucleus. these structural differences have been used to devise ... | 1988 | 2907137 |
[acute reversible cataract due to nitrocompounds in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica)]. | the present study was designed to examine the usefulness of the japanese quail as an experimental model of cataractogenic activity. chemicals, 2, 6-dibromo-4-nitro-phenol (2, 6-d), 2, 4-dinitroanisole (2, 4-da), and 2, 4-dinitrophenol (2, 4-d; for the positive control), were administered singly through an oral route to 2-week old male japanese quails to investigate the reversibility of cataracts. a single administration of 2, 4-d (36 and 43 mg/kg) produced reversible cataract in 14 of 16 animals ... | 1988 | 3416932 |
changes in serum concentrations of steroids during embryonic and post-hatching development of male and female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | serum concentrations of testosterone, 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, oestradiol and progesterone were measured by radioimmunoassay combined with celite chromatography in male and female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) during the second half of embryonic life (days 9-17 of incubation) and during the first 5 weeks after hatching. the mean level of each of the four steroids was significantly affected by the age of the birds. an overall effect of sex was detected by analysis of variance on ... | 1988 | 3411279 |
hepatic uroporphyrin accumulation and uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase activity in cultured chick-embryo hepatocytes and in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and mice treated with polyhalogenated aromatic compounds. | the relationship between hepatic uroporphyrin accumulation and uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (ec activity was investigated in cultured chick-embryo hepatocytes, japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and mice that had been treated with polyhalogenated aromatic compounds. chick-embryo hepatocytes treated with 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl accumulated uroporphyrin in a dose-dependent fashion without a detectable decrease in uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase activity when either pentac ... | 1988 | 3138981 |
ultrastructure of the testis and epididymis of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) administered gossypol. | when japanese quail were given gossypol acetic acid intramuscularly at 25 mg/kg body weight per day for 9 days, testis/body weights were reduced to 63% of those of controls. lumina of the seminiferous tubules became smaller but were packed with tails of spermatids. mitochondria of spermatids changed in shape from elongated to round. after administration of gossypol for 21 days, testis/body weights were 14% of those of controls. lumina of seminiferous tubules were completely collapsed, germinal e ... | 1988 | 3413024 |
effect of hyaluronic acid on the emergence of neural crest cells from the neural tube of the quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | hyaluronic acid (ha) added to the medium of quail neural tubes explanted in vitro influences the number of migratory neural crest cells that emerge, compared with controls. neural crest cells were counted with an ocular grid after 20 h of migration into 0.1 mm wide areas or 'bins' lying parallel to the neural tube, and the results were analyzed by linear regression. a low concentration of ha (5 micrograms/ml) significantly decreased the total number of neural crest cells in all bins adjacent to ... | 1988 | 3396055 |
carbon-14-ochratoxin a distribution in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) monitored by whole body autoradiography. | tissue distribution of the nephrotoxic mycotoxin ochratoxin a was characterized in laying japanese quail by whole body autoradiography and scintillation counting using 14c-labelled toxin. periodically for 8 days after one intravenous injection of 14 microci/bird, corresponding to 70 ng/g body weight, birds were killed, frozen, and sagittal sections of the whole body were placed on x-ray film. in general, the ochratoxin disappeared from the avian body rapidly. specific retention of radioactivity ... | 1988 | 3136448 |
mechanism controlling photostimulated luteinizing hormone secretion is different from preovulatory luteinizing hormone surge in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | a so-called "night-interruption" experiment with a 15-min light pulse showed that a sensitive phase for the photoperiodic lh secretion in male japanese quail extended over a period of 2 hr from 12.5 to 14.5 hr after dawn. exposure of a 1-hr light pulse at this photosensitive phase to male quail kept under 8l:16d induced the increase of plasma lh concentrations just the same as quail transferred to 16l:8d. in the first few days of photostimulation either by night interruption or by long days, lh ... | 1988 | 3371646 |
changes in plasma concentrations of reproductive steroids in female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) raised on long or short photoperiods. | plasma concentrations of progesterone, testosterone, estradiol, and estrone were measured by radioimmunoassay in female japanese quail 22 to 70 days of age. the birds were raised on long (16 hr light per day) or short (8 hr light per day) photoperiods. only the birds raised on the long photoperiod layed eggs, starting between 42 and 49 days of age. the concentration of each reproductive steroid increased between 28 and 35 days of age, but the increases were more substantial in the birds raised o ... | 1988 | 3366353 |
expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms in myogenic clones obtained from developing quail breast muscle. | monoclonal antibodies specifically recognizing cardiac and extraocular muscle myosin heavy chains of the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were used to determine the patterns of expression of these isoforms in clonal cultures of embryonic quail myoblasts. myoblasts prepared from 9 day embryonic pectoralis are virtually homogeneous in their ability to form clones expressing both cardiac and extraocular isoforms. the majority of myoblasts obtained from day 5 embryos also formed clones which co-ex ... | 1988 | 28305476 |
selection of japanese quail for contrasting blood corticosterone response to immobilization. | japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were divergently selected for 12 generations for increased (high stress, hs) and decreased (low stress, ls) blood corticosterone (b) response to unfamiliar environments. response lines were selected initially on the basis of wild-type quail b response to albino (alb) quail intrusion (s1 to s3) and subsequently on b response to immobilization (imb) (s4 to s12). using alb intruders as stressors proved unsuccessful, therefore the practice was abandoned in ... | 1988 | 3375175 |
the effects of estrogen, insulin and dexamethasone on the synthesis and secretion of egg white proteins in primary cultured oviduct cells of laying japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1. the effects of estrogen, insulin and dexamethasone on the synthesis of egg white proteins were investigated by employing primary cultured oviduct cells of laying japanese quails. 2. it was demonstrated that oviduct cells require insulin and dexamethasone, besides estrogen, to synthesize and secrete egg white proteins maximally. | 1988 | 3281790 |
water intake induced by water deprivation in the quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | mechanisms inducing drinking after water deprivation, and mechanisms terminating drinking after rehydration, were investigated in the quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. 1. water intake was induced after 4 h of water deprivation, and the amount of water drunk increased in proportion to the period of water deprivation. drinking occurred immediately after deprivation. drinking occurred immediately after deprived birds were given access to water, and continued for periods proportional to the period ... | 1988 | 3249018 |
rapid adjustment of the pineal n-acetyltransferase rhythm to change from long to short photoperiod in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | the dynamics of adjusting the pineal n-acetyltransferase rhythm from long to short photoperiod was assessed in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). the transition from ld 16:8 to ld 8:16 was accomplished by symmetrical prolongation of the dark period. in ld 16:8, the period of elevated nocturnal activity lasted approximately 7 hours. during the first prolonged night, the evening n-acetyltransferase rise advanced by almost 3 hours relative to the rise in ld 16:8 and occurred at the sa ... | 1988 | 3225739 |
drinking induced by cellular dehydration in the quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1. drinking was induced in water-replete quail 5-10 min after intravenous injection of hypertonic nacl (0.69 osmol/l) or sucrose (1.06 osmol/l), but hypertonic urea (2.78 osmol/l) failed to induce drinking. 2. the birds drank approximately the amount required to dilute the injected solutes to isotonicity for each given dose of nacl or sucrose. 3. the plasma angiotensin ii level decreased after injection of 7% nacl (2.5 osmol/l), but it increased after injection of an equi-osmolar solution of suc ... | 1988 | 2900120 |
relationship between parental age, egg weight and hatching weight of japanese quail. | 1. the relationships between egg weight or age of breeder quails (coturnix coturnix japonica) and 1-d-old chick weight were determined. 2. significant correlations were found between egg weight and chick weight (r2 = 0.32) and age and chick weight (r2 = 0.86). thus, hatching weight was influenced more by the age of breeder quails than by egg weight as such. 3. chick weight was accurately predicted by the use of age as a single independent variable; egg weight did not explain any further variatio ... | 1987 | 3446342 |
transaminase and phosphomonoesterase activities in different regions of the oviduct epithelium of laying japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1. activities of alkaline (alp) and acid phosphomonoesterases (acp) and aspartic (got) and alanine (gpt) aminotransferases in the glandular epithelia of the infundibulum, magnum, isthmus and shell gland of the laying quail were measured when the egg was in the shell gland. 2. the activities of all the enzymes were significantly (p less than 0.001) greater in shell-gland than in isthmus and magnum. 3. gel-electrophoretic analysis of proteins showed that the magnal epithelia had the same proteins ... | 1987 | 2833336 |
effects of long term consumption of fish oil (maxepa) on serum lipids and arterial ultrastructure in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | both random (u.c. davis) and inbred ("sea") japanese quail were fed 8.6% dietary supplements of lard (sf) or fish oil (fo) maxepa (38% of calories from fat) and 9 months later selected blood vessels were subjected to light and electron microscopy. serum lipids were measured by means of automatic enzymatic analyses (beckman astra and dupont aca) following fasting (12-14 h) bleeding times taken at autopsy. vldl and ldl were determined indirectly. fatty acid profiles were done on pericardial fat fr ... | 1987 | 3689486 |
naloxone attenuates food but not water intake in japanese quail. | the effect of the opioid antagonist naloxone on food and water intake in male japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) was investigated. birds were injected intramuscularly with 0, 3, 10, and 30 mg/kg body weight of naloxone hydrochloride. food and water were offered ad libitum 15 min postinjection. food intake was attenuated in a dose-dependent fashion through 300 min following the return of food and water. the dose-response relationship was quadratic, with the greatest reduction in food int ... | 1987 | 3447145 |