[differentiation of tactile corpuscles (merkel's) in the beak of coturnix coturnix quail during ontogeny]. | succession of the merkel's corpuscles appearance and the nervous fibers connected with them in the germ of the beak has been studied by means of light (silver nitrate impregnation) and electron microscopic techniques. appearance of the merkel's corpuscles in the subepithelial connective tissue is preceded by sprouting of nervous fibers into the area. from the very beginning of their differentiation the tactile corpuscles are in contact with nervous terminals. sensory innervation is a necessary c ... | 1987 | 3446099 |
lung ventilation during walking and running in four species of lizards. | the relationship between locomotion and aspiration breathing was investigated in the lizards iguana iguana, ctenosaura similis, varanus exanthematicus and varanus salvator, and the quail coturnix coturnix. respiratory air-flow during walking and running on a 7.3 m track or on a treadmill was measured with a bidirectional flow meter attached to one nostril. in all four species of lizards, lung ventilation drops markedly during locomotion. tidal volume decreases as speed increases, often by more t ... | 1987 | 3666097 |
morphotic composition of bone marrow and peripheral blood in various periods of the life cycle of the pharaoh quail (coturnix coturnix pharaoh). i. analysis of the bone marrow. | | 1987 | 3436471 |
changes in the blood and the bone marrow picture of the pharaoh quail (coturnix coturnix pharaoh) chicks as a manifestation of adaptation to postembryonal life. | 1. the aim was determination of the rate of adaptation of the respiratory and defence functions of the blood and bone marrow of quail chicks. 2. in the early post-hatching period, enhanced haemoglobin synthesis is the mechanism adapting the bird to the rich oxygen conditions beyond the egg. 3. in 2-week-old chicks, the increased respiratory function of the blood is associated with a parallel rise of the erythrocyte count and haemoglobin content. 4. the defence mechanisms of the chick in the firs ... | 1987 | 2886288 |
diluting segment in avian kidney. ii. water and chloride transport. | the mammalian-type nephrons of avian kidneys contain a henle's loop that runs parallel to the collecting ducts and the vasa recta. thus we examined whether the thick ascending limb (tal) of henle's loop of the avian kidney acts as a diluting segment by measuring water and cl transport in the isolated and perfused tal of the quail, coturnix coturnix. the tal showed a lumen-positive transepithelial voltage (vt) (+9.4 +/- 0.4 mv, n = 28). net water flux (jv) was nearly zero when the tal was perfuse ... | 1986 | 3953846 |
diluting segment in avian kidney. i. characterization of transepithelial voltages. | renal tubules from the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix, were perfused in vitro to characterize the transepithelial voltage (vt). the thick limb (tl) of the mammalian-type (mt) nephron showed vt positive in the lumen (+9.1 +/- 0.7 mv, n = 35). the vt decreased with increases in hydrostatic perfusion pressure. furosemide (lumen), na cyanide (bath), and ouabain (bath) reversibly reduced vt. removal of cl or na from the perfusate and the bath decreased vt of the tl from +10.3 +/- 3.0 to -0.3 +/- 0 ... | 1986 | 3953845 |
[motor activity of dominant and subdominant quail (coturnix coturnix l.)]. | | 1986 | 3739441 |
[hepatic and duodenal biotransformation in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix): activities of 7-ethoxycoumarin o-deethylase and coumarin 7-hydroxylase]. | in vitro cytochrome p-450-dependent monooxygenase activity was studied in hepatic and duodenal microsomes from the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix) with two substrates, 7-ethoxycoumarin and coumarin. the rate of formation of 7-hydroxycoumarin--as the main metabolic product--was followed by fluorometry. 7-ethoxycoumarin o-de-ethylase activity (7-ecod) was shown in liver and duodenum, but coumarin 7-hydroxylase (cou 7-oh) was found only in liver. the requirement for some cofactors (nadph), the i ... | 1986 | 3490823 |
haematological changes in male and female pharaoh quails (coturnix coturnix pharaoh) after ekatin intoxication. | the purpose of this study was to determine changes in the blood of pharaoh quails after ekatin intoxication, to define the duration of disturbances caused by intoxication and to examine possible sex differences in the birds' reaction to intoxication. it was found that ekatin reduced the number of erythrocytes, haemoglobin level and haematocrit value, increased erythroblast and reticulocyte numbers and increased the osmotic resistance of blood cells. it was shown that this pesticide caused neutro ... | 1986 | 2877803 |
immunohistochemical localization of corticotropin-releasing factor (crf)-containing neurons in the hypothalamus of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix. | immunohistochemical localization of corticotropin-releasing factor (crf)-like immunoreactivity in the brain of the japanese quail was studied by means of the peroxidase anti-peroxidase (pap) method. crf-immunopositive perikarya of parvocellular neurons were observed mainly in the nucleus praeopticus medialis and nucleus paraventricularis. additional perikarya were also detected in the nucleus hypothalamicus posterior medialis in the hypothalamus and in the non-hypothalamic nucleus accumbens, nuc ... | 1985 | 3884159 |
renal handling of sodium chloride and its control in birds. | avian kidneys show features of both mammalian and non-mammalian kidneys, possessing cortical reptilian-type (rt) and medullary mammalian-type (mt) nephrons, blood supplies from renal arterial and renal portal systems, and a primitive macula densa. to determine how these morphological characteristics contribute to unique renal functions, we examined first a possible functional link between the renal tubules and the preglomerular vasculature and, second, the function of the loop of henle of the mt ... | 1984 | 6394706 |
cytological changes occurring in the liver of coturnix quail with an acute arsenic exposure. | coturnix quail (coturnix coturnix) were given acute oral doses of sodium arsenite (naaso2). on each of two successive days they received 1 mg sodium arsenite, followed by 3 mg on the third day. there was no observable difference between the arsenic-exposed quail liver and the controls at the light microscope level; however, swelling of granular endoplasmic reticulum (ger) in the hepatocytes of the arsenic-exposed quail was detected with electron microscopy. the swollen organelles were determined ... | 1984 | 6549505 |
effect of pyrethroid insecticides and n-(3,5-dichlorophenyl) dicarboximide fungicides on microsomal drug-metabolizing enzymes in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix). | | 1983 | 6640144 |
immunohistochemical localization of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (vip)-containing neurons in the hypothalamus of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix. | the localization of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (vip) in the hypothalamus of the quail has been studied by means of light- and electron-microscopic immunohistochemistry. numerous vip-immunoreactive perikarya are distributed in the caudal portion of the nucleus infundibularis (n. tuberis) and nucleus mamillaris lateralis, and sparse in the preoptic area, nucleus supraopticus and nucleus paraventricularis. dense localization of immunoreactive-vip fibers is observed in the external layer of t ... | 1982 | 7127414 |
nematodes of the genus subulura (subuluridae) parasitizing coturnix (galliformes). | two nematode species of the genus subulura, s. skrjabini and s. brumpti, have been recovered from coturnix coturnix (a detailed redescription of the former is attached). the synonymy, geographic distribution and some morphological and metrical characters of these species are discussed. s. noctuae gallinae semenov, 1926 and s. strongylina sensu lópez-neyra (1945) are tentatively regarded as synonyms of s. differens (sonsino, 1890). | 1980 | 6444919 |
cytological differentiation of the interrenal tissue of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix. | as reported for several other avian species there are clearly distinguishable subcapsular (scz) and inner (iz) zones of interrenal tissue in the japanese quail. the scz contains large columnar cells (type i) with rounded nuclei, polymorphic mitochondria with shelf-like cristae, and relatively small numbers of lipid droplets. the iz contains two and possibly three types of cells. type ii consists of large columnar cells with moderately dense cytoplasm containing large numbers of lipid droplets an ... | 1980 | 6249499 |
ultrastructure of the subfornical organ of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix. | | 1978 | 639095 |
heart rate response to light in the embryo of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix). | the effects of exposure to light were investigated during and shortly after the period of light stimulation. a particular objective was to evaluated any responses to the type of illumination conditions generally used for observation of avian embryos. twenty 16-day japanese quail embryos were illuminated for 15 minutes each during a total recording period of 55 minutes. heart rate, respiration rate and an approximate measure of activity were recorded. mean heart rate was found to be higher during ... | 1977 | 908914 |
evaluation of 45 chemicals as chemosterilants in adult male quail (coturnix coturnix). | | 1976 | 825643 |
contribution of gular flutter to evaporative cooling in japanese quail. | oxygen consumption, body temperature (tb), and evaporative water loss (mwe) were determined in intact japanese quail (coturnix coturnix), and in quail in which the hyoid musculature responsible for gular flutter had been surgically transected several days prior to study. abolishing gular flutter reduced total mwe by an average of 20% at air temperatures (ta) above 40 degrees c. treated birds developed a significantly greater degree of hyperthermia during acute heat stress than the controls and, ... | 1976 | 931873 |
the chronic toxicity of methiocarb to grackles, doves, and quail and reproductive effect in quail. | methiocarb (4-methylthio-3, 5-xylyl n-methyl carbamate, mesurol, bay (3744), a bird repellent, was fed in concentrations of 100 to 1,000 ppm to common grackles (quiscalus quiscula), mourning doves (zenaida macroura), and breeding pairs of coturnix quail (coturnix coturnix) to investigate the possibility of cumulative intoxication. although aversion to treated diets was readily apparent in most of the tests, the 28- to 30-day median lethal concentration (lc50) was determined to be greater than 10 ... | 1975 | 1203576 |
the effects of subacute and chronic exposure to 4-aminopyridine on reproduction in coturnix quail. | when male and female coturnix quail (coturnix coturnix) were given a single subacute oral dose (5.62 mg/kg) of the avian frightening agent 4-aminopyridine (4ap) and paired with untreated mates, there was no effect on the reproductive performance of males; egg production of females was reduced the third week after treatment but recovered during the fourth week. chronic exposure to 31.6, 100, and 316 ppm of 4ap in the diet of mated pairs did not affect reproductive performance during or after the ... | 1975 | 1139060 |
genetic variation of body temperature of coturnix coturnix in two ambient temperatures. | coturnix quail were placed in an environmental chamber maintained at 21 degree c. and rectal temperatures taken. the birds were subjected to an abrupt change to 36 degree c. and the temperatures taken hourly for eight hours and at 25, 38 and 72 hours. females had higher temperatures than males. when birds were moved to 36 degrees c. their temperatures rose rapidly and then dropped to a level higher than when birds were in the 21 degrees c. chamber. the genetic and total variation estimated from ... | 1975 | 1153370 |
stereotypy of a fixed action pattern during ontogeny in coturnix coturnix coturnix. | | 1973 | 4799432 |
the life cycle of eimeria bateri (protozoa, eimeriidae) in the japanese quail coturnix coturnix japonicum. | | 1971 | 5552705 |
[histochemical and histoenzymatic aspects of the aorta of coturnix coturnix (quail) (phasianides)]. | | 2016 | 4321805 |
effects of early experience on fear behaviour of coturnix coturnix. | | 1970 | 5498031 |
a new species of tritrichomonas from the caecum of the bird coturnix coturnix linneaus. | | 1970 | 5530167 |
[sterilization of coturnix coturnix quails by x-rays]. | | 1970 | 5534550 |
[histochemical studies of some enzyme activities of the brain of testuda graeca and coturnix coturnix]. | | 2015 | 5517164 |
[some preliminary data on the structure of quail (coturnix coturnix) hemoglobin]. | | 1969 | 5398542 |
the effect of vitamin e deficiency on fertility of coturnix coturnix. | | 1968 | 5678553 |
molecular genetics of avian proteins. 8. egg white proteins of the migratory quail, coturnix coturnix--new concepts of "hybrid vigour". | | 1967 | 5624353 |
[intersexuality in the quail (coturnix coturnix). production of a case of ovulation by a genetic male]. | | 1965 | 4954775 |
[on the culture in vitro of the genital glands of quail embryos (coturnix coturnix). the obtaining of normal sexual differentiation and experimental intersexuality of explanted gonads]. | | 1964 | 14190525 |
the quail, coturnix coturnix as a laboratory animal. | the quail, coturnix coturnix, is small, gentle, hardy, adaptable, easy to house, and economical to maintain. wetherbee and jacobs (1960) call it the "drosophila of the avian laboratory," and yet this charming bird is virtually unknown to the psychological laboratory. our preliminary investigations show that the pecking operant is readily conditioned and that little or no deprivation is necessary to maintain behavior with food as a reinforcer. visual and temporal discriminations were very quickly ... | 1962 | 14491001 |
comparison of growth curve parameters of organs and body components in meat- (coturnix coturnix coturnix) and laying-type (coturnix coturnix japonica) quail show interactions between gender and genotype. | 1. the objective of this study was to estimate growth parameters of carcass components (wing, thighs and drumsticks, back and breast) and organs (heart, liver, gizzard and gut) in males and females of one meat-type quail strain (coturnix coturnix coturnix) and two laying strains (coturnix coturnix japonica) designated either yellow or red. 2. a total of 1350 quail from 1 to 42 d old were distributed in a completely randomised design, with 5 replicates of each strain. the carcass component weight ... | 2015 | 25490970 |
[comparison of the distribution and caliber of the slow and rapid fibers of pectoral muscle in coturnix coturnix coturnix l. and in the semi-domestic subspecies coturnix coturnix japonica]. | | 1961 | 13871578 |
evaluation of some heavy metals residues in batteries and deep litter rearing systems in japanese quail meat and offal in egypt. | the main objectives of this study were for comparing the effect of batteries and deep litter rearing systems of domesticated japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica, on the concentration levels of cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc from the quail meat and offal in ismailia, egypt. | 2017 | 28344413 |
the effects of high-fat diets composed of different animal and vegetable fat sources on the health status and tissue lipid profiles of male, japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | the current study aimed to investigate the impact of high-fat diets composed of different animal and vegetable fat sources on serum metabolic health markers in japanese quail, as well as the overall lipid content and fatty acid profiles of the edible bird tissues following significantly increased dietary lipid supplementation. | 2016 | 27764914 |
a survey of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) farming in selected areas of bangladesh. | to investigate the status, problems and prospects of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) farming in selected areas of bangladesh. | 2016 | 27733793 |
body weight, egg production, and egg quality traits of gray, brown, and white varieties of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) in coastal climatic condition of odisha. | the present study was conducted to evaluate the performance of gray, brown, and white varieties of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) with respect to body weight, egg production, and egg quality traits in the coastal climatic condition of odisha. | 2016 | 27651670 |
semen characteristics and biochemical composition of cloacal foam of male japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica) fed diet incorporated with selenium. | an attempt was made to investigate the effect of dietary selenium (se) on physical and cloacal gland size, foam production, biochemical composition of foam and semen biochemical characteristics of male japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). two hundred twenty-five (225)-day-old male japanese quail were randomly distributed to three dietary treatment groups for a period of 20 weeks. each treatment comprised of three replicates, each containing 25 chicks. three experimental diets were supple ... | 2017 | 27486071 |
black soldier fly as dietary protein source for broiler quails: apparent digestibility, excreta microbial load, feed choice, performance, carcass and meat traits. | in order to expand with validated scientific data the limited knowledge regarding the potential application of insects as innovative feed ingredients for poultry, the present study tested a partial substitution of soya bean meal and soya bean oil with defatted black soldier fly (hermetia illucens) larvae meal (h) in the diet for growing broiler quails (coturnix coturnix japonica) on growth performance, mortality, nutrients apparent digestibility, microbiological composition of excreta, feed choi ... | 2016 | 27339654 |
neurotrophins and specific receptors in the oviduct tracts of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | neurotrophins (ngf, bdnf and nt-3) and their specific receptors (trka, trkb and trkc) were studied in the oviduct of egg laying quails. neurotrophins (nts) are mainly involved in the development and maintenance of neuronal populations in the central and peripheral nervous system, but also in reproductive system. in this survey, we first studied the morphological organization of the quail oviduct, distinguished in infundibulum, magnum, isthmus, uterus and vagina, and then we analyzed the expressi ... | 2017 | 27235870 |
use of transcutaneous ultrasonography to characterize ovarian status, size distribution, and hierarchical status of follicles in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | the present study was undertaken to evaluate the ovarian status of matured breeding female japanese quail by means of b mode portable ultrasound scanning. active ovaries in various stages of hierarchical development and different morphological structure were observed. the large yellow follicles appeared as a cluster of dark circles with various intensity of hyperechoic concentric ring. sonographically, these follicles were classified into f1, f2, and f3 measuring 16.20 ± 0.06 mm, 12.48 ± 0.09 mm ... | 2016 | 27233352 |
apoptosis-mediated testicular alteration in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) in response to temporal phase relation of serotonergic and dopaminergic oscillations. | reproductive performance of many avian species, including japanese quail, is reported to be modulated by specific temporal phase relation of serotonergic and dopaminergic oscillations. accordingly, it has been shown that the serotonin precursor 5-htp and the dopamine precursor l-dopa given 8 h apart induce gonadal suppression and given 12 h apart lead to gonadal stimulation, while other temporal relationships were found to be ineffective. in the present study, we investigated the effects of 8- a ... | 2016 | 27207953 |
neurotrophins and specific receptors in the oviduct tracts of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | neurotrophins (ngf, bdnf and nt-3) and their specific receptors (trka, trkb and trkc) were studied in the oviduct of egg laying quails. neurotrophins (nts) are mainly involved in the development and maintenance of neuronal populations in the central and peripheral nervous system, but also in reproductive system. in this survey, we first studied the morphological organization of the quail oviduct, distinguished in infundibulum, magnum, isthmus, uterus and vagina, and then we analyzed the expressi ... | 2016 | 27167968 |
an evaluation of inorganic toxicity reference values for use in assessing hazards to american robins (turdus migratorius). | when performing screening-level and baseline risk assessments, assessors usually compare estimated exposures of wildlife receptor species with toxicity reference values (trvs). we modeled the exposure of american robins (turdus migratorius) to 10 elements (as, cd, cr, cu, hg, mn, pb, se, zn, and v) in spring and early summer, a time when earthworms are the preferred prey. we calculated soil benchmarks associated with possible toxic effects to these robins from 6 sets of published trvs. several o ... | 2017 | 27155981 |
effect of different light sources on reproductive anatomy and physiology of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | artificial lights are essential for controlling the reproductive tract development of birds during puberty and therefore influence reproductive quality. the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different light sources on reproductive anatomic and physiological characteristics of female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). a total of 270 birds from one day of age were housed in a masonry shed divided into six rooms with light isolation. each room was equipped with a different t ... | 2016 | 26949140 |
normal ultrasonographic images of reproductive organs of female japanese quails ( coturnix coturnix japonica): a laboratory animal model. | certain special biological characteristics of japanese quails ( coturnix coturnix japonica) could enable quicker and less expensive laboratory experiments than similar studies using mice or chickens. moreover, due to some physiological similarities with humans, quails have been recognized as an ideal laboratory model for experiments in some fields such as immunology, endocrinology, and reproductive biology. the aim of this study was to acquire normal ultrasonographic images of reproductive organ ... | 2017 | 26763492 |
[effects of hypoxia and growth factors on the angiogenic activity of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells]. | the effects of fetal calf serum (fcs) growth factor concentration and cell growth phase on production of angiogenic mediators by mesenchymal stromal cells (mscs) at different o2 levels (20 and 5%) was studied. for this purpose vascular endothelial growth factor (vegf-a) production was measured in msc-conditioned medium (cm); besides, branching vessels as well as vessel end points (ramification) in the chorioallantoic membrane of japanese quail eggs (coturnix coturnix japonica) were counted follo ... | 2015 | 26738305 |
comparison of two 4.7-milligram to one 9.4-milligram deslorelin acetate implants on egg production and plasma progesterone concentrations in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | reproductive disease in captive avian species is common, and medical management is often chosen over surgical removal of the reproductive tract. in a previous study with japanese quail, a single 4.7-mg deslorelin acetate implant reversibly decreased egg production in 6 out 10 birds for 70 days. the objective of the current study was to evaluate the effects of two 4.7-mg deslorelin acetate implants versus one 9.4-mg implant on egg production and plasma progesterone concentrations in japanese quai ... | 2015 | 26667535 |
modelling inhibition of avian aromatase by azole pesticides. | the potential effects of pesticides and their metabolites on the endocrine system are of major concern to wildlife and human health. in this context, the azole pesticides have earned special attention due to their cytochrome p450 aromatase inhibition potential. cytochrome p450 aromatase (cyp19) catalyses the conversion of androstenedione and testosterone into oestrone and oestradiol, respectively. thus, aromatase modulates the oestrogenic balance essential not only for females, but also for male ... | 2015 | 26535448 |
the effects of transportation stress on japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) fed corn-based diet in comparison with wheat-based diet supplemented with xylanase and phytase. | harvesting, handling and transporting quails to the slaughterhouses, other farms and laboratories might covertly reduce their welfare. the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of two major sources of energy in poultry nutrition on reducing transportation stress in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). male quails (n = 60) were divided into two groups. the first group was fed corn-based diet, and the second was fed wheat-based diet supplemented with xylanase and phytase. at the en ... | 2016 | 26459218 |
comprehensive identification of sexual dimorphism-associated differentially expressed genes in two-way factorial designed rna-seq data on japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) reach sexual maturity earlier, breed rapidly and successfully, and cost less and require less space than other birds raised commercially. given the value of this species for food production and experimental use, more studies are necessary to determine chromosomal regions and genes associated with gender and breed-differentiation. this study employed trinity and edger for transcriptome analysis of next-generation rna-seq data, which included 4 tissues o ... | 2015 | 26418419 |
subchronic exposure to chlorpyrifos affects energy expenditure and detoxification capacity in juvenile japanese quails. | effects of pesticides on non-target organisms have been studied in several taxa at different levels of biological organization, from enzymatic to behavioral responses. although the physiological responses may be associated with higher energy costs, little is known about metabolic costs of pesticide detoxification in birds. to fill this gap, we exposed orally (diet) 15-d old coturnix coturnix japonica individuals to sublethal doses of chlorpyrifos (10 and 20 mg active ingredient/kg dry food) for ... | 2016 | 26414738 |
nesfatin-1: localization and expression in avian gonads and its modulation by temporal phase relation of neural oscillations in female japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | in a search for new appetite-controlling signals, the peptide nesfatin-1, expressed in the brain and peripheral tissues of rodents and humans has been reported to regulate feeding by reducing food intake. recently it has also been reported that nesfatin-1 might be involved in regulating the reproductive axis in fishes and mammals, but its expression and physiological role if any, is not yet known in birds. in the present study, localization and expression of nesfatin-1 was observed in the testis ... | 2015 | 26319133 |
immunohistochemical localization of epidermal growth factor system in the lung of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) during the post-hatching period. | the purpose of this study is to determine the possible changes in the localization of the four epidermal growth factor receptors and three ligands in quail lungs from the first day of hatching until the 125th after hatching using immunohistochemical methods. immunohistochemical results demonstrated that four egfrs and their ligands are chiefly located in the cytoplasm of cells. additionally, erbb4, areg, and nrg1 are localized to the nucleus and nucleolus, but egf is present in the nucleolus. er ... | 2015 | 26179370 |
egg drop syndrome-76 (eds-76) in japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica): an experimental study revealing pathology, effect on egg production/quality and immune responses. | egg drop syndrome-76 (eds-76) is a recognized disease of chickens and japanese quails, which is of high economic importance due to its drastic negative effects on egg production in laying birds. the aim of the present study was to better understand the eds-76 viral disease process in japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica), since very limited studies have been conducted in this species of birds. for this purpose, an experimental study was conducted with infection of eds-76 virus in laying j ... | 2014 | 26035955 |
the metabolic rate of cultured muscle cells from hybrid coturnix quail is intermediate to that of muscle cells from fast-growing and slow-growing coturnix quail. | growth rate is a fundamental parameter of an organism's life history and varies 30-fold across bird species. to explore how whole-organism growth rate and the metabolic rate of cultured muscle cells are connected, two lines of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), one that had been artificially selected for fast growth for over 60 generations and a control line were used to culture myoblasts. in line with previous work, myoblasts from the fast growth line had significantly higher rates of ... | 2015 | 26002518 |
effects of preincubation application of low and high frequency ultrasound on eggshell microbial activity, hatchability, supply organ weights at hatch, and chick performance in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) hatching eggs. | the aim of the current study was to establish the effects of preincubation application of low and high frequency ultrasound on egg weight loss, hatchability, supply organ weights, chick performance, and eggshell microbial activity in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). a total of 630 fresh eggs were randomly divided into 3 groups. treatments were no ultrasound but eggs were sprayed with benzalkonium chloride solution (b), 35 khz ultrasound applied for 30 min (u35), and 130 khz ultrasoun ... | 2015 | 25971949 |
biochemical parameters in japanese quails coturnix coturnix japonica infected with coccidia and treated with toltrazuril. | the activity of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and lactate dehydrogenase, total protein, albumin and cholesterol levels were determined in the blood serum of japanese quails infected with coccidia and treated with baycox (active ingredient: toltrazuril). lower levels of ast and alt activity were noted in treated birds regardless of the applied baycox dose. the biochemical changes observed in the blood serum of japanese quails point to coccidia-induced damage of digestive sy ... | 2015 | 25928913 |
morinda citrifolia l. leaf extract as antibacterial salmonella typhimurium to increase productivity of quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | the objective of this study was to apply effect of morinda citrifolia l. citrifolia l. leaf extract as antibacterial of salmonella typhimurium on mortality of day old quail (doq), egg production and hen day, hatchability of layer quail. this research was conducted at laboratory of microbiology and laboratory of poultry nutrition, faculty of animal science, bogor agricultural university and slamet quail farms cilangkap, sukabumi, west java, indonesia on march-july 2012. two hundred and forty head ... | 2014 | 25911847 |
interaction of specific temporal phase relations of circadian neural oscillations and long term photoperiodic responses in japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | specific temporal phase relations of neural oscillations are reported to regulate gonadal activity in many avian species but their interaction with photo-sexual response are still unclear. hence in the present study, 3week old japanese quail maintained in short days (experiment 1) received normal saline (sd control) or serotonin precursor 5-htp and dopamine precursor l-dopa injections at the interval of 12h (sd 12-h) for 13days. at 37week of age, one subgroup of sd 12-h received these drugs at t ... | 2015 | 25801549 |
biology and pathology of caecal nematode subulura brumpti in japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica). | the occurrence of caecal nematode, subulura brumpti has become more common in quails being maintained in commercial farms in tamil nadu, india. two trials were carried out to study the biology and pathology of s. brumpti in quails. in the first trial, eight grower quails were divided into two groups (t1 and t2) comprising of four birds each. the birds belonged to the group t1 was infected with 20 cysts collected from beetle and birds of t2 group were kept as control. the beetle was identified as ... | 2015 | 25801262 |
chromium-histidinate ameliorates productivity in heat-stressed japanese quails through reducing oxidative stress and inhibiting heat-shock protein expression. | an experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of a histidine complex of chromium (chromium histidinate, crhis) on egg production, lipid peroxidation and the expression of hepatic nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated b cells (nf-κb) and heat-shock proteins (hsps) in japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica) exposed to heat stress (hs). a total of 180 5-week-old female quails were reared either at 22°c for 24 h/d (thermoneutral, tn) or 34°c for 8 h/d (heat stress, hs) fo ... | 2015 | 25622754 |
non-coding rna derived from a conservative subtelomeric tandem repeat in chicken and japanese quail somatic cells. | subtelomeres are located close to the ends of chromosomes and organized by tandemly repetitive sequences, duplicated copies of genes, pseudogenes and retrotransposons. transcriptional activity of tandemly organized dna at terminal chromosomal regions and the distribution of subtelomere-derived non-coding rnas are poorly investigated. here we aimed to analyze transcriptional activity of subtelomeric tandem repeat in somatic tissues and cultured cells of birds. we focused on tissue-specific differ ... | 2014 | 25610495 |
fowl typhoid (salmonella gallinarum) outbreak in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | a fowl typhoid (ft) outbreak is reported in a flock of 400 japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) at 91 days of age. of these, 222 died suddenly, and necropsy revealed swollen liver and spleen with off-white to yellowish granules and reddish small intestine mucosa. histopathology showed severe multifocal necrosis of liver and spleen (5/5), pulmonary congestion with macrophage infiltration in air capillaries (5/5), discrete interstitial nephritis (2/2), superficial necrosis of the intestinal ... | 2014 | 25518448 |
supplementary dietary nitric oxide donor (sodium nitroprusside) or inhibitor (ng-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester) depressed growth performance and ovarian primordial and primary follicles in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) in a dose-dependent manner. | 1. the aim of the study was to determine the effects of dietary supplementation with sodium nitroprusside (snp), a nitric oxide (no) exogenous donor, and n(g)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-name), a no inhibitor, on growth performance, some biochemical parameters and ovarian primordial and primary follicles of quail. 2. a total of 480 japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), one-day-old, including both males and females, were randomly allocated into one control group and 4 treatment groups ... | 2015 | 25421145 |
toltrazuril (baycox) treatment against coccidiosis caused by eimeria sp. in japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica). | coccidiosis is the most predominant parasitic disease affecting japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica) in commercial farms. coccidiosis as a subclinical infection is difficult to diagnose without parasitological examinations. oocysts of two eimeria species, e. bateri and e. tsunodai, were determined in the analysed quail flock. infected birds were administered baycox 2.5% at the dose of: group i--7 mg toltrazuril/kg bw per day provided in drinking water (1.5 ml/0.5 1 h2o) that was availabl ... | 2014 | 25286655 |
the effect of different high-fat diets on erythrocyte osmotic fragility, growth performance and serum lipid concentrations in male, japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | poultry diets are formulated with additional animal fat or vegetable oils to improve growth rate and feed conversion efficiency. high-fat diet feeding in rats and fish has been shown to result in alterations in the phospholipid composition and cholesterol content of the erythrocyte membrane, in turn affecting erythrocyte osmotic fragility. in contrast, the few studies performed using high-fat diet feeding in avian species show no changes in erythrocyte osmotic fragility. this study made use of t ... | 2015 | 25244110 |
effects of dietary inclusion of lentil byproduct on performance and oxidative stability of eggs in laying quail. | one hundred and sixty-eight 11-week-old laying quails (coturnix coturnix japonica) were fed one of the following three diets: (1) control: basal diet with no lentil (lens culinaris l.) byproduct; (2) inclusion of 10% lentil byproduct; (3) inclusion of 20% lentil byproduct. in the recent years, colour sorting machines are used in order to separate red lentils according to their colours. the goal is to select the items which are discoloured, not as ripe as required, or still with hull even after d ... | 2014 | 25180206 |
temporal dynamic of adrenocortical and gonadal photo-responsiveness in male japanese quail exposed to short days. | the study evaluated whether different short-term endocrine testicular and adrenocortical responses to short photoperiod exposure can persist over time and particularly when birds exhibit spontaneous cloacal gland recovery. at 11 wk of age, 33 male japanese quail exposed to long photoperiod were switched to short photoperiod (8l:16d). another group of males was kept under long photoperiod (n = 11; ld quail). after 5 wk of short photoperiod exposure, quail were classified as nonresponsive or respo ... | 2014 | 25104133 |
the effects on steroidogenesis and histopathology of adult male japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica) testis following pre-pubertal exposure to di(n-butyl) phthalate (dbp). | in the present study, we have investigated the effects of 30-day dietary (pre-pubertal) exposure to different doses (0 (control), 1, 10, 50, 200 and 400 mg/kg bodyweight/day) of di(n-butyl) phthalate (dbp) on leydig cells of adult male japanese quails by quantifying the transcript levels for p450 side-chain cleavage (p450scc), p450c17 (cyp17), and 3β- and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (hsd) using quantitative (real-time) polymerase chain reaction (qrt-pcr). in addition, the plasma testosteron ... | 2014 | 24983780 |
internal coincidence of serotonergic and dopaminergic oscillations modulates photo sexual responses of japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | specific temporal phase relation of neural oscillations appears to be the regulator of gonadal development in many seasonally breeding species. to find out the specific phase angle of two neural oscillations that triggers gonado-inhibitory or gonado-stimulatory response, and to test the internal coincidence model, sexually immature male japanese quail were administered with the serotonin precursor, 5-hydroxytryptophan and the dopamine precursor, l-dihydroxyphenylalanine at hourly intervals of 6, ... | 2014 | 24851411 |
cellular metabolic rates in cultured primary dermal fibroblasts and myoblast cells from fast-growing and control coturnix quail. | fibroblast cells have been extensively used in research, including in medicine, physiology, physiological-ecology, and conservation biology. however, whether the physiology of fibroblasts reflects the physiology of other cell types in the same animal is unknown. dermal fibroblasts are responsible for generating connective tissue and involved in wound healing, but generally, this cell type is thought to be metabolically inactive until it is required at the site of tissue damage. thus, one might q ... | 2014 | 24530798 |
a method for fast assessment of op/cb exposure in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) using combined esterases enzyme activity as biomarkers. | the aims of this study were to investigate the presence of different esterase activities in plasma and liver for japanese quail and to combine determination of both carboxylesterase and cholinesterase as biochemical biomarker in order to identify the effects of carbamate and organophosphate compounds exposure. carboxylesterase exhibits larger sensitivity to carbamate and organophosphate compounds than to cholinesterase and is present at higher levels. this permitted nature and distribution of ca ... | 2014 | 24527206 |
long bone development in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnixjaponica) embryos. | the current study was undertaken to describe the main histological development stages of long bones (tibia and femur) from japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) embryos. whole limbs or just tibia and femur of fifty japanese quail embryos of different ages were fixed and embedded in paraffin or spurr's resin. paraffin and semi-thin, respectively, were undertaken and examined with light microscopy. limb bud was established at day 5 of incubation. mesenchymal cells differentiated into chondro ... | 2013 | 24502147 |
morphometric identification, gross and histopathological lesions of eimeria species in japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica) in zaria, nigeria. | the objective of the study was to identify the species, gross and histopathological lesions of eimeria in japanese quails in zaria. a total of 400 fresh faecal samples were collected and 10 quail birds were purchased from a quail farm. the faecal samples were processed using simple floatation technique. oocysts shape indices of sporulated oocysts were determined. the intestines were observed for gross lesions and segments were analyzed using giemsa stain and haematoxylin and eosin stain and then ... | 2014 | 26464933 |
[comparative evaluation of the effects of hypoxic gaseous mixtures varying in oxygen concentration on japanese quail embryogenesis]. | the paper presents the results of comparative characterization of the effects of low oxygen levels (10 ± 0.5 and 14.5 ± 0.5%) on developing organism. four-day old embryos of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were chosen for the object of investigation as this is the age when avians acquire their organs and systems. acute hypoxia (10 ± 0.5% oxygen) caused a general death of the embryos, and serious abnormalities of the eye and brain, and ectopy. embryos that developed in the low-oxy ... | 2014 | 26035993 |
post-testicular sperm maturation and identification of an epididymal protein in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | the role of the avian epididymis in post-testicular development and capacitation was examined to assess whether avian spermatozoa undergo any processes similar to those characteristic of mammalian sperm development. we found no evidence of a need for quail sperm to undergo capacitation and 90% of testicular sperm could bind to a perivitelline membrane and acrosome react. however, computer-assisted sperm analysis showed that 20% of testicular sperm from the quail were capable of movement and only ... | 2014 | 24298048 |
effects of prestorage application of propolis and storage time on eggshell microbial activity, hatchability, and chick performance in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) eggs. | propolis, a resinous mixture produced by honeybees from substances collected from plants, has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. the purpose of the current study was to establish the effects of prestorage application of propolis and storage time on eggshell microbial activity, egg weight loss, hatchability, and chick performance in quail hatching eggs. treatments were compared in a 2 × 5 factorial design with 2 different storage times (7 and 14 d) and 5 prestorage applications (cont ... | 2013 | 24235245 |
scanning electron microscopic studies of the pecten oculi in the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | the main purpose of this study is to extend the microscopic investigations of the pecten oculi in the quail in order to add some information on the unresolved functional anatomy of this unique avian organ. the pecten oculi of the quail was studied by scanning electron microscopy. eighteen- to-twenty two highly vascularised accordion-like folds were joined apically by a heavily pigmented bridge of tissue, which holds the pecten in a fanlike shape, widest at the base. the structure of the double l ... | 2013 | 24198967 |
prenatal sensory experience affects hatching behavior in domestic chicks (gallus gallus) and japanese quail chicks (coturnix coturnix japonica). | species-typical developmental outcomes result from organismic and environmental constraints and experiences shared by members of a species. we examined the effects of enhanced prenatal sensory experience on hatching behaviors by exposing domestic chicks (n = 95) and japanese quail (n = 125) to one of four prenatal conditions: enhanced visual stimulation, enhanced auditory stimulation, enhanced auditory and visual stimulation, or no enhanced sensory experience (control condition). in general, acr ... | 2014 | 24122703 |
the enantioselective pharmacokinetics metabolism of diniconazole in quail (coturnix coturnixs japonica). | the pharmacokinetics of diniconazole enantiomers in quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were investigated by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (lc-ms/ms). quails were exposed to racemic diniconazole in capsule by oral at dose of 10 mg/kg (body weight). the maximal concentrations observed in blood, heart, liver, and kidney were 3.18, 11.35, 12.32, 15.03 µg/g for s-diniconazole, and 1.13, 3.70, 6.00, 2.60 µg/g for r-diniconazole. the elimination of enantiomers all met the one-compartme ... | 2013 | 24009183 |
targeted 13c enrichment of lipid and protein pools in the body reveals circadian changes in oxidative fuel mixture during prolonged fasting: a case study using japanese quail. | many animals undergo extended periods of fasting. during these fasts, animals oxidize a ratio of macronutrients dependent on the nutritional, energetic, and hydric requirements of the fasting period. in this study, we use japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), a bird with natural intermediate fasting periods, to examine macronutrient use during a 6d fast. we raised groups of quail on isotopically labeled materials ((13)c-1-leucine, (13)c-u-glucose, or (13)c-1-palmitic acid) with the intent ... | 2013 | 23988480 |
histomorphometrical and ultrastructural study of the effects of carbendazim on the magnum of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | the study investigated the effect of various doses of carbendazim on the morphology of the magnum of the japanese quail. no morphological changes were observed in the magnum in birds treated with carbendazim at doses of 25 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg bodyweight. a carbendazim dose of 400 mg/kg bodyweight was the lowest dose which caused morphological changes in the magnum. histologically, carbendazim caused pyknosis and glandular atrophy in the magnum mucosa. carbendazim also caused significant decrease ... | 2013 | 23902336 |
developmental post-natal stress can alter the effects of pre-natal stress on the adult redox balance. | across diverse vertebrate taxa, stressful environmental conditions during development can shape phenotypic trajectories of developing individuals, which, while adaptive in the short-term, may impair health and survival in adulthood. regardless, the long-lasting benefits or costs of early life stress are likely to depend on the conditions experienced across differing stages of development. here, we used the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) to experimentally manipulate exposure to stres ... | 2013 | 23867229 |
the ossification of the pelvic girdle and leg skeleton of the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | the onset of ossification centres of the pelvic girdle and leg skeleton of the quail in embryos and juvenile birds were studied. specimens, which were cleared and were stained with alcian blue and alizarin red s, were examined at the stereomicroscope. the ilium and the pubis began to ossify at the 8th day (e8), whereas the ischium at e9. perichondral ossification was observed at e6 in the femur, tibia and fibula. a secondary ossification centre was detected in the proximal epiphysis of the tibio ... | 2014 | 23834034 |
effect of dietary supplementation of vitamin e on production performance and some biochemical characteristics of cloacal foam in male japanese quail. | this experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of increasing the level of dietary supplementation of vitamin e (ve) on production performance and biochemical characteristics of cloacal foam in male japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). a total of 225 male japanese quail chicks (day old) were randomly distributed to three dietary treatments for a period of 30 weeks. each treatment comprised of three replicates, each containing 25 chicks. the basal diet (t1) contained 12.30iuvekg( ... | 2013 | 23790648 |
prenatal visual experience induces postnatal motor laterality in japanese quail chicks (coturnix coturnix japonica). | species-typical prenatal visual stimulation in avian species is a necessary component in the development of population level lateralized behaviors. this relationship suggests that species-typical developmental outcomes result from organismic and environmental constraints and experiences shared by members of a species. we examined the effects of prenatal visual experience on the development of turning bias and footedness in japanese quail chicks, a species which does not demonstrate a naturally o ... | 2014 | 23775638 |
comparative pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin, danofloxacin, and marbofloxacin after intravenous and oral administration in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | a population approach was used to evaluate the pharmacokinetic parameters of 3 fluoroquinolones administered to japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). healthy adult quail (n = 50) were divided into 3 groups, each administered a separate intravenous and oral dose of the compounded drug: enrofloxacin at 10 mg/kg (n = 18; 9 male, 9 female), danofloxacin at 10 mg/kg (n = 12; 6 male, 6 female), and marbofloxacin at 5 mg/kg (n = 20; 10 male, 10 female). a fourth group was used as a control (n = ... | 2013 | 23772453 |
comparison of ventriculotomy closure with and without a coelomic fat patch in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | removal of foreign bodies from the ventriculus in birds may necessitate ventriculotomy. complications with this intervention include leakage and adhesion formation. to investigate if the use of a coelomic fat patch and a tension-relieving suture in addition to a simple interrupted pattern would improve the healing process after ventriculotomy, 2 groups of 9 japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) underwent ventriculotomy. in group 1, only simple-interrupted and tension-relieving sutures were ... | 2013 | 23772451 |
microbiological response of japanese quail eggs to disinfection and location in the setter during incubation. | the aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of ethyl alcohol (75%) disinfection of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) hatching eggs and analysis of microbial contamination of eggs during incubation, depending on their location in the setter. disinfected eggshells were found to have lower total bacteria (tbc) and fungi (tfc) count. concerning the vertical location of eggs (top, middle, bottom), disinfected eggs were characterized by similar values of the tbc (x = 1.54 log cfu ... | 2013 | 23767303 |
immunolocalization of intermediate filaments and laminin in the oviduct of the immature and mature japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | this study describes the distribution of vimentin, desmin, smooth muscle actin (sma) and laminin in the oviduct of the immature and mature japanese quail. the cytoskeletal proteins vimentin, desmin and sma have been shown to be involved in cellular support, differentiation, migration and contractility. laminin is a major component of basement membranes. luminal epithelia in the infundibular and magnal regions of immature and mature birds exhibited strong vimentin immunoreactivity. luminal epithe ... | 2014 | 23731061 |
fat absorption and deposition in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) fed a high fat diet. | dietary fat contributes significantly to the energy requirements of poultry. not all species are able to increase their absorptive capacity for fats in response to a high fat diet. the effects of a high fat diet (10% canola oil) on the lipid absorption and deposition in the liver, breast and thigh muscles of male and female japanese quail were investigated. thirty-eight japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were randomly divided into a high fat diet (hfd) and a standard diet (std) group. t ... | 2013 | 23718824 |
the relationship of plumage colours with mc1r (melanocortin 1 receptor) and asip (agouti signaling protein) in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1. the relationship of polymorphisms in the melanocortin 1 receptor (mc1r) and agouti signalling protein (asip) genes with plumage colour in japanese quail was investigated by cloning and sequencing the entire coding regions from black, white and maroon japanese quail embryos at 12 d of incubation. 2. three snps were identified in the mc1r coding region by multiple alignment of sequences from individuals with different plumage colours. a missense c/t mutation located at 169 bp within the open re ... | 2013 | 23639082 |
glyceryl trinitrate metabolism in the quail embryo by the glutathione s-transferases leads to a perturbation in redox status and embryotoxicity. | exposure of stage 9 quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) embryos to glyceryl trinitrate (gtn) induces malformations that were associated in previous studies with an increase in protein nitration. increased nitration suggests metabolism of gtn by the embryo. the goals of this study were to characterize the enzymes and co-factors required for gtn metabolism by quail embryos, and to determine the effects of in ovo treatment with n-acetyl cysteine (nac), a precursor of glutathione (gsh), on gtn embryo ... | 2013 | 23587908 |
chromium histidinate protects against heat stress by modulating the expression of hepatic nuclear transcription factors in quail. | 1. this experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of supplemental chromium histidinate (crhis) on performance and expressions of hepatic nuclear factors kappab, an enhancer (nf-κb) and an inhibitor (iκbα) of activated b cells in heat-stressed japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). 2. a total of 180, 10-d-old japanese quail were allocated randomly into 6 groups in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement. birds were reared either at 22°c for 24 h/d (thermoneutral, tn) or 34°c for 8 h/d (heat st ... | 2012 | 23398428 |