
bacterial growth and toxin production in ileostomy effluents.escherichia coli (2), vibrio cholerae (2) and aeromonas sobria (1) strains were examined for their ability to grow and produce toxins in samples of ileostomy fluid. three categories of response were observed: no detectable growth, growth without detectable toxin, and growth with detectable toxin. clear differences were apparent between samples of ileostomy fluid obtained from different individuals and between samples obtained from the same individual at different times. the patterns of response ...19892649680
characterization of aeromonas salmonicida mutants with low-level resistance to multiple antibiotics.aeromonas salmonicida mutants selected for low-level resistance to small-molecular-mass antibiotics occur at frequencies that suggest point mutations and exhibit pleiotropic effects such as a multiple low-level antibiotic resistance, changes in outer membrane protein profiles, and loss of major exoprotease activity. multiple low-level resistance appeared as the result of decreased outer membrane permeability associated with a change from a 38.5- to a 37-kilodalton (kda) outer membrane protein. t ...19892653212
enteroaggregative escherichia coli associated with persistent diarrhea in a cohort of rural children in india.a cohort of 452 rural children was followed longitudinally for 13 mo to ascertain the role of hep-2 cell adherent escherichia coli and other pathogens in causing acute (less than or equal to 14 d) and persistent (greater than 14 d) diarrhea. aeromonas, campylobacter jejuni, e. coli manifesting localized adherence to hep-2 cells and enterotoxigenic e. coli were significantly associated with acute diarrhea. e. coli strains that exhibit aggregative adherence, so-called enteroaggregative e. coli, a ...19892656875
[microbiologic study of low quality raw material obtained from pacific salmon].the authors examined the microflora in the regions occupied with food fish and food manufacture from pacific salmon in order to establish its interrelations with other characteristics of the quality. with this purpose in view sea and river water in the places of catching, freshly catched salmon and salted food were studied for the presence of putrefactive bacteria, potentially pathogenic for hydrobionts and man. the data obtained have demonstrated that the main causes of the deterioration of the ...19892660405
bacterial action of fertilization envelope extract from eggs of the fish cyprinus carpio and plecoglossus altivelis.the vitelline envelope (ve) and fertilization envelope (fe) in eggs of the fish cyprinus carpio and plecoglossus altivelis were purified by homogenization of eggs or embryos in 5 mm tris-hcl buffer, ph 7.0, containing 2 mm ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid disodium salt (edta), except for processing of ves in plecoglossus eggs, and by repeated washing wih the same buffer. to extract the outermost layer material, the purified ves and fes were processed overnight at 4 degrees c in 5 mm tris-hcl buf ...19892661718
oral cholera vaccines containing b-subunit-killed whole cells and killed whole cells only. ii. field evaluation of cross-protection against other members of the vibrionaceae family.because of demonstrable cross-reactivity of cellular antigens contained in b subunit-killed whole-cell (bs-wc) and killed whole-cell-only (wc) oral cholera vaccines with antigens of various non-cholera species of the family vibrionaceae (ncv), the protection conferred by the vaccines against diarrhoea associated with ncv was evaluated during a randomized, double-blind field trial in bangladesh. children aged 2-15 years and women aged greater than 15 years (62,285 in number) received three doses ...19892665350
[evaluation of a new semi-automatic method of identifying enterobacteriaceae, m.i.s.-enterobacteriaceae].m.i.s.-enterobacteriaceae is a new kit for identifying enterobacteriaceae using a microplate consisting of 21 biochemical characters with automated reading and interpretation. the validity of this method was studied by the identification of 350 strains of enterobacteria belonging to 44 species and comparison with the classical method of identification in test-tubes. results showed a diagnosis accuracy of 96 p. cent at the species level and 97.7 p. cent at the genus level. diagnosis accuracy reac ...19892665580
rapid method to detect shiga toxin and shiga-like toxin i based on binding to globotriosyl ceramide (gb3), their natural receptor.shiga toxin and the closely related shiga-like toxins produced by escherichia coli represent a group of very similar cytotoxins that may play an important role in diarrheal disease and hemolytic uremic syndrome. these toxins have the same biologic activities and according to recent studies also share the same binding receptor, globotriosyl ceramide (gb3). they are currently detected, on the basis of their ability to damage several cell lines, by using expensive and tedious assays that require fa ...19892666433
etiology of childhood diarrhea in assess the role of recently recognized enteropathogens in childhood diarrhea in korea, 231 children with diarrhea admitted to and 104 children without diarrhea seen at the well-baby clinic or the outpatient department of hanyang university hospital in seoul, korea, were evaluated during a 14-month period. stools were cultured for bacterial pathogens, including enterotoxigenic (heat-labile and heat-stable enterotoxin-producing) and enteroadherent organisms. only those stools obtained from pati ...19892666437
aeromonas hydrophila infection associated with the use of medicinal leeches.the use of medicinal leeches (hiruda medicinalis) is becoming more common after plastic surgery to control venous congestion of skin grafts. we describe a patient with aeromonas hydrophila infection whose graft was treated with medicinal leeches. the infection required systemic antibiotic therapy. a. hydrophila is the predominant bacterial flora in the gut of the leech, where it plays an essential role for the animal in the digestion of blood. the potential for a. hydrophila wound infection, and ...19892666448
[antibacterial and bactericidal activities of japanese green tea].we found that extracts of japanese green tea leaves inhibited the growth of various bacteria causing diarrheal diseases. all tea samples tested showed antibacterial activity against staphylococcus aureus, s. epidermidis, vibrio cholerae o1, v. cholerae non o1. v. parahaemolyticus, v. mimicus, campylobacter jejuni and plesiomonas shigelloides. none of the tea samples had any effect on the growth of v. fluvialis, aeromonas sobria, a. hydrophila, pseudomonas aeruginosa, salmonella enteritidis, ente ...19892677434
bacterial diseases of marine fish.the principal bacterial diseases found among wild and cultured marine fish are reviewed. the bacterial agents discussed include the gram-negative pathogens in the vibrio, aeromonas, pasteurella and edwardsiella genera, renibacterium salmoninarum and the myxobacteria, streptococci, mycobacteria, nocardias and anaerobic organisms which have been associated with fish diseases. methods for the isolation and identification of these organisms are described.19892678720
isolation of aeromonas spp. from water by using anaerobic incubation.a membrane filtration method incorporating a combination of anaerobic and aerobic incubation has been developed for the enumeration of aeromonas spp. in drinking water. the use of anaerobic incubation improved the detection of aeromonas spp. by reducing the growth of nonaeromonads. the confirmation rate of presumptive aeromonas spp. identified on the initial isolation agar exceeded 92%.19892679380
microbiological and chemical analysis of drinking water in southern india (with special consideration of aeromonas species).analyses of drinking water taken from central and individual water supplies in southern india (idukki/kerala) showed bacterial counts of 10(3)-10(6). e. coli were found in 11% and 28% of the samples. aeromonads were identified more frequently than e. coli at 44% in central and 38% in individual water supplies. due to this high rate of contamination, aeromonas spp. must be considered as a possible cause of diarrhoea and other infections in this area.19892684763
the quantitative relationship of lethality between extracellular protease and extracellular haemolysin of aeromonas salmonicida in atlantic salmon (salmo salar l.).an additive relationship of lethality between purified protease and haemolysin of the extracellular products (ecp) of aeromonas salmonicida was demonstrated by i.p. injection in atlantic salmon (salmo salar l.). the lethal toxicity of the combinations of protease and haemolysin follow a linear regression line y = -54.54x + 2400. the ld50 of protease and haemolysin when injected separately was 2400 ng/g fish and 44 ng protein/g fish, respectively.19892689276
[aeromonas-associated diarrhea]. 19892692836
[studies on motile-aeromonas infection: incidence of motile-aeromonas in river mud, river water and fresh-water fish].during the period from october 1982 to july 1984, a total of 1,157 specimens that consisted of 132 river and lake water, 514 river and lake muds, and 511 fresh-water fish caught in both tama river and sagami river were examined the presence of the organisms. of them, 132 (100%) river and lake waters, 304 (59.1%) river and lake muds, and 462 (90.4%) intestinal contents of fresh-water fish were found to have harbor a mean concentration of 1.3 x 10(3)/l, 1.6 x 10(6)/g, and 1.1 x 10(6)/g of motile-a ...19892693540
comparison of three assays to detect enterotoxigenicity of aeromonas isolates from patients with diarrhoea in vellore, south india.fifty strains of aeromonas spp, isolated from patients with diarrhoea, were tested by three different assays to detect their enterotoxigenicity. culture filtrates of the isolates were tested for their ability to produce haemolysin and to produce cytopathic changes in vero cells and for their effects in the suckling mouse assay. the data indicated that biotypes alone are not adequate indicators of pathogenicity of different groups of aeromonas isolated from patients with diarrhoea. no significant ...19892698900
[application of the moore swab method to the isolation of aeromonas spp. from residual waters].the moore swab technique was applied in waste water from three different areas of the "pedro kouri" institute of tropical medicine, with the view to isolate organisms of the genus aeromonas. swabs were placed once a week, in the wards of medicine, screening, and diagnostic laboratory. of 13 swabs placed in the medicine ward, 8 were positive. of 15 swabs placed in diagnostic laboratory, 8 were positive, and of 18 placed in the screening ward, 12 were positive. of a total 46 swabs, 28 disclosed or ...19892701185
stimulation of specific aeromonas antibody secretion in rat intestine by gamma-aminobutyric acid.this study was undertaken to assess a possible role for gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) in the regulation of intestinal secretion of iga and igg antibodies. rats were immunized with culture supernatant of aeromonas hydrophila isolate ssu. this culture supernatant contains a number of toxins that may be considered virulence factors. after 24 days of immunization, rats were anesthetized and a 10-cm intestinal segment was intubated and ligated at both ends in situ. the intestinal loop was perfused w ...19892702891
associated bacterial flora, growth, and toxicity of cultured benthic dinoflagellates ostreopsis lenticularis and gambierdiscus toxicus.the growth, toxicity, and associated bacterial flora of 10 clonal cultures of the toxic benthic dinoflagellates ostreopsis lenticularis and gambierdiscus toxicus isolated from the coastal waters of southwest puerto rico have been examined. clonal cultures of o. lenticularis grew more rapidly and at broader temperature ranges than those of g. toxicus. all five ostreopsis clones were toxic, while only one of the five gambierdiscus clones was poisonous. the degree of toxicity among poisonous clones ...19892705766
extracellular secretion of cloned aerolysin and phospholipase by aeromonas salmonicida.the promoterless structural genes for aerolysin and the extracellular phospholipase of aeromonas hydrophila were inserted into a multi-host-range expression vector and transferred into aeromonas salmonicida and escherichia coli. in both species, gene expression was under the control of the inducible tac promoter of the vector. neither the phospholipase nor the aerolysin was released by intact e. coli. instead, both proteins accumulated in the periplasm, leading to reduced growth and eventual cel ...19892708312
characterization and significance of aeromonas spp. isolated from diarrhoeic stools in nigeria.during a 12-month study period (january-december 1986), 12 aeromonas strains (eight a. hydrophila and four a. sobria) were isolated from the 400 diarrhoeic and 200 non-diarrhoeic stools examined. isolates were characterized for frequency of phenotypic properties associated with virulence using the suckling mouse test for enterotoxin assay; haemolysis of rabbit erythrocytes for haemolysin production, and haemagglutination of human group a cells (ha) for presence of colonization factor antigens (c ...19892709482
[acute gastroenteritis due to vibrio parahaemolyticus in spain. presentation of 8 cases].eight cases of acute gastroenteritis caused by vibrio parahaemolyticus in humans are described; to our knowledge, they are the first such reported cases in spain. all cases appeared between august 20th and october 15th, with a frequency of 8.3% regarding the overall adult patients with acute gastroenteritis, and 11.5% regarding the overall patients with positive stool culture for any enteropathogenic organism. the eight strains were kanagawa positive and in three patients other enteropathogenic ...19892716372
[aeromonas hydrophila-related septicemia in the nile tilapia oreochromis niloticus].from diseased wild and cultured oreochromis niloticus in lower egypt, 17 aeromonas hydrophila isolates were recovered. the mortality was between 10% and 70% in among cultured fish. the course of the disease ran in an acute manner. for cultured fish, the disease outbreaks were found mainly in winter and for the wild nile fish, mortalities were observed in late spring and summer. additionally wild fish were affected with ectoparasites. the ld50 values of the isolates ranged between 10(3) and 10(7) ...19892719631
epidemiological significance of microbiological pollution criteria for river recreational waters.a retrospective follow-up study was conducted during the summer of 1986 in the french ardèche basin in order to assess the relationship between swimming-related morbidity and the bacteriological quality of the recreational water. 5737 tourists in eight holiday camps were questioned as to the occurrence of illness and their bathing habits during the week preceding the interviews. the rate-ratio contrasting swimmers and non-swimmers for total morbidity is 2.1 (1.8-2.4) = 95% confidence interval); ...19892722364
suicide phenomenon in mesophilic aeromonads as a basis for species identification.the acetic acid-mediated suicide phenomenon in mesophilic aeromonads in conjunction with tests for aerogenicity and esculin hydrolysis served as the basis for species identification. of 210 aeromonas isolates tested at 30 degrees c, 88 were identified as aeromonas hydrophila (nonsuicidal, aerogenic, esculin positive), 52 were identified as a. sobria (suicide variable, aerogenic, esculin negative), and 70 were identified as a. caviae (suicidal, anaerogenic, esculin positive). these identification ...19892723039
[production of antibiotic substances by natural variants of the marine bacterium vibrio fischeri].it was shown that under definite conditions there was competition between natural variants of sea bacteria belonging to v. fischeri. natural variants of v. fischeri, strain 6 differed in their resistance to streptomycin and had different growth rates under conditions of limited aeration. morphologically all the variants were identical. v. fischeri p-0, v. fischeri p-1 and v. fischeri p-2 were studied. the study revealed that v. fischeri p-0 produced a non-dialysing thermostable trypsin-sensitive ...19892730220
chronic colitis after aeromonas infection.three patients with an acute colitis in which the only pathogen detected was either aeromonas hydrophila or a sobria progressed to a chronic phase after the infection had been eliminated by antibiotic treatment in two and had resolved spontaneously in the third. the final diagnosis in each case was ulcerative colitis. two of the patients have responded to anti-inflammatory medication but one has required panproctocolectomy. the sequence of symptoms and observations in these cases, as well as in ...19892731763
urinary tract infection by aeromonas hydrophila in a neonate. 19892737762
characterization of the aeromonas hydrophila group isolated from retail foods of animal origin.during a recent survey of retail fresh foods of animal origin (fish and seafood, raw milk, poultry, and red meats) for organisms of the aeromonas hydrophila group, we isolated representative strains from the various foods. in this study, we sought to characterize these isolates for biochemical properties and virulence-associated factors and to compare the food isolates with clinical isolates. we identified all food and clinical isolates as a. hydrophila and found that all isolates were typical i ...19892745695
oral cholera vaccines containing b-subunit-killed whole cells and killed whole cells only. i. cross-reacting antigens of members of family vibrionaceae and the vaccines.antigenic similarity between the oral cholera b subunit-whole cell (bs-wc) and whole-cell only (wc) vaccines and strains of the family vibrionaceae was studied by crossed immunoelectrophoresis. a reference system consisting of vibrio cholerae inaba e1 tor antigenic extract and homologous rabbit antiserum was applied in the study. the system was represented by 30 anodically migrating antigens forming distinct precipitation bands. antigenic extracts of other members of the family vibrionaceae show ...19892750268
fever response in laboratory-maintained and free-ranging chuckwallas (sauromalus obesus).the fever response was studied in laboratory-maintained and free-ranging chuckwallas. five animals were used in a self-pairing laboratory experiment in which each animal was first injected with a sterile, pyrogen-free saline solution. approximately 7 days later, each individual was injected with a solution of 4.75 x 10(9) aeromonas sobria (formerly a. hydrophila). saline-injected individuals had a mean preferred body temperature (mpbt) of 36.8 +/- 0.4 (se) degrees c, whereas bacteria-injected an ...19892750958
[the "diseased" or "dead" guillemots (uria aalge), three-toed gulls (rissa tridactyla), silver gulls (larus argentatus) and laughing gulls (larus ridibundus) found in the area of the german bay, 1982-1985].between 1982 and 1985 the cadavers of 50 guillemots (uria aalge), 41 kittiwakes (rissa tridactyla), 26 herring gulls (larus argentatus) and 34 black-headed gulls (larus ridibundus) were examined pathological, bacteriological and virological. the probable cause of death was established. parasitosis were particularly prevalent in herring gulls (49%), where the main infection--as in black-headed gulls--was with cestoides. in kittiwakes and guillemots mainly spiruroideae were recorded. the commonest ...19892752934
volatile compounds associated with microbial growth on normal and high ph beef stored at chill temperatures.volatile compounds produced by pseudomonas fragi and mixed, natural floras on beef of normal ph (5.5-5.8; glucose greater than 1500 micrograms/g) and high ph (6.3-6.8; glucose less than 10 micrograms/g) included a range of alkyl esters and a number of sulphur-containing compounds including dimethylsulphide but not hydrogen sulphide. production of the last was a property common to the other gram-negative organisms tested viz. hafnia alvei, enterobacter agglomerans, serratia liquefaciens, alteromo ...19892753835
aeromonas hydrophila upper extremity infection.a severe soft tissue infection of the upper extremity caused by aeromonas hydrophila followed a water skiing injury in which a tow rope caused degloving of a portion of the skin and severe contusion to underlying muscle. infection was established within 36 hours of the injury, accompanied by fever, leukocytosis, and a foul odor. rapid clinical improvement occurred following radical debridement of all nonviable tissue and antibiotic therapy. in cases involving water contamination, aeromonas hydro ...19892754206
purification and partial characterization of a cytotonic enterotoxin produced by aeromonas hydrophila.this report describes the purification and partial characterization of a cytotonic enterotoxin produced by a human diarrheal isolate (ssu) of aeromonas hydrophila. the extracellular enterotoxin was purified by (nh4)2so4 precipitation, hydrophobic column chromatography, and chromatofocusing. the highly purified enterotoxin exhibited a molecular mass of 44 kda and an isoelectric point in the range of 4.3 - 5.5 as determined by chromatofocusing. western blot analysis using aeromonas anti-enterotoxi ...19892766121
exclusion of clinically atypical or microbiologically mixed diarrhoeal episodes from outcome events in a field trial of oral cholera vaccines.we investigated whether alternative clinical and microbiological criteria for outcome events affected estimates of vaccine efficacy in a randomized, double-blind field trial of b subunit-killed whole cell (bs-wc) and killed whole cell-only (wc) oral cholera vaccines among 62,285 rural bangladeshi participants. at one year of follow-up estimates of vaccine protective efficacy (pe = 60%, p less than 0.0001 for bs-wc; pe = 54%, p less than 0.0001 for wc) against all treated diarrhoeal episodes asso ...19892767860
clinical and epidemiologic aspects of members of aeromonas dna hybridization groups isolated from human feces.between june 1982 and may 1987 aeromonas species were isolated from 208 of 34,311 (0.61%) fecal samples submitted to a regional public health laboratory in the netherlands. aeromonas isolates were found most frequently in summer and rarely in winter. of 169 aermonas isolates that were available for further study, 19% were isolated from patients with a mixed infection, 5% from patients with underlying diseases, and 15% from patients who used medication that could predispose the intestinal tract t ...19892768441
characterization of aeromonas sobria hemolysin by use of monoclonal antibodies against aeromonas hydrophila hemolysins.aeromonas sobria produces hemolysin in a form activable with trypsin under defined cultural conditions. in immunoblotting analyses with the culture supernatant of a. sobria, the monoclonal antibody reacting specifically to aeromonas hydrophila ca-11 hemolysin bound to the 53,000- and 49,000-dalton bands before and after trypsinization, respectively. the monoclonal antibody reacting to a. hydrophila ah-1 hemolysin did not bind either band. a. sobria hemolysin is, therefore, related antigenically ...19892768466
characterization of aeromonas schubertii strains recently isolated from traumatic wound infections.recent studies have resulted in the proposal of a new species, aeromonas schubertii (mannitol, sucrose, and indole negative), formerly termed enteric group 501, on the basis of the study of seven strains isolated from the southeastern and southwestern united states and puerto rico. we have isolated two phenotypically similar a. schubertii strains from infected human wounds sustained in the chesapeake bay area. their identification was confirmed by dna-dna hybridization to the centers for disease ...19892768470
antimicrobial activity of julifloricine isolated from prosopis juliflora.antimicrobial activity of julifloricine, an alkaloid isolated from prosopis juliflora, was studied in vitro against 40 microorganisms which included 31 bacteria, two candida species, five dermatophytic fungi and two viruses. significant inhibitory effect was noted against gram positive bacteria. the minimal inhibitory concentration (mic) for staphylococcus aureus, s. epidermidis, s. citreus, streptococcus pyogenes and sarcina lutea was 1 microgram/ml and against s. faecalis, s. pneumoniae, s. la ...19892775330
occurrence of drug-resistant bacteria in communal well water around port harcourt, nigeria.a total of 108 raw water samples was collected from 36 wells at nine shanty settlements around port harcourt, nigeria, over a period of 7 months. samples were analysed for their bacteriological quality. selected bacterial strains isolated from the samples were tested for their susceptibility to ten commonly used antibiotics. the organisms isolated include pseudomonas spp., klebsiella spp., staphylococcus spp., proteus spp., enterococcus faecalis, aeromonas spp., escherichia coli, chromobacterium ...19892776852
ultrastructural study of the response of eosinophil granule cells to aeromonas salmonicida extracellular products and histamine liberators in rainbow trout salmo gairdneri richardson.intraperitoneal injections of aeromonas salmonicida extracellular products (ecp), compound 48/80 and concanavalin a were found to degranulate the eosinophil granule cells (egc) in the lower intestine and rectum of the rainbow trout salmo gairdneri richardson. ultrastructurally, the egc response resembled the anaphylactic granule extrusion of mammalian mast cells. varying degrees of granule vacuolation and loss of electron density occurred. labyrinthine channels were observed at the peak of degra ...19892776934
species identification of aeromonas strains based on carbon substrate oxidation profiles.twenty clinical strains each of aeromonas hydrophila, aeromonas caviae, and aeromonas sobria were evaluated for their abilities to oxidize one or more of 95 carbon sources on a gn microplate (biolog, hayward, calif.). nine substrates yielded good, discriminatory values for the three species tested. the panel appears to be useful for the species identification of aeromonas isolates originating from human material.19892778077
initial antibiotic therapy for alligator bites: characterization of the oral flora of alligator open thumb fracture resulting from an alligator bite became infected with aeromonas hydrophila, enterobacter agglomerans, and citrobacter diversus. the patient was treated by surgical debridement and antibiotic therapy. we obtained cultures from the mouth of ten alligators to characterize their oral flora. initial empiric therapy after alligator bites should be directed at gram-negative species, in particular, aeromonas hydrophila and anaerobic species including clostridium. of the numerous f ...19892783788
endogenous aeromonas hydrophila endophthalmitis.aeromonas hydrophila as the etiologic agent of endophthalmitis is rare, having only been reported in association with a perforating injury of the eye. we describe a case of isolated spontaneous, endogenous endophthalmitis due to this agent, with no apparent source.19892786704
[the ratios and kinds of clinical bacteria isolated in taiwan's large-size hospitals].the prevalence of clinical bacteria, as isolated from linko chang-gung memorial hospital (2,300 beds) in the period january 1985 to december 1986 and from taipei veterans general hospital (2,300 beds) during the period january 1986 to december 1986, was analyzed with the following findings: (i) the isolation ratio of anaerobic and aerobic or facultative bactria during the period of investigation were 7.8% (5,513/70,799) and 92.2% (65,286/70,799), respectively. (ii) of the total aerobic or facult ...19892791722
[the dynamics of the immunologic indices of carp exposed to methylene blue].several immunological and haematological indices as well as infection of carp with ectoparasites of the dactylogyrus genus have been studied in fish that have been subjected to methylene blue treatment, to infection with rhabdovirus carpio and aeromonas hydrophila in different combinations. a dosage of 0.05 mg/l (exposure lasting for 3 days) over 20 days increases most of the immunological indices. a treatment of the carp with drug (dosage of 100 mg/l) for 4 hours has a stimulating effect on the ...19892792442
treatment with ciprofloxacin of aeromonas hydrophila associated colitis in a male with antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus.a 36-year-old white male intravenous drug abuser and homosexual, with antibodies in the serum to the human immunodeficiency virus and a history of ulcerative colitis, had bloody diarrhea and spiking fevers that did not respond to treatment for 1 month with total parenteral nutrition, orally administered sulfasalazine, and 5-amino-salicylic acid enema. aeromonas hydrophila was isolated from bacterial culture of a biopsy specimen obtained by sigmoidoscopy. the symptoms resolved after a 2 week cour ...19892794433
microbial etiology of acute gastroenteritis in hospitalized children in kuwait.during a period of 15 months 621 hospitalized children with acute gastroenteritis and 152 control children were investigated for etiologic agents of the disease. putative enteropathogens were identified in 86% of the patients and 10% of the controls. common viral agents associated with gastroenteritis among children included rotaviruses (45%) and enteric adenoviruses (4%). bacterial pathogens infecting children were salmonella serotypes (24%), enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (9%), campylobacter ...19892797954
improved efficiency m13 cloning using electroporation. 19892798147
aeromonas-associated diarrhea in filipino children.aeromonas was isolated from the stools of ten out of sixty-six young (15%) suffering from acute diarrhea. these are the first reported cases in the philippines and the prevalence cited was higher than reported elsewhere. three species isolated were a. hydrophilia (50%), a. caviae (30%) and a. sobria (20%), either singly (60%) or in combination with etec and campylobacter jejuni. mean age of patients was 12.9 months with mean pre-admission duration of diarrhea of 48.6 hours. mean stool frequency ...19892798995
growth of aeromonas hydrophila on fresh vegetables stored under a controlled atmosphere.the effects of controlled-atmosphere storage (cas) on the survival and growth of aeromonas hydrophila on fresh asparagus, broccoli, and cauliflower were examined. two lots of each vegetable were inoculated with a. hydrophila 1653 or k144. a third lot served as an uninoculated control. following inoculation, vegetables were stored at 4 or 15 degrees c under a cas system previously shown to extend the shelf life of each commodity or under ambient air. populations of a. hydrophila were enumerated o ...19892802601
potentiation of ferrous sulphate and ascorbate on the microbial transformation of endogenous trimethylamine n-oxide to trimethylamine and dimethylamine in squid extracts.the levels of trimethylamine n-oxide (tmao) in the new zealand (nototodarus sloani) species of squid extracts were extremely high (above 9200 ppm). when the extracts were incubated for 2 days at 25 degrees c, approximately 60% tmao was converted to trimethylamine (tma) and dimethylamine (dma). this conversion was very low or negligible at 4 degrees c, but was potentiated by the presence of ferrous sulphate (0.014 m) and ascorbate (0.014 m). citrobacter freundii and aeromonas hydrophilia were iso ...19892807105
enterotoxigenic aeromonads on retail lamb meat and offal.enrichment in alkaline peptone water was compared with the direct plating method for the isolation of aeromonas spp. from lamb meat and offal samples. the enrichment method significantly increased the isolation rate of aeromonads. motile aeromonas species (a. hydrophila, a. sobria and a. caviae) were present in all kinds of samples investigated. seventy-three aeromonas strains isolated in this survey were characterized to species level and examined for their ability to produce virulence factors. ...19892808183
meropenem: activity against resistant gram-negative bacteria and interactions with beta-lactamases.the activity of meropenem, a new carbapenem, was determined against 82 gram-negative bacteria in agar dilution tests. many of these isolates were resistant to one or more beta-lactam antibiotics and the mechanisms responsible for the resistance had been characterized. the production of beta-lactamases had little influence on susceptibility to either meropenem or imipenem except in tests with aeromonas hydrophila and pseudomonas (xanthomonas) maltophilia. these species produced metalloenzymes cap ...19892808207
comparative in-vitro activity of meropenem on clinical isolates from the united kingdom.mics of meropenem were determined for a wide range of common bacteria of clinical importance. for enterobacteriaceae, aeromonas spp., haemophilus influenzae, branhamella catarrhalis, neisseria gonorrhoeae, gardnerella vaginalis, campylobacter coli/jejuni, beta-haemolytic streptococci and anaerobes other than clostridium difficile, mics were almost always within the range 0.002-0.5 mg/l. the activity of meropenem for these organisms was always greater than that of imipenem and piperacillin, and w ...19892808214
in vitro studies of tigemonam: a comparison of the minimum inhibitory and minimum bactericidal concentrations (mic vs mbc).the in vitro activity of tigemonam, a new oral monobactam, was studied with special attention to minimum inhibitory concentrations (mics) and minimum bactericidal concentrations (mbcs). against 250 clinical isolates, it inhibited 100% of escherichia sp., klebsiella sp., serratia sp., citrobacter sp., providencia sp., proteus sp., morganella sp., aeromonas sp., yersinia sp., shigella sp., and haemophilus sp. at 0.5 mg/l or less. with 1 mg/l, 75% of enterobacter sp. were inhibited; however, three ...19892809701
aeromonas septicemia: relationship of species and clinical features.thirteen patients with aeromonas species septicemia were seen at westmead hospital between 1983 and 1987. in 10 patients (77%) septicemia was caused by a. sobria, and in 3 (23%) by a. hydrophila, a. caviae was not isolated. chronic underlying illness was present in 10 patients (77%), hematological malignancy being the most common (46%). the average age of the patients was 65.8 years. seven patients (54%) presented with clinical sepsis, diarrhea and abdominal pain. the biliary tract, lung and sof ...19892812870
proton motive force involved in protein transport across the outer membrane of aeromonas salmonicida.many gram-negative bacteria export proteins to the exterior. some of these proteins are first secreted into the periplasm and then cross the outer membrane in a separate step. the source of energy required for the translocation is unknown. export of the extracellular protein proaerolysin from the periplasm through the outer membrane of aeromonas salmonicida is inhibited by a proton ionophore and by low extracellular ph. one possible explanation of these results is that a proton gradient across t ...19892814486
[epidemic deaths of wild birds after aeromonas hydrophila infection].from july to september 1988 high mortality of waterfowl at several locations was observed. suspicion of botulism was expressed. however in all cases an aeromonas hydrophila infection was diagnosed. pathogenesis and clinical signs of these two diseases with similar symptoms are briefly discussed.19892815069
etiology of acute childhood diarrhoea in calcutta.of the 152 cases of acute diarrhoea, 124 (81.5%) revealed potential pathogens. altogether 27 (21.2%) out of 127 strains of escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumoniae, enterobacter, proteus and acinetobacter produced enterotoxin. single pathogenic bacteria (40 cases 26.3%), parasite (6; 6%), rota virus (6; 6%), toxigenic bacteria (19; 12.5%) and mixed agents (37; 24.24.3%) were recorded in 108 cases (71.0%). another 14 (9.2%) cases exclusively revealed moderate to heavy growth of suspected enteric p ...19892815324
two membrane filter media (mada/0129 and msa/0129 agars) for enumeration of motile aeromonas in seawater.sewage-contaminated natural seawater was analysed for the presence of motile aeromonas by two membrane filtration procedures. incubation of membranes on two modified media (mada (0/129) and msa (0/129) were compared. the specificity of the two media was high, 95.8% on mada (0/129) and 94.8% on msa (0129). the most frequent species identified were a. caviae, followed by a. hydrophila and a. sobria. motile aeromonas counts were high in both media (greater than 10(4)/100 ml) and no significant diff ...19892818793
homology of saccharomyces cerevisiae adh4 to an iron-activated alcohol dehydrogenase from zymomonas mobilis.insertion of the transposable element ty at the adh4 locus results in increased levels of a new alcohol dehydrogenase (adh) activity in saccharomyces cerevisiae. the dna sequence of this locus has been determined. it contains a long open reading frame which is not homologous to the other adh isozymes that have been characterized in s. cerevisiae nor does it show obvious homology to drosophila adh. the hypothetical adh does, however, show strong homology to the sequence of an iron-activated adh f ...19872823079
effects of polymyxin b nonapeptide on aeromonas contrast to polymyxin b-susceptible gram-negative bacteria of human origin, the fish pathogen aeromonas salmonicida was resistant to sensitization by polymyxin b nonapeptide (pmbn) to hydrophobic antibiotics. similarly, sensitization of a. salmonicida strains by pmbn to the bactericidal action of brook trout (salvelinus fontinalis) serum complement was less pronounced than the similar effect of pmbn against other gram-negative bacteria in certain mammalian sera. the surface array protein (a l ...19872823698
molecular analysis of bacterial cytolysins.results of molecular and pathogenic studies of three different bacterial hemolysins (cytolysins) are presented. these exoproteins derive from the two gram-negative bacteria escherichia coli and aeromonas hydrophila and from the gram-positive pathogen listeria monocytogenes. the hemolysin of e. coli is determined by an 8-kilobase (kb) region that includes four clustered genes (hlyc, hlya, hlyb, and hlyd). this hemolysin determinant is part either of large transmissible plasmids or of the chromoso ...19872825323
cloning and characterization of the aeromonas caviae reca gene and construction of an a. caviae reca mutant.a recombinant plasmid carrying the reca gene of aeromonas caviae was isolated from an a. caviae genomic library by complementation of an escherichia coli reca mutant. the plasmid restored resistance to both uv irradiation and to the dna-damaging agent methyl methanesulfonate in the e. coli reca mutant strain. the cloned gene also restored recombination proficiency as measured by the formation of lac+ recombinants from duplicated mutant lacz genes and by the ability to propagate a strain of phage ...19882826405
dna homology and immunological cross-reactivity between aeromonas hydrophila cytotonic toxin and cholera toxin.dna colony hybridization with three 18- to 20-base-long synthetic oligonucleotide probes for cholera toxin (ct) was used to screen 12 clinical isolates of aeromonas hydrophila. under stringent hybridizing (overnight at 40 degrees c) and washing (1 h at 50 degrees c) conditions, nine strains reacted with the 32p-labeled ct probes. concentrated (10x) cell-free supernatants or lysates from eight cultures, heated at 56 degrees c for 20 min, produced cytotonic effects in y-1 mouse adrenal cells and c ...19882830300
development and testing of invasion-associated dna probes for detection of shigella spp. and enteroinvasive escherichia coli.genetic determinants of the invasive phenotype of shigella spp. and enteroinvasive escherichia coli (eiec), two common agents of bacillary dysentery, are encoded on large (180- to 210 kilobase), nonconjugative plasmids. several plasmid-encoded antigens have been implicated as important bacterial ligands that mediate the attachment and invasion of colonic epithelial cells by the bacteria. selected invasion plasmid antigen (ipa) genes have recently been cloned from shigella flexneri serotype 5 int ...19882830310
tn5-induced protease-deficient strains of aeromonas hydrophila with reduced virulence for fish.protease-deficient strains of aeromonas hydrophila tf7 were induced by transposon tn5 mutagenesis, with escherichia coli 1830(pjb4ji) as the tn5 donor. the parent strain has the cell surface characteristics associated with virulence for fish, and as it produces a single metalloprotease, mutants could be distinguished by direct plating on brain-heart infusion skim milk agar. mutants pd-7 and pd-10 still produced metalloprotease, but at reduced levels and only after prolonged incubation. the activ ...19882843466
aerolysin from aeromonas hydrophila. 19882852762
in vitro activity of azithromycin (cp-62,993), a novel macrolide, against enteric pathogens.azithromycin (cp-62,993 [9-deoxy-9a-methyl-9a-aza-9a-homoerythromycin]) is a novel macrolide antimicrobial. in this study the in vitro activity of cp-62,993 has been determined against selected enteropathogens, including clostridium difficile, and compared with that of erythromycin. mics were determined using an agar incorporation technique in mueller-hinton medium, containing saponin-lysed horse blood at a final concentration of 10% v/v, with an inoculum of 10(4) cfu. cp-62,993 was considerably ...19882854515
polymicrobial aetiology of travellers' diarrhoea.of 35 us peace corps volunteers in thailand, 20 (57%) had a total of 30 episodes of diarrhoea during their first 6 weeks in the country. enteric pathogens were associated with 90% of the episodes. a single pathogen was identified in 17 (57%) episodes, 2-4 pathogens were identified in 10 (33%) episodes, and there were 15 symptomless infections. enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) was identified in 37% of these episodes, and various salmonella serotypes were isolated in 33%. infections with 9 ...19852857430
aeromonas hydrophila infection in the hand. 19852857697
aeromonas hydrophila in chlorinated water supplies.methods for the isolation and enumeration of aeromonas hydrophila in water supplies are described. examination of 286 chlorinated samples collected between july and october showed that 19% of otherwise uncontaminated waters contained aerom. hydrophila, rising to 71% of those from which escherichia coli was isolated. the isolation rate during january and february was only 7% for all samples. on the basis of these results, tap water is a likely source of the aeromonads found in human intestinal fl ...19852859326
the slow, tight binding of bestatin and amastatin to aminopeptidases.bestatin reversibly inhibits aeromonas aminopeptidase (ec in a process that is remarkable for its unusual degree of time dependence. the binding of bestatin by both aeromonas aminopeptidase and cytosolic leucine aminopeptidase (ec is slow and tight, with ki values (determined from rate constants) of 1.8 x 10(-8) and 5.8 x 10(-10) m, respectively. in contrast, microsomal aminopeptidase (ec binds bestatin in a rapidly reversible process with a ki value of 1.4 x 10(-6 ...19852865258
aeromonas in hospital. 19862871072
multiplication of bacterial pathogens in intravenous fluids.the growth of 10 bacterial species in 10% dextran solution, 0.9% saline solution, rheomacrodex solution, totamine solution and extracorporeal circulation fluid was quantified at room temperature. depending on the bacterial species, doubling time ranged from 2 to 18 h. these differences can be explained by microbial metabolism, and the ph and osmotic pressure of the solutions tested. these results emphasize once more the necessity for aseptic preparation and careful storage of intravenous fluids.19862873170
[enteropathogens in travellers returning from the tropics].diarrhea is not only the most common health hazard during travel in the tropics but also the most frequent condition which prompts returning travellers to see a physician. the prevalence of bacterial and parasitic enteropathogens in people attending our outpatient department after returning from the tropics has been studied and the laboratory results of stool examinations have been compared with clinical symptoms. of the 173 persons enrolled, 19 (11%) harboured bacterial pathogens and pathogenic ...19862875520
virulence characteristics of aeromonas spp. in relation to source and biotype.the significance of aeromonas spp. as potential water-borne enteric pathogens in tasmania, australia, an area with a mild climate and comparatively low year-round water temperatures, was investigated in view of the reported marked peak of aeromonas-associated gastroenteritis in the summer and the apparent influence of temperature on levels of potentially pathogenic species in water supplies. biochemical characteristics and virulence-associated properties--exotoxin production (hemolysin, enteroto ...19862877008
a study of some factors associated with wound infection.five hundred and four surgical patients were studied at princess basma hospital, north jordan, during the period april 1984-january 1985. the overall postoperative wound infection rate was 3.6%. in clean surgery 1.1% of wounds were infected and in potentially contaminated and contaminated surgery the infection rate was 3.3% and 18.5% respectively. major organisms isolated from infected wounds were staphylococcus aureus (55.5%), escherichia coli (16.6%), proteus vulgaris (11.1%), pseudomonas aeru ...19862878036
aeromonas in hospital--methods of isolation. 19862878040
post-transplant peritonitis in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.two patients previously managed by continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis for end stage renal failure received cadaveric renal transplants. the peritoneal catheter was capped off and left in situ postoperatively. both patients developed bacterial peritonitis shortly after transplantation. it was felt that the infections were associated with the presence of the indwelling peritoneal catheter as there was no clinical evidence of peritonitis at the time of transplantation.19872886532
[effect of silver preparations on the microflora regenerated from a condensate of atmospheric water vapor in a hermetically-sealed chamber].the effect of different silver compounds (silver sulphate, silver nitrate, electrolytic ionic silver) on microorganisms in water reclaimed from the atmospheric condensate in an enclosed environment was investigated. the following microorganisms were examined: alcaligenes faecalis, citrobacter freundii. aeromonas hydrophila, staphylococcus epidermidis, etc. the ionic silver concentrations in solution varied from 0.1 to 10 mg/l. the efficiency of the silver compounds was found to depend on the mic ...19872886695
the recent evolutionary origin of the phenylalanine-sensitive isozyme of 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase in the enteric lineage of bacteria.evolutionary events that generated the three regulatory isozymes of 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate (dahp) synthase present in contemporary strains of escherichia coli have been proposed recently [ahmad et al. (1986) j bacteriol 165:146-154]. the phylogenetic subdivision of gram-negative prokaryotes studied (superfamily b) includes enteric bacteria, an oceanospirillum cluster, pseudomonad group i (e.g., pseudomonas aeruginosa), pseudomonad group v (e.g., xanthomonas), and the acineto ...19872888901
seasonal prevalence of nosocomial aeromonas hydrophila infection related to aeromonas in hospital water.a seasonal variation in nosocomial aeromonas hydrophila infection was correlated with the number of aeromonas in the hospital water supply. the high summer prevalence of a. hydrophila infection coincided with periods when water counts from storage tanks were highest. the waterborne origin of these infections highlights the importance of maintaining clean water supplies, especially where storage tanks are used. monitoring a. hydrophila in hospital water, particularly during the summer months, may ...19872889768
osteomyelitis secondary to trauma or infected contiguous soft tissue.nonhematogenous osteomyelitis (nho) occurred in 24 pediatric patients (ages 8 months to 18 years; median, 14 years; 23 male) admitted from 1980 to 1985. predisposing factors included compound fracture (12), deep decubiti (4) and foot puncture (3). infection involved tibia (7), foot bones (6), proximal femur (3) and ulna (2). patients presented with drainage (64%), pain or tenderness (44%) and fever (32%) lasting for 1 to 180 days (median, 10 days). in 24% both white blood cell count and erythroc ...19882893333
postoperative skin-flap decongestion, leeches and aeromonas hydrophila. 19882895145
travelers' diarrhea in west africa and mexico: fecal transport systems and liquid bismuth subsalicylate for self-therapy.the goals of this study were threefold: to compare the etiology of travelers' diarrhea in west africa and mexico, to evaluate two fecal transport systems for the recovery of enteropathogens, and to verify the efficacy of liquid bismuth subsalicylate (bss) in different locations and under different entrance criteria for disease severity. the study populations consisted of 133 european tourists in west africa and 112 american students in mexico who had suffered from travelers' diarrhea. in 60% and ...19882896219
cefotaxime-sensitive aeromonas hydrophila infection in a revascularized foot.three days following revascularization of a foot injured in a boating accident, aeromonas hydrophila cellulitis developed in the victim's foot and leg. the infection resolved with debridement and 10 days of cefotaxime therapy. a. hydrophila infection has not previously been reported in a revascularized extremity. clinical response of an a. hydrophila cellulitis to cefotaxime is likewise undescribed. our findings of a cefotaxime-sensitive aeromonas infection and its successful treatment suggests ...19882896484
epidemiology of aeromonas species in a hospital.the occurrence of aeromonas spp. in a hospital water supply, in patients and in the local community was investigated. in healthy persons outside the hospital the isolation rate was 3.6% and among hospital patients it was 6%. seven per cent of water samples yielded aeromonas strains. isolates were typed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of sulphur-35 methionine labelled proteins of aeromonas isolates. no relationship between water and human isolates could be establishe ...19882896686
adhesion of clinical and environmental aeromonas isolates to hep-2 cells.a total of 63 aeromonas strains isolated from diarrhoeal faeces or water samples were tested for adhesion to hep-2 cells. an association between diarrhoea and high level adhesion was observed in that 12 of the 34 faecal isolates and none of the 29 environmental isolates yielded greater than 20 bacteria per hep-2 cell in the adhesion assay. the proportion of high adherers was significantly greater for a. sobria (57%) than for a. hydrophila isolates (19%). three of the eight faecal a. caviae isola ...19882897470
[microflora of the drinking water regenerated from atmospheric moisture condensate in hermetically sealed quarters].in an enclosed environment the species composition of microorganisms was quantified and metabolic processes in microbial cells isolated from the atmospheric condensate and reclaimed water were investigated. it was demonstrated that indicator microorganisms isolated from water and condensate samples (alcaligenes faecalis, citrobacter freundii, aeromonas hydrophila, acinetobacter-moraxella) were specific and differed from indicator microorganisms typical of regular tap water.19882898035
[the occurrence of antibiotic-resistant aeromonas and vibrio species in river water].262 samples of river water had been analysed for the occurrence of antibiotic resistant aeromonas and vibrio strains. the bacteria were cultured on selective media containing the antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents oxytetracycline, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, ampicillin, kanamycin, gentamycin or trimethoprim. although it was not possible to identify antibiotic resistant bacteria of the genus vibrio, resistant strains of aeromonas hydrophila with a wide variety of resistance patterns could b ...19882899367
houseplant peritonitis. 19882902398
isolation of theileria parva schizonts from infected lymphoblastoid cells.this study set out to develop a rapid method for the isolation of schizonts from theileria parva-infected bovine and buffalo lymphoblastoid cells. parasitized lymphoblastoid cells were lysed by treatment with the cytolytic toxins, aerolysin and ah-1 hemolysin, produced by aeromonas hydrophila, and the schizonts were separated by percoll density-gradient centrifugation. light and electron microscopic examination showed that the isolated schizonts from lymphoblastoid cells infected with t. parva ( ...19882903622
microbiological and virological analysis of water from two water filtration plants and their distribution systems.the microbial flora of the water produced by two water filtration plants and their drinking water distribution system were evaluated: the pont-viau (pv) and the repentigny (re) water filtration plants. untreated water entering the plants contained 3.6 (pv) and 16.8 most probable number of infectious units (mpniu)/l (re) enteric viruses and total coliform bacteria counts were 300,000 (pv) and 500,000 cfu/l (re). treated water leaving the plant was essentially free of all the bacterial indicators ...19882906813
correlation between toxin formation and diarrhoea in patients infected with aeromonas. 19882908356
comparison of four typing methods for aeromonas species. 19882908357
Displaying items 801 - 900 of 5519