
inhibition of thymidine kinase activity and deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in l cells infected with the meningopneumonitis agent.the activities of enzymes related to deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) synthesis were studied in uninfected l cells and in l cells infected with chlamydia psittaci (strain meningopneumonitis). the meningopneumonitis agent multiplied normally but failed to induce the synthesis of thymidine kinase in lm (tk(-)) cells which contain no thymidine kinase in the uninfected state. it was concluded that this microorganism has no thymidine kinase of its own and that it does not depend on the functioning of the ...19685724972
effect of infection with the meningopneumonitis agent on deoxyribonucleic acid and protein synthesis by its l-cell host.cycloheximide, which had already been shown to inhibit protein synthesis in earle's l cells (mouse fibroblasts) without having any effect on the multiplication or protein synthesis in chlamydia psittaci (strain meningopneumonitis) infecting these host cells, also caused greater than 90% inhibition of deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) synthesis in l cells after a 3-hr exposure to the drug. l cells infected with the meningopneumonitis agent and treated with cycloheximide were used to follow meningopneum ...19695773017
role of exogenous adenosine triphosphate in catabolic and synthetic activities of chlamydia psittaci.the synthetic activities of isolated cells of the meningopneumonitis strain (mn) of chlamydia psittaci were investigated and further observations were made on their catabolic reactions. these observations included the demonstration of co(2) production from aspartate in the presence of pyruvate and the formation of pyruvate from glucose-6-phosphate. both reactions were enhanced by added adenosine triphosphate (atp). of a large number of compounds tested, only glucose-6-phosphate, pyruvate, aspart ...19695773026
plaque formation in chick embryo fibroblast cells by chlamydia isolated from avian and mammalian sources.fifteen strains of chlamydial agents, 2 chlamydia trachomatis and 13 chlamydia psittaci, were tested for plaque formation on chick embryo fibroblast cells. c. trachomatis strains did not form plaques; 12 strains of c. psittaci did form plaques and 1 strain did not. the distribution of plaque sizes with c. psittaci strains was studied and it was found that the 12 strains could be tentatively grouped into three plaquing types: small (<0.50 mm), intermediate (0.50 to 0.90 mm), and large (>0.90 mm). ...19695784206
serologic evidence of natural and experimental transfers of chlamydia psittaci between wild and domestic animals. 19695817785
comparison of chlamydia psittaci isolates by dna restriction endonuclease analysis.preparations of dna from 12 chlamydia psittaci isolates and one chlamydia trachomatis strain were compared by restriction endonuclease analysis. polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, followed by silver staining, resulted in optimal resolution of fragments generated by digestion. by this technique, four distinct electropherotypes were demonstrated when ovine abortion, ovine arthritis, and avian and cal10 strains of c. psittaci were examined. minor profile differences allowed the discrimination of a ...19846086526
inclusion keratoconjunctivitis ('pink eye') in sheep. a proposal for a new name for chlamydial keratoconjunctivitis in sheep and comment on recent clinical trials.the cytoplasmatic inclusion bodies, which, in 1931, coles discovered in the corneal cells of sheep suffering from contagious keratoconjunctivitis are now considered to be the reticulate bodies of a chlamydia, colesiota conjunctivae (synonym: chlamydia psittaci ovis). according to the postulates of koch colesiota conjunctivae is a primary cause of contagious keratoconjunctivitis in sheep, but the clinical picture is complex and is a result of the interaction between the infecting chlamydiae, host ...19846093332
chlamydial endocarditis. 19806101465
serological cross-reactions of lipid a components of lipopolysaccharides isolated from chlamydia psittaci and coxiella burnetii. 19806107040
psittacosis of non-avian origin. 19846148539
[allergic skin test with a group-specific chlamydial allergen in nongonococcal urethritis]. 19806154365
[chlamydial polyarthritis in calves].investigations were carried out on some farms to establish the presence of chlamydia organisms in spontaneous cases of polyarthritis in calves. use was made of various methods--chick embryos, light and electron microscopy, and the complement-fixation test (cft). as many as 9 c. psittaci strains were isolated from synovial liquid of calves affected with polyarthritis from 6 farms in several districts of the country. the isolated strains were identified morphologically by means of electron and lig ...19816171089
a rapid method for staining inclusions of chlamydia psittaci and chlamydia trachomatis.a new staining method was developed for the detection of inclusions of chlamydia psittaci and chlamydia trachomatis inclusions in cell cultures. using a combination of methyl green and neutral red stains and washing at ph 5.0, inclusions were stained red while cell cytoplasm was pale pink and cell nuclei were pale green. the method was significantly better than giemsa staining and comparable to immunofluorescence for detecting c psittaci inclusions. its sensitivity for detection c trachomatis in ...19826177720
electron microscopic observations of surface projections and related intracellular structures of chlamydia organisms. 19816177811
chlamydia psittaci: inclusion vacuole ultrastructure.the inclusion ultrastructure of fibroblasts infected with chlamydia psittaci (6bc) was studied. electron microscopic techniques were used which permitted the observation of whole infected host cells and 1.0-micron sectioned preparations. it was shown that the cytoplasmic inclusion vacuoles of infected cells contained interconnecting structures within which chlamydiae reproduce.19806250694
[main respiratory virus and chlamydia psittaci antibody survey by passive hemagglutination on bovine serum from togo]. 19806256826
host influence on the density of chlamydiae in renografin gradients.egg-grown and l cell-grown c. psittaci 6bc strains formed two bands when centrifuged through preformed renografin gradients. no additional bands were observed by extending the time of centrifugation. particles present in the bands which were collected from the renografin gradients were examined by electron microscopy. purified elementary bodies from both egg- and l cell-grown sources were located in a lower, minor bind; egg-derived elementary bodies showed a higher density (p < 0.01) than elemen ...19806256995
isolation and electron microscopic observations of intracytoplasmic inclusions containing chlamydia psittaci.intracytoplasmic inclusions containing chlamydia psittaci were isolated by a newly established method. infected l-cells at 20 h after infection were suspended in 0.25 m sucrose-tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane buffer containing ethylene-diaminetetraacetic acid, homogenized in a dounce tissue grinder, and filtered through a 2,000-mesh screen. isolated inclusions were stabilized in 5% bovine serum albumin in 10 mm tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane buffer. electron microscopic observations revealed th ...19816257643
persistent infection of mouse fibroblasts (l cells) with chlamydia psittaci: evidence for a cryptic chlamydial form.when monolayers of mouse fibroblasts (l cells) were infected with enough chlamydia psittaci (strain 6bc) to destroy most of the host cells, 1 in every 10(5) to 10(6) originally infected cells gave rise to a colony of l cells persistently infected with strain 6bc. in these populations, the density of l cells and 6bc fluctuated periodically and reciprocally as periods of host cell increase were followed by periods of parasite multiplication. successive cycles of l-cell and 6bc reproduction were su ...19806262243
adenine nucleotide and lysine transport in chlamydia psittaci.isolated reticulate bodies of chlamydia psittaci were found to transport atp and adp by an atp-adp exchange mechanism. atp uptake activity was not detected in elementary bodies. the apparent km of transport for both atp and adp was approximately 5 microm, and the calculated vmax for both was about 1 nmol of nucleotide transported per min per mg of protein. adp competitively inhibited atp transport with a ki of 4.5 microm. other nucleotides tested had no effect on the uptake of atp. a magnesium-d ...19826279566
[newer diagnostic procedures for chlamydial diseases (author's transl)].chlamydiales are bacteries showing a growth cycle unique among procaryotes. the two species chlamydia trachomatis and chlamydia psittaci are genetically very distant and their pathogenicity for man is very distinct. human chlamydia infections by chlamydia trachomatis are diseases chiefly sexually transmitted and their epidemiological importance is growing. the relationship between chlamydial infections, reiter disease, and cat scratch disease are discussed. the various laboratory diagnostic proc ...19826287622
characterization of chlamydia dna by restriction endonuclease cleavage.the dna from six serovars of chlamydia trachomatis, lymphogranuloma venereum (lgv) i, lgv ii, lgv iii, b, c, and d, and from chlamydia psittaci was extracted, treated with restriction endonuclease enzymes, and run on agarose gels. by using this technique, the dna of c. trachomatis could be clearly differentiated from c. psittaci dna. a comparison of the dna from the different serovars of c. trachomatis revealed similar patterns with and without detectable differences. lgv i, lgv ii, lgv iii, b, ...19836307876
chlamydiae and viruses causing human sexually transmitted diseases - analogies with infections in animals: a review. 19836308254
gamma-interferon is the factor in lymphokine that activates human macrophages to inhibit intracellular chlamydia psittaci replication.we have demonstrated previously that mitogen-induced lymphokines activate human monocyte-derived macrophages to inhibit the intracellular replication of chlamydia psittaci. to identify the factor(s) in crude lymphokines responsible for this antimicrobial effect, we tested human con a-induced lymphokines for interferon activity. we also attempted to neutralize the lymphokines with a monoclonal antibody directed against human gamma-interferon and examined the ability of partially purified human ga ...19836313807
reactive arthritis following psittacosis.a case is described where a symmetrical polyarthritis followed a febrile illness due to chlamydia psittaci infection. the arthritis abated after treatment with tetracosactrin.19846331560
lower respiratory tract infections in an acute geriatric male ward: a one-year prospective surveillance.a prospective study of 340 patients admitted to an acute geriatric male ward for a 12-month period was carried out to determine the aetiology and incidence of lower respiratory tract infection (lrti) acquired either prior or after admission to the hospital. over the year, 120 patients (35%) were found to have lrti; a specific aetiology was found in 44 (37%) patients. the pathogens most frequently isolated were haemophilus influenzae (11 patients), streptococcus pneumoniae (9 patients) and influe ...19846333374
chlamydial infections in obstetrics and gynecology.although chlamydia trachomatis causes important diseases in both men and women, this review focuses on the genital tract disease associated with chlamydial infection in women and on neonatal chlamydial infection. 8 of the 15 serotypes of c. trachomatis are sexually transmitted agents. the unique growth cycle which distinguishes the chlamydiae from all other organisms is described and they are compared to bacteria and viruses. the prevalence and risk factors for chlamydial infections are then ...19836340891
the genus-specific antigen of chlamydia: resemblance to the lipopolysaccharide of enteric bacteria.a strong immunological cross-reaction between a major glycolipid antigen of chlamydia and the innermost (re) core of the lipopolysaccharide of enteric bacteria was demonstrated with the aid of mutants in which the re structure is exposed. the chlamydial glycolipid resembled the re lipopolysaccharide in molecular size, solubility, and endotoxic properties and may thus be functionally equivalent to lipopolysaccharide, an essential and characteristic component of the outer membrane of gram-negative ...19836344216
chlamydial classification, development and structure. 19836347317
chlamydial serology. 19836347331
isolation of chlamydia psittaci from naturally infected african clawed frogs (xenopus laevis).an inclusion-forming agent was isolated from the livers of commercially raised african clawed frogs (xenopus laevis) involved in an epizootic of high morbidity and mortality. original isolation was made in mccoy cells. this agent was identified as chlamydia psittaci based on the formation of typical intracytoplasmic inclusions which developed within 48 h, were not stained by iodine, and were resistant to sulfadiazine. the isolate from one particular frog (designated as strain 178) was further st ...19836347897
[enzyme immunoassay for detection of igg and igm antibodies against chlamydia psittaci in the pigeon]. 19836351502
[relationship between antibody status and the course of ornithosis and salmonellosis infection in racing pigeons]. 19836351835
high prevalence of antibodies to chlamydia trachomatis in a northern canadian community. 19836354412
serological tests for legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 infections.the indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat) using a formolised yolk sac antigen (fysa) has been shown to be a sensitive, specific test for legionellosis and results obtained on the same serum specimens in different laboratories agree closely. the rapid micro-agglutination test (rmat) has the advantage of being semi-automatable and also sensitive and specific. both tests gave negative results with sera from patients with infections due to mycoplasma pneumoniae, chlamydia psittaci, coxiella burn ...19836356710
effects of cortisone, cytochalasin b and cycloheximide on strains of chlamydia psittaci in cell cultures.vero and mccoy cell cultures were tested for their susceptibility to chlamydia psittaci in the presence of several antimetabolites, such as cortisone acetate, cytochalasin b and cycloheximide. vero cells were more susceptible than the mccoy cell cultures as demonstrated by cytopathic changes, fluorescent antibody activity, and titer of c. psittaci. although all of the antimetabolites increased these parameters, a mixture of cortisone and cytochalasin b was the most effective.19836357413
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of antibody to chlamydia trachomatis and chlamydia enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed with use of a strain of chlamydia trachomatis, lymphogranuloma venereum serotype 2. the elisa reactions were monitored by absorbance at 492 nm in a spectrophotometer. a positive control method based on one serum dilution was used to assign elisa titers to the sera. sera that had been tested with use of complement fixation (cf) and microimmunofluorescence (mif) tests were examined with elisa. elisa was more sensitive than the cf test and ...19836358382
[chlamydiosis in animals].in this brief review, the authors summarize the state of knowledge on chlamydial infections in birds and mammals, in particular those occurring in domestic animals. chlamydia psittaci is responsible for a variety of syndromes in veterinary medicine, some of which may be of great interest in comparative pathology (polyarthritis, conjunctivitis, . . .). the frequency of latent infections, the difficulties involved in the diagnosis and control of chlamydial infections and the transmissibility of c. ...19836364314
simple transport medium for the isolation of chlamydia psittaci from clinical material.infectious elementary bodies of chlamydia psittaci in tissue samples from field cases of enzootic abortion were placed in five different transport media (a to e). in one medium, in the absence of refrigerative storage, the organism remained viable for 30 days and at 4 degrees c for 34 days. this was medium d; it consisted of sucrose (74.6 g/litre), k2hpo4 (1.237 g/litre), l-glutamic acid (0.721 g/litre), fetal calf serum (10 per cent v/v), vancomycin and streptomycin (100 micrograms/ml) and nyst ...19836364542
goat serums for fluorescent antibody conjugates to chlamydial antigens.serums from goats hyperimmunized with chlamydia psittaci consistently produce antichlamydial fluorescent antibody conjugate of high titer. the titer of the fluorescent antibody conjugate prepared from a given serum correlated well with the titer obtained by agar gel precipitin, but not with the complement fixation. the agar gel precipitin test can be used to predict whether a given serum is satisfactory for use in production of a conjugate for direct fluorescent antibody tests. serums with an ag ...19846372973
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of chlamydial antigens from human assay for the determination of chlamydial antigens from human specimens is reported. the assay, called the rapid bead enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (rb-elisa) is a relatively simple, inexpensive test. the rb-elisa for direct chlamydial determination can be adapted to either small or large-scale screening operations and could represent an additional detection method in conjunction with cell culture isolation techniques.19846374386
[kinetic study of the antibodies in of 1 and c57bl mice infected with chlamydia trachomatis and chlamydia psittaci. its application to the interpretation of the serological results in human chlamydioses].the kinetics of antibodies to c. trachomatis and c. psittaci was studied in of 1 and inbred c 57 bl mice, inoculated intravenously (iv) or intraperitoneally. antibodies were detected by a micro-immunofluorescence (mif) test. antibody kinetics depends on many factors (genetic particularities of the mice, route of inoculation, chlamydial strain). the response is more specific when mice are inoculated with c. trachomatis than with c. psittaci; heterospecific antibodies appear later in c 57 bl mice ...19846377679
disturbances of cell-mediated immunity in ornithosis.27 cases of ornithosis were observed during an epidemia in 1980 in kielce and subsequently followed with respect to immunological characteristics of peripheral blood lymphocytes. blastic transformation of these cells was tested after stimulation in vitro with three different mitogens. identification of peripheral blood t and b lymphocytes was done using rosette tests (e,ea,eac) and the occurrence of surface immunoglobulins was determined by the immunofluorescent method with polyvalent anti-immun ...19846385919
enzyme immunoassay of chlamydia in birds.serum samples from 192 free-living birds (27 species) were tested for antibodies against chlamydia using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa); 97 (51%) were seropositive. the highest antibody prevalence was among pheasants (96%), ducks (88%), and blackbirds (86%). none of 41 starlings tested were seropositive. the serotesting of 42 confined pheasants indicated 100% exposure to the organism. the elisa is a sensitive, rapid serologic method that can be of epidemiologic and diagnostic valu ...19846385949
comparison of phenol- and heat-killed antigens in the indirect immunofluorescence test for serodiagnosis of legionella pneumophila group 1 antigen prepared with agar-grown legionella pneumophila group 1 killed by 0.5% phenol and suspended in 0.5% yolk sac was examined for use in the indirect immunofluorescence test for legionellosis and compared with a heat-killed antigen. the serological results of the two antigens for single and paired sera agreed well. morphological and staining characteristics were better for phenol-treated organisms. electron microscopy observation showed an apparently well-preserved cell surface. the backg ...19846386881
serological evidence of chlamydia trachomatis infection in non-immunocompromised adults with pneumonia.serological evidence of chlamydia trachomatis infection in three non-immunocompromised adults with pneumonia is presented. complement fixation (cf) tests indicated chlamydial infections in all three patients. these illnesses would have been erroneously regarded as ornithosis if microimmunofluorescence (micro-if) tests had not been performed because the cf test detects genus-specific antibodies while the micro-if test reveals species-specific antibodies.19846389713
[severe chlamydia psittaci pneumopathy in an adult].a previously well 56 year-old woman presented with an adult respiratory distress syndrome which worsened under penicillin treatment, responding only to erythromycin and rifampicin, as well as cpap ventilation. diagnostic serology was positive to chlamydia psittaci. psittacosis is not a frequent cause of primary extensive pneumonia in intensive care units; other diseases should be looked for in the presence of these non-specific clinical and biological pictures (legionella pneumophila, mycoplasma ...19846393829
[is chlamydia psittaci a complicating factor in paramyxovirus 1 infection in pigeons?]. 19846397343
differential amino acid utilization by chlamydia psittaci (strain guinea pig inclusion conjunctivitis) and its regulatory effect on chlamydial growth.the effect of omission of individual amino acids from growth medium on the multiplication of chlamydia psittaci (strain guinea pig inclusion conjunctivitis) in cycloheximide-treated mccoy cells has been examined. marked differences were observed in the amounts of particular amino acids required for normal chlamydial multiplication: omission of either leucine, phenylalanine or valine completely inhibited multiplication, whereas absence of any one of another 10 amino acids had no effect on numbers ...19836415225
lymphokine-mediated inhibition of chlamydia replication in mouse fibroblasts is neutralized by anti-gamma interferon immunoglobulin.experiments were carried out to characterize immunologically mediated chlamydial persistence in cell culture. mouse fibroblasts were activated to restrict chlamydia psittaci 6bc replication by including mitogen (concanavalin a)-induced spleen cell supernatant fluids from immunized animals in the growth medium. when mouse fibroblasts were incubated with lymphokine for 24 h before infection and then with growth medium after infection (preinfection treatment), chlamydial replication was delayed but ...19836417024
[avian chlamydiosis. (1) imported birds]. 19836418836
[respiratory tract infections caused by viruses, mycoplasma, rickettsia and chlamydia with bronchial and pulmonary localization]. 19846424057
monoclonal antibody against a genus-specific antigen of chlamydia species: location of the epitope on chlamydial lipopolysaccharide.monoclonal antibodies were prepared by the fusion of murine myeloma ns1 cells with spleen cells of balb/c mice immunized with formalin-killed elementary bodies of the chlamydia trachomatis l2 serovar. the specificity of these monoclonal antibodies was determined with a solid-phase immunoassay in which hela 229 cells infected with c. trachomatis serovars d, g, h, i, l2 and the chlamydia psittaci meningopneumonitis strain cal-10 were used. an immunoglobulin g3 monoclonal antibody (l2i-6) was ident ...19846425219
[evaluation of the incidence of serological cross reactions between legionella and mycoplasma or chlamydia].because of the possible serological cross reactions frequently described in the literature between l. pneumophila and m. pneumoniae or between l. pneumophila and chlamydia, we decided to determine their frequency with our sera and our own methods. the anti m. pneumoniae and chlamydia antibodies were researched in 162 sera samples from 46 cases of legionellosis serologically diagnosed and in 51 sera from 26 hyperimmunised rabbits. conversely, anti l. pneumophila antibodies were researched in 165 ...19846425788
[isolation of chlamydia psittaci from an aborted bovine fetus].one strain of chl. psittaci was isolated from two aborted foetuses of two cows coming from the same locality. tissue from the lungs of the aborted foetuses was used for the isolation tests; after sample preparation this tissue was inoculated into the yolk sacs of chick embryos. it was found on the basis of serological examination (rvk) that both aborting cows had positive levels of antibodies against the chl. psittaci antigen at a serum dilution ratio of 1 : 64. the serological examination for b ...19846426125
[serologic and clinical studies of chlamydial infection in children with respiratory tract infection]. 19846434643
a comparison of the efficacy of a live and four inactivated vaccine preparations for the protection of cats against experimental challenge with chlamydia psittaci.a commercial live feline-chlamydial vaccine and four experimental inactivated preparations were compared on the basis of clinical protection in cats challenged conjunctivally and intranasally with chlamydia psittaci. best protection was afforded by the live vaccine. good results were also obtained using inactivated preparations of a recent feline conjunctival isolate. protection did not correlate with the development of complement fixing antibodies but may be related to the induction of a cell m ...19806448682
[chlamydial infection in mass abortions in goats].etiologic and clinical-and-epizootiologic studies were carried out of a chlamydial infection in goat flocks where abortions took place on a mass scale. discovered were two foci of chlamydial abortion. two strains of chlamydia psittaci were isolated from aborted fetuses and from placentas on two farms. the strains were identified both antigenically and morphologically. the serologic investigation of a total of 167 goats on 6 farms with abortions revealed that in the course of two enzootics as man ...19846474822
cutaneous findings in a case of psittacosis.a patient had severe pneumonia, respiratory failure, and disseminated intravascular coagulation caused by chlamydia psittaci. cutaneous findings included a maculopapular blanching rash, acrocyanosis, superficial venous thromboses, and splinter hemorrhages under the fingernails. the history of exposure to potential vectors of psittacosis and the presence of some or all the cutaneous findings described herein may lead to the early recognition of psittacosis.19846476861
growth of several strains of chlamydia psittaci in vero and mccoy cells in the presence of cytochalasin and cortisone.chlamydia psittaci of avian and mammalian origin were grown in mccoy and vero cells in the presence of cytochalasin b with cortisone acetate. six turkey strains, one parrot strain, one human strain, one ovine strain and one bovine strain were used in this study. all strains, except the turkey strain nj-1, grew to higher titers in vero cells than in mccoy cells. five of the six turkey strains could be grouped together because they induced cytopathic changes rapidly. the other turkey strain, along ...19846478298
observations on a skin sensitivity test for ovine enzootic abortion. 19846487996
chlamydia psittaci experimental abortion in study abortive chlamydiosis in goats, 11 pregnant goats were inoculated intradermally at the 3rd month of pregnancy with 2 x 10(7) or 2 x 10(6) plaque-forming units of a strain of chlamydia psittaci isolated from naturally occurring abortions in goats. the 11 inoculated does aborted 24 to 56 days after they were inoculated and shed chlamydia. this shedding began at least 9 days before abortion (1 goat) and persisted 12 days after abortion (1 goat). retained placenta or metritis were observed ...19846497108
spontaneous abortion--an infectious aetiology?the role of chlamydia trachomatis, genital mycoplasmas, campylobacter spp. and other aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in the aetiology of spontaneous abortion was investigated prospectively in 241 pregnant women at a community hospital. sixteen women who had threatened abortions were a little younger, of lower social class and had had more previous spontaneous abortions than the 76 women who aborted or the 149 women whose pregnancies were not complicated in the early stages by haemorrhage. the dem ...19846518152
prevalence of chlamydia psittaci in imported psittacine birds from 1981 to 1983. 19846521156
incidence of chlamydial antibodies in commercial duck flocks. 19846523715
[identification of the kaunas-1 strain isolated in the lithuanian ssr in enteritis in calves]. 19846528580
[psittacosis. study of 2 cases occurring in a family]. 19846531486
[chlamydial infection in herds of cattle with abortions].a study was carried out for the presence of chlamydia on 103 farms with records of abortions. employed were methods of infecting chick embryos via the yolk sac, the complement-fixation test, and electron microscopy. five chlamydia strains were isolated from aborted fetuses on 5 out of 11 studied farms. statistical processing of the serologic results obtained revealed that on 20 farms up to 71 per cent of the cows that miscarried were serologically positive for chlamydia, showing titers within th ...19846531862
preparation of complement fixation antigen of chlamydia psittaci grown in tissue culture by treatment with beta-propiolactone.a new method of preparing a chlamydial complement fixation (cf) antigen by treatment with beta-propiolactone (bpl) is presented. chlamydia psittaci strains pigeon-1041 and budgerigar-no. 1, and chlamydia trachomatis strain l2/434/bu, propagated in l-929 cell monolayers, were inactivated with bpl. this bpl-treated antigen was useful for detecting cf antibodies in both human and pigeon sera, and it did not cause false-positive reactions, as are sometimes observed between some human sera and phenol ...19846533439
isolation of chlamydia psittaci from koalas (phascolarctos cinereus). 19846534365
[pulmonitis caused by coxiella burneti and chlamydia psittaci. 2 years of research in marche].this paper point to infections caused by chlamydia psittaci and coxiella burneti in a region of the middle italy (marche) from april 1981 to march 1983. 32 of 686 cases (about 5%) of pneumonia were diagnosed as q fever or ornithosis-psittacosis. the role of the research of these etiologies in routine diagnostic work on acute respiratory infections is underlined.19846534399
[rickettsiosis and chlamydiosis in hoggar (republic of algeria): epidemiological sampling].the study was made on reservoirs of infections (rodent, sheep, goat, dromedary), vectors (louse) and human-receptors. examinations were made on smears examined with staining and indirect-fluorescente techniques and on sera examined by complement fixation test. chlamydia psittaci appears very often in rodent, sheep, goat, dromedary and man. antibodies against coxiella burneti were found present in sheep, goat but mainly in dromedary and less than 16 years old boys. two lice were carrier of ricket ...19846548418
estimation of endpoints in biological systems.a program, written in basic, has been developed to estimate rapidly endpoints from a small number of experimental data. the computational method is based on the work of reed and muench (am. j. hyg. 27, 493 1938). several endpoints may be estimated in the same run. a subroutine allows the saving of experimental data in disk file and a printout subroutine permits different types of printout (tabular or graphical). estimation of several infectious doses (id) of a guinea-pig inclusion conjunctivitis ...19846548942
update on chlamydiosis. 19846610968
[method of testing chemical disinfectants for their effectiveness against chlamydia]. 19836613415
[experimental infection of the pregnant cow with chlamydia psittaci].seven cows were inoculated with two strains of c. psittaci from bovine origin. their chlamydial excretion, complement fixing (cf) antibody titer and hormonal pattern, at calving or abortion were monitored. five of the six pregnant inoculated cows had a pathological parturition, and a cf antibody titer greater than 40 during more than two months post-abortion. three of them excreted chlamydiae at calving. the other inoculated pregnant cow, the inoculated non pregnant cow and the three contacts ha ...19836614789
response of ewes to temperature-sensitive mutants of chlamydia psittaci (var ovis) obtained by ntg mutagenesis.two temperature-sensitive strains, 1b and 1h, of ovine chlamydia psittaci obtained by mutagenesis were used as live vaccine: eleven weeks before breeding, 20 ewes received 3.9 x 10(6) pfu of 1b strain, and 20 others 3.5 x 10(6) pfu of 1h strain. the consequences of the vaccination were studied during pregnancy by recording cf antibody titer, chlamydial vaginal excretion and lambing performance. the vaccination did not disturb pregnancy and none of the ewes excreted chlamydiae at lambing. the imm ...19836614792
amino acid requirements of strains of chlamydia trachomatis and c. psittaci growing in mccoy cells: relationship with clinical syndrome and host origin.the effects of omission of individual amino acids from growth medium on the multiplication of a range of chlamydia trachomatis and c. psittaci strains in cycloheximide-treated mccoy cells have been assessed. differences in requirements were revealed which for c. trachomatis strains correlated with clinical syndrome and for c. psittaci with host origin. all 11 strains of c. trachomatis examined showed a requirement for addition of histidine to the medium; this was not shown by any of four c. psit ...19836631408
in vitro and in vivo properties of chemically induced temperature-sensitive mutants of chlamydia psittaci var. ovis: screening in a murine model.two temperature-sensitive (ts) strains, 1b and 1h, were obtained after nitrosoguanidine treatment of the wild-type virulent abortive ovine strain chlamydia psittaci ab7. optimum growth temperature on mccoy cells was 38 degrees c for the three strains, but at the restrictive temperature, 39.5 degrees c, ts strains differed from the parental strain in their total infective yield of chlamydiae, their efficiency of plating, and the morphology of the plaques and cytoplasmic inclusions. their survival ...19836642642
carbohydrate inhibition of chlamydial infectivity.the effects of exogenous carbohydrates on chlamydial infectivity were tested. it was shown that the addition of certain carbohydrates reduced the infectivity of chlamydia psittaci in cell culture. the greatest inhibitory effects were observed by monosaccharides, disaccharides and trisaccharides, respectively. the addition of atp, but not amp, enhanced the inhibitory effect.19836645980
chlamydiosis in collared doves. 19836649351
direct isolation of the agent of enzootic abortion of ewes (chlamydia psittaci) in cell cultures.isolation of chlamydia psittaci in mccoy cell coverslip cultures from clinical material from field cases of enzootic abortion of ewes proved more sensitive than diagnosis by examination of smears stained by ziehl-neelsen. enzootic abortion could be diagnosed in the absence of fetal membranes by culture of fetal lung or liver tissue.19836649373
abortion and stillbirth associated with chlamydia psittaci var ovis in dairy goats with high titers to toxoplasma gondii.during two consecutive breeding seasons in a brucellosis-free dairy goat herd, approximately 40% to 70% of the does (mean herd size, 14.5) had stillbirths or aborted. none of the does aborted or had stillbirths twice. in the first breeding season, 9 of 13 does aborted in the last 2 months of gestation. three fetuses and 2 fetal placentas from 2 does were examined. microscopic findings included severe multifocal hepatic necrosis, mild pneumonia, and mild multifocal necrosis in the brain. cultures ...19836654724
[serological study of chlamydial abortion in sheep].a vast serologic study of the chlamydial abortion in sheep was carried out. the complement-fixation test was employed to investigate a total of 3808 ewes--both animals that had miscarried and various groups of controls. the results obtained were processed statistically. forty-four new foci of chlamydial abortion in sheep were discovered. it was shown that the serologic diagnosis of the disease was possible with the study of serum samples from animals with abortions, taken once and twice. the art ...19836666022
prevalence of chlamydia psittaci in pet birds maintained in public places or in close human contact. 19836672412
isolation and serological survey of chlamydia psittaci in feral pigeons from japan. 19836672413
[evaluation of the incidence of ornithosis based on serological studies]. 19836676724
structural and polypeptide differences between envelopes of infective and reproductive life cycle forms of chlamydia spp.significant differences in cysteine-containing proteins and detergent-related solubility properties were observed between outer membrane protein complexes of reproductive (reticulate body) and infective (elementary body) forms of chlamydia psittaci (6bc). elementary bodies harvested at 48 h postinfection possessed a 40-kilodalton major outer membrane protein and three extraordinarily cysteine-rich outer membrane proteins of 62, 59, and 12 kilodaltons, all of which were not solubilized by sodium ...19846690419
psittacosis/ornithosis in cambridgeshire a population of approximately 300 000 there were 150 illnesses attributable to chlamydial infection from january 1975 to june 1983 and nearly all were presumed due to chlamydia psittaci. diagnosis was based on the complement-fixation (cf) test, the disadvantages of which are discussed, especially anamnestic responses. there were 73 cases of pneumonia, 37 febrile respiratory infections, 35 miscellaneous conditions and five asymptomatic seropositive contacts. the annual number of cases was lowe ...19846693765
vaccination with temperature-sensitive mutant of chlamydia psittaci against enzootic abortion of ewes. 19846710835
isolation of chlamydia psittaci from newly imported keas (nestor notabilis). 19846719778
vaccination against enzootic abortion in ewes. 19846719783
isolation of chlamydia psittaci from nasal and conjunctival exudate of a domestic cat.a feline strain of chlamydia psittaci was isolated in tissue culture from nasal and conjunctival swabs from a free range domestic cat with bilateral conjunctivitis and rhinitis, living in the liverpool area of the uk. the isolate was identified as c psittaci on the basis of its characteristic inclusion morphology in cell culture and by means of specific indirect immunofluorescence with known c psittaci specific antiserum. the isolate could be differentiated from other chlamydiae of non-feline or ...19846719789
isolation of chlamydia psittaci from cases of conjunctivitis in a colony of cats.this report describes the isolation in cell cultures of chlamydia psittaci from cases of conjunctivitis in a colony of cats. the organism was identified in mccoy cell monolayers by staining the intracytoplasmic chlamydial inclusions with a fluorescent antibody technique, and serological evidence of chlamydial infection in cats was obtained by indirect immunofluorescence. the possible role of c psittaci as an ocular, upper respiratory and reproductive tract pathogen in cats is discussed.19846719790
growth of chlamydia in pig lung alveolar macrophages; preparation of macrophages and demonstration of growth.the harvesting, storing and utilisation in tissue culture of lung alveolar macrophages from 2-3 weeks old piglets were investigated. an average yield of 4 x 10(8) cells was obtained, which in culture usually remained healthy for at least 8 days. in liquid nitrogen at -173 degrees c about 50% of the cells were still viable after 3 months. pig cells sustained the growth of ovine chlamydia psittaci and a rising titre was demonstrated over 4 passages.19846719825
[comparative studies of psittacosis control on a drug basis. ii. efficacy trial of different drugs in different dosage forms in experimentally infected parrots (amazona viridigenalis)]. 19846732739
elementary body envelopes from chlamydia psittaci can induce immediate cytotoxicity in resident mouse macrophages and l-cells.isolated, purified chlamydia psittaci elementary body envelopes at a high multiplicity of infection (1,000:1) are capable of inducing immediate cytotoxicity in resident mouse macrophages and 929 l-cells.19846735471
epidemiologic and laboratory observations of chlamydia psittaci infection in pet birds.psittacosis was diagnosed in 13 (24%) of 55 pet bird submissions in the first 3 months of 1983, compared with 18 (17%) of 103 in 1982, 4 (4.6%) of 87 in 1981, and 3 (8%) of 36 in 1980. the numbers and types of birds in which psittacosis was diagnosed were 2 of 47 budgerigars, 8 of 45 cockatiels , 3 of 11 small parrots ( lovebirds , conures ), 20 of 116 medium-sized parrots (african grays, amazons ), 2 of 21 macaws , and 3 of 21 cockatoos . thirty-nine percent of psittacosis-positive birds were r ...19846735859
an outbreak of psittacosis in a boys' boarding 1980, an outbreak of a mild illness involving twenty pupils and four adults in a boys' boarding school was identified serologically as psittacosis. intensive epidemiological investigations did not uncover the source. it is suggested either that sources of chlamydia other than avian exist, which may produce a milder illness than the avian type, or that human-to-human spread of a mild form of chlamydiosis occurs.19846736642
experimental chlamydial pneumonia in pigs.naturally occurring disease in pigs associated with chlamydial infections has not been reported in britain, though evidence of chlamydial challenge has been demonstrated in two separate serological surveys. an isolate of chlamydia psittaci (28/68) from an ovine pneumonia produced pneumonia in pigs following intratracheal inoculation. transient pyrexia at 24 hr was followed by increased respiratory rates and inappetance which lasted for a further 48 hr in challenged pigs. histologically acute exu ...19846744810
Displaying items 701 - 800 of 2314