adaptation of ruminants to browse and grass diets: are anatomical-based browser-grazer interpretations valid? | as a result of pioneering work of hofmann (1973, 1989), nutritional ecologists classify ruminants into three feeding-type categories: browsers ("concentrate" feeders), grazers, and intermediate or mixed feeders. hofmann proposed that these feeding types result from evolutionary adaptations in the anatomy of the digestive system and that one consequence is shorter retention of the digesta in the rumen of browsers, and thus a decreased efficiency of fiber digestion relative to that of grazers. we ... | 1995 | 28306775 |
tests of spatial and temporal interaction among animals. | i report a method for analyzing interaction between two animals around a common object or resource (simple association) or within a shared area (spatial-temporal interaction in home range overlap). the pair's association is reduced to binomial events forming a 2 x 2 classification; each is either present or not in the shared area. for the most common home range overlap description, observed frequencies of presence and absence for each animal are compared to expected frequencies based on two null ... | 1992 | 27759210 |
genes involved in the establishment of hepatic steatosis in muscovy, pekin and mule ducks. | our main objectives were to determine the genes involved in the establishment of hepatic steatosis in three genotypes of palmipeds. to respond to this question, we have compared muscovy ducks, pekin ducks and their crossbreed the mule duck fed ad libitum or overfed. we have shown a hepatic overexpression of fatty acid synthase (fas) and di-acyl glycerol acyl transferase 2 (dgat2) in overfed individuals, where dgat2 seemed to be more regulated. this increase in lipogenesis genes is associated wit ... | 2017 | 27796685 |
impact of selection for residual feed intake on production traits and behavior of mule ducks. | a divergent selection experiment of muscovy sires based on the residual feed intake (rfi) of their male mule progeny was initiated in 2009. using electronic feeders, the aim of this study was to establish whether 3 generations of selection for rfi had an impact on feeding behavior traits and general behavior, and to examine its effect on liver and meat quality. eighty mule ducks, issued from 8 muscovy drakes per line with extreme rfi, were tested in a pen equipped with 4 electronic feeders. feed ... | 2016 | 27333975 |
sex impact on the quality of fatty liver and its genetic determinism in mule ducks. | recent changes to french regulations now allow farmers to produce "foie gras" from both male and female mule ducks. the aim of this study was to assess the quality of female fatty liver and to compare, from a phenotypic and genetic point of view, liver quality in males and females. a total of 914 mule ducks (591 males and 323 females), hatched in a single pedigree batch, were reared until 86 d of age and then force-fed for 12 d, before being slaughtered. carcasses and livers were weighed and liv ... | 2015 | 26440324 |
behavioural and physiological fear responses in ducks: genetic cross effects. | mule duck, a cross between a muscovy drake and a pekin female, is reported by the farmers to frequently express fear behaviours, such as man avoidance. the genetic basis of fear responses in mule ducks was therefore investigated in this study. according to a previous experiment, the dominant effect of pekin genotype was hypothesised; however, due to the absence of birds from the reciprocal cross, a superiority of the pekin in additive effect could not be distinguished from a direct maternal addi ... | 2008 | 22443910 |
the effect of terrain and female density on survival of neonatal white-tailed deer and mule deer fawns. | juvenile survival is a highly variable life-history trait that is critical to population growth. antipredator tactics, including an animal's use of its physical and social environment, are critical to juvenile survival. here, we tested the hypothesis that habitat and social characteristics influence coyote (canis latrans) predation on white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) and mule deer (o. hemionus) fawns in similar ways during the neonatal period. this would contrast to winter when the hab ... | 2016 | 27386083 |
accounting for individual behavioural variation in studies of habitat selection. | a caribou wearing an animal-borne video camera (a) and animal-borne video footage taken from systems deployed on mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) in north-central washington state, usa (b-d). when paired with tracking technology, animal-borne video can reveal detailed information about behaviour and environmental features at each location: (b) feeding, (c) vigilant in the open, (d) vigilant in cover, (e) resting in the open. accordingly, animal-borne video systems should allow for analyses of hab ... | 2014 | 24428597 |
serosurvey for antibody to deerpox virus in five cervid species in oregon, usa. | five cervid species in oregon, usa were tested with a serum neutralization assay for antibody to deerpox virus (dpv). none of the 50 elk (cervus elaphus ssp. roosevelti and nelsonii) had detectable antibody. prevalence of antibody to dpv in the remaining species was: 52% (n=55) in black-tailed deer (odocoileus hemionus columbianus), 32% (n= 59) in mule deer (o. hemionus hemionus), and 36% (n=50) in columbian white-tailed deer (o. virginianus leucurus), with an overall antibody prevalence of 40.2 ... | 2013 | 23307387 |
effects of point-source pcb contamination on breeding performance and post-fledging survival in the dipper cinclus cinclus. | despite widespread information on the incidence and biochemical effects of polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) in birds, field studies of effects on population processes are still scarce. this is particularly so in passerines. we therefore assessed breeding performance and post-fledging survival in dippers, cinclus cinclus, breeding along the afon mule, a welsh river where previous work indicated locally elevated pcb concentrations. we hypothesised that marked toxicological effects, including endoc ... | 2000 | 15092829 |
influence of vegetation on carbon dioxide trap effectiveness for sampling mosquitoes in the sierra nevada foothills of kern county, california. | the effect of vegetation on sampling culex tarsalis, cx. quinquefasciatus and aedes nigromaculis by co2 traps was evaluated at an intermittent stream habitat at the base of the sierra nevada foothills. carbon dioxide traps were spaced along a 450 m transect perpendicular to poso creek to determine female attraction to traps placed in 5 different vegetation substrates: 1) open hilltop with sparse growth of grasses and saltbush, 2) open pasture with sparse growth of saltbush, 3) peripheral underst ... | 1991 | 1791459 |
copper load in mute swans (cygnus olor) found in denmark. | organs from 91 mule swans were analyzed for copper and lead. swans from an area known to be polluted with copper had an average copper content in their livers of nearly 1100 mg/kg or more than twice as much as swams from other parts of denmark. | 1978 | 683855 |
short communication quick method for identifying horse (equus caballus) and donkey (equus asinus) hybrids. | the domestication of the equus genus 5000-6000 years ago has influenced the history of human civilization. as soon as horse and donkey species had been domesticated, they were crossbred, producing humanity's first documented attempt at animal genome manipulation. since then, the mule (male donkey x female horse) and the reciprocal cross (the hinny, male horse x female donkey) have been the most common equine hybrids in the world. due to their hybrid vigor, mules and hinnies have been intensively ... | 2016 | 27706783 |
abortion in a mediterranean miniature donkey (equus asinus) associated with a gammaherpesvirus similar to equid herpesvirus 7. | fetal tissues and placenta from a third trimester mediterranean miniature donkey (equus asinus) abortion were submitted to the washington state university, washington animal disease diagnostic laboratory for abortion diagnosis. microscopic examination of formalin-fixed tissues revealed multifocal necrotizing placentitis. several cells within the necrotic foci contained large, eosinophilic, intranuclear inclusions. virus isolation from fresh, frozen placenta identified a cytopathic, syncytia-form ... | 2015 | 26462760 |
detecting population structure and recent demographic history in endangered livestock breeds: the case of the italian autochthonous donkeys. | since its domestication, about 5000 years ago, the donkey (equus asinus) has been extensively used as a work or draft animal in agricultural activities and for the transportation of people and goods. in the last century, technology improvement and growing mechanization strongly affected agriculture and the management and use of this livestock species in the industrialized countries. nowadays, the use of donkeys for work or transport has almost disappeared, together with the need for mules or hin ... | 2013 | 22506921 |
the domestic livestock resources of turkey: status, use and some physical characteristics of mules. | mules are known to have been used as carriage and riding animals in mesopotamia and anatolia as early as the beginning of the second millennium bc but may have been first bred in anatolia in the third century bc. they have thus contributed to turkey's cultural, social and economic heritage for more than 4,000 years and were an ancient component of its guild of domestic animals and overall biodiversity. once bred country-wide most mules are now introduced "illegally" to the southeast and east fro ... | 2012 | 24833995 |
spatial cognition and perseveration by horses, donkeys and mules in a simple a-not-b detour task. | we investigated perseveration and detour behaviour in 36 equids (equus caballus, e. asinus, e. caballus × e. asinus) and compared these data to those of a previous study on domestic dogs (canis familiaris). the animals were required to make a detour through a gap at one end of a straight barrier in order to reach a visible target. after one, two, three or four repeats (a trials), the gap was moved to the opposite end of the barrier (b trials). we recorded initial deviations from the correct solu ... | 2013 | 23271641 |
seasonal variation in volatile secondary compounds ofchrysothamnus nauseosus (pallas) britt.; asteraceae ssp.hololeucus (gray) hall. & clem. influences herbivory. | chrysothamnus nauseosus (rubber rabbitbrush) is used by browsing animals, especially mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), as a forage in the winter months. it is used only slightly, if at all in the summer. this dietary difference may result from changes in the secondary chemical composition of the leaves. solvent extracts from summer and winter rabbitbrush leaves were analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, and the volatile compounds were quantified and identified. hexane and chlorofo ... | 1994 | 24242728 |
methanogenesis in monogastric animals. | studies of methanogenic bacteria present in monogastric animals are still scarce. methanogens have been isolated from faeces of rat, horse, pig, monkey, baboon, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, giant panda, goose, turkey and chicken. the predominant methanogen in all except the chicken and turkey is species of methanobrevibacterium. the chicken and turkey harbour species of methanogenium. in pig the population of methanogenic bacteria is more than 30 times as dense in the distal colon as in the caecum. ... | 1996 | 24193495 |
isolation and characterization of a cervidpoxvirus from a goitered gazelle (gazella subgutturosa) from a zoologic park in minnesota. | deerpox virus (dpv) is the sole member of the newly ratified cervidpoxvirus genus in the subfamily chordopoxvirinae. presented here is the first diagnostic report of isolation of dpv from a goitered gazelle (gazella subgutturosa). a tissue homogenate was submitted by a zoologic park to the minnesota veterinary diagnostic laboratory at the university of minnesota for poxvirus diagnostic investigation and then referred to plum island foreign animal disease diagnostic laboratory for confirmation. p ... | 2013 | 24063086 |
the impact of an invasive ambrosia beetle on the riparian habitats of the tijuana river valley, california. | the tijuana river valley is the first natural habitat in california to be substantially invaded by the kuroshio shot hole borer (kshb, euwallacea sp.), an ambrosia beetle native to southeast asia. this paper documents the distribution of the kshb in the riparian vegetation in the valley and assesses the damage done to the vegetation as of early 2016, approximately six months after the beetle was first observed in the valley. i divided the riparian habitats into 29 survey units so that the vegeta ... | 2016 | 27366644 |
exotic pediculosis and hair-loss syndrome in deer (odocoileus hemionus) populations in california. | infestation with nonnative, "exotic" lice was first noted in washington black-tailed deer (odocoileus hemionus columbianus) in 1994 and has since then spread throughout the western united states. in california, infestation with the exotic louse damalinia (cervicola) sp. was first detected in black-tailed deer from northern california in 2004, and, in 2009, the exotic louse species bovicola tibialis and linognathus africanus were identified on mule deer (odocoileus hemionus californicus) in centr ... | 2016 | 27240567 |
comparative analysis of mutator -like transposases in sugarcane. | the maize mutator ( mu) system has been described as the most active and mutagenic plant transposon so far discovered. mu -like elements (mules) are widespread among plants, and many and diverse variants can coexist in a particular genome. the autonomous regulatory element mudr contains two genes: mudra encodes the transposase, while the function of the mudrb gene product remains unknown. although mudra -like sequences are ubiquitous in plants, mudrb seems to be restricted to the genus zea. in t ... | 2004 | 15338280 |
eimeria odocoilei n. sp. from the mule deer odocoileus h. hemionus in washington. | | 1967 | 6069253 |
first draft genome for a burkholderia mallei isolate originating from a glanderous mule from brazil. | burkholderia mallei is the etiological agent of glanders. here, we present the draft genome sequence of burkholderia mallei strain 16-2438_bm#8 that was isolated from a mule found dead in pernambuco, northeast brazil. it is the first available genomic sequence from a strain isolated on the american continent. | 2017 | 28705969 |
[glanders]. | | 1952 | 13027150 |
experimental adenovirus hemorrhagic disease in white-tailed deer fawns. | infection with a newly described endotheliotropic adenovirus was the cause of a 1993 epizootic reminiscent of hemorrhagic disease in california mule deer (odocoileus hemionus columbianus and o. hemionus hemionus). pulmonary edema and intestinal luminal hemorrhage, or necrotizing stomatitis associated with systemic or localized vasculitis, respectively, were common lesions seen in animals that died during the epizootic. in order to determine if white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) also are ... | 2001 | 11272490 |
merogony and gametogony of eimeria mccordocki (protozoa-eimeriidae) in the mule deer, odocoileus h. hemionus. | eimeria mccordocki and e. madisonensis oocysts were isolated from feces of 21 of 40 captive mule deer in fort collins, colorado. the two species were separated from each other by infecting one mule deer fawn, and the life cycle of e. mccordocki was studied for the first time. four to six-weeks-old mule deer fawns were inoculated orally with e. mccordocki and killed 9, 13 and 15 days after infection. asexual and sexual stages of life cycle developed in the ileum of mule deer, only in the surface ... | 1987 | 3590606 |
experimental coccidiosis in mule deer fawns. | five mule deer fawns (odocoileus hemionus) ranging in age from 3 to 6 weeks were given sporulated eimeria mccordocki oocysts orally. four of the five fawns developed coccidiosis. initial clinical signs appeared by 8 to 9 days postinoculation and included elevated body temperature and bloody diarrhea. dehydration and limited emaciation occurred as the disease progressed. the disease was allowed to run its course in one fawn and oocysts were passed in the feces on the 16th day following inoculatio ... | 1980 | 7463611 |
voluntary surveillance program for equine influenza virus in the united states from 2010 to 2013. | recent surveillance studies for equine respiratory viruses have shown that equine influenza virus (eiv) continues to be a prevalent respiratory virus of equids throughout the united states and europe. | 2015 | 25586234 |
the infection of mules by trypanosoma hippicum through mucous membranes. | | 1912 | 19867529 |
experimental infection of the mule wite trypanosoma hippicum by means of musca domestica. | | 1912 | 19867528 |
osteoarthritis in two marine mammals and 22 land mammals: learning from skeletal remains. | the occurrence of osteoarthritis (oa) in marine mammals is still questionable. here we investigated the prevalence of oa in marine (dolphin and dugong) and terrestrial mammals (asian elephant, asiatic buffalo, camel, cat, cattle, deer, dog, domestic goat, horse, human, hyena, impala, lion, malayan tapir, assam macaque, mule, pig, rabbit, red kangaroo, sheep, tiger and waterbuck). skeletal remains obtained from five institutes were used as subjects; a total of 45 different parts (locations) of bo ... | 2017 | 28542897 |
abundance and bloodfeeding patterns of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) in an oak woodland on the eastern slope of the northern coast range of california. | the abundance and bloodfeeding patterns of mosquitoes was studied from 2008 to 2010 at an 18 ha. oak woodland in lake county, ca. host-seeking females were collected weekly from sunset to sunrise by paired dry-ice-baited cdc style traps, whereas resting females were aspirated from paired walk-in red boxes. sequences of the coi gene amplified from bloodmeals from engorged resting females were used to identify the bloodmeal hosts. aedes sierrensis (ludlow) and aedes increpitus dyar complex mosquit ... | 2017 | 28874011 |
genomic and pathogenic analysis of a muscovy duck parvovirus strain causing short beak and dwarfism syndrome without tongue protrusion. | in 2008, clinical cases of short beak and dwarfism syndrome (sbds) caused by muscovy duck parvovirus (mdpv) infection were found in mule duck and taiwan white duck farms in fujian, china. a mdpv lh strain causing duck sbds without tongue protrusion was isolated in this study. phylogenetic analysis show that the mdpv lh strain was clustered together with other mdpv strains, but divergent from gpv isolates. two major fragment deletions were found in the inverted terminal repeats (itr) of mdpv lh s ... | 2017 | 28715672 |
simultaneous separation of taxon-specific crystallins from mule duck and characterization of their enzymatic activities and structures. | methods to obtain pure proteins in large amounts are indispensible in protein research. we report here a large-scale/simultaneous isolation of taxon-specific crystallins (ɛ- and δ-crystallin) from the eye lenses of mule duck. we also investigate the compositions, enzymatic activities, and structures of these purified taxon-specific proteins. a relatively mild method of ion-exchange chromatography was developed to fractionate ɛ-crystallin and δ-crystallin in large amount, ca. ∼6.60mg/g-lens and ∼ ... | 2017 | 28411463 |
kribb11 accelerates mcl-1 degradation through an hsf1-independent, mule-dependent pathway in a549 non-small cell lung cancer cells. | the bcl-2 family protein, mcl-1 is known to have anti-apoptotic functions, and depletion of mcl-1 by cellular stresses favors the apoptotic process. moreover, mcl-1 levels are frequently increased in various cancer cells, including non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc), and is implicated in resistance to conventional chemotherapy and in cancer metastasis. in this study, we demonstrated that kribb11 accelerates the proteasomal degradation of mcl-1 in the nsclc cell line, a549. while kribb11 is an in ... | 2017 | 28859986 |
livestock and poultry density and childhood cancer incidence in nine states in the usa. | parental occupational and childhood exposures to farm animals have been positively associated with childhood brain tumors, whereas associations with childhood leukemia are equivocal. the developing immune system may be influenced by allergen, virus, or other exposures from animal sources, which may contribute to childhood cancer incidence. | 2017 | 28858758 |
whole-genome sequences of odocoileus hemionus deer adenovirus isolates from deer, moose and elk are highly conserved and support a new species in the genus atadenovirus. | we present the first complete genome sequence of odocoileus hemionus deer adenovirus 1 (odadv-1). this virus can cause sporadic haemorrhagic disease in cervids, although epizootics with high mortality have occurred in california. odadv-1 has been placed in the genus atadenovirus, based on partial hexon, pviii and fibre genes. ten field isolates recovered from naturally infected mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginiana) and moose (alces alces) from wyoming, black- ... | 2017 | 28809152 |
study of antimicrobial resistance and physiological biomarkers with special reference to salmonellosis in diarrheic foals in punjab, pakistan. | antimicrobial resistance results in selective colonization in animals. in the present study, 447 diarrheic foals (235 horse foals, 165 donkey foals and 47 mule foal) were selected from lahore and sahiwal districts of punjab, pakistan. fresh fecal and blood samples from diarrheic foals were collected for isolation and confirmation of salmonella polymerase chain reaction. results revealed that 50 (11.25%) foals (horse n=29, donkey n=12 and mule n=9) were positive. fifty salmonella enterica isolate ... | 2017 | 28784420 |
evolution of diagnostic tests for chronic wasting disease, a naturally occurring prion disease of cervids. | since chronic wasting disease (cwd) was first identified nearly 50 years ago in a captive mule deer herd in the rocky mountains of the united states, it has slowly spread across north america through the natural and anthropogenic movement of cervids and their carcasses. as the endemic areas have expanded, so has the need for rapid, sensitive, and cost effective diagnostic tests-especially those which take advantage of samples collected antemortem. over the past two decades, strategies have evolv ... | 2017 | 28783058 |
pre- and post-prandial expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism at the end of the overfeeding period of mule ducks. | in palmipeds, overfeeding leads to hepatic steatosis, also called "foie gras" which is the result of many metabolic mechanisms. in order to understand these mechanisms, we decided to measure the expression of genes implicated in lipid metabolism during 12 hours (h) following the last meal of the overfeeding period. we have shown that there is a precocious expression (within 2 h) of fatty acid synthase and acyl coa synthetase long-chain 1 in liver and muscle of mule ducks in addition with a later ... | 2017 | 28766168 |
application of the hands-on donkey tool for assessing the welfare of working equids at tuliman, mexico. | equids are still used for diverse chores in mexico and are essential for the livelihoods of numerous families. appropriate health and behavior are prerequisites for performing work without affecting welfare. this study aimed to assess the welfare of working equids in tuliman, applying the hands-on donkey tool. this tool evaluates five dimensions (behavior, body condition score [bcs], wounds, lameness, and other health issues) and was applied to 438 working equids (horses, mules, and donkeys). th ... | 2017 | 28762781 |
effect of kisspeptin-10, lh and hcg on serum testosterone concentrations in stallions, donkeys and mules. | this study was conducted to determine the response of serum testosterone (t) in male equines (stallions, donkeys and mules) after administering intravenous doses of kisspeptin-10 (kp-10), human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg) and luteinizing hormone (lh) and saline as a control. the animals were divided into four groups of three each: group i, 3 ml of 0.95% saline; group ii, 50 μg kp-10; group iii, 2500 iu hcg and group iv, 400 μg lh. the administration of kp-10 and hcg to stallions resulted in a s ... | 2017 | 28753433 |
identification of a new diagnostic antigen for glanders using immunoproteome analysis. | glanders is a disease of horses, donkeys and mules. the causative agent burkholderia mallei, is a biorisk group 3 pathogen and is also a biothreat agent. simple and rapid diagnostic tool is essential for control of glanders. using a proteomic approach and immunoblotting with equine sera, we identified 12 protein antigens that may have diagnostic potential. various immunoreactive proteins e.g. groel, translation elongation factor tu, elongation factor ts, arginine deiminase, malate dehydrogenase, ... | 2017 | 28750864 |
death by "snow"! a fatal forensic case of cocaine leakage in a "drug mule" on postmortem computed and magnetic resonance tomography compared with autopsy. | this forensic case presents unique postmortem imaging of a "drug mule" with fatal intoxication due to cocaine leakage on postmortem computed and magnetic resonance (mr) tomography compared with autopsy.imaging by postmortem computed and mr tomography was performed before autopsy, histology, and toxicology were commissioned. forensic imaging revealed 91 hyperdense, uniformly shaped body packs with signs of leakage, which was confirmed by autopsy. postmortem mr imaging displayed the rarely describ ... | 2017 | 28737525 |
similarities between large animal-related and motor vehicle crash-related injuries. | many americans sustain large animal-related injuries (laris) from blunt trauma. we compare the injuries and management of lari in our region of the united states with those of motor vehicle crashes (mvcs). | 2017 | 28716291 |
temporal patterns of chronic wasting disease prion excretion in three cervid species. | chronic wasting disease (cwd) is the only naturally occurring transmissible spongiform encephalopathy affecting free-ranging wildlife populations. transmission of cwd occurs by direct contact or through contaminated environments; however, little is known about the temporal patterns of cwd prion excretion and shedding in wild cervids. we tested the urine and faeces of three species of captive cervids (elk, mule and white-tailed deer) at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after oral inoculation to evaluate t ... | 2017 | 28708047 |
projections of nh3 emissions from manure generated by livestock production in china to 2030 under six mitigation scenarios. | china's rapid urbanization, large population, and increasing consumption of calorie-and meat-intensive diets, have resulted in china becoming the world's largest source of ammonia (nh3) emissions from livestock production. this is the first study to use provincial, condition-specific emission factors based on most recently available studies on chinese manure management and environmental conditions. the estimated nh3 emission temporal trends and spatial patterns are interpreted in relation to gov ... | 2017 | 28688258 |
species-specific identification of collagen components in colla corii asini using a nano-liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry proteomics approach. | colla corii asini (cca) is a protein-based traditional chinese medicine made from donkey skins. because it has the ability to nourish blood, its demand is increasing rapidly. the shortage of donkey skins increases the risk of the adulteration of cca products with other animal skins. to ensure the drug efficacy and safety of cca products, a proteomics technique was applied to reveal proteins in the skins of donkey, horse, cattle, and pig. species-specific peptides for each animal species were pre ... | 2017 | 28670118 |
mcl-1 is a key antiapoptotic protein in human and rodent pancreatic β-cells. | induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress and activation of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway is widely believed to contribute to β-cell death in type 1 diabetes (t1d). mcl-1 is an antiapoptotic member of the bcl-2 protein family, whose depletion causes apoptosis in rodent β-cells in vitro. importantly, decreased mcl-1 expression was observed in islets from patients with t1d. we report here that mcl-1 downregulation is associated with cytokine-mediated killing of human β-cells, a process partially ... | 2017 | 28667119 |
isolation and characterization of a novel cervid adenovirus from white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) fawns in a captive herd. | a novel adenovirus, ceadv1, was isolated from buffy coat and nasal swab samples collected from two captive white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) fawns. the isolation was an incidental finding in the course of screening animals for use in a research study on an unrelated pathogen. in the screening process, virus isolation was performed on both nasal swabs and buffy coat samples and cytopathic effect was observed. electron microscopy revealed viral particles with the shape and morphology of a ... | 2017 | 28662929 |
the influence of whole-corn feeding method during the finishing stage on the performance of overfed mule ducks. | the aim of this trial was to compare 2 feeding systems based on whole corn, a loose-mix and a free-choice feeding system, during the finishing stage on the performance of ducks. five hundred sixteen day-old male mule ducks (muscovy drake × pekin duck) were divided into 3 groups that differed in the presentation of the diet they received between 58 and 88 d of age: a complete pelleted diet (control (con) group; amen 12.1 mj/kg, cp 15.0%) containing 500 g of corn per kg; or whole corn (amen 13.9 m ... | 2017 | 28637188 |
west nile virus: seroprevalence in animals in palestine and israel. | west nile virus (wnv) epidemiological situation in israel and palestine, due to their unique location, draws attention following to the global spread of west nile fever (wnf). although much information is available from israel on clinical cases and prevalence of wnv, clinical cases are rarely reported in palestine, and prevalence is not known. the objectives of this study were to determine wnv seroprevalence in various domestic animals in palestine and to reevaluate current seroprevalence, force ... | 2017 | 28628400 |
the newly emerging duck-origin goose parvovirus in china exhibits a wide range of pathogenicity to main domesticated waterfowl. | short beak and dwarfism syndrome virus (sbdsv) is a newly emerging distinct duck-origin goose parvovirus that belongs to the genus dependovirus. our previous studies have found that sbdsv was highly pathogenic to cherry valley ducklings and mule ducklings. however, little is known about its pathogenicity to other waterfowls. in the present study, the pathogenicity of sbdsv was evaluated in domesticated waterfowl including muscovy ducklings, sheldrake ducklings and domestic goslings. all experime ... | 2017 | 28619152 |
cyathostomum catinatum infection in a mule of palam valley, india: a case report. | the small strongyles also called as cyathostomes, cyathostomins or trichonemes, affect the health status of equines, leading to morbidity and mortality in heavily infested individuals. the present study was carried out with the aim to identify the cause of colic in a mule of palam valley, himachal pradesh, india. the detailed faecal sample examination revealed heavy intensity of strongyle eggs with an egg per gram value of 2300. the collected faecal sample also exhibited presence of adult worms. ... | 2017 | 28615874 |
a multi-scale evaluation of pack stock effects on subalpine meadow plant communities in the sierra nevada. | we evaluated the influence of pack stock (i.e., horse and mule) use on meadow plant communities in sequoia and yosemite national parks in the sierra nevada of california. meadows were sampled to account for inherent variability across multiple scales by: 1) controlling for among-meadow variability by using remotely sensed hydro-climatic and geospatial data to pair stock use meadows with similar non-stock (reference) sites, 2) accounting for within-meadow variation in the local hydrology using in ... | 2017 | 28609464 |
a serosurvey of selected cystogenic coccidia in spanish equids: first detection of anti-besnoitia spp. specific antibodies in europe. | equine besnoitiosis, caused by besnoitia bennetti, and equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (epm), caused by sarcocystis neurona and neospora hughesi are relevant equine diseases in the americas that have been scarcely studied in europe. thus, a serosurvey of these cystogenic coccidia was carried out in southern spain. a cross-sectional study was performed and serum samples from horses (n = 553), donkeys (n = 85) and mules (n = 83) were included. an in-house enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elis ... | 2017 | 28490374 |
transposition of mutator-like transposable elements (mules) resembles hat and transib elements and v(d)j recombination. | mutator-like transposable elements (mules) are widespread across fungal, plant and animal species. despite their abundance and importance as genetic tools in plants, the transposition mechanism of the mule superfamily was previously unknown. discovery of the muta1 element from aedes aegypti and its successful transposition in yeast facilitated the characterization of key steps in muta1 transposition. here we show that purified transposase binds specifically to the muta1 ends and catalyzes excisi ... | 2017 | 28482040 |
the greenscape shapes surfing of resource waves in a large migratory herbivore. | the green wave hypothesis posits that herbivore migration manifests in response to waves of spring green-up (i.e. green-wave surfing). nonetheless, empirical support for the green wave hypothesis is mixed, and a framework for understanding variation in surfing is lacking. in a population of migratory mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), 31% surfed plant phenology in spring as well as a theoretically perfect surfer, and 98% surfed better than random. green-wave surfing varied among individuals and wa ... | 2017 | 28444870 |
deciphering mechanisms underlying the genetic variation of general production and liver quality traits in the overfed mule duck by pqtl analyses. | the aim of this study was to analyse the mechanisms that underlie phenotypic quantitative trait loci (qtl) in overfed mule ducks by identifying co-localized proteomic qtl (pqtl). the qtl design consisted of three families of common ducks that were progeny-tested by using 294 male mule ducks. this population of common ducks was genotyped using a genetic map that included 334 genetic markers located across 28 apl chromosomes (apl for anas platyrhynchos). mule ducks were phenotyped for 49 traits re ... | 2017 | 28424047 |
a latency and coverage optimized data collection scheme for smart cities based on vehicular ad-hoc networks. | using mobile vehicles as "data mules" to collect data generated by a huge number of sensing devices that are widely spread across smart city is considered to be an economical and effective way of obtaining data about smart cities. however, currently most research focuses on the feasibility of the proposed methods instead of their final performance. in this paper, a latency and coverage optimized data collection (lcodc) scheme is proposed to collect data on smart cities through opportunistic rout ... | 2017 | 28420218 |
equine colic: clinical epidemiology and associated risk factors in and around debre zeit. | a prospective study was conducted to describe clinical epidemiology of equine colic in the society for protection of animal abroad and donkey sanctuary project clinic, at debre zeit, ethiopia, from november 2014 to april 2015. the objectives were to describe clinical epidemiology of equine colic, to characterize the main types of equine colic, and to determine the major risk factors associated with equine colic. the method which was used in the study was attending clinical case of equine and ass ... | 2017 | 28401328 |
mule deer and energy development-long-term trends of habituation and abundance. | as the extent and intensity of energy development in north america increases, so do disturbances to wildlife and the habitats they rely upon. impacts to mule deer are of particular concern because some of the largest gas fields in the usa overlap critical winter ranges. short-term studies of 2-3 years have shown that mule deer and other ungulates avoid energy infrastructure; however, there remains a common perception that ungulates habituate to energy development, and thus, the potential for a d ... | 2017 | 28375581 |
kinetics of expression of genes involved in glucose metabolism after the last meal in overfed mule ducks. | in waterfowls, overfeeding leads to a hepatic steatosis, also called "foie gras." we decided to investigate the role of glucose metabolism in steatosis emergence. for this, we measured the expression of genes during the 12 h following the last meal of the overfeeding period. as expected, it showed that the expression of glucose transporter is more precocious in jejunal mucosa, especially for sglt1, known to be the major transporter at the apical surface. in the liver, glut2 and hk1 are upregulat ... | 2017 | 28324238 |
detection of a novel gammaherpesvirus (genus rhadinovirus) in wild muntjac deer in northern ireland. | this study represents the initial part of an investigation into the potential for non-native, wild, free-living muntjac deer (muntiacus reevesi) to carry viruses that could be a threat to livestock. a degenerate pcr assay was used to screen a range of tissues from muntjac deer culled in northern ireland for the presence of herpesviral nucleic acids. this was followed by sequencing of pcr amplicons and phylogenetic analysis. we report the detection of a novel gammaherpesvirus most closely related ... | 2017 | 28204896 |
environmental and managerial factors associated with pack stock distribution in high elevation meadows: case study from yosemite national park. | parks and protected areas are integral strategies for biological diversity conservation, and their management often involves balancing visitor use with resource protection. effectively balancing these objectives requires data about how use is distributed within areas of interest and how management strategies and environmental conditions interact to minimize negative impacts. this study examined which environmental and managerial factors most influenced the distribution of domestic pack stock ani ... | 2017 | 28189929 |
cannabis body packing: a case report. | drug traffic is a major concern worldwide. we report a case of a 27-year old male who presented with a diffuse abdominal plain to the emergency department. abdominal x-ray demonstrated multiple foreign bodies along the intestinal tract, which were found to be cannabis packets. the patient was treated conservatively with a good result. | 2016 | 28154682 |
capture of free-ranging mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) with a combination of medetomidine, azaperone, and alfaxalone. | the combination of medetomidine, azaperone, and alfaxalone has been successfully used to anesthetize captive white-tailed deer ( odocoileus virginianus ). this same combination was utilized to immobilize free-ranging female mule deer ( odocoileus hemionus ; md) in urban and nonurban environments (14 urban md, 14 nonurban md) in british columbia, canada. physiologic data were collected to assess the safety and reliability of this drug combination under field conditions. each deer received estimat ... | 2017 | 28151080 |
the e3 ligase mule protects the heart against oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction through myc-dependent inactivation of pgc-1α and pink1. | cardiac homeostasis requires proper control of protein turnover. protein degradation is principally controlled by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. mule is an e3 ubiquitin ligase that regulates cellular growth, dna repair and apoptosis to maintain normal tissue architecture. however, mule's function in the heart has yet to be described. in a screen, we found reduced mule expression in left ventricular samples from end-stage heart failure patients. consequently, we generated conditional cardiac-sp ... | 2017 | 28148912 |
e3 ubiquitin ligase mule targets β-catenin under conditions of hyperactive wnt signaling. | wnt signaling, named after the secreted proteins that bind to cell surface receptors to activate the pathway, plays critical roles both in embryonic development and the maintenance of homeostasis in many adult tissues. two particularly important cellular programs orchestrated by wnt signaling are proliferation and stem cell self-renewal. constitutive activation of the wnt pathway resulting from mutation or improper modulation of pathway components contributes to cancer development in various tis ... | 2017 | 28137882 |
k48-linked klf4 ubiquitination by e3 ligase mule controls t-cell proliferation and cell cycle progression. | t-cell proliferation is regulated by ubiquitination but the underlying molecular mechanism remains obscure. here we report that lys-48-linked ubiquitination of the transcription factor klf4 mediated by the e3 ligase mule promotes t-cell entry into s phase. mule is elevated in t cells upon tcr engagement, and mule deficiency in t cells blocks proliferation because klf4 accumulates and drives upregulation of its transcriptional targets e2f2 and the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27. t ... | 2017 | 28084302 |
ubiquitylation-dependent regulation of neil1 by mule and trim26 is required for the cellular dna damage response. | endonuclease viii-like protein 1 (neil1) is a dna glycosylase involved in initiating the base excision repair pathway, the major cellular mechanism for repairing dna base damage. here, we have purified the major e3 ubiquitin ligases from human cells responsible for regulation of neil1 by ubiquitylation. interestingly, we have identified two enzymes that catalyse neil1 polyubiquitylation, mcl-1 ubiquitin ligase e3 (mule) and tripartite motif 26 (trim26). we demonstrate that these enzymes are capa ... | 2017 | 27924031 |
evolution of host range in the follicle mite demodex kutzeri. | the sequences of four mitochondrial genes were determined for demodex mites isolated from two distantly related species within the family cervidae, and identified morphologically as belonging to the species demodex kutzeri. the sequences were used to test the hypothesis that demodex are strictly host-specific, and hence cospeciate with their hosts: (1) the estimated divergence time between mites found on elk vs humans agreed closely with a previous estimate of the time that these host species la ... | 2017 | 27894366 |
movement reveals scale dependence in habitat selection of a large ungulate. | ecological processes operate across temporal and spatial scales. anthropogenic disturbances impact these processes, but examinations of scale dependence in impacts are infrequent. such examinations can provide important insight to wildlife-human interactions and guide management efforts to reduce impacts. we assessed spatiotemporal scale dependence in habitat selection of mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) in the piceance basin of colorado, usa, an area of ongoing natural gas development. we employ ... | 2016 | 27859842 |
mobile universal lexicon evaluation system (mules) test: a new measure of rapid picture naming for concussion. | this study introduces a rapid picture naming test, the mobile universal lexicon evaluation system (mules), as a novel, vision-based performance measure for concussion screening. the mules is a visual-verbal task that includes 54 original photographs of fruits, objects and animals. we piloted mules in a cohort of volunteers to determine feasibility, ranges of picture naming responses, and the relation of mules time scores to those of king-devick (k-d), a rapid number naming test. | 2017 | 27856005 |
the prevalence of lameness and associated risk factors in cart mules in bahir dar, ethiopia. | ethiopia has 7.1 million donkeys and mules, the majority of which are used as pack animals. factors such as poor harness quality, long-distance traveling, and heavy cartloads have been linked to reduced work efficiency. addressing the health and welfare of working equids is imperative not only for the animals but also for the households dependent upon them for livelihood. in developing countries, 75 % of working equids have gait or limb abnormalities, but the relationship between workload and pr ... | 2016 | 27587009 |
owner reported diseases of working equids in central ethiopia. | working horses, donkeys and mules suffer from numerous diseases and clinical problems. however, there is little information on what owners perceive as important health concerns in their working animals. | 2017 | 27565130 |
metformin enhances trail-induced apoptosis by mcl-1 degradation via mule in colorectal cancer cells. | metformin is an anti-diabetic drug with a promising anti-cancer potential. in this study, we show that subtoxic doses of metformin effectively sensitize human colorectal cancer (crc) cells to tumor necrosis factor (tnf)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (trail), which induces apoptosis. metformin alone did not induce apoptosis, but significantly potentiated trail-induced apoptosis in crc cells. crc cells treated with metformin and trail showed activation of the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways o ... | 2016 | 27517746 |
a common parvovirus in deer from california, usa. | we characterize the genome of the first reported deer parvovirus, ungulate tetraparvovirus 5, which we detected by pcr in multiple tissues from 2/9 california mule deer ( odocoileus hemionus californicus) with hair loss syndrome (hls) and in 4/12 deer without hls, suggesting this common infection does not cause hls. | 2016 | 27479898 |
increases in residential and energy development are associated with reductions in recruitment for a large ungulate. | land-use change due to anthropogenic development is pervasive across the globe and commonly associated with negative consequences for biodiversity. while land-use change has been linked to shifts in the behavior and habitat-use patterns of wildlife species, little is known about its influence on animal population dynamics, despite the relevance of such information for conservation. we conducted the first broad-scale investigation correlating temporal patterns of land-use change with the demograp ... | 2017 | 27428886 |
individual and population level resource selection patterns of mountain lions preying on mule deer along an urban-wildland gradient. | understanding population and individual-level behavioral responses of large carnivores to human disturbance is important for conserving top predators in fragmented landscapes. however, previous research has not investigated resource selection at predation sites of mountain lions in highly urbanized areas. we quantified selection of natural and anthropogenic landscape features by mountain lions at sites where they consumed their primary prey, mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), in and adjacent to ur ... | 2016 | 27411098 |
evolution of equine infectious anaemia in naturally infected mules with different serological reactivity patterns prior and after immune suppression. | information on equine infectious anaemia (eia) in mules, including those with an equivocal reaction in agar gel immunodiffusion test (agidt), is scarce. for this, a study was conducted to evaluate the clinical, viral loads and pathological findings of two groups of naturally infected asymptomatic mules, respectively with a negative/equivocal and positive agidt reactivity, which were subjected to pharmacological immune suppression (is). a non-infected control was included in the study that remain ... | 2016 | 27259822 |
phylogenetic and genomic analyses resolve the origin of important plant genes derived from transposable elements. | once perceived as merely selfish, transposable elements (tes) are now recognized as potent agents of adaptation. one way tes contribute to evolution is through te exaptation, a process whereby tes, which persist by replicating in the genome, transform into novel host genes, which persist by conferring phenotypic benefits. known exapted tes (etes) contribute diverse and vital functions, and may facilitate punctuated equilibrium, yet little is known about this process. to better understand te exap ... | 2016 | 27189548 |
a novel method to verify multilevel computational models of biological systems using multiscale spatio-temporal meta model checking. | insights gained from multilevel computational models of biological systems can be translated into real-life applications only if the model correctness has been verified first. one of the most frequently employed in silico techniques for computational model verification is model checking. traditional model checking approaches only consider the evolution of numeric values, such as concentrations, over time and are appropriate for computational models of small scale systems (e.g. intracellular netw ... | 2016 | 27187178 |
mule regulates the intestinal stem cell niche via the wnt pathway and targets ephb3 for proteasomal and lysosomal degradation. | the e3 ubiquitin ligase mule is often overexpressed in human colorectal cancers, but its role in gut tumorigenesis is unknown. here, we show in vivo that mule controls murine intestinal stem and progenitor cell proliferation by modulating wnt signaling via c-myc. mule also regulates protein levels of the receptor tyrosine kinase ephb3 by targeting it for proteasomal and lysosomal degradation. in the intestine, ephb/ephrinb interactions position cells along the crypt-villus axis and compartmental ... | 2016 | 27184401 |
effects of indoor slippers on plantar pressure and lower limb emg activity in older women. | open-toe mule slippers are popular footwear worn at home especially by older women. however, their biomechanical effects are still poorly understood. the objective of this study is to therefore evaluate the physical properties of two typical types of open-toe mule slippers and the changes in plantar pressure and lower limb muscle activity of older women when wearing these slippers. five walking trials have been carried out by ten healthy women. the results indicate that compared to barefoot, wea ... | 2016 | 27184323 |
dna methylation changes facilitated evolution of genes derived from mutator-like transposable elements. | mutator-like transposable elements, a class of dna transposons, exist pervasively in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes, with more than 10,000 copies identified in the rice genome. these elements can capture ectopic genomic sequences that lead to the formation of new gene structures. here, based on whole-genome comparative analyses, we comprehensively investigated processes and mechanisms of the evolution of putative genes derived from mutator-like transposable elements in ten oryza species ... | 2016 | 27154274 |
effects of replacing corn with sorghum on the performance of overfed mule ducks. | the aim of this trial was to study the effects of replacing yellow corn (c) with condensed tannin-free sorghum (s) during the finishing period (f period; age 53 to 79 d) and/or overfeeding period (o period; age 80 to 91 d) on the performance of overfed mule ducks. 192 ducks were divided into 4 groups (48 in each) differing in the cereal (yellow corn or sorghum) included in the diet given during the f and/or the o periods, using a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments : ss, sc, cs, cc. at the ... | 2016 | 26994195 |
intracerebral malignant plasmacytoma in a mule deer (odocoileus hemionus). | a wild, mature, gravid female mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) was presented with marked neurological signs, including abnormal behaviour, circling and incoordination. the animal was humanely destroyed and submitted for diagnostic investigation. grossly, a well-demarcated, 3 × 3 × 3 cm intracranial mass replaced the left olfactory bulb and frontal lobe. histologically, there was a highly cellular, infiltrative and unencapsulated neoplastic mass of round cells with eccentrically located nuclei. ne ... | 2017 | 26987510 |
testicular characteristics and the block to spermatogenesis in mature hinny. | most hinnies (female donkey×male horse) and mules (female horse×male donkey) are sterile with few reports of equine fertile hybrids. the main cause of this sterility is thought to be a meiotic block to spermatogenesis and oogenesis. this study compared the developmental features of the testes and a histological analyses of spermatogenesis in a male hinny with those of a normal, fertile stallion and jack donkey. hinny testes showed a thicker tunica albuginea, fewer blood vessels and more connecti ... | 2016 | 26954128 |
the role of radiology in diagnosis and management of drug mules: an update with new challenges and new diagnostic tools. | emergency physicians and radiologists have been increasingly encountering internal concealment of illegal drugs. the packages commonly contain powdered solid drugs such as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and hashish, but they may also contain cocaine in the liquid form. the second type of package has recently been more commonly encountered, and poses a greater diagnostic challenge. as clinical evaluation and laboratory tests frequently fail to make the correct diagnosis, imaging examination is ... | 2016 | 26867003 |
ungulate reproductive parameters track satellite observations of plant phenology across latitude and climatological regimes. | the effect of climatically-driven plant phenology on mammalian reproduction is one key to predicting species-specific demographic responses to climate change. large ungulates face their greatest energetic demands from the later stages of pregnancy through weaning, and so in seasonal environments parturition dates should match periods of high primary productivity. interannual variation in weather influences the quality and timing of forage availability, which can influence neonatal survival. here ... | 2016 | 26849642 |
added value of lung window in detecting drug mules on non-contrast abdominal computed tomography. | we evaluated the added value of lung window in non-contrast computed tomography (ct) of suspected body packers or stuffers. forty suspected drug mules who were referred to our tertiary toxicology center were included. the final diagnosis of drug mule was based on the detection of packs in stool examination or surgery. non-contrast ct scans were retrospectively interpreted by two blinded radiologists in consensus before and after reviewing the lung window images. the diagnostic performance of abd ... | 2016 | 26830789 |
mcl-1 dynamics influence mitotic slippage and death in mitosis. | microtubule-binding drugs such as taxol are frontline treatments for a variety of cancers but exactly how they yield patient benefit is unclear. in cell culture, inhibiting microtubule dynamics prevents spindle assembly, leading to mitotic arrest followed by either apoptosis in mitosis or slippage, whereby a cell returns to interphase without dividing. myeloid cell leukaemia-1 (mcl-1), a pro-survival member of the bcl-2 family central to the intrinsic apoptosis pathway, is degraded during a prol ... | 2016 | 26769847 |
[training of the training recruits in contact with mules]. | | 2015 | 26753356 |
huwe1 interacts with gadd45b under oxygen-glucose deprivation and reperfusion injury in primary rat cortical neuronal cells. | growth arrest and dna-damage inducible protein 45 beta (gadd45b) is serving as a neuronal activity sensor. brain ischemia induces the expression of gadd45b, which stimulates recovery after stroke and may play a protective role in cerebral ischemia. however, little is known of the molecular mechanisms of how gadd45b expression regulated and the down-stream targets in brain ischemia. here, using an oxygen-glucose deprivation and reperfusion (ogd/r) model, we identified huwe1/mule/arf-bp1, a hect d ... | 2015 | 26698301 |
sero-epidemiology of equine toxoplasmosis using a latex agglutination test in the three metropolises of punjab, pakistan. | toxoplasmosis is a serious threat for livestock in addition to being of zoonotic significance. in this study, serodiagnosis of equine toxoplasmosis was conducted in a randomly selected population from the 3 metropolises of punjab, pakistan. to this end, 272 draught equines were screened using a commercial latex agglutination assay kit. association of probable risk factors of equine toxoplasmosis was also documented. a total of 91 (33.5%) equines were found sero-positive for toxoplama (t.) gondii ... | 2015 | 26691256 |
can live weight be used as a proxy for enteric methane emissions from pasture-fed sheep? | to test the hypothesis that sheep live weight (lw) could be used to improve enteric methane (ch4) emission calculations, mature ewes of 4 different breeds representative of the uk sheep industry were studied: welsh mountain, scottish blackface, welsh mule and texel (n = 8 per breed). the ewes were housed and offered ad libitum access to fresh cut pasture of three different types, varying in digestibility: (a) a relatively high digestibility monoculture of perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne), (b) ... | 2015 | 26647754 |
the effects of urbanization on population density, occupancy, and detection probability of wild felids. | urbanization is a primary driver of landscape conversion, with far-reaching effects on landscape pattern and process, particularly related to the population characteristics of animals. urbanization can alter animal movement and habitat quality, both of which can influence population abundance and persistence. we evaluated three important population characteristics (population density, site occupancy, and species detection probability) of a medium-sized and a large carnivore across varying levels ... | 2015 | 26591454 |