
studies on the porphyrinogenic action of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene in birds.the porphyrinogenic action of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (tcb) was examined in 17-day-old embryos, day-old chicks, 18-day-old chickens and adult japanese quail. the quail was found to be the most sensitive species towards tcb induced porphyria whereas the chick embryo was totally non-responsive. the liver porphyrins of japanese quail were increased in a dose-dependent manner 1 day after tcb. elevation in porphyrin levels in quail was associated with comparable increases in delta-aminolevulinic acid ...19836636202
n tau-methyl histidine excretion by poultry: not all species excrete n tau-methyl histidine quantitatively.the rate of elimination of administered n tau-[14ch3]methyl histidine was used to assess the validity of n tau-methyl histidine excretion as an index of muscle protein breakdown in poultry. broiler chicks (2-3 and 4-5 weeks old), laying hens, adult quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), adult cockerels and turkey poults (2-4 weeks old) were tested. all except the turkey poults showed quantitative recoveries of n tau-[14ch3]methyl histidine within 1 week. turkeys showed a different pattern of n tau- ...19836639927
vertebrate host specificity and experimental vectors of plasmodium (novyella) kempi sp. n. from the eastern wild turkey in iowa.vertebrate host specificity, experimental laboratory vectors, and a description of plasmodium (novyella) kempi sp. n. from eastern wild turkeys (meleagris gallopavo silvestris vieillot) in iowa are presented. plasmodium kempi is infective for domestic turkeys, bobwhites (colinus virginianus), chukars (alectoris graeca), guinea fowl (numida meleagris), peacocks (pavo cristatus), and canaries (serinus canaria), produces a transient infection in mallards (anas platyrhynchos) and domestic geese (ans ...19836644918
genetic selection, general characterization, and histology of atherosclerosis-susceptible and -resistant japanese quail.a new animal model of atherosclerosis has been developed through genetic selection of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) into susceptible (sus) and resistant (res) lines. characterization of the selected quail has shown that the res birds were resistant to the disease and developed little atherosclerosis on a diet containing 1% cholesterol. the sus birds were sensitive and developed severe atherosclerosis in 8-9 wks on a diet containing only 0.5% cholesterol. the histology of the progre ...19836651912
mating frequency in male japanese quail: crosses among selected and unselected lines.the genetics of mating behavior in japanese quail was investigated in replicated lines selected for high or low number of completed matings and the random bred control which served as the base population for the selected lines. comparisons involved the parental lines, f1, f2, and backcross generations. results indicate that mating frequency is influenced by additive and nonadditive genetic variation with the former being the primary heritable influence. the relationships between mating behavior, ...19836686079
relative potencies of testosterone and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone on crowing and cloacal gland growth in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).it has been suggested that testosterone is less effective at inducing crowing behaviour in young birds than in adults because of the presence of higher levels of steroid 5 beta-reductase in the young brain, which converts testosterone to inactive 5 beta-reduced metabolites. this hypothesis was tested indirectly by comparing the relative potencies of 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5 alpha-dht), which cannot be converted to 5 beta-metabolites, and testosterone at inducing crowing in young gonadectom ...19846690644
comparative analysis of the development of wing-flapping and flight in the fowl.the development of wing-flapping rate, lateral flight, wing area, and the ratio of wing area to body weight are described in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and three chickens (gallus gallus) to determine common developmental phenomena and to assess the effects of domestication. the chickens were the white leghorn (a commercial egg producer), the cornish x rock (a commercial meat producer), and the red jungle fowl (the probable ancestor of domestic chickens). all birds performed ...19846698309
mineral content of quail embryos cultured in mineral-rich and mineral-free conditions.japanese quail embryos were cultured in mineral rich (mr) using chickens egg shell and mineral-free (mf) using saran wrap cultures after 2.5 days of normal incubation. in the mr culture, 82% of embryos survived beyond 14.5 days of incubation and 3 embryos out of 93 (3%) hatched. in the mf culture, 80% survived beyond 9.5 days and 59% beyond 14.5 days. mineral content (ca, mg, k, and na) of the embryos and of the residual matter within the egg (remaining egg contents excluding the embryo, shell, ...19846701139
pathogenicity of coccidia in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).coccidia were recovered from a field outbreak in commercially raised japanese quail from south carolina. after propagation in unmedicated quail, the culture was identified as a mixture of approximately 65% eimeria uzura, 33% e. tsunodai, and 2% e. taldykurganica. several pure cultures of e. uzura were obtained by single oocyst isolation. a micropyle was not present in all oocysts; thus, it is not a reliable taxonomic characteristic for identification of e. uzura. neither the mixed culture nor th ...19846701143
growth hormone, thyroxine, and triiodothyronine levels of japanese quail selected for four-week body weight.plasma growth hormone (gh), triiodothyronine (t3), and thyroxine (t4) levels were compared in four lines of japanese quail (c,p,t, and s) from 1 to 4 weeks of age in two experiments. lines p and t were derived from line c by 59 generations of selection for high 4-week body weight. line p was selected under the same nutritional regimen as line c (28% protein) while line t was selected under a restricted protein (20%) ration containing .2% thiouracil. line s was developed as a subline from t by co ...19846709562
uterine relaxing action of parathyroid hormone: effect of oxidation and methionine substitution.the effects of bpth-(1-34), oxidized bpth-(1-34),[nle8,nle18, tyr34] bpth-(1-34) amide, and oxidized [nle8,nle18,tyr34]bpth-(1-34)amide were tested in an in vitro rat uterine assay. when bpth-(1-34) was treated with hydrogen peroxide (h2o2), the ability of this peptide to reduce oxytocin-stimulated uterine contraction in vitro was no longer evident. an analogue of bpth-(1-34), in which the methionines at positions 8 and 18 were replaced with norleucine ([nle8,nle18,tyr34]bpth-(1-34)amide), was c ...19846709644
selective breeding for high and low antibody responses to inactivated newcastle disease virus in japanese quails.two lines of japanese quail were divergently selected for high and low antibody responses after being twice injected at 4 and 6 weeks of age with inactivated newcastle disease virus antigen. after seven generations of selection, the serum antibody level in the high line was 24% greater than the level in the unselected control lines, whereas the low line antibody level was approximately 37% less than that in the control line. the estimated heritability (h2s + d) was approximately .12 +/- .50. the ...19846728759
age and body weight at sexual maturity in female white leghorn chickens.age and body weight at sexual maturity were measured in females from two lines of white leghorns known to differ in these traits. within-line correlations between age and body weight at sexual maturity were not different from zero. the data demonstrated that egg-type chickens must reach a minimum age and body weight before commencing egg production - results consistent with those obtained for meat-type chickens and japanese quail.19846728783
a comparison of the distributions of the actinides uranium and thorium with the lanthanide gadolinium in the tissues and eggs of japanese quail: concentrations of uranium in feeds and foods.japanese quail were given ucl3 , uo2 (no3)2, th(no3)4, or gdcl3 ( 153gd -labeled) intravenously in aqueous solution. distribution of th among the tissues was as for gd; distributions of u(iii) and u(vi) were markedly different. for example, 18 hr after a 1.5 mumol/100 g dose, accumulations in females were: growing oocytes, u(iii) 2.0%, u(vi) 2.4%, th 27.7%, gd 44.7%; leg bones, u(iii) 12.5%, u(vi) 14.1%, th 1.2%, gd 1.4%; liver, u(iii) 1.1%, u(vi) 1.1%, th 44.0%, gd 40.2%. whole body losses by 1 ...19846728797
5 beta-reductase activity in the brain and cloacal gland of male and female embryos in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).testosterone metabolism was studied by an in-vitro technique in the brain and cloacal gland of young male and female quail at different ages ranging from 7 days of incubation to 2 days after hatching. very active metabolism, leading almost exclusively to the production of 5 beta-reduced compounds, was observed. 5 beta-reductase activity remained high throughout the incubation period in the hypothalamus, decreased around the time of hatching in the cerebellum and decreased progressively between d ...19846736853
purificaton and characterization of a pepsinogen and its pepsin from proventriculus of the japanese quail.a crude extract of the proventriculus of the japanese quail gave at least five bands of peptic activity at ph 2.2 on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. the main component, constituting about 40% of the total acid protease activity, was purified to homogeneity by hydroxyapatite and deae-sepharose column chromatographies. at below ph 4.0, the pepsinogen was converted to a pepsin, which had the same electrophoretic mobility as one of the five bands of peptic activity present in the crude extract. ...19806766746
a ser162/gly162 polymorphism in japanese quail ovomucoid.japanese quail ovomucoid exists in two polymorphic forms. one has serine, the other glycine at position 162. the tryptic peptide corresponding to positions 160 to 164 was purified from ovomucoids isolated from egg whites of eggs laid by 11 different hens and subjected to amino acid analysis. the quantitative distribution of serine and glycine in this pentapeptide is consistent with the interpretation that the ovomucoid gene exists in two codominant allelic forms at one locus. even though the gen ...19806771272
difference of japanese quail lh-rf from mammalian lh-rf revealed by biological and immunochemical studies. 19806774913
the effects of ortho chloro substituents on the retention of pcb isomers in rat, rabbit, japanese quail, guinea pig and trout.a mixture of 2,2',4,4',6,6'-,2,2',4,4',5',6-,2,2',4,4',5,5'-,2',3,4,4',5,5'- and 3,3',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyls (hcbp) was administered by gastric lavage to rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, japanese quail and trout, and the concentrations in the fat or whole carcass were determined after 29 days. the total hcbp levels in rat, rabbit and guinea pig fatty tissue were 8.27, 6.84 and 4.74 ppm, respectively: whereas 3.02 and 2.15 ppm of the hcbps were detected in the trout and japanese quail carcasses ...19806794188
hypothalamic secretion of thyrotrophin releasing hormone is decreased in male japanese quail exposed to long daily male japanese quail held under short daily photoperiods (8 h light: 16 h darkness; 8l: 16d) had significantly higher plasma concentrations of thyroid-stimulating hormone (tsh), tri-iodothyronine (t3) and thyroxine (t4) than did those kept under long days (16l:8d). when given a single s.c. injection of 50 microgram thyrotrophin releasing hormone (trh) the birds held under both the 8l: 16d and 16l: 8d photoperiods showed rapid increases in their blood concentrations of tsh, t4 and t3, the am ...19826801171
effect of corticosterone on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal system of male japanese quail exposed to either short or long photoperiods. 19826816883
circulating corticosterone responses of feed and water deprived broilers and japanese quail.experiments were conducted to delineate the acute stress response of commercial broilers to feed and water deprivation for 10 hr. the effect of method of nutrient deprivation, cooping versus removal of feed and water from broiler floor pens, was also considered. bihourly plasma corticosterone measures were made during 10-hr withdrawal periods, and significant alterations in this adrenal steroid were considered indicative of stress. in all studies, feed and water deprivation produced significant ...19836835905
recovery of acetylcholinesterase forms in quail muscle cultures after intoxication with diisopropylfluorophosphate.studies of recovery of acetylcholinesterase (ache, ec after inhibition by organophosphates (ops) have been hampered by the low number of in vitro systems with large collagen-tailed forms of ache characteristic of motor end plates. pectoral muscle cultures from japanese quail with high levels of a large 20s form of ache were used to study recovery of cells from acute treatment with diisopropylfluorophosphate (dfp), an irreversible ache inhibitor. low molecular weight ache forms were synt ...19836838637
an experimental study of the somitomeric organization of the avian segmental plate.the segmental plate mesoderm of chicken and japanese quail embryos hh stages 9 to 16 was studied with scanning electron microscopy (sem) imaging. the segmental plates were found to exhibit a metameric pattern consisting of tandemly stacked somitomeres. it was found that the numbers of somitomeres in segmental plates removed from the same embryo were nearly identical. furthermore, the number of somitomeres in a segmental plate was found to be quite consistent (10.0 +/- 1.5) and independent of the ...19836840398
variations in the photoperiodic cloacal response of japanese quail: association with testes weight and feather color.the size of the cloacal gland was found to be a reliable indicator of testicular activity of japanese quail. six experiments were performed to examine the effects of alternating long and short photoperiod on the size of the cloacal gland of male japanese quail. three types of photoperiodic cloacal responses were distinguished. type i birds became refractory to short photoperiods after they had experienced 5 weeks or more of short days. they maintained large cloacal glands under subsequent condit ...19836852518
the effects of testosterone and its metabolites on sexual behavior and morphology in male and female japanese japanese quail are sexually dimorphic. even when implanted with testosterone (t), ovariectomized females fail to copulate and their cloacal glands are smaller than those of males. this may be due to a reduced capacity of the females to transform testosterone into active metabolites (estradiol-17 beta and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone). indeed, in the male quail, estradiol-17 beta (e2) activates copulation whereas 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5 alpha-dht) activates crowing, strutting and the ...19836867131
[physicochemical characteristics of a vaccinal strain of the leningrad-3 mumps virus (l-3)].purified virions of the vaccine strain leningrad-3 of mumps virus propagated in japanese quail embryo cell cultures had a buoyant density 1.18-1.19 g/ml in sucrose gradient, contained 50 s rna and showed variable sizes in electron microscopy as manifested by heterogeneity of the virus zone in sedimentation analysis. purified l-3 virus contained 5 major polypeptides with molecular weights of 74,000, 68,000, 58,000, 45,000, and 39,000 daltons. each polypeptide had an individual oligopeptide compos ...19836868562
interaction between trypsin-like enzyme from streptomyces erythraeus and japanese quail ovomucoid.we examined the interaction between a trypsin-like enzyme from streptomyces erythraeus (tle-se) and japanese quail ovomucoid (qo) as a model of the interaction between a serine protease and a kazal-type inhibitor. both the second domain (domain ii) and the third domain (domain iii) of qo inhibited tle-se. but there was a great difference in the apparent association rate constant (kappa a) between domain ii and domain iii at ph 8.0 (the optimum ph of the enzymatic activity), and domain iii associ ...19836874672
teratogenicity of parathion 29 wp in japanese quail, pheasant and chicken embryo. 19816892187
interactions of vitamin c with lead and mercury.ascorbic acid has been found to interact with several elements in such a manner as to render them less available for animals. this property of the vitamin has a negative effect on the animals fed a copper-deficient diet, but a positive effect on those fed toxic levels of copper, selenium, vanadium, and cobalt. the effect of ascorbic acid in alleviating cadmium toxicity has been attributed to the effect of the vitamin on iron metabolism, since ferrous iron will also alleviate cadmium toxicity in ...19806940480
thermodynamics and kinetics of single residue replacements in avian ovomucoid third domains: effect on inhibitor interactions with serine proteinases.sequence determinations in our laboratory have yielded the primary structures of ovomucoid third domains from 35 avian species. from that list, 12 sequences could be arranged into a contiguous set such that each sequence differs from a second by a single amino acid replacement. for this set of domains and for five additional domains of special interest, we report here the association equilibrium constants for their binding with bovine alpha-chymotrypsin, elastase i, and subtilisin carlsberg. the ...19827046785
inhibition of myoblast differentiation in vitro by a protein isolated from liver cell medium.we have recently discovered that cells of coon's buffalo rat liver (brl) line secrete a protein which is a potent inhibitor of skeletal myoblast differentiation in vitro. using ion exchange and molecular exclusion chromatography, we have prepared this protein, which we designate "differentiation inhibitor" (di), from the materials secreted by brl cells maintained in serum-free medium. it is a relatively heat-stable protein which is inactivated by treatment with trypsin and mercaptoethanol and ha ...19827047537
chemical synthesis, biological activity, and metabolism of 25-hydroxy-24-oxovitamin d3.25-hydroxy-24-oxovitamin d3 (25(oh)24-oxo-d3), a metabolite of 25-hydroxyvitamin d3, has been chemically synthesized. the ultraviolet, mass, infrared, and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of the 25(oh)24-oxo-d3 were identical with those of the natural product isolated from chick kidney incubates. the oxo compound showed biological activity similar to 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 (24,25(oh)2d3) in vitamin d-deficient chicks in enhancing intestinal calcium transport and bone calcium mobiliza ...19827061507
method of determining the osmotic fragility curves of erythrocytes in birds.the osmotic fragility of erythrocytes in 3 species of birds (gallus gallus domesticus, coturnix coturnix japonica, columba livia) and the rat was determined. the results of this study point to a smaller osmotic fragility. birds, with elliptical erythrocytes, have a lower osmotic fragility than species with round erythrocytes, like most of the mammals.19827062710
identification of the trimannosyl-chitobiose structure in sugar moieties of japanese quail ovomucoid.ovomucoid isolated from egg white of japanese quail contained mannose, galactose, glucosamine, and sialic acid (8.6 : 1.3 : 6.6 : 0.5 mol/mol) as sugar components. sugar chains were liberated from the polypeptide portion by hydrazinolysis, n-acetylated and fractionated on bio-gel p-2. the reducing ends of the thus obtained sugar moieties were pyridylaminated. chemical and exoglycosidase digestion studies of the fluorescent pyridylamino derivative of a major sugar fraction indicated the following ...19827068587
production, transport, maturation, storage and survival of spermatozoa in the male japanese quail, coturnix coturnix.male japanese quail have relatively large testes (2.26% of body weight), a rapid rate of spermatogenesis (14.4-15.8 days) and an efficient production of spermatozoa (92.5 x 10(6)/g testis per day). the daily output of spermatozoa is high (308 x 10(6) per bird, 2.08 x 10(6) per g body weight). the total number of extragonadal spermatozoa was 308 x 22 x 10(6) per bird. spermatozoa were transported through the genital ducts in about 1 day, maturing quickly in the epididymal region and stored briefl ...19827069651
experimental aflatoxicosis in young japanese quail.japanese quail from the university colony fed graded levels of dietary aflatoxin (0, 1.25, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, and 20.0 micrograms/g) from hatching to 4 weeks of age were comparatively resistant to aflatoxin as growth inhibition occurred at a dose of 5.0 micrograms/g or more as about 50% mortality occurred at a dose of 20 micrograms/g. the acute oral ld50 was 19.5 +/- 4.8 mg/kg. these values are up to ten times those reported in the literature for other quail. the most sensitive indicators of aflato ...19827100070
color-opponent responses in the avian lateral geniculate: a study in the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).extracellular recordings were made from cells in the ventral lateral geniculate (glv) of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), and their responses studied with chromatic stimuli. a total of 156 units were studied, and of these, 124 were found to be optimally responsive to changes in hue, and not to changes of contrast or motion of the stimuli in their receptive fields. these chromatic responses can be characterized as follows: (1) they have large (average 15 degrees x 15 degrees) rece ...19827127125
the rete testis of birds.the rete testis in the domestic fowl (gallus gallus domesticus), japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), guinea-fowl (numida meleagris galeata) and drake (anas platyrhynchos) was studied histologically and with both the scanning and transmission electron microscopes. all the birds have rete epithelial cells varying between squamous and high cuboidal. a cilium-like structure projects from the luminal portion of most cells into the rete lumen, and the outline of the cells varies from polygona ...19827130060
dietary ferulic acid, biochanin a, and the inhibition of reproductive behavior in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix).a study was conducted to determine the effects to two dietary compounds, biochanin a and ferulic acid, on the reproductive performance of japanese quail, coturnix coturnix. these compounds may be present in the diet of wild birds during dry years or at the end of the growing season during normal years. four treatment groups, each fed a diet supplemented with biochanin a or ferulic acid, and a control group were tested for morphological and behavioral effects before, during and after treatment. f ...19827146045
effect of l-thyroxine on metabolism in japanese quails (cotournix cotournix japonica)--ii. activity of got and gpt in liver, ldh and icdh in heart and kidney after multiple injections of l-thyroxine.1. quails hatched from eggs incubated at physiological temperature (37.5 degrees c--normal quails) and elevated (39.3 degrees c--warm quails) were injected with l-thyroxine (t4) at the dose of 600 micrograms/kg of body weight, every 48 hr for 17 days. 2. twenty-four hours after the last injection activity of aspartate aminotransferase (got), alanine aminotransferase (gpt) was determined in liver homogenates and lactate dehydrogenase and isocitrate dehydrogenase in homogenates of heart and kidney ...19827151409
regulation of acetylcholinesterase forms in quail and chicken muscle cultures.high molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (ache) have been difficult to obtain in primary cultures of muscle from mammals and birds. this research used pectoral muscle cultures from japanese quail and chick embryos grown in medium containing embryo extract and horse serum to study the growth and extraction conditions necessary for study of high molecular weight 20s ache forms found in these birds. the results confirmed the presence of a 20s ache form in quail muscle cultures and showed that i ...19827160313
5 beta-dihydrotestosterone is weakly androgenic in the adult japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). 19827160608
sex differences of japanese quails in response to acute cold exposure. changes in thyroid activity and blood glucose level.sudden exposure of japanese quails to cold (-1 to -3 degrees c) decreases the skin temperature during 0.5 to 3 hrs without any effect on the deep body temperature. the fall in skin temperature was about two times faster in males than in females. this indicates greater resistance to cold of females in comparison with male quails. greater resistance to cold was accompanied by an increase in thyroid activity and earlier decrease in blood glucose level which may suggest that mobilization of these co ...19827186761
seasonal changes in plasma retinol-binding holoprotein concentration in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).1. seasonal changes in retinol-binding holoprotein (holorbp) concentration in plasma of groups of male and female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were examined over 18 months. 2. in expts 1 and 2 the birds were maintained under natural lighting conditions and in expt 3 under artificial-light photoperiods corresponding to the changing daylength at 56 degrees n latitude. all groups were at 18-20 degrees and received superlayers' (rank hovis mcdougall) pellet diet. 3. the mean plasma ho ...19807189666
effects of photostimulation, castration, and testosterone replacement on daily patterns of calling and locomotor activity in japanese quail. 19817197663
[effects of 5-methyl-7-diethylamino-s-triazolo-(1, 5-a) pyrimidine (trapidil) on various experimental hyperlipemias (author's transl)].effects of 5-methyl-7-diethylamino-s-triazolo-1, 5-a) pyrimidine (trapidil, rocornal), a therapeutic agent for ischemic heart disease, on various types of experimental hyperlipemias were studied. with administration of trapidil, elevation of serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol (hdl-c) levels and reduction in serum total cholesterol (tc), low density lipoprotein and very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (ldl-c) and the ratio of hdl-c to ldl-c (ldl-c/hdl-c) were observed in most disease ...19807203281
somite formation in cultured embryos of the snapping turtle. chelydra serpentina.a simple, reliable method for the in vitro cultivation of snapping turtle embryos was demonstrated. this technique was used to study somite formation in explants containing segmental plates. segmental plates formed a full complement of somites whether the neural tube or the neural tube and notochord was present. explanted snapping turtle segmental plates formed an average of 6.6 +/- 1.2 somites. removal of the node region or tail bud from cultured intact embryos led to a cessation of somite form ...19807217866
activity of ethyl 5-(p-chlorophenoxy)-3-hydroxy-3-methylpentanoate, a new hypocholesterolemic compound, in male rats and sea japanese quail.ethyl 5-(p-chlorophenoxy)-3-hydroxy-3-methylpentanoate (hmp), a new hypocholesterolemic compound, was evaluated in male rats at dosage levels ranging from 25-800 mg/kg/day and in sea japanese quail at approximately 200 mg/kg/day. in the rat, the atherogenic lipoprotein cholesterol, that is, the combination of very low density plus low density lipoprotein cholesterol (vldl-c + ldl-c), was reduced 20-27% at dosage levels over 100 mg/kg/day, while high density lipoprotein cholesterol (hdl-c) and to ...19817225199
effects on feed palatability of ingredients believed to contain unidentified growth factors for poultry.the influences of several feedstuffs on the free-choice feeding behavior of japanese quail, single comb white leghorn (scwl) chicks, broiler-type chicks, and scwl hens were investigated. each type of animal showed significant feeding preferences for diets containing practical feedstuffs popularly associated with unidentified growth factor (ugf) activities. among these, diets containing menhaden meal and corn distillers' dried solubles were preferred most frequently. results indicated that a comp ...19817232263
[effect of testosterone on the rna polymerase i and ii activity of the uropygial and cloacal glands of the male quail (coturnix coturnix japonica)]. 19817250682
avidin induction by estrogen and progesterone in the immature oviduct of chicken, japanese quail, duck, and gull. 19817250686
affinity chromatography of streptomyces erythreus trypsin-like enzyme on japanese quail ovomucoid.for simple, rapid purification of streptomyces erythreus trypsin-like enzyme (tle), we examined affinity chromatography with quail ovomucoid (qo) as a ligand of an affinity matrix. we prepared two affinity matrices by the cyanogen bromide method and the oxirane coupling method, and compared their binding efficiencies for tle using frontal affinity chromatography. the affinity matrix in which qo was immobilized by the cyanogen bromide method showed 30% binding efficiency. however, another matrix, ...19817251574
the development of the oculomotor nuclear complex in the japanese quail embryo.the development of the oculomotor nuclear complex was studied in the japanese quail. in hatchlings, this complex was found to consist of four subnuclei: the accessory, the dorsolateral, the dorsomedial, and the ventromedial. an arciform subnucleus or central subnucleus was not found in this species. all subnuclei were made up of homogeneous cell populations. the oculomotor primordia can first be recognized at day 3 of incubation, and a clear subdivision within this primordia is apparent on day 5 ...19817251933
excretion of radioactivity following the intraperitoneal administration of 14c-ddt, 14c-ddd, 14c-dde and 14c-ddmu to the rat and japanese quail. 19817296072
structural and histochemical features of the avian blood-brain barrier.we have investigated the structural and histochemical features of the blood-brain barrier (b-bb) in both adults and embryos of chicken (gallus domesticus, white leghorn) and quail (corturnix coturnix japonica). we found that brain endothelial cells of both species are characterized structurally by tight junctions, a low density of pinocytotic vesicles, and a moderately elevated density of mitochondria. both alkaline phosphatase and butyryl cholinesterase were found in adult quail brain capillari ...19817298896
electron microscope study of vertebrate liver innervation.liver fine structure was studied in various groups of vertebrates to reveal intrahepatic nerves. nerve fibers were found in the connective tissue of the liver in all mammals, birds, and reptiles studied (japanese monkey, crab-eating monkey, rabbit, guinea pig, rat, golden hamster, pigeon, japanese quail, and turtle, pseudemys scripta). nerve fibers also made direct contact with hepatocytes in these animals except for the rat and the golden hamster. intrahepatic nerves were rare or absent in amph ...19817316686
[the sinuatrial node of the avian heart (author's transl)].comparative histologic observations were made of the sinuatrial nodes of avian hearts from a short-tailed shearwater (puffinus tenuirostris), a black-crowned night heron (nycticorax nycticorax), two ducks (anas platyrhycha domestica), eight japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica), a pigeon (columba livia domestica), a macaw (ara macao), three budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and a jungle crow (corvus macrorhynchos). the node lies between the right atrial myocardium and epicardium at th ...19817318931
amino acid sequences containing cysteine or cystine residues in ovalbumin from eggs of the quail coturnix coturnix japonica.ovalbumin isolated from eggs of the japanese quail, c. c. japonica, was subjected to limited proteolysis by subtilisin to give plakalbumin and then fractionated on sephadex g75 in acid-urea to give plakalbumin s-protein and s-peptide. the plakalbumin peptide was recovered, oxidized with performic acid, and the sequence of amino acids determined from the peptides formed by enzyme digestion. there were two cysteine residues in the 33-residue sequence. the ovalbumin was also oxidized with performic ...19817340765
the isolation of haemophilus paragallinarum from japanese quail. 19817340794
some epidemiological aspects of salmonella gallinarum infection in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). 19817342580
cloacal gland of the japanese quail: androgen dependence and metabolism of testosterone.a cloacal gland complex whose growth and development is androgen-dependent exists in the japanese quail. in-vitro incubation studies of the cloacal gland using 4-14c-labelled testosterone as substrate allowed the positive identification of five metabolites: androstenedione, 5 beta-dihydrotestosterone (5 beta-dht), 5 beta-androstane-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol, 5 alpha-dht and 5 alpha -androstane-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol. more polar metabolites, not yet chemically identified, were detected in trace amount ...19807365366
studies on the blood groups in the japanese quail: detection of three antigens and their inheritance. 19807371893
a circadian rhythm in photosensitivity as the basis for the testicular response of japanese quail to intermittent order to examine the relationship between the circadian rhythm in photosensitivity and intermittent light in stimulating testicular development, japanese quail were exposed to intermittent light providing a single dark period interruption varying from .5 to 10 hr in duration. the treatment lasted for 3 weeks. changes in the cloacal gland size were monitored throughout the test and testis weights were taken at the end of the test (7 and 11 weeks of age). the results indicated that quail have a ...19807375432
morphological and functional peculiarities of mesenchymal cells in the pars tuberalis of the pituitary gland.following injection of high doses of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), mesenchymal cells distributed in the perisinusoidal space of the pars tuberalis of the hypophysis in cats, rabbits and japanese quails, sequester the exogenously administrated peroxidase intensively. these cells are designated by the authors as "horseradish peroxidase-uptake cells" (hrp-uptake cells or huc). hrp-uptake cells constitute a system of macrophages in the pars tuberalis of mammals and birds, and are located around the ...19807388886
[reproduction of fixed rabies virus in a quail fibroblast culture growing in suspension].reproduction of culture variant of fixed rabies virus was studied in cultures of quail fibroblasts growing in roller suspension cultures, as well as in monolayer cultures of japanese quail embryos fixed on deae-sephadex a-50 particles. titers of the virus in cultures on the microcarrier were found to be similar with those in roller monolayer cultures, namely 5.75--6.5 lg ld50/ml. in shaker and roller suspension cultures the virus titers were lower: 4.5--5.25 lg ld50/ml.19807423971
the ductuli efferentes of the epididymal region of birds.ultrastructural studies were undertaken on the efferent ductules of the testis of the domestic fowl (gallus domesticus), japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and guinea-fowl (numida meleagris). four cell types were identified and described: ciliated cells which were found in the epithelium of both the proximal and distal segments of the efferent ductules, non-ciliated type i cell which, together with the ciliated cell, formed the epithelium of the proximal efferent ductule and the non-cil ...19807429963
interrelationship between thyroid and gonadal function in female japanese quail kept under short and long photoperiods.the concentrations of progesterone, testosterone, oestrone, oestradiol, thyroxine (t4) and tri-iodothyronine (t3) in the plasma of 8-week-old female japanese quail exposed to short (6 h light: 18 h darkness; 6l:18d) and long (18l:6d) photoperiods were determined by radioimmunoassay after ovariectomy, thyroidectomy and treatment with t4. in birds exposed to short days treatment with t4 slightly increased both the concentrations of progesterone, oestrone and oestradiol in plasma and the weight of ...19807430916
response of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix) to organophosphorus ester-induced delayed neurotoxicity relative to domestic hens (gallus gallus domesticus). 19807437555
a reappraisal of the goitre-prevention assay: determination of the thyroid secretion rate in the japanese quail and the relative potencies of t3 and t4 in preventing goitrogenesis. 19807439671
the topography of mesotocin and vasotocin systems in the brain of the domestic mallard and japanese quail: immunocytochemical identification.the neurosecretory systems producing mesotocin (mt) and vasotocin (vt) (the avian homologues of oxytocin and vasopressin, respectively) were characterized in the brains of the domestic mallard and japanese quail by means of indirect immunofluorescence techniques using specific antisera. in the anterior preoptic region, including the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, and at different levels of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, separate mesotocin- and vasotocin-producing neuron ...19807459995
the genetic link between the chinese bamboo partridge (bambusicola thoracica) and the chicken and junglefowls of the genus gallus.further comparison of mitochondrial control-region dna base sequences of 16 avian species belonging to the subfamily phasianinae revealed the following: (i) generalized perdicine birds (quails and partridges) are of ancient lineages. even the closest pair, the common quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and the chinese bamboo partridge (bambusicola thoracica), maintained only 85.71% identity. (ii) the 12 species of phasianine birds previously and presently studied belonged to three distinct branch ...19957479935
a new inherited muscular disorder in japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica).thirteen adult mutant (lwc strain) japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica), between the ages of 8 and 60 weeks were examined for a progressive muscular disorder. the disorder, inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, was clinically apparent as early as 28 days of age; it was characterized by generalized myotonia, muscle stiffness, and muscle weakness. affected birds were identified by their inability to lift their wings vertically upward and by their inability to right themselves when plac ...19957483209
molecular cloning of complementary deoxyribonucleic acids for the pituitary glycoprotein hormone alpha-subunit and luteinizing hormone beta-subunit precursor molecules of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).complementary dnas encoding precursor molecules of the pituitary glycoprotein hormone (pgh) alpha- and luteinizing hormone (lh) beta-subunits of japanese quail were isolated from a quail adenohypophyseal cdna library using corresponding chicken cdnas as hybridization probes. the isolated cdnas had a length of 695 and 724 bp, respectively, and contained sequences of 5' and 3' untranslated regions and an entire coding region of the precursor molecules. two series of incompletely repeating and part ...19947515015
neurotensin immunoreactive cells in the gastrointestinal epithelium of the chicken, pigeon and japanese quail.distribution and frequency of neurotensin immunoreactive cells were investigated in the digestive tract of the chicken, pigeon and japanese quail by an immunohistochemical technique. immunoreactive cells were distributed in the epithelium of the pylorus, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum and colon, but not in the epithelium of the tongue, crop and esophagus. the pylorus showed the highest frequency of the immunoreactive cells in the three species and the chicken revealed the highest frequency amo ...19947517733
invasion and viability of campylobacter jejuni in experimentally contaminated japanese quails' japanese quail eggs experimentally immersed in a suspension of campylobacter jejuni from human patients (y6817, y6878), strain y6817 was recovered from 15 (18.8%) eggs among 80 between 0.5 hr and 72 hr after immersion. invasion of the eggs by strain y6878 was also seen in 10 (12.5%) of 80 eggs between 0.5 hr and 24 hr after immersion. when egg yolk was inoculated with both strains and held at 4 degrees c, the organisms were detectable for a longer time than the ones kept at 20 degrees c. on t ...19957548430
amino acid sequence of alpha- and beta-polypeptide chains of turkey (meleagris gallopavo) hemoglobin.two hemoglobin components are recognized in erythrocytes of the adult turkey (meleagris gallopavo). we determined the amino acid sequences of turkey alpha a-, alpha d- and beta-globin from intact globin chains and chemical cleavage fragments. the sequences are highly similar to the hemoglobin of the phasianidae, chicken, japanese quail and pheasant. turkey and pheasant beta-globin are identical. the amino acid sequence of turkey alpha a-globin differs by only one residue from chicken alpha a-glo ...19957576241
proteolysis of japanese quail and chicken plasma apolipoprotein b and vitellogenin by cathepsin d: similarity of the resulting protein fragments with egg yolk polypeptides.plasma very-low density lipoprotein (vldl) and vitellogenin (vtg) from mature female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and chickens (gallus domesticus) were isolated and digested in vitro with cathepsin d (ec3.4.23.5). the incubation mixtures were then reduced and subjected to gradient (4.5-18%) sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. protein fragments were stained with either coomassie brilliant blue r-250 (vldl digests) or coomassie brilliant blue r-250 containing 20 mm alcl3 (vtg di ...19957584850
conservation of functionally important epitopes on myelin associated glycoprotein (mag).phylogenetic conservation of protein domains often points to functionally important regions. as a step toward mapping these sites on myelin associated glycoprotein (mag) we have determined the species distribution of epitopes recognized by a panel of anti-mag antibodies (ab). monoclonal antibodies (mab) b11f7, gens3 and 28 recognized mag only in mammalian species. however, the mab 513 which inhibits mag binding recognized a conformational epitope in a wider distribution of species including, hum ...19957584863
a possible role of vitamin d receptors in regulating vitamin d activation in the kidney.the vitamin d endocrine system is regulated reciprocally by renal 25-hydroxyvitamin d3 1 alpha- and 24-hydroxylases. previously, we reported that renal proximal convoluted tubules, the major site of 1 alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 production, have vitamin d receptors. in the presence of vitamin d receptors, renal proximal convoluted tubules cannot maintain the state of enhanced production of 1 alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin d3. to clarify this discrepancy, we proposed a working hypothesis for the re ...19957597089
possible role of viruses in atherosclerosis.relative to the role of viruses in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis a number of questions remain to be answered. being ubiquitous, are the herpesvirus infections the norm or a diseased state in humans and animals? in all cases studied, including mdv induced atherosclerosis, direct isolation of viruses from arterial tissues has not been successful. are herpesviruses always latent or dormant in vascular tissues? what is the relationship between provirus and disease development? are they setting ...19957598020
culture characterization and viral infection of aortic smooth muscle cells from japanese quail susceptible to atherosclerosis.proliferation of aortic smooth muscle cells (smcs), an important feature of atherosclerosis, occurs in the early stage of the disease in japanese quail when fed an atherogenic diet. quail aortic smcs were isolated from a total of 32 quail and cultured in eagle's minimum essential medium supplemented with 10% bovine fetal serum. studies were carried out to characterize the cells in vitro. they grew actively in the early passages, but began to develop cytopathic changes after 3-4 passages and even ...19947601271
homology between mitochondriogenesis in the avian and amphibian oocyte.cytochrome oxidase cytochemistry was used to unequivocally identify the spread of mitochondria during oogenesis in the adult japanese quail. this enabled us to compare their distribution with the distribution in the xenopus laevis oocyte (tourte et al, 1984). in the quail the paranuclear mitochondrial cloud initially disperses homogeneously but afterwards segregates into 2 populations: (i) a population localized in the basophilic cortical layer (surrounding the vegetal pole); and (ii) clusters o ...19957612168
avian neurosteroids. i. pregnenolone biosynthesis in the quail brain.the present study was carried out to determine steroid biosynthesis from cholesterol in the brain of adult male japanese quails. as an initial step of the experiments, the concentrations of pregnenolone, dehydroepiandrosterone and their sulfate esters in the brain and plasma extracts were measured by specific radioimmunoassays (rias). to exclude the possibility that these steroids in the brain are derived from peripheral steroidogenic glands, hypophysectomized and sham-operated birds were used i ...19957620878
avian neurosteroids. ii. localization of a cytochrome p450scc-like substance in the quail brain.we have recently demonstrated that the avian brain as well as the peripheral steroidogenic glands produces pregnenolone, the main precursor of steroid hormones, on the basis of biochemical studies. therefore, the immunohistochemical and western immunoblotting analyses with a polyclonal antibody directed against the purified bovine adrenal cytochrome p450scc, which is involved in pregnenolone formation, was undertaken to investigate the localization of a cytochrome p450scc-like substance in the b ...19957620879
maternal rna content in oocytes of several mammalian and avian species.the amount of maternal rna in the oocytes of several mammalian (mouse, rabbit, cow, pig, sheep) and avian (hen, japanese quail, guinea hen, turkey) species was determined. for mammals these were in the range of 0.47 ng/oocyte (mouse) to 0.98 ng/oocyte (cow), with the exception of the rabbit, where it was up to 15 ng/oocyte. birds' oocytes contain much higher levels of rna, from 1.0 microgram (japanese quail) up to 2.1 micrograms/oocyte (hen). the rna levels were determined by direct measurement ...19937679714
adhesion activity of campylobacter jejuni for intestinal epithelial cells and mucus and and formalin- or heat (100 degrees c, 30 min)-treated cells of campylobacter jejuni strains y6878 and y6817, and the supernatant of the heat-treated bacterial suspension had agglutinating activity for the intestinal epithelial cells of japanese quails and human (int407). among the erythrocytes derived from 7 animal species (human, horses, sheep, rabbits, mice, chickens, and quails), only rabbit erythrocytes were agglutinated by live and glutaraldehyde-, formalin-, or heat-treated cells of 1 ...19947696403
mycotic salpingitis in a japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).an adult female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) was received for postmortem examination. necropsy revealed the presence of white to grayish nodules 2-5 mm in diameter on the serosal surface of the oviduct. aspergillus flavus was isolated from these nodules in pure culture. histologically, these nodules were medium to large granulomatous lesions in serosa and the muscular wall of the oviduct. the lesions contained a large central necrotic core surrounded by giant cells, macrophages, a ...19947702530
application of in vivo microdialysis to pineal research in birds: measurement of circadian rhythms of melatonin.circadian rhythms of pineal melatonin release were measured in free-moving pigeons, japanese quails, and chickens under light-dark cycles followed by constant dim light. although melatonin levels differed among individual birds, circadian rhythms of melatonin were observed in all of them. using this technique, we could examine phase shifts of melatonin rhythms and suppression of melatonin release by photic stimulation in pigeons. we could also examine effects of norepinephrine infusion on melato ...19947708366
circadian rhythms of corneal mitotic rate, retinal melatonin and immunoreactive visual pigments, and the effects of melatonin on the rhythms in the japanese quail.we investigated circadian ocular rhythms in the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. the birds were placed under light-dark cycles (ld 12:12), constant light (ll) and constant darkness (dd), and the retinas were dissected out at four-hour intervals throughout 24 h. following measurements were performed. (1) melatonin content in the retina was measured by radioimmunoassay. it was low in light and several folds higher in darkness under ld 12:12. the rhythm continued in dd, but disappeared i ...19957722956
characterization of the japanese quail oocyte receptor for very low density lipoprotein and vitellogenin.the plasma membrane receptor for vldl and vitellogenin from oocytes of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) was characterized and compared with that of another domestic fowl, the chicken (gallus domesticus). when visualized by ligand blotting with biotinylated or 125i-labeled lipoproteins, the quail vldl/vitellogenin receptor had an apparent m(r) of 95 kda under nonreducing conditions, identical to that of the chicken receptor. upon analysis by ligand blotting, binding of radiolabeled qua ...19957738685
acquisition of pathogenicity of a newcastle disease virus isolated from a japanese quail by intracerebral passage in chickens.newcastle disease virus (ndv) was isolated from a japanese quail (cotornix cotornix japonica). the effect of intracerebral and intranasal passages of the ndv in chickens on the pathogenicity was studied. pathogenicity of the viruses of different passage levels was compared with that of the original isolate by the mean death time with the minimum lethal dose in chicken embryos, intracerebral pathogenicity index in day-old chicks, intravenous pathogenicity index with 6-week-old chickens and the mo ...19947745878
inhibitory specificity against various trypsins and stability of ovomucoid from japanese quail egg white.the inhibitory specificity and stability of ovomucoid from japanese quail egg white (omjpq) were examined to understand its nutritional significance. omjpq showed strong inhibitory activities toward trypsins from various origins including human, and the trypsin inhibitions occurred at molar ratios of enzyme to inhibitor between 1/1 and 2/1. on the other hand, an equimolar mixture of the second and third domains of omjpq inhibited bovine trypsin more strongly than the corresponding native omjpq d ...19947751977
ethane 1,2-dimethane sulfonate effects on the testis of the lizard, podarcis s. sicula raf: morphological and hormonal changes.ethane 1,2-dimethane sulfonate (eds) destroys leydig cells in the testis of some rodents (mice excluded), disrupts interstitial and germinal compartments in the frog, rana esculenta, while it stimulates testicular activity in the teleost, gobius paganellus. in the japanese quail the toxin removes mature spermatozoa. there is no information on eds effects in reptiles. the present study examines the effect of eds treatment in the lizard podarcis s. sicula raf during two different periods of the te ...19957789742
the leukocyte response of japanese quail to rous sarcoma virus-induced male japanese quail, different circulating leukocyte responses were observed for progressors (birds developing a massive tumor that persisted throughout the experiment) and regressors (birds developing a tumor that gradually disappeared) after initial challenge with rous sarcoma virus (rsv). blood was sampled before and at weekly intervals postinoculation. blood smears were prepared and stained with diff quik, and a light microscope (1000 x) was used in a direct count of 50 fields. leukocytes ...19947832716
comparison of ultradian and circadian oscillations of carbon dioxide production by various endotherms.carbon dioxide emission (vco2) was computed every 20 min from continuous co2 concentration recordings taken during 3-30 consecutive days, in strictly controlled environmental conditions, in 54 of1 mice, 99 japanese quail, 66 sprague-dawley rats, 50 hartley guinea pigs, 7 chicks, for 7-15 days on 2 cynomolgus monkeys, and for 24 h on 7 premature infants. this vco2 shows circadian and ultradian oscillations that were analyzed for frequencies and amplitudes in light-dark 12-h alternation (ld 12:12) ...19957840329
estradiol and androgen modulate chicken luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone-i release in vitro.hypothalamic slices (1 mm) including medial basal hypothalamus and preoptic areas (mbh-poa) were taken from adult male japanese quail, placed in a short-term perifusion system, and exposed to estradiol or androgen. release of chicken lhrh-i (clhrh-i) was measured by an enzyme immunoassay specific for clhrh-i. in separate experiments, mbh-poa slices were exposed short-term to 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5 alpha-dht, 10(-7) m) and testosterone (t, 10(-7) m), and short- or long-term to 17 beta est ...19947849191
distribution and regulation of estrogen-2-hydroxylase in the quail brain.the anatomical distribution and endocrine regulation of the estrogen-2-hydroxylase activity were investigated in the brain of adult male and female japanese quail. significant levels of enzymatic activity were detected in all brain regions that were studied, but the highest levels were observed in preoptic and hypothalamic brain nuclei that are known to contain high levels of aromatase activity. these data are consistent with previous results suggesting that the placental aromatase is also respo ...19947850484
drusen-like deposits in the outer retina of japanese quail.histological examination of the outer retina of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) ranging in age from 4-48 months revealed the presence of drusen-like deposits which closely resemble those described in primate and human retinas. at both light and electron microscopic levels, these deposits were characterized by randomly distributed, granular and heterogenous materials. larger deposits with pleomorphic inclusions, often globular in shape, occurred more frequently in older quail, particu ...19947859816
insulin-like growth factor-i messenger rna content in the oviduct of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica): changes during growth and development or after estrogen administration.complementary dna (cdna) of insulin-like growth factor-i (igf-i) of japanese quail was cloned. the nucleotide sequence analysis of the cdna showed that only seven bases differed from those of chicken igf-i cdna in the 440 bases of the cloned region. this difference in nucleotide sequence did not cause changes in the amino acid sequence. using this cloned cdna, the changes in igf-i mrna content in the tissues of female quail during growth and development were investigated. in the oviduct, igf-i m ...19947881819
Displaying items 501 - 600 of 4180