[a case of intestinal septicopyemia caused by yersinia enterocolitica in a 13-year-old girl]. | | 1992 | 1291965 |
mechanism of action of tricyclic drugs on escherichia coli and yersinia enterocolitica plasmid maintenance and replication. | tricyclic medical compounds like many other non-antibiotics exhibit antimicrobial activities. two chemically representative groups were tested in plasmid dna transformation and replication to assign intracellular target sites responsible for the multiple effects in escherichia coli and yersinia enterocolitica cells. to analyse the mechanism of action at the molecular level, the effects of chlorpromazine, 7,8 dioxochlorpromazine, promethazine, methylene blue, imipramine, cannabidiolic acid and te ... | 1992 | 1295474 |
transfusing yersinia enterocolitica. | | 1992 | 1298257 |
[the relation between gram-negative bacteria in intestinal tract, hla-b27 and reactive arthritis]. | | 1992 | 1298599 |
inactivation of yersinia enterocolitica by nitrite and nitrate in food. | the antimicrobial effects of sodium nitrite and sodium and potassium nitrate against yersinia enterocolitica were investigated in solution and in treated pork meat. potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate showed only feeble antimicrobial activity in cultures; no antimicrobial activity was detected with sodium nitrite. conversely, all three salts displayed apparent antimicrobial activity in pork meat, possibly due to selective effects on competitive flora. | 1992 | 1298643 |
[dna probe for detecting yersinia pestis and serovariant i of yersinia pseudotuberculosis by detecting specific dna repeating sequences]. | in order to construct a dna probe for the plague pathogen detection, we have obtained the recombinant plasmid prd100 carrying an ecori-flanked 140 bp fragment from the genetically silent region of yersinia pestis species-specific plasmid pyp1. when used as a dna probe for hybridization of dna from various strains of 25 bacterial species, this dna fragment was shown to have the complementary sequences in all investigated yersinia pestis strains (200), including the plasmid pyp1 lacking ones, and ... | 1992 | 1298882 |
[serovariation of the plague pathogen capsular antigen]. | the phenomenon of serovariation in the capsule antigen of the plague pathogen has been found. the synthesis of fi-serovar is determined by the expression of the caf1m gene. the damages in the caf1m gene structure result in production of the fi1 and fi2 serotypes. expression of the caf1m gene does not affect the secretion of fi-antigen. | 1992 | 1298883 |
[the interleukin-1 content of the blood in patients with a pseudotuberculosis infection and opisthorchiasis]. | interleukin-1 levels were measured according to s. b. mizel in 25 patients with pseudotuberculosis and concomitant chronic opisthorchiasis and in 25 ones with pseudotuberculosis alone over the course of the disease and in 3 months after it. the controls were patients with chronic opisthorchiasis and normal subjects. hyperproduction of interleukin-1 by peripheral blood monocytes was found in chronic opisthorchiasis patients and in pseudotuberculosis patients with concomitant opisthorchiasis over ... | 1992 | 1299750 |
frequency of isolation of yersinia enterocolitica from livestock in trinidad. | | 1992 | 1300681 |
[effect of subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics on catalase activity of plague microbes]. | it was shown that the presence of subinhibitory concentrations of ampicillin, cefotaxime or gentamicin in the cultivation medium had a marked inhibitory effect on the catalase activity of plague microbe. the effect depended on the characteristic features of plague microbe strains and the incubation temperature. when the cells of a virulent strain of the plague microbe y. pestis 1300 were cultivated at a temperature of 37 degrees c on a medium containing the subinhibitory concentrations of ampici ... | 1992 | 1300927 |
[antibiotic sensitivity of plague microbe strains from foreign countries]. | the method of serial dilutions on the hottinger agar was applied to comparative assay of antibiotic sensitivity in 50 strains of the plague microbe isolated abroad and in 5 strains isolated in the plague focus in the central caucasus. the antibiotics used in the assay were the following: streptomycin, gentamicin, doxycycline, monomycin, kanamycin, tetracycline, erythromycin, ristomycin, lincomycin and polymyxin m. irrespective of the origin, all the isolates were resistant to erythromycin, linco ... | 1992 | 1300928 |
[doxycycline in the prevention of experimental plague induced by plague microbe variants]. | a comparative study was performed on the efficacy of doxycycline in experimental plague infection induced in albino mice by strain 231 of the plague microbe and its variant 231 fra- deprived of the ability to produce the fraction i antigen. it was shown that the ld50 for strain 231 during animal treatment with doxycycline was significantly higher than that for variant 231 fra-. prophylaxis of the plague infection caused by the fra- forms of the plague microbe required significantly higher doses ... | 1992 | 1300930 |
[localization of the dna segment coding for the synthesis of fraction i on the pyt plague pathogen plasmid]. | fragmentation of the pyt plasmid of the plague pathogen by ten restriction endonucleases has been studied. the evidence has been obtained in support of the possible presence of the movable genetic element containing a hindiii site within the plasmid pyt. the gene encoding the i fraction of the plague pathogen has been cloned. the physical map of the pyt plasmid has been constructed with the use of restriction endonucleases bamhi, xhoi, bsteii, smai, ecori, and hindiii. the fragment of the plasmi ... | 1992 | 1301497 |
biotypes and sensitivity screening yersinia enterocolitica as an infective agent in man and swine in nigeria. | diarrhoeic faecal samples from 210 humans and 192 swine were screened for yersinia enterocolitica in 1990. ten and 8 y. enterocolitica strains were isolated from pig and man, respectively. the isolates were found to belong to wauter's biotypes 1, 2, 3 and 4. biotype 2 was isolated mainly from human stool samples. biotype 3 was found only in swine while biotypes 1 and 4 were isolated from both man and swine. all the 18 strains showed varying degrees of sensitivity to antibiotics used in this inve ... | 1992 | 1301624 |
[a comparative cytofluorimetric analysis of the blood leukocytes in guinea pigs exposed to the phospholipase d and antigens of the causative agent of plague]. | the influence of y. pestis phospholipase d on the physiological state of leukocytes in the blood of guinea pigs was studied in vivo by flow impulse fluorometry with the use of fluorochrome acridine orange. during the first hours of observation the intensity of leukocyte fluorescence increased due to a rise in the number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and changes in the permeability of cell membranes. further changes in the intensity of the fluorescence of the material under study after 24 hours ... | 1992 | 1301664 |
[the sensitivity of bacterial strains of yersinia pestis isolated from voles to normal human serum]. | the work deals with the results of the study of the viability of y. pestis strains, isolated from voles in different natural foci of plague, in human normal serum (hns) and its dependence on the assimilation of ions of exogenic iron. the cultures isolated at the transcaucasian mountain focus of infection and having no small plasmid pyp were found highly sensitive to hns. the introduction of the sources of iron, such as hemoglobin or ferritin, into the serum decreased its bactericidal effect. | 1992 | 1301669 |
serological diagnosis in human yersinia infections. | serological examinations revealed y. enterocolitica 0:3 specific antibodies in 34% of 80 children affected by a yersiniosis epidemic at titres of 1/40-1/640 and in all sporadic yersinia enteritis cases. similarly, agglutinins were identified for y. enterocolitica 0:3 and 0:9 in 3.4% of 430 appendectomized children hospitalized with painful syndrome in the right iliac fossa. in 10% of 101 patients hospitalized with arthritis and reiter's syndrome antibodies to y. enterocolitica 0:3 (8 cases) and ... | 1992 | 1304827 |
[a trial application of the latex test for evaluation of antibody level in rabbit immune sera]. | a latex test was elaborated which served for evaluation of quality of rabbit immune sera for antigen 0 of selected gram-negative bacteria. sensitivity and specificity of this test in comparison with passive hemagglutination and immunoenzymatic dot-elisa reactions was evaluated. these studies were performed on immune sera for antigen o of salmonella groups b, c1, c2, d and e, yersinia pseudotuberculosis and in antigen preparations for above listed microorganisms both in homologous and heterologou ... | 1992 | 1305916 |
screening for listeria monocytogenes and other related species from faecal specimens at the lagos university teaching hospital, lagos. | four hundred and twenty faecal specimens from patients with acute gastroenteritis and apparently healthy persons who reported at the lagos university teaching hospital (luth) between october, 1988 and may, 1989 were investigated for faecal carriage of listeria monocytogenes and other related species. of these specimens, none was positive for listeria species. however, the mannitol--fermenting listeria species now murraya grayi sub species grayi and murraya grayi sub spp. murrayi representing 0.9 ... | 1992 | 1308081 |
evaluation of three serological tests for the detection of human plague in northeast brazil. | the passive haemagglutination (pha) test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and the dot enzyme-immunosorbent assay (dot-elisa) were used to detect the levels of igg antibodies against the fraction 1 (f1) antigen of yersinia pestis in sera of plague-infected patients from northeast brazil. twenty three selected pha-positive sera of subjects with bacteriological confirmation of plague were also positive in the dot-elisa but only 19 were detected by the conventional elisa technique. another ... | 1992 | 1308559 |
[occurrence of bacteria of the yersinia genus in surface water]. | the aim of the study was determination of the frequency of occurrence of yersinia genus bacteria in surface waters polluted to various degrees with bacteria of the coliform and of fecal coli. for detection of yersinia rods the previously elaborated medium endo mlce and the membrane filter method were applied. samples of 42 surface waters were examined, including 26 from rivers and 16 from lakes, ponds and clay-pits. on the basis of sanitary bacteriological analysis 16 surface waters were classif ... | 1992 | 1308748 |
[1st isolation of yersinia enterocolitica in algeria]. | yersinia enterocolitica has been researched in 200 samples of human stools, 40 animals excrements, 38 specimens of soils and 46 of water; the microorganism has been recovered in respectively 3.5%, 10%, 10.5% and 26% out of the total of samples examined; the strains isolated belong to different wauter's biotype scheme but the biotype 1 is the most predominant except in soil samples. none of biotype 2 and 4, admitted to be adapted to man, has been isolated from human stools. we think that the noti ... | 1992 | 1309136 |
[various isolation and enrichment media for isolating yersinia enterocolitica]. | study of different isolation and enrichment media for recovering yersinia enterocolitica has been carried out. the best data have been obtained after enrichment in phosphate buffer with sorbitol and bile salts, followed by a decontamination with aulisio's koh and streaking into hectoen medium. | 1992 | 1309142 |
lipopolysaccharide o side chain of yersinia enterocolitica o:3 is an essential virulence factor in an orally infected murine model. | the rfb gene cluster of yersinia enterocolitica o:3, responsible for the biosynthesis of the o side chain, was previously cloned, and a y. enterocolitica o:3 side chain-specific bacteriophage (phi yeo3-12) was isolated (a. al-hendy, p. toivanen, and m. skurnik, microb. pathog. 10:47-59, 1991). this paper describes the isolation and characterization of the bacteriophage phi yeo3-12-resistant mutant of y. enterocolitica o:3, yeo3-r2. lipopolysaccharide isolated from yeo3-r2 lacked the o side chain ... | 1992 | 1311707 |
epidemiology of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and y. enterocolitica infections in sheep in australia. | infections with yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype iii and y. enterocolitica serotype o2,3 were found to be common in australian sheep flocks. transmission of y. pseudotuberculosis occurred in late winter and early spring, while y. enterocolitica transmission occurred from midwinter to early summer. excretion of y. pseudotuberculosis was limited to the winter and spring period and was particularly common in 1- and 2-year-old sheep. infection persisted for up to 14 weeks. y. pseudotuberculosis ... | 1992 | 1313049 |
igg and iga antibody responses against porins in yersinia-triggered reactive arthritis. | using an enzyme immunoassay, the development and persistence of serum igg and iga class antibody responses against porins, a class of the major outer membrane proteins, were compared between patients who developed reactive arthritis and subjects who did not after yersinia infection. a significant difference was seen between the two patient groups in the beginning of the disease: those with reactive arthritis had higher levels of igg and iga class antibodies against the porins. a similar differen ... | 1992 | 1316199 |
transition from interleukin 1 beta (il-1 beta) to il-1 alpha production during maturation of inflammatory macrophages in vivo. | in situ production of interleukin 1 alpha (il-1 alpha) and il-1 beta was investigated in peyer's patches (pp) of mice undergoing an acute bacterial infection with yersinia enterocolitica o8. synthesis of il-1 beta, as determined by immunohistochemistry, was found primarily in monocytes migrating into the inflamed pp. in comparison, synthesis of il-1 alpha was temporarily delayed by at least 24 h and was only found in mature macrophages, which did not produce detectable levels of il-1 beta. this ... | 1992 | 1316934 |
in vitro activity of lomefloxacin and other antimicrobials against bacterial enteritis pathogens. | lomefloxacin is a new, difluoroquinolone. in this study, the in vitro activity of lomefloxacin against clinical isolates of a variety of bacterial species associated with acute diarrheal disease was determined and compared with that of ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, amoxicillin, sulphamethoxazole, trimethoprim, tetracycline, and chloramphenicol. bacterial isolates were obtained from different geographical areas, including western europe and the united kingdom, southern europe, africa, the middle east ... | 1992 | 1319301 |
[appendicitis: microbial interactions and new pathogens]. | the authors present an exhaustive review on microbial agents of appendicitis by means of literature and personal research data. thus, a detailed analysis is made on common autochthonous agents and their pathogenetic interactions and on less common exogenous bacterial, viral, mycotic, protozoan and helminthic agents with emphasis to the role of yersinia enterocolitica. in fact this bacterium seems responsible for 3% to 8% of cases in accordance with literature and personal research data (more det ... | 1992 | 1323137 |
oxygen radical production and trapping in subjects with previous yersinia infection. | previous studies indicate that oxygen radical production by 1-min activation of n-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine-induced chemiluminescence (cl) by whole blood is increased in subjects with previous yersinia arthritis (ya). this finding is confirmed in the present study and extended further by demonstrating that subjects with previous ya show increased oxygen radical generation and enhanced release of myeloperoxidase from neutrophils and increased cl activity by serum, all factors that can ... | 1992 | 1323531 |
an unusual pagc::tnphoa mutation leads to an invasion- and virulence-defective phenotype in salmonellae. | two phenotypes believed to contribute to the pathogenesis of salmonella infections are macrophage survival and invasion of epithelial cells. it was recently observed that the salmonella macrophage survival factor pagc has significant amino acid similarity to the yersinia invasion factor ail. this observation raised the possibilities that macrophage survival is in part determined by the pathway of entry and that pagc confers an entry mechanism that does not trigger the microbicidal activities of ... | 1992 | 1323535 |
[camp-binding protein--a protein kinase of the plague pathogen]. | in y. pestis a cyclic amp-binding protein was detected, isolated to a homogeneous state, and its physico-chemical properties were studied. the protein is a highly molecular compound with a molecular weight of 180 kd, capable of being released into the environment in the process of cell growth and having protein kinase activity, not depending on the presence of cyclic amp. y. pestis neuraminidase is one of the substrates appearing due to the action of protein kinase detected in this study. y. pes ... | 1992 | 1324549 |
[potential-dependent ca2+ channels and contractile function of the heart in toxic-infectious shock caused plague]. | influence of intravenous administration to rats of murine toxin of y. pestis (1 mg/ml, ld100) on the number of potential-operated ca(2+)-channels, alpha- and beta-adrenergic and m1-cholinergic receptors of plasma membranes and heart contractility function has been studied in rats. the number of ca(2+)-channels in plasma membranes and contractility of heart decreased by 50% in 1 hour after the i.v. administration of toxin and further decreased up to the lethal end. during the agonal stage of the ... | 1992 | 1327279 |
mxij, a lipoprotein involved in secretion of shigella ipa invasins, is homologous to yscj, a secretion factor of the yersinia yop proteins. | shigella flexneri causes bacillary dysentery by invading epithelial cells of the colonic mucosa. the invasion process requires the synthesis and secretion of the virulence plasmid-encoded ipa proteins. using tnphoa mutagenesis, we have identified two virulence plasmid genes, mxij and mxim, that encode proteins exported by the general export pathway. analysis of the mxij and mxim deduced amino acid sequences suggested that mxij and mxim might encode lipoproteins, which was confirmed by [3h]palmit ... | 1992 | 1332940 |
effects of sodium bicarbonate, vinegar, acetic and citric acids on growth and survival of yersinia enterocolitica. | the effects of sodium bicarbonate, vinegar, acetic and citric acids on growth and survival of yersinia enterocolitica in a laboratory medium were investigated. acetic acid was found to be the most effective agent used, which completely inhibited the growth of the test organism at concentration of 0.156% (v/v) in the media incubated at 22 degrees c for 48 h. the antimicrobial activity of acetic acid and vinegar on the survival of the test bacterium in media incubated at 22 degrees c for 60 min wa ... | 1992 | 1333784 |
modulation of leukotriene generation by invasive bacteria. | the effect of invasive bacteria on the release of proinflammatory mediators (oxygen radicals, leukotriene release) from human polymorphonuclear neutrophils was studied. bacterial stimuli were used including genetically cloned invasive yersinia enterocolitica strains 108-p (bearing the phagocytosis-resistance plasmid) and 108-c (plasmidless variant), listeria monocytogenes [slcc 5779 (inv-) and nctc 7973 (inv+)] as well as an escherichia coli k 12 strain (pri 203) in which the inv gene of y. pseu ... | 1992 | 1335960 |
effect of inhibitors of hela cell structures and functions on escherichia coli hb101 (pri203) entry process. | we investigated the effect of some eucaryotic cytoplasmic structure and function inhibitors on the entry into hela cells of the escherichia coli hb101 k12 strain, harbouring the recombinant plasmid pri203, in which is cloned a 3.2 kb chromosomal fragment of yersinia pseudotuberculosis. substances impairing microfilament structures and functions (cytochalasin b and trifluoroperazine) significantly reduced invasion ability whereas microtubule organization inhibitors (colchicine and vinblastine) we ... | 1992 | 1343941 |
[the plague: disease and vaccine?]. | plague has existed in madagascar since 1896, with epidemic control achieved by girard with an ev vaccine in 1937. plague persists in madagascar, however, due to the large animal reservoir. with a predilection for nodal tissues, yersinia pestis is a virulent bacteria that is potent inducer of antibody synthesis. immunity mechanisms stimulated by infection were studied: 1. in human by immunoenzymatic methods 2. in mice by seroprotection and vaccinating tests. induced immunity for people in endemic ... | 1992 | 1345094 |
yersinia enterocolitica produces superantigenic activity. | we have recently observed that antigenic preparations from yersinia enterocolitica are capable of inducing strong proliferative responses in normal murine spleen cell cultures. as a consequence of this observation, we evaluated whether yersinia-derived ag possess superantigenic activity. stimulatory activity can be found in culture supernatants, as well as membrane and cytoplasmic fractions of y. enterocolitica. cell depletion studies indicate that the primary responding cell is a cd4+ t cell, w ... | 1992 | 1345786 |
interaction of heat-stable enterotoxins with human colonic (t84) cells: modulation of the activation of guanylyl cyclase. | heat-stable enterotoxins (st) activate guanylyl cyclase in t84 cells, rapidly and specifically. activation is monitored by cgmp production and occurs at lower concentrations of st than required for eliciting fluid accumulation in suckling mice. atrial natriuretic factor (anf) neither activates guanylyl cyclase nor modulates the response to st in t84 cells, indicating the absence of receptors for anf on t84 cells. monitoring the production of cgmp under conditions known to alter fluid accumulatio ... | 1992 | 1352030 |
homology of tcpn, a putative regulatory protein of vibrio cholerae, to the arac family of transcriptional activators. | the nucleotide sequence has been determined for the gene designated tcpn, encoding a putative regulatory protein within the tcp gene cluster associated with the biosynthesis and assembly of the toxin-coregulated pilus of vibrio cholerae. it is preceded by a powerful transcriptional terminator which presumably delimits the major tcp operon, but at its 3' end is translationally coupled to the gene, tcpj, encoding the tcp pilin signal peptidase. the tcpn gene encodes a putative 276-residue protein ... | 1992 | 1352761 |
prevention of yersinia enterocolitica growth in red-blood-cell concentrates. | in response to concern about yersinia enterocolitica contamination of blood products, we have studied the effects on y enterocolitica growth of holding whole blood at 22 degrees c for 20 h and then removing leucocytes. thirty pools of three bags of blood were inoculated with y enterocolitica (2 x 10(1)-3 x 10(4) colony-forming units/ml). one bag in each pool was processed to red-blood-cell concentrate after 6 h at 4 degrees c (rbc); the other two were held at 22 degrees c for 20 h before process ... | 1992 | 1356179 |
a decade of plague epidemiology and control in the western usambara mountains, north-east tanzania. | outbreaks of human plague have been occurring in the western usambara mountains since 1980, involving many cases and deaths. epidemiological surveys and control activities were carried out from june 1980 to may 1990. rodents were trapped live, identified and serologically tested for plague, using the passive haemagglutination and passive haemagglutination inhibition tests. rodent fleas were collected, processed, identified and counted. house fleas were caught with light traps and similarly treat ... | 1992 | 1356303 |
bacterial growth in blood for transfusion. | | 1992 | 1359286 |
[occurrence of p.fimbrii in strains from selected genera of enterobacteriaceae]. | this study was aimed at recognition of frequency of occurrence of p fimbriae in strains of escherichia coli isolated from samples of feces of children with symptoms of diarrhoea and at search of these adhesions in strains representing other than escherichia genera of enterobacteriaceae strains. one hundred forty laboratory strains were investigated. they belonged to genus citrobacter, enterobacter, hafnia, klebsiella, morganella, proteus, providencia, salmonella, shigella, and yersinia. also wer ... | 1992 | 1363960 |
calcium-responsive expression of plasmid-mediated outer membrane proteins from yersinia enterocolitica grown on solid media. | in vitro synthesis of proteins directed by yersinia enterocolitica virulence plasmid dna was studied using a cell-free escherichia coli coupled transcription-translation system. out of a total of twenty-four polypeptides synthesized in vitro, ten were identified (based on virtually identical molecular masses) as outer membrane proteins synthesized in vivo when virulent plasmid-bearing y. enterocolitica cells were grown on four different solid media. two high molecular weight outer membrane prote ... | 1990 | 1366606 |
amino acid substitutions in naturally occurring variants of ail result in altered invasion activity. | yersinia enterocolitica is the causative agent of a variety of gastrointestinal syndromes ranging from acute enteritis to mesenteric lymphadenitis. in addition, systemic infections resulting in high mortality rates can occur in elderly and immunocompromised patients. more than 50 serotypes of y. enterocolitica have been identified, but only a few of them commonly cause disease in otherwise healthy hosts. those serotypes that cause disease have been divided into two groups, american and non-ameri ... | 1992 | 1370953 |
iron in granulocytes of nephrotic patients determined by zeeman electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometry. | one of the major threats to patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis is an increased susceptibility to infections caused by microorganisms, among which yersinia or listeria are frequently recovered. in patients receiving hemodialysis, iron overload owing to multiple transfusions plays an important role in the mechanisms underlying the susceptibility to bacterial infections, partially mediated by impaired neutrophil function. in order to assess the true role of iron at the cellular level, an ... | 1992 | 1375076 |
synthesis of 3,6-dideoxy-4-c-(4(1)-hydroxyethyl)hexopyranoses (yersinioses) from 1,6-anhydro-beta-d-glucopyranose. | | 1992 | 1379516 |
demonstration of peptidoglycan-associated brucella outer-membrane proteins by use of monoclonal antibodies. | a monoclonal antibody (3d6) was produced which reacted only with brucella sonicated cell extracts that had been lysozyme-treated after sonication. the monoclonal antibody (mab) reacted with the three major outer-membrane proteins (omps) of b. melitensis b115 in western blots. a large number of reactive bands ranging from 12 to 43 kda were present in lysozyme-treated escherichia coli and yersinia enterocolitica sonicated cell extracts. in a latex agglutination inhibition immunoassay, mab 3d6 show ... | 1992 | 1380979 |
a rapid method for detection of yersinia enterocolitica serotype o:3 in pig feces using monoclonal antibodies. | a simple colony immunoblotting method using monoclonal antibodies (mabs) was developed to detect y. enterocolitica serotype o:3 in pig feces. one of the mabs studied was able to detect single colonies of the organism in the presence of calculated 3.1 x 10(8) heterologous organisms in pig feces. the mab was found to be specific for the lipopolysaccharide (lps) o-antigens of y. enterocolitica serotype o:3. no significant cross-reactivity was found against a variety of closely related serotypes and ... | 1992 | 1381126 |
prestorage removal of yersinia enterocolitica from red cells with white cell-reduction filters. | prestorage removal of phagocytic white cells (wbcs) may increase the survivability of contaminating bacteria in units of stored red cells. fourteen units of whole blood were inoculated with 65 colony-forming units per ml of yersinia enterocolitica (serotype o:3) and processed into as-3-preserved red cells. five red cell units were filtered with a prototype third-generation filter and five red cell units with a second generation filter. wbc reduction was performed on the day of collection. four r ... | 1992 | 1381532 |
serological cross-reaction between yersinia enterocolitica o9 and non-o1 vibrio cholerae bio-serogroup hakata and antigenic analysis of their relationship by their lipopolysaccharides. | cross-agglutination and cross-agglutinin absorption experiments were carried out on non-o1 vibrio cholerae bio-serogroup hakata (hakata) and yersinia enterocolitica o9 (o9). it was shown that the o-antigen of hakata was closely related to that of o9 in an a, b-a, c type of relationship. the antigenic relationship between the o-antigens of the two bacteria was analyzed by passive hemolysis (ph) and passive hemolysis inhibition (phi) tests by using their lipopolysaccharides (lps) as antigen for se ... | 1992 | 1381806 |
reactivity of monoclonal antibody e5 with endotoxin. ii. binding to short- and long-chain smooth lipopolysaccharides. | the murine monoclonal igm antibody e5 has been shown to significantly reduce the mortality and morbidity of patients with gram-negative sepsis in a multicenter randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. the in vitro binding characteristics of monoclonal antibody (mab) e5 were studied using highly purified smooth lipopolysaccharide (lps) isolated from a variety of clinically relevant, wild-type gram-negative bacteria. using a sensitive antibody-capture assay which involves immobilized mab e5 a ... | 1992 | 1382882 |
a point mutation of integrin beta 1 subunit blocks binding of alpha 5 beta 1 to fibronectin and invasin but not recruitment to adhesion plaques. | a point mutation in a highly conserved region of the beta 1 subunit, asp130 to ala (d130a) substitution, abrogates the arg-gly-asp (rgd)-dependent binding of alpha 5 beta 1 to fibronectin (fn) without disrupting gross structure or heterodimer assembly. the d130a mutation also interferes with binding to invasin, a ligand that lacks rgd sequence. in spite of the lack of detectable fn binding by alpha 5 beta 1(d130a), it was recruited to adhesion plaques formed on fn by endogenous hamster receptors ... | 1992 | 1385446 |
failure of intragastrically administered yersinia pestis capsular antigen to protect mice against challenge with virulent plague: suppression of fraction 1-specific antibody response. | we evaluated the yersinia pestis capsular (fraction 1 [f1]) antigen as a potential oral immunogen in mice. we found that single doses of as much as 0.4 mg of f1, administered by intragastric (ig) intubation, were unprotective and did not stimulate production of detectable levels of specific antibody. three weekly ig doses resulted in low serum antibody levels that also did not provide protection against challenge with virulent y. pestis. assays of type-specific antibody following intubation and ... | 1992 | 1386197 |
mhc-unrestricted recognition of bacteria-infected target cells by human cd8+ cytotoxic t lymphocytes. | a cd8+ alpha beta tcr+ t cell clone (a35) was isolated from the synovial fluid of a patient with post-enteric reactive arthritis caused by yersinia enterocolitica. this clone efficiently killed autologous and allogeneic target cells that had been preincubated with live but not with heat-killed bacteria. there was no restriction by polymorphic parts of hla-a, -b, or -c molecules and a hla class ii-deficient mutant cell line was lysed as efficiently as its normal counterpart, whereas infected hla ... | 1992 | 1387347 |
stimulation of synovial fluid mononuclear cells with the human 65-kd heat shock protein or with live enterobacteria leads to preferential expansion of tcr-gamma delta+ lymphocytes. | t lymphocyte responses to heterologous or self 65-kd heat shock protein (hsp) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of various forms of arthritis. to delineate the relationship of 65-kd hsp to different synovial fluid (sf) t cell subsets, we stimulated synovial fluid (sfmc) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) from patients with different inflammatory rheumatic diseases and from healthy controls with human or mycobacterial 65-kd hsp, tetanus toxoid (tt), heat-killed or live yersinia ... | 1992 | 1387595 |
occurrence of yersinia enterocolitica in milk and dairy products in morocco. | a total of 227 samples of milk and dairy products were examined for the presence of yersinia enterocolitica. yersinia spp. were recovered from 11 of 30 raw milks (36.6%), one of 20 pasteurized milks (5%), 15 of 63 traditional fermented milks (23.8%), seven of 94 cheeses and one of 20 cream samples (5%). the overall incidence of y. enterocolitica in milk and dairy products was 6.6%. the other yersinia species were y. intermedia, y. kristensenii, y. frederiksenii and y. pseudotuberculosis. y. ente ... | 1992 | 1389996 |
[isolation of yersinia enterocolitica 0:8 in spain]. | we presented three cases of enterocolitis due to yersinia enterocolitica 0:8. | 1992 | 1390998 |
transfusing yersinia enterocolitica. | | 1992 | 1393108 |
possible confounders of the relationship between occupational swine contact and yersinia enterocolitica 0:3 and 0:9 antibodies. | increased risk of high yersinia enterocolitica 0:3 and 0:9 antibody content has been previously reported in occupations with swine contact. in this study several possible confounders of this elevated risk among pig farmers and abattoir workers were considered. only in three instances the standardized risk ratio was decreased close to unity, namely after the standardization of y. enterocolitica 0:3 igg antibody positivity for age among abattoir workers, after the standardization of y. enterocolit ... | 1992 | 1397221 |
adhesion to and invasion of cultured human cells by bartonella bacilliformis. | bartonella bacilliformis was tested for its ability to adhere to and invade tissue culture cell monolayers. the parasite was able to efficiently bind and penetrate human dermal fibroblasts, human laryngeal epithelium, and human umbilical vein endothelial cells. exposure of the organism to immune serum prepared against a crude bartonella extract containing cell wall and membranous material resulted in decreased ability of the parasite to invade host cells. there was also an overall reduction in t ... | 1992 | 1398917 |
role of yersinia enterocolitica yst toxin in experimental infection of young rabbits. | we constructed a yst-negative mutant of yersinia enterocolitica w1024 by reverse genetics, and we compared the virulence of the yst+ and yst isogenic strains in an experimental oral infection of the young rabbit. the rabbits infected with the yst+ strain suffered from the diarrhea and lost weight, and most of them died. by contrast, the occurrence of diarrhea, weight loss, and death in the group of rabbits infected with the yst mutant was as low as that in the group of uninfected rabbits. bacter ... | 1992 | 1398938 |
invasin expression in yersinia pseudotuberculosis. | a 3.2-kb region on the chromosome of yersinia pseudotuberculosis, called inv, encodes invasin, a 103-kda protein of the bacterial outer membrane. invasin mediates bacterial entry into cultured animal cells. six y. pseudotuberculosis strains isolated from animal or human infections were analyzed for the presence of inv-related sequences with a radiolabeled inv clone, pri203. we found that inv-specific sequences were present in all strains studied. strains cured of virulence plasmid pyv were studi ... | 1992 | 1398952 |
the pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae 61 hrph product, an envelope protein required for elicitation of the hypersensitive response in plants. | pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae 61 contains a 25-kb cluster of hrp genes that are required for elicitation of the hypersensitive response (hr) in tobacco. tnphoa mutagenesis of cosmid phir11, which contains the hrp cluster, revealed two genes encoding exported or inner-membrane-spanning proteins (h.-c. huang, s. w. hutcheson, and a. collmer, mol. plant-microbe interact. 4:469-476, 1991). the gene in complementation group x, designated hrph, was subcloned on a 3.1-kb sali fragment into pcpp30, ... | 1992 | 1400238 |
pyrazinamidase, cr-mox agar, salicin fermentation-esculin hydrolysis, and d-xylose fermentation for identifying pathogenic serotypes of yersinia enterocolitica. | we evaluated several simple laboratory tests that have been used to identify pathogenic serotypes of yersinia enterocolitica or to indicate the pathogenic potential of individual strains. a total of 100 strains of y. enterocolitica were studied, including 25 isolated during five outbreak investigations, 63 from sporadic cases, and 12 from stock cultures. the pyrazinamidase test, which does not depend on the yersinia virulence plasmid, correctly identified 60 of 63 (95% sensitivity) strains of pa ... | 1992 | 1400958 |
detection of pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica by polymerase chain reaction and digoxigenin-labeled polynucleotide probes. | yersinia enterocolitica is widespread in nature, but only a few bioserotypes are involved in human infections. pigs are considered to be the major reservoirs of pathogenic strains. it is essential to have an accurate and rapid method for the detection of pathogenic yersiniae. to achieve this objective, 19-base synthetic oligonucleotide primers were used in a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) to detect the ail gene (which is conserved only in pathogenic strains) in strains of y. enterocolitica and ... | 1992 | 1400967 |
detection and identification of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica by an improved polymerase chain reaction method. | we developed a polymerase chain reaction method in order to detect and identify both yersinia pseudotuberculosis and pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica. polymerase chain reaction was performed by using a mixture of primers against the inv gene from y. pseudotuberculosis and the ail gene from pathogenic y. enterocolitica. further addition of primers against the plasmid-coded virf gene from y. enterocolitica made it possible to detect a virulence-associated gene of both species at the same time. t ... | 1992 | 1401022 |
pathogenetic role of chlamydia, yersinia and borrelia in undifferentiated oligoarthritis. | we studied the cellular and humoral immune response to chlamydia trachomatis, yersinia enterocolitica and borrelia burgdorferi in paired samples of peripheral blood and synovial fluid (sf) in undifferentiated oligoarthritis, reactive arthritis (rea) and rheumatoid arthritis. antigen specific lymphocyte proliferation was found in sf of 43% of patients with rea and 34% of patients with undifferentiated oligoarthritis. c. trachomatis was the most frequent single agent. hla-b27 was positive in 83% o ... | 1992 | 1404159 |
hla-dp restricted chlamydia trachomatis specific synovial fluid t cell clones in chlamydia induced reiter's disease. | synovial fluid (sf) mononuclear cells from a patient with chlamydia trachomatis induced acute reiter's disease were directly by limiting dilution in a representative protocol using phytohemagglutinin in the cloning medium. out of 76 alpha beta-tcr+ cd4+ t lymphocyte clones, 7 were shown to specifically recognize c. trachomatis in a proliferation assay. the antigen recognition of these clones was hla-dp restricted. unexpectedly, 2 hla-dr restricted clones showed a proliferative response to yersin ... | 1992 | 1404160 |
laboratory studies on yersinia pestis during the 1991 outbreak of plague in lushoto, tanzania. | thirty-one specimens from patients involved in an outbreak of plague were cultured. suspicious isolates were presumptively identified by colonial characteristics, simple strains and by api 20e, and confirmed by inoculation into white mice. antimicrobial susceptibility testing was also done. the isolation rate of y. pestis was 22.6%. all isolates were uniformly sensitive to tetracycline, streptomycin, sulphadimidine and chloramphenicol; moderately sensitive to erythromycin, and resistant to trime ... | 1992 | 1404556 |
from the centers for disease control. pneumonic plague--arizona, 1992. | | 1992 | 1404753 |
[detection and identification method of pathogenic yersinia by pcr technique]. | | 1992 | 1404926 |
fur regulation in yersinia species. | the effects of iron have been linked with several phenomena including regulation of membrane proteins; however, the mechanism of iron regulation is not well characterized in yersinia pestis. it is well known that in escherichia coli, the fur gene product mediates negative transcriptional regulation of several genes in response to iron. we have cloned a y. pestis fur gene which is highly homologous to the e. coli fur regulatory gene. the sequence of the y. pestis fur gene exhibits 75% homology to ... | 1992 | 1406286 |
extracellular localization of a nonfimbrial hemagglutinin of yersinia pseudotuberculosis. | a nonfimbrial hemagglutinin (ha) of yersinia pseudotuberculosis was observed by immunoelectron microscopy using monospecific ha antiserum and protein a-gold conjugate. the ha, an amorphous but morphologically identifiable entity, was located in a region distal to or detached from the outer edge of bacteria. | 1992 | 1406379 |
pneumonic plague--arizona, 1992. | on august 26, 1992, a 31-year-old male resident of tucson, arizona, died of an illness subsequently diagnosed as primary pneumonic plague. this is the 10th case of plague reported in the united states in 1992, the first pneumonic plague case this year, and the first plague fatality reported since 1987 (cdc, unpublished data). this report summarizes the investigation of this case by county, state, and federal public health officials in arizona and colorado. | 1992 | 1406565 |
[plasmid heterogeneity in populations of yersinia pestis strains]. | yersinia pestis strains with the typical plasmid patterns were shown to have the heterogenic populations. heterogeneity is increased by cultivation passages in artificial nutrient media and is manifested in plasmid elimination within several clones, plasmid integration into the chromosome, appearance of auxiliary plasmids or the ones with increased molecular masses. passages of strains in experimental animals result in populations homogeneity with the typical plasmid patterns within all clones t ... | 1992 | 1406758 |
[the effect of the vole subspecies of the plague microbe on the viability of callopsylla caspia fleas]. | when infected with cultures of plague microbe reared at 28 c the experimental fleas showed no reliable differences in the mortality as compared to control ones. by contrast, the infection with agent cultures reared at 37 c as well as the infection on agonizing white mice caused a statistically reliable increase in the mortality in insects of both sexes. in the groups of fleas infected on white mice the most intensive mortality was observed during the first 24 hours after the infectious feeding t ... | 1992 | 1408363 |
[acute destructive appendicitis associated with various infectious diseases]. | | 1992 | 1408575 |
ab0 and lewis blood groups in reactive arthritis. | in this study we evaluated secretor status in patients with reactive arthritis. previous evidence indicates that non-secretion of ab0 and lewis blood group antigens to saliva and other secretions is associated with susceptibility to certain bacterial infections and certain diseases with suspected autoimmune etiology. secretor status can be determined based on the lewis phenotype. we studied ab0, lewis and rhesus blood groups of 54 patients with previous reactive arthritis, 26 of whom had uroarth ... | 1992 | 1411088 |
[the temperature-induced early and late development of resistance to the bactericidal action of blood serum in yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. | y. pseudotuberculosis strains were grown at 6 degrees-8 degrees c and then incubated at 37 degrees c. 3-6 hours later serum resistance appeared in the strains having plasmid virulence and producing outer membrane polypeptide with a molecular weight of 120 kd, known as p1. 10-12 hours later serum resistance appeared in the strain having the virulence plasmid, but not producing p1, as well as in strains in which the plasmid was eliminated. | 1992 | 1414100 |
[yersinia pestis adenylate cyclase and the deregulation of transmembrane signal transmission in the peritoneal leukocytes of white mice]. | | 1992 | 1414107 |
[the phenotype of the causative agent of yersiniosis and its significance for diagnosis]. | | 1992 | 1414111 |
in vitro activity of mc-352, a new 16-membered macrolide. | the in vitro activity of mc-352, 3,4'-dideoxy-5-o-mycaminosyltylonolide, was compared with those of erythromycin, clarithromycin, and rokitamycin. the mc-352 mic90 (mic for 90% of isolates) for erythromycin-susceptible staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidermidis was less than or equal to 1 microgram/ml, similar to those of the other agents. the mc-352 mic50 for erythromycin-resistant s. aureus was 2 micrograms/ml, similar to that of rokitamycin. the mc-352 mic90 (0.12 micrograms/ml) for ... | 1992 | 1416853 |
temperature-dependent in vitro antimicrobial activity of four 4-quinolones and oxytetracycline against bacteria pathogenic to fish. | the in vitro antimicrobial activities of oxolinic acid, flumequine, sarafloxacin, enrofloxacin, and oxytetracycline against strains of bacteria pathogenic to fish (aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, atypical a. salmonicida, vibrio salmonicida, vibrio anguillarum, and yersinia ruckeri) were determined at two different incubation temperatures, 4 and 15 degrees c, by a drug microdilution method. the main objective of the study was to examine the effect of incubation temperature on the in vit ... | 1992 | 1416857 |
[antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group (gentamicin, sisomicin and amikacin) in the prevention and treatment of experimental plague]. | activity of aminoglycosides such as gentamicin, sisomicin and amikacin against plague microbe strains of natural origin was studied in vitro. it was also studied in prophylaxis and treatment of experimental plague infection in albino mice. the mac of gentamicin and sisomicin for 50 strains of the plague microbe was 0.2-1.6 micrograms/ml. for the majority of the strains it was 0.4 micrograms/ml. the amikacin mics were 0.4-3.2 and 0.8 micrograms/ml, respectively. high efficacy of gentamicin, sisom ... | 1992 | 1417325 |
survey of thermotolerant campylobacter spp. and yersinia spp. in three surface water sources in norway. | we investigated the occurrence of thermotolerant campylobacter and yersinia spp. in three surface water sources in norway which represented different levels of pollution and eutrophication. samples were collected every fortnight during a 14-month period. in addition, samples from 100 private wells were examined for campylobacters only. campylobacter was recovered from 42 (43.8%) of the 96 samples of surface water, whereas yersinia spp. were isolated from four (4.2%) of the samples. campylobacter ... | 1992 | 1419539 |
unusual manifestations of yersinia enterocolitica infections diagnosed using novel methods. | we report the cases of two patients who had infections due to yersinia enterocolitica. the first patient exhibited chronic recurrent fever, hepatic and splenic granulomas, and bone marrow abnormalities, and the second patient presented with enterocolitis with leukocytoclastic vasculitis of the skin. cultures and agglutination titers were negative. indirect immunofluorescence techniques with use of serotype-specific antisera and antisera to yersinia outer-membrane proteins (yops) were applied to ... | 1992 | 1420678 |
[sensitivity to mouse toxin and level of macrophage 5-nucleotidase activity]. | it is shown that immunomodulator of bacterial origin salmozan causes alternations of sensitivity to mouse toxin in mice cba. a correlation exists between the sensitivity to mouse toxin and the level of 5-nucleotidase of peritoneal exudate macrophages. | 1992 | 1421233 |
multiple liver abscesses secondary to yersinia enterocolitica. | a 37-year-old male, a poorly-controlled insulin-dependent diabetic patient, was admitted to our hospital with complaints of high fever and confusion. laboratory data showed hyperglycemia, positive inflammatory reaction and liver dysfunction. blood culture demonstrated yersinia enterocolitica. liver ct scan showed multiple low density areas. these data were consistent with a diagnosis of liver abscess secondary to yersinia enterocolitica. he died of disseminated intravascular coagulation; subsequ ... | 1992 | 1421722 |
[perimyocarditis caused by yersinia enterocolitica serotype 0:3]. | three days after the end of a bout of diarrhoea of 3 days' duration, a 19-year-old patient developed severe nocturnal thoracic pain unresponsive to isosorbitol dinitrate. there were no abnormal findings on physical examination, except a sweaty skin. sgot (38 u/l), creatinine kinase (291 u/l, ck-mb 29 u/l) and lactate dehydrogenase (246 u/l) were all elevated. the ecg showed st segment elevations in leads i, ii, iii, avf and v1-v6 as well as negative terminal t waves in i, ii, avl, avf and v3-v6, ... | 1992 | 1425306 |
hemin uptake system of yersinia enterocolitica: similarities with other tonb-dependent systems in gram-negative bacteria. | the hemin receptor hemr of yersinia enterocolitica was identified as a 78 kda iron regulated outer membrane protein. cells devoid of the hemr receptor as well as cells mutated in the tonb gene were unable to take up hemin as an iron source. the hemin uptake operon from y. enterocolitica was cloned in escherichia coli k12 and was shown to encode four proteins: hemp (6.5 kda), hemr (78 kda), hems (42 kda) and hemt (27 kda). when expressed in e.coli hema arob, a plasmid carrying genes for hemp and ... | 1992 | 1425573 |
predominance of th1-type t cells in synovial fluid of patients with yersinia-induced reactive arthritis. | the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying the development of reactive arthritis and the functional capacities of synovial t cells specific for yersinia enterocolitica are still unclear. in this study we have determined the cytokine secretion patterns of 24 cd4+ synovial fluid (sf)-derived t cell clones from 2 patients with yersinia-induced reactive arthritis, 16 clones specific for different yersinia antigens and 8 clones as controls. the clones specific for yersinia antigens predominantly belong t ... | 1992 | 1425904 |
prevalence of ompt among escherichia coli isolates of human origin. | ompt is a protease associated with the outer membrane of escherichia coli and possesses a high degree of homology to the plasminogen activator, pla, of yersinia pestis. we show here that ompt from intact cells can indeed activate plasminogen. clinical specimens of e. coli were examined for protease activity and for the ompt gene. few isolates (12%) were found to be positive for ompt activity, whereas most (77%) carried the ompt gene and expressed the cloned protease gene. in this report we prese ... | 1992 | 1427004 |
the polymerase chain reaction: an epidemiological tool to differentiate between two clusters of pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica strains. | a primer set designed to amplify the enterotoxin (yst) gene of pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica strains generated two different electrophoretic profiles of the target sequence when a collection of strains of worldwide origin was screened. serovars o:1,3; o:2a,3; o:3; o:5,27 and o:9, known as european strains, produced a 200-bp fragment that matched the size of the target sequence. however, serovars o:4,32; o:8; o:13a,13b; o:20 and o:21, known as american strains, generated two fragments of 1.4 ... | 1992 | 1427005 |
[the role of refrigerators in spreading of bacteria of the genus yersinia]. | | 1992 | 1427163 |
abdominal pain in pre-menopausal women. | | 1992 | 1428761 |
incidence of pathogenic bacteria in raw milk in ireland. | raw milk from 70 farms was sampled over 13 months for salmonellas, listerias, escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus and mastitic streptococci; total bacterial counts (tbc), coliforms and somatic cells were also counted. tbc < or = 30,000/ml were obtained in 63% of samples. high count milks were found mainly during the winter months: 13% of samples had > 10(4) mastitis pathogens/ml of milk. the mean somatic cell count varied from 4.0 x 10(5) to 8.0 x 10(5)/ml throughout the year with highest co ... | 1992 | 1429309 |
expression, purification, and physicochemical characterization of a recombinant yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatase. | the yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatase (ptpase) yop51, a c235r point mutation (yop51*), and a protein lacking the first 162 amino acids at the nh2 terminus (yop51*delta 162) have been overexpressed in escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity through the use of cm sephadex c25 cation exchange chromatography followed by sephadex g-100 gel filtration. greater than 50 mg of homogeneous yop51* and yop51*delta 162 can be obtained from a single liter of bacterial culture, whereas the same proced ... | 1992 | 1429715 |