effect of polynucleotides on aminoacyl transfer ribonucleic acid synthetases. 3. inhibition of glutamyl transfer ribonucleic acid synthetase by natural polynucleotides. | | 1968 | 4299520 |
effect of polynucleotides on aminoacyl transfer ribonucleic acid synthetases. 3. inhibition of glutamyl transfer ribonucleic acid synthetase by natural polynucleotides. | | 1968 | 4299520 |
in vitro and in vivo evaluation of enduracidin, a new peptide antibiotic substance. | | 1968 | 4299887 |
sarcoma blockade in vivo. rabies-rous system in chickens. | | 1970 | 4320567 |
interactions of avian sarcoma virus with rat embryo cells in cell culture. | | 1971 | 4330345 |
effectors of purified adenyl cyclase from streptococcus salivarius. | | 1972 | 4339799 |
effects of antibiotics on the development and stability of mitochondrial enzymes in saccharomyces cerevisiae. | | 1972 | 4343088 |
bordetella pertussis infection in chandigarh. | | 1973 | 4357930 |
inhibitory and restorative effects of adenine nucleotides on rickettsial adsorption and hemolysis. | the adenine nucleotides, adenosine diphosphate, adenosine triphosphate, (atp), and the methylene-bridge analogues are inhibitors of rickettsial adsorption to and the hemolysis of sheep erythrocytes. other nucleotides, adenosine monophosphate, cyclic adenosine monophosphate, cytosine triphosphate, and guanosine triphosphate, are without effect. adsorption and hemolysis require the generation of energy by the rickettsiae which is usually derived from glutamate. when the generation of energy from t ... | 1974 | 4357933 |
avian leukosis-sarcoma virus antibodies in wildfowl, domestic chickens and man in kenya. | | 1973 | 4358887 |
affinity chromatography of cytosolic nad-linked glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from normal and neoplastic mammalian tissues. | | 1974 | 4368387 |
[heptaminol effect on the activity of adenylcyclase and phosphodiesterase]. | | 1973 | 4369580 |
[dynamics of the population structure of zajdela ascites hepatoma in the process of growth and metastasis (based on data from cytospectrophotometric studies)]. | | 1974 | 4375324 |
virus infections of horses at newmarket, 1972 and 1973. | | 1974 | 4375339 |
plasmodium gallinaceum as antigen in immunofluorescence antibody studies. | | 1968 | 4386698 |
glucose dehydrogenase from pig liver. i. isolation and purification. | | 1970 | 4392298 |
method for microassay of microsomal heme oxygenase activity. | | 1972 | 4400743 |
newly synthesized mammalian cell dna. affinity to nitrocellulose and rate of chain growth. | | 1974 | 4425437 |
promoting effect of bile acids on colon carcinogenesis after intrarectal instillation of n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine in rats. | | 1974 | 4427390 |
[space-time properties of excitation and inhibition and wave processes in the receptive fields of the cat external geniculate body]. | | 1974 | 4441509 |
modification of a new pharmacological technique for evaluation of anticholinergic drugs. | | 1974 | 4452763 |
[anabolic activity of 9, 10-dehydro-19-nortestosterone derivatives]. | | 1974 | 4453568 |
[prasites identified in cattle, sheep, pigs and equines in the laboratory of parasitic diseases of the school of veterinary medicine, university austral of chile, 1963-1973 (author's transl)]. | | 1974 | 4455273 |
anion effects on pyruvate kinase. | rabbit muscle pyruvate kinase is shown not to be activated by several anions (acetate, chloride, lactate, nitrate and sulphate) when tested as their tetramethylammonium salts. this contradicts the conclusions of focant & watts (1973). | 1974 | 4464855 |
[pathological studies of pyelonephritis--with special reference to bacterial antigens]. | | 1974 | 4478691 |
[pathological studies of pyelonephritis--with special reference to bacterial antigens]. | | 1974 | 4478691 |
proliferative activity of human granulocytes, as estimated quantitatively by in vitro colony formation. | | 1972 | 4501049 |
[effects of irradiation on the vascularity of rat lung]. | | 1973 | 4517449 |
carrier independent t cell helper effects in antigenic stimulation. | | 1973 | 4542299 |
the role of complement in immune phagocytosis of group a streptococci by mouse peritoneal phagocytic cells. | | 1973 | 4546197 |
classification of thymus-derived and marrow-derived lymphocytes by demonstration of their antigen-binding characteristics. | antigen-binding cells of t and b origin can readily be determined by quantitating the number of sheep erythrocytes per rosette after glutaraldehyde fixation. the t(1) and t(2) populations have low antigen-binding properties and are very unstable without fixation. the b(1) and b(2) populations are stable and correlate with precursor and secretory cells. fixation of rosettes permits a sensitive test for studying differentiation of t and b cells. | 1972 | 4554454 |
a cell-free amino acid incorporating system from yeast-phase cells of histoplasma capsulatum. | | 1972 | 4557875 |
human bone induction by allogeneic dentin matrix. | | 1972 | 4559654 |
a comparative study of synthetic and biological materials for wound dressings. | | 1973 | 4568978 |
extraintestinal shigellosis: bacteremia and paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. shigella sonnei in a three-year-old boy. | | 1973 | 4573432 |
formation of the yeast mitochondrial membrane. 2. effects of glucose repression on mitochondrial protein synthesis. | | 1973 | 4581275 |
biogenesis of mitochondria. xxv. studies on the mitochondrial genomes of petite mutants of yeast using ethidium bromide as a probe. | | 1973 | 4583801 |
selective methylation of newly synthesized transfer rna from an rel mutant of escherichia coli during methionine starvation. | | 1973 | 4584020 |
[typing of s. typhimurium using selected phages]. | | 1974 | 4598054 |
[typing of s. typhimurium using selected phages]. | | 1974 | 4598054 |
amino acid requirements and amino acid supply in the sheep. | | 1973 | 4598407 |
the influence of gut micro-organisms on utilization of dietary protein. | | 1973 | 4598412 |
partial similarities between yeast and liver alcohol dehydrogenases. | the primary structure of about half of the protein chain of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase has been determined and compared with the amino-acid sequences of other dehydrogenases. the enzyme is found to be distantly related to horse-liver alcohol dehydrogenase, although these two proteins have different quaternary structures and subunit sizes. some regions show no significant similarities, but long segments within the n-terminal parts of the molecules are homologous, suggesting a common and importan ... | 1973 | 4599620 |
the involvement of extracellular enzymes in the metabolism of bdellovibrio. | | 1974 | 4600233 |
mapping of a mutation, polb100, affecting deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase ii in escherichia coli k-12. | direct assay for deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase ii in extracts has been used to screen recombinants for the polb allele in hfr x f(-) crosses, f-ductants in episome transfer, and transductants in generalized transduction by phage p1. the polb gene is located at 2 min on the escherichia coli linkage map; it is 39 to 64% co-transducible with leu. a mutant, e. coli pola1 polb100 polc (ts), deficient in deoxyribonucleic acid polymerases i and ii and having a thermolabile deoxyribonucleic acid poly ... | 1974 | 4604726 |
selections of anopheles gambiae species a for susceptibility and refractoriness to malaria parasites. | | 1974 | 4607768 |
ethics in medical research as viewed by the clinical investigator. | | 1974 | 4611685 |
technique for chronic head restraint and electrophysiologic recording in the awake rhesus monkey. | | 1974 | 4612566 |
the bacteriocinogenicity and bacteriocin sensitivity of salmonella dublin. | | 1974 | 4614350 |
[the pectin splitting enzymes of several species of saccharomyces]. | | 1974 | 4615313 |
escherichia coli phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase: effect of allosteric inhibitors on the kinetic parameters and sedimentation behavior. | | 1974 | 4618077 |
[cytophotometric method of determining the temporal parameters of the life cycle of dividing cells]. | | 1972 | 4618611 |
resident and transient bacteria of the skin. | | 1974 | 4620276 |
effect of acute hypovolaemia on lignocaine absorption and cardiovascular response following epidural block in dogs. | | 1974 | 4621170 |
urinary excretion of progesterone metabolites in pregnant rhesus monkeys. | | 1972 | 4623411 |
[significance of percutaneous kidney biopsy in chronic pyelonephritis (a clinician's thoughts and experiences)]. | | 1973 | 4630870 |
[comparative toxicologic characteristics and hygienic standards of 1,4-naphthoquinone and its individual derivatives]. | | 1972 | 4643838 |
pathways of dietary fatty acid deposit. | | 1972 | 4648357 |
[bacteriological equilibrium of feces in infants. role of staphylococcus in infantile gastroenteritis]. | | 1972 | 4657338 |
anatomical study of the liver of the camel (camelus dromedarius). 3. the hepatic veins. | | 1972 | 4669806 |
correlative microbiological assays. | | 1972 | 4669833 |
influence of kynuremate on cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis in isolated perfused rat liver. | | 1973 | 4684700 |
regulation of nigeran accumulation by aspergillus aculeatus. | nigeran (mycodextran), an unbranched glucan consisting of alternating alpha,1-4 and alpha,1-3 linkages, is accumulated intracellularly by aspergillus aculeatus, under conditions of nitrogen limitation and low ph (optimum ph 5.0). both conditions are necessary. nigeran is synthesized de novo from exogenous glucose and accounts for about 20% of the glucose transported by the mycelium. the polymer is diluted out but not degraded when the mycelium is transferred to fresh medium containing nh(4) (+). ... | 1973 | 4690967 |
serologic evidence of naturally occurring venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus infection in a dog. | | 1973 | 4692300 |
biological activity of proinsulin and related polypeptides in the fat tissue. | | 1973 | 4708090 |
depression of isolated heart muscle by bacterial endotoxin. | | 1973 | 4711286 |
role of methionine in the initiation of the biosynthesis of bovine proinsulin. | | 1973 | 4717064 |
interaction catecholamines-pyrogallol on rabbit aortic strips. | | 1973 | 4724715 |
[comparative studies on cerebral vessel pathology in animals and man]. | | 1973 | 4725275 |
in vitro studies on the control of trophoblast outgrowth in the mouse. | | 1973 | 4729947 |
mutations affecting meiosis in podospora anserina. ii. effect of mei2 mutants on recombination. | | 1973 | 4731428 |
mutations affecting meiosis in podospora anserina. ii. effect of mei2 mutants on recombination. | | 1973 | 4731428 |
chlamydin trachomatis in cell culture. i. comparison of efficiencies of infection in several chemically defined media, at various ph and temperature values, and after exposure to diethylaminoethyl-dextran. | three chemically defined cell culture media, eagle minimum essential medium (mem) with earle basal salt solution, eagle mem with hanks basal salt solution, and a modified eagle mem, were tested and found capable of supporting the development of chlamydia trachomatis in (60)co-treated mccoy cells. the enhancement of trachoma infection by diethylaminoethyl-dextran (deae-d) was greater at ph values closer to neutrality than at any other ph values measured at the start of the experiments. centrifuga ... | 1973 | 4751801 |
proceedings: plasma corticosterone levels during pregnancy in the mouse. | | 1973 | 4759622 |
uptake and effects of melatonin on the synthesis of proteins by the rat cerebral cortex. | | 1973 | 4766259 |
studies of malformation syndromes of man xxiv b: the dubowitz syndrome. further observations. | | 1973 | 4771703 |
prolactin and progesterone effect on specific estradiol binding in uterine and mammary tissues in vitro. | | 1973 | 4771991 |
[activation analysis of human tissue samples: manganese, copper, and zinc in the liver]. | | 1973 | 4773208 |
[activation analysis of human tissue samples: manganese, copper, and zinc in the liver]. | | 1973 | 4773208 |
discoidin, a developmentally regulated carbohydrate-binding protein from dictyostelium discoideum. purification and characterization. | | 1974 | 4858710 |
enhancement of hemagglutination inhibition titers in tissue-culture newcastle disease (tcnd) vaccinated chicken. | | 1974 | 4858747 |
[synthesis of nitrofuran derivatives. v. synthesis of 1,3,4-oxadiazoles. (2)]. | | 1966 | 4862733 |
[our experiences with heterotransplants]. | | 1967 | 4870240 |
the field trial: some thoughts on the indispensable ordeal. | | 1968 | 4875751 |
resotration of methionine-accepting and transformylation activity by combining oligonucleotide fragments derived from a ribonuclease t-1 digest of escherichia coli trna-fmet. | | 1969 | 4885698 |
evidence for central inhibition of retinal function. | | 1967 | 4889353 |
short-term cultures of mouse marrow cells separated by velocity sedimentation. | | 1971 | 4942466 |
the utilization of prolyl peptides by escherichia coli. | peptides that have an n-terminal proline residue are taken up by escherichia coli and are degraded by intracellular peptidases. a mutant that is unable to transport oligopeptides with n-terminal alpha-amino acids is also unable to transport the peptides with n-terminal proline. dipeptides and oligopeptides can prevent the uptake of the corresponding prolyl peptides and the converse competitive interactions are also observed. although the peptide alpha-amino group is essential to the process of p ... | 1971 | 4942538 |
[problems of anesthesia and resuscitation]. | | 1971 | 4945852 |
on the stereochemical basis of enzyme action: lessons from lysozyme. | | 1971 | 4949243 |
operant discrimination of an interoceptive stimulus in rhesus monkeys. | five rhesus macaques monkeys surgically prepared with thiry small intestinal (jejunum) loops and implanted brain electrodes were restrained in primate chairs and kept on 23-hr deprivation-feeding cycle. after being trained to press a lever for sugar pills on an fr 25 schedule of reinforcement, a discrimination training procedure was established. lever presses were reinforced during the s(d)-a non-aversive mechanical stimulus applied to the internal walls of the thiry loop by rhythmic inflation-d ... | 1965 | 4954822 |
the interaction patterns of combined antibacterial agents. experiments with two agardiffusion methods. | | 1966 | 4959585 |
identification of host and host antibodies from mosquito blood meals. | | 1967 | 4962027 |
[penimepicycline (hydrocycline biagini) in surgery]. | | 1969 | 4977341 |
[sensitization by metabolic inhibitors of isolated intestine of rats to the effects of sympathomimetics. effects of fluoro-acetate and sodium mitride]. | | 1970 | 4987116 |
preparation of hepatic microsomal fraction for drug metabolism studies by rapid decompression homogenization. | | 1972 | 5041006 |
rheomacrodex in the prevention of intraperitoneal adhesions. experimental work in cats. | | 1972 | 5042437 |
relationship of rumen volatile fatty acids to type of grain,sorghum grain processing method and feedlot performance. | | 1972 | 5055758 |
antigen recognition by t lymphocytes. thymus and marrow dependence of spontaneous rosette forming cells in the mouse. | | 1972 | 5061826 |
temperature dependence of chloride, bromide, iodide, thiocyanate and salicylate transport in human red cells. | 1. the temperature dependence of the steady-state self-exchange of chloride between human red cells and a plasma-like electrolyte medium has been studied by measuring the rate of (36)cl(-) efflux from radioactively labelled cells. between 0 and 10 degrees c the rate increased by a factor of eight corresponding to an arrhenius activation energy of 33 kcal/mole.2. the rate of chloride exchange decreased significantly in experiments where 95% of the chloride ions in cells and medium were replaced b ... | 1972 | 5071931 |