
florence nightingale--exploring the rumours. 19979295472
the influence of florence nightingale's image on liverpool nurses 1945-1995.images of florence nightingale have been crystallised over time so that an iconoclastic image is frequently presented. using oral history as a research method, a convenience sample of liverpool nurses, spanning the period 1945-1995 discussed how this image had a bearing on them as nurses and on their practice. it would appear that during their training, lectures were about florence nightingale as a person and students were expected to emulate her. the influence of the image led to a rigorous att ...199711618973
introducing primary nursing to a satellite dialysis setting in singapore.primary nursing originated from the university of minnesota hospitals in the late 1960s. almost 100 years before, florence nightingale defined a "case method" approach to nursing in which she described an individual nurse having responsibility for a given group of patients and dealing with issues relating to health, hygiene and family support.20109663995
conceptualizing advanced nursing practice: curriculum issues to consider in the educational preparation of advanced practice nurses in the uk.the findings from a florence nightingale scholarship to the usa and canada, investigating the educational preparation of advanced practice nurses, are reported. the author considers a number of issues facing curriculum designers who might wish to develop clinically based advanced practice nurse programmes in the uk. utilizing the experimental nature of personal visits, along with the available literature, the strategy adopted by some american and canadian universities is highlighted to exemplify ...19979104681
florence nightingale's memory loss.alzheimer's disease presents in many guises from the frankly florid to the benign decline in memory and functioning. florence nightingale (1820-1910) is well known to the public as the face behind the nursing profession. what has not been well studied is her cognitive decline in old age. evidence is presented to support the diagnosis of late onset alzheimer's disease, perhaps from a familial basis, this being the major contributor to her death. her last years were with dignity and can be an insp ...19979137312
florence nightingale and holistic philosophy.florence nightingale lived at a time when allopathy and homeopathy were competing for dominance in medical care. nightingale's philosophy of health and healing was more similar to the holistic philosophy of homeopathy than to the mechanistic philosophy of allopathy. why, then, did nightingale align organized nursing with allopathic medicine? perhaps nightingale, always the pragmatist, understood that allopathy would gain the dominant position in medicine. perhaps aligning nursing with allopathy ...19979146193
auditory scene analysis by songbirds: stream segregation of birdsong by european starlings (sturnus vulgaris).three experiments examined the capacity of european starlings to segregate perceptually 2 superimposed, intermixed auditory stimuli. the stimuli were 10-s song samples from 2 of 4 songbird species: european starling, brown thrasher, mockingbird, and nightingale. the birds first learned a discrimination between the intermixed song pairs. then, they maintained the discrimination with novel song exemplars in the mixtures and when song stimuli for each species were presented alone. performance fell, ...19979090135
london's nightingale museum. 19979433294
nightingale product design competition. 199710539146
[florence nightingale's concept of home nursing: an analysis of her writings].the purpose of this study is to identify miss florence nightingale's concept of home nursing in the 19th century. the texts of her 27 writings were analyzed in terms of home nursing. in her writings of 1850's, she discussed patients' own homes as well as hospitals as the settings where nursing care should be provided. "hospitals are an intermediate stage of civilization" was the recognition which formed the core of her philosophy. miss nightingale envisaged "nursing care provided to individuals ...20099305064
a caged nightingale does not sing. 20049110747
the virtues in the moral education of nurses: florence nightingale revisited.the virtues have been a neglected aspect of morality; only recently has reference been made to their place in professional ethics. unfashionable as florence nightingale is, it is nonetheless worth noting that she was instrumental in continuing the aristotelian tradition of being concerned with the moral character of persons. nurses who came under nightingale's sphere of influence were expected to develop certain exemplary habits of behaviour. a corollary can be drawn with the current uk professi ...19979052177
sanitary reform and nursing. edwin chadwick and florence nightingale. 19978979733
miss loane, florence nightingale, and district nursing in late victorian britain. 19978979730
in defense of farr and nightingale. 19968967702
the nightingale tracker: information technology for community nursing education.the international health care delivery system is evolving to include an increased emphasis on community care and automated clinical information and communication systems. these trends are dramatically affecting nursing education in the u.s. as faculty consider the strategies needed to communicate with their students at multiple clinical sites, and to educate students to fulfill their changing practice roles. in response to these changes, fitne, inc. is using triangulated research methods to deve ...199710175425
all the young men gone: losing men in the gentrification of australian nursing circa played an important role in nursing in colonial australia. however the number of men undertaking nursing duties declined dramatically in the second half of the nineteenth century. reasons for this are explored in relation to ramifications of the introduction of the nightingale pattern of nurse training in australia, which occurred within the victorian ethos of gentility and decorum. in this context, nursing came to be seen as a calling that was natural and appropriate for women. the controll ...19969117770
[from bygone days: romantic figures (florence nightingale)]. 19979418568
theoretical perspectives of nursing: a review of the literature.the discipline of nursing has slowly evolved from the traditional role of women having been influenced by a variety of factors such as apprenticeship, humanitarian aims, religious ideals, medicine, increasing technology, politics, war, feminism and more recently research. this variety of influences is reflected in the many and varied definitions and descriptions of nursing currently espoused in the literature. a review of the most widely cited definitions and descriptions of nursing from nightin ...19979429973
holistic health options for women.women have played pivotal roles in maintaining health over the millennia. their health care practices always have been aligned with natural therapies. it is generally accepted that women use and are more open to complementary therapies than men. yet, there are still many obstacles to address before complementary therapies gain a broader base of support, particularly among the medical community. although research is currently in progress, definitive evidence is still lacking regarding which holis ...19979444181
rules of parameter variation in homotype series of birdsong can indicate a 'sollwert' significance.various bird species produce songs which include homotype pattern series, i.e. segments composed of a number of repeated vocal units. we compared such units and analyzed the variation of their parameters, especially in the time and the frequency domain. in addition, we examined whether and how serial changes of both the range and the trend of variation were related to song constituents following the repetitions. data evaluation showed that variation of specific serial parameters (e.g., unit pitc ...199624896079
florence nightingale's influence on the development and professionalization of modern nursing in japan.this article has summarized the overwhelming sociocultural and geopolitical forces that influenced the development of modern nursing in japan. the irony of japanese nursing is that modern nursing, first introduced by navy physicians, served the needs of japanese military efforts and those of physicians who required others to perform menial hospital chores. because of the harsh realities of nursing in the battlefields or in hospitals, working as a kangofu was, and is, not compatible with a tradit ...20088981499
a tribute to the pioneer of nursing. miss florence nightingale. 19969256770
nightingale sings the blues. 19968936238
applying nursing theory to perioperative nursing practice.the perioperative nursing role has evolved from that of task-oriented specialists to patient-centered professionals. the concept of caring is significant to perioperative nurses and is manifested by the many caring behaviors perioperative nurses demonstrate toward surgical patients. this article describes how the element of caring is an essential function of perioperative nursing and relates the perioperative nursing role to the work of three nursing theorists (le, florence nightingale; virginia ...19968853783
army nurses in wartime: distinction and pride.nurses have served with distinction in wartime since florence nightingale went to the crimea. women often accompanied their husbands to battle during the revolutionary and civil wars, caring for the sick and wounded. although not officially given officer status until 1920, army nurses served in the spanish-american war and world war i. as officers, thousands of nurses served in subsequent wars, distinguishing themselves by their heroism, devotion to duty, and sheer tenacity of spirit.19968772301
100 apples divided by 15 red herrings: a cautionary tale from the mid-19th century on comparing hospital mortality 1863, florence nightingale argued that london hospitals were dangerous, especially compared with provincial facilities. she bolstered this contention with statistics published in william farr's registrar-general report which claimed that 24 london hospitals had mortality rates exceeding 90%, whereas rural hospitals had an average mortality rate of 13%. farr had calculated mortality rates by dividing the total number of patients who died throughout the year by the number of inpatients on a sin ...19968633823
wound healing and critical illness.critically ill patients with acute wounds provide a multitude of challenges for the critical care nurse. assessment of the patient's wound and associated-disease risk factors must be an ongoing process involving the evaluation of the treatment modalities and the stage of wound healing. nightingale stated that the nurse's role "is to put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon." the critical care nurse plays a pivotal role in establishing and maintaining the best condition or env ...19968716381
to pauperize or empower: public health nursing at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.from its inception, public health nursing has provided health care and teaching to all people including those who are disadvantaged and impoverished. based on the work and beliefs of florence nightingale and lillian wald, public health nurses developed positive relationships with people which resulted in healthier environments and lifestyles among diverse families and communities. and, despite societal concern that nursing care for the poor would pauperize them, it did not. it empowered them. a ...19968677231
florence nightingale (1820-1910): maternal mortality and the training of midwives. 19968777690
the effect of ward design on the well-being of post-operative patients.changes in the design of hospital wards have usually been determined by architects and members of the nursing and medical professions; the views and preferences of patients have seldom been sought directly. the hospital anxiety and depression scale and the disturbance due to hospital noise questionnaire were administered to 64 female patients on bay and nightingale wards together with a questionnaire designed for this study. perceptions of social and physical factors of ward design were examined ...19968675902
the incidence of malnutrition in hospitalised patients.this paper is the third in our literature review series and looks at the subject of nutrition. in 1859 florence nightingale suggested that thousands of patients were 'annually starved in the midst of plenty, from want of attention to the ways which alone make it possible for them to take food'. over 130 years later it is still being suggested that nutrition remains a neglected area of patient care. it is sobering to realise that little has changed in this time. this paper provides an overview of ...20138710558
florence nightingale, where are you? 20048707149
the legacy of nightingale. 20078684984
sexual harassment and hostile environments in the perioperative area.nursing has dealt with sexual harassment since the era of florence nightingale. despite legislation and increased media attention, perioperative nurses continue to experience frustration, embarrassment, and psychological and economic repercussions because of sexual harassment. prevention of sexual harassment must encompass individuals, employers, and the health care profession as a whole. individuals can take steps to stop sexual harassment by reporting the incidents and confronting the harasser ...19968907748
letters from a nightingale nurse.mary cadbury was one of six daughters in a wealthy birmingham family, all of whom took up professional or unpaid philanthropic work. in 1873 mary began nurse training at the nightingale school, st thomas's hospital, and regularly sent letters to family and friends, which provide a graphic account of the experience of a nurse in the latter half of the nineteenth century.199611618490
infection control: do we all have a role to play?infection control became a recognised discipline in 1970. its principles, however, had been in existence for some time. in the middle of the nineteenth century, semelweiss showed the importance of hand washing in coping with the transmission of infections. better acceptance of semelweiss's idea came after pasteur, lister and koch related asepsis to the prevention of the spread of infection. florence nightingale, on the other hand, at about the same time, made a remarkable contribution to sanitat ...200710723303
mary seacole, the florence nightingale of jamaica. 19969355314
the "florence nightingale of jamaica"--mary seacole, nurse pioneer. 19969272084
the high-touch paradigm: a 21st century model for maternal-child nursing. with a brief glimpse into nursing on the starship nightingale. 20078825667
plenary session: what florence nightingale would tell us today. 199610161385
nightingale awards. 199610160312
the role of gender, phrenology, discrimination and nervous prostration in clara barton's career.clara barton was 39 years old before she became involved in civil war humanitarian activities. prior to that time, three factors shaped her personality and her future: phrenology gave her philosophical principles to live by, especially "know thyself"; sex discrimination on her first two jobs steeled her for living in a male dominated victorian era; and psychohygienic therapy for her long term nervous prostration changed her behavioral approach to illness and to life. with these three influences ...19958568024
my florence nightingale. 19957500588
art, science and social science in nursing: occupational origins and disciplinary identity.this paper forms part of a wider study examining the history and sociology of nursing education in england between 1860 and 1948. it argues that the question of whether nursing was an art, science and/or social science has been at the 'heart' of a wider debate on the occupational status and disciplinary identity of nursing. the view that nursing was essentially an art and a 'calling', was championed by florence nightingale. ethel bedford fenwick and her allies insisted that nursing, like other p ...19957664158
[war nursing and the red cross movement. henri dunant and florence nightingale]. 19957551356
florence nightingale: a message for today. 19957628221
my dear harry: a life of henry bonham-carter.henry bonham-carter was both a relative and the 'workhorse' of florence nightingale. his administrative skills contributed much to the development of nursing yet he is less well-known than his cousin. this article describes a recent exhibition in london to celebrate his life and involvement in nursing.199511619065
progress in measuring nursing outcomes.this paper examines the progress made in the measurement of the 'outcomes' of nursing. although nursing has a long history of outcome research which extends as far back as florence nightingale, an examination of the literature over the past 30 years gives little impression of progress. significant difficulties still remain in identifying outcomes relevant to nursing intervention, measurement techniques and appropriate study designs. however, progress has been made. the paper examines various rec ...19957665773
 winners of the florence nightingale awards line-up at the recent awards ceremony at the mansion house in the city of london. front row, from left: julia gilroy, suzanne hargreaves, anthea major and shirley dougherty'; back row; leslie chambers, caroline birtles, marion woan. donna morely, helene smith, denise morris, margaret colder and maggi jarvis.199527684130
the evolution of recognized nightingales: a bedtime story for extraterrestrials. the moral of the story. 20167662790
[the angel of scutari. on the 175th anniversary of the birth of florence nightingale]. 19957743042
nursing provider wins payment for services to aids cross/blue shield of alabama refused to pay claims for nursing care provided by florence nightingale nursing service. the nursing service administered care to an aids patient whose employer provided health benefits through a plan that covered charges for private-duty nursing but not custodial care. the nursing service attempted internal reconciliation, and eventually had to file suit in u.s. district court and won. the appeals court rejected blue cross's claim that the employee retirement i ...199511362238
from 19th century nursing reforms to current practice: a selective overview with special reference to the royal london homoeopathic hospital (the royal london homoeopathic hospital nhs trust from 1993).early nursing reforms in the 19th century are usually associated with nightingale, although later emphasis has been placed on similar movements in the poor law sector. extension of nursing influence over decision-making in terms of nursing practice and education is charted, using examples from 19th century minutes of hospital committees and more recent experience based mainly on the observations made by one of the writers, who had substantial input into steering the hospital through the stages p ...19957735653
florence nightingale by herself. essay review. 19957613068
florence nightingale fellowship launch.the florence nightingale foundation is celebrating its 60th anniversary next year with the launch of a new fellowship scheme. the fellowships will be awarded to former florence nightingale scholars, including enrolled nurses, who have made an 'excellent contribution' to nursing, midwifery and health visiting.199427527432
effectiveness of an active method in teaching physiology.a three-year study was conducted in search of a better method of teaching physiology that would enhance the critical thinking skills of first-year nursing students in istanbul university, florence nightingale college of nursing. three different methods of teaching were used: 1) a straight lecture method, 2) an active method with no previous preparation of students, 3) an active method with previous preparation. each method was evaluated by end-of-term marks, student feedback in that year, and a ...19947998617
florence nightingale and the women's movement: friend or foe?the historical analysis of the complex and often contradictory views of florence nightingale regarding the rights of women is explored in this paper. feminism and nursing are often viewed as contradictory and antithetical. the relationship between the two is examined through the link between florence nightingale and her contemporary, barbara leigh-smith bodichon. leigh-smith was founder and primary financier of the english women's journal that provided a public platform for the major feminist wr ...19947850623
nightingale, nursing, and the ecofeminists. 19947792167
[florence nightingale and nursing education]. 19947991978
 home and garden: the hyde nursing home, officially opened in cheshire last week, includes a garden dedicated to mary seacole, the black nurse who worked with florence nightingale. pictured, left to right, are: staff nurse lynn pritchard, home manager hazel shaw and care assistant sandra harrison.199427683993
'a commitment to the best'.dear colleagues in 1974 i established nightingale nurses bureau. having done agency nursing myself i identified a need for a professional, personal service for both nurses and clients.199427527330
the other nightingale. 20048060884
sexual harassment is no laughing matter.sexual harassment is neither new to nursing nor a recent phenomenon. it has been a fact of life in the wards since the last century. keenly aware of the abuse suffered by nurses, florence nightingale noted "that no male hospital administrator or official ... would intervene on the side of a woman when her accuser was a higher status male, for example a physician or surgeon".20047928141
"an exemplar from the past: florence nightingales influence on a new zealand nurse's practice". 19947849481
least said, soonest mended?florence nightingale almost certainly had more influence on the profession of nursing than any other individual; she is also one of the few nurses to have gained more than a modicum of respect from the medical profession. take these two notions together, and it is clear why nightingale is no longer every nurse's role model!199427922297
more research please on ethnicity and diet.i would like to clarify some elements of your report of my presentation at the florence nightingale scholarships (newsfile, april 28).199427680648
 we' ll meet again: fifty years after they met while saving the lives of d-day casualties in normandy, 'flying nightingales' myra jones (nee roberts), left, and edna morris (nee birbeck) shared memories of the battle that turned the war, at the imperial war museum last week ● special features starting on p16.199427680621
florence nightingale's personality: a psychoanalytical profile.this study was to examine and analyze florence nightingale's early years as a child and their influence on her adult behaviour. the findings indicate that (a) nightingale, contrary to how she portrayed herself, was an artful manipulator of people, and (b) although her achievements were many and only reached at high cost, some were highly exaggerated.19948088939
 above: rcn headquarters was decorated with flags from countries across europe to mark international nurses' day last week. among the guests were scriptwriters from the bbc series casualty. left: healthy families for healthy nations was the theme of a health fair staged by nurses in islington above left: nurse fay peyton at a service in westminster abbey to commemorate the life of florence nightingale. similar services were held for the first time in scotland, wales and northern ireland.199427666213
international nurses' day.nurses across the country and around the world joined forces to celebrate international nurses' day last thursday, the 154th anniversary of the birth of florence nightingale.199427666207
wasting your assets--how to make better use of the nhs estate.the impact of the health reforms together with other developments will mean that the 24 billion pounds nhs estate will undergo the most fundamental change since the days of florence nightingale. against this background it is more important than ever that the utilisation of the estate is improved and that the nhs learns how to make the best use of private sector investment, says john locke, chief executive of nhs estates.199410134705
skilled care required for aids patient: who pays & what amount? case in point: florence nightingale nursing service v. blue cross 832 f. supp. 2d 1456--al (1993). 19948184090
ambulatory recording and power spectral analysis by autoregressive modelling of polygraphic sleep signals in patients suffering from chronic pain.a portable digital recording system and the nightingale sleep analyser have been applied to record polygraphical sleep signals in patients suffering from chronic pain. using ambulatory recording the patient can sleep at home making the sleep more natural and reducing the costs. the recording system gives digital recordings of very good quality. it is shown that the nightingale sleep analyser performs automatic sleep analysis with a quality comparable to visual interrater performance on disordere ...19948177085
from the president: no florence nightingale? 20048041641
florence nightingale: a cns role model. 19947882243
committed to serve.nursing is a ticket to travel the world. for some this involves working in australia or america, but for those who gathered to celebrate the diversity of nursing at the florence nightingale museum, it meant travelling to far less hospitable places - those torn apart by war.199427666052
the nightingale pledge: 100 years later.written in 1893, the nightingale pledge reflected the opinion of a small group of nurses, physicians and lay women about the required characteristics of american nursing. this pledge serves as a professional mission statement, one that truly reflects the deep-seated vision and values of nursing. a modern analysis of this classic work creates a frame of reference to measure nursing practice.19948108084
 penultimate presentations: post-registration students kim miller (left), gavin o'sullivan and anita savage were among the is finalist nurses to be honoured as the second last intake to graduate from the bethlem royal hospital and maudsley hospital in london. the final group to have the royal seal' on their certificates will graduate next year, after which education will be run by the nightingale institute at guy's and st thomas' hospitals.199427661802
[the emergence of a professional identity among quebec nurses, 1890-1927].as part of an important western trend, the professionalization of quebec nurses was initially characterized by the enormous challenge of rallying all nurses into adhering to a single professional model. the story starts in 1895 when an elite corps of english-protestant nurses established the canadian nurses association. these graduates of the montreal general hospital were quite active within the english canadian nursing movement promoting the ideal of the trained nurse, conceived by florence ni ...199411639366
the educational and philosophical influences on florence nightingale, an enlightened conductor. 19948220350
a glimpse of the future:the nightingale computer in action. 20168115079
the lady with the lamp. nightingale: the enduring symbol. 20047506848
it's all in the recent years it has become fashionable to call a person seeking health care a client instead of a patient. some consider that this is part of the change in nursing, from the old military model that florence nightingale was acquainted with to the new consumer model. nurses are also finding themselves in the position of acting as advocates for the care-seeking person. for me, none of these models appear appropriate for nursing.19938221603
catch me a nightingale catch me a nightingale j ash robert hale ltd 202pp £12.95 0-7090-4604-9 [formula: see text].catch me a nightingale is a nostalgic biographical account of joan ash's 40-year career in nursing. the story starts in 1939 with the author's discovery, while on a church outing to the seaside, that she wants to be a nurse.199327680477
[icn congress in madrid. norwegian success with florence nightingale]. 19937906133
[a visit to the nightingale museum]. 19938403876
florence nightingale in verse. 19938510971
nightingales in nebraska. 19938510792
if florence nightingale (1820-1910) came back today. 19938508932
enb government appointments announced.the government appointees to the english national board have been announced by junior health minister baroness cumberlege. maureen theobald, principal of the nightingale and guy's college of nursing and midwifery, has been named enb chair. one vacancy has yet to be filled.199327657769
the nightingale pledge: a commitment that survives the passage of time. 19938512603
sexual harassment: perspectives from the past, present practice, policy, and prevention.during the times of florence nightingale, elements of sexual harassment were evident and were addressed in her writings. the more recent anita hill-clarence thomas judicial hearings brought more attention to the issue. it is imperative that hospitals and their staff development departments have a clear understanding of what constitutes sexual harassment so that effective policies can be implemented. preventive training can be implemented to avoid absenteeism, staff turnover, lost productivity, d ...20168445082
health promotion in rural settings. a nursing promotion is an exciting and integral part of nursing's domain of practice. since the days of florence nightingale, nursing has identified the importance of health promotion at a variety of levels. rural community offer the nurse a unique setting for health-promotion programs and activities. a variety of low- or no-cost health promotion programs and support materials are available. these types of programs and activities can be very rewarding to nurses in rural communities.19937680806
 more financial assistance and support should be given to home carers. the princess royal argued when she gave the second annual lecture in aid of the florence nightingale museum last week. her royal highness, pictured arriving at st thomas' hospital, said society undervalues home care, and although it was possible to buy care, not everyone wants to or can afford it.199327685565
breast cancer--one nurse's experience. interview by kate nightingale.the government paper 'the health of the nation' targets the prevention of certain types of cancers as one of its main priorities. it states that the best chance of saving lives lost to breast and cervical cancer is the screening programmes already in place and that encouraging more women to take part in these programmes could save over 2,500 lives a year. this article is about one woman's experience of breast cancer both as a practice nurse and as a patient. pamela agreed to be interviewed to de ...19938507946
[tidyness and thrift. the exemplary role of religious women in nineteenth-century nursing].the traditional view of nineteenth-century nursing in holland is anything but bright. the abominable conditions in hospitals and suchlike institutions, the incompetence of the lay staff recruited from the lower strata of society are invariably emphasised. slight improvements are only first noticeable at the end of the nineteenth century, particularly by the efforts of the deaconess' movement and pioneers like florence nightingale. this is a one-sided view. in catholic circles it was already in t ...199311640345
[nurses in immaculate white: an empty page in dutch historiography?].until recently, the historiography of nursing in england and the netherlands was written from a traditional, 'whig-history' perspective. while focussing on famous leaders and examples such as florence nightingale in england and jeltje de bosch kemper in the netherlands, it told historical events in a chronological, narrative manner. the publication of a collection of essays by celia davies, entitled rewriting nursing history (1980), which used new sources, theories and methods from the social sc ...199311640344
[florence nightingale]. 199311630176
nursing license #000001. profile in courage: lena angevine warner--tennessee's nightingale. 19938490042
Displaying items 701 - 800 of 1384