stimulation of forelimb regeneration in the newt, triturus viridescens, by a sensory nerve supply isolated from the central nervous system. | | 1951 | 14829596 |
the effect of ultrasonic vibrations on molting in triturus viridescens. | | 1950 | 15414810 |
pulmonary epithelium of the newt, triturus viridescens, studied in living cultures with cinematographic apparatus and phase contrast technique. | | 1949 | 15410072 |
limb regeneration in triturus viridescens as affected by lethal doses of radioactive phosphorus. | | 1949 | 15398724 |
the effects of pituitary implantation on diploid and triploid larvae of the newt, triturus viridescens, with special reference to the gonads. | | 1949 | 18148835 |
the leucocytes in regenerating limbs of triturus viridescens. | | 1949 | 18153119 |
the number of caudal vertebrae in a caudate amphibian, triturus viridescens, in relation to growth. | | 1949 | 18127399 |
the cytological mechanism of the triploidy-inducing effect of heat on eggs of the newt, triturus viridescens. | | 1948 | 16588832 |
evidence for a thyroid-skin gland relationship in the induction of molting in the red eft of triturus viridescens. | | 1948 | 18934047 |
acceleration of skin growth and molting in the red eft of triturus viridescens by means of prolactine injections. | | 1948 | 18932973 |
failure to mature the ovaries in the red eft of triturus viridescens by pituitary treatment. | | 1948 | 18884184 |
epidermal dedifferentiation during blastema formation in regenerating limbs of triturus viridescens. | | 1948 | 18882504 |
the effect of temperature on the cycle of trypanosoma diemyctyli in triturus viridescens. | | 1948 | 18882472 |
an experimental study of lens regeneration in triturus viridescens viridescens; regeneration of a lens after lens extirpation in embryos and larvae of different ages. | | 1948 | 18906240 |
a cytological study of mitosis in the cornea of triturus viridescens during recovery after colchicine treatment. | | 1946 | 20275390 |
sexual conditions in triturus viridescens; the effect of the administration of diethylstilbestrol on adult normal and castrated males. | | 1946 | 21016953 |
thyroid and pituitary hormones in relation to regeneration; regeneration of the hind leg of the newt, triturus viridescens, with different combinations of thyroid and pituitary hormones. | | 1945 | 21010859 |
heat-induced triploidy in the newt, triturus viridescens. | | 1942 | 16588575 |
the frequency of polyploidy and other spontaneous aberrations of chromosome number among larvae of the newt, triturus viridescens. | | 1941 | 16588493 |
triploidy (and haploidy) in the newt, triturus viridescens, induced by refrigeration of fertilized eggs. | | 1941 | 17246999 |
a pentaploid larva of the newt, triturus viridescens. | | 1940 | 16588397 |
reaction to visual flicker in the newt triturus. | the flicker response curve for the newt triturus viridescens (water phase) has much the same quantitative structure as that found with various fresh-water teleosts at the same temperature (21.5 degrees ). the variability of critical intensity and of critical flash frequency likewise follows the same rules. the cone portion of the f - log i curve is much more widely spread, however. this, and the rather low maximum to which the rod curve rises, produce a considerable overlapping of the two parts ... | 1940 | 19873182 |
induction of triploidy and haploidy in the newt, triturus viridescens, by cold treatment of unsegmented eggs. | | 1939 | 16577886 |
the effect of replantation, lens removal, and optic nerve section of the eye of the salamander (triturus viridescens). | | 1938 | 21433768 |
the relation of the thyroid and pituitary glands to moulting in triturus viridescens. | | 1930 | 17831932 |
transcriptomics reveal immune downregulation of newts overwhelmed by chytrid co-infection. | what happens when two emergent diseases infect the same host? in a from the cover article in this issue of molecular ecology, mcdonald et al. (2020) compare transcriptomic responses to co-infection by the two chytrid fungi in the skin, liver and spleen of eastern newts (notophthalmus viridescens). novel molecular tools, such as high-throughput dna sequencing for genome discovery and transcriptomics, have revolutionized our understanding of host-pathogen interactions and disease ecology (güimil e ... | 2020 | 32745298 |
"lost and found": snorna annotation in the xenopus genome and implications for evolutionary studies. | small nucleolar rnas (snornas) function primarily as guide rnas for posttranscriptional modification of rrnas and spliceosomal snrnas, both of which are functionally important and evolutionarily conserved molecules. it is commonly believed that snornas and the modifications they mediate are highly conserved across species. however, most relevant data on snorna annotation and rna modification are limited to studies on human and yeast. here, we used rna-sequencing data from the giant oocyte nucleu ... | 2020 | 31553476 |
vernal pool amphibian breeding ecology monitoring from 1931 to present: a harmonised historical and ongoing observational ecology dataset. | for 88 years (1931-present), the mohonk preserve's daniel smiley research center has been collecting data on occupancy and reproductive success of amphibian species, as well as associated water quality of 11 vernal pools each spring (february to may). though sampling effort has varied over the dataset range, the size of the dataset is unprecedented within the field of amphibian ecology. with more than 2,480 individual species sampling dates and more than 151,701 recorded individual occurrences o ... | 2020 | 32336925 |
ontogeny of the hyobranchial apparatus in the salamanders ambystoma talpoideum (ambystomatidae) and notophthalmus viridescens (salamandridae): the ecological morphology of two neotenic strategies. | comparison of metamorphosis of skull and hyobranchial system in two species of neotenic salamanders reveals two different types of neoteny. ambystoma talpoideum is completely neotenic owing to delayed metamorphosis. notophthalmus viridescens exhibits limited neoteny as a result of incomplete metamorphosis. morphological details of neoteny are compared to life history in both species in order to discuss the ecological morphology of the two neotenic strategies. comparisons to taricha granulosa, tr ... | 1987 | 29921111 |
batrachochytrium salamandrivorans elicits acute stress response in spotted salamanders but not infection or mortality. | the emerging fungal pathogen batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (bsal) is a major threat to amphibian species worldwide with potential to infect many species if it invades salamander biodiversity hotspots in the americas. bsal can cause the disease chytridiomycosis, and it is important to assess the risk of bsal-induced chytridiomycosis to species in north america. we evaluated the susceptibility to bsal of the common and widespread spotted salamander, ambystoma maculatum, across life history sta ... | 2020 | 33071596 |
experimental methodologies can affect pathogenicity of batrachochytrium salamandrivorans infections. | controlled experiments are one approach to understanding the pathogenicity of etiologic agents to susceptible hosts. the recently discovered fungal pathogen, batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (bsal), has resulted in a surge of experimental investigations because of its potential to impact global salamander biodiversity. however, variation in experimental methodologies could thwart knowledge advancement by introducing confounding factors that make comparisons difficult among studies. thus, our ob ... | 2020 | 32915779 |
revisited - failure of tetrodotoxin to protect red-spotted newts, notophthalmus viridescens, from endoparasites. | red-spotted newts, notophthalmus viridescens, contain tetrodotoxin (ttx) and its analogue 6-epittx in variable concentrations. in a follow-up study, newts were sampled from a pond in pennsylvania, usa, in 2010, 2014, and 2018. their toxin levels were assayed by liquid-chromatography-fluorescence detection (lc-fld), and assessment of their infection with endoparasites such as nematodes and helminths was performed by histological examination of internal organs. in the 2010 and 2014 samples, averag ... | 2020 | 32250750 |
host density and habitat structure influence host contact rates and batrachochytrium salamandrivorans transmission. | batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (bsal) is an emerging invasive pathogen that is highly pathogenic to salamander species. modeling infection dynamics in this system can facilitate proactive efforts to mitigate this pathogen's impact on north american species. given its widespread distribution and high abundance, the eastern newt (notophthalmus viridescens) has the potential to significantly influence bsal epidemiology. we designed experiments to 1) estimate contact rates given different host de ... | 2020 | 32221329 |
two salamander species respond differently to timber harvests in a managed new england forest. | managing forests for timber while protecting wildlife habitat is of increasing concern. amphibians may be particularly sensitive to forest management practices due to their unique biology; however, it is not clear how different species respond to timber harvest practices-particularly over longer time scales. | 2019 | 31531273 |
comparative transcriptomic analysis and structure prediction of novel newt proteins. | notophthalmus viridescens (red-spotted newt) possess amazing capabilities to regenerate their organs and other tissues. previously, using a de novo assembly of the newt transcriptome combined with proteomic validation, our group identified a novel family of five protein members expressed in adult tissues during regeneration in notophthalmus viridescens. the presence of a putative signal peptide suggests that all these proteins are secretory in nature. here we employed iterative threading assembl ... | 2019 | 31419228 |
correction to: 'sexual dimorphism in a top predator ( notophthalmus viridescens) drives aquatic prey community assembly'. | | 2019 | 30963941 |
differential plasticity of membrane fatty acids in northern and southern populations of the eastern newt (notophthalmus viridescens). | seasonal changes in membrane composition and metabolic activity allow many temperate ectotherms to contend with changes in body temperature, but few studies have investigated whether the plasticity of these traits has diverged within a single species. therefore, we studied the effects of thermal acclimation on the membrane fatty acid composition and the activities of cytochrome c oxidase (cco) and citrate synthase (cs) in the skeletal muscle and liver of eastern newts from maine and florida. new ... | 2019 | 30673816 |
sexual dimorphism in a top predator (notophthalmus viridescens) drives aquatic prey community assembly. | intraspecific variation can have important consequences for the structure and function of ecological communities, and serves to link community ecology to evolutionary processes. differences between the sexes are an overwhelmingly common form of intraspecific variation, but its community-level consequences have never been experimentally investigated. here, we manipulate the sex ratio of a sexually dimorphic predacious newt in aquatic mesocosms, then track their impact on prey communities. female ... | 2018 | 30404874 |
comparative de novo transcriptome assembly of notophthalmus viridescens rna-seq data using two commercial software programs. | the reduction of cost and ease of using core laboratories or commercial sequencing companies have allowed biomedical and health researchers alike to employ reference-based genomic or transcriptomic sequencing (rna-seq) projects to expand their work. non-reference based data analysis, in cases of inexperienced researchers, become more challenging despite the availability of many open source and commercial software programs. | 2018 | 30381788 |
an investigation into tetrodotoxin (ttx) levels associated with the red dorsal spots in eastern newt (notophthalmus viridescens) efts and adults. | we investigated the concentration of tetrodotoxin (ttx) in sections of skin containing and lacking red dorsal spots in both eastern newt (notophthalmus viridescens) efts and adults. several other species, such as pleurodeles waltl and echinotriton andersoni, have granular glands concentrated in brightly pigmented regions on the dorsum, and thus we hypothesized that the red dorsal spots of eastern newts may also possess higher levels of ttx than the surrounding skin. we found no difference betwee ... | 2018 | 30245715 |
comparative transcriptome reveal the potential adaptive evolutionary genes in andrias davidianus. | to search the evidence of molecular evolution mechanism for aquatic and cave habitat in andrias davidianus, the evolution analysis was carried out among several species transcriptome data. the transcriptome data of notophthalmus viridescens, xenopus tropicalis, cynops pyrrhogaster, hynobius chinensis and a. davidianus were obtained from the genbank and reassembled except xenopus tropicalis. the blast search of transcriptome data obtained 1244 single-copy orthologous genes among five species. a p ... | 2018 | 29483849 |
annual cycle of sperm storage in spermathecae of the red-spotted newt, notophthalmus viridescens (amphibia: salamandridae). | female sperm storage was studied in a population of notophthalmus viridescens from south carolina. spermathecae initiate production of a glycoprotein secretory product in october. at this time ovarian follicles are immature (0.5-0.9 mm dia), and mating does not occur despite spermiation in males. six of the 10 females collected in december had sperm in their spermathecae, indicating onset of mating. unmated females collected in october and sacrificed in february and march possessed mature ovaria ... | 1996 | 29852571 |
atavisms and the homology of hyobranchial elements in lower vertebrates. | the homology of branchial arch segments in salamanders has been a matter of controversy since the last century. many investigators term the most medial paired elements of salamander branchial arches "ceratobranchials" and the next distal paired elements "epibranchials." this suggests that the first two segmental elements of the salamander branchial arch are not homologous with elements occupying the same position in ray-finned fishes, latimeria, "rhipidistians," and lungfishes, in which these bo ... | 1988 | 29874889 |
the ultrastructure of the atrium in the adult newt notophthalmus viridescens (amphibia, salamandridae). | the atrial wall of notophthalmus viridescens is 25-75 μm thick and is trabeculated sparsely. coronary vessels are absent. the endocardial endothelium is continuous and has 50-60 nm-wide fenestrae with diaphragms, rests on a discontinuous basal lamina and lacks occluding junctions. cells found in the subendothelial connective tissue are xanthophores, melanophores, mast cells, fibroblasts, macrophages, and unmyelinated nerve fibers with schwann cell investments. epicardial mesothelial cells contai ... | 1983 | 30075612 |
limb regeneration following the discontinuation of growth hormone therapy in the hypophysectomized newt, notophthalmus viridescens. | untreated adult newts do not undergo normal limb regeneration following hypohysectomy. a fibrocellular dermal barrier (cicatrix) atypically forms between the apical epithelium and the underlying mesenchymal tissues. historically, continuous administration of growth hormone or of prolactin in combination with thyroxine restored regenerative capacity to these newts. in a previous investigation, we demonstrated that the initial effect of these two hormone treatments, when administered on alternate ... | 1981 | 30139199 |
hormone dependent changes in the apical connective tissue during early stages of forelimb regeneration in the hypophysectomized newt, notophthalmus viridescens. | when a newt is hypophysectomized prior to or at the time of forelimb amputation a dermal barrier eventually forms between the apical cap of epithelium and the underlying mesenchymal tissues, and the typical regeneration response is transformed to a wound-healing morphology. when hypophysectomized newts are injected on continuous alternate days beginning either at the time of amputation or following a fifteen-day delay, with either growth hormone (gh) or prolactin in combination with thyroxine (p ... | 1981 | 30119591 |
the fine structure of the pigment epithelium and photoreceptor cells of the newt, triturus viridescens dorsalis (rafinesque). | the morphology of the retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptor cells has been studied in the common newt triturus viridescens dorsalis by light, conventional transmission and scanning electron microscopy. the pigment epithelium is formed by a single layer of low rectangular cells, separated by a multilayered membrane (bruch's membrane) from the vessels of the choriocapillaris. the scleral border of the pigment epithelium is highly infolded and each epithelial cell contains smooth endoplasmic ... | 1971 | 30373332 |
hemopoietic tissue in the adult newt, notopthalmus viridescens. | the presence of developmental stages of lymphocytes and their precurors, as revealed by serial and thin sections of hemopoietic organs of normal adult newts (notopthalmus viridescens) suggests that lymphopoiesis is limited to the thymus, medulla of the spleen and, to a lesser degree, the intestine. stromal cells, small lymphocytes, granulocytes, mature erythrocytes and melanocytes were observed either within or near the parenchyma of the thymus. the urodele thymus differs from the thymus of anur ... | 1971 | 30373334 |