genotyping and comparative pathology of spirocerca in black-backed jackals (canis mesomelas) in south africa. | the pathology of spirocercosis, a disease caused by the infestation of carnivores with the nematode spirocerca lupi, has been extensively described in domestic dogs and coyotes. however, it has not been described in wild carnivores in south africa. the aim of this study was to evaluate whether black-backed jackals are a host for spirocerca species and to provide a detailed description of the associated pathology. jackals were also stratified according to age and the spirocerca species recovered ... | 2017 | 28814297 |
winter bait stations as a multispecies survey tool. | winter bait stations are becoming a commonly used technique for multispecies inventory and monitoring but a technical evaluation of their effectiveness is lacking. bait stations have three components: carcass attractant, remote camera, and hair snare. our 22,975 km(2) mountainous study area was stratified with a 5 × 5 km sampling grid centered on northern idaho and including portions of washington, montana, and british columbia. from 2010-14, we conducted 563 sampling sessions at 497 bait statio ... | 2017 | 28904763 |
quantity discrimination in canids: dogs (canis familiaris) and wolves (canis lupus) compared. | accumulating evidence indicates that animals are able to discriminate between quantities. recent studies have shown that dogs' and coyotes' ability to discriminate between quantities of food items decreases with increasing numerical ratio. conversely, wolves' performance is not affected by numerical ratio. cross-species comparisons are difficult because of differences in the methodologies employed, and hence it is still unclear whether domestication altered quantitative abilities in canids. here ... | 2017 | 28899810 |
all about neosporosis in brazil. | neospora caninum is protozoan parasite with domestic and wild dogs, coyotes and grey wolves as the definitive hosts and many warm-blooded animals as intermediate hosts. it was cultivated and named in 1988. neosporosis is a major disease of cattle and has no public health significance. since 1990's n. caninum has emerged as a major cause of abortion in cattle worldwide, including in brazil. n. caninum also causes clinical infections in several other animal species. considerable progress has been ... | 2017 | 28876360 |
studies of wolf x coyote hybridization via artificial insemination. | following the production of western gray wolf (canis lupus) x western coyote (canis latrans) hybrids via artificial insemination (ai), the present article documents that the hybrids survived in captivity for at least 4 years and successfully bred with each other. it further reports that backcrossing one of the hybrids to a male gray wolf by ai also resulted in the birth of live pups that have survived for at least 10 months. all male hybrids (f1 and f2) produced sperm by about 10 months of age, ... | 2017 | 28863171 |
mammal diversity and metacommunity dynamics in urban green spaces: implications for urban wildlife conservation. | as urban growth expands and natural environments fragment, it is essential to understand the ecological roles fulfilled by urban green spaces. to evaluate how urban green spaces function as wildlife habitat, we estimated mammal diversity and metacommunity dynamics in city parks, cemeteries, golf courses, and natural areas throughout the greater chicago, il, usa region. we found similar α-diversity (with the exception of city parks), but remarkably dissimilar communities in different urban green ... | 2017 | 28833978 |
green tree frog (hyla cinerea) and ground squirrel (xerospermophilus spilosoma) mortality attributed to inland brevetoxin transportation at padre island national seashore, texas, 2015. | on 16 september 2015, a red tide (karenia brevis) bloom impacted coastal areas of padre island national seashore park. two days later and about 0.9 km inland, 30-40 adult green tree frogs (hyla cinerea) were found dead after displaying tremors, weakness, labored breathing, and other signs of neurologic impairment. a rainstorm, accompanied by high winds, rough surf, and high tides, which could have aerosolized brevetoxin, occurred on the morning of the mortality event. frog carcasses were healthy ... | 2017 | 28829928 |
panmixia and limited interspecific introgression in coyotes (canis latrans) from west virginia and virginia, usa. | the expansion of coyotes (canis latrans) into the eastern united states has had major consequences for ecological communities and wildlife managers. despite this, there has been little investigation of the genetics of coyotes across much of this region, especially outside of the northeast. understanding patterns of genetic structure and interspecific introgression would provide insights into the colonization history of the species, its response to the modern environment, and interactions with ot ... | 2017 | 28821188 |
using an emergency department syndromic surveillance system to evaluate reporting of potential rabies exposures, illinois, 2013-2015. | mandatory reporting of potential rabies exposures and initiation of postexposure prophylaxis (pep) allow local health authorities to monitor pep administration for errors. our objectives were to use an emergency department (ed) syndromic surveillance system to (1) estimate reporting compliance for exposure to rabies in suburban cook county, illinois, and (2) initiate interventions to improve reporting and reassess compliance. | 2017 | 28692394 |
genetic characterization of sarcoptes scabiei from black bears (ursus americanus) and other hosts in eastern united states. | since the early 1990s there has been an increase in the number of cases and geographic expansion of severe mange in the black bear (ursus americanus) population in pennsylvania. although there are 3 species of mites associated with mange in bears, sarcoptes scabiei has been identified as the etiologic agent in these pennsylvania cases. historically s. scabiei-associated mange in bears has been uncommon and sporadic although it is widespread and relatively common in canid populations. to better u ... | 2017 | 28639466 |
comment on "whole-genome sequence analysis shows two endemic species of north american wolf are admixtures of the coyote and gray wolf". | whole-genome data do not support a recent hybrid origin for red and eastern wolves. | 2017 | 28630899 |
seed dispersal of diospyros virginiana in the past and the present: evidence for a generalist evolutionary strategy. | several north american trees are hypothesized to have lost their co-evolved seed disperser during the late-pleistocene extinction and are therefore considered anachronistic. we tested this hypothesis for the american persimmon (diospyros virginiana) by studying the effects of gut passage of proposed seed dispersers on seedling survival and growth, natural fruiting characteristics, and modern animal consumption patterns. we tested gut passage effects on persimmon seeds using three native living s ... | 2017 | 28616198 |
retrospective evaluation of coyote attacks in dogs: 154 cases (1997-2012). | to describe the clinical presentation and outcome of known attacks in client-owned dogs caused by the common coyote, canis latrans. | 2017 | 28420038 |
isotopic ecology of coyotes from scat and road kill carcasses: a complementary approach to feeding experiments. | scat is frequently used to study animal diets because it is easy to find and collect, but one concern is that gross fecal analysis (gfa) techniques exaggerate the importance of small-bodied prey to mammalian mesopredator diets. to capitalize on the benefits of scat, we suggest the analysis of scat carbon and nitrogen isotope values (δ13c and δ15n). this technique offers researchers a non-invasive method to gather short-term dietary information. we conducted three interrelated studies to validate ... | 2017 | 28369133 |
ancestry-specific methylation patterns in admixed offspring from an experimental coyote and gray wolf cross. | reduced fitness of admixed individuals is typically attributed to genetic incompatibilities. although mismatched genomes can lead to fitness changes, in some cases the reduction in hybrid fitness is subtle. the potential role of transcriptional regulation in admixed genomes could provide a mechanistic explanation for these discrepancies, but evidence is lacking for nonmodel organisms. here, we explored the intersection of genetics and gene regulation in admixed genomes derived from an experiment ... | 2017 | 28182234 |
nicotiana attenuata data hub (nadh): an integrative platform for exploring genomic, transcriptomic and metabolomic data in wild tobacco. | nicotiana attenuata (coyote tobacco) is an ecological model for studying plant-environment interactions and plant gene function under real-world conditions. during the last decade, large amounts of genomic, transcriptomic and metabolomic data have been generated with this plant which has provided new insights into how native plants interact with herbivores, pollinators and microbes. however, an integrative and open access platform that allows for the efficient mining of these -omics data remaine ... | 2017 | 28086860 |
transcriptome profiling reveals differential gene expression of detoxification enzymes in a hemimetabolous tobacco pest after feeding on jasmonate-silenced nicotiana attenuata plants. | the evolutionary arms race between plants and insects has driven the co-evolution of sophisticated defense mechanisms used by plants to deter herbivores and equally sophisticated strategies that enable phytophagous insects to rapidly detoxify the plant's defense metabolites. in this study, we identify the genetic determinants that enable the mirid, tupiocoris notatus, to feed on its well-defended host plant, nicotiana attenuata, an outstanding model for plant-insect interaction studies. | 2016 | 27931186 |
some years you live like a coyote: gendered practices of cultural resilience in working rangeland landscapes. | rangeland researchers are increasingly interested in understanding working rangelands as integrated social-ecological systems and in investigating the contexts of human decision-making processes that support system resilience. u.s. public lands ranchers are key partners in rangeland conservation, but the role of women in building system resilience has not yet been explored. we conducted life-history interviews with 19 ranching women in the southwestern united states. we analyzed the resulting tr ... | 2016 | 27878540 |
adelina anthony interview with aimee carrillo rowe. | this interview explores how performing artist, activist, writer, director, performer adelina anthony stages queer women of color affects as a complex terrain to mobilize a decolonial imaginary. anthony's characters are complex, contradictory, surly, and resilient with whom audience members connect and feel deeply. especially for queer women of color, who rarely get to see their own experiences on film or on stage, anthony's work provides a critical forum for discussing, imagining, naming, and en ... | 2017 | 27611794 |
polymorphisms in erap1 and erap2 are shared by caninae and segregate within and between random- and pure-breeds of dogs. | specific polymorphisms in the endoplasmic reticulum amino peptidase genes erap1 and erap2, when present with certain mhc class receptor types, have been associated with increased risk for specific cancers, infectious diseases and autoimmune disorders in humans. this increased risk has been linked to distinct polymorphisms in both eraps and mhc class i receptors that affect the way cell-generated peptides are screened for antigenicity. the incidence of cancer, infectious disease and autoimmune di ... | 2016 | 27590425 |
do the antipredator strategies of shared prey mediate intraguild predation and mesopredator suppression? | understanding the conditions that facilitate top predator effects upon mesopredators and prey is critical for predicting where these effects will be significant. intraguild predation (igp) and the ecology of fear are hypotheses used to describe the effects of top predators upon mesopredators and prey species, but make different assumptions about organismal space use. the igp hypothesis predicts that mesopredator resource acquisition and risk are positively correlated, creating a fitness deficit. ... | 2016 | 27239266 |
comparative morphology and histology of the nasal fossa in four mammals: gray squirrel, bobcat, coyote, and white-tailed deer. | although the anatomy of the nasal fossa is broadly similar among terrestrial mammals, differences are evident in the intricacies of nasal turbinal architecture, which varies from simple scroll-like to complex branching forms, and in the extent of nonsensory and olfactory epithelium covering the turbinals. in this study, detailed morphological and immunohistochemical examinations and quantitative measurements of the turbinals and epithelial lining of the nasal fossa were conducted in an array of ... | 2016 | 27090617 |
patterns of mhc-drb1 polymorphism in a post-glacial island canid, the newfoundland red fox (vulpes vulpes deletrix), suggest balancing selection at species and population timescales. | as the only native insular newfoundland canid between the extinction of the wolf in the 1930s and the recent arrival of coyotes, the red fox (vulpes vulpes deletrix bangs 1898) poses interesting questions about genetic distinctiveness and the post-glacial colonization history of the island's depauperate mammalian fauna. here, we characterized genetic variability at the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) class ii dr β1 domain (drb1) locus in 28 red foxes from six sampling localities island-wi ... | 2016 | 26894280 |
differential habitat use or intraguild interactions: what structures a carnivore community? | differential habitat use and intraguild competition are both thought to be important drivers of animal population sizes and distributions. habitat associations for individual species are well-established, and interactions between particular pairs of species have been highlighted in many focal studies. however, community-wide assessments of the relative strengths of these two factors have not been conducted. we built multi-scale habitat occupancy models for five carnivore taxa of new york's adiro ... | 2016 | 26731404 |
hdac i inhibition in the dorsal and ventral hippocampus differentially modulates predator-odor fear learning and generalization. | although predator odors are ethologically relevant stimuli for rodents, the molecular pathways and contribution of some brain regions involved in predator odor conditioning remain elusive. inhibition of histone deacetylases (hdacs) in the dorsal hippocampus has been shown to enhance shock-induced contextual fear learning, but it is unknown if hdacs have differential effects along the dorso-ventral hippocampal axis during predator odor fear learning. we injected ms-275, a class i hdac inhibitor, ... | 2015 | 26441495 |
seeing cooperation or competition: ecological interactions in cultural perspectives. | do cultural models facilitate particular ways of perceiving interactions in nature? we explore variability in folkecological principles of reasoning about interspecies interactions (specifically, competitive or cooperative). in two studies, indigenous panamanian ngöbe and u.s. participants interpreted an illustrated, wordless nonfiction book about the hunting relationship between a coyote and badger. across both studies, the majority of ngöbe interpreted the hunting relationship as cooperative a ... | 2015 | 26431824 |
navigating natural variation in herbivory-induced secondary metabolism in coyote tobacco populations using ms/ms structural analysis. | natural variation can be extremely useful in unraveling the determinants of phenotypic trait evolution but has rarely been analyzed with unbiased metabolic profiling to understand how its effects are organized at the level of biochemical pathways. native populations of nicotiana attenuata, a wild tobacco species, have been shown to be highly genetically diverse for traits important for their interactions with insects. to resolve the chemodiversity existing in these populations, we developed a me ... | 2015 | 26170304 |
do biological and bedsite characteristics influence survival of neonatal white-tailed deer? | coyotes recently expanded into the eastern u.s. and potentially have caused localized white-tailed deer population declines. research has focused on quantifying coyote predation on neonates, but little research has addressed the potential influence of bedsite characteristics on survival. in 2011 and 2012, we radiocollared 65 neonates, monitored them intensively for 16 weeks, and assigned mortality causes. we used program mark to estimate survival to 16 weeks and included biological covariates (i ... | 2015 | 25734333 |
coyote and alders: alex colville. | | 2015 | 25647189 |
pathology in practice. a coyote with sarcoptic mange. | | 2015 | 25517327 |
zoonotic bartonella species in cardiac valves of healthy coyotes, california, usa. | we investigated whether bartonella spp. could cause endocarditis in coyotes or localize to cardiac valves before lesions develop. bartonella dna was amplified more often from coyote cardiac valves than spleen. bartonella infection apparently leads to cardiac valve tropism, which could cause endocarditis, an often lethal complication in mammals, including humans. | 2014 | 25418213 |
discovery of new populations and dna barcoding of the arapahoe snowfly arsapnia arapahoe (plecoptera: capniidae). | the arapahoe snowfly, arsapnia arapahoe (nelson & kondratieff)was recently discovered in six different first-order streams outside of the cache la poudre river basin where it was previously considered endemic. specimens of a. arapahoe were always collected in much lower relative abundance, 1.09% (±2.3sd), than other sympatric adult capniids. the first mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) barcodes for a. arapahoe and a. coyote (nelson & baumann) are presented and compared with those of a. de ... | 2014 | 25283651 |
impact of non-native terrestrial mammals on the structure of the terrestrial mammal food web of newfoundland, canada. | the island of newfoundland is unique because it has as many non-native terrestrial mammals as native ones. the impacts of non-native species on native flora and fauna can be profound and invasive species have been identified as one of the primary drivers of species extinction. few studies, however, have investigated the effects of a non-native species assemblage on community and ecosystem properties. we reviewed the literature to build the first terrestrial mammal food web for the island of newf ... | 2014 | 25170923 |
perceived damage and areas of needed research for wildlife pests of california agriculture. | many wildlife species cause extensive damage to a variety of agricultural commodities in california, with estimates of damage in the hundreds of millions annually. given the limited availability of resources to solve all human-wildlife conflicts, we should focus management efforts on issues that provide the greatest benefit to agricultural commodities in california. this survey provides quantitative data on research needs to better guide future efforts in developing more effective, practical and ... | 2014 | 24952967 |
a body, a dog, and a fistful of scats. | dogs and coyotes are the most frequently reported canids responsible for scavenging human remains. we present the case of a 90-year-old woman whose mummified body was found in her home showing partial destruction of the thorax and extremities and absence of the cranium. the victim lived with a beagle dog whose dead body was also found, along with abundant scats throughout the house. scavenging by the decedent's pet was the proposed hypothesis for the partial dismemberment and consumption of her ... | 2014 | 24852762 |
a protected area influences genotype-specific survival and the structure of a canis hybrid zone. | it is widely recognized that protected areas can strongly influence ecological systems and that hybridization is an important conservation issue. however, previous studies have not explicitly considered the influence of protected areas on hybridization dynamics. eastern wolves are a species of special concern and their distribution is largely restricted to a protected population in algonquin provincial park (app), ontario, canada, where they are the numerically dominant canid. we studied intrins ... | 2014 | 24669720 |
impacts from control operations on a recreationally hunted feral swine population at a large military installation in florida. | feral swine were targeted for control at avon park air force range in south-central florida to avert damage to sensitive wetland habitats on the 40,000-ha base. we conducted a 5-year study to assess impacts from control to this population that had been recreationally hunted for many years. control was initiated in early 2009. the feral swine population was monitored from 2008 to 2012 using a passive tracking index (pti) during the dry and wet seasons and using recreational hunter take rates from ... | 2014 | 24622991 |
postfeeding larval dispersal behavior of late season blow flies (calliphoridae) in southern ontario, canada. | postfeeding dispersal involves migration of larvae away from their food source in order to pupate. puparia are difficult to find, yet are important for estimating pmi, and missing puparia during collection can result in inaccurate estimations. this study investigates the late season maggot dispersal patterns for blow flies at coyote carcasses in two habitats with an aim to improving puparia collection procedures. puparia samples collected from various dispersal distances and directions tested th ... | 2014 | 24602116 |
natural history-driven, plant-mediated rnai-based study reveals cyp6b46's role in a nicotine-mediated antipredator herbivore defense. | manduca sexta (ms) larvae are known to efficiently excrete ingested nicotine when feeding on their nicotine-producing native hostplant, nicotiana attenuata. here we describe how ingested nicotine is co-opted for larval defense by a unique mechanism. plant-mediated rnai was used to silence a midgut-expressed, nicotine-induced cytochrome p450 6b46 (cyp6b46) in larvae consuming transgenic n. attenuata plants producing mscyp6b46 dsrna. these and transgenic nicotine-deficient plants were planted into ... | 2014 | 24379363 |
assessment of coyote-wolf-dog admixture using ancestry-informative diagnostic snps. | the evolutionary importance of hybridization as a source of new adaptive genetic variation is rapidly gaining recognition. hybridization between coyotes and wolves may have introduced adaptive alleles into the coyote gene pool that facilitated an expansion in their geographic range and dietary niche. furthermore, hybridization between coyotes and domestic dogs may facilitate adaptation to human-dominated environments. we genotyped 63 ancestry-informative single-nucleotide polymorphisms in 427 ca ... | 2014 | 24148003 |
coyotes in the crosswalks? fuggedaboutit! | | 2013 | 24137844 |
y-chromosome evidence supports asymmetric dog introgression into eastern coyotes. | hybridization has played an important role in the evolutionary history of canis species in eastern north america. genetic evidence of coyote-dog hybridization based on mitochondrial dna (mtdna) is lacking compared to that based on autosomal markers. this discordance suggests dog introgression into coyotes has potentially been male biased, but this hypothesis has not been formally tested. therefore, we investigated biparentally, maternally, and paternally inherited genetic markers in a sample of ... | 2013 | 24101990 |
population ecology of free-roaming cats and interference competition by coyotes in urban parks. | free-roaming cats are a common element of urban landscapes worldwide, often causing controversy regarding their impacts on ecological systems and public health. we monitored cats within natural habitat fragments in the chicago metropolitan area to characterize population demographics, disease prevalence, movement patterns and habitat selection, in addition to assessing the possible influence of coyotes on cats. the population was dominated by adults of both sexes, and 24% of adults were in repro ... | 2013 | 24058699 |
enhanced understanding of predator-prey relationships using molecular methods to identify predator species, individual and sex. | predator species identification is an important step in understanding predator-prey interactions, but predator identifications using kill site observations are often unreliable. we used molecular tools to analyse predator saliva, scat and hair from caribou calf kills in newfoundland, canada to identify the predator species, individual and sex. we sampled dna from 32 carcasses using cotton swabs to collect predator saliva. we used fragment length analysis and sequencing of mitochondrial dna to di ... | 2014 | 23957886 |
canine echinococcosis: global epidemiology and genotypic diversity. | canine echinococcosis is a potential zoonotic infection caused by the adult form of several cestode species belonging to the genus echinococcus, of which e. granulosus sensu lato and e. multilocularis are the most epidemiologically relevant. dogs infected with e. granulosus and e. multilocularis are widely regarded as the main source of infection for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis, diseases that cause substantial morbidity and socio-economic burden in several regions of the world. foll ... | 2013 | 23954494 |
identification of a mutation that is associated with the saddle tan and black-and-tan phenotypes in basset hounds and pembroke welsh corgis. | the causative mutation for the black-and-tan (a (t) ) phenotype in dogs was previously shown to be a sine insertion in the 5' region of agouti signaling protein (asip). dogs with the black-and-tan phenotype, as well as dogs with the saddle tan phenotype, genotype as a (t) /_ at this locus. we have identified a 16-bp duplication (g.1875_1890dupccccaggtcagagttt) in an intron of hnrnp associated with lethal yellow (raly), which segregates with the black-and-tan phenotype in a group of 99 saddle tan ... | 2013 | 23519866 |
differential roles of the dorsal and ventral hippocampus in predator odor contextual fear conditioning. | the study of fear memory is important for understanding various anxiety disorders in which patients experience persistent recollections of traumatic events. these memories often involve associations of contextual cues with aversive events; consequently, pavlovian classical conditioning is commonly used to study contextual fear learning. the use of predator odor as a fearful stimulus in contextual fear conditioning has become increasingly important as an animal model of anxiety disorders. innate ... | 2013 | 23460388 |
salt marsh as a coastal filter for the oceans: changes in function with experimental increases in nitrogen loading and sea-level rise. | coastal salt marshes are among earth's most productive ecosystems and provide a number of ecosystem services, including interception of watershed-derived nitrogen (n) before it reaches nearshore oceans. nitrogen pollution and climate change are two dominant drivers of global-change impacts on ecosystems, yet their interacting effects at the land-sea interface are poorly understood. we addressed how sea-level rise and anthropogenic n additions affect the salt marsh ecosystem process of nitrogen u ... | 2012 | 22879873 |
wolves-coyotes-foxes: a cascade among carnivores. | due to the widespread eradication of large canids and felids, top predators in many terrestrial ecosystems are now medium-sized carnivores such as coyotes. coyotes have been shown to increase songbird and rodent abundance and diversity by suppressing populations of small carnivores such as domestic cats and foxes. the restoration of gray wolves to many parts of north america, however, could alter this interaction chain. here we use a 30-year time series of wolf, coyote, and fox relative abundanc ... | 2012 | 22690642 |
rise of the coyote: the new top dog. | | 2012 | 22596135 |
signs observed among animal species infected with raccoon rabies variant virus, massachusetts, usa, 1992-2010. | we analyzed signs occurring among domestic and wild terrestrial animal species infected with raccoon rabies variant virus (rrv) in massachusetts, 1992-2010. the clinical sign of aggression was significantly associated with rabid stray cats (odds ratio, or = 2.3) and rrv affected major wild terrestrial animal species individually, which included raccoons (or = 2.8), skunks (or = 8.0), gray foxes (or = 21.3), red foxes (or = 10.4), woodchucks (or = 4.7) and coyotes (or = 27.6). while aggression is ... | 2011 | 26486623 |
analysis of canis mitochondrial dna demonstrates high concordance between the control region and atpase genes. | phylogenetic studies of wild canis species have relied heavily on the mitochondrial dna control region (mtdna cr) to infer species relationships and evolutionary lineages. previous analyses of the cr provided evidence for a north american evolved eastern wolf (c. lycaon), that is more closely related to red wolves (c. rufus) and coyotes (c. latrans) than grey wolves (c. lupus). eastern wolf origins, however, continue to be questioned. therefore, we analyzed mtdna from 89 wolves and coyotes acros ... | 2010 | 20637067 |
colonization history and ancestry of northeastern coyotes. | | 2010 | 20089539 |
rapid adaptive evolution of northeastern coyotes via hybridization with wolves. | the dramatic expansion of the geographical range of coyotes over the last 90 years is partly explained by changes to the landscape and local extinctions of wolves, but hybridization may also have facilitated their movement. we present mtdna sequence data from 686 eastern coyotes and measurements of 196 skulls related to their two-front colonization pattern. we find evidence for hybridization with great lakes wolves only along the northern front, which is correlated with larger skull size, increa ... | 2010 | 19776058 |
origin and status of the great lakes wolf. | an extensive debate concerning the origin and taxonomic status of wolf-like canids in the north american great lakes region and the consequences for conservation politics regarding these enigmatic predators is ongoing. using maternally, paternally and biparentally inherited molecular markers, we demonstrate that the great lakes wolves are a unique population or ecotype of gray wolves. furthermore, we show that the great lakes wolves experienced high degrees of ancient and recent introgression of ... | 2009 | 19366404 |
np1ec degradation pathways under oxic and microxic conditions. | the degradation pathway of nonylphenol ethoxyacetic acid (np1ec) and the conditions favoring dicarboxylated alklyphenol ethoxyacetic acid (canp1ec; where n = the number of aliphatic carbon atoms) formation were studied in oxic microcosms constructed with organic carbon-poor soil from the mesa soil aquifer treatment (sat) facility (arizona) and pristine organic carbon-rich sediments from coyote creek (california). results suggest that the availability of dissolved oxygen determines the dominant b ... | 2008 | 18800508 |
to what extent do microsatellite markers reflect genome-wide genetic diversity in natural populations? | microsatellite variability is widely used to infer levels of genetic diversity in natural populations. however, the ascertainment bias caused by typically selecting only the most polymorphic markers in the genome may lead to reduced sensitivity for judging genome-wide levels of genetic diversity. to test this potential limitation of microsatellite-based approaches, we assessed the degree of nucleotide diversity in noncoding regions of eight different carnivore populations, including inbred as we ... | 2008 | 18647238 |
perfluorochemicals in water reuse. | faced with freshwater shortages, water authorities are increasingly utilizing wastewater reclamation to augment supplies. however, concerns over emerging trace contaminants that persist through wastewater treatment need to be addressed to evaluate potential risks. in the present study, perfluorinated surfactant residues were characterized in recycled water from four california wastewater treatment plants that employ tertiary treatment and one that treats primary sewage in a wetland constructed f ... | 2008 | 18547612 |
application of cfd (fluent) to lng spills into geometrically complex environments. | recent discussions on the fate of lng spills into impoundments have suggested that the commonly used combination of source5 and degadis to predict the flammable vapor dispersion distances is not accurate, as it does not account for vapor entrainment by wind. source5 assumes the vapor layer to grow upward uniformly in the form of a quiescent saturated gas cloud that ultimately spills over impoundment walls. the rate of spillage is then used as the source term for degadis. a more rigorous approach ... | 2008 | 18359557 |
captive breeding and the reintroduction of mexican and red wolves. | mexican and red wolves were both faced with extinction in the wild until captive populations were established more than two decades ago. these captive populations have been successfully managed genetically to minimize mean kinship and retain genetic variation. descendants of these animals were subsequently used to start reintroduced populations, which now number about 40-50 mexican wolves in arizona and new mexico and about 100 red wolves in north carolina. the original captive mexican wolf popu ... | 2008 | 18173506 |
natural attenuation potential of downwelling streams for perfluorochemicals and other emerging contaminants. | stream augmentation with tertiary treated municipal wastewater-i.e., recycled water-is increasingly considered as an ecologically beneficial way to utilize recycled water, especially in semi-arid regions of the american southwest. there is concern that emerging contaminants, i.e. unregulated but biologically active organic compounds, may be present in recycled water and will impact on the aquatic environment and the underlying groundwater. emerging contaminants include a wide variety of chemical ... | 2007 | 18057642 |
patterns of gastrointestinal parasitism among five sympatric prairie carnivores: are males reservoirs? | male vertebrates are believed to be disproportionately vulnerable to parasites, but empirical support for this contention is mixed. we tested the hypothesis of higher levels of parasitism in males with the use of counts of gastrointestinal helminths in 5 sympatric mammalian carnivores (american badgers, coyotes, red foxes, raccoons, striped skunks) from central saskatchewan. parasite burdens for females and males of each host species were compared with the use of prevalence (percentage of hosts ... | 2007 | 17626341 |
on the application of computational fluid dynamics codes for liquefied natural gas dispersion. | computational fluid dynamics (cfd) codes are increasingly being used in the liquefied natural gas (lng) industry to predict natural gas dispersion distances. this paper addresses several issues regarding the use of cfd for lng dispersion such as specification of the domain, grid, boundary and initial conditions. a description of the k-epsilon model is presented, along with modifications required for atmospheric flows. validation issues pertaining to the experimental data from the burro, coyote, ... | 2007 | 17113710 |
species resilience in pleistocene hominids that traveled far and ate widely: an analogy to the wolf-like canids. | morphological and genetic analyses have yet to resolve the question of whether more than one species of homo existed contemporaneously in the pleistocene. in an effort to contribute a process-related perspective to hominid phylogenetic reconstruction, this paper uses an analogy to the northern wolf-like canids (the wolves and coyotes) to ask the question, how many homo species should there be, given their likely behavioral profile(s)? in contrast to earlier comparisons to social carnivores which ... | 2006 | 16904731 |
mechanistic home range models capture spatial patterns and dynamics of coyote territories in yellowstone. | patterns of space-use by individuals are fundamental to the ecology of animal populations influencing their social organization, mating systems, demography and the spatial distribution of prey and competitors. to date, the principal method used to analyse the underlying determinants of animal home range patterns has been resource selection analysis (rsa), a spatially implicit approach that examines the relative frequencies of animal relocations in relation to landscape attributes. in this analys ... | 2006 | 16769637 |
a southern california freeway is a physical and social barrier to gene flow in carnivores. | roads present formidable barriers to dispersal. we examine movements of two highly mobile carnivores across the ventura freeway near los angeles, one of the busiest highways in the united states. the two species, bobcats and coyotes, can disappear from habitats isolated and fragmented by roads, and their ability to disperse across the ventura freeway tests the limits of vertebrates to overcome anthropogenic obstacles. we combine radio-telemetry data and genetically based assignments to identify ... | 2006 | 16689893 |
evaluation of cocoa- and coffee-derived methylxanthines as toxicants for the control of pest coyotes. | methylxanthines were quantified in coffee, tea, and chocolate products. tarajuilie tea from india, cocoa powder, and cocoa nibs contained the highest levels of methylxanthines. theobromine, caffeine, and theophylline combined in the ratios observed in tea and chocolate were ingested by coyotes. although both mixtures induced acute toxicity, the symptoms accompanying the chocolate methylxanthine mimic were preferable. manipulation of the ratios of methylxanthines in the chocolate mimic led to the ... | 2005 | 15884841 |
conservation of mhc class ii doa sequences among carnivores. | we obtained the nucleotide sequence for most of the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) class ii doa locus for weddell, leopard, northern elephant, and southern elephant seals and from the coyote and compared them to all known doa data available to date. we found generally low levels of interspecific polymorphisms, providing further support for stabilizing selection acting on the doa locus. this suggests that do gene products play a substantial functional role in the regulation of antigen pre ... | 2005 | 15730524 |
major histocompatibility complex variation in red wolves: evidence for common ancestry with coyotes and balancing selection. | we examined variation at a class ii major histocompatibility complex (mhc) gene (drb1) in the captive red wolf population and samples of coyotes from texas and north carolina. we found 4 alleles in the 48 red wolves, 8 alleles in the 10 coyotes from texas and 15 alleles in the 29 coyotes from north carolina. two of the four alleles found in red wolves, caru-2 and caru-4, were found in both the texas and north carolina coyote samples. allele caru-1, previously found in gray wolves, was also found ... | 2002 | 12296935 |
home range formation in wolves due to scent marking. | social carnivores, such as wolves and coyotes, have distinct and well-defined home ranges. during the formation of these home ranges scent marks provide important cues regarding the use of space by familiar and foreign packs. previous models for territorial pattern formation have required a den site as the organizational center around which the territory is formed. however, well-defined wolf home ranges have been known to form in the absence of a den site, and even in the absence of surrounding ... | 2002 | 11926117 |
contributions of forage competition, harvest, and climate fluctuation to changes in population growth of northern white-tailed deer. | recently there has been considerable interest in determining the relative roles of endogenous (density-dependent) and exogenous (density-independent) factors in driving the population dynamics of free-ranging ungulates. we used time-series analysis to estimate the relative contributions of density-dependent forage competition, climatic fluctuation, and harvesting on the population dynamics of white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) in nova scotia, canada, from 1983 to 2000. a model incorporat ... | 2002 | 28547026 |
determination of cabergoline by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry: picogram detection via column focusing sample introduction. | an electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometric method was developed for low-picogram detection of an ergot alkaloid, cabergoline, in coyote plasma extracts. cabergoline is under investigation as an abortifacient in canid species. central to the successful development of this method was the ability to introduce relatively large sample volumes into the mass spectrometer. this was achieved by focusing the analyte on a conventional high-performance liquid chromatography guard column prior to e ... | 2001 | 11681474 |
communication ecology of webbing clothes moth: 1. semiochemical-mediated location and suitability of larval habitat. | we tested two hypotheses: 1) that there is semiochemical-mediated attraction of male and female webbing clothes moth (wcm), tineola bisselliella (hum.) (lepidoptera: tineidae) to suitable larval habitat; and 2) that selection of optimal larval habitat has fitness consequences. in binary or ternary choice arena bioassay experiments that prevented wcm from contacting test stimuli, males and females were attracted to dried but untanned animal pelts (red squirrel, muskrat, beaver, coyote, red fox an ... | 2001 | 11521394 |
concerned about control of coyotes and wolves. | | 2000 | 10754663 |
coyote woman's birth timeline. | | 1999 | 10655811 |
the influence of surface atmospheric conditions on the range and area reached by animal vocalizations. | low-level vertical changes in temperature and wind exert powerful and predictable influences on the area ensonified by animal vocalizations. computer modelling of low-frequency sound propagation in measured atmospheric conditions predicts that the calls of the savanna elephant at these frequencies can have ranges exceeding 10 km and that the calls will be highly directional in the presence of wind shear. calling area is maximized under temperature inversions with low wind speeds. calling area ch ... | 1997 | 9057305 |
nuclear magnetism logging at the coyote institute. | | 1996 | 8970087 |
rapid quantitative determination of cyanide in biological fluids from coyotes killed with a coyote getter. | a number of methods for the determination of cyanide in biological fluids have been published. many are not really rapid or else rely on elaborate specialized equipment. the method reported here is rapid, uses only inexpensive disposable, and produces a quantitative result within 1 minute on as little as a few drops of blood. cyanide concentrations found by this method in the blood of coyotes killed by sodium cyanide blasted into the mouth with a snub-nosed gun concealed in bait are given and di ... | 1995 | 8588302 |
rabies epizootic in coyotes combated with oral vaccination program. | | 1995 | 7768724 |
patterns of differentiation and hybridization in north american wolflike canids, revealed by analysis of microsatellite loci. | genetic divergence and gene flow among closely related populations are difficult to measure because mutation rates of most nuclear loci are so low that new mutations have not had sufficient time to appear and become fixed. microsatellite loci are repeat arrays of simple sequences that have high mutation rates and are abundant in the eukaryotic genome. large population samples can be screened for variation by using the polymerase chain reaction and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to separate a ... | 1994 | 8078397 |
coyote research facility trashed. | | 1992 | 17789076 |
hmo competes with cost-cutting and coyotes. | | 1991 | 10112661 |
food caching in captive coyotes: stereotypy of action sequence and spatial distribution of cache sites. | this paper describes some aspects of the food caching behaviour of four captive coyotes. detailed observations of the actions used by coyotes to cache food revealed them to be strikingly similar to those previously described for timber wolves. the similarities included the identity of the movements used, their temporal sequencing, and their susceptibility to interruption. this suggests that there exists a stereotypy across canids in the action sequences used in caching. second, an examination of ... | 1991 | 2044024 |
introgression of coyote mitochondrial dna into sympatric north american gray wolf populations. | mitochondrial dna (mtdna) genotypes of gray wolves and coyotes from localities throughout north america were determined using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. of the 13 genotypes found among the wolves, 7 are clearly of coyote origin, indicating that genetic transfer of coyote mtdna into wolf populations has occurred through hybridization. the transfer of mtdna appears unidirectional from coyotes into wolves because no coyotes sampled have a wolf-derived mtdna genotype. wolves possessi ... | 1991 | 28564062 |
an aerial baiting system for the distribution of attenuated or recombinant rabies vaccines for foxes, raccoons, and skunks. | an aerial baiting system was developed to deliver oral rabies vaccines to wild carnivore vectors of rabies, e.g., red fox, striped skunk, and raccoon. the bait consists of a polyethylene bag that contains either a 30-g hamburger ball or a 25-ml cube of polyurethane sponge coated with a wax-beef tallow mixture containing 100-150 mg of tetracycline as a biomarker. attractants used with the sponge were added to the bag (e.g., liver slurry, cheeses, fish oils, or fruits). baits (greater than 80,000) ... | 2006 | 3206077 |
coyote estrous urine volatiles. | samples of female coyote urine were taken once or twice each week during the winter and spring for two years. headspace analysis was employed with tenax gc trapping and gc-ms. tenax trapping was started in less than 1 hr after sampling, and mild conditions were used to minimize losses of highly volatile and labile compounds. thirty-four compounds were identified. they include sulfur compounds, aldehydes and ketones, hydrocarbons, and one alcohol. the principal constituent is methyl 3-methylbut-3 ... | 1988 | 24276012 |
ixodid ticks on the coyote and gray fox at land between the lakes, kentucky-tennessee, and implications for tick dispersal. | | 1988 | 3357174 |
coyote branding injury: a case report. | | 1986 | 3810501 |
immobilization of coyotes with xylazine hydrochloride-ketamine hydrochloride and antagonism by yohimbine hydrochloride. | | 1986 | 3503155 |
fluoroacetate residues in ground squirrel and coyote tissues due to primary or secondary 1080 poisoning. | fluoroacetate residues in various tissues of 1080-poisoned ground squirrels and coyotes are listed. the tissues (excluding the stomach) of squirrels poisoned with an average of 0.8 mg 1080/kg (low dose) contained from 182 to 1309 ppb fluoroacetate. in squirrels poisoned with an average of 4.8 mg 1080/kg (high dose), the tissue residues ranged from 535 to 9754 ppb fluoroacetate. tissues from coyotes which died after consuming 1080-poisoned ground squirrels were also analyzed for fluoroacetate res ... | 2012 | 3722090 |
antifertility effect of busulfan and procarbazine in male and female coyotes. | antifertility effects of two cytostatic agents, busulfan and procarbazine, were evaluated using 43 captive breeding pairs of adult coyotes. nineteen pairs served as untreated controls. only the male or female of remaining pairs was treated. females received either 8 mg busulfan/kg or 6 mg procarbazine/kg just prior to onset of the breeding season. males were treated once with either 8 mg busulfan/kg just before onset of breeding or with 4 mg busulfan/kg or 6 mg procarbazine/kg about 1 mo before ... | 1985 | 4074811 |
brief comments on "coyote control and taste aversion". | | 1985 | 3000295 |
research on forms of conditioned avoidance in coyotes. | | 1985 | 3000294 |
coyote control and taste aversion. | studies in which conditioned taste aversion was used as a non-lethal method to suppress coyote predation are reviewed in light of the controversy that surrounds such research. it is concluded that the negative results obtained to date may have been due to theoretical and methodological problems in the studies. uncritical acceptance of those results has slowed progress on an effective and inexpensive method of coyote management. | 1985 | 3000293 |
use of predator odors as repellents to reduce feeding damage by herbivores : ii. black-tailed deer (odocoileus hemionus columbianus). | the effectiveness of predator odors (fecal and urine) in suppressing feeding damage by black-tailed deer was investigated in pen bioassays at the university of british columbia research forest, maple ridge, british columbia, canada. a total of eight bioassay trials tested the effects of these odors on deer consumption of salal leaves and coniferous seedlings. cougar, coyote,and wolf feces as well as coyote, wolf, fox, wolverine, lynx, and bobcat urines provided the most effective suppression of ... | 1985 | 24310276 |
use of predator odors as repellents to reduce feeding damage by herbivores : i. snowshoe hares (lepus americanus). | the effectiveness of predator odors (fecal, urine, and anal scent gland) in suppressing feeding damage by snowshoe hares was investigated in pen bioassays at the university of british columbia research forest, maple ridge, british columbia, canada. a total of 28 bioassay trials tested the effects of these odors on hare consumption of willow browse and coniferous seedlings. lynx and bobcat feces, weasel anal gland secretion, and lynx, bobcat, wolf, coyote, fox, and wolverine urines resulted in th ... | 1985 | 24310275 |
possible pheromonal regulation of reproduction in wild carnivores. | recent observations of social behavior and reproduction in wolves, coyotes, hunting dogs, mongooses, and lions suggest possible involvement of pheromones in the regulation of reproductive activity. observed phenomena resemble the known pheromonal effects in mice such as suppression or synchronization of estrus, induction of maternal behavior, and interruption of pregnancy. further studies are necessary to verify the supposed biological effects of carnivore pheromones and to determine their chemi ... | 1985 | 24309850 |
renal vascular hamartomas in a captive coyote. | | 1984 | 6511595 |
gas chromatographic analysis of coyote and magpie tissues for residues of compound 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate). | tissues of coyotes and magpies administered known dosages of 1080 were analyzed for residues by an analytical method specifying gas chromatography and electron capture detection. the repeatability of the method was determined for the replicate analyses of coyote muscle tissue samples aged under different storage conditions. the average coefficient of variation (cv) was 6% for quadruplicate determinations of 1080 in fresh tissues, 12-14% for samples stored at - 10 degrees c for 30-60 days, and 24 ... | 2012 | 6746478 |
polycystic kidneys in a western coyote. | | 1983 | 6643244 |