
experimental infection of mice with veronaea botryosa as a model for human phaeohyphomycosis.veronaea botryosa is a ubiquitous, dematiaceous mold capable of causing cutaneous and subcutaneous lesions in humans. in the last decade, v. botryosa has been associated with emergent systemic fungal infections in aquatic animals, including cultured sturgeon (acipenser spp.), captive amphibians, and wild reptiles. recently, repetitive extragenic palindromic pcr (rep-pcr) fingerprinting has demonstrated intraspecific variability among v. botryosa isolates from different clinically affected hosts ...201931387667
pharmacokinetics of ceftriaxone in green sea turtles (chelonia mydas) following intravenous and intramuscular administration at two sea turtles are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical waters. adult green sea turtles face many threats, primarily from humans, including injuries from boat propellers, being caught in fishing nets, pollution, poaching, and infectious diseases. to the best of our knowledge, limited pharmacokinetic information to establish suitable therapeutic plans is available for green sea turtles. therefore, the present study aimed to describe the pharmacokinetic characteristics of ceftriaxone ...201930307622
epidemiology of blood flukes (digenea: spirorchiidae) in sea turtles from tyrrhenian and adriatic seas, off italy.the spirorchiidae is a family of blood flukes parasitizing turtles. spirorchiids may cause a wide range of inflammatory reactions in the vascular system of their host being frequently implicated with stranding and death of sea turtles worldwide. recent studies revealed the presence of two spirorchiid species in the mediterranean basin. our study presents comparative epidemiological data of spirorchiid infections in loggerhead turtles (caretta caretta) stranded during an eight-year period from ad ...202032033615
fidelity to foraging sites after long migrations.patterns of animal movement associated with foraging lie at the heart of many ecological studies and often animals face decisions of staying in an environment they know versus relocating to new sites. the lack of knowledge of new foraging sites means there is risk associated with a decision to relocate (e.g. poor foraging) as well as a potential benefit (e.g. improved foraging). using a unique long-term satellite tracking dataset for several sea turtle species, combined with capture-mark-recaptu ...202031785174
assessing climate change associated sea-level rise impacts on sea turtle nesting beaches using drones, photogrammetry and a novel gps system.climate change associated sea-level rise (slr) is expected to have profound impacts on coastal areas, affecting many species, including sea turtles which depend on these habitats for egg incubation. being able to accurately model beach topography using digital terrain models (dtms) is therefore crucial to project slr impacts and develop effective conservation strategies. traditional survey methods are typically low-cost with low accuracy or high-cost with high accuracy. we present a novel combin ...201930430701
comparative analysis of tear composition in humans, domestic mammals, reptiles, and birds.tears are an important component of the ocular surface protection mechanism and are in close contact with the corneal epithelium and the environment. their composition is well-known in humans; however, there are few investigations on the composition and function of tears in reptiles, birds and others mammals, which would elucidate the mechanisms governing the maintenance of ocular homeostasis. in this work, electrophoretic profiles and an evaluation of total protein, albumin, urea, glucose, and ...202032528986
measuring behavioral responses of sea turtles, saltwater crocodiles, and crested terns to drone disturbance to define ethical operating thresholds.drones are being increasingly used in innovative ways to enhance environmental research and conservation. despite their widespread use for wildlife studies, there are few scientifically justified guidelines that provide minimum distances at which wildlife can be approached to minimize visual and auditory disturbance. these distances are essential to ensure that behavioral and survey data have no observer bias and form the basis of requirements for animal ethics and scientific permit approvals. i ...201829561901
quantifying the spatial ecology of wide-ranging marine species in the gulf of california: implications for marine conservation planning.there is growing interest in systematic establishment of marine protected area (mpa) networks and representative conservation sites. this movement toward networks of no-take zones requires that reserves are deliberately and adequately spaced for connectivity. here, we test the network functionality of an ecoregional assessment configuration of marine conservation areas by evaluating the habitat protection and connectivity offered to wide-ranging fauna in the gulf of california (goc, mexico). we ...201122163013
humerus osteology, myology, and finite element structure analysis of cheloniidae.adaptation of osteology and myology lead to the formation of hydrofoil foreflippers in cheloniidae (all recent sea turtles except dermochelys coriacea) which are used mainly for underwater flight. recent research shows the biomechanical advantages of a complex system of agonistic and antagonistic tension chords that reduce bending stress in bones. finite element structure analysis (fesa) of a cheloniid humerus is used to provide a better understanding of morphology and microanatomy and to link t ...202031674155
developmental differences between two marine turtle species and potential consequences for their survival at hatching.anatomical variation is a major source for natural selection. marine turtles are endangered and survival predictions are of important biological, ecological, social, and political value. here, we perform a preliminary study illustrating how comparative embryology permits understanding of ontogenetic variation as a contributor for evolutionary fitness. to that end, we studied samples of chelonia mydas and caretta caretta embryos relative to a standardized staging system from the literature. we ex ...201931541925
effects of glyphosate herbicide on the gastrointestinal microflora of hawaiian green turtles (chelonia mydas) hawaii, glyphosate-based herbicides frequently sprayed near shorelines may be affecting non-target marine species. glyphosate inhibits aromatic amino acid biosynthesis (shikimate pathway), and is toxic to beneficial gut bacteria in cattle and chickens. effects of glyphosate on gut bacteria in marine herbivorous turtles were assessed in vitro. when cultures of mixed bacterial communities from gastrointestinal tracts of freshly euthanized green turtles (chelonia mydas), were exposed for 24h to ...201829475651
ophthalmic lesions in a population of cold-stunned sea turtles (chelonia mydas, lepidochelys kempii, caretta caretta).to document ocular lesions present in cold-stunned sea turtles and determine the impact of these lesions on their release.201930983145
comparative cytogenetics of four sea turtle species (cheloniidae): g-banding pattern and in situ localization of repetitive dna units.sea turtles are considered flagship species for marine biodiversity conservation and are considered to be at varying risk of extinction globally. cases of hybridism have been reported in sea turtles, but chromosomal analyses are limited to classical karyotype descriptions and a few molecular cytogenetic studies. in order to compare karyotypes and understand evolutive mechanisms related to chromosome dif-ferentiation in this group, chelonia mydas, caretta caretta, eretmochelys imbricata, and lepi ...202033120383
molecular assessment of chelonid alphaherpesvirus 5 infection in tumor-free green (chelonia mydas) and loggerhead (caretta caretta) sea turtles in north carolina, usa, 2015-2019.fibropapillomatosis is associated with chelonid alphaherpesvirus 5 (chhv5) and tumor formation in sea turtles. we collected blood samples from 113 green (chelonia mydas) and 112 loggerhead (caretta caretta) turtles without fibropapillomatosis, including 46 free-ranging turtles (20 green turtles, 26 loggerheads), captured in core sound, north carolina, and 179 turtles (93 green turtles, 86 loggerheads) in rehabilitative care in north carolina. blood samples were analyzed for chhv5 dna using quant ...202033113823
no evidence of selection against anomalous scute arrangements between juvenile and adult sea turtles in florida.variations in the number and arrangement of scutes often are used for species identification in hard-shelled sea turtles. despite the conserved nature of scute arrangements, anomalous arrangements have been noted in the literature for over a century, with anomalies linked to sub-optimal environmental conditions in the nest during development. long-held assumptions suggest that anomalous scute arrangements are indicative of underlying physiological or morphological anomalies, with presumed long-t ...202033111991
newly emerging diseases of marine turtles, especially sea turtle egg fusariosis (seft), caused by species in the fusarium solani complex (fssc).sea turtles are presently considered severely endangered species that are historically threatened by many environmental factors. recently, additional threats to sea turtles from two pathogenic species of fungi in the fusarium solani species complex (f. falciforme and f. keratoplasticum) have been identified. these species infect marine turtle eggs, causing sea turtle egg fusariosis, and kill their embryos, with recent reports of hatch-failure in seven globally distributed species of endangered s ...202033062381
red blood cell osmotic fragility in healthy loggerhead and green sea turtles.loggerhead (caretta caretta; cc) and green sea (chelonia mydas; cm) turtles admitted to rehabilitation facilities may require blood transfusions for supportive treatment of disorders resulting in life-threatening anemia, but, considering the unique erythrocyte chemistry of sea turtles, standardized donor red blood cell (rbc) storage protocols have not been established. prolonged cold storage and the effects of various anticoagulant-preservative solutions have been associated with increased rbc o ...202032996405
sea turtle tears: a novel, minimally invasive sampling method for 1h-nmr metabolomics investigations with cold stun syndrome as a case study.we investigated a method for collecting and processing tear samples from loggerhead (caretta caretta), green (chelonia mydas), and kemp's ridley (lepidochelys kempii) sea turtles and to identify tear biomarkers and potential differences between unaffected sea turtles and those affected by cold stun syndrome. tear samples from unaffected and cold-stunned loggerhead, green, and kemp's ridley sea turtles were collected with sterile, cellulose, latex-free ophthalmic eye spears. we pooled spears to a ...201930856047
cytotoxicity of organic and inorganic compounds to primary cell cultures established from internal tissues of chelonia mydas.chemical contaminants have been found in the tissues of sea turtles from all over the world; however, very little is known about the effects. recently, in vitro alternatives to live animal testing have been applied to sea turtles due to their ethical and practical benefits. while primary skin fibroblasts have been established for several species of sea turtle, cells from internal organs are lacking, though they may be more relevant due to the well documented accumulation of contaminants within i ...201930769319
towards the development of standardised sea turtle primary cell cultures for toxicity testing.chemical contaminants are known to accumulate in marine megafauna globally, but little is known about how this impacts animal health. in vitro assays offer an ethical, reproducible and cost-effective alternative to live animal toxicity testing on large, long-lived or threatened species, such as sea turtles. however, using a cell culture from a single animal raise the question of whether the toxicity observed adequately represents the toxicity in that species. this study examined variation in the ...201930769204
the effect of biologging systems on reproduction, growth and survival of adult sea turtles.telemetry and biologging systems, 'tracking' hereafter, have been instrumental in meeting the challenges associated with studying the ecology and behaviour of cryptic, wide-ranging marine mega-vertebrates. over recent decades, globally, sea turtle tracking has increased exponentially, across species and life-stages, despite a paucity of studies investigating the effects of such devices on study animals. indeed, such studies are key to informing whether data collected are unbiased and, whether de ...201930723544
assessing karenia brevis red tide as a mortality factor of sea turtles in florida, on karenia brevis red tides (≥105 cells l-1) and on dead or debilitated (i.e. stranded) kemp's ridleys lepidochelys kempii, loggerheads caretta caretta, green turtles chelonia mydas, hawksbills eretmochelys imbricata, and leatherbacks dermochelys coriacea documented in florida during 1986-2013 were evaluated to assess red tides as a sea turtle mortality factor. unusually large numbers of stranded sea turtles were found coincident with red tides primarily along florida's gulf coast but also ...201930628577
the true depth of the mediterranean plastic problem: extreme microplastic pollution on marine turtle nesting beaches in cyprus.we sampled 17 nesting sites for loggerhead (caretta caretta) and green turtles (chelonia mydas) in cyprus. microplastics (<5 mm) were found at all locations and depths, with particularly high abundance in superficial sand. the top 2 cm of sand presented grand mean ± sd particle counts of 45,497 ± 11,456 particles m-3 (range 637-131,939 particles m-3). the most polluted beaches were among the worst thus far recorded, presenting levels approaching those previously recorded in guangdong, south chin ...201830509815
sixteen year (2002-2017) record of sea turtle strandings on samandağ beach, the eastern mediterranean coast of turkey.bektaş sönmez (2018) data on stranded sea turtles allow us to obtain information about age classes, temporal and spatial distributions, and mortality rates in turtles. this study aims to investigate life stages, temporal variation in the number of stranded, body size trend, causes of stranding, and scute deviation of stranded sea turtles on samandağ beach, the eastern mediterranean coast of turkey during 2002-2017. a total of 302 stranded dead turtles were found. among these, 167 (55.4%) of them ...201831966293
a matter of taste: spatial and ontogenetic variations on the trophic ecology of the tiger shark at the galapagos marine reserve.sharks are top predators across ocean food webs and have a major ecological role in marine ecosystems. investigating the trophic ecology of this group of species is thus essential to understand ecosystem functioning and inform specific management actions aimed at shark conservation. the galapagos islands represent one of the last ocean wildernesses, where populations of sharks and other top marine predators come close to a pristine status. here we provide the first study on the trophic ecology o ...201931539419
trace elements influence the hatching success and emergence of caretta caretta and chelonia mydas.trace elements from industrial, domestic and agricultural activities can be transferred into marine environments, affecting the survival of sea species. due to their global distribution, sea turtles are recognized as indicators of ocean pollution. the aim of this work was to quantify ba, cd, cr, cu, fe, mn, pb, sr and zn using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (icp-oes) in the eggs and offspring of caretta caretta and chelonia mydas from two important nesting beaches, guan ...201830262268
molecular evolution of fibropapilloma-associated herpesviruses infecting juvenile green and loggerhead sea turtles.chelonid alphaherpesvirus 5 (chhv5) has long been associated with fibropapillomatosis (fp) tumor disease in marine turtles. presenting primarily in juvenile animals, fp results in fibromas of the skin, connective tissue, and internal organs, which may indirectly affect fitness by obstructing normal turtle processes. chhv5 is near-universally present in tumorous tissues taken from affected animals, often at very high concentrations. however, there is also considerable asymptomatic carriage amongs ...201829960922
conjunctival bacterial flora and antimicrobial susceptibility of captive and free-living sea turtles in describe the aerobic conjunctival bacterial flora of 3 especies of free-living and under human care sea turtles and determine its antimicrobial susceptibility in vitro.201929953719
anaesthesia of hatchling green sea turtles (chelonia mydas) with intramuscular characterise intramuscular ketamine-medetomidine-tramadol anaesthesia in hatchling green sea turtles (chelonia mydas).202032643182
harmful algal and cyanobacterial toxins in foraging green turtles (chelonia mydas) in florida's big bend.numerous toxin-producing harmful algal (hab) species occur in florida's coastal waters. exposure to these toxins has been shown to have sublethal effects in sea turtles. the objective of this study was to establish concentrations of 10 hab toxins in plasma samples from green turtles (chelonia mydas) foraging in florida's big bend. domoic acid, lyngbyatoxin-a, microcystins, nodularin, and okadaic acid were detected, demonstrating exposure to these hab toxins, which are also a public health concer ...202032550576
combined use of two supervised learning algorithms to model sea turtle behaviours from tri-axial acceleration data.accelerometers are becoming ever more important sensors in animal-attached technology, providing data that allow determination of body posture and movement and thereby helping to elucidate behaviour in animals that are difficult to observe. we sought to validate the identification of sea turtle behaviours from accelerometer signals by deploying tags on the carapace of a juvenile loggerhead (caretta caretta), an adult hawksbill (eretmochelys imbricata) and an adult green turtle (chelonia mydas) a ...201829661804
the effects of extended crawling on the physiology and swim performance of loggerhead and green sea turtle hatchlings.following emergence from the nest, sea turtle hatchling dispersal can be disrupted by artificial lights or skyglow from urban areas. misorientation or disorientation may increase exposure to predation, thermal stress and dehydration, and consume valuable energy, thus decreasing the likelihood of survival. in this study hatchlings were run on a treadmill for 200 or 500 m to investigate the physiological impacts of disorientation crawling in loggerhead (caretta caretta) and green (chelonia mydas) ...201829122949
neurologic and computed tomography findings in sea turtles with history of traumatic injury.boat strikes have been widely documented as a major cause of anthropogenic trauma and mortality in sea turtles. axial trauma in these species involves the head and/or carapace and may cause severe damage to the nervous and pulmonary systems. the aims of this study were to develop an updated protocol for neurologic examinations in sea turtles, to describe computed tomography (ct) findings in sea turtles with sustained trauma, and to associate ct findings with neurologic status in sea turtles with ...201931260200
advancing transfusion medicine in sea turtles: optimization of a cross-matching protocol.whole blood transfusions are an essential treatment modality during rehabilitation of stranded sea turtles, however, standardized protocols for transfusions are not available in reptile medicine. the objective of this study was to optimize a cross-matching protocol for sea turtle blood transfusions. fresh venous blood samples from 15 turtles (n = 14 green turtles, chelonia mydas [cm]; n = 1 loggerhead sea turtle, caretta caretta [cc]) were tested using a temperature-appropriate (i.e., reflecting ...201931260195
ocular spirorchiidiosis in sea turtles from brazil.the causes of the beaching and death of sea turtles have not been fully clarified and continue to be studied. mild, moderate and severe lesions caused by spirorchiidiosis have been seen for decades in different organs and were recently defined as the cause of death of a loggerhead turtle. in the present study, eyes and optic nerves were analysed in green sea turtles with spirorchiidiosis and no other debilitating factors. injuries to the optic nerve and choroid layer were described in 235 animal ...201931248467
baseline plasma thromboelastography in kemp's ridley (lepidochelys kempii), green (chelonia mydas) and loggerhead (caretta caretta) sea turtles and its use to diagnose coagulopathies in cold-stunned kemp's ridley and green sea turtles.cold-stunning in sea turtles is a frequent natural cause of mortality and is defined as a hypothermic state due to exposure to water temperatures <12°c. derangements of biochemistry and hematology data by cold stunning have been well documented, although the effects on coagulation have not yet been investigated. the objectives of this study were to characterize the hemostatic state of non-cold-stunned sea turtles and to compare cold-stunned sea turtles at admission and after successful rehabilit ...201931120663
accumulation of trace metals in eggs and hatchlings of chelonia mydas.the objective of this study was to verify the accumulation of trace metals in eggs and hatchlings of chelonia mydas, evaluating if metal accumulation is originated from maternal transfer and/or from the incubation environment. other assessments were also performed, as metal distribution in different tissues (blood, kidney, liver, muscle, and turtle shells) of newly hatched turtles, and genotoxic analysis, to verify possible damages caused by the presence of metals.202033164783
anoxia effects in asphyxiated green sea turtles (chelonia mydas) caught in an artisanal fishing net on the coast of brazil.among studies of drowning in green sea turtles (chelonia mydas), none have associated drowning with injuries of organs other than the lung. we describe the gross and microscopical findings in 23 green sea turtles found dead in a fishing net. deprived of air, these animals experienced hypoxia and anoxia before dying, which caused congestion, hydropic degeneration and necrosis in several organs. there was no evidence of an alternative cause of death. these findings demonstrate a pattern characteri ...202032359637
trace elements and stable isotopes in egg yolk of green turtles on rocas atoll, brazil.this study analyzed trace elements (as, ba, cd, cu, fe, mn, pb, zn) and stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in egg yolk samples of female green turtles that nested in rocas atoll, brazil, in 2017 and 2018. the trace elements concentration varied between years, with higher concentrations in 2017, suggesting that the nesting groups come from different foraging sites. the isotopic data indicated high overlap between years (73%), leading to an ambiguous interpretation on the turtles' foraging sit ...202033162056
enrofloxacin and its major metabolite ciprofloxacin in green sea turtles (chelonia mydas): an explorative pharmacokinetic study.the present study aimed to assess the pharmacokinetic features of enrofloxacin (enr) and its major metabolite, ciprofloxacin (cip) in green sea turtles (chelonia mydas) after single intravenous (i.v.) and intramuscular (i.m.) administration at two dosages of 5 and 7.5 mg/kg body weight (b.w.). the study used 10 animals randomly divided into equal groups. blood samples were collected at assigned times up to 168 hr. the concentrations of enr and cip in turtle plasma were quantified by a validated ...202033107624
trace element concentrations in blood and scute tissues from wild and captive hawaiian green sea turtles (chelonia mydas).sea turtles are exposed to trace elements through water, sediment, and food. exposure to these elements has been shown to decrease immune function, impair growth, and decrease reproductive output in wildlife. this study compares trace element concentrations in green turtles in captivity at sea life park hawaii (n = 6) to wild green turtles in kapoho bay, hi (n = 5 to 7). blood and scute samples were collected and analyzed for eleven elements via inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (icp- ...202033103806
development and application of species-specific cell-based bioassays to assess toxicity in green sea turtles.despite the detection of a wide range of contaminants in the blood of green turtle populations foraging in three locations of northern queensland - upstart bay, cleveland bay and the howick group of reefs, little is known about the effects of these contaminants on turtle health. newly developed cell-based bioassays using green turtle primary cell cultures provide an ethical, reproducible, and high-throughput method for assessing the risk of chemical exposure sea turtles. in this project, the tox ...202033076209
green turtle (chelonia mydas) grazing plot formation creates structural changes in a multi-species great barrier reef seagrass meadow.the great barrier reef (gbr) contains extensive seagrass meadows with abundant and diverse herbivore populations. typically, meadows in the region are multi-species and dominated by fast growing opportunistic seagrass species. however, we know little about how herbivores modify these types of seagrass meadows by grazing. we conducted the first megaherbivore exclusion study in the gbr at green island (queensland) to understand how green turtle grazing structures these multi-species tropical seagr ...202033065522
gillnet illumination as an effective measure to reduce sea turtle bycatch.the growing demand for fish around the world is an immediate threat to marine megafauna that are unintentionally captured in commercial and artisanal fishery operations. bycatch mitigation strategies such as turtle excluder devices, circle hooks, and net illumination have successfully reduced this risk in some fisheries. this study explored the effectiveness of gillnet illumination to reduce sea turtle captures in two artisanal fisheries (mankoadze and winneba, ghana) under normal fishing condit ...202033000519
coastal bays and coral cays: multi-element study of chelonia mydas forage in the great barrier reef (2015-2017).there is increasing interest in understanding potential impacts of complex pollutant profiles to long-lived species such as the green sea turtle (chelonia mydas), a threatened megaherbivore resident in north australia. dietary ingestion may be a key exposure route for metals in these animals and marine plants can accumulate metals at higher concentrations than the surrounding environment. we investigated concentrations of 19 metals and metalloids in c. mydas forage samples collected from a group ...202032927538
investigating the effects of nest shading on the green turtle (chelonia mydas) hatchling phenotype in the ogasawara islands using a field-based split clutch experiment.the ogasawara islands are an important rookery for the green turtle (chelonia mydas) in the north pacific. green turtles possess temperature-dependent sex determination, and warmer incubation temperatures produce more females than males. therefore, conservation practices such as nest shading may be required for this population to mitigate the effect of global warming on their sex ratio. to consider the application of such conservation practices in the ogasawara population, it is fundamental to u ...202032894008
changes in global protein expression in sea turtle cells exposed to common contaminants indicates new biomarkers of chemical exposure.non-targeted protein expression at the cellular level can provide insights into mechanistic effects of contaminants in wildlife, and hence new and potentially more accurate biomarkers of exposure and effect. however, this technique has been relatively unexplored in the realm of in vitro biomarker discovery in threatened wildlife, despite the vulnerability of this group of animals to adverse sublethal effects of contaminant exposure. here we examined the usefulness of non-targeted protein express ...202132890801
recovery of a large herbivore changes regulation of seagrass productivity in a naturally grazed caribbean ecosystem.what happens in meadows after populations of natural grazers rebound following centuries of low abundance? many seagrass ecosystems are now experiencing this phenomenon with the recovery of green turtles (chelonia mydas), large-bodied marine herbivores that feed on seagrasses. these seagrass ecosystems provide a rare opportunity to study ecosystem-wide shifts that result from a recovery of herbivores. we evaluate changes in regulation of seagrass productivity in a naturally grazed tropical ecosy ...202032882749
venous blood gas and biochemical analysis of wild captured green turtles (chelonia mydas) and kemp's ridley turtles (lepidochelys kempii) from the gulf of mexico.blood was collected from wild captured green and kemp's ridley turtles off the west coast of florida, usa. blood gases and biochemical values were analyzed using a point of care (poc) device in the field. analytes include ph, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pco2), partial pressure of oxygen (po2), total carbon dioxide (tco2), bicarbonate (hco3), base excess (be), oxygen saturation (so2), lactate, sodium (na), potassium (k), chloride (cl), total carbon dioxide (tco2), anion gap, ionized calci ...202032785283
main airway throughout the nasal cavity of green sea turtles is lined by keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.structural and histological features of the nasal cavity of sea turtles are largely different from those of other testudines species. the sea turtle nasal cavity is a pair of tubular structures with three diverticula and an excavation in the center, and three types of sensory epithelium are present in these four significant structures. to more clarify the adaptation of the nasal cavity to marine life style in sea turtles, non-sensory epithelium in the nasal cavity of green sea turtles (chelonia ...202032746990
quantifying local ecological knowledge to model historical abundance of long-lived, heavily-exploited fauna.deriving robust historical population trends for long-lived species subject to human exploitation is challenging in scenarios where long-term scientific data are scarce or unavailable, as often occurs for species affected by small-scale fisheries and subsistence hunting. the importance of local ecological knowledge (lek) in data-poor scenarios is increasingly recognized in conservation, both in terms of uncovering historical trends and for engaging community stewardship of historic information. ...202032742788
open ocean reorientation and challenges of island finding by sea turtles during long-distance 1873, charles darwin marveled at the ability of sea turtles to find isolated island breeding sites [1], but the details of how sea turtles and other taxa navigate during these migrations remains an open question [2]. exploring this question using free-living individuals is difficult because, despite thousands of sea turtles being satellite tracked across hundreds of studies [3], most are tracked to mainland coasts where the navigational challenges are easiest. we overcame this problem by reco ...202032679095
behavioral effects of scents from male mature rathke glands on juvenile green sea turtles (chelonia mydas).sea turtles can detect airborne and waterborne odors, but whether they recognize scents from the same species and if so, how they affect their behavior remains unknown. the present study evaluated the behavioral effects of odorants on juvenile green sea turtles (chelonia mydas). the odorants were derived from rathke glands (external scent glands) of mature male green sea turtles, and from two types of food. the activity of the juveniles increased when exposed to food scents, and significantly de ...202032655096
spinal anesthesia in green sea turtles (chelonia mydas) undergoing surgical removal of cutaneous fibropapillomas.techniques for anesthesia of green sea turtles (chelonia mydas) are required for medical treatment. the use of spinal anesthesia has been reported in a few species of turtles for different purposes. the objective of this study was to evaluate the use of 2% lidocaine for spinal anesthesia of green sea turtles undergoing surgical removal of cutaneous fibropapillomas. ten free-ranging green turtles presenting with cutaneous fibropapillomas were included in the study. animals were accidentally captu ...202032549565
exploring plastic-induced satiety in foraging green the last decade many studies have described the ingestion of plastic in marine animals. while most studies were dedicated to understanding the pre-ingestion processes involving decision-making foraging choices based on visual and olfactory cues of animals, our knowledge in the post-ingestion consequences remains limited. here we proposed a theoretical complementary view of post-ingestion consequences, attempting to connect plastic ingestion with plastic-induced satiety. we analyzed data of pl ...202032544788
pharmacokinetics of tolfenamic acid in green sea turtles (chelonia mydas) after intravenous and intramuscular administration.the present study aimed to evaluate the pharmacokinetic features of tolfenamic acid (ta) in green sea turtles, chelonia mydas. green sea turtles were administered single either intravenous (i.v.) or intramuscular (i.m.) injection of ta, at a dose of 4 mg/kg body weight (b.w.). blood samples were collected at preassigned times up to 168 hr. the plasma concentrations of ta were measured using a validated liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method. tolfenamic acid plasma concentrations w ...202032524632
heavy metal distribution in blood, liver and kidneys of loggerhead (caretta caretta) and green (chelonia mydas) sea turtles from the northeast mediterranean sea.the aim of the present study was to determine the concentrations of the most investigated environmentally relevant heavy metals in two highly endangered sea turtle species (caretta caretta and chelonia mydas) from the important nesting area on the northeast mediterranean sea. the highest mean concentration was of fe, while hg and pb were lowest. all tissue concentrations of al, as, fe and mn were significantly different between the species. in particular, as, cd, cu, mn, ni, se, zn concentration ...201728802660
global phylogeography of the loggerhead turtle (caretta caretta) as indicated by mitochondrial dna haplotypes.restriction-site analyses of mitochondrial dna (mtdna) from the loggerhead sea turtle (caretta caretta) reveal substantial phylogeographic structure among major nesting populations in the atlantic, indian, and pacific oceans and the mediterranean sea. based on 176 samples from eight nesting populations, most breeding colonies were distinguished from other assayed nesting locations by diagnostic and often fixed restriction-site differences, indicating a strong propensity for natal homing by nesti ...199428565168
use of unmanned aerial vehicles (uavs) for mark-resight nesting population estimation of adult female green sea turtles at raine island.nester abundance is a key measure of the performance of the world's largest green turtle rookery at raine island, australia, and has been estimated by mark-resight counts since 1984. nesters are first marked by painting their carapace with a longitudinal white stripe. painted and unpainted turtles are then counted by a surface observer on a small boat in waters adjacent to the reef. unmanned aerial vehicles (uav) and underwater video may provide more cost-effective and less biased alternatives t ...202032497041
bacterial diversity of the green turtle (chelonia mydas) nest environment.the green turtle is an endangered species that is highly sensitive to environmental pollution that can adversely affect the healthy development of eggs. moreover, the presence of some bacteria in nests can be regarded as an indicator of the pollution level in nesting areas. in our study, nest sand and egg contents were collected from sugözü beaches (turkey), in the mediterranean. phenotypic and genotypic identification of bacteria were carried out by using conventional phenotypic methods, 16s rr ...202032325608
identification of gastrointestinal microbiota in hawaiian green turtles (chelonia mydas).green turtles (chelonia mydas) have a hindgut fermentation digestive tract, which uses cellulolytic microbes to break down plant matter in the cecum and proximal colon. previous studies on bacterial communities of green turtles have not identified in situ hindgut microbiota, and never before in hawaiian green turtles, which comprise an isolated metapopulation. fresh samples using sterile swabs were taken from five locations along the gastrointestinal tracts of eight green turtles that had requir ...202032313421
persistent organic pollutants in green sea turtles (chelonia mydas) inhabiting two urbanized southern california habitats.within southern california, east pacific green sea turtles (chelonia mydas) forage year-round, taking advantage of diverse food resources, including seagrass, marine algae, and invertebrates. assessing persistent organic pollutants (pop) in green turtle aggregations in the seal beach national wildlife refuge (sbnwr, n = 17) and san diego bay (sdb, n = 25) can help quantify contamination risks for these populations. blood plasma was analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs), organochlorinated ...202032275536
influence of size on total mercury (thg), methyl mercury (mehg), and stable isotopes of n and c in green turtles (chelonia mydas) from ne brazil.the green turtle (chelonia mydas) is known to present an herbivorous diet as an adult; however, juveniles may have an omnivore habit, and these changes in food preference may affect the uptake and accumulation of pollutants, such as mercury (hg). in order to better understand the influence of this ontogenetic shift on hg accumulation, this study evaluates the concentrations of total mercury (thg), methyl mercury (mehg), and stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen (δ13c and δ15n) in a group of juv ...202032242319
comparison of agarose gel and capillary zone electrophoresis methods using plasma from green turtles (chelonia mydas).agarose gel electrophoresis (age) has been widely implemented throughout veterinary medicine and for analysis of plasma proteins of avian and reptile species. capillary zone electrophoresis (cze) is becoming a standard method in human clinical pathology laboratories but has not widely been used for the analysis of animal samples. the objective of the present study was to compare protein fractions derived from age and cze methods using plasma from the green turtle (chelonia mydas). plasma samples ...202032212555
diagnosis and surgical management of a paratesticular cyst in a rehabilitating juvenile male green turtle (chelonia mydas).a juvenile green turtle (chelonia mydas) undergoing rehabilitation for cold stunning exhibited an asymmetric bulging of the left caudal plastron and was diagnosed with a large intra-coelomic mass based on radiographical findings. ultrasonography further identified a fluid-filled structure within the caudal coelom. cytological evaluation of fluid obtained from the structure was consistent with a transudate, and thus, a cyst of unknown origin was suspected. computed tomography imaging was pursued ...202032175336
seascape genetics and the spatial ecology of juvenile green turtles.understanding how ocean currents impact the distribution and connectivity of marine species, provides vital information for the effective conservation management of migratory marine animals. here, we used a combination of molecular genetics and ocean drift simulations to investigate the spatial ecology of juvenile green turtle (chelonia mydas) developmental habitats, and assess the role of ocean currents in driving the dispersal of green turtle hatchlings. we analyzed mitochondrial (mt)dna seque ...202032150879
debris ingestion and nutritional niches in estuarine and reef green turtles.little attention has been drawn toward the effects of marine debris ingestion in relation to nutrient acquisition and fitness consequences. we tested whether anthropogenic debris ingestion influence the nutritional niches of endangered green turtles (chelonia mydas) in estuarine and reef habitats on the brazilian coast. our results showed that estuarine turtles consumed diets with lower proportional wet mass composition of protein (p) and water (w) than their reef conspecifics. the amounts of de ...202032056851
heart rate and cardiac response to exercise during voluntary dives in captive sea turtles (cheloniidae).in chelonids, oxygen is primarily stored in the lungs during a dive. therefore, management of blood oxygen transportation to peripheral tissues by cardiovascular adjustments during submergence is crucial to maximize their dive duration, and consequently, the time spent for ecological activities such as foraging. however, the cardiac response to exercise has rarely been examined in sea turtles. in this study, heart rate and its relationship with exercise during voluntary dives were determined in ...202032033966
discovery of a new tlr gene and gene expansion event through improved desert tortoise genome assembly with chromosome-scale scaffolds.toll-like receptors (tlrs) are a complex family of innate immune genes that are well characterized in mammals and birds but less well understood in nonavian sauropsids (reptiles). the advent of highly contiguous draft genomes of nonmodel organisms enables study of such gene families through analysis of synteny and sequence identity. here, we analyze tlr genes from the genomes of 22 tetrapod species. findings reveal a tlr8 gene expansion in crocodilians and turtles (tlr8b), and a second duplicati ...202032011707
contribution of green turtles chelonia mydas to total herbivore biomass in shallow tropical reefs of oceanic turtles are megaherbivores with a key role in the dynamics of tropical seagrass meadows, but little is known about their relevance as herbivores in tropical reef habitats. we conducted underwater censuses of green turtles, herbivorous fishes and sea urchins in two distinct tropical regions: fernando de noronha (western atlantic ocean) and the hawaiian archipelago (central pacific ocean), to assess the contribution of green turtles to the total herbivore biomass in shallow reef habitats of ...202031999812
using programming languages and geographic information system to determine spatial and temporal variability in a green turtle foraging population on liuchiu island, taiwan.facial photo identification (id) has proven to be a non-invasive method for identifying individual wild animals, and in recent years it has been effective on megafauna such as sea turtles. however, when processing hundreds of photos over a long period of time, variation in facial scale patterns makes identifying individuals complicated. this means that there is a high possibility that the individual is misidentified, which results in incorrectly determining population sizes. this study used the ...201931966319
morphological variations in the green turtle (chelonia mydas): a field study on an eastern mediterranean nesting population.morphological studies in marine turtles might be used to obtain information about changes in developmental habitats. information regarding mortality and growth rates can be obtained by collecting data on the size of nesting females on the nesting beach. morphometric and meristic traits of female green turtles (chelonia mydas) were recorded on samandağ beach, turkey, during the 2006-2016 nesting seasons. the study aimed to determine the mean and minimum curved carapace length (ccl) of the nesting ...201931966317
the effect of diet on the gastrointestinal microbiome of juvenile rehabilitating green turtles (chelonia mydas).threatened and endangered green turtles (chelonia mydas) are unique because as juveniles they recruit from pelagic to near-shore waters and shift from an omnivorous to primarily herbivorous diet (i.e. seagrass and algae). nevertheless, when injured and ill animals are admitted to rehabilitation, animal protein (e.g. seafood) is often offered to combat poor appetite and emaciation. we examined how the fecal microbiome of juvenile green turtles changed in response to a dietary shift during rehabil ...202031940380
population-specific signatures of intra-individual mitochondrial dna heteroplasmy and their potential evolutionary advantages.heteroplasmy is the existence of more than one mitochondrial dna (mtdna) variant within a cell. the evolutionary mechanisms of heteroplasmy are not fully understood, despite being a very common phenomenon. here we combined heteroplasmy measurements using high throughput sequencing on green turtles (chelonia mydas) with simulations to understand how heteroplasmy modulates population diversity across generations and under different demographic scenarios. we found heteroplasmy to be widespread in a ...202031937820
saxitoxin poisoning in green turtles (chelonia mydas) linked to scavenging on mass mortality of caribbean sharpnose puffer fish (canthigaster rostrata-tetraodontidae).fish within the family tetraodontidae are potential sources of both endogenous tetrodotoxins (ttxs) and dietary derived saxitoxins (stxs). ingestion of fish tissues containing these toxins by other vertebrates can lead to severe illness and death. the caribbean sharpnose puffer (canthigaster rostrata) is a widespread tetraodontid species within the western atlantic. mass settlement of juveniles into foraging habitats have been associated with large-scale puffer fish mortality events. in 2013, 20 ...201931921922
contrasted habitats and individual plasticity drive the fine scale movements of juvenile green turtles in coastal ecosystems.a strong behavioural plasticity is commonly evidenced in the movements of marine megafauna species, and it might be related to an adaptation to local conditions of the habitat. one way to investigate such behavioural plasticity is to satellite track a large number of individuals from contrasting foraging grounds, but despite recent advances in satellite telemetry techniques, such studies are still very limited in sea turtles.202031921423
molecular evidence for horizontal transmission of chelonid alphaherpesvirus 5 at green turtle (chelonia mydas) foraging grounds in queensland, australia.fibropapillomatosis (fp) is a marine turtle disease recognised by benign tumours on the skin, eyes, shell, oral cavity and/or viscera. despite being a globally distributed disease that affects an endangered species, research on fp and its likely causative agent chelonid alphaherpesvirus 5 (chhv5) in australia is limited. here we present improved molecular assays developed for detection of chhv5, in combination with a robust molecular and phylogenetic analysis of chhv5 variants. this approach uti ...202031917785
tumor re-growth, case outcome, and tumor scoring systems in rehabilitated green turtles with fibropapillomatosis.fibropapillomatosis (fp) is an infectious, neoplastic disease of major concern in sea turtle rehabilitation facilities. rehabilitating sea turtles that undergo tumor removal surgery often have tumor regrowth and may experience mortality. we evaluated tumor score, removal, and regrowth in rehabilitating green sea turtles with fp in 4 rehabilitation facilities in the southeastern usa during 2009-2017. of 756 cases, 312 (41%) underwent tumor removal surgery, 155 (50%) of those had tumor regrowth wi ...201931854328
pharmacokinetics of marbofloxacin in green sea turtles (chelonia mydas) following intravenous and intramuscular administration at two dosage pharmacokinetic information to establish suitable therapeutic plans is available for green sea turtles. therefore, the present study was conducted to evaluate the pharmacokinetic characteristics of marbofloxacin (mbf) in the green sea turtle, chelonia mydas, following single intravenous (i.v.) or intramuscular (i.m.) administration at two dosages of 2 and 4 mg/kg body weight (b.w.). blood samples were collected at assigned times up to 168 hr. mbf in plasma was extracted using liquid-liqu ...202031851387
health assessment of juvenile green turtles in southern são paulo state, brazil: a hematologic approach.we assessed the health status and hematologic and blood chemistry values of 48 juvenile green turtles (chelonia mydas) on the southeastern coast of brazil (25°s 48°w). we investigated the impact of size and weight, nutritional condition, and presence of epibionts and fibropapilloma tumors. nutritional status was good for 39 animals; these animals had higher serum albumin, cholesterol, and phosphorus concentrations than 9 animals with a fair nutritional score. reference values for hematology and ...202031845622
trace elements in green turtles (chelonia mydas) from rocas atoll, ne brazil: baseline reference from a pristine nesting site.this study presents the first report on the concentration of trace elements (al, as, ba, cd, cr, cu, fe, mn, ni, pb, v and zn) in the blood and egg fractions of green turtles from rocas atoll, a pristine nesting site in ne brazil. the highest concentrations of all elements were in the blood or shell samples. in order, iron, zn, cu, al and as presented the highest concentrations in all tissues. the nonessential trace elements were below the limit of detection for more than 50% of the yolk (al, cd ...202032469744
climate change and green sea turtle sex ratio-preventing possible extinction.climate change poses a threat to species with temperature-dependent sex determination (tsd). a recent study on green sea turtles (chelonia mydas) at the northern great barrier reef (gbr) showed a highly female-skewed sex ratio with almost all juvenile turtles being female. this shortage of males might eventually cause population extinction, unless rapid evolutionary rescue, migration, range shifts, or conservation efforts ensure a sufficient number of males. we built a stochastic individual-base ...202032466335
comparisons of stable isotope composition among tissues of green turtles.ecologists often need to make choices about what body parts (tissues or organs) of an animal to sample. the decision is typically guided by the need to treat animals as humanely as possible, as well as the information that different body parts can provide. when using stable isotopes, decisions are also influenced by whether specimens would require preservation, and whether they have properties (such as high lipid concentrations) that would influence measurements. sometimes we cannot use a prefer ...202032436593
differences in antibody responses against chelonid alphaherpesvirus 5 (chhv5) suggest differences in virus biology in chhv5-seropositive green turtles from hawaii and chhv5-seropositive green turtles from florida.fibropapillomatosis (fp) is a tumor disease associated with a herpesvirus (chelonid herpesvirus 5 [chhv5]) that affects mainly green turtles globally. understanding the epidemiology of fp has been hampered by a lack of robust serological assays to monitor exposure to chhv5. this is due in part to an inability to efficiently culture the virus in vitro for neutralization assays. here, we expressed two glycoproteins (fus4 and fus8) from chhv5 using baculovirus. these proteins were immobilized on en ...202031748397
first report of pyelosomum cochlear looss 1899 (digenea: pronocephalidae) in a hawksbill turtle - eretmochelys imbricata l. found in brazilian coast.pyelosomum cochlear looss 1899 (digenea: pronocephalidae) is a parasite exclusive to sea turtles, having been described in the green turtle (chelonia mydas) in egypt, the usa, panama, costa rica and brazil as well as the olive ridley turtle (lepidochelys olivacea) in brazil. the present note describes the first occurrence of p. cochlear in a hawksbill turtle (eretmochelys imbricata) found on the coast of brazil.201931708675
caryospora-like coccidia infecting green turtles (chelonia mydas): an emerging disease with evidence of interoceanic dissemination.protozoa morphologically consistent with caryospora sp. are one of the few pathogens associated with episodic mass mortality events involving free-ranging sea turtles. parasitism of green turtles (chelonia mydas) by these coccidia and associated mortality was first reported in maricultured turtles in the caribbean during the 1970s. years later, epizootics affecting wild green turtles in australia occurred in 1991 and 2014. the first clinical cases of caryospora-like infections reported elsewhere ...201931696124
quantifying spirorchiid eggs in splenic histological samples from green turtles.the present study proposes a new methodology for the quantification of parasite eggs in animal tissue. quantification of parasites are important to understand epidemiology of spirorchiid infections in sea turtles, however different methodologies for quantifying spirorchiidae eggs in turtle tissues have been used. the most representative way to quantify spirorchiidae burdens in tissues is counting eggs / g of tissue, however, this method is very laborious. as an alternative, we propose quantifyin ...201931662700
the genus rhytidodoides price, 1939 (digenea: rhytidodidae) in brazil: new geographic occurrence and report of pathology in the gallbladder.the present note describes the occurrence of rhytidodoides intestinalis and rhytidodoides similis (digenea: rhytidodidae) in the gallbladder of two juvenile green turtles (chelonia mydas - testudines, cheloniidae) found on the coast of brazil. both were detected in gallbladder and intestine of green turtles: rhytidodoides similis (united states, panama, costa rica and brazil) and r. intestinais (united states, panama and costa rica). this note is the first report of r. intestinalis in brazil and ...201931662689
coccidiosis in green turtles (chelonia mydas) in australia: pathogenesis, spatial and temporal distribution, and climate-related determinants of disease epizootic of coccidiosis in free-ranging green turtles (chelonia mydas) occurred in australia in 1991 and the parasites were thought to be caryospora cheloniae. recurring outbreaks over an increased geographic range followed. we used medical records and temporal and spatial data of turtles diagnosed with coccidiosis between 1991 and 2014 to characterize the disease and factors associated with outbreaks. most affected animals were subadults or older. neurologic signs with intralesional cerebra ...202031658432
modeling the emergence of migratory corridors and foraging hot spots of the green sea turtle.environmental factors shape the spatial distribution and dynamics of populations. understanding how these factors interact with movement behavior is critical for efficient conservation, in particular for migratory species. adult female green sea turtles, chelonia mydas, migrate between foraging and nesting sites that are generally separated by thousands of kilometers. as an emblematic endangered species, green turtles have been intensively studied, with a focus on nesting, migration, and foragin ...201931624552
fibropapillomatosis prevalence and distribution in green turtles chelonia mydas in texas (usa).fibropapillomatosis (fp) is a neoplastic disease that can result in debilitating tumors in sea turtles. initially identified in florida, usa in 1937, it has since been detected in green turtle chelonia mydas populations globally. fp was first identified and confirmed in texas, usa in 2010. no fp tumors were documented in texas prior to that year, though many green turtles were encountered and examined using standardized procedures since 1980. the present study was undertaken to identify temporal ...201931621650
population recovery changes population composition at a major southern caribbean juvenile developmental habitat for the green turtle, chelonia mydas.understanding the population composition and dynamics of migratory megafauna at key developmental habitats is critical for conservation and management. the present study investigated whether differential recovery of caribbean green turtle (chelonia mydas) rookeries influenced population composition at a major juvenile feeding ground in the southern caribbean (lac bay, bonaire, caribbean netherlands) using genetic and demographic analyses. genetic divergence indicated a strong temporal shift in p ...201931591419
identifying genetic lineages through shape: an example in a cosmopolitan marine turtle species using geometric morphometrics.the green turtle (chelonia mydas) is a globally distributed marine species whose evolutionary history has been molded by geological events and oceanographic and climate changes. divergence between atlantic and pacific clades has been associated with the uplift of the panama isthmus, and inside the pacific region, a biogeographic barrier located west of hawaii has restricted the gene flow between central/eastern and western pacific populations. we investigated the carapace shape of c. mydas from ...201931589640
nutrient availability induces community shifts in seagrass meadows grazed by the caribbean, green turtles graze seagrass meadows dominated by thalassia testudinum through rotational grazing, resulting in the creation of grazed and recovering (abandoned) patches surrounded by ungrazed seagrasses. we evaluated the seagrass community and its environment along a turtle grazing gradient; with the duration of (simulated) grazing as a proxy for the level of grazing pressure. the grazing levels consisted of short-term (4 months clipping), medium-term (8 months clipping), long ...201931534846
gastric lesions in free-living sea turtles: an underestimated disease that reflects the health of the marine turtles are constantly exposed to aggression factors and the gastrointestinal tract is one of the main gateways of entry. the objective of this study was to identify, and describe the anatomopathological alterations in the stomach of free-living marine turtles found dead on the beaches of the microrregião dos lagos, rio de janeiro, brazil. twenty-two sea turtles were necropsied, and stomach fragments were collected, fixed, and processed routinely. the presence of gastritis, pa ...201931476501
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) and some biomarkers in the green sea turtles (chelonia mydas).selected blood biochemical parameters (glutathione s transferase: gst; alanine aminotransferase: alt; aspartate aminotransferase: ast; lactate dehydrogenase: ld and glucose) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) were measured in blood samples from 18 green sea turtles (chelonia mydas) from the iranian coastline on the northern shore of the sea of oman. mean total pah concentration in the blood samples was 17.802 ± 1.006 ng/gdw. the study found no significant correlation between blood bioch ...201931426165
diet-related selectivity of macroplastic ingestion in green turtles (chelonia mydas) in the eastern mediterranean.understanding the drivers of key interactions between marine vertebrates and plastic pollution is now considered a research priority. sea turtles are primarily visual predators, with the ability to discriminate according to colour and shape; therefore these factors play a role in feeding choices. classification methodologies of ingested plastic currently do not record these variables, however here, refined protocols allow us to test the hypothesis that plastic is selectively ingested when it res ...201931399637
the occurrence of vibrionaceae, staphylococcaceae, and enterobacteriaceae in green turtle chelonia mydas rearing this study, levels of vibrionaceae, staphylococcaceae, and enterobacteriaceae were observed in seawater from juvenile green turtle chelonia mydas rearing tanks and in the incoming coastal seawater (the water supply). bacterial loads were compared between the incoming coastal seawater and two different rearing conditions: in cement tanks at a low stocking density and in fiberglass tanks at a high stocking density. the total bacterial counts in seawater from fiberglass tanks were statistically ...201931342564
infection by and molecular features of learedius learedi (digenea: schistosomatoidea) in green sea turtles (chelonia mydas) on the ogasawara islands, japan.learedius learedi price, 1934 , is a blood fluke found in sea turtles, and the adult fluke parasitizes the cardiovascular system of the host. in this study we surveyed 46 green sea turtles, chelonia mydas, on the ogasawara islands, japan, and blood flukes were detected in the heart and blood vessels of 26 turtles. the flukes were identified as l. learedi based on a detailed morphological description. in addition, molecular identification and characterization of the parasite were performed. the n ...201931310585
fatal rameshwarotrema uterocrescens infection with ulcerative esophagitis and intravascular dissemination in green turtles.the trematode rameshwarotrema uterocrescens (digenea: pronocephalidae) parasitizes the glands of the caudal esophagus of chelonia mydas. in the present study, 741 c. mydas were examined, 85 animals had adult specimens of r. uterocrescens associated with necrotizing ulcerous esophagitis, of these 85, 21 presented invasion of the esophageal mural vessels in the caudal esophagus of juvenile green turtles (chelonia mydas). necrotizing granulomatous splenitis, hepatitis, and nephritis were associated ...201931289721
Displaying items 501 - 600 of 695