
characterization of a novel circo-like virus in aedes vexans mosquitoes from germany: evidence for a new genus within the family circoviridae.over recent decades, metagenomic studies have expanded the number of newly described, often unclassified, viruses within the family circoviridae. using broad-spectrum circovirus and cyclovirus pcrs, we characterized a novel circo-like virus in aedes vexans mosquitoes from germany whose main putative orfs shared very low amino acid identity with those of previously characterized circoviruses and cycloviruses. phylogenetic and genetic distance analysis revealed that this new virus species defined, ...201525535324
description of the first cryptic avian malaria parasite, plasmodium homocircumflexum n. sp., with experimental data on its virulence and development in avian hosts and mosquitoes.for over 100 years studies on avian haemosporidian parasite species have relied on similarities in their morphology to establish a species concept. some exceptional cases have also included information about the life cycle and sporogonic development. more than 50 avian plasmodium spp. have now been described. however, pcr-based studies show a much broader diversity of haemosporidian parasites, indicating the possible existence of a diverse group of cryptic species. in the present study, using bo ...201525449950
stable isotope analysis of larval mosquito diets in agricultural wetlands in the coastal plain of georgia, u.s.a.previous studies have used c and n isotope ratios to investigate the use of different food resources such as plant and animal detritus by container-breeding mosquitoes. this study is the first to report on the potential food resources assimilated by larval mosquitoes in agricultural and reference wetlands. larval mosquitoes (diptera: culcidae) were sampled, along with their potential food resources, from agricultural and reference wetland habitats throughout a seasonal hydroperiod. isosource mix ...201425424257
survey of new mosquito species of meghalaya, india.a study on mosquitoes in parts of meghalaya revealed the presence of 64 species of mosquitoes under 10 genera. in monsoon (june to october) and post-monsoon (november to may) survey, 42 and 48 species of mosquitoes were detected, respectivily. higher species diversity was found at lower elevations (up to 1050 m). anopheles peditaeniatus, an. sinensis, aedes vexans, ae. nigrostriatus, ae. annandalei, culex. fuscocephala, cx. pseudovishnui, cx. murrelli, cx. brevipalpis, coquillettidia novochracea ...201324620578
genetic diversity and differentiation between palearctic and nearctic populations of aedimorphus (=aedes) vexans (meigen, 1830) (diptera, culicidae).genetic diversity was studied at allozyme loci in two palearctic and one nearctic population of aedimorphus (=aedes) vexans, a species of public health and veterinary importance. the population from serbia was the most polymorphic (p= 35%) with the highest observed heterozygosity (h(o) = 0.027). the lowest observed heterozygosity (h(o) = 0.010) was obtained for the nearctic population. all analyses based on individual (structure analysis) and population level (pairwise f(st), nm values, amova, n ...201323701620
isolation and genomic characterization of chaoyang virus strain rok144 from aedes vexans nipponii from the republic of korea.during june 2003, mosquito surveillance was conducted at a us army installation and a us military training site 2 km south of the demilitarized zone, republic of korea. mosquitoes were collected using mosquito magnets™, sorted to species, and assayed for the presence of arboviruses. from the 3,149 mosquitoes that were sorted into 126 pools, one aedes vexans nipponii pool (out of 73 pools) tested positive for flavivirus rna by reverse transcription-pcr. after isolation from c6/36 cell culture sup ...201323127596
stage and age structured aedes vexans and culex pipiens (diptera: culicidae) climate-dependent matrix population model.aedes vexans and culex pipiens mosquitoes are potential vectors of many arbovirial diseases. due to the ongoing climate changes and reappearance of some zoonoses that were considered eradicated, there is a growing concern about potential disease outbreaks. therefore, the prediction of increased adult population abundances becomes an essential tool for the appropriate implementation of mosquito control strategies. in order to describe the population dynamics of a. vexans and c. pipiens mosquitoes ...201322971424
cross-correlation map analyses show weather variation influences on mosquito abundance patterns in saginaw county, michigan, is important determinant of mosquito abundance that, in turn, influences vectorborne disease dynamics. in temperate regions, transmission generally is seasonal as mosquito abundance and behavior varies with temperature, precipitation, and other meteorological factors. we investigated how such factors affected species-specific mosquito abundance patterns in saginaw county, mi, during a 17-yr period. systematic sampling was undertaken at 22 trapping sites from may to september, during 1989 ...201222897045
detection and molecular characterization of avian plasmodium from mosquitoes in central turkey.assessing vector-parasite relationship is important in understanding the emergence of vector-borne diseases and the evolution of parasite diversity. this study investigates avian plasmodium parasites in mosquitoes collected from kayseri province in central anatolian, turkey and determines the haemosporidian parasite lineages from these mosquito species. a total of 6153 female mosquitos from 6 species were collected from 46 sites during june-august of 2008 and 2009. each mosquito's head-thorax an ...201222455723
a novel flavivirus detected in two aedes spp. collected near the demilitarized zone of the republic of korea.flaviviruses comprise a large and diverse group of positive-stranded rna viruses, including tick-, mosquito- and unknown-vector-borne flaviviruses. a novel flavivirus was detected in pools of aedes vexans nipponii (n=1) and aedes esoensis (n=3) collected in 2012 and 2013 near the demilitarized zone (dmz), republic of korea (rok). phylogenetic analyses of the ns5, e gene and complete polyprotein coding sequence (cds) showed that the novel virus fell within the aedes-borne flaviviruses (abfvs), wi ...201728555540
mosquitoes in the danube delta: searching for vectors of filarioid helminths and avian malaria.mosquitoes are arthropods of major importance to animal and human health because they are able to transmit pathogenic agents such as filarioids (spirurida), vector-borne nematodes, which reside in the tissues of vertebrates. in europe, recent research has mostly focused on mosquito-borne zoonotic species, while others remain neglected. mosquitoes are also vectors of avian malaria, which has an almost worldwide distribution, and is caused by several plasmodium species and lineages, the most commo ...201728679443
mosquito microbiome dynamics, a background for prevalence and seasonality of west nile virus.symbiotic microbial communities augment host phenotype, including defense against pathogen carriage and infection. we sampled the microbial communities in 11 adult mosquito host species from six regions in southern ontario, canada over 3 years. of the factors examined, we found that mosquito species was the largest driver of the microbiota, with remarkable phylosymbiosis between host and microbiota. seasonal shifts of the microbiome were consistently repeated over the 3-year period, while region ...201728421042
pigsties near dwellings as a potential risk factor for the prevalence of japanese encephalitis virus in adult in shanxi, china.the increasing trend of adult cases of japanese encephalitis (je) in china, particularly in northern china, has become an important public health issue. we conducted an epidemiological investigation in the south of shanxi province to examine the relationships between mosquitoes, japanese encephalitis virus (jev), and adult je cases.201728592296
american aedes vexans mosquitoes are competent vectors of zika virus.abstractstarting in 2013-2014, the americas have experienced a massive outbreak of zika virus (zikv) which has now reached at least 49 countries. although most cases have occurred in south america and the caribbean, imported and autochthonous cases have occurred in the united states. aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus mosquitoes are known vectors of zikv. little is known about the potential for temperate aedes mosquitoes to transmit zikv. aedes vexans has a worldwide distribution, is highly abun ...201728719283
potential of a northern population of aedes vexans (diptera: culicidae) to transmit zika virus.zika virus is an emerging arbovirus of humans in the western hemisphere. with its potential spread into new geographical areas, it is important to define the vector competence of native mosquito species. we tested the vector competency of aedes vexans (meigen) from the lake agassiz plain of northwestern minnesota and northeastern north dakota. aedes aegypti (l.) was used as a positive control for comparison. mosquitoes were fed blood containing zika virus and 2 wk later were tested for viral inf ...201728499036
reduced insecticide susceptibility in aedes vexans (diptera: culicidae) where agricultural pest management overlaps with mosquito abatement.mosquito abatement programs in midwestern communities frequently exist within landscapes dominated by agriculture. although separately managed, both agricultural pests and mosquitoes are targeted by similar classes of insecticides. as a result, there is the potential for unintended insecticide exposure to mosquito populations from agricultural pest management. to determine the impact that agricultural management practices have on mosquito insecticide susceptibility we compared the mortality of a ...201829365158
a distinct group of north european aedes vexans as determined by mitochondrial and nuclear markers.the floodwater mosquito aedes (aedimorphus) vexans (meigen, 1830) (diptera: culicidae) is common in several areas of sweden and is predicted to become more abundant in the wake of expected changes in precipitation and temperature caused by climate change. as well as being a nuisance, ae. vexans can act as a vector of over 30 viruses. in the event of an outbreak of disease caused by a vector-borne virus, knowledge of the distribution, population structure and intermixing of populations from diffe ...201829336049
fauna, ecological characteristics, and checklist of the mosquitoes in mazandaran province, northern iran.mosquitoes are important vectors of human and animal diseases. this study updates current knowledge on fauna, dominance, and distribution of mosquitoes in mazandaran province, northern iran, to inform disease control effort. larval collections, using standard dippers or droppers, and adult collections, using total catches, shelter pits, cdc light traps, and human landing catches, were performed monthly in 30 villages across 16 counties, from may to december 2014. ovitraps, baited with hay infusi ...201829325101
comparative analysis of genomes of tick-borne encephalitis virus strains isolated from mosquitoes and ticks.the tick-borne encephalitis virus (tbev) strain lazo mp36 was isolated from the pool of mosquitoes aedes vexans collected in lazo region of khabarovsk territory in august 2014. phylogenetic analysis of the strain lazo mp36 complete genome (genbank accession number kt001073) revealed its correspondence to the tbev far eastern subtype and differences from the following strains: 1) from ticks ixodes persulcatus p. schulze, 1930 [vaccine strain 205 (jx498939) and strains khekhtzir 1230 (kf880805), c ...201829323844
the mosquito aedes vexans in england. 201728864515
effect of co2 concentration on mosquito collection rate using odor-baited suction traps.carbon dioxide (co2 ) has been used for decades to enhance capture of host-seeking mosquitoes when released in association with traps commonly used by mosquito and vector control agencies. however, there is little published work evaluating the effect of altering co2 release rates relative to the number of mosquitoes captured in these traps. this study investigated how varying co2 concentration altered the mosquito collection rate at a freshwater wetlands in southern california. host-seeking mosq ...201728504452
Displaying items 501 - 521 of 521