
Insecticidal and repellent effects of tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil against Lucilia cuprina.Laboratory studies were conducted to assess the effect of tea tree oil (TTO) from Melaleuca alternifolia (terpinen-4-ol chemotype) against different stages of the Australian sheep blowfly Lucilia cuprina. When applied to wool, 3% TTO formulation repelled gravid female L. cuprina and prevented oviposition for six weeks. Formulations containing 1% TTO caused 100% mortality of L. cuprina eggs and 1st instar larvae and 2.5% TTO caused mortality of most second and third instar larvae in agar feeding ...201121899953
responses of lucilia sericata meigen (diptera: calliphoridae) to cadaveric volatile organic compounds*flies of the calliphoridae family are the most forensically important insects because of their abundance on the decedent during the first minutes following death. necrophagous insects are attracted at a distance by a decomposing body, through the use of volatile chemical cues. we tested the possible attractive role of some volatile organic chemicals (vocs) released by decaying cadavers, on male and female of lucilia sericata meigen (diptera: calliphoridae). two complementary approaches were used ...201122150206
utility of multi-gene loci for forensic species diagnosis of blowflies.contemporary studies in forensic entomology exhaustively evaluate gene sequences because these constitute the fastest and most accurate method of species identification. for this purpose single gene segments, cytochrome oxidase subunit i (coi) in particular, are commonly used. however, the limitation of such sequences in identification, especially of closely related species and populations, demand a multi-gene approach. but this raises the question of which group of genes can best fulfill the id ...201121864153
the use of coi barcodes for molecular identification of forensically important fly species in germany.deoxyribonucleic acid (dna)-based insect identification has become a routine and accurate tool in forensic entomology. in the present study, we demonstrate the utility of the mitochondrial dna cytochrome oxidase i gene "barcoding region" as a universal marker for molecular identification of forensically important diptera. we analyzed 111 specimens belonging to 13 species originating from frankfurt am main, germany (calliphoridae: calliphora vicina, calliphora vomitoria, lucilia ampullacea, lucil ...201122186975
the decomposition of rabbit carcasses and associated necrophagous diptera in kuwait.rabbit carcasses were used to compare rates of decomposition and associated assemblages of diptera at four discernable habitat types in kuwait; a country of a region with a paucity of such reference data. carcasses in an urban habitat showed faster decomposition (as measured by percentage weight loss) than in agricultural, coastal or desert habitats, even with accumulated degree days (add) as the explanatory variable (t=2.73, df=34, p=0.010) to compensate for temperature differences. taxa of dip ...201122018747
cuticular muscle attachment sites as a tool for species determination in blowfly larvae.first results of a new method for species determination in third instar larvae of saprophagous blowflies are introduced. cuticular attachment sites of a limited number of transversal muscles are visualized for light microscopic analysis. after removing the muscles and staining the cuticle, the attachment sites become visible as laterally symmetrical segmental clusters of dark dots. the combined patterns of five such clusters, located in the second, third and fourth segments, show sufficient diff ...201122167366
the efficacy of maggot debridement therapy - a review of comparative clinical trials.over the last decade, maggot debridement therapy (mdt) has been recognized by many clinicians as a potential adjunct to conventional therapy, and many patients with non healing, chronic ulcers have been treated. numerous case reports and case series have described the successful use of mdt in a variety of ulcers. however, comparative clinical trials and in particular randomized controlled trials investigating the efficacy of mdt are sparse. a systematic search in the literature showed three rand ...201222248310
cuticular and internal n-alkane composition of lucilia sericata larvae, pupae, male and female imagines: application of hplc-llsd and gc/ms-sim.the composition of cuticular and internal n-alkanes in lucilia sericata larvae, pupae, and male and female imagines were studied. the cuticular and internal lipid extracts were separated by hplc-llsd, after which the hydrocarbon fraction was identified by gc/ms in selected ion monitoring (sim) and total ion current (tic) modes.the cuticular lipids of the larvae contained seven n-alkanes from c23 to c31. the major n-alkane in l. sericata larvae was c29 (42.1%). the total cuticular n-alkane conten ...201222273154
proteus mirabilis interkingdom swarming signals attract blow flies.flies transport specific bacteria with their larvae that provide a wider range of nutrients for those bacteria. our hypothesis was that this symbiotic interaction may depend on interkingdom signaling. we obtained proteus mirabilis from the salivary glands of the blow fly lucilia sericata; this strain swarmed significantly and produced a strong odor that attracts blow flies. to identify the putative interkingdom signals for the bacterium and flies, we reasoned that as swarming is used by this bac ...201222237540
[antimicrobial factors of hemolymph and excretion of larvae lucilia sericata (meigen) (diptera, calliphoridae)].the present study deals with molecular nature and peculiarities of functioning of two main protective systems of larvae lucilia sericata--the antimicrobial compounds of hemolymph and of the excretion released by feeding larvae into environmental. there are identified a number of inducible antibacterial peptides including defensins (3844, 4062, and 4117 da), p-peptide (3043 da), and four new polypeptides (3235, 3702, 3746, and 3768 da) in hemolymph of the larvae submitted to bacterial infestation ...201122288113
response to laboratory selection with cyromazine and susceptibility to alternative insecticides in sheep blowfly larvae from the new south wales determine the significance of cyromazine resistance in blowfly larvae from a region where resistance has been previously confirmed and to measure susceptibility of the cyromazine-resistant blowflies to ivermectin and spinosad.201223356375
neuropeptidomics of the australian sheep blowfly lucilia cuprina (wiedemann) and related diptera.insect neuropeptides are the most diverse and important group of messenger molecules that regulate almost all physiological processes, including behavior. in this study, we performed a combination of matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight (maldi-tof) and electrospray ionization quadrupole time of flight (esi-q-tof) mass spectrometry to analyze the peptidome of the brain and the neurohemal organs of the australian sheep blowfly lucilia cuprina and compared the data with those ...201223280433
prevalence and relative risk of cronobacter spp., salmonella spp., and listeria monocytogenes associated with the body surfaces and guts of individual filth flies.although flies are important vectors of food-borne pathogens, there is little information to accurately assess the food-related health risk of the presence of individual flies, especially in urban areas. this study quantifies the prevalence and the relative risk of food-borne pathogens associated with the body surfaces and guts of individual wild flies. one hundred flies were collected from the dumpsters of 10 randomly selected urban restaurants. flies were identified using taxonomic keys before ...201222941079
selective antibiofilm effects of lucilia sericata larvae secretions/excretions against wound pathogens.background. maggot debridement therapy (mdt), using lucilia sericata larvae, represents efficient, simple, and low-cost therapy for the treatment of chronic wounds. aim. the aim was to investigate the antibiofilm activity of maggot excretions/secretions (es) against biofilm of wound isolates staphylococcus aureus (s. aureus), enterobacter cloacae (e. cloacae), and proteus mirabilis (p. mirabilis). methods. quantification of biofilm formation, was carried out using a microtiter plate assay. prote ...201425013449
characterisation of the small rnas in the biomedically important green-bottle blowfly lucilia sericata.the green bottle fly maggot, lucilia sericata, is a species with importance in medicine, agriculture and forensics. improved understanding of this species' biology is of great potential benefit to many research communities. micrornas (mirna) are a short non-protein coding regulatory rna, which directly regulate a host of protein coding genes at the translational level. they have been shown to have developmental and tissue specific distributions where they impact directly on gene regulation. in o ...201525803701
effects of floral scent, color and pollen on foraging decisions and oocyte development of common green bottle flies.the common green bottle fly lucilia sericata (meigen) and other filth flies frequently visit pollen-rich composite flowers such as the oxeye daisy, leucanthemum vulgare lam. in laboratory experiments with l. sericata, we investigated the effect of generic floral scent and color cues, and of oxeye daisy-specific cues, on foraging decisions by recently eclosed flies. we also tested the effect of a floral pollen diet with 0-35% moisture content on the ability of females to mature their oocytes. our ...201526717311
next generation sequencing identifies five major classes of potentially therapeutic enzymes secreted by lucilia sericata medical maggots.lucilia sericata larvae are used as an alternative treatment for recalcitrant and chronic wounds. their excretions/secretions contain molecules that facilitate tissue debridement, disinfect, or accelerate wound healing and have therefore been recognized as a potential source of novel therapeutic compounds. among the substances present in excretions/secretions various peptidase activities promoting the wound healing processes have been detected but the peptidases responsible for these activities ...201627119084
antimicrobial activity for excretion and secretion of the greenbottle fly larvae lucilia sericata (meigen) (diptera: calliphoridae).sterile larval excretion/secretion (es) exhibited antibacterial activity against some species of bacteria. they were shown to inhibit the growth of gram-positive bacteria staphylococcus aureus and bacillus subtilis gram-negative bacteria pseudomonas aeruginosa, escherichia coli and klebsiella pneumoniae and fungi geotricum candidum and aspergillus fumigatus thus exhibited limited inhibitory effect towards gram-positive bacteria streptococcus pyogenes and staphylococcus epidermidis and gram-negat ...201627363054
cuticle hydrolysis in four medically important fly species by enzymes of the entomopathogenic fungus conidiobolus coronatus.entomopathogenic fungi infect insects via penetration through the cuticle, which varies remarkably in chemical composition across species and life stages. fungal infection involves the production of enzymes that hydrolyse cuticular proteins, chitin and lipids. host specificity is associated with fungus-cuticle interactions related to substrate utilization and resistance to host-specific inhibitors. the soil fungus conidiobolus coronatus (constantin) (entomophthorales: ancylistaceae) shows virule ...201727770452
antimicrobial peptides expressed in medicinal maggots of the blow fly lucilia sericata show combinatorial activity against bacteria.the larvae of the common green bottle fly (lucilia sericata) produce antibacterial secretions that have a therapeutic effect on chronic and nonhealing wounds. recent developments in insect biotechnology have made it possible to use these larvae as a source of novel anti-infectives. here, we report the application of next-generation rna sequencing (rna-seq) to characterize the transcriptomes of the larval glands, crop, and gut, which contribute to the synthesis of antimicrobial peptides (amps) an ...201525666157
urate oxidase produced by lucilia sericata medical maggots is localized in malpighian tubes and facilitates allantoin production.lucilia sericata maggots are the only species currently approved for maggot debridement therapy (mdt), an alternative treatment for chronic and recalcitrant wounds. maggots promote wound debridement, disinfection and healing by producing a complex mixture of proteins, peptides and low-molecular-weight compounds in their secretions and excretions, but the individual components are not well characterized at the molecular level. here we investigated the purine catabolism pathway in l. sericata, foc ...201728235562
isolation of two insecticidal toxins from venom of the australian theraphosid spider coremiocnemis tropix.sheep flystrike is caused by parasitic flies laying eggs on soiled wool or open wounds, after which the hatched maggots feed on the sheep flesh and often cause large lesions. it is a significant economic problem for the livestock industry as infestations are difficult to control due to ongoing cycles of larval development into flies followed by further egg laying. we therefore screened venom fractions from the australian theraphosid spider coremiocnemis tropix to identify toxins active against t ...201627793656
microbial effects on the development of forensically important blow fly species.colonisation times and development rates of specific blow fly species are used to estimate the minimum post mortem interval (mpmi). the presence or absence of bacteria on a corpse can potentially affect the development and survival of blow fly larvae. therefore an understanding of microbial-insect interactions is important for improving the interpretation of mpmi estimations. in this study, the effect of two bacteria (escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus) on the growth rate and survival of ...201627289434
a jonah-like chymotrypsin from the therapeutic maggot lucilia sericata plays a role in wound debridement and coagulation.lucilia sericata larvae are used in maggot debridement therapy, a traditional wound healing approach that has recently been approved for the treatment of chronic wounds. maggot excretion products (mep) contain many different proteases that promote disinfection, debridement and the acceleration of wound healing, e.g. by activating the host contact phase/intrinsic pathway of coagulation. in order to characterise relevant procoagulant proteases, we analysed mep and identified a chymotrypsin-like se ...201626773746
expression and purification of an active cecropin-like recombinant protein against multidrug resistance escherichia coli.lucilin is a 36 residue cecropin antimicrobial peptide identified as a partial genetic sequence in lucilia sericata maggots. the antimicrobial spectrum and toxicity profile of lucilin is unknown. we first report the expression of lucilin as an active recombinant fusion protein with a cysteine protease domain (cpd) tag. the fusion protein, gwlk-lucilin-cpd-his8, showed maximum overexpression in escherichia coli bl21 cells after 12h induction with 0.5mm iptg (isopropyl beta-d-thiogalactoside) and ...201424859674
pathogens of medical importance isolated from phaenicia (lucilia) sericata (diptera:calliphoridae) in benin city, flies of phaenicia sericata were collected, from three different locations, using sweep net. sterile vials were used in transferring collected specimens from the sweepnet to the laboratory for further analyses of the microbial content on their external body surfaces. several bacteria were isolated from their external body surface. a prevalence within the neighborhood of 50% of all bacteria isolated, were staphylococcus aureus and lactobacillus species. escherichia coli was an ubiquitous sp ...201324506050
structure and function of an insect α-carboxylesterase (αesterase7) associated with insecticide resistance.insect carboxylesterases from the αesterase gene cluster, such as αe7 (also known as e3) from the australian sheep blowfly lucilia cuprina (lcαe7), play an important physiological role in lipid metabolism and are implicated in the detoxification of organophosphate (op) insecticides. despite the importance of ops to agriculture and the spread of insect-borne diseases, the molecular basis for the ability of α-carboxylesterases to confer op resistance to insects is poorly understood. in this work, ...201323733941
in vitro antibacterial activity and physicochemical properties of a crude methanol extract of the larvae of the blow fly lucilia cuprina.the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacterial strains has prompted the reintroduction of maggot therapy in the treatment of chronic, infected wounds. many previous studies have demonstrated the potent antibacterial activity of larval excretions/secretions of the blowfly lucilia sericata (meigen) (diptera:calliphoridae) against bacteria. however, the antibacterial activity of its sibling species, lucilia cuprina (wiedemann) (diptera:calliphoridae) against a wide range of pathogenic bacteria has ...201323650928
expression of a cgmp compatible lucilia sericata insect serine proteinase debridement enzyme.previously, we demonstrated the effectiveness of a research grade recombinant chymotrypsin, derived from the larvae of lucilia sericata, in "debriding" slough/eschar from venous leg ulcers ex vivo. furthermore, we were able to formulate this enzyme for successful delivery to in vitro wound healing assays, from a prototype hydrogel wound dressing, and showed that enzyme delivered in this way could degrade wound tissue ex vivo. recently, to progress biotechnological development of the enzyme as a ...201722323388
anti leishmania activity of lucilia sericata and calliphora vicina maggots in laboratory models.use of sterile fly larvae (maggots) of blow flies for the treatment of many different types of skin and soft tissue wounds is called maggot debridement therapy (mdt). the larvae of blow flies secrete a broad spectrum of compounds with diverse mechanisms of action in the gut and salivary glands called excretion/secretion (es) products which showed to have antimicrobial activities against gram negative and positive bacteria. cutaneous leishmaniasis (cl) which is the common form of leishmaniasis is ...201627567983
[four cutaneous leishmaniosis case resistant to meglumine antimoniate treatment].the aim of the study was to treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by meglumine antimoniate resistant leishmania major with lucilia sericata larvae.201425308455
the effect of lucilia sericata- and sarconesiopsis magellanica-derived larval therapy on leishmania panamensis.this study's main objective was to evaluate the action of larval therapy derived from lucilia sericata and sarconesiopsis magellanica (blowflies) regarding leishmania panamensis using an in vivo model. eighteen golden hamsters (mesocricetus auratus) were used; they were divided into 6 groups. the first three groups consisted of 4 animals each; these, in turn, were internally distributed into subgroups consisting of 2 hamsters to be used separately in treatments derived from each blowfly species. ...201627686957
detection of anti-leishmanial effect of the lucilia sericata larval secretions in vitro and in vivo on leishmania tropica: first is known that some of the enzymes and substances secreted by 2nd and 3rd stages of the lucilia sericata larvae to have bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects. from this point of view, we investigated the anti-leishmanial effect of larval secretions of the l. sericata on the leishmania tropica both in vitro and in vivo conditions. in vitro: it was observed that promastigotes of l. tropica had undergone lyzis within 1 min in the larval secretions of l. sericata. however, larval secretion was i ...201222750454
midgut lysozymes of lucilia sericata - new antimicrobials involved in maggot debridement therapy.larvae of lucilia sericata are used for maggot debridement therapy (mdt) because of their ability to remove necrotic tissue and eradicate bacterial pathogens of infected wounds. so far, very few antibacterial factors have been fully characterized (eg lucifensin). using a molecular approach, some other putative antimicrobial compounds, including three novel lysozymes, have been previously identified and predicted to be involved in mdt. nevertheless, data on lysozymes tissue origin and their funct ...201425098233
genome sequence of a proteus mirabilis strain isolated from the salivary glands of larval lucilia sericata.we announce a draft genome sequence of a proteus mirabilis strain derived from lucilia sericata salivary glands. this strain is demonstrated to attract and induce oviposition by l. sericata, a common blow fly important to medicine, agriculture, and forensics. the genome sequence will help dissect interkingdom communication between the species.201627469950
first record of larval secretions of cochliomyia macellaria (fabricius, 1775) (diptera: calliphoridae) inhibiting the growth of staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa.maggot debridement therapy (mdt) consists on the intentional and controlled application of sterilized larvae of the order diptera on necrotic skin lesions with the purpose of cleaning necrotic tissue and removing pathogenic bacteria. during mdt, a marked antimicrobial activity has been reported in literature specially associated with antibacterial substances from lucilia sericata (meigen); however, regarding cochliomyia macellaria (fabricius), little is known. this study aimed to evaluate in vit ...201727696133
evaluating sarconesiopsis magellanica blowfly-derived larval therapy and comparing it to lucilia sericata-derived therapy in an animal model.larval therapy is used as alternative treatment for hard-to-heal chronic and infected wounds. lucilia sericata is the most used blowfly species. however, it has been shown recently that sarconesiopsis magellanica larval excretions and secretions have potent antibacterial activity; this blowfly belongs to the calliphoridae family. the present work has dealt with evaluating larval therapy using s. magellanica on wounds induced in diabetic rabbits and its action was compared to the effect induced b ...201626546725
selection and evaluation of tissue specific reference genes in lucilia sericata during an immune challenge.the larvae of the common green bottle fly lucilia sericata (diptera: calliphoridae) have been used for centuries to promote wound healing, but the molecular basis of their antimicrobial, debridement and healing functions remains largely unknown. the analysis of differential gene expression in specific larval tissues before and after immune challenge could be used to identify key molecular factors, but the most sensitive and reproducible method qrt-pcr requires validated reference genes. we there ...201526252388
evaluating the effect of sarconesiopsis magellanica (diptera: calliphoridae) larvae-derived haemolymph and fat body extracts on chronic wounds in diabetic rabbits.we evaluated extracts taken from s. magellanica third instar larvae fat body and haemolymph using a diabetic rabbit model and compared this to the effect obtained with the same substances taken from lucilia sericata larvae. alloxan (a toxic glucose analogue) was used to induce experimental diabetes in twelve rabbits. dorsal wounds were made in each animal and they were infected with staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa. they were then treated with haemolymph and lyophilized extracts ...201525866825
sarconesiopsis magellanica (diptera: calliphoridae) excretions and secretions have potent antibacterial activity.the most important mechanism for combating infection using larval therapy depends on larval excretions and secretions (es). the present work was aimed at evaluating sarconesiopsis magellanica (diptera: calliphoridae) es antibacterial activity in six bacterial strains (three gram-positive and three gram-negative) and comparing this to the effect of lucilia sericata-derived es. antibacterial activity at 50μg/ml minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) was observed for staphylococcus epidermidis atcc ...201424754920
expression of lucifensin in lucilia sericata medicinal maggots in infected environments.lucifensin, a novel larval defensin, is one of the antibacterial agents of medicinal maggots involved in maggot therapy. the goal of this study was to examine lucifensin expression in various larval tissues during lucilia sericata development and in maggots exposed to a variety of infectious environments in vitro. in situ hybridisation revealed lucifensin expression in the salivary glands of all larval stages. expression was occasionally detected in a few cells of the fat body and in the grease ...201323624615
excretions/secretions from bacteria-pretreated maggot are more effective against pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms.sterile larvae--maggots of the green bottle blowfly lucilia sericata are employed as a treatment tool for various types of chronic wounds. previous studies reported that excretions/secretions (es) of the sterile larvae could prevent and remove the biofilms of various species of bacteria. in the present study we assessed the effect of es from the larvae pretreated with pseudomonas aeruginosa on the bacteria biofilms.201223226221
blow fly lucilia sericata nuclease digests dna associated with wound slough/eschar and with pseudomonas aeruginosa chronic wounds, it may be clinically important to remove extracellular bacterial and patient dna as its presence may impede wound healing and promote bacterial survival in biofilm, in which extracellular dna forms part of the biofilm architecture. as medicinal maggots, larvae of lucilia sericata meigen (diptera: calliphoridae) have been shown to efficiently debride wounds it became of interest to investigate their excretions/secretions (es) for the presence of a deoxyribonuclease (dnase) acti ...201222827809
activity of antibacterial protein from maggots against staphylococcus aureus in vitro and in vivo.maggots (larvae of lucilia sericata) have shown therapeutic effects on refractory wounds infected with bacteria, yet the bacterial killing mechanisms are unclear. herein, we report the isolation and purification of an antibacterial protein from maggots (mamp). mamp demonstrated inhibitory activity against both standard strains and clinically isolated antibiotic-resistant strains of staphylococcus aureus in vitro. the topical use of mamp effectively decreased the viability of s. aureus and promot ...201323467515
lucilia sericata chymotrypsin disrupts protein adhesin-mediated staphylococcal biofilm formation.staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms cause chronic infections due to their ability to form biofilms. the excretions/secretions of lucilia sericata larvae (maggots) have effective activity for debridement and disruption of bacterial biofilms. in this paper, we demonstrate how chymotrypsin derived from maggot excretions/secretions disrupts protein-dependent bacterial biofilm formation mechanisms.201323220967
the immature stages of dermestes maculatus, sarcophaga sp. and phaenicia sericata as potential paratenic hosts for trichinella spiralis in nature.the role of some insect populations in the transmission of trichinella sp. has been demonstrated. however, most of the studies have been conducted under controlled conditions which may influence the real role that they could play as a paratenic host in nature. to enlight this issue, a series of studies to determine the infective capability of the muscle larva of trichinella spiralis recovered from immature stages of insect populations that fed on infected tissues exposed to natural conditions we ...201525346194
wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica: current insights into an emerging human pathogen.since the first description of wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica in 2008, a number of well described case reports demonstrating its pathogenic role in humans have been published. infections may be closely linked to flies, such as wohlfahrtia magnifica, lucilia sericata, chrysomya megacephala or musca domestica. these insects are potent vectors for the distribution of w. chitiniclastica causing local or systemic infections originating from wounds infested with fly larvae. however, other potential ...201728162132
wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica bacteremia associated with myiasis, united kingdom. 201525989017
the novel isoxazoline ectoparasiticide fluralaner: selective inhibition of arthropod γ-aminobutyric acid- and l-glutamate-gated chloride channels and insecticidal/acaricidal activity.isoxazolines are a novel class of parasiticides that are potent inhibitors of γ-aminobutyric acid (gaba)-gated chloride channels (gabacls) and l-glutamate-gated chloride channels (glucls). in this study, the effects of the isoxazoline drug fluralaner on insect and acarid gabacl (rdl) and glucl and its parasiticidal potency were investigated. we report the identification and cdna cloning of rhipicephalus (r.) microplus rdl and glucl genes, and their functional expression in xenopus laevis oocytes ...201424365472
using drosophila melanogaster to validate metabolism-based insecticide resistance from insect pests.identifying molecular mechanisms of insecticide resistance is important for preserving insecticide efficacy, developing new insecticides and implementing insect control. the metabolic detoxification of insecticides is a widespread resistance mechanism. enzymes with the potential to detoxify insecticides are commonly encoded by members of the large cytochrome p450, glutathione s-transferase and carboxylesterase gene families, all rapidly evolving in insects. here, we demonstrate that the model in ...201223023059
seasonal and geographic variation in biodiversity of forensically important blow flies (diptera: calliphoridae) in new jersey, usa.determining the time of colonization of human or other animal remains by blow flies (diptera: calliphoridae) can play an important role in criminal investigations. however, blow fly presence in a given area is strongly influenced by abiotic and biotic variables such as temperature and habitat. we wanted to assess the biodiversity of adult blow flies in new jersey, usa, where very little is known about these taxa. toward that end we collected adult blow flies biweekly from traps baited with bovin ...201526336244
a comparison of common diets for the continuous culture of adult lucilia sericata (diptera: calliphoridae) for forensic and medical entomological applications.blow fly members of the family calliphoridae, specifically lucilia sericata (meigen), have application in the fields of behavioral ecology, forensics, and medicine as agents for assessing ecological succession or decomposition and postmortem interval estimation, and for maggot debridement therapy, respectively. the lack of standardization of laboratory adult insect feeding, breeding, and rearing protocols among researchers in behavioral, medical, and forensic fields has become problematic. with ...201426309320
lethal and sub-lethal effects of faecal deltamethrin residues on dung-feeding insects.endectocides administered to livestock to facilitate pest and parasite control may be excreted in the faeces at concentrations that are toxic to coprophagous insects, including species of ecological importance. although much research has focused on the effects of macrocyclic lactones, relatively less attention has been given to any similar impacts of the widely used pyrethroid insecticides. here, the effects of faecal residues of the pyrethroid deltamethrin after application to holstein-friesian ...201525594879
cyromazine resistance detected in australian sheep investigate the cause of cyromazine failure to protect lambs from flystrike.201223106323
laboratory colonization of lucilia sericata meigen (diptera: caliphoridae) strain from hashtgerd, iran.the treatment of wounds with live green bottle fly larvae is receiving considerable attention in many countries. laboratory rearing of lucilia sericata is crucially important for the treatment of wounds.201222585239
mass rearing of lucilia sericata meigen (diptera: calliphoridae).to carry out an experimental study with the main objective of mass rearing of sheep flies (lucilia sericata).201123569725
[coii "long fragment" reliability in characterisation and classification of forensically important flies].molecular identification of collected flies is important in forensic entomological analysis guided with accurate evaluation of the chosen genetic marker. the selected mitochondrial dna segments can be used to properly identify species. the aim of the present study was to determine the reliability of the 635-bp-long cytochrome oxidase ii gene (coii) in identification of forensically important flies.201728144930
the blowflies of the madeira archipelago: species diversity, distribution and identification (diptera, calliphoridaes. l.).knowledge on the taxonomic diversity and distribution of blowflies from the madeira archipelago is updated. new and interesting findings are reported for poorly studied islands and islets of this archipelago, together with a brief analysis of the diversity of macaronesian calliphoridae s. l. seven blowfly species were collected during this study, including the first records of calliphora vicina robineau-desvoidy, 1830, chrysomya albiceps (wiedemann, 1819), lucilia sericata (meigen, 1826), pollen ...201627917052
a preliminary study of insect succession in al-ahsaa oasis, in the eastern region of the kingdom of saudi arabia.rabbit carcass decomposition was examined in four seasons in al-ahsaa oasis. decomposition rate was significantly faster in summer compared with other seasons. fourteen insect species from four orders and seven families were recorded: calliphoridae, muscidae, sarcophagidae, formicidae, histeridae, dermestidae, and tenebrionidae. most of the fly maggots collected were calliphoridae with only one species from both muscidae and sarcophagidae. maggots of calliphora vicina (r.-d.) and chrysomya albic ...201727861898
canine myiasis and its causal agents in northeastern iran.myiasis is defined as the infestation of live human and vertebrate animals with dipterous larvae for a certain period. there are reports indicating that dogs are the most common species affected by myiasis. this study was conducted to identify myiasis-causing flies in owned and stray dogs in mashhad (northeastern iran).201727095974
synanthropy and temporal variability of calliphoridae living in cosenza (calabria, southern italy).the aim of this study was to investigate the synanthropy of diptera: calliphoridae, insects of forensic importance, in calabria (southern italy). the study lasted 2 years, from february 2010 to january 2012, and was carried out in three areas of cosenza province representing "urban", "rural", and "wild" environments. bottle traps baited with pork were used to catch calliphoridae. six species were identified, calliphora vicina robineau-desvoidy 1830, calliphora vomitoria (l.), chrysomya albiceps ...201425527571
forensic entomology and the estimation of the minimum time since death in indoor cases.eight cases that occurred indoors in which the insects played an important role in the mpmi estimation are presented. the bodies of socially isolated people and old people living alone were discovered in central italy between june and november. mpmi ranged from a few days to several weeks. insects were collected during the body recovery and the postmortem. climatic data were obtained from the closest meteorological stations and from measurements performed on the site. sarcophagidae and calliphor ...201525400228
applicability of partial characterization of cytochrome oxidase i in identification of forensically important flies (diptera) from china and egypt.precise species identification of every insect sample collected from criminal scenes play an essential role in the accurate estimation of postmortem interval. the morphological similarity poses a great challenge for forensic entomologists. dna-based method can be used as a supplemental means of morphological method. in the present study, we demonstrate the applicability of the 304-bp cytochrome oxidase i gene fragment in molecular identification of forensically important diptera. we analyzed 75 ...201323661266
cytochrome b as a useful tool for the identification of blowflies of forensic interest (diptera, calliphoridae).in forensic entomology the fast and accurate identification of insects collected at the scene of events is essential if errors are to be avoided in estimating infestation times of interest and determining the post-mortem interval (pmi). traditional identification based on morphological characteristics can be complicated due to physical similarities between different species, especially at immature stages. genetic analysis provides a fast and reliable identification method. in this paper, molecul ...201323597749
sarcosaprophagous diptera assemblages in natural habitats in central spain: spatial and seasonal changes in composition.the composition and spatial distribution of sarcosaprophagous diptera assemblages were studied using carrion-baited traps along a bioclimatic gradient of natural habitats in central spain throughout the different seasons during 1 year. calliphoridae and muscidae were the most abundant families, accounting for, respectively, 41.9% and 35.1% of all diptera specimens collected. other abundant families were heleomyzidae (8.4%), sarcophagidae (6.9%) and piophilidae (5.1%). fly assemblage compositions ...201322774926
carrion flies of forensic interest: a study of seasonal community composition and succession in lisbon, portugal.information on diptera community, seasonality and successional patterns in every geographical region is fundamental for the use of flies as forensic indicators of time of death. in order to obtain these data from the lisbon area (portugal), experiments were conducted during the four seasons of the year, using piglet carcasses as animal models. five stages were recognized during the decomposition process. the stages, besides visually defined, could be separated taking into account the occurrence ...201222765479
temperature requirements of some common forensically important blow and flesh flies (diptera) under laboratory conditions.the aim of his study was to determine development time and thermal requirements of three myiasis flies including chrysomya albiceps, lucilia sericata, and sarcophaga sp.201122808410
dataset of traumatic myiasis observed for three dominant screw worm species in north west pakistan with first report of wohlfahrtia magnifica (schiner).regional surveys were carried out in different parts of north west pakistan among domestic animals (n=57,921) including pets and livestock identifying cases of traumatic myiasis (n=1037). a total of four surveys focused general livestock population during eid ul adha (eid surveys; incidence=1.21%) while another four surveys (miscellaneous surveys; incidence=7.34%) targeted animal population brought to veterinary hospitals and dispensaries. timeframe spanned four years from 2012 to 2015. maggots ...201627570812
large-scale mitogenomics enables insights into schizophora (diptera) radiation and population diversity.true flies are insects of the order diptera and encompass one of the most diverse groups of animals on earth. within dipterans, schizophora represents a recent radiation of insects that was used as a model to develop a pipeline for generating complete mitogenomes using various sequencing platforms and strategies. 91 mitogenomes from 32 different species were sequenced and assembled with high fidelity, using amplicon, whole genome shotgun or single molecule sequencing approaches. based on the nov ...201626912394
human myiasis in rural south africa is under-reported.myiasis is the infestation of live tissue of humans and other vertebrates by larvae of flies. worldwide, myiasis of humans is seldom reported, although the trend is gradually changing in some countries. reports of human myiasis in africa are few. several cases of myiasis were recently seen at the mthatha hospital complex, mthatha, eastern cape province, south africa (sa).201526242532
larval distribution and behavior of chrysomya rufifacies (macquart) (diptera: calliphoridae) relative to other species on florida black bear (carnivora: ursidae) decomposing carcasses.larval interactions of dipteran species, blow flies in particular, were observed and documented daily over time and location on five black bear carcasses in gainesville, fl, usa, from june 2002 - september 2004. cochliomyia macellaria (fabricius) or chrysomya megacephala (fabricius) larvae were collected first, after which chrysomya rufifacies (macquart) oviposited on the carcasses in multiple locations (i.e., neck, anus, and exposed flesh) not inhabited already by the other blow fly larvae. wit ...201427193400
using the developmental gene bicoid to identify species of forensically important blowflies (diptera: calliphoridae).identifying species of insects used to estimate postmortem interval (pmi) is a major subject in forensic entomology. because forensic insect specimens are morphologically uniform and are obtained at various developmental stages, dna markers are greatly needed. to develop new autosomal dna markers to identify species, partial genomic sequences of the bicoid (bcd) genes, containing the homeobox and its flanking sequences, from 12 blowfly species (aldrichina grahami, calliphora vicina, calliphora l ...201323586044
histone deacetylase enzymes as drug targets for the control of the sheep blowfly, lucilia cuprina.the australian sheep blowfly, lucilia cuprina, is an ecto-parasite that causes significant economic losses in the sheep industry. emerging resistance to insecticides used to protect sheep from this parasite is driving the search for new drugs that act via different mechanisms. inhibitors of histone deacetylases (hdacs), enzymes essential for regulating eukaryotic gene transcription, are prospective new insecticides based on their capacity to kill human parasites. the blowfly genome was found her ...201527120067
dosage compensation of x-linked muller element f genes but not x-linked transgenes in the australian sheep most animals that have x and y sex chromosomes, chromosome-wide mechanisms are used to balance x-linked gene expression in males and females. in the fly drosophila melanogaster, the dosage compensation mechanism also generally extends to x-linked transgenes. over 70 transgenic lines of the australian sheep blowfly lucilia cuprina have been made as part of an effort to develop male-only strains for a genetic control program of this major pest of sheep. all lines carry a constitutively expresse ...201526506426
functional characterization of calliphorid cell death genes and cellularization gene promoters for controlling gene expression and cell viability in early embryos.the new world screwworm fly, cochliomyia hominivorax, and the australian sheep blow fly, lucilia cuprina, are major pests of livestock. the sterile insect technique was used to eradicate c. hominivorax from north and central america. this involved area-wide releases of male and female flies that had been sterilized by radiation. genetic systems have been developed for making 'male-only' strains that would improve the efficiency of genetic control of insect pests. one system involves induction of ...201525225046
conservation and sex-specific splicing of the transformer gene in the calliphorids cochliomyia hominivorax, cochliomyia macellaria and lucilia sericata.transformer (tra) promotes female development in several dipteran species including the australian sheep blowfly lucilia cuprina, the mediterranean fruit fly, housefly and drosophila melanogaster. tra transcripts are sex-specifically spliced such that only the female form encodes full length functional protein. the presence of six predicted tra/tra2 binding sites in the sex-specific female intron of the l. cuprina gene suggested that tra splicing is auto-regulated as in medfly and housefly. with ...201323409170
organization and expression of the australian sheep blowfly (lucilia cuprina) hsp23, hsp24, hsp70 and hsp83 this study we report the isolation and characterization of a heat shock protein 70 (hsp70) gene, the hsp83 gene and two genes that encode small hsps (lchsp23 and lchsp24) from the australian sheep blowfly, lucilia cuprina, a major agricultural pest. phylogenetic analyses indicate that the lchsp23 protein is the orthologue of drosophila melanogaster hsp23 and lchsp24 is the orthologue of sarcophaga crassipalpis hsp23. quantitative reverse-transcriptase pcr analysis showed that the basal level ...201222506286
traumatic myiasis caused by an association of sarcophaga tibialis (diptera: sarcophagidae) and lucilia sericata (diptera: calliphoridae) in a domestic cat in italy.we describe here a rare case of traumatic myiasis occurred in august 2014, caused by an association of 2 diptera species, sarcophaga tibialis macquart (diptera: sarcophagidae) and lucilia sericata (meigen) (diptera: calliphoridae), in a domestic cat in northern italy. species identification was based on adult male morphology. the present case is the first report of s. tibialis as an agent of myiasis in italy, and also the first ever report of myiasis caused by an association of s. tibialis and l ...201526323846
effect of temperature on development of the blowfly, lucilia cuprina (wiedemann) (diptera: calliphoridae).the blowfly lucilia cuprina is a primary colonizer of decaying vertebrate carrion, and its development provides a temperature-dependent clock that may be used to estimate the post-mortem interval of corpses and carcasses in medicolegal forensic investigations. this study uses the development of l. cuprina raised on a substrate of chicken liver at six constant temperatures from 18 to 33 °c to calibrate a thermal accumulation model of development for forensic applications. development was optimal ...201525634604
structure-activity relationships of acetylcholine derivatives with lucilia cuprina nicotinic acetylcholine receptor α1 and α2 subunits in chicken β2 subunit hybrid receptors in comparison with chicken nicotinic acetylcholine receptor α4/β2.insect nicotinic acetylcholine (ach) receptors (nachrs) are the targets of several insecticide classes. in the present study, we report the gene identification and cloning of nachr α1 and α2 subunits (lcα1 and lcα2) from the sheep blowfly lucilia cuprina. xenopus oocytes voltage clamp experiments as hybrids with the chicken β2 nachr (ggβ2) subunit resulted in ach-gated ion channels with distinct dose-response curves for lcα1/ggβ2 (effective concentration 50% [ec50 ] = 80 nm; nh  = 1.05), and lcα ...201323331538
identification and characterization of micrornas in the screwworm flies cochliomyia hominivorax and cochliomyia macellaria (diptera: calliphoridae).micrornas (mirnas) are small noncoding rnas that modulate gene expression through post-transcriptional regulation. here, we report the identification and characterization of mirnas in two closely related screwworm flies with different feeding habits: cochliomyia hominivorax and cochliomyia macellaria. the new world screwworm, c. hominivorax, is an obligatory parasite of warm-blooded vertebrates, whereas the secondary screwworm, c. macellaria, is a free-living organism that feeds on decaying orga ...201727775856
lucifensins, the insect defensins of biomedical importance: the story behind maggot therapy.defensins are the most widespread antimicrobial peptides characterised in insects. these cyclic peptides, 4-6 kda in size, are folded into α-helical/β-sheet mixed structures and have a common conserved motif of three intramolecular disulfide bridges with a cys1-cys4, cys2-cys5 and cys3-cys6 connectivity. they have the ability to kill especially gram-positive bacteria and some fungi, but gram-negative bacteria are more resistant against them. among them are the medicinally important compounds luc ...201424583934
evaluation of blowfly larvae (diptera: calliphoridae) as possible reservoirs and mechanical vectors of african swine fever 2014, highly virulent african swine fever virus (asfv) was introduced into the baltic states and poland, with new cases being reported almost every week from wild boar and also from domestic pigs. contrary to initial predictions that the disease would either die out due to the high virulence of the virus strain or spread rapidly in westerly direction, the infection became endemic and spread slowly. the unexpected disease epidemiology led to the hypothesis that hitherto unconsidered factors mi ...201728762629
genome sequence of a providencia stuartii strain isolated from luciliasericata salivary glands.we present here the draft genome sequence of a providencia stuartii strain, derived from the salivary glands of larval lucilia sericata, a common blow fly important to forensic, medical, and veterinary science. the genome sequence will help dissect coinfections involving p. stuartii and proteus mirabilis, as well as blow fly-bacteria interactions.201728450516
facultative myiasis of domestic cats by sarcophaga argyrostoma (diptera: sarcophagidae), calliphora vicina and lucilia sericata (diptera: calliphoridae) in northern italy.we describe five cases of myiasis of domestic cats, felis silvestris catus l. (carnivora: felidae), reported in 2016 in northern italy and caused by three diptera species: sarcophaga argyrostoma (robineau-desvoidy) (sarcophagidae), calliphora vicina robineau-desvoidy and lucilia sericata (meigen) (calliphoridae). three were cases of traumatic myiasis, one by s. argyrostoma and two by l. sericata, one was a case of auricular myiasis by c. vicina and one was a case of ophthalmomyiasis caused by an ...201728803354
larvicidal activity of camphor and lavender oils against sheep blowfly, luciliasericata (diptera: calliphoridae).in this study, the essential oils of camphor and lavender were tested in vitro against the third instar larvae of lucilia sericata for the first time, following dipping toxicity technique. the toxicity results revealed that l. sericata larvae were susceptible to the applied essential oils. lavender oil was more effective than camphor in killing of l. sericata larvae. with 32 % concentration, the mortality percentages of larvae were 100 and 93.3 %, respectively. light and scanning electron micros ...027876970
segmentation gene expression patterns in bactrocera dorsalis and related insects: regulation and shape of blastoderm and larval cuticle.the oriental fruit fly, bactrocera dorsalis, is regarded as a severe pest of fruit production in asia. despite its economic importance, only limited information regarding the molecular and developmental biology of this insect is known to date. we provide a detailed analysis of b. dorsalis embryology, as well as the expression patterns of a number of segmentation genes known to act during patterning of drosophila and compare these to the patterns of other insect families. an anterior shift of the ...201728695964
nocturnal oviposition behavior of blowflies (diptera: calliphoridae) in the southern hemisphere (south africa and australia) and its forensic implications.published research has offered contradictory evidence of the occurrence of nocturnal oviposition by carrion-breeding blowflies, a behavior that can affect the interpretation of forensic estimates of a minimum post mortem interval (minpmi) by up to 12 hours, depending on latitude and season. the majority of published studies are from the northern hemisphere. field experiments were conducted in south africa and australia that extend observations to species of the southern hemisphere. various verte ...201728409386
synanthropy of calliphoridae and sarcophagidae (diptera) in bogotá, colombia.calliphoridae and sarcophagidae have medical and forensic importance. species of these families are the first insects colonizing corpses and are, therefore, useful in establishing postmortem interval and as indicators in corpse transfer. the synanthropic index (si) measures the relation of dipteran species with human settlements. our main objective was to determine the synanthropic index of these families during the rainy and dry seasons in bogotá. captures were carried out using traps with bait ...201223950049
species diversity and tissue specific dispersal of necrophagous diptera on human forensic entomology, many studies analyze fly activity and succession on dead bodies by using pig cadavers and a variety of small baited traps. data on real human bodies are very rare. to address this shortcoming, we analyzed the fly fauna of 51 human bodies in germany. sex, age, place of discovery, and presumed time of death were noted. larvae were sampled during autopsy according to body region or tissue. for every infested region, the total number of fly larvae were estimated and classifie ...201829349723
larval therapy for chronic cutaneous ulcers: historical review and future perspectives.cutaneous ulcers tend to become chronic and have a profound impact on quality of life. these wounds may become infected and lead to greater morbidity and even mortality. in the past, larvae (ie, maggots) of certain common flies (lucilia sericata and lucilia cuprina) were considered useful in ulcer management because they only remove necrotic tissue while promoting healthy tissue in the wound bed, thus helping wounds heal faster. recently, maggots from several other fly species (calliphora vicina ...201729324424
adult fly age estimations using cuticular hydrocarbons and artificial neural networks in forensically important calliphoridae species.blowflies (diptera: calliphoridae) are forensically important as they are known to be one of the first to colonise human remains. the larval stage is typically used to assist a forensic entomologists with adult flies rarely used as they are difficult to age because they remain morphologically similar once they have gone through the initial transformation upon hatching. however, being able to age them is of interest and importance within the field. this study examined the cuticular hydrocarbons ( ...201729107219
estimating the age of the adult stages of the blow flies lucilia sericata and calliphora vicina (diptera: calliphoridae) by means of the cuticular hydrocarbon n-pentacosane.age estimation of insects like blow flies plays an important role in forensic entomology and can answer questions in regard to time of death. so far the focus is on the immature stages of these insects, but recently the adult fly became a target of interest. it has been established that the profile of specific cuticular hydrocarbons (chcs) changes in a consistent pattern as adult insects age; thus, their analysis could be a promising tool for the age estimation of adult insects. we investigated ...201728889865
evaluation of bait traps as a means to predict initial blow fly (diptera: calliphoridae) communities associated with decomposing swine remains in new jersey, usa.information about blow fly (diptera: calliphoridae) species distributions can be valuable for criminal investigations, with regards to determining movement of remains from one location to another and time of colonization estimates, making these data extremely useful. past work has been conducted on initial species community structure across new jersey, usa using traps baited with beef liver; however, if these same species frequent vertebrate carrion remains unclear. in order to evaluate these da ...201728710939
early colonisation of urban indoor carcasses by blow flies (diptera: calliphoridae): an experimental study from central spain.due to their ubiquity and synanthropy, blow flies (diptera: calliphoridae) are generally the first colonisers of cadavers and, therefore, frequently used to estimate a minimum post-mortem interval (minpmi). whereas in outdoor situations blow flies are expected to locate and colonise exposed cadavers within hours or even minutes after death, it is usually assumed that the colonisation of a cadaver indoors might be delayed for an uncertain period of time. this uncertainty severely limits the infor ...201728708988
species identification of necrophagous insect eggs based on amino acid profile differences revealed by direct analysis in real time-high resolution mass spectrometry.the colonization of decomposing remains by necrophagous insects such as blow flies is of forensic importance because the progression through the various stages of insect development can be correlated to time of death. the ability to infer this information hinges on accurate determination of the fly species that are associated with the entomological evidence collected. this evidence can include eggs, larvae, pupae, and puparial casings. determination of the egg's identity is particularly challeng ...201728586212
forensic entomotoxicology revisited-towards professional standardisation of study designs.forensic entomotoxicology is the use of insects as evidence of whether a toxicant is present in an environment such as a corpse, river or landscape. the earliest overtly forensic study was published in 1977, and since then, at least 63 papers have been published, most of them focused on the detection of toxicants in insects or on effects of toxicants on diverse insect indicator taxa. a comprehensive review of the published literature revealed various inconsistencies between studies that could be ...201728567525
the potential use of cuticular hydrocarbons and multivariate analysis to age empty puparial cases of calliphora vicina and lucilia sericata.cuticular hydrocarbons (chc) have been successfully used in the field of forensic entomology for identifying and ageing forensically important blowfly species, primarily in the larval stages. however in older scenes where all other entomological evidence is no longer present, calliphoridae puparial cases can often be all that remains and therefore being able to establish the age could give an indication of the pmi. this paper examined the chcs present in the lipid wax layer of insects, to determ ...201728512294
age estimation during the blow fly intra-puparial period: a qualitative and quantitative approach using micro-computed tomography.minimum post-mortem interval (minpmi) estimates often rely on the use of developmental data from blow flies (diptera: calliphoridae), which are generally the first colonisers of cadavers and, therefore, exemplar forensic indicators. developmental data of the intra-puparial period are of particular importance, as it can account for more than half of the developmental duration of the blow fly life cycle. during this period, the insect undergoes metamorphosis inside the opaque, barrel-shaped pupari ...201728474172
effects of different storage and measuring methods on larval length values for the blow flies (diptera: calliphoridae) lucilia sericata and calliphora forensic entomology, the methods of sampling, killing, and storing entomological samples can affect larval age estimation, and, hence, the estimation of the minimum post-mortem interval. in the existing manuals, there is a certain amount of heterogeneity regarding methods and the recommendations for best practice in forensic entomology are insufficiently validated. this study evaluated three different length-measurement methods for larval stages and examined the influence of different killing ...201728454623
Displaying items 501 - 600 of 747