chromosome segregation in drosophila virilis males with multiple sex chromosomes. | | 1956 | 17247672 |
radiation damage in the developing germ cells of drosophila virilis. | | 1955 | 16589795 |
some aspects of the melanotic tumor occurring in drosophila virilis. | | 1954 | 13183262 |
v-type position effects of a gene in drosophila virilis normally located in heterochromatin. | | 1953 | 17247441 |
cytochrome c oxidase activity during the metamorphosis of drosophila virilis. | | 1952 | 12984106 |
the induction of aristapedia by nitrogen mustard in drosophila virilis. | | 1949 | 18151963 |
the production of chromosome interchanges in drosophila virilis. | | 1949 | 17247309 |
the production of chromosome interchanges in drosophila virilis. | | 1948 | 18207805 |
sexual isolation studies in the species complex drosophila virilis. | | 1942 | 17247038 |
chromosome homologies in two sub-species of drosophila virilis. | | 1940 | 16588407 |
an analysis of the chromosomes of the two sub-species drosophila virilis virilis and drosophila virilis americana. | | 1939 | 17246953 |
a study of intersexuality in drosophila virilis. | | 1939 | 17246938 |
intersexuality in drosophila virilis and its bearing on sex determination. | | 1938 | 16588214 |
further studies on factor interaction in drosophila virilis. | | 1935 | 17246755 |
genetics of hermaphroditism in drosophila virilis. | | 1934 | 16587916 |
effect of x-rays on the rate of change in the unstable miniature-3 gene of the drosophila virilis. | | 1934 | 16587835 |
mutants and crossing over in the dot-like chromosome of drosophila virilis. | | 1933 | 17246680 |
rate of instability of miniature-3 gamma gene of drosophila virilis in the males in the homozygous and in the heterozygous females. | | 1932 | 16577490 |
effect of temperature on the rate of change of the unstable miniature-3 gamma gene of drosophila virilis. | | 1932 | 16587710 |
interaction of ruffled and rounded genes of drosophila virilis. | | 1932 | 16587691 |
relation between the x-ray dosage and the frequency of primary non-disjunctions of x-chromosomes in drosophila virilis. | | 1930 | 16577297 |
non-disjunction of the x-chromosome in drosophila virilis. | | 1930 | 16577296 |
changes in the rate of mutability of the mutable miniature gene of drosophila virilis. | | 1929 | 16587522 |
genetic factors stimulating mutability of the miniature-gamma wing character of drosophila virilis. | | 1929 | 16577248 |
mutable characters of drosophila virilis i. reddish-alpha body character. | | 1928 | 17246554 |
magenta-alpha-a third frequently mutating character in drosophila virilis. | | 1927 | 16577062 |
miniature-alpha-a second frequently mutating character in drosophila virilis. | | 1926 | 16587134 |
effects of temperature on length of vestigial wing in drosophila virilis. | | 1926 | 17246471 |
reddish-a frequently "mutating" character in drosophila virilis. | | 1926 | 16576949 |
homologous genes and linear linkage in drosophila virilis. | | 1920 | 16576549 |
observations on the sterility of mutant hybrids in drosophila virilis. | | 1920 | 16576511 |
correspondence between chromosome number and linkage groups in drosophila virilis. | | 1920 | 17753070 |
the arrangement of genes in drosophila virilis. | | 1920 | 16576483 |
the linkage system of eight sex-linked characters of drosophila virilis (data of metz). | | 1919 | 16576347 |
the linkage of eight sex-linked characters in drosophila virilis. | | 1918 | 17245900 |
landscape and evolution of tissue-specific alternative polyadenylation across drosophila species. | drosophila melanogaster has one of best-described transcriptomes of any multicellular organism. nevertheless, the paucity of 3'-sequencing data in this species precludes comprehensive assessment of alternative polyadenylation (apa), which is subject to broad tissue-specific control. | 2017 | 29191225 |
the role of species-specific sensory cues in male responses to mating rivals in drosophila melanogaster fruitflies. | complex sets of cues can be important in recognizing and responding to conspecific mating competitors and avoiding potentially costly heterospecific competitive interactions. within drosophila melanogaster, males can detect sensory inputs from conspecifics to assess the level of competition. they respond to rivals by significantly extending mating duration and gain significant fitness benefits from doing so. here, we tested the idea that the multiple sensory cues used by d. melanogaster males to ... | 2017 | 29187965 |
comparative analysis of mirna expression during the development of insects of different metamorphosis modes and germ-band types. | do mirnas contribute to specify the germ-band type and the body structure in the insect embryo? our goal was to address that issue by studying the changes in mirna expression along the ontogeny of the german cockroach blattella germanica, which is a short germ-band and hemimetabolan species. | 2017 | 29020923 |
role of fly cleaning behavior on carriage of escherichia coli and pseudomonas aeruginosa. | flies are known to be mechanical vectors of bacterial, viral, and parasitic diseases. although flies are known to transmit disease, the effects of cleaning behavior have not been well studied. this study quantified the cleaning effectiveness and behavior of three fly species: sarcophaga bullata, musca domestica l., and drosophila virilis. flies were transferred to plates of escherichia coli or pseudomonas aeruginosa and allowed to walk on the bacteria for a total of 5 min. after the flies were c ... | 2017 | 28981669 |
evolutionary dynamics of male reproductive genes in the drosophila virilis subgroup. | postcopulatory sexual selection (pcss) is a potent evolutionary force that can drive rapid changes of reproductive genes within species, and thus has the potential to generate reproductive incompatibilities between species. male seminal fluid proteins (sfps) are major players in postmating interactions, and are important targets of pcss in males. the virilis subgroup of drosophila exhibits strong interspecific gametic incompatibilities, and can serve as a model to study the genetic basis of pcss ... | 2017 | 28739599 |
morphological evolution of the drosophila virilis species group as assessed by rate tests for natural selection on quantitative characters. | two rate tests for assessing natural selection on quantitative traits are discussed for their usefulness in macroevolutionary and adaptational studies. the underlying assumptions and parameter estimation for the constant-heritability (ch) and mutation-drift-equilibrium (mde) models, which are the bases for these tests, are discussed. the purpose of these rate tests is to determine whether morphological change has occurred either too fast to be explained by neutral drift, which suggests direction ... | 1993 | 28564280 |
the genetic basis of evolution of the male courtship sounds in the drosophila virilis group. | when courting, males of the drosophila virilis group vibrate their wings and emit species-specific courtship sounds consisting of trains of polycyclic sound pulses. to analyze the genetic basis of evolutionary changes in the sounds we made an f1 diallel set of reciprocal crosses between the members of the virilis phylad of the group (two stocks of d. virilis and one of d. americana americana, d. a. texana, d. novamexicana, and d. lummei). we also crossed the d. virilis stocks with the members of ... | 1987 | 28564348 |