electroejaculation of the coyote. | two electroejaculators were used to collect semen from 40 adult male coyotes. the most effective apparatus used a two-ring rectal probe and an ac voltage of 18 (vrms) at 1000 hz. with this ejaculator, 11 of 15 coyotes produced a satisfactory semen sample, which averaged 0.9 ml in volume and 70 million spermatozoa per ml. | 1983 | 16725831 |
helminths of the coyote (canis iatrans say) in montana. | | 1983 | 6842734 |
adverse reactions to sulfaquinoxaline in coyote pups--. | | 1982 | 7174488 |
radionuclide export and elimination by coyotes at two radioactive waste disposal areas in southeastern idaho. | coyote fecal samples were collected near a radioactive waste leaching pond and a solid radioactive waste disposal facility and analyzed for radioactivity. elevated concentrations of 137cs, 90sr and 238pu in the samples from the liquid radioactive waste leaching area were attributed to coyotes ingesting contaminated pond water and/or small mammals. elevated 241am concentrations in coyote fecal samples collected around the solid radioactive waste disposal facility were due to ingestion of contamin ... | 1982 | 7152910 |
battle renewed over coyote poison. | | 1981 | 17775262 |
changes in serum progesterone and estrogen of the nonpregnant coyote during the breeding season. | | 1981 | 7195028 |
coyote laparotomy: in vivo determination of reproductive success. | reproductive tracts of 24 female coyotes hand-reared for behavioral research were examined by laparotomy following the 1977-78 breeding season. litter counts revealed 51 whelps with 10 of the 24 females while examination by laparotomy indicated 83 uterine swellings in 18 of the same 24 females. the laparotomy proved to be an effective, relatively precise procedure and gave a 39% increase in data acquisition. | 1979 | 16725413 |
90sr and 137cs in coyote scats from the hanford reservation. | | 1979 | 422370 |
anesthesia in the coyote using a combination of ketamine and xylazine. | ketamine and xylazine were combined to provide anesthesia for coyotes. the drugs were tested in eight adult animals divided equally by sex. a dosage combining 5.5 mg./kg. of each drug provided effective anesthesia for periods from 45 to 60 min. | 1978 | 739590 |
tyzzer's disease in two coyotes. | | 1976 | 977465 |
coyote rib as an urethral dilator. | | 2004 | 987612 |
insensitivity of the coyote testis to orally administered cadmium. | | 1976 | 976586 |
prey-lithium aversions. i: coyotes and wolves. | | 1976 | 938412 |
predation and aversive conditioning in coyotes. | | 1975 | 17799690 |
multiple-species infections of intestinal helminths in kansas coyotes. | | 1974 | 4853294 |
internal parasites of coyotes in southern texas. | | 1974 | 4844506 |
electron microscopy of the virus of oral papillomatosis in the coyote. | | 1973 | 4361507 |
cardiovascular observations in coyotes. | | 1973 | 4742081 |
prevalence of oral papilloma-like lesions in coyotes in alberta. | | 1973 | 4750291 |
mercury concentration in the hair of coyotes and rodents in jackson hole, wyoming. | | 1973 | 4780431 |
coyote reproduction. i. the duration of the spermatogenic cycle and epididymal sperm transport. | | 1972 | 4637632 |
dental anomalies in coyotes from central alberta. | | 1972 | 4634343 |
juvenile osteomalacia in a coyote. | | 1972 | 5021001 |
hybridization between wolf and coyote. | | 1971 | 5581377 |
morphology and microanatomy of the adrenal cortex of the coyote. | | 1971 | 4102243 |
oral papillomatosis in the coyote in western canada. | | 1970 | 5463795 |
sarcoptic mange in red foxes and coyotes of wisconsin. | | 1969 | 5388982 |
oral papillomatosis in the coyote. | | 1968 | 5689985 |
symptoms noted in rabid coyotes in alberta. | | 1958 | 17649031 |
a deer-coyote episode. | | 1947 | 20295987 |
coyote or bear? | | 1893 | 17746218 |
oral vaccination of wildlife using a vaccinia-rabies-glycoprotein recombinant virus vaccine (raboral v-rg®): a global review. | raboral v-rg® is an oral rabies vaccine bait that contains an attenuated ("modified-live") recombinant vaccinia virus vector vaccine expressing the rabies virus glycoprotein gene (v-rg). approximately 250 million doses have been distributed globally since 1987 without any reports of adverse reactions in wildlife or domestic animals since the first licensed recombinant oral rabies vaccine (orv) was released into the environment to immunize wildlife populations against rabies. v-rg is genetically ... | 2017 | 28938920 |
taxonomic differences of gut microbiomes drive cellulolytic enzymatic potential within hind-gut fermenting mammals. | host diet influences the diversity and metabolic activities of the gut microbiome. previous studies have shown that the gut microbiome provides a wide array of enzymes that enable processing of diverse dietary components. because the primary diet of the porcupine, erethizon dorsatum, is lignified plant material, we reasoned that the porcupine microbiome would be replete with enzymes required to degrade lignocellulose. here, we report on the bacterial composition in the porcupine microbiome using ... | 2017 | 29281673 |
natural history of ixodes affinis in virginia. | the ixodid tick species ixodes affinis is expanding its range northward, changing the tick community population dynamics in the mid-atlantic united states. we present five years of surveillance on newly established populations of i. affinis throughout southeastern virginia and discuss the habitat and host associations of i. affinis in this northernmost extent of its range. we found that i. affinis populations tend to persist once they are established, and populations tend to increase as ecologic ... | 2018 | 29030315 |
distribution and host associations of ixodid ticks collected from wildlife in florida, usa. | a tick survey was conducted to document tick-host associations with florida (usa) wildlife, and to determine the relative abundance and distribution of ixodid ticks throughout the state. the survey was conducted using collection kits distributed to licensed florida hunters as well as the examination of archived specimens from ongoing state wildlife research programs. collected tick samples were obtained from 66% of florida counties and were collected from nine wildlife hosts, including black bea ... | 2017 | 29110170 |
toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence and genotype diversity in select wildlife species from the southeastern united states. | toxoplasma gondii is a widespread protozoan parasite that infects humans and other animals. previous studies indicate some genotypes of t. gondii are more frequently isolated in wildlife than agricultural animals, suggesting a wild/feral animal diversity model. to determine seroprevalence and genetic diversity of t. gondii in southeastern us wildlife, we collected sera from 471 wild animals, including 453 mammals and 18 birds, between 2011 and 2014. these serum samples were assayed for t. gondii ... | 2017 | 29061166 |
climate change can alter predator-prey dynamics and population viability of prey. | for many organisms, climate change can directly drive population declines, but it is less clear how such variation may influence populations indirectly through modified biotic interactions. for instance, how will climate change alter complex, multi-species relationships that are modulated by climatic variation and that underlie ecosystem-level processes? caribou (rangifer tarandus), a keystone species in newfoundland, canada, provides a useful model for unravelling potential and complex long-ter ... | 2018 | 29167983 |
introduction of canine parvovirus 2 into wildlife on the island of newfoundland, canada. | canine parvovirus-2 (cpv-2) and feline panleukopenia virus (fpv) (species carnivore protoparvovirus 1, family parvoviridae) cause a severe gastrointestinal disease associated with immune depression in a broad range of terrestrial carnivores. we report here the first molecular epidemiological investigation of protoparvoviruses on the island of newfoundland, canada. in particular, we investigated red foxes (vulpes vulpes deletrix) and lynx (lynx canadensis subsolanus), two autochthonous species, a ... | 2017 | 28935611 |
evidence of two cocirculating canine distemper virus strains in mesocarnivores from northern colorado. | canine distemper virus (cdv) is a highly contagious pathogen that principally infects wildlife and domestic carnivores. peridomestic species such as raccoons ( procyon lotor) experience outbreaks with high mortality. clinical signs of infection include anorexia, fever, respiratory infection, and neurologic complications. although not zoonotic, cdv poses a high risk to unvaccinated domestic animals and the conservation of endangered species. during 2013-2016, we opportunistically collected wild a ... | 2018 | 29498900 |
revisiting rabies virus neutralizing antibodies through infecting balb/c mice with live rabies virus. | this study investigates the production of rabies virus (rabv) neutralizing antibody after virus infection through a mouse model. the balb/c mice from different age groups (three, five, seven week old) were intramuscularly inoculated with live rabies virus (tx coyote 323r). without pre-exposure or post-exposure prophylaxis (pep), we found there is a decreased fatality with increased age of animals, the mortalities are 60%, 50%, and 30%, respectively. interestingly, through assay of rapid fluoresc ... | 2018 | 29471052 |
seasonal distribution, blood-feeding habits, and viruses of mosquitoes in an open-faced quarry in connecticut, 2010 and 2011. | seasonal abundance of mosquitoes, their viruses, and blood-feeding habits were determined at an open-faced quarry in north branford, ct, in 2010 and 2011. this unique habitat had not previously been sampled for mosquitoes and mosquito-borne viruses. thirty species of mosquitoes were identified from 41,719 specimens collected. coquillettidia perturbans, aedes trivittatus, and ae. vexans were the most abundant species and represented 34.5%, 17.7%, and 14.8% of the totals, respectively. jamestown c ... | 2018 | 31442119 |
interspecific gene flow shaped the evolution of the genus canis. | the evolutionary history of the wolf-like canids of the genus canis has been heavily debated, especially regarding the number of distinct species and their relationships at the population and species level [1-6]. we assembled a dataset of 48 resequenced genomes spanning all members of the genus canis except the black-backed and side-striped jackals, encompassing the global diversity of seven extant canid lineages. this includes eight new genomes, including the first resequenced ethiopian wolf (c ... | 2018 | 30344120 |
retrospective investigation of echinococcus canadensis emergence in translocated elk (cervus canadensis) in tennessee, usa, and examination of canid definitive hosts. | few reports of echinococcus spp. have been described in the usa; however, the geographical distribution of echinococcus spp. in wild hosts is increasing consequent to human activities. in the early 2000's, 253 elk (cervus canadensis) originating from alberta, canada were released into the great smoky mountains national park and north cumberland wildlife management area in an effort to re-establish their historical range. | 2020 | 32605660 |
comparative metal analysis in a species assemblage of mammals from the southeastern united states. | metal pollution commonly occurs in many terrestrial environments and may pose a threat for the animals inhabiting such areas. here, we present concentrations of six metals (cadmium [cd], copper [cu], nickel [ni], lead [pb], selenium [se], and zinc [zn]) in the liver tissues of seven species of mammals obtained from a study that examined the impact of mesopredator removal on northern bobwhite (colinus virginianus) populations. a total of 1326 samples were collected from 2003 to 2006 at four sites ... | 2020 | 32323028 |
characterization of antimicrobial resistance genes in enterobacteriaceae carried by suburban mesocarnivores and locally owned and stray dogs. | the role of wildlife in the dissemination of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria and antimicrobial resistance genes (args) in the environment is of increasing concern. we investigated the occurrence, richness and transmissibility potential of args detected in the faeces of three mesocarnivore species: the coyote (canis latrans), raccoon (procyon lotor) and virginia opossum (didelphis virginiana), and of stray and owned dogs in suburban chicago, il, usa. rectal swabs were collected from live-capture ... | 2020 | 32034890 |
public veterinary medicine: public health rabies virus variants identified in nuevo leon state, mexico, from 2008 to 2015. | to identify rabies virus variants (rvvs) isolated from bats and terrestrial mammals in nuevo leon between 2008 and 2015 and coahuila in 2006. | 2020 | 31999515 |
a tissue digestion protocol for measuring sarcoptes scabiei (astigmata: sarcoptidae) density in skin biopsies. | sarcoptic mange is a parasitic skin disease caused by the burrowing mite sarcoptes scabiei that affects a diversity of mammals, including humans, worldwide. in north america, the most commonly affected wildlife includes wild canids, such as coyotes and red foxes, and more recently american black bears in the mid-atlantic and northeast united states. currently, surveillance for sarcoptic mange in wildlife is syndromic, relying on detection of clinical signs and lesions, such as alopecia and crust ... | 2020 | 33135750 |
cross-sectional evaluation of multiple epidemiological cycles of leptospira species in peri-urban wildlife in california. | to perform a cross-sectional survey to estimate prevalence of and potential risk factors for leptospira spp infection and exposure in peri-urban wildlife throughout california. | 2020 | 33021456 |
serologic evidence for the exposure of eastern coyotes (canis latrans) in pennsylvania to the tick-borne pathogens borreliella burgdorferi and anaplasma phagocytophilum. | lyme disease and anaplasmosis are tick-borne bacterial diseases caused by borreliella and anaplasma species, respectively. a comprehensive analysis of the exposure of eastern coyotes (canis latrans) in the northeastern united states to tick-borne pathogens has not been conducted. in this report, we assess the serological status of 128 eastern coyotes harvested in pennsylvania in 2015 and 2017 for antibodies to borreliella burgdorferi and anaplasma phagocytophilum immunoblot and dot blot approach ... | 2020 | 32817454 |
the importance of human emotions for wildlife conservation. | animals have always been important for human life due to the ecological, cultural, and economic functions that they represent. this has allowed building several kinds of relationships that have promoted different emotions in human societies. the objective of this review was to identify the main emotions that humans show toward wildlife species and the impact of such emotions on animal population management. we reviewed academic databases to identify previous studies on this topic worldwide. an a ... | 2020 | 32670150 |
factors associated with echinococcus multilocularis infection in coyotes in southern ontario. | echinococcus multilocularis was recently reported in wild canids across southern ontario, a newly recognized endemic area in canada. in such areas, a comprehensive understanding of factors associated with infection in definitive hosts (wild canids) is critical for mitigating risk of transmission to humans. however, little is known about the transmission dynamics of the parasite in definitive hosts for this region. a study was therefore carried out to investigate the association of host-level (se ... | 2020 | 32369261 |
molecular characterization of giardia spp. and cryptosporidium spp. from dogs and coyotes in an urban landscape suggests infrequent occurrence of zoonotic genotypes. | giardia spp. and cryptosporidium spp. are common gastrointestinal parasites with the potential for zoonotic transmission. this study aimed to (1) determine the genotypes occurring in dogs and coyotes occupying a similar urban area; (2) determine if these hosts were infected with potentially zoonotic genotypes; (3) provide baseline molecular data. in august and september 2012, 860 dog owners living in neighborhoods bordering six urban parks in calgary, alberta, canada, provided faecal samples fro ... | 2020 | 32361137 |
prevalence of common tick-borne pathogens in white-tailed deer and coyotes in south texas. | determining which wildlife hosts are involved in the enzootic cycles of tick-borne diseases (tbd) enables enhanced surveillance and risk assessment of potential transmission to humans and domestic species. currently, there is limited data to indicate which tick-borne pathogens (tbp) can infect coyotes. additionally, limited surveillance data for white-tailed deer (wtd) in south texas is available. the purpose of this study was to detect current infections of common tbp in coyotes and wtd in sout ... | 2020 | 32025488 |
interactions with humans shape coyote responses to hazing. | medium and large carnivores coexist with people in urban areas globally, occasionally resulting in negative interactions that prompt questions about how to reduce human-wildlife conflict. hazing, i.e., scaring wildlife, is frequently promoted as an important non-lethal means for urbanites to reduce conflict but there is limited scientific evidence for its efficacy. we used a population of captive coyotes (canis latrans) to simulate urban human-coyote interactions and subsequent effects of hazing ... | 2019 | 31882751 |
coyotes (canis latrans) in arizona, usa, exhibit immune and genetic evidence of rickettsial infections. | rocky mountain spotted fever (rmsf), caused by the bacterium rickettsia rickettsii, was recognized as endemic in arizona, us after a 2002 outbreak and has since been a public health concern. the brown dog tick (rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato) is the principal vector of this pathogen in arizona. domesticated dogs (canis lupus familiaris) are the tick's main host, so free-roaming dogs in peridomestic areas have been named the primary risk factor for human cases of rmsf. however, the sudden em ... | 2020 | 31658430 |
of microbes and mange: consistent changes in the skin microbiome of three canid species infected with sarcoptes scabiei mites. | sarcoptic mange is a highly contagious skin disease caused by the ectoparasitic mite sarcoptes scabiei. although it afflicts over 100 mammal species worldwide, sarcoptic mange remains a disease obscured by variability at the individual, population and species levels. amid this variability, it is critical to identify consistent drivers of morbidity, particularly at the skin barrier. | 2019 | 31619277 |
pathology and discrete typing unit associations of trypanosoma cruzi infection in coyotes (canis latrans) and raccoons (procyon lotor) of texas, usa. | trypanosoma cruzi is a vector-borne, protozoal parasite of mammals. infected humans, dogs (canis lupus familiaris), and nonhuman primates may remain asymptomatic or may develop chagas disease, most commonly characterized by lymphoplasmacytic myocarditis with myocardial degeneration and fibrosis, ultimately resulting in heart failure. although wildlife species have important roles as sylvatic reservoirs, investigations into the pathology of t. cruzi in wildlife are limited to a few studies docume ... | 2020 | 31567037 |
surveillance of echinococcus tapeworm in coyotes and domestic dogs in winnipeg, manitoba: abstract. | the echinococcus species, including e. multilocularis and e. canadensis, are tapeworms that primarily infect canids such as dogs, foxes and coyotes, but which can also infect humans. in humans, e. multilocularis can cause alveolar echinococcosis; a serious condition that mimics metastatic malignancy and has a poor prognosis. it is known that coyotes in rural manitoba are infected with echinococcus species, but it is not known if coyotes in peri-urban areas are also infected. | 2019 | 31355823 |
a review of sarcoptic mange in north american wildlife. | the "itch mite" or "mange mite", sarcoptes scabiei, causes scabies in humans and sarcoptic mange in domestic and free-ranging animals. this mite has a wide host range due to its ability to adapt to new hosts and has been spread across the globe presumably through human expansion. while disease caused by s. scabiei has been very well-studied in humans and domestic animals, there are still numerous gaps in our understanding of this pathogen in free-ranging wildlife. the literature on sarcoptic man ... | 2019 | 31304085 |
the intrepid urban coyote: a comparison of bold and exploratory behavior in coyotes from urban and rural environments. | coyotes (canis latrans) are highly adaptable, medium-sized carnivores that now inhabit nearly every large city in the united states and canada. to help understand how coyotes have adapted to living in urban environments, we compared two ecologically and evolutionarily important behavioral traits (i.e., bold-shy and exploration-avoidance behavior) in two contrasting environments (i.e., rural and urban). boldness is an individual's reaction to a risky situation and exploration is an individual's w ... | 2019 | 30765777 |
echinococcus multilocularis infection, southern ontario, canada. | alveolar echinococcosis, the disease caused by infection with the intermediate stage of the echinococcus multilocularis tapeworm, is typically fatal in humans and dogs when left untreated. since 2012, alveolar echinococcosis has been diagnosed in 5 dogs, 3 lemurs, and 1 chipmunk in southern ontario, canada, a region previously considered free of these tapeworms. because of human and animal health concerns, we estimated prevalence of infection in wild canids across southern ontario. during 2015-2 ... | 2019 | 30666935 |
parental habituation to human disturbance over time reduces fear of humans in coyote offspring. | a fundamental tenet of maternal effects assumes that maternal variance over time should have discordant consequences for offspring traits across litters. yet, seldom are parents observed across multiple reproductive bouts, with few studies considering anthropogenic disturbances as an ecological driver of maternal effects. we observed captive coyote (canis latrans) pairs over two successive litters to determine whether among-litter differences in behavior (i.e., risk-taking) and hormones (i.e., c ... | 2018 | 30619597 |
direct aqueous injection of the fluoroacetate anion in potable water for analysis by liquid chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry. | sodium fluoroacetate or compound 1080 is a rodenticide registered in the united states for use in livestock protection collars. the collars are employed to control predation on herd animals (i.e., killing of cattle by wolves or coyotes). sodium fluoroacetate is acutely toxic to humans and has potential to cause mass casualties if used to intentionally contaminate water systems. the u.s. environmental protection agency (epa) is responsible for characterization and remediation if such an incident ... | 2018 | 30598702 |
helminth parasites and zoonotic risk associated with urban coyotes (canis latrans) in alberta, canada. | coyotes (canis latrans) are resilient, adaptable, cosmopolitan omnivores that are increasingly prevalent in urban environments, where they interact with both humans and domestic dogs. coyotes potentially transmit zoonotic parasites, including the tapeworm echinococcus multilocularis, which appears to be increasing in prevalence in western north america. in this study, we analysed the carcasses of 23 urban coyotes in edmonton, alberta, canada. focusing primarily on the helminth community, we reco ... | 2018 | 30588908 |
patterns of wild carnivore attacks on humans in urban areas. | attacks by wild carnivores on humans represent an increasing problem in urban areas across north america and their frequency is expected to rise following urban expansion towards carnivore habitats. here, we analyzed records of carnivore attacks on humans in urban areas of the u.s. and canada between 1980 and 2016 to analyze the general patterns of the attacks, as well as describe the landscape structure and, for those attacks occurring at night, the light conditions at the site of the attacks. ... | 2018 | 30531972 |
congenital human toxoplasmosis caused by non-clonal toxoplasma gondii genotypes in argentina. | toxoplasmosis, a worldwide distributed zoonosis, can be transmitted congenitally affecting fetuses and developing variable clinical signs. different toxoplasma gondii genotypes and infective dose are related factors with different clinical manifestations. several studies indicate that atypical strains could produce more severe clinical manifestations compared to typical strains. umbilical cord blood (n = 37) and placenta (n = 19) were collected at birth from women with acute t. gondii infection ... | 2019 | 30304711 |
a bead-based flow cytometric assay for monitoring yersinia pestis exposure in wildlife. | yersinia pestis is the causative agent of plague and is considered a category a priority pathogen due to its potential for high transmissibility and the significant morbidity and mortality it causes in humans. y. pestis is endemic to the western united states and much of the world, necessitating programs to monitor for this pathogen on the landscape. elevated human risk of plague infection has been spatially correlated with spikes in seropositive wildlife numbers, particularly rodent-eating carn ... | 2018 | 29695520 |
community-level modelling of boreal forest mammal distribution in an oil sands landscape. | anthropogenic landscape disturbances are known to alter, destroy, and fragment habitat, which typically leads to biodiversity loss. the effects of landscape disturbance generally vary among species and depend on the nature of the disturbances, which may interact and result in synergistic effects. western canada's oil sands region experiences disturbances from forestry and energy sector activities as well as municipal and transportation infrastructure. the effects of those disturbances on single ... | 2020 | 33049527 |
molecular epidemiology of a fatal sarcoptic mange epidemic in endangered san joaquin kit foxes (vulpes macrotis mutica). | in 2013, sarcoptic mange, caused by sarcoptes scabiei mites, precipitated a catastrophic decline of the formerly stable urban population of endangered san joaquin kit foxes (vulpes macrotis mutica) in bakersfield, california, usa. in 2019, a smaller sarcoptic mange outbreak affected kit foxes 58 km southwest of bakersfield in the town of taft, california. to determine whether the taft outbreak could have occurred as spillover from the bakersfield outbreak and whether epidemic control efforts mus ... | 2020 | 32894172 |
large-scale patterns of seed removal by small mammals differ between areas of low- versus high-wolf occupancy. | because most tree species recruit from seeds, seed predation by small-mammal granivores may be important for determining plant distribution and regeneration in forests. despite the importance of seed predation, large-scale patterns of small-mammal granivory are often highly variable and thus difficult to predict. we hypothesize distributions of apex predators can create large-scale variation in the distribution and abundance of mesopredators that consume small mammals, creating predictable areas ... | 2020 | 32760518 |
spatial variation in diet-microbe associations across populations of a generalist north american carnivore. | generalist species, by definition, exhibit variation in niche attributes that promote survival in changing environments. increasingly, phenotypes previously associated with a species, particularly those with wide or expanding ranges, are dissolving and compelling greater emphasis on population-level characteristics. in the present study, we assessed spatial variation in diet characteristics, gut microbiome and associations between these two ecological traits across populations of coyotes canis l ... | 2020 | 32445202 |
the howl of rancho la brea: comparative anatomy of modern and fossil canid hyoid bones. | the rancho la brea (rlb) fossil collection housed at the la brea tar pits and museum in los angeles, california, is one of the richest collections of carnivoran fossils in the world. the collection is also particularly well known for the preservation of rare and understudied bones in the tar, including the small bony apparatus that is of particular interest to this study, the hyoid. the la brea collection houses hyoids from several extinct carnivoran species, some of the most common being those ... | 2020 | 32302429 |
boreal predator co-occurrences reveal shared use of seismic lines in a working landscape. | interspecific interactions are an integral aspect of ecosystem functioning that may be disrupted in an increasingly anthropocentric world. industrial landscape change creates a novel playing field on which these interactions take place, and a key question for wildlife managers is whether and how species are able to coexist in such working landscapes. using camera traps deployed in northern alberta, we surveyed boreal predators to determine whether interspecific interactions affected occurrences ... | 2020 | 32076543 |
influence of body mass and environmental conditions on winter mortality risk of a northern ungulate: evidence for a late-winter survival bottleneck. | a relationship between winter weather and survival of northern ungulates has long been established, yet the possible roles of biological (e.g., nutritional status) and environmental (e.g., weather) conditions make it important to determine which potential limiting factors are most influential.our objective was to examine the potential effects of individual (body mass and age) and extrinsic (winter severity and snowmelt conditions) factors on the magnitude and timing of mortality for adult (>2.5 ... | 2020 | 32076542 |
global phylogeographic and admixture patterns in grey wolves and genetic legacy of an ancient siberian lineage. | the evolutionary relationships between extinct and extant lineages provide important insight into species' response to environmental change. the grey wolf is among the few holarctic large carnivores that survived the late pleistocene megafaunal extinctions, responding to that period's profound environmental changes with loss of distinct lineages and phylogeographic shifts, and undergoing domestication. we reconstructed global genome-wide phylogeographic patterns in modern wolves, including previ ... | 2019 | 31757998 |
population genomics of grey wolves and wolf-like canids in north america. | north america is currently home to a number of grey wolf (canis lupus) and wolf-like canid populations, including the coyote (canis latrans) and the taxonomically controversial red, eastern timber and great lakes wolves. we explored their population structure and regional gene flow using a dataset of 40 full genome sequences that represent the extant diversity of north american wolves and wolf-like canid populations. this included 15 new genomes (13 north american grey wolves, 1 red wolf and 1 e ... | 2018 | 30419012 |
the importance of considering multiple interacting species for conservation of species at risk. | conservation of species at risk of extinction is complex and multifaceted. however, mitigation strategies are typically narrow in scope, an artifact of conservation research that is often limited to a single species or stressor. knowledge of an entire community of strongly interacting species would greatly enhance the comprehensiveness and effectiveness of conservation decisions. we investigated how camera trapping and spatial count models, an extension of spatial-recapture models for unmarked p ... | 2019 | 30306635 |
neospora caninum dna in coyote fecal samples collected in an urban environment. | definitive hosts of neospora caninum are species of canids, such as domestic dogs ( canis lupus familiaris), coyotes ( canis latrans) and foxes ( vulpes vulpes), whereas ruminants, such as cattle ( bos taurus), sheep ( ovis aries), and deer (cervidae) serve as intermediate hosts. we investigated the presence of n. caninum in feces of coyotes in calgary, alberta, canada. one hundred coyote fecal samples were collected from five city parks. following dna extraction, the presence of n. caninum dna ... | 2019 | 30096031 |
serosurvey for influenza virus subtypes h3n8 and h3n2 antibodies in free-ranging canids in pennsylvania, usa. | canine influenza virus (civ) subtypes h3n8 and h3n2 are endemic among domestic dog ( canis lupus familiaris ) populations in the northeastern us. infection of free-ranging carnivores with influenza virus has been sporadically reported. generalist mesocarnivores that exploit anthropogenic, peri-urban habitats share a wide interface with domestic dogs that allows for the transmission of infectious disease. to investigate the potential exposure of free-ranging canids to civ in pennsylvania, us, ser ... | 2019 | 30096030 |
mammal responses to the human footprint vary across species and stressors. | a rapidly expanding human footprint - comprised of anthropogenic land-use change and infrastructure - is profoundly affecting wildlife distributions worldwide. cumulative effects management (cem) is a regional approach that seeks to manage combined effects of the human footprint on biodiversity across large spatial scales. challenges to implementing this approach include a lack of ecological data at large spatial scales, the high cost of monitoring multiple indicators, and the need to manage mul ... | 2018 | 29654972 |
endocranial development in the coyote (canis latrans) and gray wolf (canis lupus): a computed tomographic study. | the purpose of this study was to examine the pattern of postnatal brain growth in two wild canid species: the coyote (canis latrans) and gray wolf (canis lupus). adult regional and total brain volume differences were also compared between the two species as well as within each species by sex. three-dimensional virtual endocasts of endocranial airspace were created from computed tomography scans of 52 coyote skulls (28 female, 24 male; 1 day to 13.4 years) and 46 gray wolf skulls (25 female, 21 m ... | 2018 | 29635246 |
are pumas subordinate carnivores, and does it matter? | interspecific competition affects species fitness, community assemblages and structure, and the geographic distributions of species. established dominance hierarchies among species mitigate the need for fighting and contribute to the realized niche for subordinate species. this is especially important for apex predators, many of which simultaneous contend with the costs of competition with more dominant species and the costs associated with human hunting and lethal management. | 2018 | 29379688 |
fatal attraction? intraguild facilitation and suppression among predators. | competition and suppression are recognized as dominant forces that structure predator communities. facilitation via carrion provisioning, however, is a ubiquitous interaction among predators that could offset the strength of suppression. understanding the relative importance of these positive and negative interactions is necessary to anticipate community-wide responses to apex predator declines and recoveries worldwide. using state-sponsored wolf (canis lupus) control in alaska as a quasi experi ... | 2017 | 29053355 |
whole-genome sequence analysis shows that two endemic species of north american wolf are admixtures of the coyote and gray wolf. | protection of populations comprising admixed genomes is a challenge under the endangered species act (esa), which is regarded as the most powerful species protection legislation ever passed in the united states but lacks specific provisions for hybrids. the eastern wolf is a newly recognized wolf-like species that is highly admixed and inhabits the great lakes and eastern united states, a region previously thought to be included in the geographic range of only the gray wolf. the u.s. fish and wi ... | 2016 | 29713682 |
coal classification method based on improved local receptive field-based extreme learning machine algorithm and visible-infrared spectroscopy. | in the process of using coal, if the type of coal cannot be accurately determined, it will have a significant impact on production efficiency, environmental pollution, and economic loss. at present, the traditional classification method of coal mainly relies on technician's experience. this requires a lot of manpower and time, and it is difficult to automate. this paper mainly studies the application of visible-infrared spectroscopy and machine learning methods in coal mine identification and an ... | 2020 | 33073102 |
coyote urine, but not 2-phenylethylamine, induces a complete profile of unconditioned anti-predator defensive behaviors. | predator odors from various sources (e.g. fur/skin, urine, feces) provide prey animals valuable information that allows them to gage potential environmental threat via the detection of semiochemicals called kairomones. however, studies in rodents have revealed inconsistent and often conflicting results, which may occur from any combination of factors, including source and freshness of the odorant, sex, and genetic strain of the prey animal and/or predator. regardless of cause, few odorants teste ... | 2020 | 33068564 |
wildlife resistance and protection in a changing new england landscape. | rapid changes in climate and land use threaten the persistence of wildlife species. understanding where species are likely to occur now and in the future can help identify areas that are resistant to change over time and guide conservation planning. we estimated changes in species distribution patterns and spatial resistance in five future scenarios for the new england region of the northeastern united states. we present scenario-specific distribution change maps for nine harvested wildlife spec ... | 2020 | 32970736 |
rudimentary, "functionless" first metapodials of canis latrans: variation and association in length with longer, functional metapodials. | a tenet of evolutionary theory is that phenotypic variation of a trait is inversely related to the intensity of stabilizing selection pressure. among homologous bones, such as metapodials, a rudimentary, "nonfunctional" bone is expected to be more variable in length than nonrudimentary bones. this study compares variation and association in length among metapodials using 277 adult skeletons of canis latrans. canis latrans has a short, "functionless" first metacarpal (mc1) and "rudimentary, vesti ... | 2020 | 32969028 |
seasonal and daily shifts in behavior and resource selection: how a carnivore navigates costly landscapes. | the dynamic environmental conditions in highly seasonal systems likely have a strong influence on how species use the landscape. animals must balance seasonal and daily changes to landscape risk with the underlying resources provided by that landscape. one way to balance the seasonal and daily changes in the costs and benefits of a landscape is through behaviorally-explicit resource selection and temporal partitioning. here, we test whether resource selection of coyotes (canis latrans) in cape b ... | 2020 | 32939575 |
responses of sympatric canids to human development revealed through citizen science. | measuring wildlife responses to anthropogenic activities often requires long-term, large-scale datasets that are difficult to collect. this is particularly true for rare or cryptic species, which includes many mammalian carnivores. citizen science, in which members of the public participate in scientific work, can facilitate collection of large datasets while increasing public awareness of wildlife research and conservation. hunters provide unique benefits for citizen science given their knowled ... | 2020 | 32884652 |
an outbreak of neospora caninum abortion in a dairy herd from the state of georgia, united states. | an outbreak of 92 abortions out of 1,700 pregnant cows (5.41%) in a period of 3 weeks (19 may to 05 june 2019) occurred in a georgia dairy, usa, in cattle that were between 3 and 7 months of gestation. two sets of samples (aborted fetuses' organs, placental tissues, aborted cows blood) were submitted for laboratory investigations at the tifton veterinary diagnostic and investigational laboratory, college of veterinary medicine, university of georgia (tvdil, tifton, ga, usa). an abortion panel te ... | 2020 | 32864895 |
molecular evidence for local acquisition of human alveolar echinococcosis in saskatchewan, canada. | alveolar echinococcosis (ae) is a life-threatening parasitic disease caused by the zoonotic cestode echinococcus multilocularis. our goals were to confirm infection, identify species and analyze biogeographical origin of metacestode tissues from a suspected human ae case in saskatchewan, canada. we conducted pcr targeting the nad1 mitochondrial gene for e. multilocularis and the rrns ribosomal rna gene for e. granulosus and conducted haplotype analysis at the nad2 locus. our analysis confirmed a ... | 2020 | 32766836 |
epidemiology of rabies and current us vaccine guidelines. | rabies is an acute encephalitis that is caused by rabies virus (rabv) infection, which belongs to the rhabdoviridae family of viruses. it causes about 59,000 human deaths per year (although this number may be under-reported) and is generally fatal, once signs and symptoms begin to appear. rabies is still very prevalent and under- reported, particularly in low to middle-income countries such as asia and africa, where there is lack of access to healthcare and domestic dogs are not widely vaccinate ... | 2020 | 32752569 |
brain of the african wild dog. i. anatomy, architecture, and volumetrics. | the african wild dog is endemic to sub-saharan africa and belongs to the family canidae which includes domestic dogs and their closest relatives (i.e., wolves, coyotes, jackals, dingoes, and foxes). the african wild dog is known for its highly social behavior, co-ordinated pack predation, and striking vocal repertoire, but little is known about its brain and whether it differs in any significant way from that of other canids. we employed gross anatomical observation, magnetic resonance imaging, ... | 2020 | 32720707 |
competition for safe real estate, not food, drives density-dependent juvenile survival in a large herbivore. | density-dependent competition for food reduces vital rates, with juvenile survival often the first to decline. a clear prediction of food-based, density-dependent competition for large herbivores is decreasing juvenile survival with increasing density. however, competition for enemy-free space could also be a significant mechanism for density dependence in territorial species. how juvenile survival is predicted to change across density depends critically on the nature of predator-prey dynamics a ... | 2020 | 32607167 |
characterization and comparison of slam/cd150 in free-ranging coyotes, raccoons, and skunks in illinois for elucidation of canine distemper virus disease. | canine distemper virus (cdv) is a cause of significant disease in canids and increasingly recognized as a multi-host pathogen, particularly of non-canid families within carnivora. cdv outbreaks in sympatric mesocarnivores are routinely diagnosed in the forest preserve district of cook county, illinois. cdv is diagnosed more commonly and the disease more severe in raccoons and striped skunks than in coyotes. research in other species suggests host cell receptors may play a role in variable diseas ... | 2020 | 32599844 |
individual and site-specific variation in a biogeographical profile of the coyote gastrointestinal microbiota. | most knowledge of the vertebrate gut microbiota comes from fecal samples; due to difficulties involved in sample collection, the upper intestinal microbiota is poorly understood in wild animals despite its potential to inform broad interpretations about host-gut microbe relationships under natural conditions. here, we used 16s rrna gene sequencing to characterize the microbiota of wild coyotes (canis latrans) along the gastrointestinal tract, including samples from the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, ... | 2020 | 32594248 |
co-occurrence of bobcats, coyotes, and ocelots in texas. | interspecific competition among carnivores has been linked to differences in behavior, morphology, and resource use. insights into these interactions can enhance understanding of local ecological processes that can have impacts on the recovery of endangered species, such as the ocelot (leopardus pardalis). ocelots, bobcats (lynx rufus), and coyotes (canis latrans) share a small geographic range overlap from south texas to south-central mexico but relationships among the three are poorly understo ... | 2020 | 32551069 |
more affordable and effective noninvasive single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping using high-throughput amplicon sequencing. | noninvasive genotyping methods have become key elements of wildlife research over the last two decades, but their widespread adoption is limited by high costs, low success rates and high error rates. the information lost when genotyping success is low may lead to decreased precision in animal population densities, which could misguide conservation and management actions. single nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) provide a promising alternative to traditionally used microsatellites as snps allow amp ... | 2020 | 32521101 |
first report of siphonaptera parasites in canis latrans in the flora and fauna protection area, médanos de samalayuca chihuahua, mexico. | siphonaptera are hematophage parasite vectors of both human and animal diseases. we aimed to identify ectoparasites parasitizing a coyote population (canis latrans) in the northwest region of the flora and fauna protection area médanos de samalayuca, chihuahua, mexico. we captured 21 coyotes (15 males and 6 females) during the summer and winter of 2018. the individuals were anesthetized and thoroughly examined for ectoparasites. we found that 43% of the coyotes were infested. based on characteri ... | 2020 | 32448515 |