reagin-like antibody in rhesus monkeys immune to schistosoma japonicum. | | 1966 | 4968168 |
the strain complex of schistosoma japonicum in taiwan, china. | | 1968 | 4974249 |
cross-immunity of schistosoma japonicum, s. mansoni, and s. bovis in rhesus monkeys. | | 1969 | 4976113 |
histopathological lesions of rhesus monkeys and chimpanzees infected with schistosoma japonicum. | | 1969 | 4986176 |
lesions caused by eggs of the changhua strain of schistosoma japonicum in the liver of formosan monkeys. | | 1970 | 4989283 |
immunization against schistosoma japonicum in chimpanzees by administration of x-irradiated cercariae. | | 1970 | 4991944 |
antigenic substance in urine of rabbits infected with schistosoma japonicum. | | 1971 | 4994701 |
renal lesions in schistosoma japonicum infected rabbits. | | 1972 | 5046382 |
infection of aquatic hydrobiid snails and animals with schistosoma japonicum-like parasites from khong island, southern laos. | | 1972 | 5048074 |
microspines on schistosoma japonicum and s. haematobium egg shells. | | 1971 | 5091366 |
precipitins in serum from men with presumptive reexposure to cercariae of schistosoma japonicum. | | 1971 | 5105899 |
experimental infection with schistosoma japonicum in chimpanzees. | | 1971 | 5131694 |
studies on the size and shape of eggs of schistosoma japonicum at khong island, southern laos. | | 1971 | 5165241 |
schistosoma mansoni and schistosoma japonicum: oxygen uptake by miracidia. | | 1971 | 5167877 |
reaction of antigenic substance in feces of rabbits infected with schistosoma japonicum. | | 1971 | 5211567 |
experimental studies on the therapeutic effect of ciba 32644-ba against schistosoma japonicum in mice. | | 1966 | 5219463 |
cercaria production of geographic strains of schistosoma japonicum in oncomelania hupensis chiui. | | 1968 | 5259182 |
on the mathematical analysis of schistosome populations. | the concept of the stationary ecological life-table has been applied to populations of the three main species of schistosomes affecting man. in such a system, the net reproductive rate should be equal to 1.0, with reproduction and mortality balancing each other. calculations are made of net reproduction in both snail and mammal hosts and of the probabilities of transmission from each host to the other. by far the most complete data are those for schistosoma japonicum, for which the net reproduct ... | 1965 | 5294264 |
cementing ditches of the habitat of oncomelania nosophora, the intermediate host of schistosoma japonicum, as a preventive measure of schistosomiasis. a review. | | 1965 | 5295713 |
pararosaniline pamoate (ci-403-a) in the treatment of schistosoma japonicum infection in the philippines. | trials have been carried out, first on a relatively small scale among patients in manila and later on a larger scale among domiciliary patients in an area of endemic schistosomiasis in leyte province, philippines, with various dosage schedules of pararosaniline pamoate (ci-403-a) to determine that drug's efficacy and optimum dosage against schistosoma japonicum infection.given orally in gelatin capsules, the drug was well tolerated even in children, with few side-effects, and was both curative a ... | 1967 | 5299751 |
studies on complement fixation and hemagglutination tests with purified antigens, spa and sscd2 in infections with schistosoma japonicum. | | 1969 | 5308949 |
effect of immune serum on the miracidial surface of schistosoma japonicum. | | 1967 | 5334591 |
case reports. prolonged survival of schistosoma japonicum. | | 1970 | 5527889 |
susceptibility of oncomelania hybrid snails to various geographic strains of schistosoma japonicum. | | 1971 | 5567744 |
experimental study on the pathogenesis of hepatic fibrosis in rabbits infected with schistosoma japonicum. | | 1967 | 5628897 |
x-radiation of oncomelania formosana, snail host of schistosoma japonicum. effect on reproductivity and mortality. | | 1968 | 5726136 |
zoophilic schistosomiasis on taiwan: reestablishment of schistosoma japonicum subsequent to drastic alteration of habitats by flood. | | 1965 | 5857270 |
[endothelial reaction of peptide antigen of schistosoma japonicum]. | | 1965 | 5885617 |
[the effect of f30385 against schistosoma japonicum in various developmental stages]. | | 1966 | 5952718 |
further studies on susceptibility of alilao race of oncomelania formosana to infection with various strains of schistosoma japonicum. | | 1967 | 6026863 |
identity of antigens in adult tegument, gut, egg and cercaria of schistosoma japonicum by immunofluorescent study. | specificity of antigens in the different stages and tissues, i.e., gut and tegument of the adult worm, cercaria and egg of schistosoma japonicum (sj) were examined by the direct and indirect immunofluorescent antibody method with various immune rabbit sera. antigenic properties were completely different between gut of adult worms and egg. cross-reactions, however, occurred among egg, tegument and stroma of adult worms. this cross-reacting antigen in tegument appeared to be unstable against forma ... | 1984 | 6084086 |
characterization of the carbohydrates of schistosoma japonicum adult worm, egg and cercaria by analysis of lectin binding and antibody reaction. | binding of the fitc-labeled lectins, con a, sba, wga, dba, uea 1 and rca 120 were examined on various kinds of cross-sections of s. japonicum adult worms and eggs, and on cercaria specimens. the specificity of the lectin bindings was examined by inhibition test with specific carbohydrates or with unlabeled lectins. furthermore, the locations of lectin binding in schistosomes were compared with those of the antigen-antibody reactions using the fluorescence technique. it was also studied as to whe ... | 1984 | 6085582 |
[an autopsy case of bronchiolo-alveolar cell carcinoma with many schistosoma japonicum ova in the involved lung]. | | 1984 | 6087002 |
eosinophil and neutrophil chemotactic activities of adult worm extracts of schistosoma japonicum in vivo and in vitro. | large numbers of eosinophils and neutrophils attracted to the soluble extract of schistosoma japonicum adult worms (sjaw-ext) were detected at the injection site of normal guinea pig skin. eosinophil and neutrophil chemotactic activities were also confirmed in in vitro assay by using blind-well chambers with millipore filters in dose-dependent fashion. two components of sjaw-ext showed eosinophil chemotactic activity; one was in the high molecular weight fraction (jae-h), estimated to be more th ... | 1984 | 6098637 |
praziquantel: a new hope for schistosomiasis. | | 1980 | 6102634 |
schistosomiasis and colon cancer. | | 1981 | 6113339 |
hybridoma antibody immunoassays for the detection of parasitic infection: further studies on a monoclonal antibody with immunodiagnostic potential for schistosomiasis japonica. | the binding of a hybridoma-derived antibody (designated iph.134-18-6) to an extract of the adult worn of schistosoma japonicum has been further characterized. this antibody has immunodiagnostic potential for detection of infection with s. japonicum in the philippines since the binding of labeled hybridoma antibody to a crude adult worm extract in a solid-phase radioimmunoassay (ria) is inhibited by sera from greater than 90% of known infected individuals, and no false positive reactions have yet ... | 1981 | 6123249 |
the major radioiodinated cuticular antigens of onchocerca gibsoni microfilariae are neither species nor onchocerca specific. | the possible role of microfilarial surface (cuticular) antigens in immuno-diagnosis of human filarial infections has been assessed using microfilariae (mf) of the cattle parasite onchocerca gibsoni. a triton x-100 extract of 125i-labeled o. gibsoni mf was reacted with a panel of sera from humans infected with onchocerca volvulus, wuchereria bancrofti and schistosoma japonicum as well as sera from uninfected controls. results of these immunoprecipitations indicated that sera from humans infected ... | 1981 | 6171154 |
analysis of infection characteristics and antiparasite immune responses in resistant compared with susceptible hosts. | | 1982 | 6174411 |
efficacy of purified schistosoma japonicum egg antigens for elisa serodiagnosis of human schistosomiasis japonica: specificity and sensitivity. | at present, there is no consensus that purified schistosome egg antigens offer any advantage in the diagnosis of schistosomiasis by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). previously, we demonstrated by multiple techniques that the major serologic antigens in schistosoma japonicum soluble egg antigen (sea) are glycoproteins, and that the glycoproteins with highest specificity and sensitivity are hydrophobes. we therefore tested these materials for their specificity, sensitivity and cost effec ... | 1982 | 6181698 |
evaluation of an indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat) on formalin-fixed liver-egg sections for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis. | | 1982 | 6183758 |
fractionation and quantitation of egg antigens from schistosoma japonicum by the single-tube kinetic-dependent enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (k-elisa): higher antigenic activity in urea-soluble than in aqueous-soluble fractions. | to identify sources of high potency antigens for use in serodiagnosis, aqueous-soluble egg antigens from schistosoma japonicum were extracted with dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline. residual particulates were solubilized with tris-buffered 8 m urea, yielding a urea-soluble egg antigen fraction. the urea-soluble fraction was further fractionated with bio gel a50m and qae-sephadex. all fractions were quantitatively assayed for their specific antigenic activities against serum specimens from inf ... | 1982 | 6184464 |
schistosoma mansoni adult microsomal antigens, a serologic reagent. ii. specificity of antibody responses to the s. mansoni microsomal antigen (mama). | the purified schistosoma mansoni adult microsomal antigen, mama, was used in the quantitative single-tube kinetic dependent enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (k-elisa) to measure antibody levels of various human patient sera. the 511 serum specimens tested were from patients with both homologous and heterologous infections. sera from u.s., egyptian, brazilian, and puerto rican patients infected with s. mansoni reacted strongly with mama. chinese patients infected with s. japonicum, and nigerians ... | 1983 | 6185578 |
specificity of antibody and cellular immune responses in human schistosomiasis. | thirty patients infected with schistosoma mekongi, s. mansoni or s. japonicum had cell-mediated immune responses assessed by lymphocyte transformation in vitro (lt), immediate hypersensitivity responses determined by basophil histamine release in vitro (hr) and igg antibody responses evaluated in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). species specificity was evaluated with antigens obtained from adult worms or eggs of the three schistosome species. though cross-reactivity was present in a ... | 1983 | 6186153 |
sj23, the target antigen in schistosoma japonicum adult worms of an immunodiagnostic hybridoma antibody. | an igg2a mouse hybridoma-derived antibody (designated i.134) has been identified which binds to schistosoma japonicum adult worms and which has immunodiagnostic potential (for detection of antibody) in schistosomiasis japonica in the philippines. the target epitope of this hybridoma antibody is contained in a 23 000 molecular weight protein of adult worms as analysed by one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitates and a gel overlay technique. t ... | 1983 | 6186977 |
schistosoma japonicum: immunological characterization and detection of circulating polysaccharide antigens from adult worms. | the antigenic constituents of a trichloroacetic acid (tca)-soluble fraction of adult schistosoma japonicum were studied with immunoelectrophoresis, and compared with those of schistosoma mansoni. eight tca-soluble antigens of s. japonicum were demonstrated, five of which showed immunological identity with s. mansoni antigens. of the eight antigens, five antigens with anodic motility were found as circulating antigens in s. japonicum-infected hamster and rabbit sera; the major circulating antigen ... | 1983 | 6187594 |
antigen-specific suppressor t lymphocytes (leu-2a+3a-) in human schistosomiasis japonica. | immunoregulatory mechanisms in human schistosomiasis japonica were investigated through in vitro t lymphocyte-macrophage co-culture experiments. high responder t lymphocytes responded to the schistosomal adult worm antigen in the presence of hla-dr-compatible low responder macrophages, whereas low responder t lymphocytes failed to respond to this antigen even in the presence of hla-dr-compatible high responder macrophages. this observation strongly suggested that t lymphocytes, but not macrophag ... | 1983 | 6195267 |
cell-mediated and humoral immune responses in capuchin monkeys infected with schistosoma japonicum or schistosoma mansoni. | cell-mediated immune responses, assessed by lymphocyte clonal expansion in vitro, as well as humoral responses, assessed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), were evaluated in capuchin monkeys during a 7-month infection with schistosoma mansoni or with a japanese or philippine strain of schistosoma japonicum. although mounting a vigorous antibody response against parasite antigens, the s. mansoni-infected monkeys failed to show lymphocyte proliferation in response to stimulation with ... | 1983 | 6196978 |
associations between hla and immune responses in individuals with chronic schistosomiasis japonica. | the association of an hla specificity with low or high immune responsiveness to schistosoma japonicum antigen (sj) was demonstrated among individuals who had previously been exposed to s. japonicum infection. the frequency of hla-aw24 specificity among low responders in the igg antibody response determined by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was higher than that among high responders. significant association between hla-b7 and high responsiveness was observed in the ige antibody res ... | 1984 | 6205482 |
schistosoma mansoni, s. haematobium, and s. japonicum: identification of genus- and species-specific antigenic egg glycoproteins. | immunoreactive egg glycoproteins of schistosoma mansoni, s. haematobium, and s. japonicum which are genus- and species-specific, or react with sera of patients infected with other parasites, have been identified. egg proteins were labeled with iodine-125, and the concanavalin a-binding glycoproteins were immunoprecipitated with sera of patients infected with one of four species of schistosoma or trichinella spiralis, taenia solium, echinococcus granulosus, entamoeba histolytica, or wuchereria ba ... | 1984 | 6209162 |
schistosoma mekongi infection in man: cellular immune responses and modulating mechanisms. | cell-mediated immune responses (cmi), as assessed by lymphocyte proliferation in vitro, were evaluated in 11 laotian patients harbouring asymptomatic chronic infections by schistosoma mekongi, a schistosome closely related to s. japonicum. when the mononuclear cells of these patients were cultured in autologous plasma, lymphocyte responses to schistosome antigens were essentially nil, not differing from those of unexposed north american controls. specific lymphocyte proliferation, however, was s ... | 1982 | 6212174 |
immune complex glomerulonephritis and amyloidosis in schistosoma japonicum infected rabbits. | epidemiologically, the incidence of renal pathology in patients with chronic parasitic infections is higher than expected. in particular, schistosomiasis may have an association with renal failure. 24 new zealand white rabbits were, therefore infected with 250 or 500 schistosoma japonicum cercariae of the philippine-leyte strain and studied for eight months to determine if rabbits with long-term infections were suitable hosts for the study of schistosomal nephropathy. clinical evidence for renal ... | 1982 | 6213073 |
[effect of praziquantel on atp uptake and metabolism of schistosoma japonicum (author's transl)]. | | 1982 | 6214147 |
[effect in vitro of metabolized praziquantel on schistosoma japonicum]. | | 1982 | 6216732 |
genetic control of immune responses to schistosoma japonicum antigen. | a high-titre ige-antibody response to schistosoma japonicum antigen (sj) is obtained if helper t cells are appropriately induced by the infection. the antibody responses were found to be regulated by a gene(s) linked to the major histocompatibility complex. strains of h-2a and h-2k haplotypes were high responders, whereas h-2d, h-2b and h-2s strains were not. results obtained by using intra-h-2 recombinant strains suggested that the immune-response (ir) gene was mapped in the i-e subregion, alth ... | 1983 | 6219331 |
[studies on the microsome antigen of schistosoma japonicum. 1. preliminary report on the preparation and antigenic properties of adult worm microsomes]. | | 1982 | 6219772 |
isozyme patterns of schistosoma japonicum and s. mansoni. | isozyme patterns of six enzymes, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glucosephosphate isomerase, hexokinase, malate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and phosphoglucomutase were examined in electrophoresed homogenates of adult male worms of schistosoma japonicum and s. mansoni. in general, enzyme patterns obtained from the parasite homogenates differed from that of host (mouse) blood and muscle, indicating that electrophoretic patterns from parasite extracts are most probably of parasite o ... | 1983 | 6221047 |
[effect in vitro of metabolites of praziquantel on schistosoma japonicum]. | | 1983 | 6223498 |
nutritional requirements of schistosoma japonicum eggs. | newly laid eggs of schistosoma japonicum were cultured in a serum-free, chemically defined medium, rpmi 1640, which contained 20 amino acids, glutathione, 11 vitamins, and glucose in a balanced salt solution. the requirements for these components in the nutrition of the eggs was investigated by the deletion of single component from the medium. the following 14 amino acids were shown to be essential for the full development of the egg in the medium: l-arginine, l-cystine, glycine, l-histidine, l- ... | 1983 | 6231359 |
[effects of artemether on schistosoma japonicum adult worms and ova]. | | 1984 | 6232824 |
[histological observation on the effects of praziquantel on schistosomulae of schistosoma japonicum in mouse skin]. | | 1984 | 6232825 |
[purine metabolism in schistosoma japonicum]. | | 1984 | 6240356 |
[effects of pyquiton on pulmonary s. japonicum egg granulomas in sensitized mice]. | | 1984 | 6241053 |
[isolation and preliminary analysis of surface membrane antigen from adult worm of schistosoma japonicum]. | | 1984 | 6241070 |
the metabolism of pyrimidine and purine in schistosoma japonicum. | | 1984 | 6242289 |
fractionation and characterization of allergens extracted from eggs of schistosoma japonicum. | allergenic components were partially purified from the crude extract of eggs of schistosoma japonicum by gel filtration on sephadex g-200 and ion-exchange chromatography on deae-sephadex a-50. allergenic activity was assayed by the prausnitz-küstner type skin test with infected mouse sera and radioallergosorbent test with human ser. s. japonicum egg allergens (jeal) showed single and three allergenic peaks, by isoelectrofocusing (pi = 4.8) and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. th ... | 1981 | 6257614 |
fibroblast stimulation in schistosomiasis. i. stimulation in vitro of fibroblasts by soluble products of egg granulomas. | to gain further understanding of the pathogenesis of hepatic fibrosis in schistosomiasis, the interaction between egg granulomas and fibroblasts was investigated in an in vitro model. egg granulomas isolated from livers of mice infected with schistosoma mansoni or schistosoma japonicum and cultured in vitro released a nondialyzable substance which stimulated proliferation in resting dermal fibroblasts. the release of the fibroblast-stimulating substance remained relatively constant during the fi ... | 1981 | 6268716 |
schistosomiasis japonica in barrio san antonio, basey, samar, in the philippines. v. the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) compared with quantitative stool examination and the circumoval precipitin (cop) test. | | 1981 | 6275726 |
granuloma formation around exogenous eggs of schistosoma mansoni and schistosoma japonicum in mice. | hepatic granulomata which were qualitatively and quantitatively similar to those seen in infections established with cercariae were induced by surgical injection of exogenous eggs of schistosoma mansoni and schistosoma japonicum via the mesenteric veins of previously unexposed albino mice. thereafter, their comparative histopathologic studies were made. the maximum mean sizes of granulomata were attained on day 32 with viable eggs of these parasite species. although s. mansoni eggs produced sign ... | 1982 | 6301246 |
recurrent lumbosacral and brachial plexopathy associated with schistosomiasis. | | 1983 | 6311145 |
differentiation of schistosomes by species, strain, and sex by using cloned dna markers. | we have detected species, strain, and sex-specific genetic markers for the genus schistosoma by southern blot analysis of its dna using cloned dna segments of the schistosoma mansoni ribosomal gene as probes. restriction analysis of dna from eight different strains of s. mansoni, from africa and the caribbean, revealed that the predominant or major dna fragment containing the ribosomal gene unit was the same in each but that low copy number or minor fragments containing the gene varied. it was s ... | 1984 | 6322176 |
factors affecting the acquisition of resistance to schistosoma japonicum in the mouse. ii. evidence that resistance to reinfection is not mediated by specific effector mechanisms. | the skin phase of schistosomular migration was neither essential for the induction or expression of acquired resistance since mice given primary infections by the intraperitoneal route were as resistant to intraperitoneal or percutaneous challenge as were mice given their primary infections percutaneously. serum taken from resistant donors with acute or chronic infections conferred no ability to resist infection upon recipient mice. in two experiments mice that were deprived of their t-cells wer ... | 1984 | 6334269 |
retroperitoneal fibrosis associated with schistosoma japonicum infestation--an immunologically mediated disease? | a patient with s. japonicum infestation of the liver presented with acute renal failure due to retroperitoneal fibrosis, together with the presence of low complement levels, anti-nuclear and anti-dna antibodies. renal failure responded to intravenous bolus methylprednisone and later definitive surgery, with complement levels returning to normal after the acute episode. the findings are consistent with the hypothesis that retroperitoneal fibrosis may be a local manifestation of a systemic immune ... | 1984 | 6334390 |
three cases of schistosomiasis mekongi from northern laos. | three cases of intestinal schistosomiasis acquired in northern laos are reported. all three patients swam regularly for many years in the mekong river near the cities of vientiane and luang prabang. morphology of the eggs found on rectal biopsy indicated infection with schistosoma mekongi. one patient had severe portal hypertension with bleeding esophageal varices requiring a splenorenal shunt; studies of her liver biopsy showed s. mekongi eggs and periportal fibrosis. a second patient had abnor ... | 1984 | 6334449 |
[preliminary observation on the activity of t lymphocyte acid alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase in the blood of patients with schistosomiasis japonica]. | | 1984 | 6334576 |
schistosoma and related genera: acquired resistance in mice. | | 1983 | 6337057 |
hybridoma antibody-based competitive elisa in schistosoma japonicum infection. | a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) has been developed and compared with the circumoval precipitin test (copt) for diagnosis of schistosomiasis japonica using philippine sera. the assay is based on the inhibition, by sera, of the binding of a penicillinase-conjugated hybridoma-derived antibody, i. 134, to a crude schistosoma japonicum adult worm extract. a change in ph subsequent to addition of the substrate is used as the indicator system. development of the color change in ... | 1983 | 6337516 |
fluorescent histochemistry of acid proteases in adult schistosoma mansoni and schistosoma japonicum. | the acid proteases, cathepsin b, dipeptidyl aminopeptidase i and ii were demonstrated by fluorescent histochemistry in adult schistosoma mansoni and schistosoma japonicum. alanyl- and leucine-aminopeptidase activities were not observed. the substrates consisted of 4-methoxy-beta-naphthylamide derivatives coupled to the fluorescent molecule, 5-nitrosalicylaldehyde. reaction product was observed as discrete granules in the gastrodermis; activity was also observed in the testes and vitelline cells ... | 1983 | 6338188 |
ultrastructural investigations on the effects of praziquantel on human trematodes from asia: clonorchis sinensis, metagonimus yokogawai, opisthorchis viverrini, paragonimus westermani and schistosoma japonicum. | the effect of praziquantel (biltricide) on the ultrastructure of trematodes pathogenic to man in asia was investigated in: clonorchis sinensis, opisthorchis viverrini, schistosoma japonicum, metagonimus yokogawai, and paragonimus westermani. the different parasites were isolated from their respective experimental hosts and uniformly incubated for 5, 15, 30 or 60 min at 37 degrees c in medium tc 199 containing 0, 1, 10 or 100 micrograms praziquantel/ml. all parasites exposed to praziquantel were ... | 1983 | 6338885 |
localization of antigen within eggs of schistosoma japonicum that participate in circumoval precipitin (cop) reaction. | | 1983 | 6343579 |
seroepidemiology of schistosomiasis japonica by elisa in the philippines. i. underestimation by stool examination of the prevalence of infection in school children. | in a longitudinal seroepidemiological study in the schistosoma japonicum endemic area of leyte, the elisa technique to determine prevalence and incidence rates in elementary school children was compared with similar determinations made by a modified quantitative stool examination (mifc). in the area of this study, barrio salvador, tanauan, leyte, the ongoing schistosomiasis japonica control program in the philippines is dependent on stool examination by mifc and/or the quantitative thick smear ( ... | 1983 | 6359910 |
evaluation of micro-elisa for schistosomiasis japonica using crude egg antigen. | procedures of micro-elisa for detecting antibody of schistosoma japonicum infection were improved by using crude egg antigen, peroxidase-labeled antibody and o-phenylenediamine on a micro-elisa plate (m129a, dynatech). reactions were performed with 0.1 ml of reagents in 0.3 ml wells at each step and 0.3 ml of substrate was placed at the final procedure. the endpoint of reaction was defined as the upper limit of 99% critical range of absorbance in negative sera at 1:40 dilution which was approxim ... | 1983 | 6363767 |
[antibody detection (ifat, elisa) in experimental schistosoma japonicum-infected goats]. | | 1984 | 6370227 |
lung-stage expression of a major schistosome surface antigen. | the topographical expression of a glycoprotein of 180,000 molecular weight on the surface of lung-stage schistosoma mansoni schistosomula was determined by immunofluorescence microscopy using a monoclonal antibody. postfixation treatment with graded ethanols enhanced specific immunofluorescent staining of adult worms, and was required for detection of the antigen on the surfaces of lung-stage schistosomula. the epitope recognized by the monoclonal antibody was also present on the surfaces of adu ... | 1983 | 6371211 |
[studies on the antigens common to adult worm and cercaria of schistosoma japonicum]. | | 1983 | 6380794 |
[urease-antibody conjugate elisa and its application in the diagnosis of schistosomiasis japonica--a preliminary report]. | | 1983 | 6380804 |
[a solid enzyme immunoassay using nylon disc for the detection of specific antibodies of schistosoma japonicum]. | | 1984 | 6380807 |
variations of titers of immunofluorescent antibody against cercaria, adult and egg antigens developed in rabbits infected with schistosoma japonicum before and after treatment with praziquantel. | the antibody titers of schistosoma japonicum infected rabbits were examined against different antigens in various stages of s. japonicum using the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test with fitc-labeled anti-rabbit-gamma-globulin. the first immunofluorescent reaction could be demonstrated in the gut of adult worms 3 to 4 weeks after infection, depending on the strength of infection, then 2 weeks later within the egg shell and on the cercaria and about 1 more week later in the tegument of adul ... | 1984 | 6384587 |
phase iii clinical trials with praziquantel in s. japonicum infections in the philippines. | following successful phase ii clinical studies with praziquantel (2-cyclohexylcarbonyl-1,2,3,6,7,11b-hexahydro-4h-pyrazino [2,1-a]isoquinolin-4-one, embay 8440, biltricide), expanded field trials of phase iii were conducted in mindoro oriental, leyte and davao norte, to reassess efficacy, safety and acceptability of the drug on a larger scale. a total of 6,134 cases were treated with the best tolerated and effective dose of 60 mg/kg bwt which for practical purposes was given in 2 instead of 3 di ... | 1984 | 6391506 |
[comparison of different methods of the circumoval precipitin test (copt) for schistosomiasis japonica. field evaluation of the copt group]. | | 1984 | 6391723 |
[preliminary study on monoclonal antibodies against schistosoma japonicum]. | | 1984 | 6391725 |
[immunofluorescence circumoval precipitin test in the diagnosis of schistosomiasis japonica]. | | 1984 | 6391726 |
[preliminary application of elisa of liver sections of infected mice in the diagnosis of schistosomiasis japonica]. | | 1984 | 6391727 |
[amino acid composition of antigens of schistosoma japonicum eggs and the adult schistosoma japonicum, paragonimus westermani and clonorchis sinensis]. | | 1984 | 6391728 |
the presence of anti-sheep red blood cell heterophile antibodies and their characteristics in murine schistosomiasis japonica. | sensitive methods of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) using red blood cells (rbc) have been developed and were applied to the detection of anti-sheep red blood cell (srbc) heterophile antibodies (ab) present in sera of schistosoma japonicum (sj)-infected mice. the indirect hemagglutination test (iha) was used for the purpose as well. by these methods a significant increase in the heterophile ab levels was demonstrated in the mice particularly after 6-10 weeks of infection. the hetero ... | 1984 | 6394971 |
the kinetics of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. | | 1984 | 6395341 |
detection of malaysian schistosomiasis in orang asli of peninsular malaysia using serodiagnostic tests. | | 1984 | 6398916 |
experiences with praziquantel against schistosoma japonicum infection in the philippines. | | 1984 | 6398917 |
immunoglobulin m-immunoglobulin g mixed cryoglobulinemia in schistosoma japonicum-infected rabbits. | cryoprecipitation was observed in defibrinated serum from schistosoma japonicum-infected rabbits. ouchterlony immunodiffusion, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, and anti-cryoprecipitate antiserum demonstrated the presence of immunoglobulin g (igg), igm, c3, fibrinogen, and an alpha-macroglobulin. parasite antigen was not detected. igg and igm from pooled cryoprecipitates failed to react with each other in ouchterlony immunodiffusion gels after separation by column chromatography. the d ... | 1983 | 6404826 |
[ultrastructure of ovum shell and circumoval precipitates of schistosoma japonicum]. | | 1983 | 6413032 |