
chronic wasting disease drives population decline of white-tailed deer.chronic wasting disease (cwd) is an invariably fatal transmissible spongiform encephalopathy of white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, and moose. despite a 100% fatality rate, areas of high prevalence, and increasingly expanding geographic endemic areas, little is known about the population-level effects of cwd in deer. to investigate these effects, we tested the null hypothesis that high prevalence cwd did not negatively impact white-tailed deer population sustainability. the specific objectives of ...201627575545
infectious disease and grouping patterns in mule deer.infectious disease dynamics are determined, to a great extent, by the social structure of the host. we evaluated sociality, or the tendency to form groups, in rocky mountain mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus) from a chronic wasting disease (cwd) endemic area in saskatchewan, canada, to better understand factors that may affect disease transmission. using group size data collected on 365 radio-collared mule deer (2008-2013), we built a generalized linear mixed model (glmm) to evaluate wheth ...201627007808
bayesian modeling of prion disease dynamics in mule deer using population monitoring and capture-recapture data.epidemics of chronic wasting disease (cwd) of north american cervidae have potential to harm ecosystems and economies. we studied a migratory population of mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) affected by cwd for at least three decades using a bayesian framework to integrate matrix population and disease models with long-term monitoring data and detailed process-level studies. we hypothesized cwd prevalence would be stable or increase between two observation periods during the late 1990s and after 20 ...201526509806
age and repeated biopsy influence antemortem prp(cwd) testing in mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) in colorado, usa.biopsy of rectal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue provides a useful, but imperfect, live-animal test for chronic wasting disease (cwd) in mule deer (odocoileus hemionus). it is difficult and expensive to complete these tests on free-ranging animals, and wildlife health managers will benefit from methods that can accommodate test results of varying quality. to this end, we developed a hierarchical bayesian model to estimate the probability that an individual is infected based on test results. ou ...201526251986
chronic wasting disease of cervids: current knowledge and future perspectives.a naturally occurring transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (tse) of mule deer was first reported in colorado and wyoming in 1967 and has since spread to other members of the cervid family in 22 states, 2 canadian provinces, and the republic of korea. chronic wasting disease (cwd), caused by exposure to an abnormally folded isoform of the cellular prion protein, is characterized by progressive neurological disease in susceptible natural and experimental hosts and is ultimately fatal. cwd is th ...201525387112
detection of chronic wasting disease in the lymph nodes of free-ranging cervids by real-time quaking-induced conversion.chronic wasting disease (cwd), a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy of deer, elk, and moose, is the only prion disease affecting free-ranging animals. since the disease was first identified in northern colorado and southern wyoming in 1967, new epidemic foci of the disease have been identified in 20 additional states, as well as two canadian provinces and the republic of south korea. identification of cwd-affected animals currently requires postmortem analysis of brain or lymphoid tissues u ...201424958799
"atypical" chronic wasting disease in prnp genotype 225ff mule deer.we compared mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) of two different prnp genotypes (225ss, 225ff) for susceptibility to chronic wasting disease (cwd) in the face of environmental exposure to infectivity. all three 225ss deer had immunohistochemistry (ihc)-positive tonsil biopsies by 710 days postexposure (dpe), developed classic clinical signs by 723-1,200 dpe, and showed gross and microscopic pathology, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) results, and ihc staining typical of prion disease in mul ...201424807352
mineral licks: motivational factors for visitation and accompanying disease risk at communal use sites of elk and cervids acquire most of their essential minerals through forage consumption, though occasionally seek other sources to account for seasonal mineral deficiencies. mineral sources occur as natural geological deposits (i.e., licks) or as anthropogenic mineral supplements. in both scenarios, these sources commonly serve as focal sites for visitation. we monitored 11 licks in rocky mountain national park, north-central colorado, using trail cameras to quantify daily visitation indices (d ...201424711146
mother to offspring transmission of chronic wasting disease in reeves' muntjac deer.the horizontal transmission of prion diseases has been well characterized in bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bse), chronic wasting disease (cwd) of deer and elk and scrapie of sheep, and has been regarded as the primary mode of transmission. few studies have monitored the possibility of vertical transmission occurring within an infected mother during pregnancy. to study the potential for and pathway of vertical transmission of cwd in the native cervid species, we used a small cervid model-the ...201323977159
homogenization, sex, and differential motility predict spread of chronic wasting disease in mule deer in southern utah.chronic wasting disease (cwd) is an infectious prion disease that affects mule deer, along with other cervids. it is a slow-developing, fatal disease which is rare in the free-ranging deer population of utah. we present a sex-structured, spatial model for the spread of cwd over heterogeneous landscapes, incorporating both horizontal and environmental transmission pathways. to connect the local movement of deer to the regional spread of cwd, we use ecological diffusion with motility coefficients ...201423846241
immunization with a synthetic peptide vaccine fails to protect mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) from chronic wasting disease.chronic wasting disease (cwd) adversely affects both wild and captive cervid populations. a vaccine to prevent cwd would be a highly desirable tool to aid in disease management. to this end, we tested in mule deer a combination of cwd vaccines consisting of cervid prion peptide sequences 168-vdqynnqntfvhdc-182 and 145-ndyedryyrenmyrypnq-164 that had previously been shown to delay onset of clinical disease and increase survival in a mouse-adapted scrapie model. thirteen captive mule deer (odocoil ...201323778624
chronic wasting disease in bank voles: characterisation of the shortest incubation time model for prion order to assess the susceptibility of bank voles to chronic wasting disease (cwd), we inoculated voles carrying isoleucine or methionine at codon 109 (bv109i and bv109m, respectively) with cwd isolates from elk, mule deer and white-tailed deer. efficient transmission rate (100%) was observed with mean survival times ranging from 156 to 281 days post inoculation. subsequent passages in bv109i allowed us to isolate from all cwd sources the same vole-adapted cwd strain (bv(109i)cwd), typified by ...201323505374
susceptibility of cattle to the agent of chronic wasting disease from elk after intracranial inoculation.cattle could be exposed to the agent of chronic wasting disease (cwd) through contact with infected farmed or free-ranging cervids or exposure to contaminated premises. the purpose of the current study was to assess the potential for cwd derived from elk to transmit to cattle after intracranial inoculation. calves (n = 14) were inoculated with brain homogenate derived from elk with cwd to determine the potential for transmission and to define the clinicopathologic features of disease. cattle wer ...201222991389
experimental oral transmission of chronic wasting disease to reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus).chronic wasting disease (cwd), a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy of cervids, remains prevalent in north american elk, white-tailed deer and mule deer. a natural case of cwd in reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) has not been reported despite potential habitat overlap with cwd-infected deer or elk herds. this study investigates the experimental transmission of cwd from elk or white-tailed deer to reindeer by the oral route of inoculation. ante-mortem testing of the three reindeer expose ...201222723928
historical overview of prion diseases: a view from afar.the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (tses), or prion diseases, are a group of neurodegenerative disorders which include kuru, creutzfeldt-jakob disease (cjd), gerstmann-sträussler-scheinker (gss) syndrome, and fatal familial insomnia in men, natural scrapie in sheep, goats and mufflons, transmissible mink encephalopathy in ranch-reared mink, chronic wasting disease of mule deer and elk, bovine spongiform encephalopathy or "mad cow disease" and its analogues in several exotic species of ...201222505359
assessment of prospective preventive therapies for chronic wasting disease in mule deer.we compared prion infection rates among mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) receiving pentosan polysulfate, tannic acid, tetracycline hcl, or no treatment 14 days before to 14 days after (dpi) oral inoculation with tonsil tissue homogenate. all deer were infected, but the rapid disease course (230-603 dpi) suggested our challenge was overwhelming.201222493139
the role of genetics in chronic wasting disease of north american cervids.chronic wasting disease (cwd) is a major concern for the management of north american cervid populations. this fatal prion disease has led to declines in populations which have high cwd prevalence and areas with both high and low infection rates have experienced economic losses in wildlife recreation and fears of potential spill-over into livestock or humans. research from human and veterinary medicine has established that the prion protein gene (prnp) encodes the protein responsible for transmi ...201222460693
salivary prions in sheep and deer.scrapie of sheep and chronic wasting disease (cwd) of cervids are transmissible prion diseases. milk and placenta have been identified as sources of scrapie prions but do not explain horizontal transmission. in contrast, cwd prions have been reported in saliva, urine and feces, which are thought to be responsible for horizontal transmission. while the titers of cwd prions have been measured in feces, levels in saliva or urine are unknown. because sheep produce ~17 l/day of saliva, and scrapie pr ...201622453179
broad and fine-scale genetic analysis of white-tailed deer populations: estimating the relative risk of chronic wasting disease spread.chronic wasting disease is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy of cervids, similar to sheep scrapie that has only recently been detected in wild populations of white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) and mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus) in western canada. relatively little is known about local transmission dynamics of the disease or the potential for long-distance spread. we analysed the population genetic structure of over 2000 white-tailed deer sampled from alberta, british co ...201125567957
first chronic wasting disease (cwd) surveillance of roe deer (capreolus capreolus) in the northern part of belgium.summary cases of chronic wasting disease (cwd) in wild cervids have yet not been reported in europe, whereas the disease is considered enzootic in free-ranging mule deer, rocky mountain elk and white-tailed deer in the area of colorado, wyoming, and nebraska. new foci of cwd continue to be detected in other parts of the united states. however, no large-scale active epidemiosurveillance of european wild cervids is yet installed in europe. in accordance with the opinion of the european scientific ...200622077761
[the prevalence of liver trematodes in equines in different cities of turkey].this study was carried out between march 2004- april 2005 to determine the prevalance of liver trematode infections of equids in different cities of turkey.201223169158
prevalence of gastrointestinal helminth parasites of equids from organized farms of mumbai and pune.a total of 1,304 faecal samples of different species of equids were examined for presence of helminthic eggs from five different centres in mumbai and pune regions of maharashtra state from october 2011 to june 2012. overall prevalence of helminthic infestation was found to be 20.63 % with higher rate of occurrence in monsoon (31.29 %) followed by winter (20.40 %) and summer (14.23 %). four species of nematodes viz. strongyles (10.81 %), strongyloides westeri (13.19 %), parascaris equorum (0.23  ...201526063996
complete genome sequence analysis of duck circovirus strains from cherry valley investigate molecular epidemiology of ducv in cherry valley ducks in china, the complete genomes of six ducv strains, which were detected from cherry valley ducks in china between 2007 and 2008, were sequenced. sequence and phylogenetic analysis were carried out to compare these six strains with another 27 ducv strains from mulard duck, muscovy duck, pekin ducks and mule duck. the analysis showed that the six ducv strains exhibited typical genetic features of the family of ducv, such as a ste ...201222684469
isolation and characterization of a distinct duck-origin goose parvovirus causing an outbreak of duckling short beak and dwarfism syndrome in china.many mule duck and cherry valley duck flocks in different duck-producing regions of china have shown signs of an apparently new disease designated "short beak and dwarfism syndrome" (sbds) since 2015. the disease is characterized by dyspraxia, weight loss, a protruding tongue, and high morbidity and low mortality rates. in order to characterize the etiological agent, a virus designated sbdsv m15 was isolated from allantoic fluid of dead embryos following serial passage in duck embryos. this viru ...201627314945
isolation and genomic characterization of a duck-origin gpv-related parvovirus from cherry valley ducklings in china.a newly emerged duck parvovirus, which causes beak atrophy and dwarfism syndrome (bads) in cherry valley ducks, has appeared in northern china since march 2015. to explore the genetic diversity among waterfowl parvovirus isolates, the complete genome of an identified isolate designated sdlc01 was sequenced and analyzed in the present study. genomic sequence analysis showed that sdlc01 shared 90.8%-94.6% of nucleotide identity with goose parvovirus (gpv) isolates and 78.6%-81.6% of nucleotide ide ...201526465143
surveillance for echinococcus canadensis genotypes in canadian ungulates.the geographic and host distribution, prevalence and genotypes of echinococcus canadensis in wild ungulates in canada are described to better understand the significance for wildlife and public health. we observed e. canadensis in 10.5% (11/105) of wild elk (wapiti; cervus canadensis) in riding mountain national park, manitoba, examined at necropsy, over two consecutive years (2010-2011). molecular characterization of hydatid cyst material from these elk, as well as three other intermediate wild ...201324533321
first detection and molecular characterization of echinococcus equinus in a mule in turkey.cystic echinococcosis is a zoonotic disease with a cosmopolital distribution. it is caused by the larval stages (metacestodes) of the parasite echinococcus granulosus which infects different animal species. in this report, we present a case of e. granulosus infection in a mule and molecular characterization of the cyst. for this purpose parasite material was collected from the liver of a necropsied mule. dna was isolated and pcr amplification of mitochondrial 12s rrna as well as partial sequenci ...201425236292
biocide and copper tolerance in enterococci from different sources.antimicrobial resistance in enterococci is a matter of concern. a collection of 272 strains (including 107 enterococcus faecalis and 165 enterococcus faecium strains) isolated from meat and dairy products, seafood, vegetable foods, wildflowers, animal feces (ewe, goat, horse, mule), and hospitals were tested for sensitivity to biocides of different classes (quaternary ammonium compounds, a bisphenol, and a biguanide) and copper sulfate. most isolates were inhibited at 25 mg of benzalkonium chlor ...201324112585
characterization of defective interfering rnas of berne virus.defective interfering (di) rnas of berne virus (bev) were generated by serial undiluted passaging of the virus in embryonic mule skin cells. two di rnas of 1.0 and 1.4 kb (designated di1000 and di1400) were characterized in more detail. isokinetic sucrose gradient analysis showed that these di rnas are specifically packaged into particles with smaller s values than standard virions. both di rnas were cloned and sequenced. three genomic cdna clones were identified using probes complementary to th ...19911856694
a 3'-coterminal nested set of independently transcribed mrnas is generated during berne virus using poly(a)-selected rna from berne virus (bev)-infected embryonic mule skin cells as a template, cdna was prepared and cloned in plasmid puc9. recombinants covering a contiguous sequence of about 10 kilobases were identified. northern (rna) blot hybridizations with various restriction fragments from these clones showed that the five bev mrnas formed a 3'-coterminal nested set. sequence analysis revealed the presence of four complete open reading frames of 4743, 699, 426, and 480 nucleotide ...19902293666
testicular lesions and antler abnormalities in colorado, usa mule deer (odocoileus hemionus): a possible role for epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus.antler abnormalities of deer and other cervids often result from testicular lesions and decreased levels of testosterone, inhibiting normal cycles of antler growth. affected males have antlers with retained velvet, numerous short, misshapen points ("cactus bucks"), and failure to shed these abnormal antlers annually. in colorado, us, we observed a high occurrence of "cactus bucks" in mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) populations after management efforts to increase the number of mature male deer i ...201525375947
equine herpesvirus-1 myeloencephalopathy, an emerging threat of working equids in ethiopia.although equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (ehm) is a sporadic and relatively uncommon manifestation of equine herpesvirus-1 (ehv-1), it has the potential for causing devastating outbreaks in horses. up till now, there were no reported ehm outbreaks in donkeys and mules. this study describes the isolation and molecular characterization of ehv-1 from clinically ehm-affected horses (n = 6), mules (n = 3) and donkeys (n = 82) in ethiopia during outbreaks from may 2011 to december 2013. the inc ...201726010868
equine viral arteritis.equine arteritis virus (eav), the causative agent of equine viral arteritis (eva), is a respiratory and reproductive disease that occurs throughout the world. eav infection is highly species-specific and exclusively limited to members of the family equidae, which includes horses, donkeys, mules, and zebras. eva is an economically important disease and outbreaks could cause significant losses to the equine industry. the primary objective of this article is to summarize current understanding of ev ...201425441113
development, evaluation, and laboratory validation of immunoassays for the diagnosis of equine infectious anemia (eia) using recombinant protein produced from a synthetic p26 gene of eia virus.equine infectious anemia (eia)-a retroviral disease caused by equine infectious anemia virus (eiav)-is a chronic, debilitating disease of horses, mules, and donkeys. eiav infection has been reported worldwide and is recognized as pathogen of significant economic importance to the horse industry. this disease falls under regulatory control program in many countries including india. control of eia is based on identification of inapparent carriers by detection of antibodies to eiav in serologic tes ...201324426297
investigation of equine influenza virus in two geographical regions of pakistan.the present study was an attempt to elucidate the seroprevalence of equine influenza virus (h3n8) in two geographically distinct regions of pakistan where vaccination is not routinely practiced.201322923059
wild ungulates as disseminators of shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli in urban 2008, children playing on a soccer field in colorado were sickened with a strain of shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli (stec) o157:h7, which was ultimately linked to feces from wild rocky mountain elk. we addressed whether wild cervids were a potential source of stec infections in humans and whether stec was ubiquitous throughout wild cervid populations in colorado.201324349083
an expanding population of the giant liver fluke (fascioloides magna) in elk (cervus canadensis) and other ungulates in canada.giant liver fluke (fascioloides magna) populations readily expand under suitable conditions. although extirpated from the eastern slopes of the canadian rocky mountains in the early 1960s, the fluke reappeared following natural spread through mountain passes from british columbia. herein, we assessed epizootiology of the fluke population two decades later. between 1984 and 1991, 534 ungulates, including 381 elk (cervus canadensis), 68 mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus), 54 white-tailed dee ...201525647594
recombinant turkey herpesvirus-ai vaccine virus replication in different species of waterfowl.waterfowl play a key role in the epidemiology of the h5n1 subtype of highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) virus; therefore, efficient immunization of domesticated ducks and geese to maximize the impact of other control measures is of great importance. a recombinant (r)hvt-ai, expressing the ha gene of a clade 2.2 h5n1 hpai strain had been developed and proved to be efficient against different clades of h5n1 hpai virus in chickens after a single vaccination at 1 day old and could provide long ...201627309057
differential infection patterns and recent evolutionary origins of equine hepaciviruses in donkeys.the hepatitis c virus (hcv) is a major human pathogen. genetically related viruses in animals suggest a zoonotic origin of hcv. the closest relative of hcv is found in horses (termed equine hepacivirus [eqhv]). however, low eqhv genetic diversity implies relatively recent acquisition of eqhv by horses, making a derivation of hcv from eqhv unlikely. to unravel the eqhv evolutionary history within equid sister species, we analyzed 829 donkeys and 53 mules sampled in nine european, asian, african, ...201727795428
hepatitis e virus seroprevalence in free-ranging deer in canada.hepatitis e virus infection (hev) is an important public health concern not only in traditional endemic areas, but also in some industrialized countries where both domesticated and wild animals have been recognized as potential zoonotic reservoirs implicated in hev transmission. while the prevalence of infection in the deer population in europe and asia has been thoroughly investigated, it remains largely undetermined in north america. we assessed the presence of hev in three different species o ...201626752436
lactobacillus sakei modulates mule duck microbiota in ileum and ceca during overfeeding.the supplementation with lactobacillus sakei as probiotic on the ileal and cecal microbiota of mule ducks during overfeeding was investigated using high-throughput 16s rrna gene-based pyrosequencing and real-time pcr. the ducks were overfed with or without l. sakei for 12 d with 56% ground corn and 42% whole corn. samples were collected before the overfeeding period (at 12 wk), at 13 wk (meal 12 of overfeeding), and at 14 wk (meal 24), 3 h postfeeding. whatever the digestive segment and the leve ...201424706969
can equids be a reservoir of leishmania braziliensis in endemic areas?in this study, we detected leishmania (viannia) braziliensis infection in equids living in endemic regions of cutaneous leishmaniasis. to determine the role of these animals in the leishmania cycle, we used two approaches: serological and molecular methods. antibodies to the parasite were assayed using the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). blood samples were collected and tested by polymerase chain reaction (pcr), and the positive products were sequenced. the results showed that 11.0% ( ...201424721908
prevalence, intensity and risk factors of infestation with major gastrointestinal nematodes in equines in and around shashemane, southern ethiopia.prevalence, intensity and risk factors of major gastrointestinal nematode infestation in equines were studied through a cross-sectional survey in 384 equids from october 2013 to april 2014 in and around shashemane, southern ethiopia. three hundred and fifteen equids (82 %) were demonstrated harbouring one or more gastrointestinal (git) nematodes using the faecal flotation technique. the prevalence of git nematode infestation was 73.4, 85 and 86.5 % for horses, mules and donkeys, respectively. th ...201526205906
rice mules transpose in yeast. 201525596003
transposition of a rice mutator-like element in the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae.mutator-like transposable elements (mules) are widespread in plants and are well known for their high transposition activity as well as their ability to duplicate and amplify host gene fragments. despite their abundance and importance, few active mules have been identified. in this study, we demonstrated that a rice (oryza sativa) mule, os3378, is capable of excising and reinserting in yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae), suggesting that yeast harbors all the host factors for the transposition of m ...201525587002
assessment of risk factors associated with prevalence of strongyle infection in equines from central plain zone, punjab.a total of 311 equine faecal samples (190 horses and 121 mules) collected from six districts of central plain zone, punjab were examined using standard coprological methods. the results showed an overall prevalence of 27.33 % for strongyles with rare to mild type of infection as evident from egg per gram of faeces. in particular, amongst the examined samples, 17.90 % of horses and 42.14 % of mules were infected and the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.01). identification of the fa ...201627876953
prevalence and persistence of taylorella asinigenitalis in male donkeys.this study was undertaken to investigate the prevalence of taylorella asinigenitalis in a subset of the donkey population of michigan and in other equids on farms on which the organism was identified. other aims were to further characterize the carrier state in terms of persistence and preferred sites of colonization of t. asinigenitalis in the male donkey as well as determine the genotype of any isolates of the organism. initial testing of 43 donkeys and 1 mule turned up 4 (9.3%) donkeys cultur ...201222795262
merogonic stages of theileria cervi in mule deer (odocoileus hemionus).in february 2012, 12 farmed mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) were moved from a facility in southwestern oklahoma to a facility in southeastern oklahoma that housed 100 farmed white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus). between the third and fifth weeks, 9 of the 12 mule deer had died, 4 of which were submitted for necropsy. the deer were heavily infested with amblyomma americanum (lone star ticks). hematologic data from 1 deer revealed severe anemia, leukocytosis, and intraerythrocytic hemoparasi ...201324029405
spatial distribution, risk factors and haemato-biochemical alterations associated with theileria equi infected equids of punjab (india) diagnosed by indirect elisa and nested pcr.equine piroplasmosis is a febrile, tick-borne disease of equids predominately caused by obligatory intra-erythrocytic protozoa theileria equi in the indian sub-continent. a cross-sectional study was carried out on 464 equids (426 horses and 38 donkeys/mules) in punjab, india to assess the level of exposure to equine piroplasmosis by 18s rrna gene nested polymerase chain reaction (npcr) and equine merozoite antigen-2 (ema2) indirect-elisa (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay), to investigate risk f ...201626747007
multiplex pcr for detection of trypanosoma evansi and theileria equi in equids of punjab, india.multiplex pcr for simultaneous detection of trypanosoma evansi and theileria equi in single-step reaction was optimized and employed on 108 equids (99 horses and 9 donkeys/mules) blood samples collected from two agro-climatic zones (sub-mountain undulating zone and undulating plain zone) of punjab to evaluate the status of concurrent infection and associated risk factors. the amplification products of 257 and 709 bp targeting repetitive nucleotide sequence of variable surface glycoproteins of t. ...201526070973
occurrence of antibodies against toxoplasma gondii and its isolation and genotyping in donkeys, mules, and horses in brazil.the occurrence of antibodies against toxoplasma gondii was determined in donkeys, mules, and horses from different regions of brazil. serum samples from 304 donkeys (67.11%), 118 horses (26.05%), and 31 mules (6.84%) were analyzed by means of the indirect fluorescent antibody test (cutoff=64). antibodies against t. gondii were detected in 129 equids (28.47%) (82 donkeys, 32 horses, and 15 mules). tissue samples from 19 seropositive and 50 seronegative animals were obtained in order to isolate th ...201525747488
occurrence of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii in mules and donkeys in the northeast of brazil.the aim of the present study was to investigate antibodies to toxoplasma gondii in the serum of mules and donkeys bred in the northeast of brazil. in total, 483 samples were used (395 mules and 88 donkeys) from 4 states (pernambuco, rio grande do norte, paraíba, and sergipe). the indirect immunofluorescence reaction (ifi) technique was used to investigate antibodies to t. gondii with a cut-off point of 64. positive frequencies of 23.8% and 43.2% were recorded for mules and donkeys, respectively. ...201322924911
seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii in equids from southern spain.antibodies to toxoplasma gondii were determined in serum samples from 616 equids (454 horses, 80 mules and 82 donkeys) in a cross-sectional study of 420 herds in andalusia (southern spain), the region with the highest number of equids in spain. antibodies to t. gondii were found in 10.8% horses, 15.0% mules and 25.6% donkeys by using the modified agglutination test (mat) at a cut-off of 1:25. herd seroprevalence for horses, mules and donkeys was 14.7% (48/327), 23.9% (11/46) and 34.0% (16/47), r ...201222366344
interaction of trypanosoma evansi with the plasminogen-plasmin system.trypanosoma evansi is a widely-distributed haemoflagellated parasite of veterinary importance that infects a variety of mammals including horses, mules, camels, buffalos, cattle and deer. it is the causal agent of a trypanosomiasis known as surra which produces epidemics of great economic importance in africa, asia and south america. the main pathology includes an enlarged spleen with hypertrophy of lymphoid follicles, congested lungs, neuronal degeneration and meningoencephalitis, where migrati ...201627514905
epidemiology of trypanosoma evansi and trypanosoma vivax in domestic animals from selected districts of tigray and afar regions, northern ethiopia.african animal trypanosomosis, transmitted cyclically by tsetse flies or mechanically by other biting flies, causes serious inflictions to livestock health. this study investigates the extent of non-tsetse transmitted animal trypanosomosis (nttat) by trypanosoma (t.) evansi and t. vivax in domestic animals in the tsetse-free regions of northern ethiopia, afar and tigray.201525889702
early detection of trypanosoma evansi infection and monitoring of antibody levels by elisa following present communication, we report an outbreak of trypanosoma evansi in equine herd n = 30 (horse and mules) which, were reared in fly proof stables as well as in open paddock maintained under semi-intensive system of management, and its effective control using trypanocidal drug. the infection was monitored by antibody elisa up to 180 days post-treatment (pt). a total of 8 out of 14 equines (57.14 %) which were maintained only in open paddocks were found positive with t. evansi infection parasi ...201424505190
molecular characterization of trypanosoma (megatrypanum) spp. infecting cattle (bos taurus), white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), and elk (cervus elaphus canadensis) in the united the united states, the generally non-pathogenic trypanosome of cattle is designated trypanosoma (megatrypanum) theileri and is distinguished morphologically from trypanosoma (m.) cervi, a trypanosome originally described in mule deer and elk. phylogenetic studies of the megatrypanum trypanosomes using various molecular markers reveal two lineages, designated tthi and tthii, with several genotypes within each. however, to date there is very limited genetic data for t. theileri, and none for th ...201323683651
detection of vaccinia virus during an outbreak of exanthemous oral lesions in brazilian august 2014, an outbreak of oral exanthematous disease in equids was reported in brazil, affecting 11 donkeys and 3 mules.201726875684
use of sentinel serosurveillance of mules and donkeys in the monitoring of west nile virus infection.a cross-sectional study was carried out on clinically normal mules and donkeys in a region of southern spain to assess the seroprevalence of west nile virus (wnv) following detection of infection in contiguous horse and human populations. antibodies against wnv were detected by a blocking elisa and micro-virus neutralisation test in 12/165 (7.3%; ci(95%) 4.3-11.3) of the animals sampled. even though the individual seroprevalence was higher in mules (9.6%; 8/83) than in donkeys (4.9%; 4/82), the ...201222633828
seasonal foraging ecology of non-migratory cougars in a system with migrating prey.we tested for seasonal differences in cougar (puma concolor) foraging behaviors in the southern yellowstone ecosystem, a multi-prey system in which ungulate prey migrate, and cougars do not. we recorded 411 winter prey and 239 summer prey killed by 28 female and 10 male cougars, and an additional 37 prey items by unmarked cougars. deer composed 42.4% of summer cougar diets but only 7.2% of winter diets. males and females, however, selected different proportions of different prey; male cougars se ...201324349498
high elaeophorosis prevalence among harvested colorado moose.infection with elaeophora schneideri, a filarial parasite, occurs commonly in mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) and elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni), but seemingly less so in moose (alces alces). of 109 carotid artery samples from moose harvested throughout colorado, usa, in 2007, 14 (13%; 95% binomial confidence interval [bci]=7-21%) showed gross and 91 (83%; 95% bci=75-90%) showed histologic evidence of elaeophorosis. although neither blindness nor other clinical signs associated with elaeophorosis ...201323778618
use of yohimbine and 4-aminopyridine to antagonize xylazine-induced immobilization in north american cervidae.four captive moose (alces alces), 4 mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), and 5 white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) were immobilized with xylazine (0.63 to 1.29 mg/kg of body weight, im). mean induction times for the moose were 17 minutes and for the deer, 14 and 10 minutes, respectively. according to published data and past experience, the dosage of xylazine used would be expected to provide 115, 120, and 100 minutes of immobilization in captive moose, mule deer, and white-tailed deer, respec ...19852867079
large herbivores surf waves of green-up during spring.the green wave hypothesis (gwh) states that migrating animals should track or 'surf' high-quality forage at the leading edge of spring green-up. to index such high-quality forage, recent work proposed the instantaneous rate of green-up (irg), i.e. rate of change in the normalized difference vegetation index over time. despite this important advancement, no study has tested the assumption that herbivores select habitat patches at peak irg. we evaluated this assumption using step selection functio ...201627335416
effect of feed consumption levels on growth performance and carcass composition during the force-feeding period in foie gras production of male mule order to avoid excess feed consumption during the force-feeding period in foie gras production, a dose-response experiment with seven feed consumption levels (450, 540, 630, 720, 810, 900, 990 g/day per bird) was conducted to evaluate the effects of feed consumption levels on growth performance and carcass composition of male mule ducks from 91 to 102 days of age. one-day-old mule ducklings (sterile and artificial hybrid of male albatre muscovy duck and female pekin duck were fed a two-phase ...201626948181
influence of grand-mother diet on offspring performances through the male line in muscovy mammals, multigenerational environmental effects have been documented by either epidemiological studies in human or animal experiments in rodents. whether such phenomena also occur in birds for more than one generation is still an open question. the objective of this study was to investigate if a methionine deficiency experienced by a mother (g0) could affect her grand-offspring phenotypes (g2 hybrid mule ducks and g2 purebred muscovy ducks), through their muscovy sons (g1). muscovy drakes ar ...201526690963
selection for duration of fertility and mule duck white plumage colour in a synthetic strain of ducks (anas platyrhynchos).a synthetic strain of ducks (anas platyrhynchos) was developed by introducing genes for long duration of fertility to be used as mother of mule ducklings and a seven-generation selection experiment was conducted to increase the number of fertile eggs after a single artificial insemination (ai) with pooled muscovy semen. reciprocal crossbreeding between brown tsaiya lri-2 (with long duration of fertility) and pekin l-201 (with white plumage mule ducklings) ducks produced the g0. then g1 were inte ...201525715691
improving residual feed intake of mule progeny of muscovy ducks: genetic parameters and responses to selection with emphasis on carcass composition and fatty liver france, about 95% of the fatty liver production comes from mule ducks, an infertile hybrid cross between female common ducks (anas platyrhynchos) and muscovy drakes (cairina moschata). as a hybrid, genetic improvement of the performance of mule ducks is achieved by selection of the parental populations. feed represents two-thirds of the total costs of duck production; thus, the breeders' main concern is to improve the birds' feed efficiency without impairing their capacity to be overfed after ...201425085390
the influence of choice feeding and cereal type (corn or triticale) during the finishing period on performance of mule ducks.the aim of this trial was to study the influence of choice feeding and cereal type (corn or triticale) during the finishing period on performance of ducks. in total, 624 one-day-old male mule ducks (cairina moschata × anas platyrhynchos) were divided into 3 groups differing in the diet they received between 56 and 84 d of age: a commercial complete pelleted diet (control group; amen 12.1 mj/kg, cp 15%), or corn whole seeds (amen 14.4 mj/kg, cp 7.3%) and protein-rich pellets (amen 9.9 mj/kg, cp 2 ...201425002547
metabolomic study of fatty livers in ducks: identification by 1h-nmr of metabolic markers associated with technological quality.the control of fatty liver fat loss during cooking is a major issue. previous studies showed that fat loss was influenced by bird production factors and liver technological treatments. however, part of the variability in fat loss remained uncontrolled. to provide enhanced insights into the determinism of fatty liver quality, liver hydrophilic metabolite profiles were measured by nuclear magnetic resonance of the proton ((1)h-nmr). the study aimed at i) comparing fatty livers with extreme fat los ...201424879704
detection of qtl controlling metabolism, meat quality, and liver quality traits of the overfed interspecific hybrid mule duck.the mule duck, an interspecific hybrid obtained by crossing common duck (anas platyrhynchos) females with muscovy (cairina moschata) drakes, is widely used for fatty liver production. the purpose of the present study was to detect and map single and pleiotropic qtl that segregate in the common duck species, and influence the expression of traits in their overfed mule duck offspring. to this end, we generated a common duck backcross (bc) population by crossing kaiya and heavy pekin experimental l ...201323148259
corticosterone, cortisol, triglycerides, aspartate aminotransferase and uric acid plasma concentrations during foie gras production in male mule ducks (anas platyrhynchos × cairina moschata).1. corticosterone, cortisol, triglycerides, aspartate aminotransferase (ast) and uric acid (ua) plasma concentration were measured at 8 (7 days after group housing), 12 (after 7 days of force feeding) and 13 weeks of age (at slaughter after 12 days of force feeding), and 45 min after an adrenocorticotrophic hormone (acth) stimulation test at 8 weeks of age in 12 male mule ducks in an on-farm experiment. 2. no significant increase of corticosterone was found during the force-feeding period compar ...201223130574
inheritance of duration of fertility in female common ducks (anas platyrhynchos) inseminated in pure breeding or in inter-generic crossbreeding with muscovy drakes (cairina moschata).ducks (common, muscovy and mule ducks) are the third most important bird species in animal production for human consumption worldwide. our study aimed to improve the efficiency of mule duck breeding, thus contributing to the efficiency of food production in general. in the common duck, females can be bred either with males of the same species (i.e. in pure breeding (pb) subscript p) or in inter-generic crossbreeding (cb; subscript c) with muscovy drakes to produce the hybrid mule duck. the aim o ...201223031599
radio-telemetry as an aid to environmental contaminant evaluation of mobile wildlife transmitters are a useful tool in determining the degree of use of and extent of movement from contaminated sites by highly mobile wildlife species. programs monitoring wildlife species for environmental contaminants from localized sources can maximize the amount of information obtained from an individual animal by using radio-telemetry to ascertain residence history. the use of radio-telemetry techniques on two mobile wildlife species, mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) and mallard ducks (an ...198524258034
visual detection of goose haemorrhagic polyomavirus in geese and ducks by loop-mediated isothermal amplification.goose haemorrhagic polyomavirus (ghpv) is an aetiological agent of haemorrhagic nephritis and enteritis of geese occurring in geese (anser anser). ghpv may also infect muscovy ducks (carina mochata) and mule ducks. early detection of ghpv is important to isolate the infected birds from the rest of the flock thus limiting infection transmission. the current diagnosis of haemorrhagic nephritis and enteritis of geese is based on virus isolation, histopathological examination, haemagglutination inhi ...201525959267
weather and prey predict mammals' visitation to water.throughout many arid lands of africa, australia and the united states, wildlife agencies provide water year-round for increasing game populations and enhancing biodiversity, despite concerns that water provisioning may favor species more dependent on water, increase predation, and reduce biodiversity. in part, understanding the effects of water provisioning requires identifying why and when animals visit water. employing this information, by matching water provisioning with use by target species ...201526560518
re-evaluating neonatal-age models for ungulates: does model choice affect survival estimates?new-hoof growth is regarded as the most reliable metric for predicting age of newborn ungulates, but variation in estimated age among hoof-growth equations that have been developed may affect estimates of survival in staggered-entry models. we used known-age newborns to evaluate variation in age estimates among existing hoof-growth equations and to determine the consequences of that variation on survival estimates. during 2001-2009, we captured and radiocollared 174 newborn (≤24-hrs old) ungulat ...201425264612
transcriptional gene silencing maintained by ots1 sumo protease requires a dna-dependent polymerase v-dependent pathway.the expression of genes with aberrant structure is prevented at both the transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation levels. aberrant gene silencing at the posttranscriptional level is well studied; however, it is not well understood how aberrant genes are silenced at the transcriptional level. in this study, through genetic screening a transgenic report line that harbors an aberrant gene (35s-luc, lacking 3'-untranslated region [3'-utr]) and lacks luciferase (luc) activity, we identify t ...201727852949
get the jump - do 3'utrs protect transposable elements from silencing?eukaryotic genomes contain large numbers of transposable elements and repetitive sequences that are subjected to silencing through epigenetic mechanisms. these involve primarily dna methylation, chromatin modifications and small rna. it is known that these transposable elements can affect the expression of neighboring genes; however, little is known about how transposable element silencing depends on the general chromosomal environment at the insertion site. taking advantage of the vast genomic ...201726442184
selective acquisition and retention of genomic sequences by pack-mutator-like elements based on guanine-cytosine content and the breadth of expression.the process of gene duplication followed by sequence and functional divergence is important for the generation of new genes. pack-mules, nonautonomous mutator-like elements (mules) that carry genic sequence(s), are potentially involved in generating new open reading frames and regulating parental gene expression. these elements are identified in many plant genomes and are most abundant in rice (oryza sativa). despite the abundance of pack-mules, the mechanism by which parental genes are captured ...201324028844
mobilization of a plant transposon by expression of the transposon-encoded anti-silencing factor.transposable elements (tes) have a major impact on genome evolution, but they are potentially deleterious, and most of them are silenced by epigenetic mechanisms, such as dna methylation. here, we report the characterization of a te encoding an activity to counteract epigenetic silencing by the host. in arabidopsis thaliana, we identified a mobile copy of the mutator-like element (mule) with degenerated terminal inverted repeats (tirs). this te, named hiun (hi), is silent in wild-type plants, bu ...201323900287
expansion mechanisms and functional annotations of hypothetical genes in the rice each completely sequenced genome, 30% to 50% of genes are annotated as uncharacterized hypothetical genes. in the rice (oryza sativa) genome, 10,918 hypothetical genes were annotated in the latest version (release 6) of the michigan state university rice genome annotation. we have implemented an integrative approach to analyze their duplication/expansion and function. the analyses show that tandem/segmental duplication and transposition/retrotransposition have significantly contributed to the ...200919535473
novel exon combinations generated by alternative splicing of gene fragments mobilized by a cacta transposon in glycine max.the recent discoveries of transposable elements carrying host gene fragments such as the pack-mules (mutator-like transposable elements) of maize (zea mays), rice (oryza sativa) and arabidopsis thaliana, the helitrons of maize and the tgm-express of soybeans, revealed a widespread genetic mechanism with the potential to rearrange genomes and create novel chimeric genes affecting genomic and proteomic diversity. not much is known with regard to the mechanisms of gene fragment capture by those tra ...200717629935
mutator-like elements identified in melon, arabidopsis and rice contain ulp1 protease domains.the transposon mutator was first identified in maize, and is one of the most active mobile elements in plants. the arabidopsis thaliana genome contains at least 200 mutator-like elements (mules), which contain the mutator-like transposase gene, and often additional genes. we have detected a novel type of mules in melon (cumule), which, besides the transposase, contains two ubiquitin-like specific protease-like sequences (ulp1). this element is not present in the observed location in some melon c ...200717136348
transposon-mediated expansion and diversification of a family of ulp-like genes.transposons comprise a major component of eukaryotic genomes, yet it remains controversial whether they are merely genetic parasites or instead significant contributors to organismal function and evolution. in plants, thousands of dna transposons were recently shown to contain duplicated cellular gene fragments, a process termed transduplication. although transduplication is a potentially rich source of novel coding sequences, virtually all appear to be pseudogenes in rice. here we report the re ...200616581939
the wp mutation of glycine max carries a gene-fragment-rich transposon of the cacta superfamily.we used soybean (glycine max) cdna microarrays to identify candidate genes for a stable mutation at the wp locus in soybean, which changed a purple-flowered phenotype to pink, and found that flavanone 3-hydroxylase cdnas were overexpressed in purple flower buds relative to the pink. restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and rna gel blots of purple and pink flower isolines, as well as the presence of a 5.7-kb transposon insertion in the wp mutant allele, have unequivocally shown that ...200516141454
a high- and low-temperature inducible arabidopsis thaliana hsp101 promoter located in a nonautonomous mutator-like element.transcriptional activity of a 573-bp fragment of hsp101 (at1g74310) incorporated into a mutator-like element (mule) transposon was investigated in arabidopsis thaliana columbia. sequence identity between the hsp101-mule arrangement and a continuous segment of the original hsp101 promoter, 5' utr exon, and open reading frame (orf) was high (87%) but lower in the 5' utr intron (69%). collectively, the hsp101 orf, the mule 5' terminal inverted repeat (tir), and the 1.3 kb immediately upstream of th ...200516121251
mutator-like elements in arabidopsis thaliana. structure, diversity and evolution.while genome-wide surveys of abundance and diversity of mobile elements have been conducted for some class i transposable element families, little is known about the nature of class ii transposable elements on this scale. in this report, we present the results from analysis of the sequence and structural diversity of mutator-like elements (mules) in the genome of arabidopsis thaliana (columbia). sequence similarity searches and subsequent characterization suggest that mules exhibit extreme struc ...200011102392
deer mothers are sensitive to infant distress vocalizations of diverse mammalian species.acoustic structure, behavioral context, and caregiver responses to infant distress vocalizations (cries) are similar across mammals, including humans. are these similarities enough for animals to respond to distress vocalizations of taxonomically and ecologically distant species? we show that mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) and white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) mothers approach a speaker playing distress vocalizations of infant marmots (marmota flaviventris), seals (neophoca cinerea and ...201425226186
multimedia environmental monitoring: 50 years at hanford.environmental monitoring has been an ongoing activity on the u.s. department of energy's hanford site in southeastern washington for almost 50 years. objectives are to detect and assess potential impacts of site operations on air, surface and ground waters, foodstuffs, fish, wildlife, soil and vegetation. data from monitoring effects are used to calculate the overall radiological dose to humans working onsite or residing in nearby communities. in 1989, measured hanford site perimeter concentrati ...199324220840
the vtlisfg motif in the bh1 domain plays a significant role in regulating the degradation of mcl-1.mcl-1 is a member of the bcl-2 family protein; its degradation is required for the initiation of apoptosis. the mechanism, however, is not yet clearly known. previously, it was reported that mcl-1 is degraded through the ubiquitination-mediated pathway and the pest domain is the motif responsible for promoting this degradation. we found evidence that this may not be true. we generated several mcl-1 deletion mutants and examined their effects on protein stability. deletion of the pest domain did ...201424490139
weather conditions associated with autumn migration by mule deer in wyoming.maintaining ecological integrity necessitates a proactive approach of identifying and acquiring lands to conserve unfragmented landscapes, as well as evaluating existing mitigation strategies to increase connectivity in fragmented landscapes. the increased use of highway underpasses and overpasses to restore connectivity for wildlife species offers clear conservation benefits, yet also presents a unique opportunity to understand how weather conditions may impact movement of wildlife species. we ...201526137426
influence of sagebrush terpenoids on mule deer preference.the effect on mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus rafinesque) preference of compounds in mountain big sagebrush [artemisia tridentata nutt. ssp.vaseyana (rydb.) beetle], wyoming big sagebrush (a. t. ssp.wyomingensis beetle and young), basin big sagebrush (a. t. ssp.tridentata), and black sagebrush (a. nova nels.) was compared using a two-choice preference test. compounds tested included:p-cymene, 1,8-cineole, methacrolein (two concentrations), and the nonvolatile crude terpenoid fraction (nv ...199124258589
antibacterial action of essential oils of artemisia as an ecological factor. ii. antibacterial action of the volatile oils of artemisia tridentata (big sagebrush) on bacteria from the rumen of mule deer.rumen microorganisms of wild and captive deer were subjected to increasing amounts of volatile oils. the oils had a marked antibacterial effect on the rumen bacteria when the concentration reached approximately 16 muliters of oil per 10 ml of rumen fluid nutrient broth. the gross reactions of rumen bacteria obtained from wild, as well as captive, deer to the volatile oils seemed to be of the same magnitude; thus no adaptation by the bacteria to the oils was apparent.19685649859
candidate adaptive genes associated with lineage divergence: identifying snps via next-generation targeted resequencing in mule deer (odocoileus hemionus).mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) are an excellent nonmodel species for empirically testing hypotheses in landscape and population genomics due to their large population sizes (low genetic drift), relatively continuous distribution, diversity of occupied habitats and phenotypic variation. because few genomic resources are currently available for this species, we used exon data from a cattle (bos taurus) reference genome to direct targeted resequencing of 5935 genes in mule deer. we sequenced appro ...201627438092
brucellosis in working equines of cattle farms from minas gerais state, brazil.the present survey aimed at estimating the seroprevalence of brucellosis in working equines of cattle farms from minas gerais state, brazil, and investigating risk factors associated with the infection. serum samples from 6439 animals, including 5292 horses, 1037 mules and 110 donkeys, were collected from 1936 herds, between september 2003 and march 2004, in 848 municipalities from the state of minas gerais, brazil. the prevalence of antibodies against smooth brucella spp. found in equines from ...201526347382
the relationship between ovarioles number and female size in blackflies of the high andes of of a single species is often measured in terms of the number of viable offspring produced. we explore the relationship between the number of ovarioles and the size of females in five species of simuliidae in two páramo regions of colombia. individuals of seven species of female blackflies that landed on animals were collected from mules in the ucumarí regional park (rpnu) and from cattle in the chingaza natural national park (chnnp). the ovarioles of the five most abundant species were d ...201526013017
increasing incidence of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome could be associated with livestock husbandry in changchun, northeastern china.since the end of the 1990s, the incidence of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (hfrs) has been increasing dramatically in changchun, northeastern china. however, it is unknown which, and how, underlying risk factors have been involved in the reemergence of the disease.201424894341
effect of varying dietary starch and fiber levels and inoculum source (mule deer vs. dairy cow) on simulated rumen fermentation characteristics.this study measured starch and fiber digestion and microbial fermentation of three commercial exotic animal feeds using mule deer (md) or dairy cow (dc) rumen inoculum. diets were formulated to provide either high starch/low fiber (based on neutral detergent fiber fraction; ndf) with either alfalfa (diet a) or grain and oilseed byproducts (diet b) as the major fiber sources or low starch/high ndf (diet c). an initial batch culture incubation was run with diets inoculated with each rumen inoculum ...201424395284
how do amino acid substitutions affect the amyloidogenic properties and seeding efficiency of prion peptides.the amino acid sequences in the amyloidogenic region (amino acids 108-144) of several mammalian prion proteins were compared and variations were found to occur at residues 109 (m or l), 112 (m or v), 129 (m, v, or l), 135 (n or s), 138 (m, l, or i), 139 (m or i), and 143 (n or s). using the bovine prp peptide (residues 108-144 based on the numbering of the human prion protein sequence) as a control peptide, several peptides with one amino acid differing from that of the bovine prp peptide at res ...201323736988
random x inactivation in the mule and horse eutherian mammals, dosage compensation of x-linked genes is achieved by x chromosome inactivation. x inactivation is random in embryonic and adult tissues, but imprinted x inactivation (paternal x silencing) has been identified in the extra-embryonic membranes of the mouse, rat, and cow. few other species have been studied for this trait, and the data from studies of the human placenta have been discordant or inconclusive. here, we quantify x inactivation using rna sequencing of placental tis ...201222645258
Displaying items 701 - 800 of 1257