
the impact of a case of ebola virus disease on emergency department visits in metropolitan dallas-fort worth, tx, july, 2013-july, 2015: an interrupted time series analysis.the first ebola virus disease (evd) case in the united states (us) was confirmed september 30, 2014 in a man 45 years old. this event created considerable media attention and there was fear of an evd outbreak in the us.201829623242
information gaps in surveillance data and effects on the ghanaian response to the ebola outbreak in west africa.complete and accurate information on disease occurrence is crucial for effective public health response to disease outbreaks. in response to the 2014 ebola epidemic in west africa, ghana intensified surveillance for the disease across the country. however, the case definition provided by the ministry of health was not uniformly applied at all reporting health facilities.201729622822
ebola virus persistence in ocular tissues and fluids (evict) study: reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and cataract surgery outcomes of ebola survivors in sierra leone.ebola virus disease (evd) survivors are at risk for uveitis during convalescence. vision loss has been observed following uveitis due to cataracts. since ebola virus (ebov) may persist in the ocular fluid of evd survivors for an unknown duration, there are questions about the safety and feasibility of vision restorative cataract surgery in evd survivors.201829622497
health workers' experiences of coping with the ebola epidemic in sierra leone's health system: a qualitative study.the 2014 ebola virus disease epidemic evolved in alarming ways in sierra leone spreading to all districts. the country struggled to control it against a backdrop of a health system that was already over-burdened. health workers play an important role during epidemics but there is limited research on how they cope during health epidemics in fragile states. this paper explores the challenges faced by health workers and their coping strategies during the ebola outbreak in four districts - bonthe, k ...201829622025
deadly lassa-fever outbreak tests nigeria's revamped health agency. 201832034330
iot-based cloud framework to control ebola virus outbreak.ebola is a deadly infectious virus that spreads very quickly through human-to-human transmission and sometimes death. the continuous detection and remote monitoring of infected patients are required in order to prevent the spread of ebola virus disease (evd). healthcare services based on internet of things (iot) and cloud computing technologies are emerging as a more effective and proactive solution which provides remote continuous monitoring of patients. a novel architecture based on radio freq ...201832218876
[functional analysis of host proteins involved in rna virus replication].since rna virus genome encodes only a limited number of viral proteins, replication of rna virus mostly relies on host cells. elucidation of host proteins that play important roles in the virus replication cycles contributes not only to fundamental virology research but also to applied research such as development of antiviral drugs. we revealed that ebola virus matrix protein vp40 utilized host copii transport machinery for its intracellular transport to the plasma membrane. second, we demonstr ...201831105137
emerging infectious diseases.the spectrum of human pathogens and the infectious diseases they cause is continuously changing through evolution, selection and changes in the way human populations interact with their environment and each other. new human pathogens often emerge or re-emerge from an animal reservoir, emphasizing the central role that non-human reservoirs play in human infectious diseases. pathogens can also re-emerge with new characteristics, such as multidrug resistance, or in different places, such as ebola v ...201732288583
build the ebola database in africa. 201732080482
chemical synthesis of the highly hydrophobic antiviral membrane-associated protein ifitm3 and modified variants.interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3 (ifitm3) is an antiviral transmembrane protein that is thought to serve as the primary factor for inhibiting the replication of a large number of viruses, including west nile virus, dengue virus, ebola virus, and zika virus. production of this 14.5 kda, 133-residue transmembrane protein, especially with essential posttranslational modifications, by recombinant expression is challenging. in this report, we document the chemical synthesis of iftim3 in mul ...201732313320
ebola, the day afterebola, the day after a total of 28,616 cases (confirmed, probable, and suspected) and 11,310 deaths were reported in guinea, liberia, and sierra leone from march 2014 to june 2016. at first, the clinical picture dominated by severe gastroenteritis baffled clinicians trained to diagnose viral hæmorrhagic fever based on bleeding. and there was another problem: samples had to be sent abroad for laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis. from the start, the outbreak elicited strong reactions in the d ...201730512809
genetic, transcriptome, proteomic, and epidemiological evidence for blood-brain barrier disruption and polymicrobial brain invasion as determinant factors in alzheimer's disease.diverse pathogens are detected in alzheimer's disease (ad) brains. a bioinformatics survey showed that ad genome-wide association study (gwas) genes (localized in bone marrow, immune locations and microglia) relate to multiple host/pathogen interactomes (candida albicans, cryptococcus neoformans, bornavirus, borrelia burgdorferri, cytomegalovirus, ebola virus, hsv-1, herv-w, hiv-1, epstein-barr, hepatitis c, influenza, chlamydia pneumoniae, porphyrymonas gingivalis, helicobacter pylori, toxoplas ...201730480234
antiviral activity of self-assembled glycodendro[60]fullerene monoadducts.a series of amphiphilic glycodendro[60]fullerene monoadducts were efficiently synthesized using the cuaac "click chemistry" approach. these glycodendrofullerenes can self-assemble in aqueous media, in a process favoured through π-π interactions between the [60]fullerene moieties. this aggregation process leads to big and well-defined compact micelles with a uniform size and spherical-shape. the supramolecular aggregates were characterized using electronic microscopy (sem and tem), light scatteri ...201732264418
assessment of listing and categorisation of animal diseases within the framework of the animal health law (regulation (eu) no 2016/429): ebola virus disease.ebola virus disease has been assessed according to the criteria of the animal health law (ahl), in particular criteria of article 7 on disease profile and impacts, article 5 on the eligibility of ebola virus disease to be listed, article 9 for the categorisation of ebola virus disease according to disease prevention and control rules as in annex iv and article 8 on the list of animal species related to ebola virus disease. the assessment has been performed following a methodology composed of inf ...201732625555
the understanding of ebola virus disease (evd) among medical practitioners of karachi, pakistan.the world health organization (who) has acknowledged the large west african ebola virus disease (evd) outbreak to be a community health disaster of global concern, and the spread of disease demands a synchronized response. medical practitioners have an increased risk of contracting the disease as compared to others as they are directly exposed to patients' blood or fluids. this study evaluated the knowledge of medical practitioners in karachi regarding evd. it was descriptive and exploratory in ...201730270875
[the 44th scientific meeting: perspectives of internal medicine: virology for physician ∼recent advance in viral infection and treatment∼: 2. important newly emerging viral infection: 1) ebola virus disease: insights from the largest outbreak in west africa]. 201730182666
development, access to medicines and the ebola virus epidemic in west africa.the 2014 west african ebola outbreak constituted a social and economic development challenge, at the core of which was the enduring and unresolved problem of global access to medicines. the ebola outbreak provided strong evidence of the world’s unpreparedness for the socio-economic challenges of a large-scale pandemic and served as a poignant reminder that using intellectual property regulations to perpetrate a formidable access to medicines’ regime can put global public health in serious jeopar ...201830137768
case management of ill travelers with infectious diseases.recent increase of international travelers raises awareness of travel-related infections. travelers' diarrhea is the most common and caused by diarrheagenic e. coli and other patho- gens. undifferentiated fever challenges physicians to correctly diagnose and includes ma- laria, dengue, and enteric fever. the pre-test probability for a disease which causes undiffer- entiated fever largely depends on the travel destination. malaria is most common in travelers returning from sub-saharan africa whil ...201630550666
ebola hemorrhagic fever/ebola virus disease - marburg disease - lassa fever.ebola virus disease, marburg disease, and lassa fever are viral hemorrhagic fevers with similar clinical manifestations. given the recent expanding movement of people around the world, persons infected with any of these hemorrhagic fever viruses might develop symp- toms in japan. clinicians should be aware of the latest situation once viral hemorrhagic fever is reported from any country. obtaining travel history is crucial in suspecting viral hemorrha- gic fever when an acute febrile patient vis ...201630550656
[113th scientific meeting of the japanese society of internal medicine: educational lecture: ebola virus disease: the largest ever recorded outbreak in west africa]. 201630170343
leadership in times of crisis: the example of ebola virus disease in liberia.the ebola epidemic of 2014-2015 was one of the most significant public health threats of the 21st century, a crisis that challenged leadership in west africa and around the world. using the experience of liberia's epidemic control efforts, we highlight the critical role that leadership played during four phases of the epidemic response: (1) crisis recognition and early mobilization; (2) the emergency phase; (3) the declining epidemic; and (4) the long tail. we examine how the decisions and actio ...201631514593
[response to ebola virus disease outbreak: experience in field epidemiology in sierra leone].the ebola virus disease (evd) outbreak that occurred in west africa in 2014 was the largest ever in the world. in sierra leone, the number of cases reported peaked in december 2014 and gradually declined. however, the outbreak was not immediately terminated. to support the response of the world health organization (who) to evd, the who western pacific regional office established the western pacific ebola support team (west) with the aim of eliminating evd in port loko district, where a certain n ...201630212037
ebola virus disease: how can african pharmacists respond to future outbreaks?in its forty years history (1976-2016), the west african region has recorded the most devastating form of the ebola virus disease. the sparse knowledge of healthcare professionals and general public combined with lesser responses from international community are major factors for the dissemination of the disease. in the context of this outbreak, there is a need to highlight the roles and responsibilities of pharmacists, especially in the african healthcare setting. moreover, the prerequisite of ...201632289032
a brief history of biocontainment.the concept of clinical biocontainment, otherwise known as high-level containment care (hlcc), had its birth among a confluence of near-simultaneous events in 1969. the u.s. army's medical research institute of infectious diseases (usamriid) began construction of the first modern biocontainment unit that year, and opened the two-bed facility, often referred to as "the slammer" in 1971. over its 41-year existence, 21 persons exposed to highly hazardous infectious diseases were admitted to the sla ...201632226328
process development for the care of the person under investigation for ebola virus disease: a collaboration of biocontainment unit and emergency medicine personnel.patients presenting with epidemiological risk factors for ebola virus disease (evd) and symptoms consistent with the disease require screening with a molecular assay. if the initial test is negative, but the patient has been symptomatic for less than 3 days, a follow-up test is required to reliably exclude the disease. during this time, persons under investigation (pui) for evd may have illnesses other than evd that require further evaluation and management and well-defined processes are essenti ...201632226327
ready to go! canada's new rapid response team.the public health agency of canada (the agency) has an important role to play in collaboration with its provincial/territorial partners to advance preparedness for emerging and re-emerging high-consequence infectious diseases. during the 2014 ebola outbreak, the agency established ebola virus disease (evd) rapid response teams that were available to any requesting provincial/territorial jurisdiction with a laboratory confirmed case of evd. working with provincial and territorial officials, a rap ...201529769972
learning from ebola: interprofessional practice in the nebraska biocontainment unit.caring for patients with ebola virus disease (evd) in the nebraska biocontainment unit (nbu) has necessitated and enabled extensive interprofessional relationships and the creation of a collaborative care model. critical aspects of nbu functionality include a constructive leadership environment, staff inclusion and consideration during protocol development, and a culture of partnership and communication.201532289082
ebola and learning lessons from moral failures: who cares about ethics?the exercise of identifying lessons in the aftermath of a major public health emergency is of immense importance for the improvement of global public health emergency preparedness and response. despite the persistence of the ebola virus disease (evd) outbreak in west africa, it seems that the ebola 'lessons learned' exercise is now in full swing. on our assessment, a significant shortcoming plagues recent articulations of lessons learned, particularly among those emerging from organizational ref ...201532288786
[treatment of ebola virus disease].treatment of ebola virus disease. the article presents data on the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis and modern approaches to the treatment of ebola haemorrhagic fever. this serious infectious disease with a high fatality rate is characterized by intoxication, severe haemorrhages, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and multiple organ failure with the development of severe shock. it is emphasized that the treatment of patients with ebola should be conducted under stric ...201530590901
ebola virus disease outbreak in west africa and challenge of hajj and omrah in saudi arabia. 201532288749
preparedness for ongoing ebola virus infection: how to welcome it?the problem of ebola virus infection is the big global concern. preparedness for ongoing ebola virus infection is the topic that should be discussed. in fact, it is necessary to set up a biosecurity system to protect against the present ebola outbreak. the medical personnel have to prepare for fighting the problem. the management of the present outbreak requires international collaboration and control of cross-border disease transmission is also the big challenge. the good case study is the hajj ...201532289029
aerosol-transmitted infections-a new consideration for public health and infection control teams.since the emergence of the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars), the 2003 reemergence of avian a/h5n1, the emergence of the 2009 pandemic influenza a/h1n1, the 2012 emergence of middle east respiratory syndrome (mers), the 2013 emergence of avian a/h7n9 and the 2014 ebola virus outbreaks, the potential for the aerosol transmission of infectious agents is now routinely considered in the investigation of any outbreak. although many organisms have traditionally been considered to be transm ...201532226323
ebola hemorrhagic fever: properties of the pathogen and development of vaccines and chemotherapeutic agents.ebola hemorrhagic fever (ehf) epidemic currently ongoing in west africa is not the first among numerous epidemics in the continent. yet it seems to be the worst ehf epidemic outbreak caused by ebola virus zaire since 1976 as regards its extremely large scale and rapid spread in the population. experiments to study the agent have continued for more than 20 years. the ehf virus has a relatively simple genome with seven genes and additional reading frame resulting from rna editing. while being of a ...201532214474
why has the ebola outbreak in west africa been so challenging to control?west africa is in the midst of the largest ebola outbreak ever; there have been over 1000 deaths and many new cases are reported each day. the world health organization (who) declared it an outbreak in march 2014 and on august 6, 2014 the who declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. based on the number of deaths and total number of cases reported to the who as of august 11, 2014, the current outbreak has an overall mortality rate of 55%. outbreak control measures ...201429769855
ebola virus epidemic: a deliberate accident? 201430175076
preventing viral infections with polymeric virus catchers: a novel nanotechnological approach to anti-viral therapy.infectious diseases caused by viruses are among the most vexing medical issues that we are yet to solve, even with billions of dollars being spent on drugs and vaccines to combat and prevent such infections. finding a cure or vaccine for some of the most common or the most deadly viruses such as the influenza or the ebola virus has been a daunting task due to their constant mutation and adaptation to our attempts. existing therapeutics that lose their effectiveness with time due to mutations hav ...201332260892
comparison of trends in the quantity and variety of science citation index (sci) literature on human pathogens between china and the united states.the proportion of pathogenic microorganisms in the microbial world is relatively small, while their threat to human health, economic development and social stability is severe. the quantity and variation of science citation index (sci) literature related to pathogenic microorganisms may reflect the level of relevant research and the degree of attention. here we compared trends in the quantity and variety of sci literature relating to certain important pathogenic microorganisms published by scien ...201232214557
corrigendum to "protection against lethal challenge by ebola virus-like particles produced in insect cells" [virology 383 (2009) 12-21]. 201030208511
development of a highly sensitive, field operable biosensor for serological studies of ebola virus in central africa.we describe herein a newly developed optical immunosensor for detection of antibodies directed against antigens of the ebola virus strains zaire and sudan. we employed a photo immobilization methodology based on a photoactivatable electrogenerated poly(pyrrole-benzophenone) film deposited upon an indium tin oxide (ito) modified conductive surface fiber-optic. it was then linked to a biological receptor, ebola virus antigen in this case, on the fiber tip through a light driven reaction. the photo ...200732288238
single dose rvsvδg-junvgp vaccine protects guinea pigs against lethal junin virus challenge.junin virus (junv) is a pathogen of biodefense importance due to its potential for aerosol transmission and mortality rates reaching 30%. currently, there are no junv vaccines licensed by the united states food and drug administration (fda) for at-risk individuals. a vaccine based on recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (rvsv) has been effectively used to prevent ebola virus disease in humans. here, we evaluated the protective efficacy of a rvsv expressing the junv glycoprotein (rvsvδg-junvgp) ...202134373461
tetravalent rabies-vectored filovirus and lassa fever vaccine induces long-term immunity in nonhuman primates.the objective of this study is to evaluate the immunogenicity of adjuvanted monovalent rabies virus-based vaccine candidates against ebola virus (filorab1), sudan virus (filorab2), marburg virus (filorab3), lassa virus (lassarab1), and combined trivalent vaccine candidate (filorab1-3) and tetravalent vaccine candidate (filorab1-3 and lassarab) in nonhuman primates.202133421072
hunting and consumption of rodents by children in the lassa fever endemic area of faranah, a consequence of the ebola outbreak, human-animal contact has gained importance for zoonotic transmission surveillance. in faranah (upper guinea), daily life is intertwined with rodents, such as the natal multimammate mouse, mastomys natalensis; a reservoir for lassa virus (lasv). however, this contact is rarely perceived as a health risk by residents, although lassa fever (lf) is known to be endemic to this region. conversely, these observations remain a great concern for global health agend ...202133730025
lack of molecular mimicry between nonhuman primates and infectious pathogens: the possible genetic bases.recently, it was found that proteomes from poliovirus, measles virus, dengue virus, and severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2) have high molecular mimicry at the heptapeptide level with the human proteome, while heptapeptide commonality is minimal or absent with proteomes from nonhuman primates, that is, gorilla, chimpanzee, and rhesus macaque. to acquire more data on the issue, analyses here have been expanded to ebola virus, francisella tularensis , human immunode ...202133748822
rapid protection from covid-19 in nonhuman primates vaccinated intramuscularly but not intranasally with a single dose of a recombinant vaccine.the ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) continues to exert a significant burden on health care systems worldwide. with limited treatments available, vaccination remains an effective strategy to counter transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2). recent discussions concerning vaccination strategies have focused on identifying vaccine platforms, number of doses, route of administration, and time to reach peak immunity against sars-cov-2. here, ...202133501447
prodrugs of a 1'-cn-4-aza-7,9-dideazaadenosine c-nucleoside leading to the discovery of remdesivir (gs-5734) as a potent inhibitor of respiratory syncytial virus with efficacy in the african green monkey model of rsv.a discovery program targeting respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) identified c-nucleoside 4 (rsv a2 ec50 = 530 nm) as a phenotypic screening lead targeting the rsv rna-dependent rna polymerase (rdrp). prodrug exploration resulted in the discovery of remdesivir (1, gs-5734) that is >30-fold more potent than 4 against rsv in hep-2 and nhbe cells. metabolism studies in vitro confirmed the rapid formation of the active triphosphate metabolite, 1-ntp, and in vivo studies in cynomolgus and african green ...202133835812
why remdesivir failed: preclinical assumptions overestimate the clinical efficacy of remdesivir for covid-19 and ebola.remdesivir is a nucleoside monophosphoramidate prodrug that has been fda-approved for covid-19. however, the clinical efficacy of remdesivir for covid-19 remains contentious, as several trials have not found statistically significant differences in either time to clinical improvement or mortality between remdesivir-treated and control groups. similarly, the inability for remdesivir to provide a clinically significant benefit above other investigational agents in patients with ebola contrasts wit ...202134252308
igy antibodies against ebola virus possess post-exposure protection in a murine pseudovirus challenge model and excellent thermostability.ebola virus (ebov) is one of the most virulent pathogens that causes hemorrhagic fever and displays high mortality rates and low prognosis rates in both humans and nonhuman primates. the post-exposure antibody therapies to prevent ebov infection are considered effective as of yet. however, owing to the poor thermal stability of mammalian antibodies, their application in the tropics has remained limited. therefore, a thermostable therapeutic antibody against ebov was developed modelled on the pou ...202133711011
bundibugyo ebolavirus survival is associated with early activation of adaptive immunity and reduced myeloid-derived suppressor cell signaling.ebolaviruses bundibugyo virus (bdbv) and ebola virus (ebov) cause fatal hemorrhagic disease in humans and nonhuman primates. while the host response to ebov is well characterized, less is known about bdbv infection. moreover, immune signatures that mediate natural protection against all ebolaviruses remain poorly defined. to explore these knowledge gaps, we transcriptionally profiled bdbv-infected rhesus macaques, a disease model that results in incomplete lethality. this approach enabled us to ...202134372693
the ferret as a model for filovirus pathogenesis and countermeasure evaluation.the domestic ferret (mustela putorius furo) has long been a popular animal model for evaluating viral pathogenesis and transmission as well as the efficacy of candidate countermeasures. without question, the ferret has been most widely implemented for modeling respiratory viruses, particularly influenza viruses; however, in recent years, it has gained attention as a novel animal model for characterizing filovirus infections. although ferrets appear resistant to infection and disease caused by ma ...202133951727
icu-like care of nonhuman primates with ebola virus disease.ebola virus disease (evd) supportive care strategies are largely guided by retrospective observational research. this study investigated the effect of evd supportive care algorithms on duration of survival in a controlled nonhuman primate (nhp) model.202033367826
multivalent dna vaccines as a strategy to combat multiple concurrent epidemics: mosquito-borne and hemorrhagic fever viruses.the emergence of multiple concurrent infectious diseases localized in the world creates a complex burden on global public health systems. outbreaks of ebola, lassa, and marburg viruses in overlapping regions of central and west africa and the co-circulation of zika, dengue, and chikungunya viruses in areas with a. aegypti mosquitos highlight the need for a rapidly deployable, safe, and versatile vaccine platform readily available to respond. the dna vaccine platform stands out as such an applica ...202133673603
serological evidence of filovirus infection in nonhuman primates in zambia.ebolaviruses and marburgviruses are filoviruses that are known to cause severe hemorrhagic fever in humans and nonhuman primates (nhps). while some bat species are suspected to be natural reservoirs of these filoviruses, wild nhps often act as intermediate hosts for viral transmission to humans. using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we screened two nhp species, wild baboons and vervet monkeys captured in zambia, for their serum igg antibodies specific to the envelope glycoproteins of filov ...202134209295
natural history of disease in cynomolgus monkeys exposed to ebola virus kikwit strain demonstrates the reliability of this non-human primate model for ebola virus disease.filoviruses (family filoviridae genera ebolavirus and marburgvirus) are negative-stranded rna viruses that cause severe health effects in humans and non-human primates, including death. except in outbreak settings, vaccines and other medical countermeasures against ebola virus (ebov) will require testing under the fda animal rule. multiple vaccine candidates have been evaluated using cynomolgus monkeys (cm) exposed to ebov kikwit strain. to the best of our knowledge, however, animal model develo ...202134214118
distinct transcriptional responses to fatal ebola virus infection in cynomolgus and rhesus macaques suggest species-specific immune responses.ebola virus (ebov) is a negative single-stranded rna virus within the filoviridae family and the causative agent of ebola virus disease (evd). nonhuman primates (nhps), including cynomolgus and rhesus macaques, are considered the gold standard animal model to interrogate mechanisms of ebov pathogenesis. however, despite significant genetic similarity (>90%), nhp species display different clinical presentation following ebov infection, notably a ∼1-2 days delay in disease progression. consequentl ...202134112056
transcriptomic analysis reveals host mirnas correlated with immune gene dysregulation during fatal disease progression in the ebola virus cynomolgus macaque disease model.ebola virus is a continuing threat to human populations, causing a virulent hemorrhagic fever disease characterized by dysregulation of both the innate and adaptive host immune responses. severe cases are distinguished by an early, elevated pro-inflammatory response followed by a pronounced lymphopenia with b and t cells unable to mount an effective anti-viral response. the precise mechanisms underlying the dysregulation of the host immune system are poorly understood. in recent years, focus on ...202133806942
development and validation of a triplex assay to study an antibody cocktail against ebola virus in cynomolgus serum.background: to support the rapid development of an antibody cocktail against ebola virus and avoid unnecessary exposure to infectious environments, an automatic and fast turnover triplex assay was developed using simoa® (quanterix corporation, ma, usa). materials & methods: a robust triplex assay was developed and validated for simultaneous quantification of the antibody cocktail against ebola virus in cynomolgus serum. results: the assay had a quantitation range of 78.1-5000 ng/ml. the intra- a ...202133792406
nonhuman primate to human immunobridging to infer the protective effect of an ebola virus vaccine has been proven challenging to conduct traditional efficacy trials for ebola virus (ebov) vaccines. in the absence of efficacy data, immunobridging is an approach to infer the likelihood of a vaccine protective effect, by translating vaccine immunogenicity in humans to a protective effect, using the relationship between vaccine immunogenicity and the desired outcome in a suitable animal model. we here propose to infer the protective effect of the ad26.zebov, mva-bn-filo vaccine regimen with a ...202033335092
identification and characterization of defective viral genomes in ebola virus-infected rhesus macaques.ebola virus (ebov), of the family filoviridae, is an rna virus that can cause a hemorrhagic fever with a high mortality rate. defective viral genomes (dvgs) are truncated genomes that have been observed during multiple rna virus infections, including in vitro ebov infection, and have previously been associated with viral persistence and immunostimulatory activity. as dvgs have been detected in cells persistently infected with ebov, we hypothesized that dvgs may also accumulate during viral repli ...202134160256
development of a well-characterized rhesus macaque model of ebola virus disease for support of product development.ebola virus (ebov) is a negative-sense rna virus that can infect humans and nonhuman primates with severe health consequences. development of countermeasures requires a thorough understanding of the interaction between host and pathogen, and the course of disease. the goal of this study was to further characterize ebov disease in a uniformly lethal rhesus macaque model, in order to support development of a well-characterized model following rigorous quality standards. rhesus macaques were intram ...202133652589
metagenomic snapshots of viral components in guinean prevent the emergence of zoonotic infectious diseases and reduce their epidemic potential, we need to understand their origins in nature. bats in the order chiroptera are widely distributed worldwide and are natural reservoirs of prominent zoonotic viruses, including nipah virus, marburg virus, and possibly sars-cov-2. in this study, we applied unbiased metagenomic and metatranscriptomic approaches to decipher the virosphere of frugivorous and insectivorous bat species captured in guéckédou, ...202133803988
mucosal challenge ferret models of ebola virus disease.recent studies have shown the domestic ferret (mustela putorius furo) to be a promising small animal model for the study of ebola virus (ebov) disease and medical countermeasure evaluation. to date, most studies have focused on traditional challenge routes, predominantly intramuscular and intranasal administration. here, we present results from a non-clinical pathogenicity study examining oronasal, oral, and ocular mucosal challenge routes in ferrets. animals were challenged with 1, 10, or 100 p ...202133806375
a descriptive study of zoonotic disease risk at the human-wildlife interface in a biodiversity hot spot in south western uganda.zoonotic diseases pose a significant health challenge at the human-wildlife interface, especially in sub-saharan africa where ecosystem services contribute significantly to local livelihoods and individual well-being. in uganda, the fragmented forests of hoima district, form part of a biodiversity and emerging infectious disease hotspot composed of communities with high dependency on these wildlife protected areas, unaware of the associated health risks. we conducted a cross-sectional mixed meth ...202133406074
the ecology of nipah virus in bangladesh: a nexus of land-use change and opportunistic feeding behavior in bats.nipah virus is a bat-borne paramyxovirus that produces yearly outbreaks of fatal encephalitis in bangladesh. understanding the ecological conditions that lead to spillover from bats to humans can assist in designing effective interventions. to investigate the current and historical processes that drive nipah spillover in bangladesh, we analyzed the relationship among spillover events and climatic conditions, the spatial distribution and size of pteropus medius roosts, and patterns of land-use ch ...202133498685
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