
the detection of enteropathogens in acute diarrhea in a family cohort population in rural 8 villages of rural northeastern egypt, a 2-year study of the etiologic agents associated with episodes of diarrhea was carried out. stool specimens (3,243) from 3,513 episodes of diarrhea were processed for enteropathogens. the most commonly identified agents in the group with diarrhea were giardia lamblia (44%), heat stable enterotoxin (st)-producing enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) (15%), heat labile toxin (lt)-producing etec (12%), enteropathogenic e. coli (epec) (4%), rotavirus (3 ...19862876656
prevalence of enteric parasites in homosexual patients attending an outpatient clinic.a total of 372 pooled stool specimens from 274 homosexual men with diarrhea were submitted for parasitologic examination over a 2.5-year period. each two-vial pooled specimen set contained portions of stool from 3 consecutive days in formalin and polyvinyl alcohol. of the 274 patients, 133 (48.5%) harbored one or more intestinal protozoa, with 161 (43.3%) of the 372 specimens submitted being positive for one or more organisms. the parasites identified included entamoeba histolytica (71 patients) ...19862877006
impaired production of alpha and gamma interferon in asymptomatic homosexual vitro production of alpha interferon and gamma interferon was examined in cell cultures from 90 asymptomatic homosexual males and 19 healthy heterosexual male controls. the production of alpha and gamma interferon was significantly suppressed in homosexuals as compared to that in heterosexual controls (p less than 0.005 and p less than 0.001, respectively). forty-one of the homosexuals produced less gamma interferon than any of the heterosexual controls. antibodies against the human immune sy ...19862877877
longitudinal study of diarrhoeal disease in a peri-urban community in manaus (amazon-brazil).a 20-month longitudinal study of diarrhoeal disease was carried out in a poor peri-urban community of manaus (amazon-brazil), and the attack rate of this disease ranged from 0.2 to 4.8 episodes of diarrhoea per person per year. the age group most affected was 0 to 35 months old. a probable aetiological agent was identified in 68 of the 110 faecal samples collected. the most frequent enteropathogens isolated were enterotoxigenic escherichia coli and giardia lamblia. enterotoxigenic escherichia co ...19862878647
use of monoclonal antibodies to identify, characterize, and purify a 96,000-dalton surface antigen of pathogenic entamoeba histolytica.we identified and partially characterized a surface antigen of entamoeba histolytica by using seven monoclonal antibodies obtained after injecting mice with a pathogenic strain of amoeba. an intrinsically radiolabeled 96,000-dalton antigen was immunoprecipitated by five of the seven monoclonal antibodies; this antigen was present in three strains of e. histolytica. the antigen was situated on the external surface of e. histolytica, as demonstrated by agglutination and immunofluorescence staining ...19872885384
seroepidemiologic study of giardiasis patients and high-risk groups in a midwestern city in the united states.serum antibodies to giardia lamblia were measured in giardiasis patients, in groups at high risk for intestinal parasite infection, and in controls by an indirect fluorescent antibody (ifa) technique. symptomatic patients had the highest antibody titers, and antibodies remained present for up to 18 months in persons with chronic infection. indochinese refugees and male homosexuals with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and pre-aids had higher mean antibody levels than did healthy con ...19872886069
a double-antibody sandwich elisa for the detection of entamoeba histolytica antigen in stool samples of humans.a double-antibody sandwich elisa was developed to detect detergent-solubilized antigens of entamoeba histolytica in stool samples of humans. the test system was evaluated for its methodical and diagnostic sensitivity and specificity. in recovery experiments the lower limit of detection was 400 ng e. histolytica (hk9) protein/ml stool, corresponding to approximately 2000 amoebic trophozoites/ml stool. samples of 97 patients with suspected intestinal amoebiasis were examined. specific antigens wer ...19872888183
a longitudinal study on relations of retinol with parasitic infections and the immune response in children of kikwawila village, tanzania.from 1982 to 1984 170 children of kikwawila village (kilombero district, tanzania) were followed for nutritional (anthropometric measures, hematocrit, serum retinol, prealbumin, and zinc concentrations), parasitological (malaria parasitemia, urinary schistosomiasis, intestinal parasites) and immunological characteristics. between 2.9% and 12.4% had serum retinol levels less than 100 micrograms/l which indicate deficiency. retinol concentrations were correlated with age, hematocrits, prealbumin l ...19872891270
rapid reinfection by giardia lamblia after treatment in a hyperendemic third world a peri-urban shanty town in lima, peru, that was hyperendemic for giardia lamblia, 44 children aged between 0.9 months and 10 years were effectively treated for giardia lamblia with tinidazole. stools were examined weekly in the 6 months after treatment to determine the rate of reinfection, and after reinfection stools continued to be examined. 98% of the children became reinfected with giardia lamblia within 6 months, and after reinfection stool excretion of the parasite lasted a mean (sd) o ...19882893149
an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of entamoeba histolytica antigens in faecal material.this paper describes a method for the detection of entamoeba histolytica antigens in stool samples using a multi-layer elisa. the method is sensitive and specific, showing no interference with other intestinal parasites, e.g. e. coli, e. hartmanni, endolimax nana, iodamoeba buetschlii, hymenolepis nana, giardia lamblia, trichomonas and ascaris. the method provides a rapid and simple screening assay for e. histolytica infections and should assist in diagnosis and epidemiological studies of the di ...19872895514
[the importance of entamoeba histolytica in persons returning from the tropics].stools from 1000 travellers returning from the tropics were examined for intestinal parasites. the most frequently isolated intestinal pathogens were giardia lamblia (5%) and e. histolytica (3.6%). for 21 out of 36 e. histolytica isolates iso-enzyme differentiation by starch-gel electrophoresis was possible, yielding a pathogenic pattern in four. this finding correlated closely with clinical symptoms and positive serology, while e. histolytica with non-pathogenic zymodeme should not be considere ...19882896113
the prevalence of entamoeba histolytica in lactating women and in their infants in bangladesh.entamoeba histolytica was studied in 33 lactating women and their infants in a periurban village in bangladesh. infant-mother pairs were followed for a period of 10-15 months: 67% of mothers excreted e. histolytica during the observation period, the majority for 3 months or more. only one mother was symptomatic, with a mild, non-dysenteric diarrhoea. 58% of mothers were seropositive, several of them continuously and with a high titre, indicating past invasive infection. 67% had detectable antibo ...19882902705
amebic liver abscess and circulating immune complexes of entamoeba histolytica enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) has been developed to detect amebic antigen in polyethylene-glycol-precipitable circulating immune complexes. seventy-nine percent of 191 patients with amebic liver abscesses and 46% of 26 entamoeba histolytica cyst passers had positive tests. none of the samples from 43 apparently healthy controls, 8 patients with past amebic liver abscesses or 31 patients with giardia lamblia infections were positive. one patient out of 32 with viral hepatitis and 1 ...19882904229
cysteine-rich variant surface proteins of giardia lamblia.surface antigenic variation was previously demonstrated in vitro and in vivo using giardia lamblia isolate wb. to determine whether other isolates undergo similar changes, isolates gs and n were cloned and exposed to cytotoxic anti-isolate sera or monoclonal antibodies (mabs) specific to particular surface antigen. the surviving giardia (progeny) and clones showed different surface antigens as judged by resistance to cytotoxicity, loss of antigens determined by surface radiolabeling, and failure ...19892911277
phylogenetic meaning of the kingdom concept: an unusual ribosomal rna from giardia analysis of the small subunit ribosomal rna (16s-like rrna) from the protozoan giardia lamblia provided a new perspective on the evolution of nucleated cells. evolutionary distances estimated from sequence comparisons between the 16s-like rrnas of giardia lamblia and other eukaryotes exceed similar estimates of evolutionary diversity between archaebacteria and eubacteria and challenge the phylogenetic significance of multiple eukaryotic kingdoms. the giardia lamblia 16s-like rrna has retained ...19892911720
identification and localization of cyst-specific antigens of giardia lamblia.we induced giardia lamblia trophozoites to encyst in vitro by exposure to conditions which are specific to the human small intestinal milieu. we now show that encystation entails the appearance of two new groups of antigens detected in western blots by rabbit antiserum against cysts which had been purified from human feces. a heterodisperse group of lower-molecular-mass antigens (approximately 21 to 39 kilodaltons) was expressed relatively early (less than 19 h) in encystation. in contrast, disc ...19892917795
giardiasis and breast-feeding in urban africa.the protective role of breastfeeding against giardia lamblia, a protozoan parasite endemic in central africa, was assessed through an analysis of stool samples from 400 infants aged 1 week-24 months in libreville. stool samples were collected during both the rainy and dry seasons in 1985 and 1986. at the time of stool collection, 237 infants were breastfed and 163 were bottle-fed (the mean weaning age among the 123 infants in the latter group who had at 1 point been breastfed was 8.2 months). ...19892922241
epidemiologic surveillance for endemic giardia lamblia infection in vermont. the roles of waterborne and person-to-person transmission.the authors studied 1,211 laboratory-confirmed, non-outbreak-related cases of giardiasis in vermont residents reported through vermont's laboratory-based active surveillance system between 1983 and 1986. giardiasis was the most common reportable disease in the state, with an average annual incidence rate of 45.9 cases per 100,000 population per year. this rate is higher than that in other states reporting giardiasis incidence. morbidity from giardiasis was also significant in that 30% of cases r ...19892923123
characterization of a 29.4-kilodalton structural protein of giardia lamblia and localization to the ventral disk [corrected].the amino acid sequence of a 29.4-kilodalton [corrected] structural protein located in the ventral disk and axostyle of giardia lamblia was determined. clone lambda m16 from a mung bean expression library in lambda gt11 expressed a fusion protein recognized by three different isolate-specific antisera and sera from g. lamblia-infected gerbils. one of the three ecori fragments (m16; 1.26 kilobases) encoded the recognized protein. sequence analysis revealed a single open reading frame of 813 base ...19892925253
identification of giardia lamblia in peritoneal fluid of trauma patients. 19892929231
recurrent outbreaks of giardiasis in a child day care center, the 19-month period september 1983-march 1985, three outbreaks of giardiasis occurred in one large child day care center. control measures instituted during each outbreak included case finding; pharmacologic treatment and follow-up testing of stool specimens for cases of giardia infection in day care children and staff, and their household contacts; facilitating and stressing personal and environmental hygiene, including altering diapering practices and teaching appropriate hand washing techn ...19892929809
isoenzyme studies of giardia lamblia isolated from symptomatic cases.strains of giardia lamblia were isolated from symptomatic cases of giardiasis and axenized in the laboratory. electrophoretic mobility patterns of four enzymes, viz., ec glucose phosphate isomerase (gpi); ec 1.1.1,4.0.l-malate; nadp+ oxidoreductase (oxaloacetate decarboxylating) (me); ec phosphoglucomutase (pgm); and ec hexokinase (hk) of the lysates prepared from these isolates were studied using starch-gel. based on differences in mobility patterns of pgm and hk, the fo ...19862943257
[giardia intestinalis: influence of the composition of the osmolarity of the medium on in vitro excystation].the in vitro excystation of giardia intestinalis was studied to make the osmolarity (from 50 to 500 mosmol/l) and the components of growth medium (mci saline solution, mcii glucose solution, mciii nutritive solution) varying. the percentage of excystation, the viability and the generation time were determined. excystation was observed in the saline solution between 100 to 450 mosmol/l after cyst acid pepsin incubation. the trophozoite viability was increased by glucose addition (60 min in mci; 3 ...19872958118
a comparative study of infections with rodent isolates of giardia duodenalis in inbred strains of rats and mice and in hypothymic nude rats.giardia isolated from mice and rats have been identified as giardia duodenalis by morphological criteria. no differences in the electrophoretic mobilities of 28 enzymes were detected between the mouse and rat isolates or between these isolates and human and cat isolates. infections with both rodent isolates have been studied in several strains of inbred rats. no significant differences were detected between the rat strains, with the mouse isolate producing a self-limiting infection and the rat i ...19882967456
biliary antibody response in rats infected with rodent giardia duodenalis isolates.using a sensitive elisa, specific serum and bile anti-giardia igm and iga responses were studied in rats infected with two strains of giardia duodenalis: a rat isolate which produces a chronic infection and a mouse isolate which produces a self-limiting infection. paired samples of serum and bile were collected from groups of da (rt1avl) rats at various times during primary and secondary infections. antibody responses to both organisms were similar. only iga anti-giardia antibodies were detected ...19882967457
calcium transport and catabolism of adenosine triphosphate in the protozoan parasite giardia lamblia.1. calcium uptake by washed trophozoites of giardia lamblia was dependent on inorganic orthophosphate and stimulated by glucose. uptake was both rapid and substantial: 224 +/- 73 nmoles ca2+/mg protein/min. 2. known inhibitors of ca2+ uptake in mammalian cells also impeded ca2+ influx into g. lamblia. 3. the inhibitor studies indicated that ca2+ transport in g. lamblia was an active process. energy for such a process could be provided by the action of atpases. 4. two types of atpases were found ...19882973967
a linear double-stranded rna in trichomonas vaginalis.a "double-stranded" rna was identified in the anaerobic, parasitic protozoan trichomonas vaginalis. electron microscopic evidence indicated linear double-stranded structure 1.5 micron in length, with no apparent hairpins or loops. boiling in 30% dimethyl sulfoxide denatured it into single strands of 1.5 micron and shorter fragments. it consists of 23.4% g, 23.4% c, 23.0% a, and 30.3% u and melts at a transition temperature of 81.7 degrees c in 75 mm nacl and 7.5 mm sodium citrate, ph 7.0, with 7 ...19852982874
a two-year longitudinal study on the etiology of acute diarrhea in young children in northern italy.during a 24-month period, 561 young children (6 months-2 years of age) hospitalized for acute diarrhea were studied for enteric pathogens. patients positive for one or more pathogens were 359 (64.0%). infection with one pathogen was found in 266 (47.4%) patients, whereas multiple infection was detected in 93 (16.6%) patients. enteropathogens associated with disease were rotaviruses: 150 (26.7%), adenoviruses: 99 (17,6%), non-polio enteroviruses: 48 (8.5%), coronaviruses: 10 (1.8%), parvoviruses: ...19852983179
risk factors for fatal childhood diarrhea: a case-control study from two remote panamanian islands.between september 1979 and march 1980, distinguishing features between fatal and nonfatal cases of diarrhea caused by the same etiologic agents were sought in a case-control investigation of cuna indian children living on the san blas islands located off panama's caribbean coast. the eight fatal cases of diarrhea (four associated with rotavirus, one with giardia lamblia, and three without identifiable pathogens), which occurred in a cohort of 186 children aged less than five years who were follo ...19852990200
diarrheal illness among infants and toddlers in day care centers. i. epidemiology and pathogens.we conducted a 2-year prospective study of diarrheal illness in children ages 0 to 36 months in 22 day care centers in maricopa county, arizona. in 7464 child-months of observation, 465 sporadic cases and 170 outbreak-associated cases of diarrhea were identified. enteric pathogens were identified in 20% of diarrhea episodes. giardia lamblia, rotavirus, and campylobacter jejuni were the most common pathogens. giardia was significantly more common in toddlers than in infants and was found in 19% o ...19852995628
diarrheal illness among infants and toddlers in day care centers. ii. comparison with day care homes and households.during the second year of a prospective study of diarrheal illness among 0- to 36-month-old children in day care centers in maricopa county, arizona, we concurrently studied children of the same age in 30 day care homes and 102 households not using day care. the seasonal pattern of diarrhea, frequency of pathogen isolation, and relative frequency of individual pathogens were similar in the three settings. giardia lamblia and rotavirus were the most common enteropathogens. asymptomatic infection ...19852995629
treatment of infectious complications of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.the infectious complications of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) are discussed, and the conventional and nonconventional therapies used for these infections are reviewed. the infections most commonly encountered in patients with aids are pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (58%), candida esophagitis (31%), toxoplasmosis (21%), cytomegalovirus infections (15%), and herpes-simplex virus infections (12%). pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is the most common life-threatening process in these pa ...19852996829
[epidemiology, etiology and laboratory diagnosis of infectious diarrhea diseases in the tropics].diarrhoeal diseases belong to the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in tropical countries, especially in infants and small children. about one billion episodes are estimated for this group of age with 4.6 million fatalities. many causes are discussed to explain the high incidence: bottle feeding of infants, protein malnutrition, unsafe drinking water and unsafe disposal of excrements and sewage, unsufficient consciousness of personal and domestic hygiene, lack of knowledge on the origin ...19853000920
pathogens that cause travelers' diarrhea in latin america and africa.with the advent of rapid and convenient means of transportation, millions of persons travel each year from industrialized to developing countries in the tropics and subtropics. these travelers are at risk for a variety of infectious diseases that are endemic in these areas; the most frequently occurring of these is diarrhea. studies of groups of travelers to latin america and africa have found that approximately one-half develop diarrhea during their stay abroad. etiologic investigations of thes ...19863014633
detection of enteropathogens in fatal and potentially fatal diarrhea in cairo, egypt.a 1-year study of the etiology of acute diarrhea complicated by severe (10%) dehydration, active bleeding, shock and cardiovascular collapse, pneumonia, acute renal failure, or seizures in infants under 18 months of age was performed in cairo, egypt. of 145 infants, 19 (13%) died or left the hospital moribund; the remaining 126 patients were classified as having potentially fatal illness. a variety of enteropathogens were identified with approximately equal frequency in the fatal and nonfatal co ...19863023441
giardia lamblia: detection and characterization of calmodulin.calmodulin was detected in giardia lamblia by radioimmunoassay and cyclic amp phosphodiesterase activation. this protein was purified to apparent homogeneity by fast protein liquid chromatography with a yield of 260 ng of calmodulin/mg of protozoan protein. purity was established by gel electrophoresis, gel filtration, and ion exchange chromatography. the parasite calmodulin has properties characteristic of calmodulin isolated from other eukaryotes, e.g., an apparent molecular weight of 16.7 kd; ...19873026834
two-year survey of etiologic agents of diarrheal disease at san lazaro hospital, manila, republic of the philippines.the prevalence of bacterial pathogens and rotavirus in 2,908 patients with diarrhea who were admitted to san lazaro hospital in manila in 1983 and 1984 was determined. one or more enteric pathogens were isolated or detected in samples from 1,698 (58.4%) patients. isolation rates for the various enteropathogens were as follows: rotavirus, 30.6%; shigella spp., 11.6%; salmonella spp., 9.2%; enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (1983 only), 7.8%; vibrio cholerae biotype eltor, 3.8%; non-o1 v. cholerae, ...19873038946
perspectives on gastrointestinal infections in aids.gastrointestinal illnesses are among the most common and debilitating complication of infections with hiv, affecting 50 per cent to almost 100 per cent of aids patients in developed and developing countries, respectively. a number of factors including relevant modes of transmission, the environment, and immunosuppression conspire to determine which enteric infectious agents hiv-infected persons acquire. in developed countries, transmission of a diverse spectrum of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa ...19883049355
antibodies to the giardia lamblia double-stranded rna virus major protein can block the viral infection.the double-stranded rna virus-like particles, found among several independent isolates and cloned strains of giardia lamblia, have previously been reported to be spheres of 35 nm with a genome of 7 kilobase pairs and a major protein of 100 kda. the virus is capable of infecting certain virus-free isolates of g. lamblia. antisera raised in mice against the intact virus did not react with the double-stranded rna, but reacted strongly with the 100 kda protein in western blots. preincubation of the ...19883054534
cross-species transmission of giardia spp.: inoculation of beavers and muskrats with cysts of human, beaver, mouse, and muskrat origin.giardia cysts isolated from humans, beavers, mice, and muskrats were tested in cross-species transmission experiments for their ability to infect either beavers or muskrats. giardia cysts, derived from multiple symptomatic human donors and used for inoculation of beavers or muskrats, were shown to be viable by incorporation of fluorogenic dyes, excystation, and their ability to produce infections in the mongolian gerbil model. inoculation of beavers with 5 x 10(5) giardia lamblia cysts resulted ...19883063208
plasma membrane associated antigens of trophozoites of axenic giardia lamblia.plasma membrane isolated from axenically grown giardia lamblia (portland 1 strain) by treatment with a membrane stabilizing agent followed by osmotic stress and manual sheer showed a significant enrichment of the membrane bound marker enzymes ca++atpase/mg++atpase. crossed immunoelectrophoresis (cie) was used to identify membrane antigens. 11 major peaks were detected in cie profiles of the whole trophozoites. 6 major peaks were detected in cie profiles of the membrane preparation. 2 surface mem ...19883068858
[giardiasis].in this review article the general properties, epidemiology, pathogenesis and the clinical course of giardia lamblia infection has been discussed under the light recent developments.19883075258
a two-year study of enteric infections associated with diarrhoeal diseases in children in urban somalia.a hospital-based systematic sample of 1667 children with severe diarrhoeal disease was studied in mogadishu, somalia, throughout 1983 and 1984. one or more enteric pathogens were found in 61% of the patients. rotavirus (25%), enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (11%), shigella spp. (9%), aeromonas hydrophila (9%), giardia lamblia trophozoites (8%), campylobacter jejuni (8%), and vibrio cholerae non-o1 (6%) were the most frequently identified pathogens. age-specific detection rates of enteric pathog ...19883076719
aetiologic agents of diarrhoeal diseases in hospitalised children in rawalpindi, pakistan.the causes of diarrhoea were diagnosed in 250 children and 250 controls, a sample of 3,500 children who reported to the rawalpindi general hospital, pakistan between may 1983 and april 1984. the pathogens identified in children with diarrhoea were enteropathogenic escherichia coli (epec) (43.2%), enterotoxigenic e. coli (14%), rotavirus (9.6%), shigella spp (3.6%), salmonella spp (3.2%) and giardia lamblia (1.2%). mixed infections were found in 2.4% of patients. the following pathogens were dete ...19883077947
[microbiological analysis of well water samples in the rural areas near ankara].the water from wells and running water in different rural parts of ankara were analyzed microbiologically with the thought in mind that the use of unhealthy well water could cause infections, as shown in other cities. we found that of the 50 running water samples all (100%) were drinkable from the microbiological point of view regard to coliform bacteria and total germ count, while only 20 of the 150 well water samples (13.3%) met these standards. it was pointed out by the users that chlorinatio ...19883078793
purification and characterization of guanine phosphoribosyltransferase from giardia lamblia.giardia lamblia, a flagellated parasitic protozoan and the causative agent of giardiasis, lacks de novo purine biosynthesis and exists on salvage of adenine and guanine by adenine phosphoribosyltransferase and guanine phosphoribosyltransferase. guanine phosphoribosyltransferase from g. lamblia crude extracts has been purified to apparent homogeneity by sephacryl s-200 gel filtration followed by c-8-gmp-agarose and 2',3'-gmp-agarose affinity chromatography, resulting in an overall recovery of 77% ...19863087975
[giardia lamblia infection in the gerbil (meriones unguiculatus): an animal model]. 19863094870
parasitic infections in asymptomatic homosexual men: cost-effective screening.the purpose of this study was to develop a cost-effective strategy for screening for enteric protozoan infections in homosexual men without gastrointestinal symptoms suggesting infection. one hundred and one homosexual men in portland, oregon, each submitted at least one unpurged stool sample; 91% submitted three samples each. of these, 27% had entamoeba histolytica, 61% had nonpathogenic protozoa with or without e. histolytica, 36% had a nonpathogen alone, and 3% had giardia lamblia. protozoan ...19863095515
[does giardia lamblia favor the proliferation of intestinal bacteria?]. 19863096347
adenosine analog metabolism in giardia lamblia. implications for chemotherapy.certain adenosine analogs can inhibit the growth of giardia lamblia. this biological action correlates with the ability of the organism to phosphorylate the nucleoside directly to the nucleotide. four of these, 8-azaadenosine, 1-deazaadenosine, 7-deazaadenosine, and 9-deazaadenosine, were very effective. the respective bases of the first three were ineffective. the base of 9-deazaadenosine was not tested as this c-nucleoside is non-cleavable. metabolic studies using radioactive 7- and 9-deazaade ...19863098246
[intestinal parasitic colonization and protein-caloric malnutrition].intestinal parasitic infection was determined by fecal examination for parasites with several complementary methods in 380 young gabonese infants aged 6 to 24 months (190 with normal weights and 190 with malnutrition, matched for age). trichuris trichiura, ascaris lombricoides, giardia intestinalis, entamoeba histolytica and strongyloides stercoralis were the most prevalent parasites, without any difference between well-fed infants and patients with malnutrition. the higher prevalence of strongy ...19863101646
binding of cholera toxin to giardia lamblia.binding of cholera toxin to giardia lamblia was demonstrated by two slightly different methods: an immunofluorescence technique using antibody to cholera toxin and anti-rabbit immunoglobulin g conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate, and a one-step fluorescence method in which g. lamblia was incubated with the b subunit of cholera toxin conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate.19873116038
unusual ribosomal rna of the intestinal parasite giardia lamblia.the anaerobic protozoan giardia lamblia is a common intestinal parasite in humans, but is poorly defined at molecular and phylogenetic levels. we report here a structural characterization of the ribosomal rna (rrna) and rrna genes of g. lamblia. gel electrophoresis under native or non-denaturing conditions identified two high molecular weight rrna species corresponding to the 16-18s and 23-28s rrnas. surprisingly, both species (1300 and 2300 nucleotides long, respectively) were considerably shor ...19873118329
effect of different giardia lamblia inocula on glucose and amino acids transport in the intestinal brush border membrane vesicles of infected mice.the transport of d-glucose, l-phenyl-alanine, l-lysine and l-aspartic acid was measured in the brush border membrane vesicles prepared from intestines of swiss albino mice infected with three different inocula of giardia lamblia cysts (100, 1,000 and 10,000 cysts). a significantly low uptake of nutrients was observed in the infected animals as compared with the uninfected groups (p less than 0.05). however, the uptake of nutrients did not alter significantly with varying inoculum size. with d-gl ...19873128191
enzyme immunoassay for the detection of giardia enzyme immunoassay (eia) was developed for direct detection of giardia lamblia antigens in fecal specimens. the eia was evaluated by testing specimens from 1,331 subjects in the usa and egypt. for the 353 specimens from human subjects in the usa there was a 97% overall agreement between the results of the eia and direct microscopic examination, yielding a sensitivity and specificity of 92% and 99% respectively. due to adverse field conditions the eia did not perform as well in the specimens c ...19883141168
risk factors for persistent diarrhoea.with a systematically sampled population of children aged under 5 attending this centre for diarrhoeal disease research during 1983-5 a retrospective analysis of persistent diarrhoea (defined as greater than 14 days' duration) was performed to identify the possible risk factors for this syndrome. of the 4155 children included in the analysis, 410 (10%) gave a history of persistent diarrhoea. a comparison with children with acute diarrhoea matched for age showed that 11 factors were correlated wi ...19883142603
hypolactasia in the pathogenesis of diarrhoea in children infected with giardia intestinalis. 19883146678
further studies on the mongolian jird model of giardia lamblia. 19883150727
common variable immunodeficiency syndrome and nodular lymphoid hyperplasia in the small intestine.we report on a case of nodular lymphoid hyperplasia (nlh) of the small intestine in a patient with common variable immunodeficiency (cvid) syndrome. the cvid syndrome comprises a group of heterogeneous immunological disorders. it is characterised by hypogammaglobulinemia, recurrent sinopulmonary infections, gastrointestinal disorders (including diarrhea, infestation with giardia lamblia, chronic-atrophic gastritis and nodular lymphoid hyperplasia (nlh), and an increased risk of malignancy. nlh i ...19883168941
gastrointestinal parasitoses discovered in agricultural workers in south bohemia, the years from 1975 to 1982 1,750 persons, mostly employed by agricultural enterprises in the south bohemian region in czechoslovakia, were examined. we discovered seven species of parasites: taenia saginata in 0.3%, enterobius vermicularis in 10.1%, giardia lamblia in 1.0%, endolimax nana in 0.8%, entamoeba coli in 0.7%, entamoeba hartmanni in 0.2%, and chilomastix mesnili in 0.5%. the greatest number of parasites was found in students of the secondary agricultural and technical school. only ...19883169645
altered uptake of metronidazole in vitro by stocks of giardia intestinalis with different drug sensitivities.growth of giardia intestinalis in tyi-s-33 medium containing a sub-lethal concentration of metronidazole over a period of 66 weeks selected a line of organisms that was over 8 times less sensitive to the drug. this resistance was unstable and the organisms reverted to their original sensitivity within 22 weeks of growth in the absence of drug. a comparison of the uptake of [14c]metronidazole by the original and selected lines showed a highly significant reduction in drug uptake by the resistant ...19883176140
drinking water source, diarrheal morbidity, and child growth in villages with both traditional and improved water supplies in rural lesotho, southern africa.this study examined the growth and morbidity rates of young children in relation to exclusive and non-exclusive use of improved water supplies in rural lesotho, southern africa. data were collected for 247 children 60 months of age and under between july 1984 and february 1985 in 10 villages that had an improved water supply at least one year prior to investigation. children whose families relied exclusively on the new water supply for their drinking and cooking needs grew 0.438 cm and 235 g mor ...19883177718
[therapeutic results in giardia lamblia infestation].therapeutic effects of metronidazole (flagyl), tinidazole (tricolam 500) and chlorhydrate of quinacrine in a study of 106 children with symptomatic giardiasis are compared. to evaluate results, cure percentage, efficacy and presence of secondary effects were quantified. tinidazole was demonstrated most effective drug (96% effective) when compared with quinacrine (83.3% effective) and metronidazole (70.2%) (p less than 0.05). authors recommend following regime: tinidazole 50-75 mg/kg divided in 2 ...19883178058
a survey of gastrointestinal parasites in ogun state, southwest study the epidemiology of intestinal parasites in ogun state, nigeria, 479 stool specimens were examined at a hospital in abeokuta during the rainy season in june 1986. intestinal helminths and/or protozoa were present in 297 samples (62%). 41.1% of the specimens showed a single infection, 34% showed double, 20% triple and 5% quadruple infection. the most commonly found worm was ascaris lumbricoides (in 40% of specimens), followed by trichuris trichiura (23.2%), hookworms (19.2%), strongyloid ...19883178337
an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in a hospital day-care centre.the investigation of an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in a hospital day-care centre is reported. twenty-eight (27%) children and one member of the staff were infected. most of the cases were symptomatic and the major presenting symptom was watery diarrhoea. shedding of oocysts continued for a mean of 12 days after diarrhoea had subsided and most of the cases were still excreting oocysts when the first follow-up sample was examined. intermittent shedding or a carrier state were not seen in any of ...19883181317
enzyme immunoassay for detection of giardia lamblia cyst antigens in formalin-fixed and unfixed human antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay employing rabbit and mouse antisera to giardia lamblia cyst antigens was developed for the diagnosis of giardia infection through detection of g. lamblia-specific stool antigens in cell-free aqueous eluates of human stool. this is the first report of the use of anti-cyst antibodies in an enzyme immunoassay for g. lamblia. the assay gave a positive result with 54 of 59 stools from patients with symptomatic, clinically diagnosed giardiasis, givi ...19883183015
purification and characterization of uridine (thymidine) phosphorylase from giardia lamblia.giardia lamblia is totally dependent on salvage synthesis for its pyrimidine requirements. the salvage pathway enzyme, uridine phosphorylase (pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase) was purified to apparent homogeneity from g. lamblia crude extracts by fast protein liquid chromatography and gel filtration on a superose 12 column, resulting in an overall 3500 fold purification and a recovery of 7.5%. mono p chromatofocusing gave rise to a major activity peak eluting from the column at ph 5.9, indica ...19883185613
isoelectric focusing of ten strains of giardia duodenalis.ten strains of human- and animal-source giardia duodenalis were evaluated using an isoelectric focusing technique. banding patterns obtained from total cell proteins of trophozoites demonstrated both similarities and differences between strains. this confirms the heterogeneity of this morphological group of giardia sp. demonstrated by others. heterogeneity was demonstrated among the strains retrieved from human and animal hosts and from hosts within the same geographical region.19883193327
high prevalence of giardia lamblia in children from a wa aboriginal community. 19883200203
inactivation of giardia lamblia and giardia canis cysts by combined and free chlorine and a combined organic n-chloramine (3-chloro-4,4-dimethyl-2-oxazolidinone, compound 1) were compared for efficacy as disinfectants against an admixture of cysts of giardia lamblia and giardia canis in water solution under a variety of test conditions; variables were ph, temperature, and water quality. in general, compound 1 was found to reduce the giardial excystation in the solutions at lower concentration or shorter contact time at a given total chlorine concentration than did f ...19883202635
cytotoxic potentialities of surface specific antibodies & complement to giardia lamblia trophozoites. 19883225015
possible roles for pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase and thiol-dependent peroxidase and reductase activities in resistance to nitroheterocyclic drugs in giardia intestinalis. 19883225121
giardia carriage in aboriginal and non-aboriginal children attending urban day-care centres in south australia.a survey of giardia lamblia prevalence was carried out in adelaide, south australia, among aboriginal and non-aboriginal children attending day-care centres. a single-stool examination in 178 children aged 6 years and under revealed an overall prevalence rate of 10.7% with all carriers being 1-4 years of age. within this age group, giardia prevalence among aboriginal children (11/32) was significantly higher than that among non-aboriginal children (eight of 99) (chi-square analysis, p less than ...19883228399
giardia-bile salt interactions in vitro and in vivo.giardia lamblia predominantly colonizes the proximal small intestine where bile is plentiful. we have investigated interactions between bile and this parasite by (i) examining the specificity of the stimulatory effect of bile on parasite growth in vitro, (ii) studying the possible association between giardiasis and bile salt deconjugation in vivo, and (iii) quantifying bile salt uptake by giardia and relating this to uptake by other microorganisms. our findings indicate that the growth promoting ...19883232181
giardia duodenalis: enhanced growth in cell culture.growth of giardia duodenalis in broth and in animals has been studied in considerable detail. in contrast, the kinetics of growth in cell culture have been little evaluated. in this study, in vitro growth of g. duodenalis was evaluated in cell culture, primarily using mouse mccoy cells in vials. the media used were giardia broth (tyi-g), trichomonas vaginalis broth (tyi-t), and standard cell culture media (cmga) alone and in combination (2 parts by volume cmga to one part of tyi broth). addition ...19883232182
zoonotic parasite infections of the arabian sacred baboon papio hamadryas arabicus thomas in asir province, saudi arabia.evidence of zoonotic parasite infection was recorded in the faeces of the arabian sacred baboon in human populated residential and non-residential areas in asir, southwestern saudi arabia. cysts of giardia intestinalis and entamoeba histolytica, and ova of hymenolepis nana, enterobius vermicularis, ascaris sp., trichuris sp., and a hookworm were encountered in 45 (about 39%) of 115 faecal samples examined. a higher rate of infection was observed in the residential areas. most of the parasites re ...19883232917
effect of excretory-secretory products of giardia lamblia on glucose and phenylalanine transport in the small intestine of swiss albino mice.the transport of d-glucose and l-phenylalanine was measured in intestinal brush border membrane (bbm) vesicles treated with excretory-secretory (es) products of giardia lamblia. uptake was found to be significantly lower (p/0.01) in the treated vesicles than in the controls. exposure of intestinal tissue to es products resulted in net secretion (p/0.01) of na+, c1- and 3-o-methyl-d-glucose. both observations indicate that alterations in the absorptive functions of the intestine might be attribut ...19883254161
in vitro excystation and subsequent axenic growth of giardia lamblia.six fresh giardia lamblia strains were isolated by in vitro excystation and subsequent culturing of excysted parasites in bile-supplemented bi-s-33 medium. the cysts passed in faeces appeared to differ in structure when observed using differential interference contrast microscopy. sometimes the enclosed organisms were closely applied to the cyst wall; in most stool specimens, however, the parasites were separated from the cyst wall by a space. cysts with parasites closely applied to the wall wer ...19883256989
intestinal parasites in children with diarrhea in el a study of parasitological prevalence in el salvador, stool specimens of 210 children with diarrhea were examined for intestinal parasites. in 104 cases (49%), intestinal helminths and protozoa were found. 53.4% of the specimens showed single infestation, 31.7% showed double. 3% triple and 1% quadruple infestation. of the helminths, 31% were trichuris trichiura, 18% ascaris lumbricoides and 5% hymenolepis nana. of the pathogenic protozoa, 7% were identified as giardia intestinalis, 6% entamoe ...19883262555
cloning and sequence of beta tubulin cdna from giardia lamblia. 19883267222
[recurrent aphthous stomatitis and its possible relation to giardia lamblia parasitism. preliminary study]. 19883268952
intestinal parasites in the camiri, gutierrez and boyuibe areas, santa cruz department, bolivia.a parasitological study was carried out on 381 apparently healthy subjects from camiri, boyuibe, gutierrez. intestinal parasites and non-pathogenic protozoa were present in 78.7% of the population sampled; multiple infections were observed in 67.7% of the parasitized individuals. the protozoon most commonly found was entamoeba coli (in 40.7% of specimens), followed by giardia intestinalis (30.7%), iodamoeba bütschlii (10%), chilomastix mesnili (8.7%). other protozoon parasites also present were ...19883271990
[the prevalence of intestinal parasites in the students of two primary schools in ankara].four hundred stool samples obtained from two different primary school students were examined for intestinal parasite. cellophane tape technique was also applied in order to detect the enterobiasis incidence. it has been observed that the parasite incidence were 13.5% in ted college students whereas 30.5% in the incesu primary school. it has been also concluded that the highest infection rate was connected with two parasites, namely giardia intestinalis (11.5%) and enterobius vermicularis (8%).19883273597
giardia lamblia: localization of hydrolase activities in lysosome-like organelles of trophozoites.homogenates of giardia lamblia trophozoites exhibited the following hydrolase activities: acid phosphatase (ec, proteinase (ec 3.1.4) with urea-denatured hemoglobin and n-benzoyl-dl-arginine-2-naphthylamide as substrates, deoxyribonuclease (ec, and ribonuclease (ec beta-n-acetylglucosaminidase (ec, beta-galactosidase (ec, beta-glucuronidase (ec, alpha-d-glucosidase (ec, beta-d-glucosidase (ec, and beta-d-xylosidase (e ...19883276550
giardia lamblia.giardia is the most frequently identified enteric parasite in the united states, but much is not known about host-parasite interaction. advances using immunodiagnostic techniques, endonuclease restriction analysis, surface-antigen detection methods, and measuring homologous and heterologous antibody responses are beginning to clarify the biology of giardia.19883287315
isolation & axenization of fresh strains of giardia lamblia in india. 19873294586
ultrastructural study on the bacterial symbiont in giardia lamblia. 19863300600
management of common parasitic infections encountered in primary care.ascaris lumbricoides, enterobius vermicularis, strongyloides stercoralis and giardia lamblia are among the most frequently diagnosed human pathogenic parasites in the united states. primary care practitioners need to be aware of the overt and covert signs and symptoms of these parasitic infections. this article focuses on the diagnosis and management of these common parasites.19873309737
cross-reactivity among different giardia lamblia isolates using immunofluorescent antibody and enzyme immunoassay techniques.rabbit antisera to 11 giardia lamblia isolates were reacted with 8 g. lamblia isolates using single antibody elisa and indirect immunofluorescent antibody techniques (ifa). using living trophozoite organisms, ifa showed marked surface fluorescence with homologous antisera-organism pairs while heterologous pairs showed reduced or no reactivity. using formalin-fixed trophozoites, the pattern of fluorescence changed to include diffuse internal fluorescence with both homologous and heterologous pair ...19873310685
small rodents and other mammals associated with mountain meadows as reservoirs of giardia spp. and campylobacter spp.sixty-five percent (469 of 722) of the fecal samples collected from small rodents in the central washington cascade mountains were positive for giardia spp. trapping studies showed that microtines of the genus microtus were heavily infected with the parasite. morphologically the cysts and trophozoites were of the giardia duodenalis type. small-rodent populations appear to maintain their infection throughout the year. our data suggest that there is no difference in the percentage of positive anim ...19873310881
the aetiology of diarrhoea in a farming community in zimbabwe.a survey of enteric pathogens in 143 children with diarrhoea, 116 age-matched controls and 524 asymptomatic people of all ages in a commercial farming area was carried out over a period of one year. giardia lamblia was detected in 34% of the cases, 29% of the controls and 23% of asymptomatic people of all ages. various bacterial pathogens (campylobacter, shigella, salmonella and enteropathogenic escherichia coli) were isolated from 23% of the cases and 15% of the controls. enteropathogenic e. co ...19873328340
antigenic variation of a cysteine-rich protein in giardia lamblia.the wb isolate of giardia lamblia expresses a cysteine-rich 170-kd surface antigen (crp170) that undergoes antigenic variation. an (6e7), cytotoxic for isolates expressing crp170, was used in another study to select antigenic variants from clones of the wb isolate of giardia. crp170 was replaced by surface-labeled bands ranging in size from approximately 50 to 170 kd. in this study, mab 6e7 was used to isolate a 1-kb portion of the crp170 gene (m2-1) from a lambda gt 11 expression library. the m ...19883335828
biology of giardia lamblia. detection of n-acetyl-d-glucosamine as the only surface saccharide moiety and identification of two distinct subsets of trophozoites by lectin binding.lectins and glycosidases of known sugar specificity were used as probes to analyze the surface carbohydrate moieties of g. lamblia trophozoites and in particular to determine whether chitin or oligomeric d-glcnac is present in the trophozoite form of the parasite as well as on the cyst. of 13 lectins with varying sugar specificity, only d-glcnac-specific lectins bound specifically to the trophozoite surface as determined by light microscopy and em. a striking finding was the identification of tw ...19883335831
isoenzyme electrophoresis of 30 isolates of giardia from humans and felines.thirty isolates of giardia duodenalis from humans and felines were compared by isoenzyme electrophoresis. using 10 enzyme systems, 13 different zymodemes were distinguished. the majority of zymodemes could be divided into two groups: one group comprising human and feline isolates with worldwide geographic distribution; the other group containing human isolates restricted to western australia. a number of isolates showed multiple-banded patterns and the genetic significance of these findings is d ...19883341523
small-intestinal factors promote encystation of giardia lamblia in vitro.bile salts and fatty acids stimulated differentiation of cultured giardia lamblia trophozoites into water-resistant cysts at the slightly alkaline ph of the small intestinal lumen. maximum encystation occurred at ph 7.8. thus, specific small-intestinal factors may influence encystation in vivo as well as in vitro.19883343054
antibodies to cysts of giardia lamblia in primary giardiasis and in the absence of giardiasis.the significance of serum antibodies binding to cysts of giardia lamblia was evaluated by indirect immunofluorescence. titers of 10 or higher were found in 85.6% of adults, who had probably never had giardiasis. titers in 118 adults (geometric mean, 29.9) were higher than in 35 children (16.4), and titers in women (42.3) were higher than in men (20.0). titers in 150 patients with primary giardiasis (80.4) were higher than in control adults, but overlapping precluded serological diagnosis. titers ...19883343303
giardiasis associated with the use of a water slide.although giardia lamblia cysts are an important contaminant of surface water supplies, only one swimming pool outbreak, involving an infant and toddler swim class, has been reported. we describe an outbreak of giardiasis associated with a hotel's new water slide pool which was cleansed by both bromination and sand filtration. among the 107 hotel guests and their visitors surveyed, 29 probable and 30 laboratory-confirmed cases of giardia infection were found. cases ranged from 3 to 58 years of ag ...19883344175
acute antibody responses to giardia lamblia are depressed in patients with aids.we investigated the ability of patients with aids to develop antibody responses to a naturally encountered antigenic stimulus, giardia lamblia. using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect igg, igm, and iga to g. lamblia trophozoites, we tested sera from 29 patients with aids (15 without and 14 with g. lamblia infection); 20 healthy homosexual men; and 91 immunocompetent heterosexual subjects, 25 of whom were infected with g. lamblia. heterosexual subjects infected with g. lamblia had si ...19883346571
a food-borne outbreak of giardia lamblia. 19883346575
prevalence of giardiasis in patients with cystic fibrosis.a group of 107 patients with cystic fibrosis and a control group of 64 normal members of households of patients with cystic fibrosis were surveyed for giardia lamblia cysts and trophozoites by counterimmunoelectrophoresis of fecal samples. the patient group had a significantly higher rate of infestation than the control group (28.0% vs 6.3%, p = 0.0006), and the disparity between the two groups increased with age (p = 0.005). aside from cystic fibrosis, all risk factors examined were without inf ...19883351678
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