
hydrophobic interaction governs unspecific adhesion of staphylococci: a single cell force spectroscopy study.unspecific adhesion of bacteria is usually the first step in the formation of biofilms on abiotic surfaces, yet it is unclear up to now which forces are governing this process. alongside long-ranged van der waals and electrostatic forces, short-ranged hydrophobic interaction plays an important role. to characterize the forces involved during approach and retraction of an individual bacterium to and from a surface, single cell force spectroscopy is applied: a single cell of the apathogenic specie ...201425247133
antimicrobial mechanism and activity of dodecyl rosmarinate against staphylococcus carnosus lth1502 as influenced by addition of salt and change in ph.antimicrobial activity and mechanism of action of rosmarinic acid (ra) and dodecyl rosmarinate (re12) against staphylococcus carnosus lth1502 were studied as a function of ph (5.8 to 7.2) and in the presence of salts (kcl and mgcl2, 0 to 500 mm). microbial cultures were exposed to unesterified ra and to esterified re12, and cell number was determined by plate counting. cells exposed to ra and re12 at the minimum bactericidal concentration (200 and 0.05 mm, respectively) were examined using scann ...201424674436
nitrate/oxygen co-sensing by an nrea/nreb sensor complex of staphylococcus staphylococci maximal induction of nitrate reductase (narghji genes) requires anaerobic conditions, the presence of nitrate, and the nreabc regulatory system. aerobic regulation is effected by the nreb/nrec two-component system. the role of the nitrate receptor nrea in nitrate induction and its relation to aerobic regulation was analysed in staphylococcus carnosus. nitrate induction of a narg-lip reporter gene required presence of nreb/nrec. when nrea was deleted, nitrate was no longer requir ...201424261791
one-pot four-enzyme synthesis of ketoses with fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolases from staphylococcus carnosus and rabbit the action of d-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolases (frua) from rabbit muscle and staphylococcus carnosus, various ketoses were synthesized from glyceraldehydes or other aliphatic aldehydes as acceptors in a one-pot four-enzyme system.201222727596
influence of the subsurface composition of a material on the adhesion of staphylococci.controlling the interface between bacteria and solid materials has become an important task in biomedical science. for a fundamental and comprehensive understanding of adhesion it is necessary to seek quantitative information about the involved interactions. most studies concentrate on the modification of the surface (chemical composition, hydrophobicity, or topography) neglecting, however, the influence of the bulk material, which always contributes to the overall interaction via van der waals ...201222475009
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