[mutants of the plaque microbe defective in the dark repair system]. | the mutants of plague bacteria deficient in dark repair are described. they are sensitive to uv, mitomycin c, polymixin. mutants have lost the ability to host cell reactivation in phage t7. the data obtained have shown that the addition of caffeine to the plating medium used to assay post-irradiation viability of uv-sensitive mutants did not influence the survival. data are also given concerning virulence determinants, biochemical and other properties. the mutants formed p- colonies on hemine me ... | 1977 | 892436 |
[classification of acute bacterial enteropathies]. | the first part considers pathogenic microorganisms (vibrio cholerae and parahaemolytic vibrio, clostridium welchii, enteropathogenic e. coli, shigella, salmonella, other enterobacteria and pseudomonas. yersinia, simply enterotoxic staphylococcus and that producing acute enteritis) and the process of infection (formation of a surface link without endocellular penetration with elaboration of hexotoxins, formation of a surface link with subsequent intracellular penetration, submucosa penetration). ... | 1977 | 896078 |
[flea ceratophyllus fasciatus as the vector of the altai-mountain strain of plague microbe]. | the work was conducted with a typical strain of the plague agent, which is virulent to white mice and little virulent to guinea pigs (subcutaneous infection), and with c. fasciatus. the fleas of this species can be infected, form the block of proventriculus within 4 to 35 days, transmit the agent during bloodsucking to healthy animals and cause the death both white mice and guinea pigs. | 1977 | 896271 |
[phagocytosis in hyalomma dromedarii koch ticks following intracoelomatic infection with yersinia enterocolitica]. | | 1977 | 899010 |
[sensitivity of repair-defective mutants of the plague microbe to the action of physical and chemical agents]. | by the character of the sensitivity of uv-irradiation, to n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine, 5-bromuracil, mitomycin c, crystalviolet, and by the capacity to restore phage injuries the 1435-a and 1435-24 mutants were referred to the uvr-hcr-, 17 mutant--to the uvr-hcr+, and 35 mutant--to lon genotype. as a result of uv irradiation the experimental strains formed heteromorphic forms of bacteria, spindle-shaped, filamentous cells, were sensitive to the action of static electrical field of high ... | 1977 | 899436 |
[biological properties of strain of yersinia enterocolitica isolated from humans]. | a total of 1300 patients were examined; this number included patients suffering from food poisoning and with suspected dysentery hsopitalized at the isolation hospital; patients with diarrheal diseases under observation of the intestinal unit of the sanitary-epidemiological station, and patients with acute or exacerbation of chronic affection of the bile tracts. a total of 28 yersinia enterocolitical strains were isolated from these patients, this constituting 2.1% of the total number os examina ... | 1977 | 899457 |
nodular pulmonary infiltrates and septic arthritis associated with yersinia enterocolitica bacteremia. | a 58-year-old black man presented with left wrist pain, septicemia, and a chest roentgenographic pattern compatible with septic embolization. yersinia enterocolitica was grown from joint fluid, blood, and sputum. this unusual constellation of clinical manifestations due to an organism rarely reported as the cause of human disease warrants reporting the case. | 1977 | 900637 |
yersinia-related arthritis in the pacific northwest. | serologic evidence of yersinia enterocolitica infection was sought by agglutination testing in serum samples from several populations, including haida indians, red cross blood donors, and caucasian patients with rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and reiter's syndrome. no evidence was found to indicate that yersinial infection was etiologically related to haida spondylitis or reiter's syndrome. four of 28 patients with acute arthritis were diagnosed from serologic evidence as having y ... | 1977 | 901597 |
fulminant septicemia caused by yersinia enterocolitica. | a lethal case of septicemia caused by yershia enterocolitica serotype 3 is described. a 59-year-old male, previously healthy, presented with 6 weeks of fever, abdominal pains and gradual prostration ending in overhelming septicemia and death before a conclusive diagnosis was established. necropsy showed cirrhosis, haemochromatosis and numerous abscesses in the liver. | 1977 | 905787 |
evaluation of live attenuated plague vaccines in praomys (mastomys) natalensis. | a live attenuated yersinia pestis vaccine designated ev76-51f, which had previously been shown to be pathogenic in vervet monkeys but not in guinea pigs, was tested in the multimammate mouse praomys (mastomys) natalensis. doses of 10(6) viable organisms inoculated subcutaneously as either a lyophilized suspension or an agar-grown culture resulted in vaccination fatalities in praomys but not in white mice. hemagglutinating antibodies to the fraction 1 antigen were not stimulated by doses lower th ... | 1977 | 908624 |
epidemiologic and clinical features of an outbreak of bubonic plague in new mexico. | an outbreak of seven cases of bubonic plague in new mexico was investigated. clinical features were studied and correlated with field studies in an attmept to determine the source of infection in patients with indefinite histories of exposure. most patients presented with fever, malaise, and an acute painful lymphadenitis (bubo). one death occurred in a patient with bubonic-septicemic plague complicated by meningitis due to yersinia pestis. all patients lived in rural or semirural areas, and mos ... | 1977 | 908848 |
studies on the pathogenicity of yersinia enterocolitica. i. experimental infection in rabbits. | analysis of the pathogenicity of yersinia enterocolitica was performed with an experimental model successfully produced in rabbits by intraduodenal inoculation with strains isolated from various sources. pathogenic strains easily penetrated the epithelial linings of the intestinal mucous membrane into the target reticuloendothelial tissues of the intestine, such as the lamina propria and lymph follicles, where they multiplied within mononuclear cells and produced granuloma. granuloma, in severe ... | 1977 | 909458 |
studies on the pathogenicity of yersinia enterocolitica. ii. interaction with cultured cells in vitro. | analysis of the pathogenicity of yersinia enterocolitica was performed by means of cell culture studies on the interaction of the organisms with hela cells and rabbit peritoneal macrophages based on observations of the pathogenic behavior of the organisms in vivo (ii). the pathogenic strains, which successfully produced experimental enterocolitis in rabbits (ii), had the ability to penetrate hela cells and to survive or multiply within the macrophages. the nonpathogenic strains, lacking the abil ... | 1977 | 909459 |
ankylosing spondylitis: klebsiella and hl-a b27. | a search for the presence of klebsiella-enterobacter spp. and yersinia enterocolitica in urine and faeces of 63 patients with ankylosing spondylitis was conducted because these microorganisms have been demonstrated to cross-react immunologically with hl-a b27 positive lymphocytes. the patients were graded into three groups on the basis of disease activity. klebsiella spp. were found in the faeces of 13 (93%) of the 14 patients with 'active' disease, 10 (48%) of the 21 patients with 'probably act ... | 1977 | 910095 |
[microbiological pollution of the environment due to breeding. i. enterobacteriaceae due to cattle breeding]. | enterobacteriaceae from faeces of cattle belonging to four cattle farms situated in the ferrara district were investigated. at the same time, investigation was made of effluent sewage and recipient wells (upstream and downstream). the cattle (of the italian frisona breed) resulted uncontaminated by salmonellae, but proved to be very susceptible to arizona, citrobacter, shigella and s. gallinarum-pullorum infections, coming from the environment. predominant species in faeces were as follows: prot ... | 1977 | 911464 |
[traveler's diarrhea]. | travellers' diarrhea afflicts up to 50 percent of tourists in certain geographic regions. it is a syndrome caused by a variety of pathogens, the most common of which is enterotoxigenic e. coli. other responsible pathogens include salmonellae, shigellae, entamoeba histolytica, yersinia enterocolitica, giardia lamblia and virus-like agents, seldom vibrios. symptoms persist for only a few days and are only serious in 1/5 of the cases. | 1977 | 914154 |
human yersiniosis: a common cause of erythematous skin eruptions. | | 1977 | 914416 |
latex agglutination tests for measurement of antiplague antibodies. | a latex agglutination test was evaluated as a method for detection and titration of antiplague antibodies. slide and microtiter techniques using polystyrene latex particles coated with specific fraction-i-antigen of yersinia pestis were found to be comparable in specificity and sensitivity to serological tests commonly used in laboratory practice. the latex agglutination titers correlated well with those measured by the world health organization standard method of indirect hemagglutination, alth ... | 1977 | 914990 |
correlation of serological and biochemical groupings of yersinia enterocolitica with the beta-lactamases of the strains. | the beta-lactamase isoelectric focusing patterns of 37 strains of yersinia enterocolitica from various serological and biochemical groups were examined. strains of different serological groups generally had different patterns, but those of serological groups 1, 2, 3 and 9 were identical. | 1977 | 915477 |
occurrence of yersinia enterocolitica in dogs. | | 1977 | 916472 |
[yersinia enterocolitica arthritis in a 12-year-old child]. | | 1977 | 917542 |
[survival of eb microbes in live plague vaccine and its immunogeneity in the process of prolonged storage]. | | 1977 | 919933 |
[lipopolysaccharides from a slightly virulent strain of yersinia pestis (author's transl)]. | | 1977 | 923562 |
[yersinia infections. bacteriologic-serologic viewpoints]. | | 1977 | 927113 |
[yersinia infections. important diseases from the viewpoint of differential diagnosis]. | | 1977 | 927114 |
[detection of the plague microbe in the body of fleas with the adi of a serological method]. | | 1977 | 927363 |
[yersinia enterocolitica infections and their most frequent complications]. | | 1977 | 929741 |
yersinia enterocolitica infections in children. | | 1976 | 932907 |
[yersinia infection in intussusception ileus in childhood]. | | 1976 | 933787 |
[studies of yersinia pestis in wild animals captured in ankara, konya and nevsehir]. | no yersinia pestis could be isolated, by culturing and by inoculations to 1212 guinea-pigs and 150 mice; from 623 citellus, 41 mus musculus, 55 microtus, 442 meriones, 70 rattus rattus, 56 turtle, 89 hare, 1 hamster, 1 hedgehog, 1 sea snake, altogether 790 dead, 589 alive, i.e. 1379. wild animals captured in ankara, konya (karapinar), urfa (akçakale) and in nevşehir. in 141 sera taken from citellus captured alive, and in 174 sera taken from guinea-pigs inoculated with spleen, liver and kidney su ... | 1976 | 933892 |
letter: arthritis questioned. | | 1976 | 934772 |
serological studies on human plague in southern africa. part ii. a bubonic/pneumonic plague epidemic in lesotho. | a description is given of an outbreak of human plague in lesotho in 1968 which was preceded by, and merged with, a typhoid epidemic. this circumstance was responsible for a diagnosis of typhoid fever being made in the earliest plague cases, especially as the clinical presentation was similar to that of the typhoid patients. consequently, the plague epidemic ran its natural course and with the onset of winter the pneumonic form appeared. serological follow-up studies of recovered patients were ca ... | 1976 | 935988 |
examination of the envelope antigen k1 in yersinia enterocolitica which was identified as fimbriae. | the envelope antigen k1 found in the majority of yersinia enterocolica (y. ent.) strains belonging to the o group 10 as described by wauters, was re-examined under the electron microscope, and identified as being fimbriae. these fimbriae envelop the bacterial cell with a dense fringe. single filaments show a width of 2.5 to 1.7 nm whilst their length is variable, often many times the size of the bacterial cell. fimbriated y. ent. cultures do not form pellicle, and the haemagglutination test is n ... | 1976 | 936830 |
bubonic plague from exposure to a rabbit: a documented case, and a review of rabbit-associated plague cases in the united states. | a 62-year-old woman developed bubonic plague with an epitrochlear bubo one to two days after skinning two cottontail rabbits. the implicated rabbits were later recovered from the patient's freezer, and yersinia pestis was isolated from marrows of both rabbits. although human plague cases in the united states have occasionally been traced to exposure to wild rabbits, this is the first documentation of plague infection in the actual rabbits to which the patient was exposed. all reported cases of r ... | 1976 | 937344 |
yersinia enterocolitica ileocolitis findings observed on barium examination. | | 1976 | 938838 |
[a case of acute terminal ileitis due to yersinia enterocolitica infection (author's transl)]. | | 1976 | 943626 |
in vitro and in vivo activity of 3-(1-methyl 1-5-nitro-2-imidazolylmethylideneamino)-2-oxazolidinone against pasteurella. | furazolidone was more active than 3-(1-methyl)-5-nitro-2-imidazolyl-methylideneamino)-2-oxazolidinone (mabn) against a series of 34 isolates of pasteurella and 11 of yersinia (formerly designated pasteurella). however, the nitroimidazole was superior to furazolidone by both subcutaneous and oral routes against a series of mouse infections incited by strains of pasteurella. it also was superior to furazolidone and sulfaquinoxaline when administered in the diet against two pasteurella strains in a ... | 1976 | 947711 |
[study of the epidemiology of far east scarlatiniform fever in the maritime territory. ii. contamination of environmental objects by the pseudotuberculosis microbe in foci of scarlatiniform fever]. | external environment of vegetable storehouses and catering establishements in the foci of far-eastern scarlatina-like in the primorsk territory was found to be considerably contaminated with yersinia pseudotuberculosis. epidemiological role of vegetable storehouses in the preservation of pseudotuberculosis microbe in the foci was demonstrated. in one case y. pseudotuberculosis was isolated from soil. | 1976 | 948950 |
[cases of far east scarlatiniform fever in nadezhnyĭ settlement, yakut assr]. | | 1976 | 948952 |
isolation of yersinia enterocolitica from a dog with chronic enteritis: a case report. | | 1976 | 952255 |
chemical and immunochemical studies on lipopolysaccharide from yersinia pseudotuberculosis type vi. | | 1976 | 955669 |
properties of pgc1, a lac plasmid orginating in yersinia enterocolitica 842. | pgc1, a self-transmissible lac plasmid that originated in yersinia enterocolitica 842, is described. this plasmid is freely transmissible between strains of y. enterocolitica and from such strains to strains of escherichia coli. the plasmid can also be transferref among g. coli strains and back to y. enterocolitica, although at a greatly reduced frequency. pgc1 has a molecular weight of about 33.0 x 10(6), has a base composition of about 44 mol% guanine plus cytosine, and is fi-. | 1976 | 956120 |
[effect of certain factors on block formation in ceratophillus tesquorum and neopsylla setosa setosa]. | studies were conducted of the effect of temperature and humidity, variant of plague microbe, frequency and duration of feeding and specificity of the host on the blockformation in the souslik fleas c. tesquorum and n. setosa infected with plague. 28 tests on the effect of temperature and humidity on the blockformation were undertaken, for which 14411 fleas of the above species were used. a temperature of 16 to 22 degrees proved to be optimal; at this temperature the number of blocked fleas (c. t ... | 1976 | 958724 |
[yersinia enterocolitica in acute appendicitis, lymphadenitis mesenterialis and regional enteritis (author's transl)]. | in 895 patients operated on for acute appendicitis we found yersinia enterocolitica in 41 cases. another two cases were detected in postoperative serological examinations. lymphadenitis mesenterialis was present in 17 cases during operation. once we detected a regional enteritis. histological examination of the appendix revealed a purulent inflammation in 21 cases and a phlegmonous-gangrenous inflammation in 4 cases. the other 18 patients suffered from oxyuriasis, coprostasis or scars of the app ... | 1976 | 961157 |
[lysogenic clones of wild-type plague bacteria and characteristics of the phages produced by them]. | comparative population analysis of 3 lysogenic clones of plague bacteria of wild type by lysogenic properties demonstrated that they failed to show any difference from one another by immunity to homolgous and heterologous phages, but differed by the number of cells capable of producing the phage spontaneously. lysogenic properties were transmitted by heredity both after the ten-fold passage in the presence of a homologous antiphage serum and after a 10-fold colning. phages produced by the wild l ... | 1976 | 961226 |
acute yersinial ileitis: a distinct entity. | a case report of documented yersinial acute ileitis is presented. a review of the literature reveals that progression to crohn's disease is uncommon. yersinosis can present as several symptom complexes. mesenteric lymphadenitis and terminal ileitis, however, appear to be the most common. the diagnosis is usually made during laparotomy for possible appendicitis, because the symptom complex may be very similar. if the only finding at laparotomy is a thickened edematous ileum, postoperative titers ... | 1976 | 961687 |
bubonic plague from direct exposure to a naturally infected wild coyote. | an 11-year-old boy developed axillary bubonic plague and plague meningitis 3 days after skinning a dead coyote near albuquerque, new mexico. the coyoto carcass was recovered 10 days later, and yersinia pestis was isolated from spleen and marrow of the animal. this is the first report of human plague from exposure to a coyote. a review of experimental and epidemiologic studies suggests that severe plague infection in members of the family canidae is unusual, and that the risk of acquiring plague ... | 1976 | 961983 |
distribution of plague in rhodesia as demonstrated by serological methods. | | 1976 | 963738 |
trapping and serum testing of rodents caught prior to the outbreak of plague in rhodesia. | | 1976 | 963739 |
[mesenteric lymphadenitis in a child caused by a combined infection with yersinia pseudotuberculosis and mycobacterium avium]. | | 1976 | 963820 |
yersinia enterocolitica isolates from humans in california, 1968-1975. | this paper reports on the serological and biochemical characteristics of 24 human isolates of yersinia enterocolitica submitted to the california department of health from 1968 through 1975. nine different serotypes were represented. the majority of strains were serotype o:8 (six strains) and serotype o:5 (five strains). sources of the isolates included feces (12 cases), blood (3), sputum or throat (3), bile or bowel drainage (2), wounds (2), breast abscess (1), and skin abscess (1). clinical hi ... | 1976 | 965477 |
[acute enterocolitis caused by yersinia enterocolitica]. | | 1976 | 968263 |
isolation of yersinia enterocolitica from danish swine and dogs. | seventeen strains of yersinia enterocolitica were isolated on examination of the caecal contents from 100 bacon pigs at slaughter. in another material consisting of 222 pigs with various diseases, the bacterium was found in 12 cases. three out of 40 dogs were positive for the bacterium. seven of the porcine and one of the canine strains belonged to serotype o 3, which is a human pathogen. | 1976 | 970137 |
a five-year survey of human yersinia enterocolitica infections in hungary. | human infections associated with yersinia enterocolitica in hungary in the years 1969-1974 have been surveyed. during this period the public health laboratory network isolated 1355 strains from 1096 persons. the number of isolates according to sero-groups was: 1343 o3, 6 o9, 2 o1, 2a, 3 and 1 strain for o5, o6, o1o and o15 each. (ii) a total of 2192 serum specimens from patients gave positive agglutination reaction with antigen o3 in 26.8%, with antigen o9 in 3.2%. (iii) fifty-six per cent of ba ... | 1976 | 970232 |
[experimental infection of axenic mice by "yersinia enterocolitica" (author's transl)]. | although most of yersinia enterocolitica strains isolated from man have no pathogenicity for laboratory animals, it has been demonstrated that some strains are pathogenic for conventional mice and that most of the strains are probably pathogenic for nude mice. the authors report the results of the infection of germ-free mice with a strain of y. enterocolitica which is non pathogenic for holoxenic mice. it appears that c3h/he mice are sensitive to the infection by gavage or aerogenic and peritone ... | 1976 | 970831 |
[roentgenologic picture of infections caused by yersinia enterocolitica (author's transl)]. | | 1976 | 974835 |
[yersinia arthritis (author's transl)]. | yersinia arthritis is an acute oligo- or, more rarely, polyarthritis. it occurs after pyrexic diarrhoea of several days, often associated with right-sided lower abdominal pain. the disease is caused by yersinia enterocolitica and four such cases, confirmed serologically in three, are described. in one case fluid from the knee-joint was antibody-positive. it was not possible to culture the causative organism, probably because all patients had previously been treated with an antibiotic. rheumatic ... | 1976 | 976116 |
yersinia enterocolitica infection in a 4-month-old infant associated with infection in household dogs. | | 1976 | 978324 |
biological activities of endotoxins from yersinia enterocolitica. | the chemical properties and the general biological activities of lipopolysaccharide (lps) and boivin-type endotoxin obtained respectively by phenol-water and trichloroacetic acid extraction from yersinia enterocolitica serotypes o3 and o9 were studied. the yield of lps from the o9 strain was about 10% of the o3 strain possibly because of the lower solubility of o9-lps in aqueous phase. however, the chemical composition of o9-lps was similar to that of o3-lps in the proportions of reducing sugar, ... | 1976 | 978837 |
[joint manifestations of yersinia enterocolitica infections]. | different recent studies, notably scandinavian studies, have described a "rheumatism" caused by yersinia enterocolitica infection. the picture usually seen is that of a subacute, febrile oligoarthritis predominantly in the lower limbs, associated with diarrhoea and hyperleucocytosis, polynucleosis, and a marked increase in the sedimentation rate. benign carditis may also be associated. the diagnosis rests on the discovery of the organism by coproculture and on serodiagnosis. evolution is favoura ... | 1976 | 981921 |
[polyarthritis following yersinia enterocolitica infection]. | | 1976 | 981922 |
post-yersinotic reiter's disease in a physician treated with osmium tetroxide. | a case of general yersinosis in a male physician is described. most probably the infection was acquired nosocomially in a paediatric ward. the infection affected several organs including the liver, but osmium tetroxide was nevertheless used to perform chemical synovectomy in a knee joint suffering from active arthritis. the arthritis was cured, and the already existing liver affection did not progress. the only complaint from the patient, months after the osmic acid injection, was a strong metal ... | 1976 | 981994 |
recovery of yersinia enterocolitica from streams and lakes of california. | stream and lake water from the mammoth lakes region of california was sampled for yersinia enterocolitica. from 10 of the 34 sites examined, organisms were isolated that were biochemically identified as y. enterocolitica. only one of the ten strains could be serologically confirmed. this strain was identified as y. enterocolitica serotype 16. although an outbreak of enteritis in the area prompted this study, no correlation with gastrointestinal disease could be established since the majority of ... | 1976 | 984815 |
yersinia enterocolitica septicemia with septic arthritis. | we report a case of yersinia enterocolitica septicemia with septic arthritis. gentamicin administration controlled the septicemia but failed to eradicate the organisms in the joint, in spite of a synovial fluid level four times its minimal inhibitory concentration after four days of therapy. development of azotemia necessitated change of antibiotic therapy to chloramphenicol, which eradicated the infection. while y enterocolitica infection in the united states is uncommon, it must be added to th ... | 1976 | 984993 |
studies on yersinia enterocolitica. ii. relationship between detection from swine and seasonal incidence, and regional distribution of the organism. | | 1976 | 985980 |
[normal antibodies and immunologic reactivity]. | antibodies to the capsular antigen of plague causative agent were found in the serum of many nonimmunized mice of 6 strains, but none were found in mice of the dba/2 strain. after the administration of the capsular antigen to mice of different strains cells forming the antibodies to the antigen administered were revealed in a quantitative correlation with the natural antibody level. an association was revealed between the level of natural antibodies and the number of antibody-forming cells in th ... | 1976 | 986741 |
[yersinia enterocolitica. i. isolation of antigenic fractions from y. enterocolitica]. | | 1976 | 987277 |
antibacterial activity of efrotomycin. | efrotomycin is a narrow spectrum antibiotic. among the genera tested for susceptibility in vitro it is most active against isolates of moraxella, pasteurella, yersinia, haemophilus, streptococcus and corynebacterium. the drug is as active by oral administration as by the subcutaneous route. blood levels rise rapidly to high concentrations, after oral dosing, and are prolonged. two peaks occur which may indicate biliary excretion and reabsorption. urinary excretion is minimal. the high blood conc ... | 1976 | 994327 |
yersinia pseudotuberculosis as the cause of septicaemia in a patient with amyloidosis. | septicaemia caused by y. pseudotuberculosis in a female patient, aged 61, is reported. the patient suffered from amyloidosis with extensive infiltration of liver, spleen, and kidneys. while under treatment with corticosteroids and azathioprin, y. pseudotuberculasis, serotype ia, was isolated from each of 6 blood cultures. the infection responded favourably to treatment with ampicillin. the development of y. pseudotuberculosis septicaemia owing to impairment of the defence mechanisms by the under ... | 1976 | 998263 |
facial abscess due to yersinia enterocolitica. | | 1976 | 998562 |
[study of the penicillinase of the plague microbe, the synthesis of which is determined by the r-episome]. | penicillinase produced by a culture of the plague microbe with episomic resistance to benzylpenicillin was isolated and purified. comparative investigation of the substrate spectrum, michaelis constant and antigenic properties of the enzymes from the plague and dysentery microbes (r-factor donor) showed that transfer of the r-episome to the new host did not affect the investigated properties of penicillinase the synthesis of which was controlled by this episome. | 1976 | 999263 |
[human yersiniosis: clinical syndromes]. | | 1976 | 1001856 |
terminal ileitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis and appendicitis due to yersinia pseudotuberculosis type va: case report. | a case of terminal ileitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis and appendicitis is reported. serological studies indicated infection with yersinia pseudotuberculosis type va. the patient's illness ran a chronic course necessitating resection of the terminal ileum. histological examination of the appendix and a mesenteric lymph node in the acute stage revealed granulomas with central necrosis. this is the first human case in which the subtype va has been identified. | 1976 | 1004946 |
[electron microscopic study of dry live plague vaccine eb by the scanning method]. | dry live plague vaccine eb was examined under microscope; it appeared that in the mentioned preparation the bacterial cells were enclosed in the artificial sucrose-gelatin capsule of the stabilizer which apparently maintained the vital activity of the microorganisms in the state of anabiosis by forming a stable bond with the bacterial body. | 1976 | 1007728 |
[septicemia caused by yersinia enterocolitica. apropos of a case with septic cerebellar metastasis]. | | 1976 | 1007802 |
[characterization of yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains isolated in poland in the years 1968-1975]. | | 1976 | 1013359 |
yersiniosis in the bristol zoo (1955-1974). | ninety one cases of yersiniosis occurred betwen 1955 and 1974 at bristol zoo. species affected included a range of primates and birds, a rodent (capybara) and a carnivore (caracal lynx). the incidence of the disease was highest in the winter months. there were variations in the annual incidence of yersiniosis, with peaks occurring at intervals of 4-6 years. common pathological findings included miliary focal necrosis and abscess formation. | 1976 | 1015489 |
[new results on the phage typing of yersinia enterocolitica, concerning more of 4 000 strains of various origins (author's transl)]. | 1) the phage typing of y. enterocolitica has been made on more than 4,000 strains of various origins by means of 2 sets of phages. the 1st one, composed of 12 phages extracted from lysogenic strains of the same species has permitted to distinguish 10 phages types numbered from i to viii and from ixa to ixb among the 3,323 lysotypable strains on the 4,366 examinated. 2) the search of the beta-galactosidase has differentiated the phage type ixa in its 2 varieties, the ixa 1, beta-galactosidase neg ... | 1976 | 1023281 |
[study of the effect of tetracycline, prodigiosin and their combination on the dynamics of phagocytosis of plague bacteria]. | the advantage of the combined use of prodigiozan and tetracycline was observed in tissue culture of peritoneal macrophages of albino mice. earlier digestion of the intracellular y. pestis ev by the animal macrophages exposed to prodigiozan and treated with tetracycline was noted. it was shown that the macrophages preserved during several hours of cultivation in vitro their properties acquired in the animal organism under the effect of the substances administered. | 1976 | 1023817 |
[experiments to reproduce yersinia enterocolitica type 9 infection in guinea pigs]. | | 1976 | 1025844 |
[pathohistological changes in guinea pigs experimentally infected with yersinia enterocolitica serotype 9]. | a total of forty-five guinea pigs were injected subcutaneously with 0.1 cu cm carboneum tetracholoratum each and were infected with yersinia enterocolitica serotype 9. part of the animals (31) were treated at the 24th hour following infection with omnopon (a morphine preparation). all infected guinea pigs developed an infectious process manifested by dystrophic and inflammatory changes in the liver, intestine, spleen, lymph nodes and lungs. those treated with omnopon manifested a more acute infe ... | 1976 | 1025846 |
[yersinia enterocolitica in rheumatologic practice (author's transl)]. | | 1976 | 1027750 |
[sugar composition of crude lipopolysaccharides isolated from yersinia enterocolitica 0-3, 0-5b and 0-9]. | | 1976 | 1034033 |
[the effects of enzymes and secretions of the gastrointestinal tract on the eb vaccine strain]. | experiments were conducted in vitro. a study was made of the action of the enzymes and of the secretions of the gastrointestinal tract on the viability of the eb vaccine strain. sensitivity of bacterial cells to the action of saliva, gastric juice, intestinal contents, trypsin, and bile proved to differ. gastric juice inactivated the vaccine strain which expressed a satisfactory resistance towards the rest of the factors under study practically immediately. there were revealed no significant mor ... | 1976 | 1034388 |
studies on yersinia pseudotuberculosis. iv. isolation of y. pseudotuberculosis from healthy swine. | | 1976 | 1034842 |
antibodies to yersinia enterocolitica in thyroid disease. | the prevalence of elevated antibody titers against yersinia enterocolitica was studied in normal subjects, patients with a variety of nonthyroidal illnesses, and patients with thyroid disease. in contrast to the low prevalence of antibodies in controls (less than 8%), 48 of 67 patients (75%) with a variety of thyroid disorders had titers greater than 1:8. antibodies were found in 24 of 36 patients with graves' disease, five of six with autonomous adenoma, seven of seven with hashimoto's thyroidi ... | 1976 | 1036668 |
distribution of beta-lactamases a and b in some groups of yersinia enterocolitica and their role in resistance. | yersinia enterocolitica w222 (serological group 3) synthesized two different intracellular beta-lactamases, called a and b. enzyme b was more sensitive than a to inhibition by cloxacillin. the minimum inhibitory concentrations of various beta-lactam antibiotics for strains of y. enterocolitica of groups 3 and 9 and the effect of cloxacillin on these concentrations suggested differential roles for beta-lactamases of types a and b in penicillin and cephalosporin resistance. type b enzymes protecte ... | 1975 | 1043914 |
distribution of beta-lactamases a and b in some groups of yersinia enterocolitica and their role in resistance. | yersinia enterocolitica w222 (serological group 3) synthesized two different intracellular beta-lactamases, called a and b. enzyme b was more sensitive than a to inhibition by cloxacillin. the minimum inhibitory concentrations of various beta-lactam antibiotics for strains of y. enterocolitica of groups 3 and 9 and the effect of cloxacillin on these concentrations suggested differential roles for beta-lactamases of types a anb b in penicillin and cephalosporin resistance. type b enzymes protecte ... | 1975 | 1043915 |
[drug sensitivity of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. | drug-sensitivity of 70 strains of y. enterocolitica and 24 of y. pseudotuberculosis including reference strains and isolates from men or animals were determined by the agar plate-dilution method. all the strains of y. enterocolitica were relatively resistant to penicillins and cephalosporins, while all of y. pseudotuberculosis were sensitive to both of the agents. most of the strains of both species excluding 13 resistant ones were sensitive to streptomycin. the resistant strains, however, were ... | 1976 | 1047115 |
[role of histocompatibility antigens (hl-a) in the pathogenesis of some rheumatoid diseases]. | | 1975 | 1079598 |
yersinia enterocolitica : a review of its role in food hygiene. | since yersinia enterocolitica, now classified as a member of the enterobacteriaceae, was recognized as a distinct species in 1964 it has been isolated with increasing frequency from man and animals (including dogs and pigs) and from some human foods. y. enterocolitica infections are now seen as a cause for some concern in both human and veterinary medicine. the organism is commonly found in specimens from swine slaughterhouses and has been isolated from samples of market meat, vacuum-packed beef ... | 1976 | 1087589 |
isolation and characterization of yersinia enterocolitica. | | 1976 | 1087695 |
a comparison of serological tests for detecting antibody to plague. | a study was undertaken of the relationship between the passive haemagglutination and haemagglutination inhibition tests used in serum surveys for specific plague antibodies. both techniques gave similar titres for sera of albino rattus norvegicus convalescent from plague infection. they appear to be equally suitable for plague surveillance and control programmes. | 1976 | 1088106 |
["in vitro" study on the susceptibility of "yersinia pestis", isolated in brazil, to sulfonamides, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, penicillins and erythromicine]. | | 1975 | 1088769 |
[yersinia pseudotuberculosis spesis with fatal outcome]. | | 1975 | 1089226 |
[yersinia enterocolitica in goat--properties and diagnosis (author's transl)]. | | 1975 | 1089954 |
[bacteriocinogeny in yersinia enterocolitica]. | bacteriocinogeny was found in 19.8 per cent of y. enterocolitica strains tested. it was designated by the authors as enterocoliticacinogeny and the substance produced by the pathogen was named enterocoliticacine. bacteriocinogeny was found among the collection strains isolated in the south primorye and not among the strains isolated abroad. some cultures of y. enterocolitica isolated abroad and in the south primorye were used as indicator strains for revealing enterocoliticacinogeny. enterocolit ... | 1975 | 1091204 |
the histocompatibility antigen (hl-a 27) and disease. | | 1975 | 1091974 |
[new groups of the family enterobacteriaceae]. | | 1975 | 1092100 |
[a comparative immunochemical study of the subtypes of serologic type i of the agent of pseudotuberculosis]. | it was shown that y. pseudotuberculosis strains causing the far-eastern scarlatina-like fever in the primorsk region belonged to subtype ib-ipopolysaccharides of the standard strain of subtype ib and of the local strain were closely affiliated by the analytic data and monosaccharide composition, but differed from the lipopolysaccharide of strains belonging to subtype ia. living vaccines should be used to obtain the sera against the subtypes ia and ib of the causative agent. | 1975 | 1092107 |