a new method for cloning giardia lamblia, with a discussion of the statistical considerations of limiting dilution. | this report describes a method of cloning giardia lamblia by limiting dilution which is simpler than the previously described semisolid agar technique and which may also be applied as an assay of cell viability. a discussion of the basic statistics of limiting dilution, which is applicable to any cell type, and a method of statistically comparing colony-forming efficiencies from different cell populations are included. the colony-forming efficiency (cfe) of this method, when applied to late log- ... | 1988 | 3357116 |
a microscopic and immunodiagnostic search for giardiasis in patients with gastrointestinal disorders. | direct microscopy and an elisa technique were used to determine the prevalence of giardia lamblia and its antigen in stool samples from patients with crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, acute-onset diarrhoea, or dyspepsia. cysts of giardia lamblia were observed by microscopy of faeces from two of the patients with acute-onset diarrhoea and one with dyspepsia. giardia antigen was detected in the faeces of five patients, including all three in whom cysts had been identified by microscopy. no evid ... | 1988 | 3363292 |
identification of giardia lamblia isolates susceptible and resistant to infection by the double-stranded rna virus. | the presence or absence of the giardia lamblia double-stranded rna virus (glv) was surveyed among 38 axenic isolates of g. lamblia derived from both humans and animals. of the 28 isolates lacking the virus, 19 could readily be infected by the virus. the remaining 9 isolates proved to be resistant to glv infection even when the ratio between virus to parasite reached as high as 10(6) to 1. evidence is also presented indicating that there are at least two "portland 1" strains being used by the cur ... | 1988 | 3366209 |
illness and reservoirs associated with giardia lamblia infection in rural egypt: the case against treatment in developing world environments of high endemicity. | a longitudinal investigation of the health effects and reservoirs of giardia was undertaken during 1984-1985 in 40 households located in the rural nile delta region of egypt. stool specimens obtained once weekly for six months from 2-4-year-old children were cyst- or trophozoite-positive in 42% of the 724 examined. only one child remained giardia-negative during the study. the mean duration of excretion in giardia-positive children was seven and one-half weeks with a range of one to 17 weeks. mu ... | 1988 | 3369424 |
antigenic variation of giardia lamblia in vivo. | a single giardia lamblia trophozoite can give rise in vitro to g. lamblia with varying surface antigens. to determine whether antigenic variation also occurs in vivo, gerbils were inoculated with defined g. lamblia clones and the surface antigens of the intestinal trophozoites were studied at different times during the infection. the proportion of monoclonal antibody 6e7-reacting trophozoites from wb c1-6e7s-inoculated gerbils had decreased significantly by day 3 postinoculation, indicating the ... | 1988 | 3372015 |
a survey on the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites of dogs in the area of thessaloniki, greece. | faecal specimens randomly taken from 232 healthy dogs living in the area of thessaloniki were screened for internal parasites. in 39.2% of the examined dogs excretion of sarcocystis bovicanis (1.3%), isospora ohioensis/burrowsi (3.9%), giardia lamblia (0.8%), hammondia heydorni (0.4%), dicrocoelium dendriticum (0.8%) diplopylidium nolleri (0.4%), joyeuxiella pasqualei (0.8%), taeniids (0.4%), toxocara canis (22.4%), toxascaris leonina (1.3%), uncinaria stenocephala (3.0%), trichuris vulpis (2.6% ... | 1988 | 3372979 |
killing of giardia lamblia trophozoites by human intestinal fluid in vitro. | | 1988 | 3373026 |
use and limitations of the enterotest in the diagnosis of giardia lamblia. | | 1988 | 3373054 |
attachment of giardia lamblia to rat intestinal epithelial cells. | the human enteric protozoan, giardia lamblia, has surface membrane lectin activity which mediates parasite adherence to erythrocytes. to determine whether an intestinal binding site exists for this lectin we have studied the interaction in vitro between axenically cultured giardia trophozoites and isolated rat intestinal epithelial cells. scanning electron microscopy showed that giardia attached to the apical microvillus membrane and basolateral membrane of rat enterocytes. any location on the p ... | 1988 | 3384364 |
variable infectivity of human-derived giardia lamblia cysts for mongolian gerbils (meriones unguiculatus). | to determine whether gerbils can be used as a suitable animal model for giardiasis, we attempted to infect mongolian gerbils with cysts of giardia lamblia isolated from the stools of 10 humans with symptomatic and asymptomatic giardiasis. we obtained 100% infection with one isolate (cdc:0284:1), as evidenced by the presence of numerous trophozoites in the intestines of the gerbil and cysts in the feces. cysts from four patients were not infective, while cysts from the other five patients produce ... | 1988 | 3384909 |
purification and characterization of the giardia lamblia double-stranded rna virus. | the dsrna virus which infects some strains of giardia lamblia has been purified and characterized with respect to its effect on growth of the parasite. extensive purification of the virus from g. lamblia growth medium was accomplished by millipore filtration and two successive cscl gradient centrifugations. the purified virus possessed a single major protein species of 100,000 molecular weight. effects of the extensively purified virus on growth of the virus-free parasite were studied. a cloned ... | 1988 | 3386680 |
[etiological study of acute gastroenteritis in children in tunisia]. | this study was aimed at identifying the relative importance of the various agents responsible for gastroenteritis and to contribute to the etiopathogeny of this condition. four hundred and two samples of stools of patients and 209 of control subjects, all under 3 years of age, were submitted to bacteriological, parasitologic and virologic examinations. an enteral etiology of gastroenteritis was found in 50% of the children. it consisted of enteropathogenic bacteria in 11%, rotaviruses in 29% and ... | 1988 | 3395199 |
the secondary structure of large-subunit rrna divergent domains, a marker for protist evolution. | the secondary structure of the large-subunit ribosomal rna (24-26s rrna) has been studied with emphasis on comparative analysis of the folding patterns of the divergent domains in the available protist sequences, that is prorocentrum micans (dinoflagellate), saccharomyces carlsbergensis (yeast), tetrahymena thermophila (ciliate), physarum polycephalum and dictyostelium discoideum (slime moulds), crithidia fasciculata and giardia lamblia (parasitic flagellates). the folding for the d3, d7a and d1 ... | 1988 | 3395681 |
lipid analysis of giardia lamblia and its culture medium. | the neutral lipid and phospholipid composition of giardia lamblia and its culture medium were analysed by a thin-layer chromatography flame-ionized detection system. both lipid compositions of the parasite differed from that of the culture medium. sterol was found to be the major neutral lipid, and phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and sphingomyerin were also present. fatty acid composition of g. lamblia and its culture medium were also analysed by gas liquid chromatography. oleic an ... | 1988 | 3401072 |
nosocomial and community-acquired infections in malnourished children. | a total of 206 community-acquired and 73 nosocomial infections in 50 malnourished jamaican children were studied prospectively. predominant community-acquired infections in the 50 children, included gastroenteritis (68%), otitis media (60%), rhinopharyngitis (60%), oral candidiasis (46%), skin infections (40%), pneumonia (28%), bacteraemia (24%) and bacteriuria (18%). the most frequent nosocomial infections were rhinopharyngitis (34%), lower respiratory tract infections (24%) and septicaemia (18 ... | 1988 | 3404564 |
etiology of diarrhea among travelers and foreign residents in nepal. | a bacterial pathogen was isolated from 47% of 328 expatriate patients with diarrhea seen at two medical clinics in nepal in 1986. enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (24%), shigella (14%), and campylobacter species (9%) were isolated most frequently. enteroinvasive and adherence factor-positive e coli were isolated from 2% and 1% of patients, respectively. giardia lamblia was detected in 12% of patients, rotavirus in 8%, and cryptosporidium and entamoeba histolytica each in 5%. blastocystis hominis ... | 1988 | 3404637 |
depressed humoral immune responses to surface antigens of giardia lamblia in persistent giardiasis. | the specific anti-plasma membrane- or surface-specific serum antibodies to mr 82,000 antigen of giardia lamblia trophozoites in cases of persistent and nonpersistent giardiasis in a pediatric population indicated significantly low concentrations of these antibodies in patients with persistent giardiasis. there was an insignificant difference in the amount of antibodies to whole trophozoite extract in persistent and nonpersistent giardiasis or asymptomatic carriers. the acute/nonpersistent cases ... | 1988 | 3405651 |
sequence of a giardin subunit cdna from giardia lamblia. | | 1988 | 3405761 |
acute diarrhoea in adults: aetiology, clinical appearance and therapeutic aspects. | a prospective study of acute diarrhoea was performed during 15 months 1981/1982 and included 731 patients and 240 controls. 43% had been infected abroad. a cluster of travellers with bacterial pathogens was diagnosed in july-august. the following pathogens were found: campylobacter (18%), enterotoxigenic e. coli (6%), salmonella spp. (5%), rotavirus (4%), yersinia enterocolitica (3%), giardia lamblia (3%), shigella spp. (2%), clostridium difficile (2%), enteroviruses (2%) and entamoeba histolyti ... | 1988 | 3406670 |
giardia lamblia infection in immunosuppressed animals causes severe alterations to brush border membrane enzymes. | nmri mice immunosuppressed with dexamethasone followed by challenge intraesophageally with axenic giardia lamblia (portland i) trophozoites had severe infection in terms of the trophozoite counts in the jejunum. although the immunosuppressive treatment with cortisone itself resulted in a deleterious effect on brush border membrane enzymes, the decline in disaccharidases (sucrase, maltase, and lactase) and alkaline phosphatase was highly significant (p less than 0.001) following g. lamblia infect ... | 1988 | 3409801 |
giardia lamblia in patients undergoing endoscopy: lack of evidence for a role in nonulcer dyspepsia. | previous studies have suggested that giardia lamblia may cause nonulcer dyspepsia as the sole manifestation of infection. to explore this premise, duodenal aspirates from patients undergoing upper endoscopy were examined for giardia and results were correlated with endoscopic findings and symptoms. of 155 patients, 15.5% had giardia. patients with dyspepsia, with or without obvious lesions at endoscopy, had a similar prevalence. patients with vomiting and diarrhea had an increased prevalence (38 ... | 1988 | 3410237 |
triton-labile antigens in flagella isolated from giardia lamblia. | sheared flagella from giardia lamblia were freed from cytoskeleton fragments and other cell contaminants by centrifuging in a density gradient. the purified organelles contain many polypeptides, including a set of low-molecular-weight antigens [apparent molecular weights (mws) = 31, 32, 34, 35 and 37 kd] in the same size range as the approximately 30 kd structural giardins of the cytoskeleton. however, on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gels, the mobilities of individual flagellar polypep ... | 1988 | 3413040 |
[protozoological stool examinations from 1980 to 1985 in the east german district of rostock]. | between 1980 and 1985 a total of 17,290 faecal specimens were examined for intestinal protozoa at the institute of hygiene, district of rostock, gdr. the samples were taken from gdr citizens travelling to tropical or semitropical regions, from foreigners from these regions visiting rostock district, and from the local population. intestinal protozoa were found in 5.78%, 20.80% and 6.43%, respectively. 9 different species were diagnosed: entamoeba coli, e. hartmanni, e. histolytica, endolimax nan ... | 1988 | 3415039 |
[the role of specific defense mechanisms of small intestine mucosa in giardia intestinalis infection in children]. | | 1988 | 3420019 |
[usefulness of anti-giardia intestinalis antibody titration in monitoring the treatment of lambliasis]. | | 1987 | 3424835 |
giardia lamblia in peritoneal fluid. | giardia lamblia is a flagellated protozoan that inhabits the upper portions of the small intestine; trophozoites are the usual stage seen in duodenal aspirates, biopsies of the duodenum and jejunum and, infrequently, in stools, in which cysts are more likely to be found. a unique occurrence of g lamblia cysts and trophozoites within the peritoneal fluid of a patient with a blunt abdominal trauma is reported. cytotechnologists and pathologists should be aware that trophozoites and cysts of g lamb ... | 1987 | 3425139 |
breath hydrogen test in children with giardiasis. | respiratory hydrogen excretion was measured in 50 children with giardiasis in order to study lactose absorption. samples of expired air were collected before and after the children drank 250 ml of whole cow's milk. the test was repeated after successful elimination of giardia lamblia following treatment with tinidazol. the number of children showing a rise in breath hydrogen excretion greater than 20 ppm decreased from 33 (72%) before treatment to 20 (44%) after treatment. this study permits the ... | 1987 | 3430245 |
[pathogenesis of small intestine damage in children with malabsorption syndrome infected with giardia intestinalis]. | | 1987 | 3432145 |
identification and characterization of taglin, a mannose 6-phosphate binding, trypsin-activated lectin from giardia lamblia. | we have previously reported the presence of a cell surface associated lectin activity in giardia lamblia, a human protozoan parasite that is a significant cause of diarrheal disease worldwide [lev, b., ward, h., keusch, g. t., & pereira, m. e. a. (1986) science (washington, d.c.) 232, 71-73]. this lectin is specifically activated in vitro by a host protease, trypsin, which is secreted in vivo at the site of infection. the activated lectin agglutinates cells to which the parasite adheres in vivo ... | 1987 | 3442682 |
the yield of routine duodenal aspiration for giardia lamblia during esophagogastroduodenoscopy. | giardia lamblia, the most common intestinal parasite in the united states, may present with nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms when the infection is chronic. in order to determine how frequently the parasite could be detected in patients undergoing endoscopy for standard indications, duodenal aspirates were collected from 144 patients. despite g. lamblia being endemic in the state (and therefore readily recognized in our laboratory), there was only one positive aspirate in the 144 specimens c ... | 1987 | 3443259 |
comparative studies on the axenic in vitro cultivation of giardia of human and canine origin: evidence for intraspecific variation. | comparative studies were carried out on the in vitro cultivation of giardia duodenalis from dogs and humans. cultures were initiated with trophozoites obtained by artificial excystation of cysts present in human or canine faecal specimens, or using trophozoites collected from the small intestine of dogs postmortem. 12 new human isolates of g. duodenalis were established in axenic culture from cysts present in faecal specimens, and successfully cryopreserved, an overall success rate for in vitro ... | 1987 | 3445348 |
the epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis and other intestinal parasitoses in children in southern guinea-bissau. | in order to determine the prevalence of cryptosporidium and other intestinal parasites, a household sample survey of children under 5 years old was carried out during the late dry season in 8 rural villages in southern guinea-bissau, west africa. cryptosporidium oocysts were found in 10 of 270 stool samples (3.7%), using a safranin-methylene blue staining method. of these 10 children (age range 5-16 months), all non-muslims, 6 had diarrhoea, giving a prevalence of 12.5% in 48 children with diarr ... | 1987 | 3450011 |
circulating igg and iga anti-giardia lamblia antibodies in sera of symptomatic giardiasis patients. | | 1987 | 3450117 |
giardia infection causes vitamin b12 deficiency. | a patient presented with hematological evidence of vitamin b12 deficiency. the schilling test performed suggested intestinal malabsorption and further investigation revealed heavy infestation with giardia lamblia. specific treatment of the giardiasis with tinidazole resulted in correction of the abnormalities in vitamin b12 absorption. these findings, together with the absence of other causes of vitamin b12 deficiency, suggest that giardiasis should be considered as a cause of vitamin b12 defici ... | 1986 | 3458451 |
kinetics of lymphocyte subpopulation in intestinal mucosa of protein deficient giardia lamblia infected mice. | kinetics of gut lymphocyte subpopulations were studied in normal and malnourished groups of mice infected with giardia lamblia. the maximum parasite load was observed at second, third, and first week of postinfection in normal controls, moderate (8%) and severe (3%) protein deficient groups respectively. the number of g lamblia trophozoite in 3% protein deficient group was low compared with control groups. a significant increase in t cell population of intraepithelial lymphocytes and lamina prop ... | 1986 | 3485552 |
effect of d-propranolol on growth and motility of flagellate protozoa. | propranolol inhibits sperm motility and has been considered as a spermicide contraceptive. in view of the inhibitory effects of d-propranolol on sperm flagellar activity, we have investigated its effect on motility and growth of two human flagellate, protozoan parasites. d-propranolol had a dose-dependant inhibitory effect on motility of giardia lamblia and trichomonas vaginalis with ed50s of 0.38 and 0.66 mmol/l respectively, d-propranolol also inhibited growth of both parasites with ed50s of 0 ... | 1987 | 3500164 |
[human intestinal parasites in subsaharan africa. ii. sao tomé and principe]. | in 1983 the authors carried out a survey in the democratic republic of são tomé and principe, analysing 1050 specimens of stools collected among the population from apparently healthy subjects chosen at random and in a number proportional to the distribution of the population in the regions of the country (about 1% of the population was examined). the examined subjects were divided into 3 age groups (0-3, 4-12, more than 12 years old), to have homogeneous groups in relation principally to modali ... | 1987 | 3508506 |
[human intestinal parasites in subsaharan africa. iii. pemba island (zanzibar-tanzania)]. | the authors carried out a coprological survey in pemba island, analysing, by modified ritchie technique, 413 stools samples. the specimens were collected among the population from apparently healthy subjects chosen at random in a number equal to 2% of the whole population. the examined subjects were divided in 3 age groups, 211 were males, 202 females. the following results were obtained (in order of prevalence): a) protozoa: entamoeba coli 35.6%, giardia intestinalis 5.6%, endolimax nana 4.3%, ... | 1987 | 3508507 |
lectin activation in giardia lamblia by host protease: a novel host-parasite interaction. | a lectin in giardia lamblia was activated by secretions from the human duodenum, the environment where the parasite lives. incubation of the secretions with trypsin inhibitors prevented the appearance of lectin activity, implicating proteases as the activating agent. accordingly, lectin activation was also produced by crystalline trypsin and pronase; other proteases tested were ineffective. when activated, the lectin agglutinated intestinal cells to which the parasite adheres in vivo. the lectin ... | 1986 | 3513312 |
monoclonal antibodies against trichomonas vaginalis. | spleen lymphocytes obtained from mice immunized with trichomonas vaginalis atcc 30001 were fused with p3-x63-ag8-653 mouse myeloma in order to produce hybridoma-secreting antibodies against t. vaginalis associated antigens. six hybridoma cloned cell lines were established; three produced igg1, two produced igg2a, and one produced igm monoclonal antibody. these six monoclonal antibodies showed binding to seven isolated strains of t. vaginalis but did not bind to giardia lamblia. three of those mo ... | 1986 | 3514432 |
excystation and culturing of human and animal giardia spp. by using gerbils and tyi-s-33 medium. | mongolian gerbils were used as an animal model to excyst and host giardia spp. isolated from meadow voles, dogs, beavers, and humans. both cysts and trophozoites were used to establish infections. gerbils were infected with giardia duodenalis from beaver, dog, and human sources, and the trophozoites were extracted and cultured in diamond tyi-s-33 medium. the use of gentamicin and ampicillin in the medium, coupled with treatment of gerbils with gentamicin before they were sacrificed, permitted th ... | 1986 | 3516070 |
isolation and identification of a giardia lamblia-specific stool antigen (gsa 65) useful in coprodiagnosis of giardiasis. | a giardia lamblia-specific antigen (gsa 65) was isolated from stools of g. lamblia-positive patients by crossed- and line-immunoelectrophoresis and counterimmunoelectrophoresis (cie) in agarose by using rabbit antiserum prepared against g. lamblia cysts. cie with rabbit anti-gsa 65 monospecific antiserum revealed that gsa 65 was present in aqueous stool eluates of giardiasis patients and in cysts and trophozoites of the parasite. sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of immun ... | 1986 | 3519663 |
chemotherapy in giardiasis: clinical responses and in vitro drug sensitivity of human isolates in axenic culture. | to investigate drug sensitivities of human giardia isolates, we developed a reproducible in vitro 3h-thymidine uptake assay to compare drug potencies. among 13 giardia intestinalis stocks obtained from the culture of trophozoites isolated from duodenal juice, considerable variation in susceptibility to a range of currently used drugs was found. the population doubling time of these stocks also varied widely. clinical features in patients ranged in severity from mild chronic diarrhea to a celiac- ... | 1986 | 3519912 |
immunocytochemical differentiation of microtubules in the cytoskeleton of giardia lamblia using monoclonal antibodies to alpha-tubulin and polyclonal antibodies to associated low molecular weight proteins. | in interphase trophozoites of giardia lamblia, separate populations of microtubules constitute the four parts of the mastigont apparatus: flagella, ventral disc, funis and median body. antigenic differences between the tubules have been investigated by light and electron immunocytochemistry after labelling with two monoclonal antibodies to alpha-tubulin (yl 1/2 and yol 1/34 clones), and with polyclonal antibodies to giardia tubule-associated proteins. both anti-tubulins stained all tubules after ... | 1986 | 3522613 |
an 88,000-mr giardia lamblia surface protein which is immunogenic in humans. | human anti-giardia lamblia sera specifically immunoprecipitated an 88,000-mr surface protein from radioiodinated trophozoites, establishing this protein as a potentially important immunogen in humans. a mouse monoclonal antibody (gl-1) was isolated which immunoprecipitated the same 88,000-mr surface protein recognized by the human sera. gl-1 gave uniform fluorescent staining of the cell surface and flagella of g. lamblia trophozoites from the portland 1 and wb strains as well as fresh clinical i ... | 1986 | 3536744 |
physical and chemical characterization of a giardia lamblia-specific antigen useful in the coprodiagnosis of giardiasis. | we recently reported the isolation and identification of a giardia lamblia-specific antigen (gsa 65) that is shed in the stool of giardiasis patients. in the present study, this antigen was affinity purified from sonic extracts of axenically cultured g. lamblia trophozoites and characterized to better understand its biological function and its potential usefulness in the design of coprodiagnostic assays for giardiasis. gsa 65 was resistant to proteolytic digestion with trypsin, chymotrypsin, and ... | 1986 | 3536998 |
[giardia intestinalis: comparative study of lipid and nitrogen fecal excretions in adults and children with parasites]. | 10,000 faeces samples-from 9,120 adults and 880 children were examined to evaluate the faecal excretions. giardia intestinalis was identified in 111 of those samples (84 adults and 27 children). a higher infection rate of g. intestinalis was observed in child and male adult groups. nitrogen excretion was evaluated and compared with fat excretion for the first time in the case of giardiasis. when malabsorption was obvious, both fat and nitrogen increased with generally moderate values. the malabs ... | 1986 | 3537927 |
giardia lamblia: a culture method for determining parasite viability. | a simple, quantitative method has been developed to assess the viability of giardia lamblia trophozoites after exposure to a potentially lethal agent. this method utilizes the ability of trophozoites which remain viable to replicate and multiply. in this study, the percent dead trophozoites after incubation in 20% fresh human serum was determined first by morphologic criteria and then by the ability of parasites to multiply in fresh medium over 48 hr. using the number of parasites after 48 hr of ... | 1986 | 3538920 |
antigenic analysis of giardia duodenalis strains isolated in alberta. | giardia duodenalis is a common intestinal parasite in most parts of the world. in canada it is associated with both endemic and epidemic infections that are often transmitted by the waterborne route. although g. duodenalis strains have been isolated from several animals, the role of other mammals in human infection is unclear. we have isolated and cultured g. duodenalis trophozoites from domestic and wild animals in alberta and compared them with a human isolate by protein gel electrophoresis an ... | 1986 | 3545410 |
treatment of intestinal e. histolytica and g. lamblia with metronidazole, tinidazole and ornidazole: a comparative study. | metronidazole, tinidazole and ornidazole were compared in patients treated for entamoeba histolytica or giardia lamblia intestinal infections. only patients with three positive stool specimens for trophozoites and/or cysts of e. histolytica or g. lamblia by the merthiolate iodine formaldehyde (mifc) technique were included. criteria for cure were at least 10 negative stool specimens over 3 weeks after completing therapy. fifty-three male patients (aged 9-65 years) had e. histolytica infection. s ... | 1987 | 3546716 |
encystation and expression of cyst antigens by giardia lamblia in vitro. | the cyst form of giardia lamblia is responsible for transmission of giardiasis, a common waterborne intestinal disease. in these studies, encystation of giardia lamblia in vitro was demonstrated by morphologic, immunologic, and biochemical criteria. in the suckling mouse model, the jejunum was shown to be a major site of encystation of the parasite. small intestinal factors were therefore tested as stimuli of encystation. an antiserum that reacted with cysts, but not with cultured trophozoites w ... | 1987 | 3547646 |
comparison of two antigenically distinct giardia lamblia isolates in gerbils. | previous studies established that some isolates of giardia differ antigenically. in order to determine if antigenic differences resulted in altered biological behavior of host immune responses, two antigenically distinct isolates, wb and gs-e, were used to infect gerbils, and the course of infection, resistance to reinfection, and host humoral responses were measured. maximum numbers of trophozoites were recovered on day 14 from the intestine of gerbils infected with both isolates, but by day 28 ... | 1987 | 3548453 |
a water-borne outbreak of giardiasis in sweden. | in the middle of october 1982 a large number of people living at mjövik, a small community in the south-east of sweden, fell ill after drinking municipal water contaminated with waste water. the epidemic curve showed one single outbreak without secondary cases. no pathogenic agents could be isolated from the water or sick persons. from some persons who fell ill again or did not recover new samples were taken and giardia lamblia was then isolated from persons with remaining symptoms and previousl ... | 1987 | 3563429 |
giardia lamblia: uptake of pyrimidine nucleosides. | the aerotolerant, anaerobic parasite giardia lamblia, which depends solely upon salvage pathways for its pyrimidine requirements, was found to transport uridine, cytidine, and thymidine by a carrier mediated mechanism. support for this conclusion comes from the facts that uptake of radiolabeled uridine, cytidine, and thymidine exhibited saturation kinetics, and uptake of these same radiolabeled nucleosides was inhibited by unlabeled homologs, certain pyrimidine analogs, iodoacetate, and n-ethylm ... | 1987 | 3569473 |
comparative evaluation of giardia lamblia infection in mouse & rat. | | 1986 | 3570385 |
the biosynthesis of uridine 5'-monophosphate in giardia lamblia. | | 1987 | 3570646 |
intestinal mucus protects giardia lamblia from killing by human milk. | we have previously shown that nonimmune human milk kills giardia lamblia trophozoites in vitro. killing requires a bile salt and the activity of the milk bile salt-stimulated lipase. we now show that human small-intestinal mucus protects trophozoites from killing by milk. parasite survival increased with mucus concentration, but protection was overcome during longer incubation times or with greater milk concentrations. trophozoites preincubated with mucus and then washed were not protected. prot ... | 1987 | 3572838 |
localization of acid phosphatase activity in giardia lamblia and giardia muris trophozoites. | numerous membrane-bounded vacuoles are found adjacent to the plasma membrane of the pathogenic protozoan giardia lamblia. the function of these vacuoles has been discussed by several authors. approximately 100-400 nm in diameter with a core of low electron density, they have been suggested to be mitochondria, mucocysts, lysosomes, and endocytotic vacuoles. enzyme cytochemical localization for acid phosphatase activity using cerium as a capturing agent demonstrates reaction product in these vacuo ... | 1987 | 3572844 |
the macrophages as an effector cell in giardia lamblia infections. | direct and antibody-dependent, cell-mediated cytotoxic responses exhibited against giardia lamblia trophozoites by peritoneal macrophages of infected animals were studied. on first exposure, the infection persisted for 30 days and peak cytotoxic responses were noticed on the 20th day post infection. in reinfected animals, peak response was on 10th day and these animals were capable of clearing the infection much faster compared with animals infected for the first time. macrophages in giardia inf ... | 1987 | 3574241 |
furazolidone for treatment of diarrhoeal disease. | furazolidone, a synthietic nitrofuran, is active against a broad spectrum of bacteria and giardia lamblia. since 1954, furazolidone has been used almost exclusively for the specific and symptomatic treatment of infectious diarrheal diseases. diarrheal disease is the leading cause of death of children and a major contributing factor of malnutrition in the developing world. it can be avoided with proper water and waste treatment, personal hygiene, and food preparation. the most critical aspect ... | 1987 | 3576695 |
[a proposal for the classification of intestinal complications in giardiasis]. | two hundred children hospitalized in the national institute of gastroenterology were studied during the 1972-1980 period. the children, whose ages ranged between six months and ten years, presented chronic diarrhea in which giardia lamblia was considered the causative agent. the diagnosis of parasitism was made with the detection of giardia lamblia in the feces and/or duodenal content. a serum d-xylose and jejunal biopsy were performed on all the patients and the histology of the mucosa was clas ... | 1986 | 3577617 |
diarrheal morbidity and mortality in children in the central african republic. | diarrheal morbidity and mortality in children less than 5 years old were studied in bangui, central african republic, by a cluster survey. we found a high prevalence of diarrheal disease with an estimated annual incidence of 7 episodes of diarrhea per child per year. the estimated annual mortality rate for children less than 5 years old was 28.6 per 1,000 and 85.8 per 1,000 for infants; 51.6% of deaths were reported to be associated with diarrhea. during the survey, stool specimens were collecte ... | 1987 | 3578657 |
intestinal brush border calmodulin: key role in the regulation of nacl transport in giardia lamblia infected mice. | activity of calmodulin and uptake of ca2+, na+ and cl- was studied in control and giardia lamblia infected mice. the activity of calmodulin was found to be significantly increased (p less than 0.001) in the experimental group as compared to control group. the uptake of ca2+ increased significantly (p less than 0.001) while that of na+ and cl- decreased (p less than 0.001) in brush border membrane (bbm) vesicles from experimental group as compared to control group. in the presence of calmodulin i ... | 1987 | 3579963 |
an unusually compact ribosomal dna repeat in the protozoan giardia lamblia. | the ribosomal rna (rrna) genes of the protozoan parasite giardia lamblia have been analyzed with respect to size, composition and copy number. they are found to be remarkable in several respects. first, the rrnas themselves are the smallest yet reported for any eukaryotic organism. second, the genes encoding them are found as an exceptionally small tandemly repeated unit of only 5.4 kilobase-pairs. third, the genes are extraordinarily g:c rich, even in regions which are highly conserved between ... | 1987 | 3588284 |
pediatric gastroenteritis in primary care and in hospitalized patients. | one-hundred and fifty-seven consecutive children below seven years of age (primary care n = 48, hospitalized patients n = 109) with acute gastroenteritis of assumed infectious origin were studied. rotavirus was demonstrated by electron microscopy of faeces in 44% of all patients. the occurrence of rotavirus among patients in primary care, 15%, was significantly lower than among hospitalized patients, 57% (p less than 0.01). adenovirus was isolated in six per cent and enterovirus in two per cent ... | 1987 | 3589234 |
in vitro excystation of giardia from humans: a scanning electron microscopy study. | the in vitro excystation of giardia lamblia on cysts isolated from human feces was studied. after purification by sucrose gradient, cysts were incubated in a pepsin-acid solution, then placed in a modified hsp3 medium where excystation occurred within a few minutes. the excystation procedure was studied by continuous observations by light microscopy and sequential observations by scanning electron microscopy (sem). the in vitro excystation was stopped at timed intervals during incubation by addi ... | 1987 | 3598798 |
cryptosporidiosis in ogun state, south-west nigeria. | during the period of one month in the rainy season in ogun state in south-west nigeria 479 stool samples (420 of which were diarrhoea stool samples) were examined for cryptosporidiosis. oocysts were detected in 2.3% of all stools, in 2.6% of diarrhoeal stools and in 5.3% out of 150 children with diarrhoea. cryptosporidium was the sole pathogen detected in six of 11 cases. in addition to cryptosporidia also entamoeba histolytica, blastocystis hominis, giardia lamblia, ascaris lumbricoides, and tr ... | 1987 | 3602839 |
effect of twenty-three chemotherapeutic agents on the adherence and growth of giardia lamblia in vitro. | the sensitivity of giardia lamblia to 23 chemotherapeutic agents was evaluated in vitro with a growth inhibition assay and a recently developed adherence inhibition assay. of the four established anti-giardia drugs, tinidazole, metronidazole, and furazolidone were found to have strong inhibitory effects on both growth and adherence, while mepacrine had a strong effect on growth only. three drugs (mefloquine, doxycycline and rifampin) not previously used in giardiasis were found to have significa ... | 1986 | 3603639 |
a method of excystation and culture of giardia lamblia. | | 1986 | 3603648 |
[cryptosporidiosis in childhood]. | recent application of resisting acid-fast staining techniques for parasitologic investigation has allowed cryptosporidiosis to acquire an apparent interest, mainly caused by its apparition in immunosuppressed patients, specially when they have aids. more recently cryptosporidiosis has been reported in immunocompetent persons whose illness, stated as acute diarrhea, is mild and self-limited. in this article we report a prospective study of a series of 36 children with cryptosporidiosis. most of t ... | 1987 | 3605875 |
in vitro activity of antiprotozoal drugs against giardia intestinalis of human origin. | | 1987 | 3606072 |
giardia lamblia: stimulation of growth by human intestinal mucus and epithelial cells in serumfree medium. | giardia lamblia trophozoites specifically colonize the upper human small intestine which is normally serumfree but have been grown in vitro only in medium supplemented with serum or serum fractions. recently, we demonstrated that biliary lipids will support the growth of g. lamblia without added serum. now, we report that human duodenal jejunal mucus stimulates growth of giardia in medium with biliary lipids. stimulation by mucus was enhanced by inclusion of chymotrypsin or crude pancreatic prot ... | 1987 | 3609228 |
usefulness of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of giardia antigen in feces. | the usefulness of a recently developed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay which detects giardia lamblia antigen in feces was determined in experimentally infected humans. giardia antigen was determined in serially collected fecal specimens from humans inoculated with two giardia isolates, gs/m and isr. a total of 277 stools from 18 volunteers were tested, 74 from isr-inoculated volunteers and 203 from gs/m-inoculated volunteers. none of the five isr-inoculated volunteers became infected, and none ... | 1987 | 3611309 |
a new method for purification of giardia lamblia cysts. | one of the major problems in studying giardia cysts is separating this form of the parasite from faecal debris and bacteria. we approached this problem by passing filtered stool suspensions over a column of sephadex g-50 followed by low speed centrifugations. the sephadex retained most of the faecal debris and the centrifugation reduced the bacterial flora more than 10(5)-fold to less than 3 x 10(4)/ml. cyst recovery was 61% (+/- 28%). this new method of separating g. lamblia from faecal materia ... | 1987 | 3617195 |
a radiometric assay for antigiardial drugs. | susceptibility of giardia lamblia trophozoites to 3 antigiardial drugs was determined morphologically by 24h parasite counts and radiometrically by uptake of [3h]thymidine and by rapid 4h microassays of motility and viability. growth of giardia trophozoites in liquid culture correlated well with uptake of [3h]thymidine during a 72h period (r = 0.91, p less than 0.01). ed50 and mic for metronidazole, mepacrine and sodium fusidate were similar in both morphological and radiometric growth assays an ... | 1987 | 3617202 |
hydrogen breath test in small intestinal malabsorption. | jejunal biopsy and hydrogen breath test were performed in 57 children, 34 having coeliac disease and 23 with other forms of malabsorption. in children affected by coeliac disease there was a gradually increasing incidence of positive findings with the h2 breath test as villous damage progressed. in the group of subtotal villous atrophy age dependence was also observed, the majority of positive results occurring below three years of age. in the non-coeliac group the most frequent cause of the pos ... | 1987 | 3620196 |
[diagnosing giardiasis by detecting giardia lamblia antigen in fecal matter with counterimmunoelectrophoresis]. | | 1987 | 3621505 |
giardia lamblia--day care diarrhea. | | 1986 | 3636073 |
mechanism of killing of giardia lamblia trophozoites by complement. | only antibodies of the igm class support the lytic effect of complement on giardia lamblia (gl). we sensitized gl trophozoites (sgl) at 4 degrees c with serum containing anti-gl antibodies or igm purified from this serum, and either normal human serum (nhs), complement 2-deficient human serum (c2d-hs), or c4-deficient guinea pig serum was used as source of complement. sgl were killed by nhs (86%) and by the deficient sera (50 and 40%, respectively), suggesting activation of the alternative pathw ... | 1987 | 3646264 |
[home-coming diarrhea. presentation of a clinical case]. | the homing diarrhea, described by duhamel and rey in 1980, represents a gastrointestinal disease which affects children of emigrants coming back from a trip to their country of origin and may become so serious to cause death secondary to dehydration or septicemia. the poor nutritional conditions at the beginning of the trip (secondary to low socioeconomic situation) and the onset of acute enteritis during the travel, caused by salmonella or shigella, e. coli, campylobacter, myceti, giardia lambl ... | 1987 | 3658808 |
acute gastroenteritis in children attending day-care centres with special reference to rotavirus infections. i. aetiology and epidemiologic aspects. | acute gastroenteritis (ge) among 214 children (aged 6 months-7 years) attending day-care centres (ddcs) in the copenhagen county was studied during a 12-month period. a total of 197 cases of ge was observed in 109 children (i.e. 51% of the participants). the aetiology was as follows: rotavirus (n = 48) (24%), pathogenic bacteria (n = 11) (6%), giardia lamblia (n = 3) (2%), while the aetiology of 68% remains unknown. the pathogenic bacteria included yersinia enterocolitica, thermophilic campyloba ... | 1987 | 3661178 |
acute gastroenteritis in children attending day-care centres with special reference to rotavirus infections. ii. clinical manifestations. | in a prospective study of a cohort of 214 children (aged 6 months-7 years) attending day-care centres, a total of 197 episodes of acute gastroenteritis (ge) occurred in 109 children (i.e. 51% of the participants) during a 12-month observation period. rotavirus, pathogenic bacteria and giardia lamblia caused ge in 24%, 6% and 2% of the cases, respectively. the aetiology of the remaining 68% was not discovered. generally, the symptoms of ge were light and only two episodes led to hospitalization. ... | 1987 | 3661179 |
epidemiology of giardia lamblia infection in children: cross-sectional and longitudinal studies in urban and rural communities in zimbabwe. | stool specimens from 3,038 children in rural and urban areas near harare were examined for giardia lamblia cysts. preliminary studies, using specimens collected on three consecutive days from 157 known cyst passers, showed that over 89% of infections could be diagnosed on single stool specimens by examination of gomori-stained smears. the overall prevalence of giardial infection was 19.4% with significantly more urban children (21.1%) passing cysts than rural children (16.7%). in urban areas the ... | 1987 | 3661826 |
inactivation of giardia muris cysts by free chlorine. | the chlorine resistance of cysts of the flagellate protozoan giardia muris was examined. this organism, which is pathogenic to mice, is being considered as a model for the inactivation of the human pathogen giardia lamblia. excystation was used as the criterion for cyst viability. experiments were performed at ph 5, 7, and 9 at 25 degrees c and ph 7 at 5 degrees c. survival curves were "stepladder"-shaped, but concentration-time data generally conformed to watson's law. chlorine was most effecti ... | 1987 | 3662500 |
parasitic infections in yakima indians. | two hundred and five yakima indians (age range: one to 66 years) were examined for parasitic infections, and various environmental exposures to infection. a questionnaire was completed by each participant and an anal swab, blood specimens and a single faecal sample were obtained. eight of 181 swabs (4.4%) contained eggs of enterobius vermicularis. of 89 faecal specimens submitted, 12 (13.5%) and 1 (1.1%) respectively contained giardia lamblia and cryptosporidium. sera were screened for antibodie ... | 1987 | 3662670 |
uptake and esterification of arachidonic acid by trophozoites of giardia lamblia. | although trophozoites of giardia lamblia have not been demonstrated to possess the capacity for synthesis of phospholipids, these protozoan parasites would be exposed to fatty acids within the human small intestine. we have evaluated the metabolic incorporation of arachidonic and palmitic acids by giardia trophozoites. trophozoites (2.25 x 10(6)) were incubated with 12 nm [3h]fatty acid for up to 60 min. uptake of [3h]arachidonate by trophozoites was rapid, increasing from 37% at 1 min to 65% at ... | 1987 | 3670342 |
malabsorption of oral antibiotics in humans and rats with giardiasis. | we observed unexplained treatment failures in 13 patients with serious infections and apparent incidental giardiasis. antibiotic concentrations were assayed in the serum from patients before initiating anti-giardia therapy and again 2 to 3 weeks after therapy. the peak serum concentrations of antibiotics were higher after treatment for giardiasis. the rat model of giardiasis was used to examine the hypothesis that oral antibiotics are malabsorbed during giardia lamblia infection. twenty-eight-da ... | 1987 | 3670951 |
health status of ethiopian refugees in the united states. | the health status of 239 ethiopian refugees in the united states was evaluated. over 70 per cent were males 15-30 years old. positive ppds (purified protein derivative of tuberculin) were observed in 72 per cent and 3.4 per cent had abnormal chest x-rays. one patient had active tuberculosis. other laboratory abnormalities included: intestinal parasites (36.7 per cent), anemia (14.9 per cent), eosinophilia (14 per cent), positive syphilis serology (7.5 per cent), and hepatitis b surface antigenem ... | 1987 | 3674256 |
prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in riyadh district, saudi arabia. | a total of 23,516 stool specimens collected from patients attending three medical centres in riyadh, saudi arabia, were examined for intestinal parasites. of these 5737 (24.4%) were positive. entamoeba histolytica (8.8%) and giardia lamblia (6.3%) were the commonest parasites found, and in the age group of one to 15 years. giardia was found in 14.8% of males and 11.9% of females. other intestinal parasites present included ascaris lumbricoides, trichuris trichiura, schistosoma mansoni, hymeolepi ... | 1986 | 3675035 |
ingestion of giardia lamblia trophozoites by human mononuclear phagocytes. | mononuclear phagocytes may be important effector cells against giardia lamblia. human monocyte-derived macrophages were incubated with g. lamblia trophozoites in 13% heat-inactivated autologous serum. at a g. lamblia/macrophage ratio of 1:1, the number of trophozoites ingested per 100 macrophages ranged from 1 to 12 at 0.5 h and increased for all donors (n = 6) to 10 to 92 at 8 h. ingestion was confirmed by electron microscopy. increasing the parasite/phagocyte ratio to 5:1 increased the percent ... | 1987 | 3679547 |
experimental human infections with giardia lamblia. | fifteen healthy volunteers were inoculated enterally with trophozoites of two distinct human isolates of giardia lamblia, gs/m and isr. each of two groups of five volunteers were inoculated with 50,000 (gs/m or isr) trophozoites. all of the volunteers inoculated with gs/m and none of the volunteers inoculated with isr became infected. three of five volunteers infected with gs/m became ill, including two who had diarrhea and typical symptoms of giardiasis. in the second study, three patients who ... | 1987 | 3680997 |
acute diarrhoea in adults: a prospective study. | a prospective study of 74 adults with acute diarrhoea was carried out in sydney in 1984-1985 to determine the infective agents that were involved and their relationship to clinical, epidemiological and laboratory features. thirty-four potential pathogens were identified in 32 (43.2%) patients. these included, in order of frequency: campylobacter spp., rotavirus, clostridium difficile, salmonella enteritidis, aeromonas hydrophila, vibrio parahaemolyticus, adenovirus, a small round virus and giard ... | 1987 | 3683260 |
heterogeneity in the responses of clones of giardia intestinalis to anti-giardial drugs. | clones of two stocks of giardia intestinalis have been tested by the [3h]thymidine uptake assay to determine their sensitivity to metronidazole, tinidazole, furazolidone and quinacrine. each stock was not homogeneous with respect to drug sensitivity but was composed of different populations of organisms. doubling times of lines derived from clones of a stock did not vary significantly. these findings may, in part, account for treatment failures in human giardiasis patients. | 1987 | 3686635 |
studies on secretory function of gastric mucosa in patients with giardia intestinalis invasion. | | 1987 | 3687007 |
ascaris lumbricoides infection in pre-school children from chiriqui province, panama. | an epidemiological survey of intestinal parasitic infections was conducted in a sample of 203 children aged 3-5 years from a semi-urban and a rural community in chiriqui, panama, in 1983-4. on the basis of stool examinations, the prevalences of ascaris lumbricoides, trichuris trichiura, hookworm, giardia intestinalis, entamoeba spp. and strongyloides stercoralis were found to be 27, 34, 14, 15, 5 and 4% respectively. the results from children from the two communities were compared. polyparasitis ... | 1987 | 3696782 |
antigiardial activity of the bile salt-like antibiotic sodium fusidate. | possible antigiardial activity of the bile salt-like antibiotic, sodium fusidate has been investigated during 24 h liquid culture of giardia lamblia trophozoites and in 4 h microassays for parasite motility inhibition and viability. sodium fusidate inhibited giardia growth (ed50 0.2 mm; mic 0.3 mm) but was considerably less potent than metronidazole (ed50 0.002 mm; mic 0.05 mm). sodium fusidate and metronidazole were active inhibitors of parasite motility (ed50 0.9 and 0.3 mm respectively) but w ... | 1986 | 3700284 |
intestinal parasitic infections in pre-school children in the niger delta. | stool specimens from 1,062 pre-school children in the niger delta were examined for the presence of intestinal parasites. of that number, 77.6% harboured one or more than one species of intestinal parasites. ascaris lumbricoides (51.9%) and trichuris trichiura (41.7%) were the most prevalent species recorded. other parasites harboured by these children included hymenolepis sp. (18.3%), giardia lamblia (9.2%), entamoeba histolytica (4.6%), strongyloides stercoralis (1.4%). hookworm, taenia sp., i ... | 1986 | 3701056 |
giardia lamblia: identification of different strains from man. | four axenically cultured human giardia lamblia isolates from jerusalem (kc-1, 2, 3 and 4) and one from bethesda (wb) were compared. three distinct groups were defined by agglutination response to rabbit anti-g. lamblia sera viz. wb; kc-3; and kc-1, 2 and 4. the same major groups were identified by isoenzyme analysis using thin-layer starch-gel electrophoresis, each group differing from the others in three or more of five enzymes studied. in addition, a single enzyme difference distinguished kc-2 ... | 1986 | 3705709 |
[frequency of giardia lamblia in the feces of 100 children with chronic diarrhea]. | | 1986 | 3707709 |
giardia lamblia: electrophysiology and ultrastructure of cytopathology in cultured epithelial cells. | the pathogenicity of giardia lamblia is a subject of debate. some studies of human biopsy material have mentioned the presence of trophozoites inside the intestinal mucosa, while in others, flagellates have only been found attached to the epithelium. to study the possible cytopathic effects of g. lamblia cultured under axenic conditions, trophozoites of the human 1/portland and wb strains were placed in contact with monolayers of madin derby canine kidney cells, a well characterized cell strain ... | 1986 | 3709752 |