
fertility and sperm quality of broiler breeder males infected with subgroup j avian leukosis order to assess the effects of subgroup j avian leukosis virus (alv-j) on semen quality, broiler breeder males were separated by alv-j status (alv-j positive = pos, alv-j negative = neg) at 44 wk of age. of the 249 males originally placed at 1 day of age, 101 (40.6%) died by 43 wk of age. observations of tumor expression and high mortality suggest that many of the males that died prior to 44 wk of age were infected with alv-j. from 47 to 56 wk of age, hens were inseminated every third week wi ...200212495071
identification and characterization of avian retroviruses in chicken embryo-derived yellow fever vaccines: investigation of transmission to vaccine recipients.all currently licensed yellow fever (yf) vaccines are propagated in chicken embryos. recent studies of chick cell-derived measles and mumps vaccines show evidence of two types of retrovirus particles, the endogenous avian retrovirus (eav) and the endogenous avian leukosis virus (alv-e), which originate from the chicken embryonic fibroblast substrates. in this study, we investigated substrate-derived avian retrovirus contamination in yf vaccines currently produced by three manufacturers (yf-vax [ ...200312502826
[antigen analysis of envelope gene products of avian leukosis virus subgroup j].envelope glycoprotein of avian leukosis virus subgroup j (alv-j) determines the host range of virus infection and cross-neutralization patterns. the truncated envelope genes of avian lecukosis virus subgroup j (alv-j) were amplified by pcr and cloned them into pgex-5x-3 vector for expressing envgst-fusion protein. western blot analysis results showed that the products of truncated env gene expressed in escherichia coli could reacted with g2, je9 and i45 monoclonal antibodies (mabs) specific to e ...200212557356
phylogenetic analysis of subgroup j avian leucosis virus from broiler and native chickens in taiwan during 2000-2002.subgroup j avian leucosis virus (alv-j) causes great economic losses in the poultry industry. one in 3 grandparent farms was closed due to alv-j infection in 1998 in taiwan. the remaining 2 farms were forced to import breeding chicks from different breeding companies afterwards. we report on the alv-j infection status among these breeders, their progeny and taiwan native chickens during 2000-2002. the weekly mortality for the male line among the infected breeders was higher than that for the fem ...200312679561
development and application of reverse transcriptase nested polymerase chain reaction test for the detection of exogenous avian leukosis virus.a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay that utilizes nested primers to amplify a fragment of the long terminal repeat of exogenous avian leukosis virus (alv) was developed and evaluated for detection of alv subgroup j directly from clinical samples. compilation of sequence data from different endogenous and exogenous alvs allowed the selection of a conserved set of nested primers specific for the amplification of exogenous alv subgroups a, b, c, d, and j and excluded amplification of endogenous ...200312713157
validating the hen as a bioreactor for the production of exogenous proteins in egg white.increased demand for the production of human biopharmaceuticals in transgenic organisms has led to an intensive effort to develop the hen as a bioreactor producing exogenous proteins in egg white via transgenesis. to date, however, robust methods for transgenic modification of the avian genome have been lacking. we have used a replication-defective retroviral vector derived from avian leukosis virus (alv) to generate transgenic chickens expressing bacterial beta-lactamase secreted into serum and ...200312817447
use of avian retroviral vectors to introduce transcriptional regulators into mammalian cells for analyses of tumor maintenance.a key issue in cancer biology is whether genetic lesions involved in tumor initiation or progression are required for tumor maintenance. this question can be addressed with mouse models that conditionally express oncogenic transgenes, i.e., under the control of tetracycline (tet)-dependent transcriptional regulators. we have developed a system for studying tumor maintenance by using avian retroviral [i.e., replication-competent avian leukosis virus long terminal repeat with splice acceptor (rcas ...200312857957
intraembryonic avian leukosis virus subgroup c (alv-c) inoculation producing wasting disease in ducks soon after hatching.we have studied the pathogenic changes in khaki campbell ducks injected in mid embryogenesis with alv subgroup c virus td dapr-c derived from a molecular clone. the employed duck flock was shown to be highly genetically homogeneous and was controlled for the absence of current infections. clear symptoms of wasting disease, which appeared since one week post hatching, represented the early consequence of the virus infection. they were manifested by decreased body weight, including clear involutio ...200312859018
persistence of chicken herpesvirus and retroviral chimeric molecules upon in vivo passage.mareks disease virus (mdv), a herpesvirus, and avian leucosis virus subgroup j (alv-j), a retrovirus, were used for experimental coinfection of chickens. chimeric molecules having sequences of both viruses were detected by the hotspot-combined polymerase chain reaction (hs-cpcr) system. the detection of chimeric molecules provided evidence for avian retroviral inserts in the herpesvirus genome. the persistence of chimeric molecules on in vivo passage served to indicate the infectivity of the rec ...200312887189
pathogenicity of two recombinant avian leukosis viruses.we have recently described the isolation and molecular characteristics of two recombinant avian leukosis subgroup j viruses (alv j) with an avian leukosis virus subgroup a envelope (r5701a and r6803a). in the present study, we examined the role of the subgroup a envelope in the pathogenesis of these recombinant viruses. chickens of line 151(5) x 7(1) were inoculated at 1 day of age with r5701a, r6803a, rous-associated virus type 1 (rav-1), or strain adol-hcl of alv-j. at 2, 4, 10, 18, and 32 wk ...200312887202
silent point mutation in an avian retrovirus rna processing element promotes c-myb-associated short-latency lymphomas.the avian leukosis virus deltalr-9 causes a high frequency of b-cell lymphomas within weeks after injection into 10-day-old chicken embryos. these lymphomas result from proviral integrations into the oncogene c-myb. in contrast, lr-9, which lacks the 42-nucleotide gag gene deletion of deltalr-9, does not cause a high frequency of c-myb-associated short-latency lymphomas. although viral replication rates and spliced env mrna levels were found to be similar for both viruses, deltalr-9 exhibited an ...200312915553
manipulation of mouse hematopoietic progenitors by specific retroviral infection.previous studies have identified an enhancer 3' of the scl gene that can direct transgene expression to hematopoietic progenitors and stem cells. here we use this enhancer to restrict expression of the avian leukosis virus receptor, tva, to hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors in bone marrow and fetal liver and demonstrate that retroviral infection can be used to specifically introduce exogenous sequences. we show that a majority of cfu-s12 multipotential progenitor cells can be transduced i ...200312928443
evolutionary pressure of a receptor competitor selects different subgroup a avian leukosis virus escape variants with altered receptor interactions.a complex interaction between the retroviral envelope glycoproteins and a specific cell surface protein initiates viral entry into cells. the avian leukosis-sarcoma virus (alv) group of retroviruses provides a useful experimental system for studying the retroviral entry process and the evolution of receptor usage. in this study, we demonstrate that evolutionary pressure on subgroup a alv [alv(a)] entry exerted by the presence of a competitive inhibitor, a soluble form of the alv(a) tva receptor ...200312970435
[the sensitivity of the chick embryo to the filtered avian leukosis virus]. 195313148801
[morphological study, by electron microscopy on ultra-fine sections, of a virus (gal virus) associated with the rpl12 strain of the avian leukosis virus]. 196013794925
multiplicity of cell response to the bai strain a (myeloblastosis) avian tumor virus. v. elaboration of virus by pancreas of chickens inoculated with the agent. 196313953417
transmission in vivo of chicken erythroblastosis by intact cells. 196213972153
cortisol metabolizing activity of spleen and liver of erythroblastosis-afflicted and normal chickens in vitro. 196213994984
studies on the assay and multiplication of avian myeloblastosis virus. 196313997685
properties of cells infected with avian myeloblastosis virus. 196214010247
[recent data on the avian leukosis viruses]. 196314015525
biologic response of nephrogenic cells to avian myeloblastosis virus. 196214026087
virus of avian myeloblastosis (bai strain a). xxiv. nucleotide composition of the pentosenucleic acid and comparison with strain r (erythroblastosis). 196314059012
the cell surface in tumor virus infection. 196314072691
bioassay of fowl leukosis virus in chickens by the inoculation of 11-day-old embryos. 196314081364
viral tumors of chickens with particular reference to the leukosis complex. 196314081492
the problem of the phage-like structure of the avian leukosis virus. 196314099863
transmission of virus from field cases of avian lymphomatosis. i. isolation of virus in line 151 chickens. 196414114972
a simplified tissue culture tube neutralization test for rous sarcoma virus antibodies. 196414121644
viruses and cancer. 196414123707
submicroscopic morphology of avian neoplasms. vi. comparative studies on rous sarcoma, visceral lymphomatosis, erythroblastosis, myeloblastosis, and nephroblastoma. 196414136083
[on the etiological factors of leukemia]. 196414138643
some problems of fine structure in tumor cells. 196314148381
some effects of folic acid antagonists on virus induced chicken erythroleukaemia. 196414150633
progress with some tumor viruses of chickens and mammals: the problem of passenger viruses. 196314156502
possible integration of viral nucleic acid into the genome of animal cells. 196314157340
differential responsiveness of rous sarcoma virus stocks to specific cellular resistance induced by avian leukosis viruses. 196414166113
analysis of the defectiveness of rous sarcoma virus. i. characterization of the helper virus. 196414166120
tests in hamsters for oncogenic quality of ordinary viruses including adenovirus type 7. 196414166581
malignant transformation in cell cultures. 196414166690
induction by viruses of malignancies in animals. 196414166691
specific complement-fixing viral antigens in hamster and guinea pig tumors induced by the schmidt-ruppin strain of avian sarcoma. 196414174396
[human leukemia and virus]. 196414174552
cytopathogenicity of fowl tumour viruses (rsv and amv) in normal and transformed cells of human origin. 196414189810
an avian leucosis group-specific complement fixation reaction. application for the detection and assay of non-cytopathogenic leucosis viruses. 196414194126
[increase in production of metastases by c-13-labeled bhk21 hamster cells after infection in vitro by the avian myeloblastosis virus]. 196414196162
carcinogenic interactions between virus, cell, and organism. 196414201587
virus defectiveness and cell transformation in the rous sarcoma. 196414218582
["in vitro" cultivation of leukemogenic viruses]. 196414224295
studies on the bai strain a (avian myeloblastosis) virus. i. production and examination of potent virus-specific complement-fixing antisera. 196414227044
studies on the bai strain a (avian myeloblastosis) virus. ii. some properties of viral split products. 196414227045
adifference in susceptibility to lymphoid leukosis virus and rous sarcoma virus between cells from two inbred lines of domestic fowl. 196414230229
[leukemic viruses in france]. 196414236062
[tumors caused by viruses]. 196514242205
the effect of nutrition on mortality from leukosis in chickens inoculated with strain rpl-12 avian leukosis virus. 196514253983
rous sarcoma and its helper viruses (a review). 196514253984
transmission of virus from field cases of avian lymphomatosis. ii. development of strains by serial passage in line 151 chickens. 196514253999
folic acid activity in leukemia and cancer. 196514264054
the nucleotide composition of the rna of the avian myeloblastosis virus (bai, strain a) and of the nucleic acids of leukaemic myeloblasts. (a comparative study). 196414271457
biochemistry of virus reproduction. 196514286807
virus multiplication in the oviduct of hens infected with an avian leukosis virus. 196514293308
aberrant cytoplasmic structures in avian virus tumor cells. 196514297555
quantitative studies of the nucleoprotein content erythrocytes from healthy and virus-infected chicken. 196514316069
the absence of serologic responses by children and adults to avian leukosis virus in measles vaccine. 196514322883
tolerance and immunity in chickens after congenital and contact infection with an avian leukosis virus. 196214494904
an avian leukosis virus associated with stocks of rous sarcoma virus. 196214494905
characterization of a spontaneously transformed chicken mononuclear cell line.we describe the characterization of a spontaneously transformed chicken monocytic cell line that developed as a single colony of cells in a heterophil culture that was inadvertently left in the incubator over a period of 25 days. these cells, hitherto named htc, grow efficiently at both 37 or 41 degrees c in culture medium containing either 5% fbs or 2% chicken serum. the htc cells are acid phosphatase positive, show expressions of both class i and class ii major histocompatibility complex (mhc) ...200314522138
novel applications of feather tip extracts from mdv-infected chickens; diagnosis of commercial broilers, whole genome separation by pfge and synchronic mucosal infection.marek's disease virus (mdv) productive replication occurs in the feather follicle epithelium and the feather tips are valuable both for research and disease diagnosis. three novel applications of feather tip extracts are described now: (a). as a source of dna for amplifying either mdv and/or alv-j. in two clinical situations a marked advantage was obtained compared to blood and organs; in broiler breeder flocks with a mixed mdv and alv-j infection, and in young broilers with neurological marek's ...200314522455
the effects of avian leukosis virus subgroup j on broiler chicken performance and response to vaccination.the effects of avian leukosis virus subgroup j (alv-j) infection on meat-type chickens reared in a simulated commercial setting were evaluated. each of three alv-j isolates was evaluated with both simulated horizontal transmission (sht) and simulated vertical transmission (svt). mortality, morbidity, disease condemnations, and feed conversions were increased and body weights at processing were decreased in alv-j infected birds as compared to sham inoculated hatch mates. the adverse effects of al ...200314562889
avian leukosis virus is a versatile eukaryotic platform for polypeptide display.display technology refers to methods of generating libraries of modularly coded biomolecules and screening them for particular properties. retroviruses are good candidates to be a eukaryotic viral platform for the display of polypeptides synthesized in eukaryotic cells. here we demonstrate that avian leukosis virus (alv) provides an ideal platform for display of nonviral polyaeptides expressed in a eukaryotic cell substrate. different sizes of polypeptides were genetically fused to the extreme n ...200314585333
epitope selection from an uncensored peptide library displayed on avian leukosis virus.phage display libraries have provided an extraordinarily versatile technology to facilitate the isolation of peptides, growth factors, single chain antibodies, and enzymes with desired binding specificities or enzymatic activities. the overall diversity of peptides in phage display libraries can be significantly limited by escherichia coli protein folding and processing machinery, which result in sequence censorship. to achieve an optimal diversity of displayed eukaryotic peptides, the library s ...200314585334
bystander killing during avian leukosis virus subgroup b infection requires tvb(s3) signaling.cell killing by avian leukosis virus subgroup b (alv-b) in cultures has been extensively studied, but the molecular basis of this process has not been established. here we show that superinfection, which has been linked to cell killing by alv-b, plays no crucial role in cell death induction. instead, we show that signaling by the alv-b receptor, tvb(s3), a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family, is essential for alv-b-mediated cell death. tvb(s3) activated caspase-dependent apoptosi ...200314610178
interference between avian endogenous ev/j 4.1 and exogenous alv-j retroviral envelopes.a new family of avian retroviral endogenous sequences designated ev/j or eav-hp has been identified recently. here an additional avian ev/j 4.1 endogenous sequence, ev/j 4.1 rb, is reported. ev/j 4.1 rb has the most extensive amino acid identity ever described for an endogenous envelope protein with the alv-j avian leukosis virus. here, we also demonstrate that ev/j 4.1 rb functionally pseudotypes murine leukaemia virions and leads to a complete reciprocal interference with alv-j envelopes. this ...200314645905
in vitro characterization of a base pairing interaction between the primer binding site and the minimal packaging signal of avian leukosis virus genomic rna.the 5' leader region of avian sarcoma-leukosis viruses (aslvs) folds into a series of rna secondary structures which are involved in key steps in the viral replication cycle such as reverse transcription, dimerization and packaging of genomic rna. the o3 stem and three stem-loops (o3sla, o3slb and o3slc) form the minimal packaging signal that is located downstream of the primer binding site (pbs). the u5-pbs region contributes to packaging via a mechanism that remains unknown. in this in vitro s ...200314654682
in ovo infection with an avian leukosis virus causing fowl glioma: viral distribution and pathogenesis.we have previously isolated an avian leukosis virus (alv) from a chicken affected with so-called fowl glioma. a resistance-inducing factor test indicated that the isolate was classified into a subgroup a. the distribution and pathogenicity were investigated in c/o specific pathogen free chickens infected in ovo with this virus. histologically, 11 of 12 (92%) infected birds had non-suppurative encephalitis and three birds (25%) showed the characteristic nodules of fowl glioma at 50 or 100 days of ...200314676013
occurrence of avian leukosis virus subgroup j in commercial layer flocks in china.mortality from myeloid leukosis was observed in commercial layers from 12 farms in northern china. affected chickens were extremely thin and dehydrated, bleeding occurred in feather follicles and claws, combs were pale and anaemic, phalanges were swollen, and many yellowish-white tumours were seen on the visceral surface of the sternum. focal tumour cells, with spherical eosinophilic granules in the cytoplasm, were found in the liver, spleen, kidney, ovary, oviduct, lung, bone marrow, proventric ...200414681063
effects of cyclosporin a treatment on the pathogenesis of avian leukosis virus subgroup j infection in broiler chickens with marek's disease virus this study, we investigated the effects of t-cell suppression on the pathogenesis of subgroup j avian leukosis virus (alv-j). chickens were treated with cyclosporin a (csp) 50 mg/kg body weight or a corresponding volume of olive oil per every three days after hatching until the end of experiment. some of the chickens from each treatment group were infected with an isolate of alv-j, adol-7501, at 2 weeks of age. the effects of viral infection were compared to uninfected birds in same treatment ...200314685030
comparison of chinese field strains of avian leukosis subgroup j viruses with prototype strain hprs-103 and united states strains.eight chinese field strains of subgroup j avian leukosis viruses (alv-j) were isolated from broilers or parent stocks during january 1999 to april 2001. one strain, sd9902, was an acute transforming virus, able to induce typical myelocytomatosis in 22-38 days after inoculation of 1-day-old meat-type chicks. the envelope protein and 3'-untranslated region (utr) of the eight field strains were compared with the u.k. prototype hprs-103 and several u.s. field strains isolated in 1993-97. all chinese ...200314708978
the mature avian leukosis virus subgroup a envelope glycoprotein is metastable, and refolding induced by the synergistic effects of receptor binding and low ph is coupled to infection.the spring-loaded model stipulates that influenza virus infection is coupled to the transition of the virus hemagglutinin (ha) from a metastable conformation to a highly stable conformation at low ph. the properties of retrovirus envelope glycoproteins indicate that infection is coupled to an analogous conformational change. as a test of this hypothesis, the requirements for avian leukosis virus a (alv-a) infection were examined. these studies indicate that, like ha, the conformation of the matu ...200414722295
genome sequence analysis of the avian retrovirus causing so-called fowl glioma and the promoter activity of the long terminal fowl glioma is a retroviral infectious disease caused by avian leukosis virus subgroup a (alv-a). we determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the virus genome. the full-length sequence was consistent with a genetic organization typical of a replication-competent type c retrovirus lacking viral oncogenes. the coding sequences were well conserved with those of replication-competent viruses, but the 3' noncoding regions including ltr were most related to those of replication-defecti ...200414993650
the effects of cyclophosphamide treatment on the pathogenesis of subgroup j avian leukosis virus (alv-j) infection in broiler chickens with marek's disease virus exposure.studies were performed to determine the effects of bcell suppression on the pathogenesis of subgroup j avian leukosis virus (alv-j) in broiler chickens. neonatal chickens were treated with cyclophosphamide (cy) or pbs, and then infected with alv-j (adol-7501) at 2 weeks of age. cy treatment induced b cell specific immunosuppression throughout the experiment confirmed by decreased bursal weight, intact lymphocyte mitogenetic activity stimulated by con a and increased relative subpopulation of cd3 ...200415028885
reduced myc overexpression and normal b-cell differentiation mediate resistance to avian leukosis virus lymphomagenesis.avian leukosis virus (alv) induces bursal lymphoma in tumor-susceptible chicken strains after proviral integration within the c-myc gene, and subsequent expansion of myc-overexpressing lymphocytes within transformed follicles. line 6(3) strain chickens are resistant to alv tumorigenesis, largely failing to develop myc-transformed follicles, although they show similar levels of alv infection and integration as lymphoma-susceptible strains. immunohistochemical analysis determined that the transfor ...200415064748
response of white leghorn chickens of various genetic lines to infection with avian leukosis virus subgroup experiment 1, chickens from various white leghorn experimental lines were inoculated with strain adol-hcl of subgroup j avian leukosis virus (alv-j) either as embryos or at 1 day of age. at various ages, chickens were tested for alv-j induced viremia, antibody, and packed cell volume (pcv). also, at 4 and 10 wk of age, bursal tissues were examined for avian leukosis virus (alv)-induced preneoplastic lesions with the methyl green-pyronine (mgp) stain. in experiment 2, chickens harboring or lac ...200415077798
histopathological characteristics of spindle-cell proliferative disease in broiler chickens and its experimental reproduction in specific pathogen-free chickens.the livers and spleens of 45 broiler chickens (33 to 79 days old) suspected of marek's disease (md) at meat inspection were collected and examined histopathologically. macroscopically, they were enlarged from two to three times, and multiple, small, white areas of plaque or infrequent, large, white nodules were observed in most cases. only 9 birds (20%) were diagnosed with md based on the histological examination, while the other 35 birds (78%) had tumor-like proliferative lesions in the glisson ...200415107549
development of quantitative competitive-reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction for detection and quantitation of avian leukosis virus subgroup j.infection with avian leukosis virus subgroup j (alv-j) causes severe economic losses in the broiler industry by increasing mortality, producing tumors, and decreasing weight gain in chickens. the quantitation of alv-j is difficult because of its failure to produce a cytopathic effect in cell culture systems and the nonspecificity of antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) tests. this study was performed to develop a quantitative competitive-reverse transcriptase-polymerase chai ...200415152832
a serological survey for pathogens in old fancy chicken breeds in central and eastern part of the get an impression of the presence of pathogens in multi-aged flocks of old fancy chicken breeds in the netherlands, plasma samples originating from 24 flocks were examined for antibodies against 17 chicken pathogens. these flocks were housed mainly in the centre and east of the netherlands, regions with a high poultry density. the owners of the tested flocks showed their chicken at national and international poultry exhibitions. antibodies against avian influenza, egg drop syndrome '76 virus, ...200415185615
comparison of serological and virological findings from subgroup j avian leukosis virus-infected neoplastic and non-neoplastic flocks in israel.blood samples from nine broiler breeder flocks comprising five flocks clinically affected with myeloid leukosis tumours (ml+) and four tumour-free flocks from the same commercial background (ml-) were compared for avian leukosis virus subgroup j (alv-j) serum antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), for antigenemia (group-specific antigen) by antigen-trapping elisa and for viremia. group-specific antigen was detected in the sera of 58.1% of ml+ birds and 46.4% of the ml- birds (p ...200415223554
detection of avian leukosis virus subgroup j in chicken flocks from malaysia and their molecular characterization.previously we have shown that avian leukosis virus subgroup j (alv-j) might be present in chicken flocks from malaysia based on serological study and also on detection of tissue samples with myelocytic infiltration. in this study, the polymerase chain reaction was used to detect alv-j sequences from archived frozen samples. out of 21 tissue samples examined, 16 samples were positive for proviral dna and four samples for alv-j rna. however, only nine samples were found positive for myelocytic inf ...200415223566
methods for evaluating and developing commercial chicken strains free of endogenous subgroup e avian leukosis virus.the genome of nearly all chickens contains various dna proviral insertions of retroviruses of subgroup e avian leukosis virus (alve). however, the elimination or control of alve gene expression is desirable to improve productivity, to improve resistance to avian leukosis virus (alv)-induced tumours, and to develop safer live virus vaccines in chick embryos and cultured chick cells. restriction fragment length polymorphism and polymerase chain reaction methods are used to define the presence of a ...200415276994
assessing the roles of endogenous retrovirus eav-hp in avian leukosis virus subgroup j emergence and tolerance.avian leukosis virus (alv) subgroup j is thought to have emerged through a recombination event between an unknown exogenous alv and the endogenous retrovirus elements designated eav-hp. all eav-hp elements identified to date in the chicken genome show large deletions, including that of the entire pol gene. here we report the identification of four segregating chicken eav-hp proviruses with complete pol genes, one of which shows exceptionally high sequence identity and a close phylogenetic relati ...200415367619
tissue tropism and bursal transformation ability of subgroup j avian leukosis virus in white leghorn experiment 1, a monoclonal antibody against the envelope glycoprotein (gp85) of subgroup j avian leukosis virus (alv-j) was used to study the distribution of alv-j in various tissues of white leghorn chickens inoculated as embryos with the strain adol-hcl of alv-j. at 2 and 6 wk of age, various tissues from infected and control uninfected chickens were tested for the presence of alv-j gp85 by immunohistochemistry. in experiment 2, using the methyl green-pyronine (mgp) stain, sections of bursa ...200415666876
systemic spindle-cell proliferative disease in broiler chickens.the major organs and tissues of 24 broiler chickens (70 or 71 days old) suspected of spindle-cell proliferative disease (spd) because of showing the tumorous lesions distributed throughout the body at meat inspection were collected for histopathological and immunohistochemical examination. macroscopically, liver, spleen and cecal tonsil showed severe enlargement and white nodules or plaques were observed in the liver, spleen, kidney, intestine and bone marrow of the femur. all chickens were diag ...200515699588
multiple perineuriomas in chicken (gallus gallus domesticus).intraneural perineurioma is an extremely rare condition characterized by perineurial cell proliferation within peripheral nerve (pn) sheaths. in the veterinary field, this entity has been reported only in a dog. we examined multiple enlargements of pns in 11 chickens (gallus gallus domesticus) (9 japanese bantams and 2 specific pathogen-free white leghorn), which were inoculated with an avian leukosis virus (alv) causing so-called fowl glioma. all chickens clinically exhibited progressive leg pa ...200515753471
single and concurrent avian leukosis virus infections with avian leukosis virus-j and avian leukosis virus-a in australian meat-type chickens.australian broiler breeders were screened for avian leukosis viruses (alvs) (may 2001 to december 2003) as surveillance of measures to reduce the prevalence of alv-j. samples of blood (4233), albumen (1122), meconium (99) and tumours (16) were obtained from 93 flocks in six australian states. virus isolation was performed in c/o chick embryo fibroblast cultures, which were initially screened by group-specific antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, with follow-up confirmation using polymerase ...200515763738
[characteristic of the two-step rna dimerization in avian sarcoma and leukosis viruses].dimerization of two copies of genomic rna is a necessary step of retroviral replication. in the case of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) the process is explored in many details. it is proved that conserved stem-loop structure is an essential element in rna dimerization. similar model of two-step dimerization mechanism can be considered for avian sarcoma and leukosis virus group (aslv) in spite of the absence of homology between dimer initiation site (dis) of aslv and that of hiv-1. in ...200515773559
cellular uptake of avian leukosis virus subgroup b is mediated by clathrin.avian leukosis virus (alv) requires endocytosis and a low ph step for successful viral entry. here we report that transient treatment with lysosomotropic agents was not sufficient to block alv subgroup b (alv-b) entry, while it completely inhibited uptake of the ph-dependent semliki forest virus. extended incubations with lysosomotropic agents were required to block alv-b entry, suggesting that alv particles are stable in endosomal compartments. we analyzed endocytic pathways involved in the upt ...200515914219
detection of subgroup j avian leukosis virus infection in australian meat-type determine the extent of avian leukosis virus subgroup j (alv-j) infection in australian broiler breeder flocks, using virus isolation and molecular biological detection. any resultant alv-j viral isolates to be characterised by neutralisation cross testing in order to determine antigenic relationships to overseas isolates of alv-j.200415977617
[construction of infectious clone of subgroup j avian leukosis virus strain nx0101 and its pathogenicity].by using pcr, 3 fragments of provirus cdna of avian leukosis virus (alv-j) strain nxo101 were amplified from the genomic dna of alv-j infected cells,and then combined in the right direction and sequences into recombinant plasmid palv-j-nx, containing the whole genome of nx0101. after transfection of chicken embryo fibroblast (cef) cells with plasmid palv-j-nx dna, the rescued virus was identified in cef by indirect fluorescence antibody test with alv-j specific monoclonal antibody je9. the rescu ...200515989242
incidence of avian leukosis virus infection in new zealand poultry flocks. 198616031231
response of white leghorn chickens of various b haplotypes to infection at hatch with subgroup j avian leukosis virus.white leghorn chickens from seven 15.b congenic lines (genetically similar except for genes linked to the major histocompatibility complex [mhc] b haplotype) and two line 0.b semicongenic lines were infected at hatch with strain adol hc-1 of subgroup j avian leukosis virus (alv-j). at 5, 8, 16, and 36 wk of age, chickens were tested for viremia, serum-neutralizing antibody, and cloacal shedding. chickens were also monitored for development of neoplasia. in the 15.b congenic lines (b*2, b*5, b*12 ...200516094825
Displaying items 601 - 700 of 1198