
sawtooth waves: concomitants of rapid eye movement sleep in monkeys.sawtooth waves, 2--3 c/sec activity of at least 40 micro v, occurred primarily during clusters of rems in stump-tailed macaques. on the average the activity began well after the onset of rems but occasionally occurred soon before or immediately after a cluster of rems. the activity was clearly defined but occupied less than 0.6% of an 8-h sleep record. a sawtooth burst was, on the average, 7.5 sec in duration.197878813
auditory brain stem potentials in monkey (m. mulatta) and man.auditory brain stem potentials were mapped over the head of the rhesus monkey following monaural clicks. latency and amplitude were dependent upon the recording site. no electrically indifferent point could be found on the head or neck. the results are interpreted as showing that waves i and v originate from single generators, whereas waves, ii, iii and iv originate from bilateral structures. latency varied in a linear fashion with changes in intensity and click rate. in contrast there were vari ...197878822
comparative large-scale propagation of retroviruses from old world (mason-pfizer monkey virus) and new world (squirrel monkey virus) primates.a cell culture method is described for the large-scale (50 to 150 1) production of mason-pfizer monkey virus and squirrel monkey virus, two primate retroviruses. virus production was achieved with suspension cultures of chronically infected a204 human rhabdomyosarcoma cells harvested and clarified in the logarithmic stages of cell culture growth. methods for the subsequent purification and concentration of virus material utilizing zonal centrifugation also are described. applications of these me ...197878888
proximal versus peripheral hepatic artery embolization experimental study in monkeys.a case is described in which extensive embolization of the hepatic artery to reduce insulin production by a metastatic islet-cell tumor resulted in liver failure, intrahepatic abscesses, and death. the difference between proximal and peripheral hepatic artery obstruction was investigated in monkeys by embolizing hepatic arterial beds with gelfoam and silicone. gelfoam obstructed proximally, arterial collaterals developed rapidly, and liver function remained normal. peripheral hepatic artery embo ...197879188
effect of polychlorinated biphenyls on the immune responses of rhesus monkeys and mice. 197879241
comparison of mason-pfizer monkey virus and squirrel monkey (saimiri sciureus) retrovirus by immunoelectron microscopy.comparison of mason-pfizer monkey virus and squirrel monkey retrovirus (both candidate type d oncornaviruses) by immunoelectron microscopy revealed that these two viruses do not share common surface antigens.197879657
cells of origin of propriospinal fibers and of fibers ascending to supraspinal levels. a hrp study in cat and rhesus the spinal cord of cat and rhesus monkey the cells of origin of long and short propriospinal fibers and those of the spinal fibers ascending to supraspinal levels were identified by means of retrograde hrp labeling after large unilateral hrp-injections, i.e. in the spinal white and grey matter at different levels, in the pons and in the dorsal column nuclei. the findings indicate the existence of the following arrangement. long ascending supraspinal fibers arise mainly from neurons in the dor ...197880246
differential laminar distribution of corticothalamic neurons projecting to the vl and the center median. an hrp study in the cynomolgus monkey. 197880251
type d primate retroviruses: a review.the prototype virus of the type d retroviruses is the mason-pfizer monkey virus (mpmv). mpmv was originally isolated from a breast carcinoma of a female rhesus monkey (an old world monkey). mpmv is of obvious importance in that it is the only retrovirus thus far isolated from a mammary tumor of a primate and has been shown to have transforming potential for primate cells in vitro. subsequent to the isolation of mpmv viruses morphologically and immunologically indistinguishable from mpmv have bee ...197880259
the in vivo transfer of antigen-induced airway reactions by bronchial lumen cells.rhesus monkeys with airway responses to aerosol challenge with ascaris antigen constitute a primate model of inhalant asthma. previous studies have shown that bronchial lavage cells from airway-reactive animals will release histamine or a slow-reactive substance of anaphylaxis after challenge with antigen. because these bronchial lumen cells are the first cells in contact with inhaled antigen, they may play a role in induction of antigen-induced airway responses. to evaluate this possibility, br ...197880408
[detection of common antigenic determinants in the envelopes of mammalian type d (mason--pfizer) and type c virions by using the virion precipitation reaction].immune sera to mason-pfizer virus (m-pmv) are capable of precipitating type c viruses of mice (nih-mulv, g-mulv, and to a lower degree r-mulv), cats (felv, rd-114), and monkeys (ssv-1, galv, bev). the immune sera to rd-114, bev, ssv-1 and galv viruses can precipitate m-pmv virions. the adsorption analysis suggests that cross-reactions between m-pmv, rd-114, nih-mulv, and g-mulv viruses depend on common virus-specific antigenic determinants in the envelopes of the virions. the relationship betwe ...197880888
leucocyte migration inhibition test as an evidence of immunological response to measles virus. iii. statistical analysis.two-way analysis of variance with replications was used for comparing the size of leucocyte migration areas in the samples of blood of monkeys before and after immunization of animals with measles virus. the areas in control samples were compared with those with antigen. size of migration areas differed significantly between control samples and those with antigen only after the immunization of animals. interaction between individual monkeys and presence or absence of antigen was significant only ...197880924
evidence for a beta-thromboglobulin-like protein in monkey platelets. 197881068
axoplasmic flow during chronic experimental glaucoma. 1. light and electron microscopic studies of the monkey optic nervehead during development of glaucomatous cupping.the anterior optic nerve and the macular region of the retina of glaucomatous eyes of five rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta) have been examined by light and electron microscopy. the experimental glaucoma had been induced by argon laser treatment of the anterior chamber angle. the eyes were examined 3 to 11 weeks after the onset of sustained elevation of intraocular pressure above 20 mm hg. severe degenerative changes were seen in eyes with higher intraocular pressure and longer duration of glaucom ...197881192
molecular diversity among five different endogenous primate retroviruses.genetically transmitted retroviruses of old and new world monkeys include type c viruses isolated from baboons (m7), macaque (mac-1), and owl monkeys (omc-1) and type d viruses from langurs (po-1-lu) and squirrel monkeys (smrv, m534). each of these isolates is unrelated to the others by nucleic acid hybridization criteria and contains a unique array of virion-associated proteins which can be resolved by agarose gel filtration and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. th ...197881317
papain solubilization of the epstein-barr virus-induced membrane antigen.the epstein-barr virus (ebv)-induced membrane antigen (ma) was successfully solubilized from the membranes of viable ebv-infected raji cells by treatment with papain (5 to 6 u per 1 x 10(7) to 2 x 10(7) cells). the loss of ma from viable cells was monitored by membrane immunofluorescence and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. soluble ma was demonstrated in papain digests through inhibition of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and by inhibition of the binding of anti-ma antibodies t ...197881320
inhibition of mlc responder and stimulator function with allo-antisera in rhesus monkeys.ten antisera containing antibodies directed against specificities controlled by the ia1 locus of rhesus monkeys were tested for their ability to inhibit the mlc reaction. in cultures with responding cells from the serum producer, all sera with anti-ia1 activity depressed the stimulatory capacity of cells carrying the ia1 antigen in question. in other responder/stimulator combinations, the stimulation-inhibition was ia1-related for the majority of the antisera. these data provide further evidence ...197881539
cerebellar afferents from the paramedian reticular nucleus studied with retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase.details in the cerebellar projections from the paramedian reticular nucleus (prn) were studied in cats and monkeys by means of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). in the cat the majority of the fibres projects to the anterior lobe and to the vermis of the posterior lobe (with the exception of lobules viib and viiia). a less conspicuous projection was found to the lobulus simplex, the crura and the flocculus. the cerebellar nuclei, the paramedian lobule and the parafloccu ...197881628
early somatosensory evoked potentials.the early somatosensory evoked potential secondary to median nerve stimulation in the human had an onset latency of 9--12 msec when recorded from scalp electrodes at vertex-to-mastoid, vertex-to-inion or at the base of the skull. similar latencies were observed from responses recorded over the cervical dorsal columns during neurologic surgery. a latency difference of 1.5 msec was observed between the early response and the responses recorded from the junction of medial lemniscus and nucleus vent ...197881752
experimental kuru in the rhesus monkey: a study of eeg modifications in the waking state and during sleep.eeg patterns recorded in the waking state and during sleep were studied in 6 rhesus monkeys inoculated with a strain of kuru previously passaged in rhesus monkey (enage strain, rhesus l6 56). the onset of the disease was confirmed by the appearance of various clinical signs in 4 monkeys 15 months after inoculation. at the 16th month, the first eeg modifications appeared during sleep, which became lighter. the waking eeg was abnormal during the mature phase of the disease; it was characterized by ...197881763
peptides and autoimmune disease.the use of derived and synthetic peptides has contributed greatly to our understanding of encephalitogenic determinants in the basic protein molecule. peptides derived from bp by use of trypsin, pepsin, cathepsin d (brain and liver) and bnps-skatole have proven most useful. synthetic peptides have served to define the disease-inducing determinants with precision. a remarkable feature of these studies is that different antigenic determinants serve as encephalitogenic sites in different species. t ...197882385
allergic encephalomyelitis: evidence for lack of significant encephalitogenic activity of purified peptide l in the monkey. 197882445
antigenic characterization of a new gibbon ape leukemia virus isolate: seroepidemiologic assessment of an outbreak of gibbon leukemia.a type-c virus recently isolated from a leukemic gibbon in a colony located on hall's island, bermuda, was characterized with respect to the antigenic properties of its gag and env gene-coded proteins. this virus, designated galv-h, was found to be closely related immunologically to type-c viruses previously isolated from gibbons (galv-sf, galv-seato, galv-br) and from woolly monkey (ssav). however, galv-h was readily differentiated from these isolates in a radioimmunoassay for its env gene prod ...197882546
use of microimmobilization and microagglutination assays for attempted detection of hla antigens and beta2 microglobulin on human sperm.microtechniques for detecting sperm agglutinating and immobilizing antibodies are described. these assays are proved to be useful in the study of anti-sperm antibodies in the sera of vaseectomized men and the serum of a rhesus monkey immunized with human sperm. however, using various antisera against beta2 microglobulin and hla region antigens, including ia antigens, in these assays, very little, if any, activity was found against sperm. absorption and inhibition tests also could not show a sign ...197883024
rhla complex of rhesus monkeys. x. implications of the association between d and ia1 locus antigens.a high association has been found between d-locus determinants defined by cellular methods (typing cells) and the serologically defined b cell or ia antigens controlled by the ia1 locus. data from recombinant offspring in two rhesus families place the ia1 locus within rhla, in the close vicinity of the d or major mlc locus. in fact, identity between the products of those two loci cannot be excluded. further, it was shown that cells proven to be homozygous for ia1 antigens, are nearly always typi ...197883026
projections of the precentral motor cortex and other cortical areas of the frontal lobe to the subthalamic nucleus in the monkey.corticofugal projections were examined by means of the autoradiographic tracer method in 21 macaca fascicularis. the labeled material was injected into the main body representation areas of the precentral motor cortex and into various regions of brodmann's areas 6, 8 and 9 of the frontal lobe. the ipsilateral subthalamic nucleus receives a moderately strong and somato-topically organized projection from woolsey's precentral motor cortex. this projection is mainly restricted to the lateral moiety ...197883239
location of taste buds in intact taste papillae by a selective staining method.taste buds were found to stain strongly and selectively in intact papillae with highly acidic dyes such as ponceau s. in intact tongues the taste buds in the fungiform, circumvallate and foliate papillae of the cynomolgus monkey and in the fungiform papillae of the rat as well as the taste discs in the fungiform papillae of the frog could be visualized. this method enables a rapid location and counting of taste buds in taste papillae without preparing histological sections. in cynomolgus tongue ...197883317
healing of periodontal flaps following use of mbr 4197 (flucrylate) in rhesus monkeys. a clinical and histological evaluation.experimental periodontal surgery was performed on six adult rhesus monkeys, using the modified widman flap technique. each monkey provided four or six segments for flap surgery, and three different experimental time intervals were used. flaps were immobilized after surgery by conventional sutures or by application of mbr 4197 cyanoacrylate spray. each animal provided its own contralateral comparison, and the mode of flap immobilization was reversed in the corresponding segments in the other anim ...197883358
pharmacologic characterization of the antiallergic activity of sk&f 78729-a, one of a series of pyranenamine compounds, was studied in several laboratory models of immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions. in vivo, sk&f 78729-a, i.v./p.o., inhibited the antigen-induced rat 48-hr passive cutaneous anaphylaxis by a mechanism other than end-organ antagonism to either histamine or serotonin. in vitro, the compound produced a concentration-related inhibition of the immunologic release of histamine and slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis from passively sensit ...197883359
[beta2-microglobulin and experimental nephropathies in macacus monkey (author's transl)].in the monkey, the action of four renal toxics : lead acetate, sodium maleate, cadmium chloride and sodium chromate was compared. tubulopathies were obtained only with cadmium chloride and sodium chromate with in the best cases about 16 mg/l of beta2-microglobulin (beta2m) in the urine. monkey and human beta2m have the same molecular weight and are antigenically similar. however, they differed in electrophoretic mobility, the monkey beta2m being slightly more cathodic.197883574
spectrum of melanoma antigens on cultured human malignant melanoma cells as detected by monkey antibodies. 197983908
routing of transported materials in the dorsal root and nerve fiber branches of the dorsal root ganglion.after injection of the l7 dorsal root ganglion with 3h-leucine, fast axoplasmic transport carries some 3--5 x more labeled materials down the sensory fibers branches entering the sciatic nerve as compared to the dorsal root fiber branches of the neurons. freeze-substitution preparations taken from the two sides of the lumbar seventh dorsal root ganglia of cats and monkeys showed little difference in the histograms of nerve fiber diameters of the sensory nerve fiber branch of these neurons as com ...197884050
attempts to reproduce amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in laboratory animals by inoculation of schu virus isolated from a patient with apparent amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.a virus isolated from the csf of a patient who had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis for 7 years, and prolonged pleocytosis in the csf, was adapted to suckling mouse brain by subsequent serial blind passages. this schu virus belongs to the tick-borne encephalitis complex of the genus flavivirus (togaviridae). suckling mouse brain homogenate of the 13th passage was used for transmission experiments in various species of laboratory animals. golden hamsters infected subcutaneously fell ill after a numb ...197984063
rationalisation of first-aid measures for elapid snakebite.the plasma of monkeys envenomated with tiger snake (notechis scutatus) venom was monitored by radioimmunoassay for both crude venom and a neurotoxin. when the injected limb was immobilised and a pressure of 55 mm hg applied to the injection site, only very low levels of circulating venom or neurotoxin were detectable. in practical terms, venom movement can be effectively delayed for long periods by the application of a firm crepe bandage to the length of the bitten limb combined with immobilisat ...197984206
binding specificity of rabbit anti-guinea pig epidermal cell sera: comparison of their receptors with those of concanavalin a and pemphigus sera.rabbit anti-guinea pig epidermal cell sera (aes) which were prepared by immunizing rabbits with enzymatically dispersed viable guinea pig epidermal cells were shown to react to the intercellular substances of stratified squamous epithelia of guinea pigs and monkeys in a pattern similar to that seen with concanavalin a (cona) or pemphigus sera (ps) by immunofluorescence. reciprocal blocking tests were performed on guinea pig lip mucosa after removal of the non-specific binding substances between ...197984486
intraepithelial lymphocytes in the excurrent ducts of the testis of the domestic fowl (gallus domesticus).cells considered to be lymphocytes are reported in the epithelial lining of the excurrent ducts of the testis of normal and vasoligated domestic fowl. they resemble those already reported in the rat and monkey epididymal epithelium, the human intestinal mucosa, and in the bursa of fabricius. the cytoplasm is usually less dense than that of adjacent epithelial cells, and contains only a few organelles. the nucleus is highly heterochromatic and with no definite nucleolus. cytoplasmic processes are ...197984511
the effects of h2-receptor antagonists on anaphylaxis in the guinea-pig.histamine has been shown to inhibit a variety of immune responses including the antigen-induced, ige mediated, release of histamine from sensitized human leucocytes and from sensitized monkey and dog mast cells. the inhibitory action of histamine appears to be mediated by action at a histamine h2-receptor. in in vitro experiments the h2-receptor antagonist metiamide has been shown to block this histamine effect and it has been suggested that h2-receptor antagonists could intensify immediate hype ...197884524
histochemical demonstration of acidic glycosaminoglycans in the cell nuclei of the iris and other tissues.using histochemical methods, the presence of acidic glycosaminoglycans in the cell nuclei of 51 human irides and a series of monkey organs was demonstrated. in general, these substances are sensitive to testicular hyaluronidase and chondroitinase abc and also to streptomyces hyaluronidase, when using special staining methods. the specificity of testicular hyaluronidase was tested by inhibition with heparin. by simultaneously staining with alcian blue and feulgen, acidic glycosaminoglycans can be ...197985402
some golgi data on visual cortex of the rhesus monkey.the rhesus monkey's visual cortex was studied on golgi material. the terminal arborization of the geniculate fibres and non-specific vertical fibres have been analysed. the interneurons (intrinsic neurons) of the area described in detail and classified on the basis of their axonal and dendrite arborizations. the stellate neurons in layer iv are discussed.197885406
dorsal column nuclei and ascending spinal afferents in macaques.cell populations and thalamic projections of the dorsal column nuclei in macaques have been investigated in the medullae of normal animals and of animals with injections of horseradish peroxidase in the nucleus ventralis posterolateralis. in the same species, the course, distribution and origin of ascending non-primary pathways to the dorsal column nuclei have been demonstrated with the aid of degeneration methods, 3h-amino acid autoradiography and retrograde axonal transport of horseradish pero ...197985470
fast somato-parietal rhythms during combined focal attention and immobility in baboon and squirrel the monkey (baboon or squirrel monkey) displaying a high level of vigilance, a particular type of spontaneous ecog rhythm develops when the subject is motionless and fixes its attention on a visual target in its surroundings. this activity, whose frequency averages around 18 c/sec, is distributed over two restricted cortical foci, one over the si hand area (brodmann's fields 1 and 2) and the other over the posterior parietal cortex (area 5). these rhythms are blocked by the least body movemen ...197985524
observations on the m-wave and the cnv in the squirrel monkey.a typical cnv paradigm, with food as reward, evokes in the squirrel monkey's post-arcuate and post-central cortices both m-waves in response to the cues and what appears to be a cnv in the interstimulus interval. both wave forms appear to be generated locally in cortex and to be more closely related temporally to the cues than to the animal's behavioral response. the cnv, like the m-wave, appears to reflect the animal's level of interest in obtaining the reward. it is smaller when the animal mis ...197985525
role of the inferotemporal cortex in visual selective attention.electrocortical recordings were made from monkeys performing in a multidimensional visual task. wave forms dependent on the stimulus presented (irrespective of task required) were recorded immediately following the stimulus primarily from electrodes implanted in the striate and prestriate cortex. wave forms dependent on the panel pressed (irrespective of the stimulus or of the task) were recorded especially from motor and post-central cortex, and to a lesser extent in anterior frontal cortex, al ...197985535
serological definition of the lentivirus group of retroviruses.the major polypeptides of visna viruses and other lentiviruses have been isolated and shown to be closely related if not identical in radioimmunoassays. by this criterion the lentiviruses form a distinct group of retroviruses unrelated to spuma viruses, mammalian and avian retroviruses that cause tumors, and unclassified retroviruses of cattle and horses. two sera obtained from goats immunized with mason-pfizer monkey virus or squirrel monkey virus reacted with visna p30. additional data suggest ...197985722
the use of trypan blue for counterstaining in the sepharose bead immunofluorescence test. the application of the test for the demonstration of primate retrovirus-specific antibodies and antigens.the sepharose bead immunoflurorescence test was performed by counterstaining the beads with trypan blue. this results in a red staining of negative beads which allows an easy distinction from positive green-fluorescent beads. sepharose beads conjugated with viral proteins or antiviral antibodies were used to demonstrate mason-pfizer monkey virus (mpmw)- and simian sarcoma virus (ssv) - specific antigens or antibodies. the test shows a high sensitivity and specificity and needs a small amount of ...197886253
topography and intracranial sources of somatosensory evoked potentials in the monkey. i. early components.averaged somatosensory evoked potentials (sep) were recorded in the monkey from arrays of surface electrodes overlying the brain, cervical cord and peripheral nerve; from epidural electrodes over the cerebral convexity; and from movable intracerebral electrodes. the initial cortically generated responses peak at mean latencies of 10 and 12 msec following stimulation of the median nerve at the wrist. preceding these potentials 5 small positive wavelets were identified in scalp and epidural record ...197986423
a new virion precipitation test for oncovirus envelope antigens which detects common antigenic determinants in mammalian type-c viruses and mason-pfizer monkey virus.a method for the study of oncovirus envelope antigens was developed, bases on the precipitation of intact virions by a double antibody technique. the amount of precipitated virus was then measured as reverse transcriptase activity. the method was designated the virion precipitation test (vpt). it has been used for titration of antibodies to envelope antigens of oncoviruses. the study of envelop antigens of 11 different oncoviruses permitted their differentiation into the following groups: (1) mu ...197986521
monkey scoliosis. 197986792
specificities of antibodies to acetylcholine receptors.antisera to acetylcholine receptor purified from the electric organs of torpedo and electrophorus were highly species specific, but showed limited cross-reaction with receptors from all mammalian species tested. antisera to receptor purified from rat muscle cross-reacted extensively with receptor from the muscles of other mammals. antibodies to receptor from electrophorus cross-reacting with receptor from torpedo were affinity purified. subsequently these showed increased cross-reaction with rec ...197886951
apparent allosterism by avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase and e. coli dna polymerase i.a recent report (1) presented evidence for allosterism in reverse transcription by mason-pfizer monkey virus reverse transcriptase and by e. coli dna polymerase i. our experiments also demonstrate these apparent cooperative effects when synthesis is catalyzed by either avian myeloblastosis virus dna polymerase, feline sarcoma virus dna polymerase, or e. coli dna polymerase i (large fragment). we show that the apparent cooperativity depends on the use of oligo(dt)12-18 as primer. however, if the ...197986985
isolation and characterization of an endogenous type c virus of rhesus monkeys.a type c retrovirus was isolated from a continuous cell line established from a spontaneous esophageal carcinoma of a rhesus monkey (macaca mulata) by prolonged cocultivation with canine cells. a dna transcript of the viral rna hybridized to a high level and kinetic analysis indicated the presence of multiple copies of the viral genome in rhesus monkey dna, showing that the virus is endogenous in this species. the rhesus monkey virus closely resembles, in several respects, an endogenous type c v ...197987013
definition of two ld antigens in rhesus monkeys.two rhesus (macaca mulatta) monkey lymphocyte-defined (ld) antigens have been identified using two typing cells as stiumlators in a one-way mixed leukocyte culture (mlc) assay. an analysis of the genetic behavior of these ld antigens in six rhesus monkey families revealed that both antigens were linked with rhla. one probable recombinant indicated that the ld locus lies outside the two known rhla-sd loci and the locus which controls the serum protein, properdin b(bf). these two antigens, ld1 and ...197987026
preparation of anti-alpha 2-macroglobulin using canavalia lineata dc lectin for differentiating species-specificity of blood differentiate species-specificity of blood stains, anti-alpha 2-macroglobulin was raised in rabbits against canavalia lineata dc lectin-serum complex (lsc). adsorption of anti-lsc with human lipoprotein resulted in antiserum specific for alpha 2-macroglobulin. it was confirmed by ouchterlony test that the antiserum adsorbed successively with monkey serum or anti-lsc adsorbed directly with monkey serum reacted with only human serum but not with mammalian ones. immunoelectrosyneresis and anti-l ...197987033
staining calcified tissues in plastic embedding medium.two procedures for staining sections of calcified teeth and/or bone embedded in plastic without dissolving the embedding medium were developed to study early bone regeneration in proximity to carbon implants in monkey alveolar bone and tissue degeneration in pathological human bone. these procedures allow differential staining of delicate bone tissues and prevent breakage of sections because the supporting plastic does not have to be removed.197987129
horseradish peroxidase-labelled cells in cervical sympathetic and trigeminal nervous systems after injection of hrp into tooth pulp in monkeys and tree shrews (a preliminary report).the neurons that project to the tooth pulp were examined by the hrp-retrograde transport technique, using 4 monkeys (3 japanese monkeys and a crab-eating monkey) and 6 tree shrews. the present investigation showed that a large number of sympathetic cervical ganglion neurons, small and medium in size, project to the molar teeth from the superior, middle and inferior ganglia and a small number of gasserian gangilon neurons (small in size) to the molar teeth ipsilaterally.197987281
passive transfer in man and the monkey of type i allergy due to heat labile and heat stable antibody to complex salts of platinum.passive transfer (p-k) tests have been performed in man and monkeys with sera from a group of six refinery workers sensitive to ammonium hexachloroplatinate and tetrachloroplatinite. positive (p-k) prick test reactions were elicited in three human recipients and in the monkey to three of the test sera. the other three sera gave inconsistent results in man and negative results in monkeys and these differences appeared to correspond with the duration of exposure of the workers. the passive transfe ...197987286
two plasmodium knowlesi-specific antigens on the surface of schizont-infected rhesus monkey erythrocytes induce antibody production in immune hosts.purified schizonts (6--10 nuclei) and membranes of schizont-infected erythrocytes from the malaysian and philippine strain of plasmodium knowlesi are analyzed immunochemically using immunoglobulin of rhesus monkey hyperimmune sera against schizonts and of sera from naturally immune monkeys. the anti-schizont ig identifies less than 20 immune components in triton x-100-solubilized schizonts and membranes of infected cells. of these antigens, 9 (component 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 18, and 20) are com ...197987490
a comparison of the organization of the projections of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, the inferior pulvinar and adjacent lateral pulvinar to primary visual cortex (area 17) in the macaque monkey.both anterograde and retrograde transport tracing methods were used to study the organization of the projections of the dorsal lateral geniculate (dlg), the inferior pulvinar and subdivisions of the lateral pulvinar to primary visual cortex (striate cortex or area 17). the dlg projects only to striate cortex. these projections are retinotopically organized, and do not extend to any cortical layers above layer iva. in contrast the inferior pulvinar (pi) and the immediately adjacent portion of the ...197988245
nocturnal and diurnal sleep in macaca macaca sylvana restrained in chairs, continuous 24 h recordings were obtained of scalp eeg, neck emg, bilateral eog, motility of the head and lever manipulation. a total of 32 days were studied in 8 monkeys. recordings were divided into epochs of 30 sec and analyzed in a pdp-12 computer. four stages of sleep and 5 stages of wakefulness were identified by combination of the above data. results were as follows: (1) during the night, there was 21% wakefulness and during the day 20% sleep, includ ...197988327
suppression and reversal of allergic encephalomyelitis in rhesus monkeys with basic protein and peptides.we have extended earlier studies on the suppression of clinically evident experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (eae) in monkeys, repeated injections of human basis protein. the results confirm that after suppressive treatment, recovered animals remain clinically normal and do not show spontaneous recurrence of symptoms. however, recovered animals are susceptible to eae upon renewed challenge, and they develop the disease more rapidly and more severely than after the initial challenge; resuppr ...197988679
the major histocompatibility complex of rhesus monkeys. xii: cellular typing for d locus antigens in families.typing cells (tc) were used for the identification of d locus antigens in rhesus monkey families. the antigens defined by this cellular method always segregated with the other rhla-controlled markers except in one offspring with a proven recombination within the rhla region; in that case, the d antigen was inherited in coupling with an antigen of the ia1 locus (the analog of the human dr locus). with two exceptions, each tc or group of tc's was associated with one of the serologically defined ia ...197988774
a difference in [14c]deoxyglucose autoradiographic patterns in striate cortex between macaca and saimiri monkeys following monocular stimulation. 197988997
the pathophysiology of asthma.because postmortem studies of humans provide little information on the initial pathophysiologic events in asthma, animal models have been developed. recently the ascaris-allergic rhesus monkey has provided an opportunity to examine the onset of pathophysiologic changes following challenge and to correlate them with airway structure. these studies have suggested that the initial interaction between antigen and mast cells may occur in the bronchial lumen or in the epithelium superficial to the tig ...197989006
monkey antiserum to mlc-primed human t lymphocytes. 197989737
visual evoked potentials in monkeys.visual evoked potentials (veps) were recorded from 2 cortical sites in stump-tailed macaques. veps recorded from striate cortex were basically consistent between animals (especially at low light intensity), remained remarkably stable over time, and compared favorably to veps reported by other investigators. we concluded that the vep recorded from the striate cortex of day-active monkeys consists of 5 major peaks within the first 250 msec. the potentials recorded from post-central gyrus were simp ...197989947
vitreous body oxygen tension following experimental branch retinal vein obstruction.we obstructed either temporal or nasal superior and inferior retinal veins on one eye of rhesus monkeys with xenon photocoagulation. this resulted in large areas of nonperfused retina adjacent to normal retina in the same eye. intraretinal neovascularization (new vessels in the retina) developed following the absorption of retinal hemorrhage and edema. we used microelectrodes to measure and compare vitreous body oxygen tensions over the nonperfused and over the normal retinal areas. there was no ...197990026
effects of raised intraocular pressure on retinal, prelaminar, laminar, and retrolaminar optic nerve blood flow in monkeys. 197990027
isolation of an endogenous type c virus related to the infectious primate type c viruses from the asian rodent vandeleuria oleracea.a tissue culture line derived from the asian rodent vandeleuria oleracea has been shown to release an infectious, xenotropic type c virus. the virus-associated reverse transcriptase (rna-dependent dna nucleotidyltransferase) and the major internal protein p30 are immunologically related to the respective proteins of the woolly monkey-gibbon ape group of infectious primate viruses. by these criteria the v. oleracea viral isolate is similar to the murine type c-i class of endogenous retroviruses a ...197990155
simian virus 40 early mrna's. i. genomic localization of 3' and 5' termini and two major splices in mrna from transformed and lytically infected cells.we have studied the structure of polyadenylated virus-specific cytoplasmic mrna's in mouse and human cells transformed by simian virus 40 and in monkey cells infected with simian virus 40 in the presence of cytosine arabinoside by means of reverse transcriptase-catalyzed complementary dna synthesis and complementary dna sequencing. abundant mrna species containing splices from residues 4490 to 4557 (0.533 to 0.546 map units [m.u.]) and 4490 to 4837 (0.533 to 0.600 m.u.) were identified in both t ...197990157
immunological similarities of mammalian xanthine oxidases.the degree of relatedness among mammalian xanthine oxidases (xo) was determined by microcomplement fixation. rabbit anti bovine milk xo serum was tested against xanthine oxidase (homologous protein) and against the heterologous proteins of bovine liver, monkey liver, rat liver, lactating cow serum, nonlactating cow serum, and steer serum. the indices of dissimilarity for the heterologous proteins were expressed as units of immunological distance and the percent sequence differences among these p ...197990501
demonstration of ocular dominance columns in nissl-stained sections of monkey visual cortex following enucleation. 197990545
complement profiles in monkeys subjected to aggregate (immune complex) anaphylaxis, and following injection of soluble and particulate polysaccharides.complement profiles were established in four groups of macaca irus monkeys: (i) aggregate (immune complex) anaphylaxis was induced following immunization, with ovalbumin. upon challenge, systemic arterial pressure decreased from 115 to 50 mm hg (mean values) in 10 min. the complement profiles revealed decreases in: c1q to less than 10% of initial value within 5 min; c4 proportional to hypotension; c3 slowly to 60% at 24 h; c5, c6, c7, c8 and factor b to about 80% of initial value in 5--30 min. c ...197990656
characterization of a type-c virus produced by co-cultures of human leukemic bone-marrow and fetal canine thymus cells.the putative human helper virus ska-21/a204v, isolated by nooter et al. in 1977 from human leukemic bone-marrow cells following co-culture with normal fetal canine thymus cells, cf2th, has been characterized with respect to its major viral core protein, reverse transcriptase, and nucleic acid sequences. the results of these analyses show that this virus is not distinguishable from the woolly monkey type-c virus, ssav-1, by the techniques employed.197990662
protection of rhesus monkeys from lassa virus by immunisation with closely related arenavirus. 197990819
transfer of proteins from gels to diazobenzyloxymethyl-paper and detection with antisera: a method for studying antibody specificity and antigen structure.we describe a rapid and very sensitive method for detecting proteins as antigens after their separation in polyacrylamide/agarose composite gels, with or without sodium dodecyl sulfate. the polyacrylamide matrix is crosslinked with a reagent that can be cleaved with periodate or alkali to facilitate transfer of the protein bands to diazobenzyloxymethyl-paper, where they are coupled covalently. specific proteins are detected by autoradiography after sequential incubation with unfractionated, unla ...197991164
experimental subperiosteal implantation of porous al2o3 ceramic for mandibular ridge augmentation.porous al2o3 ceramic material with pore size of 100-750 micrometers was used for implants placed subperiosteally as alveolar ridge augmentation onlays in six cercopithecus monkeys. clinical and radiographic examination during the postoperative period revealed rapid healing and anchorage of the implant in five of the animals. one implant was lost. the implants were retrieved after 4, 10, 11 and 12 months' implantation time. histologic and microradiographic examination demonstrated fibrous and bon ...197991303
procaine-induced seizures in epileptic monkeys with bilateral hippocampal foci.intravenous procaine hcl given at low doses (0.5-2.5 mg/kg) to two monkeys with bilateral alumina hippocampal foci depressed interictal spiking or had little effect. at 5.0 mg/kg unilateral limbic activation occurred. at 10.0 mg/kg unilateral or bilateral limbic activation and generalized seizures could be evoked within 3-10 min. at higher doses (15 and 20 mg/kg) bilateral limbic activation or brief (one min) generalized seizures occurred. the unilateral-onset psychomotor seizures were not ident ...197991502
monkeypox virus as a source of whitepox viruses.monkeypox virus cloning and isolation of the so-called 'white' clones from white pocks which this virus forms on the chorioallantoic membrane (cam) were carried out. the isolated clones were stable and differed considerably from the parental strain. by their properties, they were identical to whitepox viruses formerly isolated from wildlife monkeys and rodents in equatorial africa. besides stable 'white' clones, a number of virus cultures in the process of cloning were obtained which differed in ...197991589
antigenicity of the infected-erythrocyte and merozoite surfaces in falciparum malaria.the antigenicity of altered structures induced by plasmodium falciparum in the membranes of infected aotus monkey and human erythrocytes was examined. antisera were obtained from monkeys made immune to malaria. bound antibodies were shown to be localized on the knob protrusions of infected erythrocytes of both human and monkey origin and from both in vitro and in vivo infections. therefore, p. falciparum infection has produced similar antigenic changes in the erythrocyte surfaces of both man and ...197991658
chloroquine-resistant plasmodium falciparum from east africa: cultivation and drug sensitivity of the tanzanian i/cdc strain from an american tourist.a strain of plasmodium falciparum, designated tanzanian i/cdc, from an american tourist returning from tanzania, was isolated in vitro and in the aotus monkey. clinically, the infection showed a late recrudescent pattern of chloroquine resistance. in 2 inoculated aotus monkeys, the infection recrudesced after a dose of chloroquine (40 mg/kg) curative for sensitive p. falciparum strains in the aotus monkey. in 4 ,dditional monkeys two primary infections and one of the recrudescent parasitaemias w ...197991887
an electron microscopic study of neurones in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the monkey labelled by retrograde transport of horseradish a previous report horseradish peroxidase (hrp) reaction product has been described as accumulating in a restricted part of neurones in the lateral geniculate nucleus following injections of hrp into the visual cortex of the primate. with the aid of long series of ultrathin sections from the same material labelled neurones have been partially reconstructed in the present study, and it has been confirmed that hrp reaction product aggregates as a group of electron-dense lysosome-like bodies whic ...197992349
virus-like particles and macromolecules in human milk and breast tumors.relevant data pertaining to present evidence for virus-like particles and virus-related macromolecules in human milk and breast tumors are presented. a critical review and discussion of reported observations concerning virus-related macromolecules will include rna-directed dna polymerase, viral antigens, and rna related to murine mammary tumor virus and/or mason-pfizer monkey virus. from the standpoint of clinical applications, the finding of viral-related antigens in human breast tumors and evi ...197992388
hyperacute experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in rhesus monkeys as a model of acute necrotizing hemorrhagic encephalomyelitis.a comparative study of clinical and morphological findings in three fatal cases of acute necrotizing hemorrhagic encephalomyelitis (anhe) and hyperacute experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (heae) in rhesus monkeys is reported. in all cases anhe was characterized clinically by definite prodromal respiratory infection. the course was rapidly progressive with fatal termination. the salient histopathological changes were necrosis of blood vessels with plasma exudation and fibrin impregnation, he ...197992540
serum electrophoretic patterns of karyotypically defined owl monkeys (aotus trivirgatus).sera were electrophoretically separated and examined from 238 karyotyped aotus trivirgatus and 29 unkaryotyped offspring. albumin polymorphism was observed with high frequency and found to conform to a codominant allele mode of transmission. a unique alpha globulin was identified in karyotypes i, vii and unkaryotyped offspring, of which one parent was a karyotype i. this alpha globulin phenotype appears to be a dominant characteristic.197992594
benign prostatic hyperplasia in a squirrel monkey (saimiri sciureus).benign prostatic hyperplasia was diagnosed at necropsy in a middle-aged squirrel monkey (saimiri sciureus). grossly, the prostate gland was asymmetrically enlarged and had an irregular surface. microscopically, both cystic glandular hyperplasia and fibromuscular, nodular hyperplasia were identified.197992596
oncornavirus-like particles released by human prostatic explant cultures.explant cultures from several human prostatic tissues have been examined for oncornavirus production. some of these explants, epithelial in morphology, appear to release oncornavirus-like particles. the extracellular particulate material, obtained from the culture medium of these explants display the following characteristics: (1) it contains particles that band at a density of 1.1-1.2 g/cm3 in a sucrose density gradient. (2) the particles contain rna-directed dna polymerase. this polymerase uti ...197992778
production of antibodies to human immunoglobulins in a gibbon.immunization of a chimpanzee, a gibbon, a baboon and a rhesus monkey with human globulins gave different results. while chimpanzees did not produce any anti-human antibodies, baboon and rhesus monkey responded by producing anti-human igg antibodies that did not show subclass or allotype specificity. in the gibbon antiserum, on the other hand, six different antibodies were demonstrated with a specificity against one or more of the four human igg subclasses, including one allotype. comparative inv ...197993346
generation of specfic t-cell suppressor function induced by streptococcus mutans in monkeys and mice.specific suppressor cells in mice and monkeys can be induced with high doses of streptococcus mutans antigen. when these cells are further cultured with a low dose of s. mutans antigen in vitro, they secrete specific suppressor factors which decrease the cooperative responses to this antigen. in view of the sensitivity of these cells to anti-thy 1 and complement, and as they are not retained on nylon-wool, these suppressor cells are t cells. the suppressor factor exerts its effect on t helper ce ...197993576
isolation of a sv40-like papovavirus from a human glioblastoma.a human glioblastoma multiforme (m27) tested in early cell cultures by indirect immunofluorescence staining showed sv40-related tumor (t)-antigen, 95% of the cells being positive. sv40-related viral capsid (v)-antigen was absent in all cells tested. experiments to rescue this virus were performed by fusing m27 cells with cv-i monkey cells, which were permissive for sv40, using polyethylene glycol (peg) as fusion factor. we succeeded in isolating virus particles sv40-gbm which electron microscopy ...197993581
has myelin basic protein received a fair trial in the treatment of multiple sclerosis?autosensitization to some central nervous system antigen still remains one of the best hypotheses for the continuing pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (ms). enough is now known about the cause, pathogenesis, and treatment of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (eae) to test this hypothesis. reports of therapeutic failure of the encephalitogen myelin basic protein (bp) in the treatment of ms have their counterparts in similar therapeutic failures in eae. only highly inbred strain 13 guinea p ...197993873
myelin basic protein treatment of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in monkeys.treatment of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (eae) in two strains of monkeys with large amounts of myelin basic basic protein (bp) fails unless an adjunct is also used. in both strains the adjunct by itself is more effective than bp by itself, but in the one strain which could be investigated sufficiently, the combination can be made almost totally effective in reversing eae. the adjunct varies with the strain of monkey, an antibiotic in macaca mulatta and a steroid in macaca fasciculari ...197993874
demonstration of an analogue to human pregnancy zone protein in the african green monkey.a serum protein in the grivet (cercopithecus aethiops), immunologically cross-reacting with human pregnancy zone protein (pzp), is found in males as well as in nonpregnant females. the electrophoretic mobility, antigenic cross-reactivity, molecular weight, and carbohydrate structure appear analogous to pzp; however, contrary to the situation in man, exogenous estrogens cause a fall in serum concentration of the protein.197994099
antigenic analysis of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis viruses (enterovirus type 70).the antigenic characteristics of enterovirus type 70 (ev 70) were investigated by means of cross and kinetic neutralization tests (nt). twelve strains of ev 70 isolated in a period from 1971 to 1976 were analyzed using seven rabbit and one monkey hyper-immune sera. all the strains investigated were found to possess a common and prime variant antigens in varying proportions. accordingly, ev 70 isolates were devided intratypically into three antigenic sub groups; (1) prototype-like (four strain fr ...197994146
immunodiffusion systematics of the primates. part v. the platyrrhini.evolutionary relationships between new world monkeys and marmoset genera and the place of the ceboidea within the primates are considered in terms of the immunological specificity of ceboid proteins. antigenic distances between the new world primates are measured using antisera produced in rabbits to nine ceboid genera: alouatta, aotes, ateles, callicebus, cebus, chiropotes, lagothrix, saimiri and saguinus. a cladogram constructed on the basis of increasing degrees of antigenic distance between ...197994297
modulation by cell trypsinization of sendai virus expression in african green monkey kidney cells: first infection and establishment of a carrier state.two african green monkey kidney (agmk) cell lines, 37rc (interferon-producing) and vero (non-interferon-producing), were infected by egg-grown sendai virus passaged in eggs at high and low m.o.i. the appearance of haem-adsorption, and cytopathic effect (c.p.e.) as well as the presence of haemagglutinating virions in the supernates were much more pronounced with a virus seed obtained with 10(-3) diluted passages than with a seed obtained with undiluted inoculum. they were also independent of inte ...197994347
type-c virus antigen detection in co-cultures of human leukaemic bone marrow and dog cells.bone marrow of leukaemic patients, non-leukaemic patients and normal individuals were co-cultivated with the canine cell line a7573. these co-cultures were screened for retrovirus antigens by means of the indirect cytoplasmic immunofluorescence assay (ifa). rabbit antisera directed against the major structural protein (p30) of woolly monkey (simian) sarcoma leukaemia virus (grown in human lymphoid cells) and rauscher murine leukaemia virus were used for testing. after 2 months in culture, 6 of 1 ...197994349
immunoglobulin epitopes in primates.non-human primate sera were investigated for the presence of various human immunoglobulin epitopes including allotypes of kappa-, gamma 1-, gamma 2-, gamma 3- and alpha 2-chains, isotypes of kappa-, gamma 1-, gamma 2-, gamma 3-, gamma 4-, alpha 1-, alpha 2- and mu-chains and iso-allotypes. the non-human primate sera comprised representatives of several species of apes, old world monkeys, new world monkeys and prosimians. it is concluded that non-human primate immunoglobulins have many structural ...197994481
simian rotavirus sa-11 plaque formation in the presence of trypsin.incorporation of 5 micrograms of trpsin per ml of the overlay (eagle minimal essential medium-0.7% ionagar no. 2) was found to be necessary for plaque formation by simian rotavirus sa-11. plaques of 3 to 4 mm in diameter were produced in ma-104 cells after 5 days of incubation at 37 degrees c. plaque size was even larger (5 to 6 mm) in monolayers of african green monkey kidney cells. addition of diethyl-aminotheyl-dextran, protamine sulfate, or 5-bromodeoxyuridine to the trypsin-containing overl ...197994597
thyroid activity in a hypometabolic primate, the owl monkey (aotus trivirgatus).serum levels of triiodothyronine (t3) and tetraiodothyronine (t4) were significantly lower in owl monkeys than in long-tailed macaques. these observations were considered to be consistent with the lower metabolic rate of the owl monkey. however, the absence of a significant difference in the levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh) between the two species suggested a lower thyroid sensitivity to tsh in the owl monkeys. there was an inverse relation between levels of t3 and tsh in the owl monk ...197994828
histochemical studies of mucosubstances and keratins of thymic corpuscles.keratin and prekeratin have been visualized histochemically by testing the reactivity of disulfide groups in the thymic corpuscles of the sheep. rhesus monkey, rabbit and dog, and the reactivity of sulfhydryl groups in the sheep, rhesus monkey, rabbit and rat. ten to 50% of the thymic corpuscles showed keratinization by this method. acidic mucosubstances were visualized histochemically in the rhesus monkey, sheep and rat but not in the rabbit. staining for vic-glycol groups was prominent in all ...197994996
Displaying items 501 - 600 of 74284