
editorial: malaria vaccines on the horizon. 1975803390
biological screening in the u.s. army antimalarial drug development program.the methods of testing drugs in the united states army antimalarial drug development program are described. to date over two hundred thousand compounds have been screened. for each 3,000 compounds evaluated in the primary screen, only 1 is assessed for efficacy in the final test system. of those potential antimalarials assessed in this last system, only about half are deemed worthy of preclinical toxicological evaluation.1975804264
fatal infections in protein-calorie malnourished children with thymolymphatic atrophy.the clinicopathological features of 25 children who died with protein-calorie malnutrition were studied. all but four subjects were found at necropsy to have nutritional thymectomy and all but 3 died of infectious diseases. the infectious agents were chiefly intracellular micro-organisms including miliary tuberculosis, herpes simplex, varicella, measles, pneumocystis carinii, and plasmodium falciparum. staphylococcal infections, salmonellosis, shigellosis, strongyloidiasis, and hookworm were oth ...1975805568
antiplasmodial efficacy of 2,4--diaminopyrimidine0sylfonamide combinations, especially against chloroquine-resistant malaria.this presentation deals with the historical development of the antifolate pyrimidines and related compounds, first as antimalarial substances and later as potent antibacterial agents. it describes the first quantitation of the combined action, through sequential blockade, of the substances with sulfonamides, and outlines the usefulness of the combinations in the therapy of normally sensitive and multiresistant strains of plasmodium falciparum.1975805650
parasitological review. experimental monkey hosts for human plasmodia. 1975807483
immunization of man against falciparum and vivax malaria by use of attenuated sporozoites.with strict adherence to ethical guidelines, a volunteer was immunized against sporozoites of plasmodium falciparum and p. vivax, the antigen consisting of attenuated sporozoites of each species inoculated through bites of mosquitoes x-irradiated at a minimum dosage of 15,000 rads. on one occasion this dosage did not render all p. vivax sporozoites noninfective. species specificity of antigen and antibody was demonstrated, but within each species a wide geographical diversity of strains proved i ...1975808142
malaria in studies in vitro. iii: the protein synthesising activity of plasmodium falciparum in vitro after drug treatment in vivo.aotus trivirgatus monkeys with established infections of plasmodium falciparum were treated orally with either chloroquine or the novel compound 1-amidino-3-(3-chloro-4-cyanophenyl) urea. blood samples were cultured in vitro, 18 hours after treatment, when no morphological abnormalities were apparent. the incorporation of radioactive leucine from the medium by the blood of treated monkeys was compared with that of the undosed control. parasite maturation was also examined. both chloroquine and t ...1975808180
the release of antigens by plasmodium falciparum.antigens were released in vitro human red cells infected with plasmodium falciparum only when parasites reached a late stage of schizogony (probably at rupture of infected red cells during reinvasion). immune complexes formed if antibody was present. serum from immune aotus monkeys opsonized parasite debris from artificially disrupted infected aotus red cells.1975810759
protein synthesis in vitro by cryopreserved plasmodium falciparum.plasmodium falciparum-parasitized erythrocytes obtained from infected owl monkeys (aotus trivirgatus) and stored in the frozen state retain both the capacity to incorporate 14c isoleucine into protein and to infect animals. the cryopreservation method involves the use of glycerol and the reconstitution of isotonicity after thawing. animals have been infected from material held for up to 273 days and protein synthesis has been demonstrated in vitro for up to 180 days after freezing. the specifici ...1975811124
invasion of erythrocytes by plasmodium falciparum in vitro.the erythrocytic stages of plasmodium falciparum from aotus trivirgatus were grown in mill hill medium. significant invasion of erythrocytes was obtained by a subculture technique. this invasion, by parasites grown in aotus erythrocytes, was greater when human erythrocytes were added to the cultures than when parasites were allowed to invade aotus erythrocytes. this difference appeared to be a function of the properties of the erythrocyte and was not serum dependent.1975812039
development of falciparum malaria in a panamanian subspecies of howler monkey. 1975812370
the search for new antimalarial drugs. 1975813015
malarial infections in aotus trivirgatus with special reference to renal pathology. ii. p. falciparum and mixed malaria infections.this paper describe the renal pathology in aotus trivirgatus (owl monkeys) following p. falciparum infections and also when the initial p. falciparum was followed by infection with p. malariae or p. brrasilianum. acute p. falciparum infections were associted with high parasitaemia but relatively mild changes in the glomeruli. this was also the case when a second infection with p. falciparum was given after the first infection had been terminated with chloroquine. four monkeys with multiple infec ...1975813757
relapse in malaria--an enigma. 1976815536
the effect of human immune igg on the in vitro development of plasmodium falciparum.plasmodium falciparum parasites infecting aotus trivirgatus erythrocytes were cultured in media (harvard and tc199) augmented with human, foetal calf, or other sera. conditions were established which supported growth of parasites and allowed cyclical multiplication when fresh erythrocytes (from aotus or homo) were added in sub-culture (mean multiplication rate: x3). immunoglobulin g pools, prepared from plasma collected in endemic malarious areas in africa and from unexposed britons, were teste ...1976817249
experimental infection of aotus monkeys with plasmodium falciparum light and electron microscopic changes.six splenectomized aotus owl monkeys were infected with p. falciparum. the animals were sacrificed when they became moribund and tissues were faken for light and electron microscopic studies. electron microscopy revealed marked structural changes in both the liver and the heart. in the liver there was glycogen depletion, lipid droplet infiltration mitochondrial disorganization with reduction in numbers and alterations of the microvilli in the sinusoidal pole and the bile canaliculi. in the heart ...1976817680
malarial infections in aotus trivirgatus with special reference to liver pathology. 1976819657
[chemotherapy and chemoprophylaxis of malaria (author's transl)].chloroquine and amodiaquine are demonstrably still the most reliable drugs for the treatment of malaria, except in the south east asia area, and in parts of south and central america where an altered sensitivity of falciparum plasmodia has been confirmed. the present position of malaria prophylaxis is, unfortunately, anything but satisfactory. but there are already some good preparations which, if correctly used with consideration of all available information, contribute considerably to the prev ...1976822313
[serodiagnosis of malaria (author's transl)].homologous and heterologous malaria pathogens were used as antigens for the determination of malaria antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence. homologous antibodies fell in the second half year, after successful treatment, down to the limit of demonstrability. in inhabitants of endemic malarial areas, who lived in the german federal republic, signs of a fall in antibodies could be observed after about 30 months. the predominance of particular malaria pathogens of the country of origin was recog ...1976823409
[different types of gametocytes in mammal's haemosporidia. correlations with the morphology of the tissue schizonts. hypothesis on the evolution of the group (author's transl)].the haemosporidia of mammals are classified in 3 groups according to the morphology of the gametocytes: 1) group "vivax" with hepatocystis and several species of plasmodium; 2) group "malariae" with nycteria and a second group of plasmodium; 3) group "falciparum" with only plasmodium. in each group there is a correlation between the morphology of the gametocytes and that of the exo-erythrocytic schizonts. through discussing the host-range and comparing the life cycles of haemosporidia in birds, ...1976823859
[unusual infectious diseases in a municipal hospital (author's transl)].the most important criteria for differential diagnosis are presented with reference to case histories: falciparum malaria: relapsing fever, hemolytic anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, leucopenia; kala-azar: insidious course with fever, pancytopenia, macrocytic anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, enlargement of lymph nodes; echinococcosis: symptoms of a benign tumor with displacement. diagnosis: by identification of the pathogen in malaria and kala-azar, serologically in all three diseases and also radiologica ...1976825760
culture of human malaria parasites plasmodium falciparum. 1976825784
studies with induced malarias in aotus monkeys.aotus monkeys have been shown to be susceptible to the three most important species of human malaria as well as to simian, ape, and rodent malaria. the parasites natural to man were maintained by serial passages using trophozoite infected blood. it was then possible to transfer the infections to, and among, other new world monkeys which previously were refractory. the parasites retained their viability in the monkey, were infective to mosquitos, and were transmitted between monkeys and back to m ...1976828228
the quartan malarial nephrotic syndrome.a specific relationship between p. malariae and the nephrotic syndrome, originally postulated on epidemiologic evidence, has been substantiated by clinical, pathologic and immunologic observations. it would appear that quartan malaria causes an immune complex nephritis in some individuals that, once established, is sustained by mechanisms not yet fully explained but which may involve an autoimmune process. evidence to support an immunologic pathogenesis of the renal lesions is provided by the pr ...1976828446
malaria eradication in portugal.research on malaria, which was endemic in several parts of portugal at the beginning of this century, was intensified in the 1940's and led to the development of better control methods, especially in the rice-growing areas of the country. in the 1950's residual ddt spraying was introduced and followed by extensive detection of cases of malaria and their treatment. plans for eradication of the disease were made, and by 1958 the transmission of the infection was interrupted in nearly all areas of ...1977888169
[results of a survey on post-transfusional malaria in france between 1960 and 1974].this inquire demonstrated that transfusion malaria was not so rare as we thought. so 56 cases have been numbered between 1960 and 1974, and probably they do not reflect exactly the real situation. in our country, plasmodium falciparum, specifically responsible of the most serious accidents, is the form most frequently incriminated and its frequency increases among the years: 76,1% of the infects between 1970 and 1974. at last we have confirmed that a prevent of those accidents must consider as a ...1976981874
ferrokinetics in patients with malaria: haemoglobin synthesis and normoblasts in vitro.bone marrow cultures in 15 plasmodium falciparum patients were studied both during and after parasitaemia. abnormalities were observed only in the group during parasitaemia. these abnormalities included: (1) decreased normoblastic number and cellular iron incorporation in all cases; (2) premature death of normoblasts during their development in the cultures in all cases; (3) defective haemoglobin synthesis in 3 of 11 cases (27%). a causal relationship between defective haemoglobin synthesis and ...1976982520
parasitological survey in gorontalo north sulawesi, indonesia.a survey for blood and intestinal parasites was carried out in the municipality of gorontalo on the minahasa peninsula of north sulawesi. a total of 156 stool specimens were obtained from 83 males and 73 females. trichuris trichiura, ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm, unidentified dicrocoeliid-like ova and entamoeba coli, in that order, were the most common intestinal parasites detected. other intestinal parasites found less frequently were entamoeba histolytica, iodamoeba bütschlii, endolimax nan ...19761030844
investigation of the evi antibody in parasitic diseases other than american trypanosomiasis. an anti-skeletal muscle antibody in leishmaniasis.the specificity of a circulating antibody observed in american trypanosomiasis and reacting with endocardium, blood vessels, and the interstitium of striated muscle (evi factor) was evaluated in the indirect fluorescent antibody test with 60 sera from patients with malaria, leishmaniasis, echinococcosis, amebiasis, african trypanosomiasis, toxoplasmosis, and trichinosis, collected from areas where chagas' disease is not endemic. two sera, 1 from a patient with plasmodium falciparum malaria and 1 ...19751089366
host failure in treatment of malaria with sulfalene and individual infected with a multidrug-resistant strain of plasmodium falciparum failed to respond to treatment with sulfalene and pyrimethamine. subinoculation studies showed that parasite resistance to the drug combination was not present. plasma levels of sulfalene and pyrimethamine in this individual were similar to those of three individuals, subinoculated from him, who were cured by the drug combination. erythrocyte levels of sulfalene in this individual were similar to those in an indivi ...19751090224
letter: unexplained fever. 19751090330
the prevalence and relationships of malaria, anemia, and malnutrition in a coastal area of el study the relationships between malaria, anemia and malnutrition, 853 school-age children from a high malaria incidence area and an adjacent low incidence area were surveyed in september 1972. for the high incidence area the malaria slide positivity rate was 3.5%, spleen rate 7.6% and malaria (indirect fluorescent antibody) serology positivity 24.7%. contrasted to this, no positive slides, only 3 palpable spleens and a 3.4% serology positivity rate were found for the low incidence area. twent ...19751091165
a prospective study of the effects of ultralow volume (ulv) aerial application of malathion on epidemic plasmodium falciparum malaria. i. study design and perspective.a large-scale prospective study was designed to test the effects of aerial ultralow volume (ulv) application of malathion on epidemic plasmodium falciparum malaria. the study was conducted during 1972 to 1973, in the miragoane valley of haiti, an area having annual anticipated outbreaks of malaria, which allowed prospective assessment. spraying of malathion at a dosage of 4.5 fluid ounces per acre reduced populations of adult anopheles albimanus to less than 1% of prespray levels and interrupted ...19751091167
a prospective study of the effects of ultralow volume (ulv) aerial application of malathion on epidemic plasmodium falciparum malaria. ii. entomologic and operational a large-scale study in the miragoane valley of haiti, designed to test the effects of aerial ultralow volume (ulv) malathion on epidemic plasmodium falciparum malaria, spray operations resulted in an immediate and sharp decline in numbers of the vector, anopheles albimanus. the adult population of this mosquito remained at less than 1% of previous levels until several weeks after a 50-day spray period (27 october-16 december 1972) during which six cycles were completed. the study area offered ...19751091168
a prospective study of the effects of ultralow volume (ulv) aerial application of malathion on epidemic plasmodium falciparum malaria. iii. ecologic aspects.the effects of aerial ultralow volume (ulv) malathion on selected species of nontarget animals in haiti are reported. mortality of certain groups of insects such as bees, flies, beetles, and butterflies was observed immediately following spray application. minor fish mortality occurred only in shallow water exposed to direct spray. the brain acetylcholine esterase levels of living fish, tree lizards, birds and bats collected from treated areas were not significantly reduced. no ill or dead anima ...19751091169
a prospective study of the effects of ultralow volume (ulv) aerial application of malathion on epidemic plasmodium falciparum malaria. iv. epidemiologic the miragoane valley of haiti a consistent pattern in the incidence of plasmodium falciparum malaria over a 10-year period made it possible to predict an annual outbreak and perform a prospective study to test the effects of aerial ultralow volume (ulv) malathion on epidemic levels of this disease. at the end of october 1972, after epidemic levels (100 cases/month/10,000 population) had been reached, spray operations were begun. the first spray cycle produced a sharp and immediate drop in pop ...19751091170
antimalarial effects of clindamycin in man.clindamycin 450 mg every 8 hours for 3 days cured three non-immune patients of falciparum malaria, although the response was slow. the addition of quinine to this regimen provided an accelerated response and cured 3 of 5 other patients. single doses of clindamycin given daily for 3 days, with or without quinine, cured 1 of 3 patients. gastric intolerance to the drugs, probably accentuated by the clinical condition, was pronounced in some cases, the course of treatment being interrupted in three ...19751091172
letter: prevention of chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria. 19751091190
[demonstration of chloroquine diphosphate resistance in plasmodium falciparum strains naturally infecting man in an area of the bolivar state, venezuela]. 19751091958
suppression of malaria with monthly administration of combined sulphadoxine and pyrimethamine.a trial of suppression of malaria by administration of combined sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine tablets every 28 days was undertaken in west malaysia during 1972. one thousand subjects were followed over a 10-month period, including control groups on placebo and on weekly chloroquine. subjects were examined monthly for parasitaemia, drug reactions, leucopenia, teratogenicity and haemolysis among the subjects deficient in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. rates of new infections in the placebo group ...19751092276
chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria from west irian and east kalimantan. 19751092277
new serological test for malaria an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test for malaria antibodies, antibodies to plasmodium vivax and p. falciparum in man are detected using a crude antigen prepared from the simian malaria parasite p. knowlesi. the test may be suitable for epidemiological studies.19751092412
effects of red cell extract on in vitro growth and multiplication of malarial extract of red blood cells was prepared from monkey blood. red cell extract (rce) of aotus monkeys was beneficial for the in-vitro cultivation of 2 strains of p. falciparum. the active material(s) in aotus rce was not sedimented by centrifugation at 34,800 g for 1 hr. rhesus monkey rce improved the growth of p. knowlesi for in-vitro cultivation through 4 schizogonous cycles (88 hr).19751092828
a model of how the sickle-cell gene produces malaria resistance. 19751092922
falciparum malaria semi-resistant to clindamycin.clindamycin, a semi-synthetic antibiotic of the lincomycin family, at a dose of 450 mg eight-hourly for three days in adults cured five out of 10 patients moderately ill with chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria. combination therapy with full-dose quinine and clindamycin for three days cured all four patients so treated who were followed up, and with half dosage three out of five patients were cured. both combinations, however, caused upper gastrointestinal toxicity and appeared to potentiat ...19751093609
falciparum malaria cured by quinine followed by sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine.quinine (at least four doses given at intervals of eight to 12 hours) followed by a single dose of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (fansidar) is the most effective treatment of chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria. this regimen cured 96% of patients (302 out of 314) with an average initial parasite count of 90 x 10-9/1.19751093610
letter: treatment of falciparum malaria. 19751093620
sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine in the treatment of falciparum malaria in vietnam. 19751094249
circadian and other rhythms of parasites. 19751094812
"topical nephropathy" and "tropical extramembranous glomerulonephritis" of unknown aetiology in senegal.a study of renal biopsy specimens obtained in senegal from 24 children and six adults with nephrotic syndrome showed two unusual varieties of nephropathy--namely, an extramembranous glomerulonephritis associated with hypocomplementaemia (four cases), a combination previously described only in systemic lupus erythematosus, and a "tropical nephropathy" (16 cases). the latter, though lacking the diffuse glomerular deposits of immunoglobulin described in quartan malarial nephropathy (q.m.n.), showed ...19751095112
cerebral malaria.cerebral malaria is an acute diffuse encephalopathy associated only with plasmodium falciparum. it is probably a consequence of the rapid proliferation of the parasites in the body of man in relation to red cell invasion, and results in stagnation of blood flow in cerebralcapillaries with thromobotic occlusion of large numbers of cerebral capillaries. the subsequent cerebral pathology is cerebral infarction with haemorrhage and cerebral oedema. the wide prevalence of p. falciparum in highly ende ...19751095294
chloroquine resistant malaria in west malaysia.chloroquine resistance is a well established entity in south east asia, and presents a problem of increasing importance. strains of p. falciparum resistant to chloroquine have also been found to be resistant to amodiaquine and a combination of pyrimethamine and sulphadoxine. knowledge of the drug sensitivity of the strains of malaria parasite in a given locality is important so that the right choice of drugs can be made in treatment of the disease. the treatment of chloroquine resistant malaria ...19751095776
studies on coagulation and fibrinolysis in cases of falciparum malaria.coagulation and fibrinolytic studies were conducted in 18 cases of severe falciparum malaria including cases with parasitaemia above 5% and with pernicious manifestations such as coma, jaundice, anuria, pulmonary oedema, bleeding tendency, etc., irrespective of parasitaemia. marked changes in blood coagulograms and high levels of serum fibrin degradation products appeared only in cases with very severe cerebral involvement and also in cases with very high parasitaemia alone. these investigations ...19751096306
comparison of diaminodiphenylsulphonepyrimethamine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine combinations in the treatment of falciparum malaria in thailand. 19751096374
the rapid isolation from human blood of concentrated, white-cell-free preparations of plasmodium falciparum.the sucrose gradient centrifugation method has been applied to representative samples of human (gambian) blood infected with ring, trophozoite, schizont and gametocyte stages of p. falciparum in order to assess quantitatively the efficiency of recovery, white cell removal and the degree of enrichment of the infected cell fraction. maximal white cell removal was 90%. (a.v.) average infected cell recoveries varied with the level of white cell contamination, namely 47% (2-5% wbc), 34% (1-2% wbc) an ...19751096379
observations on malaria in indonesian timor.malaria parasitemias were found in 35% of 520 individuals from a village in timor, indonesia. plasmodium falciparum accounted for 80% of infections. the existence of p. ovale in timor is reported for the first time. the who standard field test for drug resistance did not reveal significant resistance of p. falciparum or p. vivax to chloroquine.19751098490
application of the indirect fluorescent antibody method in a study of malaria endemicity in mato grosso, brazil.four surveys of malaria endemicity were conducted in the cuiabá sector of mato grosso state, brazil, at 6-month intervals during the period april 1970 to september 1971; during april 1970 a survey was also conducted in the campo grande sector. over 4,000 dual specimens--blood films for parasite diagnosis and filter paper blood spots for determination of fluorescent antibody (ifa) response--were collected from the general population, including school populations whenever possible. parasitologic e ...19751098491
natural infections of anopheles albimanus with plasmodium in a small malaria focus.entomologic surveys conducted in a small village in an area of known high malaria transmission in el salvador yielded a high rate of infection in anopheles albimanus collected inside houses in which cases of malaria had occurred. of 324 specimens dissected, 12 were found to harbor sporozoites or oocysts. this is in contrast to prior reports of extremely low infection rates in collections of this species from malarious areas, and suggests that under some circumstances a. albimanus does meet the c ...19751098498
amodiaquine resistant falciparum malaria in thailand.amodiaquine cured 38% (13/34) of patients with falciparum malaria in southeast thailand. chloroquine cured 0% (0/13). the cure rates with amodiaquine were the same whether a 1.5 g or 2.0 g course was used. most patients were resistant to amodiaquine at the ri level and to chloroquine at the rii level. in hospital, amodiaquine cleared parasitemia more frequently than did chloroquine. with the 2.0 g course of amodiaquine, the parasite clearance time was 77 hours; the fever clearance time of 36 hou ...19751098499
chloroquine resistance of plasmodium falciparum in west irian and east kalimantan.evidence is presented of the chloroquine-resistance in plasmodium falciparum in west irian and east kalimantan as shown by clinical observation and quantitative parasite counts in two patients hospitalized in tokyo where no natural transmission of malaria occurs. the evidence is supported by the determination of plasma chloroquine levels, and in vitro sensitivity tests. the highest plasma level of chloroquine in the patient infected in west irian was 197 ng/ml (fourth treatment) and 435 ng/ml (f ...19751098587
studies on atp level in erythrocytes of patients with plasmodium falciparum malaria. 19751099162
[malaria tropica--diagnosis and diagnostic errors]. 19751099398
[letter: mechanism of hemolysis in the pernicious attack caused by plasmodium falciparum]. 19751099538
[immunodiagnosis of malaria(author's transl)]. 19751099572
malaria prophylaxis.a trial of malaria prophylaxis was carried out on 744 army personnel who were camping in an endemic area over a 3-month period. three antimalarial drugs were used under strict control and the local population was used as a control, to prove that malaria was present during this time. no cases of malaria occurred in the trial group during this period.19751099692
[duration of action of the pyrimethamine-sulfametopyrazine combination in a plasmodium falciparum endemic zone].the duration of action of the drug antemal, a combination of pyrimethamine and sulfametopyrazine, was eveluated in bobo-dioulasso, upper volta, west africa, and endemic zone for plasmodium falciparum malaria. the study was held during the season of maximum malaria transmission. 79 persons presenting with an acute attack of malaria were studied; 37 persons received a single dose of chloroquine sulfate (nivaquine), at a dose of 15 mg./kg.; 42 persons received a single dose of antemal at a dose of ...19751100287
[malaria in children, with special reference to cerebral malaria (author's transl)].those who live in areas where malaria is endemic, acquire immunity by continuous contact. this immunity cannot be acquired during a short holiday. children in endemic areas acquire a more severe form of malaria during the period of developing immunity and more often suffer complications like acute hemolytic anemia and, in the case of plasmodium falciparum infection, cerebral malaria. this is a report of 39 cases of cerebral malaria which corresponds to an acute encephslopathy with high temperatu ...19751100897
[problem of malaria and antimalarial measures in northern afghanistan. 1. malaria in northern afghanistan]. 19751101014
[the problem of the transfer of malaria across the boundaries of the ussr]. 19751101019
evidence for a malaria mitogen in human malaria. 19751101075
probable chloroquine-resistant plasmodium falciparum malaria from mozambique a case report.a female patient with plasmodium falciparum malaria apparently resistant to chloroquine is descirbed. she had recently returned from mozambique, which may prove to be a new endemic are with resistant strains. the infection was successfully treated with quinine.19751101388
some effects of partial malaria suppression in ugandan children during the first 3 years of life. 19751101459
letter: the durian season in peninsular malaysia as a factor in the epidemiology of malaria. 19751101460
letter: multiple thick films on the same slide. 19751101462
comparison of a 9-phenanthrene methanol (wr33063), a 4-quinoline methanol (wr30090), and quinine for falciparum malaria in thailand.quinine was compared with a 9-phenanthrene methanol (wr33063) and a 4-quinoline methanol (wr30090) for the treatment of 207 patients with falciparum malaria in southeast thailand. quinine eradicated parasitaemia (average 70 hours) more rapidly than either wr30090 (72 hours) or wr33063 (77 hours). but wr33063 had a higher cure rate (92%) than wr30090 (86%) or quinine (85%). the mean duration of fever and of parasitaemia were combined with the failure rate to form an arbitrary efficacy index. usin ...19751101464
longitudinal malaria studies in rural northeast thailand. chloroquine treatment of falciparum malaria infections.the efficacy of chloroquine in the treatment of falciparum malaria was studied in two villages in northeast thailand, an area endemic for chloroquine-resistant falciparum infections. chloroquine did not appear to reduce the duration or density of parasitemias experienced by asymptomatic villagers, but did benefit, usually temporarily, many subjects with symptomatic or high-density infections. these observations suggest that the high prevalence of chloroquine-resistant infections in the villages ...19751101487
applications of immunofluorescence to the seroepidemiology of malaria. 19751101775
letter: malaria in britain. 19751102056
the cytocentrifuge for the isolation of parasites from the blood. 19751102109
fatal falciparum malaria among narcotic injectors.eleven narcotic injectors from a prison in saigon were hospitalized with falciparum malaria. coma and intense parasitemia were common and eight patients died soon after admission. two of three autopsied cases also had purulent pulmonary infections. no non-addicted prisoners were hospitalized for malaria. nine more unsuspected falciparum infections were found among 29 other addicts in the prison. the clustering of malaria infections among narcotic injectors who had not been in malarious areas ind ...19751103639
acetylator phenotype and response of individuals infected with a chloroquine-resistant strain of plasmodium falciparum to sulfalene and pyrimethamine.acetylator phenotype was determined in 33 volunteers who were infected with a chloroquine-resistant strain of plasmodium falciparum and who received, for cure, 2 g of sulfalene and 50 mg of pyrimethamine. this drug combination did not cure 5 of 14 rapid acetylators and 3 of 19 slow acetylators. this difference is not significant. plasma levels of non-acetylated sulfalene, acetylated sulfalene, acetylation, and biologic half-life of non-acetylated sulfalene after administration of the combination ...19751103640
the treatment of malaria. 19751105541
mefloquine (wr 142,490) in the treatment of human malaria.mefloquine hydrochloride, a new 4-quinolinemethanol, was administered as a single oral dose to 47 volunteers infected with malaria. treatment resulted in rapid clearence of fever and parasitemia. no recrudescence of parasites was observed after treatment of chloroquine-sensitive infections of plasmodium falciparum. more significantly, in nonimmune persons with chloroquine-resistant infections, 1 gram of mefloquine cured 10 of 12 patients and 1.5 grams cured all 8 patients who received this dose ...19751105787
chemosuppressive field trials in thailand. ii. the suppression of plasmodium falciparum and plasmodium vivax parasitemias by a diformyldapsone-pyrimethamine an area of thailand where chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria is known to exist, a chemosuppressive field trial was undertaken to test the efficacy of the preparation diformyldapsone (dfd) combined with pyrimethamine (py) in suppressing falciparum and vivax parasitemias. six hundred and fifty-nine thai villagers were randomly assigned to one of five treatment groups: dfd-py; dapsone (dds)-py; dfd alone; py alone; and placebo. five hundred and ninety-three study subjects completed the 26- ...19751106229
bilateral pleural effusions with plasmodium falciparum infection. 19751106230
chloroquine in malaria chemotherapy. 19751107292
evaluation of in vitro drug sensitivity of human plasmodium falciparum by incorporation of radioactive isoleucine. 19751107459
editorial: new antimalarial agents. 19751107583
comparative efficiency of pyrimethamine-sulphormethoxine in malaria suppression given as single weekly, fortnightly and monthly doses.2. one hundred and seventy inhabitants of the ilorin area, nigeria, were observed over a period of five months during the season of maximum malaria transmission while taking pyrimethamine-sulphormethoxine weekly, fortnightly and every four weeks. 2. there was no episode of malaria parasitaemia in the group receiving weekly doses of 25 mg. pyrimethamine and 0-5 mg. sulphormethoxine throughout the course of the trials. 3. there was one episode of asexual parasitaemia at the second month in the gro ...19751107584
[the campaign against malaria at a crossroad]. 19751107697
[tropical malaria infections. diagnostic and therapeutic problems]. 19761107745
[salmonella bacteremia and cerebral malaria. a case with fatal coincidence of 2 imported diseases]. 19761108331
the seroepidemiology of malaria in middle america. ii. studies on the pacific coast of costa rica.serologic studies for malaria using the indirect fluorescent antibody technique suggest that active transmission is either absent or very low in 6 villages on the pacific side of costa rica. positive titers (1:20 or higher) were seen in the under-15-year age group in three of the study localities, but only 5 such responses were encountered among 249 people examined in this age range. in the adults (15 years and over) from the same 3 villages there were 68 positive titers among 161 examined. ther ...19751190364
analysis of the principal problems impeding normal development of malaria eradication programs.the problems currently impeding the advance of anti-malaria programs in the americas fall into several different categories. these include vector resistance to insecticides, parasite resistance to chloroquine, human behavior patterns which promote human/vector contact or reduce the impact of control efforts, and developments affecting operation, administration, and financing of the control program itself. vector resistance, of course, may be either physiological, behavioral, or both. with regard ...19751240013
acute renal failure in tropical africa.between 1972 and 1975, 55 adult patients with acute renal failure were admitted to the renal unit of korle bu hospital. fourteen patients died, giving an overall death rate of 25%. massive intravascular haemolysis after a short febrile illness was the commonest cause of acute renal failure. clinically these patients presented with blackwater fever but in only one could plasmodium falciparum malaria be confidently diagnosed. in half the patients various bacterial and viral infections (especially ...19761260396
polymorphism in the circumsporozoite protein of the human malaria parasite plasmodium vivax.the circumsporozoite (cs) protein that covers the surface of infectious sporozoites is a candidate antigen in malaria vaccine development. to determine the extent of b- and t-epitope polymorphism and to understand the mechanisms of antigenic variability, we have characterized the cs protein gene of plasmodium vivax from field isolates representing geographically distant regions of papua new guinea (png) and brazil. in the central repeat region of the cs protein, in addition to variation in the n ...19921279418
inhibitory monoclonal antibodies recognise epitopes adjacent to a proteolytic cleavage site on the rap-1 protein of plasmodium falciparum.the low-molecular-weight rhoptry-associated protein (rap) complex of plasmodium falciparum consists of at least two gene products, rap-1 and rap-2, and has the ability to immunise saimiri monkeys against experimental p. falciparum infection. several monoclonal antibodies specifically recognise this complex and in this study we show that purified immunoglobulin derived from these monoclonals is capable of inhibiting parasite growth in vitro. it has previously been shown that rap-1 initially appea ...19921279419
human monoclonal antibodies against plasmodium falciparum: production, stabilization and characterization.nine human monoclonal antibodies (moabs) recognizing 7 different antigenic structures of blood-stages of the human malarial parasite p. falciparum (pf) were produced by epstein-barr virus transformed b-cell lines (ebv-tcl) with or without fusion to the lymphoblastoid cell line kr4. the peripheral blood b-lymphocytes were obtained from 8 gambian donors immune to pf malaria. two of the ebv-tcl could be expanded and maintained for more than 6 months but neither one could be cloned. six additional e ...19921279503
construction of synthetic immunogens: use of t- and b-cell epitopes of cs and resa proteins of plasmodium invariant t-helper epitope of the sequence endiekkickmekcssvfnv (residue no. 376-395) from the circumsporozoite (cs) protein was coupled chemically with the repeat sequences, namely (eenv)2, eenvehda and ddehveeptva, of ring-infected erythrocyte surface antigen (resa) protein of plasmodium falciparum. the cs sequence was tested for helper and proliferative activity in five inbred strains of mice of different haplotypes. the cs peptide showed dose-dependent lymphocyte proliferative response in ...19921279906
distribution of repetitive and non-repetitive circumsporozoite protein epitopes on plasmodium falciparum sporozoites and immunochemical characterization of human malaria antisera.the presence and distribution of circumsporozoite protein (csp) epitopes located in the repetitive and non-repetitive regions were studied in three plasmodium falciparum strains, nf54, ifa5 and ifa6. it was found by immunofluorescence, western blotting and immunoelectron microscopy that mabs to epitopes of the repetitive domaine bound similarly to the csp of all three strains. mabs to epitopes of the flanking regions yielded either some strain differences (mabs to the c-terminal end), or reacted ...19921279961
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