
functional zonation of adrenocortical tissue in the brush possum (trichosurus vulpecula). 19715104790
longitudinal conducting system serving centrifugal cutaneous nerve discharges in the decerebrate-decerebellate phalanger, trichosurus vulpecula. 19705519846
the development of hair follicles in the marsupial trichosurus vulpecula. 19705496222
development of the epidermis of the marsupial trichosurus vulpecula. 19705486962
salivary secretory potentials in the marsupial trichosurus vulpecula. 19704125749
the development of the pretectal nuclei in trichosurus vulpecula. 19705468659
the motor cortex of the brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula): motor representation, motor function and the pyramidal tract. 19705433097
the corticospinal tract of the marsupial phalanger (trichosurus vulpecula). 19705422534
centrifugal cutaneous nerve discharges in the decerebrate phalanger, trichosurus vulpecula. 19705534067
an atrial bundle of specialized cardiac muscle fibers in trichosurus vulpecula. 19705413607
the clearance of renin from the peripheral plasma of the marsupial trichosurus vulpecula. 19695347372
the tertiary egg membranes of the marsupial trichosurus vulpecula. 19695793473
relaxing activity during the oestrous cycle of the marsupial, trichosurus vulpecula (kerr). 19695816261
the renin-angiotensin system in a marsupial (trichosurus vulpecula). 19694307461
morphological studies on the thymus. i. thymus of the marsupial--trichosurus vulpecula. 19695820443
temperature regulation and evaporative water loss in the brush-tailed possum trichosurus vulpecula. 19695777387
gross features of the heart of a marsupial, trichosurus vulpecula. 19695407147
the development of the diencephalon in trichosurus vulpecula. 19695395641
centrifugal discharges in cutaneous nerve fibers evoked by cutaneous afferent volleys in the acutely spinal phalanger, trichosurus vulpecula. 19685761373
bilateral adrenalectomy and steroid replacement in the marsupial trichosurus vulpecula. 19685758890
21-deoxycortisol and other minor steroids in adrenal venous blood of the phalanger (trichosurus vulpecula). 19685710534
the lateral geniculate nucleus of the marsupial phalanger, trichosurus vulpecula. an experimental study of cytoarchitecture in relation to the intranuclear optic nerve projection fields. 19675582295
the innervation of muscle spindles in the australian opossum, trichosurus vulpecula, with special reference to the motor nerve endings. 19665969977
structure and distribution of muscle spindles in the forepaw lumbricals of the phalanger, trichosurus vulpecula. 19665956897
the accessory optic system in the marsupial phalanger, trichosurus vulpecula. an experimental degeneration study. 19665960282
the peritoneum of trichosurus vulpecula. 19665919848
failure of hysterectomy to affect the ovarian cycle of the marsupial trichosurus vulpecula. 19655892354
steroid components in the adrenal venous blood of trichosurus vulpecula (kerr). 196414199276
interstitial cells in the testis of the australian phalanger (trichosurus vulpecula). 196313950092
the initiation and maintenance of lactation in the marsupial, trichosurus vulpecula. 196213976894
reproduction in the marsupial trichosurus vulpecula. 196214037337
somaesthetic pathways in the marsupial phalanger, trichosurus vulpecula. 196113721896
a degeneration study of the somaesthetic afferent systems in the marsupial phalanger, trichosurus vulpecula. 196113694086
composition of milk of the marsupial trichosurus vulpecula. 195913829661
variations in the erythrocyte potassium and sodium in the possum, trichosurus vulpecula. 195813517187
growth of the marsupial trichosurus vulpecula and a comparison with some higher mammals. 195713490833
glucuronuria in a herbivorous marsupial trichosurus vulpecula. 195713425989
the carotid sinus complex, "parathyroid" iii and thymo-parathyroid bodies, with special reference to the australian opossum, trichosurus vulpecula. 195513258505
observations on carbohydrate metabolism and alloxan diabetes in a marsupial (trichosurus vulpecula). 195413159768
an experimental study of the central olfactory connexions in a marsupial (trichosurus vulpecula). 195313081884
experimental prostatectomy in a marsupial (trichosurus vulpecula). 195014779569
a method for the collection of the secretions of the individual accessory sex glands in a marsupial (trichosurus vulpecula). 195015423051
experimental transmission of tuberculosis to trichosurus vulpecula. 194818875253
transmission of kala-azar to the australian marsupials trichosurus vulpecula and pseudocheirus laniginosus. 194818865443
late effects of castration and aministration of sex hormones on the male trichosurus vulpecula. 194720292728
an experimental study of the thalamus in the phalanger, trichosurus vulpecula. 194317104927
an experimental investigation of the visual system in the phalanger, trichosurus vulpecula. 194117104863
the normal histology of the thalamus in the phalanger, trichosurus vulpecula. 194117104852
an experimental investigation of the motor cortex and its connexions in the phalanger, trichosurus vulpecula. 193917104793
the development of the urogenital system in the marsupialia, with special reference to trichosurus vulpecula: part ii. 191917103868
the development of the urogenital system in the marsupialia, with special reference to trichosurus vulpecula: part i. 191817103858
hydrological features and the ecological niches of mammalian hosts delineate elevated risk for ross river virus epidemics in anthropogenic landscapes in australia.the current understanding of the landscape epidemiology of ross river virus (rrv), australia's most common arthropod-borne pathogen, is fragmented due to gaps in surveillance programs and the relatively narrow focus of the research conducted to date. this leaves public health agencies with an incomplete understanding of the spectrum of infection risk across the diverse geography of the australian continent. the current investigation sought to assess the risk of rrv epidemics based on abiotic and ...201829554980
serological evidence for the presence of wobbly possum disease virus in australia.wobbly possum disease virus (wpdv) is an arterivirus that was originally identified in common brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) in new zealand, where it causes severe neurological disease. in this study, serum samples (n = 188) from australian common brushtail, mountain brushtail (trichosurus cunninghami) and common ringtail (pseudocheirus peregrinus) possums were tested for antibodies to wpdv using elisa. antibodies to wpdv were detected in possums from all three species that were sampl ...202032750064
skin structure in newborn marsupials with focus on cutaneous gas exchange.a morphological and morphometric study of the skin of a variety of newborn marsupials (dasyurus viverrinus, monodelphis domestica, trichosurus vulpecula, isoodon obesulus, perameles nasuta, phascolarctos cinereus, potorous tridactylus, petrogale penicillata, thylogale thetidi, macropus dorsalis) and of a monotreme hatchling (ornithorhynchus anatinus) was undertaken to assess the possibility of cutaneous gas exchange. additionally, the lungs of some of these species were investigated to assess it ...201829947022
culture of marsupial oocytes and conceptuses.marsupial oocytes and conceptuses provide special challenges to scientists wanting to develop reliable in vitro techniques. yet these techniques are essential to the study of development. such techniques also provide tools to help prevent further decline in marsupial biodiversity using assisted reproductive technology. specific marsupial characters have made development of in vitro techniques difficult. some of these are the high-energy requirements of cleavage and blastocyst formation and maint ...201931230288
in vitro binding of cefovecin to plasma proteins in australian marsupials and plasma concentrations of cefovecin following single subcutaneous administration to koalas (phascolarctos cinereus).cefovecin has a long duration of antibiotic activity in cats and dogs, somewhat attributable to its high plasma protein binding.201930809814
uterine epithelial remodelling during pregnancy in the marsupial monodelphis domestica (didelphidae): implications for mammalian placental evolution.mammalian pregnancy involves remodelling of the uterine epithelium to enable placentation. in marsupials, such remodelling has probably played a key role in the transition from ancestral invasive placentation to non-invasive placentation. identifying uterine alterations that are unique to marsupials with non-invasive placentation can thus elucidate mechanisms of marsupial placental evolution. we identified apical alterations to uterine epithelial cells prior to implantation in monodelphis domest ...202032052440
chronic excess fluoride uptake contributes to degenerative joint disease (djd): evidence from six marsupial of the manifestations of chronic fluoride toxicosis in mammals is skeletal fluorosis, which can include lesions of degenerative joint disease (djd). although djd lesions have been less commonly studied than bone or dental lesions in relation to the pathology and epidemiology of fluoride toxicosis, there have been multiple independent studies in various species that have concluded that there appears to be an effect. the mechanisms by which fluoride affects the joints are not clear, but our da ...201830015183
molecular surveillance of piroplasms in ticks from small and medium-sized urban and peri-urban mammals in australia.natural landscape alterations as a consequence of urbanisation are one of the main drivers in the movements of wildlife into metropolitan and peri-urban areas. worldwide, these wildlife species are highly adaptable and may be responsible for the transmission of tick-borne pathogens including piroplasms (babesia, theileria and cytauxzoon spp.) that cause piroplasmosis in animals and occasionally in humans. little is known about piroplasms in the ticks of urban wildlife in australia. ticks from lo ...201829988853
overlapping den tree selection by three declining arboreal mammal species in an australian tropical savanna.tree cavities are important denning sites for many arboreal mammals. knowledge of cavity requirements of individual species, as well as potential den overlap among species, is integral to their conservation. in australia's tropical savannas, development of tree cavities is enhanced by high termite activity, and, conversely, reduced by frequent fires. however, it is poorly understood how the availability of tree cavities in the tropical savannas impacts tree cavity use and selection by cavity-dep ...202033033470
vulpeculin: a novel and abundant lipocalin in the urine of the common brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula.lipocalins are a family of secreted proteins. they are capable of binding small lipophilic compounds and have been extensively studied for their role in chemosignalling in rodent urine. urine of the common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) contains a prominent glycoprotein of 20 kda, expressed in both sexes. we have isolated this protein and determined its primary sequence by mass spectrometry, including the use of metabolic labelling to resolve the leucine/isoleucine isobaric ambiguity. ...202033022194
correction: in vitro hepatic metabolism of mefloquine using microsomes from cats, dogs and the common brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula).[this corrects the article doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0230975.].202032384104
de novo transcriptome assembly and annotation of liver and brain tissues of common brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) in new zealand: transcriptome diversity after decades of population control.the common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula), introduced from australia in the mid-nineteenth century, is an invasive species in new zealand where it is widespread and forms the largest self-sustained reservoir of bovine tuberculosis (mycobacterium bovis) among wild populations. conservation and agricultural authorities regularly apply a series of population control measures to suppress brushtail possum populations. the evolutionary consequence of more than half a century of intensive pop ...202032316496
in vitro hepatic metabolism of mefloquine using microsomes from cats, dogs and the common brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula).feline infectious peritonitis (fip) is a systemic, fatal, viral-induced, immune-mediated disease of cats caused by feline infectious peritonitis virus (fipv). mefloquine, a human anti-malarial agent, has been shown to inhibit fipv in vitro. as a first step to evaluate its efficacy and safety profile as a potential fip treatment for cats, mefloquine underwent incubation in feline, canine and common brush-tailed possum microsomes and phase i metabolism cofactors to determine its rate of phase i de ...202032287278
mammary neoplasia in common brushtail possums: case report and retrospective identification of additional cases.mammary neoplasia in possums have been sporadically reported in the literature.202032090317
evaluating the effects of landscape structure on the recovery of an invasive vertebrate after population control.effective landscape control of invasive species is context-dependent due to the interplay between the landscape structure, local population dynamics, and metapopulation processes. we use a modelling approach incorporating these three elements to explore the drivers of recovery of populations of invasive species after control.201931857743
intrinsic clearance rate of o-desmethyltramadol (m1) by glucuronide conjugation and phase i metabolism by feline, canine and common brush-tailed possum microsomes.quantitative aspects of in vitro phase ii glucuronidative metabolism of o-desmethyltramadol (o-dsmt or m1), the active metabolite of the analgesic drug tramadol, by feline, canine and common brush-tailed possum hepatic microsomes are described.whilst previous studies have focused on the phase i conversion of tramadol to m1, this is the first report in which the phase ii glucuronidative metabolic pathway of m1 has been isolated by an in vitro comparative species study.using the substrate depletio ...202031755346
the mixed liver and heart transcriptome dataset of the new zealand brushtail possum, trichosurus zealand suffers greatly from invasive mammal predators including rats, stoats, feral cats and possums all of which not only damage or prey on new zealand's unique terrestrial biodiversity, but also have huge impact on nz's economy as many of these pests act as vectors of disease to farm and game animals. as such, the nz government has invested nearly $90 m to support an ambitious plan to make the country predator free by 2050. although there are adequate means to control invasive predator po ...201931700950
a spatial open-population capture-recapture model.a spatial open-population capture-recapture model is described that extends both the non-spatial open-population model of schwarz and arnason and the spatially explicit closed-population model of borchers and efford. the superpopulation of animals available for detection at some time during a study is conceived as a two-dimensional poisson point process. individual probabilities of birth and death follow the conventional open-population model. movement between sampling times may be modeled with ...202031517386
estimating disease survey intensity and wildlife population size from the density of survey devices: leg-hold traps and the brushtail possum.wildlife disease surveillance requires accurate information on the proportion of managed populations sampled or their population density, parameters that are typically expensive to measure. however, these parameters can be estimated using spatially explicit modelling of capture probabilities, based on the distribution and deployment times of capture devices, given accurate information on the relationships between these variables. this approach is used in new zealand's surveillance programme aime ...201830314786
viral rna load and histological changes in tissues following experimental infection with an arterivirus of possums (wobbly possum disease virus).tissues from australian brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) that had been experimentally infected with wobbly possum disease (wpd) virus (wpdv) were examined to elucidate pathogenesis of wpdv infection. mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrates were present in livers, kidneys, salivary glands and brains of wpd-affected possums. specific staining was detected by immunohistochemistry within macrophages in the livers and kidneys, and undefined cell types in the brains. the highest viral rna l ...201830014860
visit, consume and quit: patch quality affects the three stages of foraging.foraging is a three-stage process during which animals visit patches, consume food and quit. foraging theory exploring relative patch quality has mostly focused on patch use and quitting decisions, ignoring the first crucial step for any forager: finding food. yet, the decision to visit a patch is just as important as the decision to quit, as quitting theories can only be used if animals visit patches in the first place. therefore, to better understand the foraging process and predict its outcom ...201829995984
next generation sequencing reveals widespread trypanosome diversity and polyparasitism in marsupials from western western australia a number of indigenous trypanosoma spp. infect susceptible native marsupials, such as the woylie (bettongia penicillata), brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula), and chuditch (dasyurus geoffroii). two genotypes of trypanosoma copemani (identified as g1 and g2) have been found in the woylie, and g2 has been implicated in the decline of this host species, making its presence of particular interest. here we used targeted amplicon next generation sequencing (ngs) of the trypan ...201829988778
development of an indirect elisa for detection of antibody to wobbly possum disease virus in archival sera of australian brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) in new develop an indirect elisa based on recombinant nucleocapsid (rn) protein of wobbly possum disease (wpd) virus for investigation of the presence of wpd virus in australian brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) in new zealand.201829669478
metagenomic discovery and co-infection of diverse wobbly possum disease viruses and a novel hepacivirus in australian brushtail possums.australian brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) are an introduced pest species in new zealand, but native to australia where they are protected for biodiversity conservation. wobbly possum disease (wpd) is a fatal neurological disease of australian brushtail possums described in new zealand populations that has been associated with infection by the arterivirus (arteriviridae) wobbly possum disease virus (wpdv-nz). clinically, wpd-infected possums present with chronic meningoencephalitis, ch ...201933829126
covid-19 restrictions provide a brief respite from the wildlife roadkill toll.the covid-19 pandemic provides a rare opportunity to reveal the impact of reduced human activity on wildlife. i compared traffic volume and wildlife roadkill data along 18 km of highway before, during and after a 3-month period of covid-19 restrictions with baseline data from the previous four years. three marsupial herbivores comprised 89% of the 1820 roadkills recorded during the 4.5-year survey period: rufous-bellied pademelon thylogale billardierii (31.5% of total), common brushtail possum t ...202133612848
Displaying items 701 - 776 of 776