
genetic characterization of pseudomonas fluorescens sbw25 rsp gene expression in the phytosphere and in vitro.the plant-colonizing pseudomonas fluorescens strain sbw25 harbors a gene cluster (rsp) whose products show similarity to type iii protein secretion systems found in plant and animal pathogens. here we report a detailed analysis of the expression and regulation of the p. fluorescens rsp pathway, both in the phytosphere and in vitro. a combination of chromosomally integrated transcriptional reporter fusions, overexpressed regulatory genes, and specific mutants reveal that promoters controlling exp ...200516321952
the indigenous pseudomonas plasmid pqbr103 encodes plant-inducible genes, including three putative helicases.plasmid pqbr103 ( approximately 400 kb) is representative of many self-transmissible, mercury resistant plasmids observed in the pseudomonas community colonising the phytosphere of sugar beet. a promoter trapping strategy (ivet) was employed to identify pqbr103 genes showing elevated levels of expression on plant surfaces. thirty-seven different plant-inducible gene fusions were isolated that were silent in laboratory media, but active in the plant environment. three of the fusions were to dna s ...200416329852
influence of plant species on population dynamics, genotypic diversity and antibiotic production in the rhizosphere by indigenous pseudomonas spp.the population dynamics, genotypic diversity and activity of naturally-occurring 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (dapg)-producing pseudomonas spp. was investigated for four plant species (wheat, sugar beet, potato, lily) grown in two different soils. all four plant species tested, except lily and in some cases wheat, supported relatively high rhizosphere populations (5 x 10(4) to 1 x 10(6) cfu/g root) of indigenous dapg-producing pseudomonas spp. during successive cultivation in both a take-all suppr ...200416329893
effect of water quality on yield of sugar beet and sweet study the effects of quality of water on soil and plant, an experiment was conducted at rudashat drainage and reclamation experiment station in 1999. four irrigation water salinities (2, 5, 8 and 11 ds m(-1)) and two sugar crops (sugar beet and sweet sorghum) were used in this experiment. the results showed that under the same water quality, sweet sorghum used 2700 cubic meter per hectare less water than sugar beet. as the quality of irrigation water decreased, the soil salinity and exchangea ...200516334287
the influence of dietary carbohydrates on experimental infection with trichuris suis in pigs.two experiments (exps 1 and 2) were carried out to study the effect of dietary carbohydrates on the establishment of trichuris suis in pigs. two experimental diets based on barley flour were used; diet 1 was supplemented with non-fermentable carbohydrates from oat hull meal, while diet 2 was supplemented with fermentable carbohydrates from sugar beet fibre and inulin. in exp. 1, thirty-two pigs were allocated randomly into 4 groups. two groups were fed diet 1 and 2 groups were fed diet 2. pigs f ...200516336739
zoospore encystment and pathogenicity of phytophthora and pythium species on plant plant species (lucerne, maize, oat, sugarbeet, sorghum, tomato, wheat) and 12 pythium and phytophthora species were used in a comparative study designed to investigate the effects of plant and oomycete inter-specific variation on zoospore encystment density and pathogenicity. zoospores showed differential encystment behaviour and they encysted more on dicotyledonous than on monocotyledonous plants. pythium aphanidermatum, p. deliense, and phytophthora nicotianae were the most aggressive sp ...200616338584
bacterial symbionts in the sugar beet root maggot, tetanops myopaeformis (von röder).aerobic heterotrophic and facultative anaerobic bacteria were isolated from all developmental stages of the sugar beet root maggot, tetanops myopaeformis (von röder). two distinct bacterial symbiotic relationships were observed. serratia liquefaciens and serratia marcescens were found to be associated with all developmental stages. bacterial symbiont transmission occurred from one generation to the next. symbionts were transferred from the male reproductive system to the female reproductive syst ...198416346457
population dynamics of sugar beets, rhizoctonia solani, and laetisaria arvalis: responses of a host, plant pathogen, and hyperparasite to perturbation in the field.rhizoctonia solani causes crown rot of sugar beets, a severe disease that has destroyed up to 60% of the plants in a test field in western nebraska. laetisaria arvalis, a natural hyperparasite of rhizoctonia spp., was isolated from fields in western nebraska. to test for the potential for biological control of r. solani, in november 1980 (following harvest) we applied various combinations of a nematicide (telone ii; dow chemical co.), a nutrition source (sugar beet pulp), and an inoculum of l. a ...198516346925
effect of bacteriophage on colonization of sugarbeet roots by fluorescent pseudomonas spp.the colonization potential of two fluorescent pseudomonas strains (m11/4, b2/6) that exhibit antifungal activity in vitro was studied on the roots of sugarbeet plants in a clay loam soil. the cell density of the introduced bacteria declined on the root system over a 16-day test period in nonsterile soil. strain b2/6 declined at a significantly faster rate compared with m11/4. this loss in viability and difference in colonization ability between m11/4 and b2/6 was not observed in sterile soil. nu ...198716347343
use of the most-probable-number technique to detect polymyxa betae (plasmodiophoromycetes) in soil.the fungus polymyxa betae is an obligate parasite of the roots of many plants of the family chenopodiaceae. in the sugar beet, it acts as a vector of beet necrotic yellow vein virus, the agent of a serious disease known as rhizomania. with indirect methods of analysis, such as bioassay, one can establish only the presence or absence, but not the quantity, of p. betae in soil. a new method based on the technique of the most probable number (mpn) of infective units of p. betae present in the soil ...198916347917
identification and plant interaction of a phyllobacterium sp., a predominant rhizobacterium of young sugar beet plants.the second most abundant bacterium on the root surface of young sugar beet plants was identified as a phyllobacterium sp. (rhizobiaceae) based on a comparison of the results of 39 conventional identification tests, 167 api tests, 30 antibiotic susceptibility tests, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic fingerprints of total cellular proteins with type strains of phyllobacterium myrsinacearum and phyllobacterium rubiacearum. it was found on 198 of 1,100 investigated plants ...199016348158
fast-growing, aerobic, heterotrophic bacteria from the rhizosphere of young sugar beet, aerobic, heterotrophic bacteria from the root surface of young sugar beet plants were inventoried. isolation of the most abundant bacteria from the root surface of each of 1,100 plants between the second and tenth leaf stage yielded 5,600 isolates. these plants originated from different fields in belgium and spain. all isolates were characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of total cellular proteins. comparison of protein fingerprints allowed us to ...199016348342
evaluation of polymyxa betae keskin contaminated by beet necrotic yellow vein virus in soil.the fungus polymyxa betae keskin belongs to the family plasmodiophoraceae and lives in the soil as an obligatory parasite of the roots of the chenopodiaceae. when contaminated by beet necrotic yellow vein virus, this viruliferous fungus causes a serious disease of sugar beet known as rhizomania, whereas the infection by the fungus alone (aviruliferous fungus) causes only slight damage to the plant with little economic consequence. the manifestation of rhizomania in sugar beet is directly related ...199116348514
isolation of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol from a fluorescent pseudomonad and investigation of physiological parameters influencing its production.pseudomonas sp. strain f113 was isolated from the rhizosphere of sugar beets and shown to inhibit a range of plant pathogenic fungi by producing an antibioticlike compound. an antibiotic-negative mutant strain, f113g22, was generated by transposon mutagenesis. this mutant has lost the ability to inhibit both bacterial and fungal microorganisms on high-iron medium. the antibioticlike compound was subsequently identified as 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (dapg), and a high-pressure liquid chromatograp ...199216348633
enhanced growth and activity of a biocontrol bacterium genetically engineered to utilize salicylate.plasmid nah7 was transferred from pseudomonas putida ppg7 to p. putida r20 [r20(nah7)], an antagonist of pythium ultimum. the plasmid did not affect growth or survival of r20(nah7) and was stably maintained under nonselective conditions in broth and soil and on sugar beet seeds. plasmid nah7 conferred to r20(nah7) the ability to utilize salicylate in culture, agricultural field soil, and on sugar beet seeds. the metabolic activity of r20(nah7), but not the wild-type r20, was greatly increased in ...199316348985
derivation of mutants of erwinia carotovora subsp. betavasculorum deficient in export of pectolytic enzymes with potential for biological control of potato soft rot.erwinia carotovora subsp. betavasculorum ecb168 produces an antibiotic(s) that suppresses growth of the related bacterium erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora in culture and in wounds of potato tubers. strain ecb168 also produces and secretes pectolytic enzymes and causes a vascular necrosis and root rot of sugar beet. genes (out) involved in secretion of pectolytic enzymes by ecb168 were localized to two hindiii fragments (8.5 and 10.5 kb) of ecb168 genomic dna by hybridization to the cloned ou ...199416349316
analysis of expression of a phenazine biosynthesis locus of pseudomonas aureofaciens pgs12 on seeds with a mutant carrying a phenazine biosynthesis locus-ice nucleation reporter gene fusion.a derivative of pseudomonas aureofaciens pgs12 expressing a promoterless ice nucleation gene under the control of a phenazine biosynthesis locus was used to study the expression of a phenazine antibiotic locus (phz) during bacterial seed colonization. seeds of various plants were inoculated with wild-type pgs12 and a pgs12 ice nucleation-active phz:inaz marker exchange derivative and planted in soil, and the expression of the reporter gene was monitored at different intervals for 48 h during see ...199416349467
phosphorus sequestration by chemical amendments to reduce leaching from wastewater applications.phosphorus-immobilizing amendments can be useful in minimizing p leaching from high p soils that may be irrigated with wastewater. this study tested the p-binding ability of various amendment materials in a laboratory incubation experiment and then tested the best amendment in a field setup using drainage lysimeters. the laboratory experiment involved incubating 100-g samples of soil (72 mg kg(-1) water-extractable phosphorus, wep) with various amendments at different rates for 63 d at field moi ...200616391292
antifungal efficacy of chitosan and its thiourea derivatives upon the growth of some sugar-beet pathogens.chitosan (cs) was modified by reaction with benzoyl thiocyanate to give a thiourea derivative (tucs). the antifungal behavior of chitosan and its thiourea derivative was investigated in vitro on the mycelial growth, sporulation and germination of conidia or sclerotia of the following sugar-beet: beta vulgaris pathogens isolated in egypt, rhizoctonia solani kühn (ag(2-2)) sclerotium rolfsii sacc. and fusarium solani (mart.) sacc. all the prepared thiourea derivatives had a significant inhibiting ...200616413607
in vitro fermentation of sugar beet arabinan and arabino-oligosaccharides by the human gut determine the fermentation profiles by human gut bacteria of arabino-oligosaccharides of varying degree of polymerization.200616430518
taproot promoters cause tissue specific gene expression within the storage root of sugar beet.the storage root (taproot) of sugar beet (beta vulgaris l.) originates from hypocotyl and primary root and contains many different tissues such as central xylem, primary and secondary cambium, secondary xylem and phloem, and parenchyma. it was the aim of this work to characterize the promoters of three taproot-expressed genes with respect to their tissue specificity. to investigate this, promoters for the genes tlp, his1-r, and mll were cloned from sugar beet, linked to reporter genes and transf ...200616482437
[metabolites of pseudomonas bacteria as the selective factor of sugar beet resistance to bacterioses].morphogenetic activity of varieties, hybrids of sugar beet was investigated and a stuff with high morphogenetic potential in vitro was selected for further work. activity of isolated metabolites of pseudomonas genus bacteria and a possibility of their use as selective factors for cellular selection was investigated. cellular clones and plants-regenerants of sugar beet were obtained on selective media and their resistance to bacterioses in conditions in vitro and in vivo were analyzed.200516493887
[rapd analysis of plant pathogenic coryneform bacteria].rapd analysis was used for the taxonomy of plant pathogenic coryneform bacteria, especially for the classification of two new pathogens (curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. basellae pv. nov. and curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. beticola pv. nov.). 20 random primers were screened from 50 ones to detect polymorphism among the total strains used. 80.4% were polymorphic bands among the 225 ones produced. the results of pairwise similarity and upgma cluster analysis suggest that the two new pathovars ...200516496687
azetidine-2-carboxylic acid in garden beets (beta vulgaris).azetidine-2-carboxylic acid (l-aze) is a toxic and teratogenic non-protein amino acid. in many species, including man, l-aze is misincorporated into protein in place of proline, altering collagen, keratin, hemoglobin, and protein folding. in animal models of teratogenesis, it causes a wide range of malformations. the role of l-aze in human disease has been unexplored, probably because the compound has not been associated with foods consumed by humans. herein we report the presence of l-aze in th ...200616516254
mutational disruption of the biosynthesis genes coding for the antifungal metabolite 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol does not influence the ecological fitness of pseudomonas fluorescens f113 in the rhizosphere of sugarbeets.the ability of pseudomonas fluorescens f113 to produce the antibiotic 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (dapg) is a key factor in the biocontrol of the phytopathogenic fungus pythium ultimum by this strain. in this study, a dapg-producing strain (rifampin-resistant mutant f113rif) was compared with a nearly isogenic dapg-negative biosynthesis mutant (tn5::laczy derivative f113g22) in terms of the ability to colonize and persist in the rhizosphere of sugarbeets in soil microcosms during 10 plant growth- ...199516535101
impact of field release of genetically modified pseudomonas fluorescens on indigenous microbial populations of a field release experiment, an isolate of pseudomonas fluorescens, which was chromosomally modified with two reporter gene cassettes (laczy and kan(supr)-xyle), was applied to spring wheat as a seed coating and subsequently as a foliar spray. the wild-type strain was isolated from the phylloplane of sugar beet but was found to be a common colonizer of both the rizosphere and phylloplane of wheat as well. the impact on the indigenous microbial populations resulting from release of this genetic ...199516535129
the acquisition of indigenous plasmids by a genetically marked pseudomonad population colonizing the sugar beet phytosphere is related to local environmental conditions.the transfer of naturally occurring conjugative plasmids from the indigenous microflora to a genetically modified population of bacteria colonizing the phytospheres of plants has been observed. the marked strain (pseudomonas fluorescens sbw25eezy6kx) was introduced as a seed dressing to sugar beets (beta vulgaris var. amethyst) as part of a field experiment to assess the ecology and genetic stability of deliberately released bacterial inocula. the sustained populations of the introduced strain, ...199716535580
impact of plasmid pqbr103 acquisition and carriage on the phytosphere fitness of pseudomonas fluorescens sbw25: burden and benefit.the phytosphere population densities of pseudomonas fluorescens sbw25eezy6kx (laczx aph xyle) carrying pqbr103 (hg(supr) tra(sup+), 330 kbp) declined significantly relative to plasmid-free populations after seed inoculation. as the sugar beet plants matured, ca. 100 days after planting, simultaneous selections for plasmid-carrying hosts were observed in the phyllospheres and rhizospheres of field-grown plants. the recovery of these populations to densities indistinguishable from the densities of ...199716535581
beet leafhopper (hemiptera: cicadellidae) settling behavior, survival, and reproduction on selected host plants.experiments were conducted to determine the settling behavior, survival, and reproduction of the beet leafhopper, circulifer tenellus (baker), when maintained on selected host plants. this leafhopper was recently identified in the columbia basin of washington and oregon as the probable vector of the beet leafhopper-transmitted virescence agent phytoplasma, causal agent of several vegetable crop diseases, including potato purple top. plants selected for study were sugar beet, beta vulgaris l.; ra ...200516539100
biological control of rice bacterial blight by plant-associated bacteria producing 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol.certain plant-associated strains of fluorescent pseudomonas spp. are known to produce the antimicrobial antibiotic 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (dapg). it has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antihelminthic properties and has played a significant role in the biological control of tobacco, wheat, and sugar beet diseases. it has never been reported from india and has not been implicated in the biological suppression of a major disease of the rice crop. here, we report that a subpopulation o ...200616541159
ethanol fermentation of mahula (madhuca latifolia l.) flowers using free and immobilized yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae.there is a growing interest to find alternate bioresources for production of ethanol, apart from cane/sugar beet molasses and starchy crops like sweet sorghum, cassava and sweet potato. mahula (madhuca latifolia l.) is a forest tree abundantly available in the indian subcontinent and its flowers are very rich in fermentable sugars (28.1-36.3 g 100 g(-1)). batch fermentation of fresh and 12-month-stored flowers with free (whole cells) and immobilized cells of saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ctcr ...200716580830
trace element availability and plant growth in a mine-spill contaminated soil under assisted natural remediation i. soils.we evaluated the effects of different amendments and/or a plant cover on reclamation of a trace element contaminated soil. seven treatments were established: four organic (leonardite (leo), litter (lit), municipal waste compost (mwc), biosolid compost (bc)), one inorganic (sugar beet lime (sl)) and two controls (control without amendment but with agrostis (ctrp) and control without amendment and without agrostis (ctr)). results showed that total organic c was significantly higher in organic trea ...200616581109
use of the in vitro cumulative gas production technique for pigs: an examination of alterations in fermentation products and substrate losses at various time experiment was conducted to examine changes in vfa and ammonia concentrations at different time points using 4 fermentable carbohydrate-rich feed ingredients as substrates and feces of unweaned piglets as inoculum. fecal inoculum was collected, pooled, and mixed from 9 specially raised (no creep feed or antibiotics) crossbred piglets at 3 wk of age. inulin, lactulose, molasses-free sugar beet pulp, and wheat starch were used as substrates and were fermented in vitro for 72 h (3 replicates per ...200616612013
decreased abundance and diversity of culturable pseudomonas spp. populations with increasing copper exposure in the sugar beet rhizosphere.recent studies have indicated that culturable bacteria constitute highly sensitive bioindicators of metal-induced stress in soil. we report the impact of different copper exposure levels characteristic of contaminated agricultural soils on culturable pseudomonas spp. in the rhizosphere of sugar beet. we observed that the abundance of pseudomonas spp. was much more severely affected than that of the general population of culturable heterotrophic bacteria by copper. for diversity assessment, pseud ...200616629757
study on dna diversity of iranian populations of erysiphe betae causal agent of sugar beet powdery mildew.107 samples of e. betae were collected on infected leaves from all over iranian beet cultivation areas. their choosing were based on geographical and host origin(sugar beet, red beet, fodder beet and wild beet). 30 isolates were single colonized and grown on sugar beet susceptible genotype 7233. 107 specimens were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (its) and 5.8s dna which previously amplified by the polymerase chain reaction ...200516637196
study on the overwintering of cleistothecia and conidia of erysiphe betae causal agent of sugar beet powdery mildew in iran.sugar beet leaves covered by sexual (cleistothecia) and asexual forms (mycelia and conidia) of erysiphe betae were gathered at harvest time and maintained under natural outdoor conditions. in order to determine the function of cleistothecia and also conidia in the overwintering of e. betae some experiments were performed. the results showed that ascospores were unable to be released in petri dishes but their release under natural conditions occurred after 4 months. under in vitro conditions asco ...200516637197
alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase from radish (raphanus sativus l.) alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase has been purified 1043-fold from radish (raphanus sativus l.) seeds. the purified enzyme was a homogeneous glycoprotein consisting of a single polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 64,000 and an isoelectric point value of 4.7, as evidenced by denaturing gel electrophoresis and reversed-phase or size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography and isoelectric focusing. the enzyme characteristically catalyzes the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl alpha-l-ar ...199216652973
invertase inhibitors from red beet, sugar beet, and sweet potato roots.invertase inhibitors have been isolated and partially purified from red beets, sugar beets, and sweet potatoes. these inhibitors are thermolabile proteins with molecular weights of 18,000 to 23,000. they do not inhibit yeast and neurospora invertases, but they are reactive with potato tuber invertase and other plant invertases with ph optima near 4.5. there are differences in reactivity of the inhibitors with some of the plant invertases, however. for most invertases, red beet and sugar beet inh ...196816656933
chromatin- and nuclei-directed ribonucleic acid synthesis in sugar beet root.the synthesis of rna by chromatin-bound rna polymerase prepared from sugar beet (beta vulgaris) root tissue is completely dependent on the presence of a divalent metal (mg(2+) or mn(2+)) and the presence of four ribonucleoside triphosphates. accumulation of labeled acid-insoluble product is inhibited by the addition of rnase and actinomycin d to the reaction. when beet root slices are washed for 25 hours, chromatin-associated rna polymerase activity increases 7-fold over that of unwashed tissue. ...197116657606
effects of gamma irradiation on chromatin activity of sugar beet tissue.chromatin-associated rna polymerase activity increases during washing of sugar beet tissue to a maximum by 20 hours. this increase was inhibited by dosages of gamma irradiation between 50 and 400 krad. template availability, as measured by saturating levels of added escherichia coli rna polymerase, also increased with washing and was inhibited, although to a lesser extent, by the above irradiation dosages. neither endogenous polymerase activity nor template availability was affected by high dosa ...197116657702
differences in lipid composition between undifferentiated and mature maize chloroplasts.lipid compositions of undifferentiated maize (zea mays) chloroplasts, capable of fixing co(2), were compared with the lipid compositions of mature chloroplasts, which do not fix co(2), located in both the mesophyll and bundle sheath cells. the major lipids found in all three chloroplast types were the glycolipids, monogalactosyl diglyceride and digalactosyl diglyceride, followed by decreasing amounts of sulfolipid, phosphatidyl glycerol, phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidyl inositol, and diphospha ...197316658413
effect of co(2) concentration on glycine and serine formation during photorespiration.amount and products of photosynthesis during 10 minutes were measured at different (14)co(2) concentrations in air. with tobacco (nicotiana tabacum l. cv. maryland mammoth) leaves the percentage of (14)c in glycine plus serine was highest (42%) at 0.005% co(2), and decreased with increasing co(2) concentration to 7% of the total at 1% co(2) in air. however, above 0.03% co(2) the total amount of (14)c incorporated into the glycine and serine pool was about constant. at 0.005% or 0.03% co(2) the p ...197416658736
effect of powdery mildew infection on photosynthesis by leaves and chloroplasts of sugar beets.chloroplasts isolated from powdery mildew-infected (erysiphe polygoni dc) sugar beet leaves (beta vulgaris l) showed a reduction in the rate of electron transport and in the accompanying atp formation in noncyclic photophosphorylation (water as electron donor, nadp as electron acceptor) and little or no change in the rate of atp formation in cyclic photophosphorylation catalyzed by phenazine methosulfate. the inhibition of noncyclic photophosphorylation appeared to lead in the parent leaves to a ...197616659511
mechanism of plant growth stimulation by naphthenic acid: ii. enzymes of co(2) fixation, co(2) compensation point, bean embryo respiration.potassium naphthenate, 20 mm, was applied to the foliage of 14-day-old plants of bush bean, phaseolus vulgaris l, cv top crop, maize, zea mays l, cv golden bantam, spring wheat, triticum vulgare vill., cv neepawa, and a 2 mm solution to 21-day-old plants of sugar beet, beta vulgaris l, cv cs-43. seven days after application, the activities of ribulose diphosphate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvic carboxylase in leaves of naphthenate-treated bean and maize were greater than in the leaves of untr ...197616659626
patterns of ehtylene production in senescing leaves.changes in the patterns of ethylene production, chlorophyll content, and respiration were studied in relation to the senescence of intact leaves and leaf discs. the primary leaves of pinto bean, which abscise readily during natural senescence, and tobacco and sugar beet leaves, which do not abscise, were used. a decrease in the rate of ethylene production and respiration, during the slow phase of chlorophyll degradation, was observed in leaf-blade discs cut from mature leaves and aged in the dar ...197916661056
effects of iron and oxygen on chlorophyll biosynthesis : i. in vivo observations on iron and oxygen-deficient plants.corn (zea mays, l.), bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.), barley (hordeum vulgare l.), spinach (spinacia oleracea l.), and sugarbeet (beta vulgaris l.) grown under iron deficiency, and potamogeton pectinatus l, and potamogeton nodosus poir. grown under oxygen deficiency, contained less chlorophyll than the controls, but accumulated mg-protoporphyrin ix and/or mg-protoporphyrin ix monomethyl ester. no significant accumulation of these intermediates was detected in the controls or in the tissue of plants ...198216662138
effects of powdery mildew infection on the efficiency of co(2) fixation and light utilization by sugar beet leaves.sugar beet leaves (beta vulgaris l.) infected with powdery mildew (erysiphe polygoni d.c.) show declining rates of net photosynthesis as the disease develops; relative to healthy controls, reductions of 35, 70, and 75% were observed at 9, 16, and 22 days after inoculation, respectively. a leaf gas exchange procedure in which an air stream flowed through the leaf showed that mesophyll conductance declined in parallel with photosynthesis in mildew-infected leaves. viscous flow conductance of disea ...198216662146
reduction in sink-mobilizing ability following periods of high carbon flux.sink tissues may play a significant role in determining photosynthetic rates through their ability to mobilize assimilates. the objective in this study was to determine if the mobilizing ability of taproot sink tissues of sugarbeet (beta vulgaris) could become limiting when assimilate supply was maintained at a high level for an extended period of time. assimilate supply was either enhanced by co(2) enrichment or reduced by shading.field-grown sugarbeet plants were exposed to ambient co(2) and o ...198216662163
auxin-induced ethylene production as related to auxin metabolism in leaf discs of tobacco and sugar beet.exogenously supplied indole-3-acetic acid (iaa) stimulated ethylene production in tobacco (nicotiana glauca) leaf discs but not in those of sugar beet (beta vulgaris l.). the stimulatory effect of iaa in tobacco was relatively small during the first 24 hours of incubation but became greater during the next 24 hours. it was found that leaf discs of these two species metabolized [1-(14)c]iaa quite differently. the rate of decarboxylation in sugar beet discs was much higher than in tobacco. the lat ...198316663265
properties of thylakoid membranes of the mangroves, avicennia germinans and avicennia marina, and the sugar beet, beta vulgaris, grown under different salinity of thylakoids isolated from leaves of three salt tolerant species, avicennia germinans l., avicennia marina var resinifera, and beta vulgaris l., were not affected by the salinity in which the plants were grown. with increase in the growth salinity from 50 to 500 millimolar nacl, there were no major effects on the per chlorophyll concentrations of lipids or proteins, or on the rates of uncoupled electron transport per chlorophyll mediated by either the whole chain or the partial react ...198416663875
purification and properties of starch hydrolyzing enzymes in mature roots of sugar beets.mature roots of sugar beets, which accumulate large amounts of sucrose but not starch, nevertheless contained acid and neutral amylases, judging from their ph optima, as well as pullulanase. acid and neutral amylases were partially purified by procedures including fractionation with ammonium sulfate, ion exchange column chromatography, and gel filtration. acid amylase was classified as an exoamylase, since it produced only glucose from soluble starch, amylopectin. beta-limit dextrin, and rabbit ...198716665444
contributions of sucrose synthase and invertase to the metabolism of sucrose in developing leaves : estimation by alternate substrate utilization.the relative contributions of invertase and sucrose synthase to initial cleavage of phloem-imported sucrose was calculated for sink leaves of soybean (glycine max l. merr cv wye) and sugar beet (beta vulgaris l. monohybrid). invertase from yeast hydrolyzed sucrose 4200 times faster than 1'-deoxy-1'-fluorosucrose (fs) while sucrose cleavage by sucrose synthase from developing soybean leaves proceeded only 3.6 times faster than cleavage of fs. [(14)c]sucrose and [(14)c]fs, used as tracers of sucro ...198716665711
selective inhibition of active uptake of sucrose into plasma membrane vesicles by polyclonal sera directed against a 42 kilodalton plasma membrane polypeptide.several polyclonal sera were raised in rabbits and in mice against putative sucrose carrier proteins, i.e. a 42 kilodalton (o gallet, r lemoine, c larsson, s delrot [1989] biochim biophys acta 978: 56-64) and a 62 kd (kg ripp, pv viitanen, wd hitz, vr fransceschi [1988] plant physiol 88: 1435-1445) polypeptide of the plasma membrane. the effects of these sera on the active uptake of sucrose and of valine into purified plasma membrane vesicles from sugar beet (beta vulgaris l.) leaves and roots w ...199216668610
a repetitive proline-rich protein from the gymnosperm douglas fir is a hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein.intact cell elution of suspension cultures derived from douglas fir, pseudotsuga menziesii (mirbel) franco, yielded two extensin monomers, the first hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (hrgps) to be isolated from a gymnosperm. these hrgps resolved on superose-6 gel filtration. the smaller monomer was compositionally similar to angiosperm extensins like tomato p1. the larger monomer had a simple composition reminiscent of repetitive proline-rich proteins (rprps) from soybean cell walls and containe ...199216668765
characterization of the major integral protein of vacuolar membrane.the vacuolar membrane of radish (raphanus sativus) taproot contained a large quantity of a protein of 23 kilodaltons that accounted for more than 25% of the total membrane proteins. the protein, tentatively named vm 23, was purified and characterized. vm 23 tends to aggregate at high temperature even in the presence of 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate. the apparent molecular size of vm 23 was estimated to be about 400 kilodaltons by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of 0.1% triton x-10 ...199216668783
guard cell protoplasts: isolation, culture, and regeneration of plants.guard cell protoplasts have been used extensively in short-term experiments designed to elucidate the signal transduction mechanisms that regulate stomatal movements. the utility of uard cell protoplasts for other types of longer-term signal transduction experiments is just now being realized. because highly purified, primary isolates of guard cell protoplasts are synchronous initially, they are uniform in their responses to changes in culture conditions. such isolates have demonstrated potentia ...200616673920
feruloyl esterases as a tool for the release of phenolic compounds from agro-industrial by-products.agro-industrial by-products are a potential source of added-value phenolic acids with promising applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries. here two purified feruloyl esterases from aspergillus niger, faea and faeb were tested for their ability to release phenolic acids such as caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid from coffee pulp, apple marc and wheat straw. their hydrolysis activity was evaluated and compared with their action on maize bran and sugar beet pulp. the specif ...200616697997
characterization and biological activity of the main flavonoids from swiss chard (beta vulgaris subspecies cycla).the molecular components of a phenolic fraction (p2), obtained from liquid chromatography of a swiss chard (beta vulgaris subsp. cycla) extract, were identified using hplc-esi-ms/ms. the primary p2 components were: vitexin-2''o-rhamnoside, its demethylated form 2''-xylosylvitexin, isorhamnetin 3-gentiobioside, and rutin. p2 "in toto" and the single components were characterized for antioxidant capacity, antimitotic activity on mcf-7 human breast cancer cells and for toxicity to human lymphocytes ...200716698256
lethal risk to birds from insecticide use in the united states--a spatial and temporal analysis.we used pesticide use data and previously published models to estimate the lethal risk to birds from insecticides used in u.s. agriculture. data from the u.s. department of agriculture's national agricultural statistical service (nass, washington, d.c.) were used to assess how the lethal risk to birds has changed over the period 1991 to 2003 and to compare risk among crop types according to the most recently available surveys. because the nass data coverage is incomplete, both with respect to cr ...200616704051
the histidine utilization (hut) genes of pseudomonas fluorescens sbw25 are active on plant surfaces, but are not required for competitive colonization of sugar beet seedlings.the ability to monitor the spatial and temporal distribution of signals in complex environments is necessary for an understanding of the function of bacteria in the wild. to this end, an existing recombinase-based transcriptional reporter strategy (recombinase-based in vivo expression technology, rivet) has been extended and applied to the plant-colonizing bacterium pseudomonas fluorescens sbw25. central to the project was a rhizosphere-inducible locus, rhi14, which functional analyses show is h ...200616735749
[construction of infectious cdna clone of cucumber mosaic virus satellite rna xjs1 and preliminary study on its biological function].cucumber mosaic virus (cmv) sugar beet isolate caused yellow mosaic, leaf distortion, crinkle and stunt symptoms on sugar beet in nature. it exhibited some special biological properties with narrower host range and had no symptom on nicotiana glutinosa l. and nicotiana tobacum l. cv. nc-89. a new satellite rna, xjs1 was found to be associated with the helper virus. in order to know the cause of the special pathogenicity of the cmv isolate. full-length infectious cdna clone of cmv satellite rna x ...200616736580
determination of free amino compounds in betalainic fruits and vegetables by gas chromatography with flame ionization and mass spectrometric detection.amino acids and amines are the precursors of betalains. therefore, the profiles of free amino compounds in juices obtained from cactus pears [opuntia ficus-indica (l.) mill. cv. bianca, cv. gialla, and cv. rossa], pitaya fruits [selenicereus megalanthus (k. schumann ex vaupel) moran, hylocereus polyrhizus (weber) britton & rose, and hylocereus undatus (haworth) britton & rose], and in extracts from differently colored swiss chard [beta vulgaris l. ssp. cicla (l.) alef. cv. bright lights] petiole ...200616756361
fibre in enteral formulae: effects of sugar-beet versus soy fibre on zinc and folic acid absorption in human subjects.the present study was conducted to compare the effect of soypolysaccharide (fibrem) and sugar-beet (fibrex) on zinc and folic acid absorption when incorporated into enteral formulae. following an overnight fast, 15 adults were challenged with an oral dose of zinc (60 mg) and folic acid (600 mug) given with enteral formula without fibre, or with 15g of dietary fibre from fibrem or fibrex. serum concentrations of zinc and folic acid were measured at zero-time and at hourly intervals for up to 5h. ...199216839967
agronomic aspects and environmental impact of reusing marginal water in irrigation: a case study from egypt.egypt produces approximately 2.4 million m3 of secondary treated wastewater (tww) annually, used for irrigation directly or indirectly by blending with agricultural drainage water (bdw). the annual re-use of (bdw) is approximately 4 million m3. the safe and efficient use of marginal water (bdw and tww) is a core objective of this study which has been operating from 1997 to date. after six growing seasons the main results can be summarized as follows: maximizing crop production: tww can be used f ...200616841747
analysis of 16s rdna reveals bacterial shift during in vitro fermentation of fermentable carbohydrate using piglet faeces as vitro fermentation of sugar beet pulp (sbp) was carried out to determine which bacterial species would be enriched by use of this carbohydrate source. faeces from four weaning piglets as a source of inoculum was also compared. the microbial diversity of the prominent bacteria before and after this in vitro fermentation was analysed using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge) of pcr amplicons of 16s rdna. before fermentation, the dgge profiles showed differences between cultures inocu ...200316887707
host range of cercospora apii and c. beticola and description of c. apiicola, a novel species from celery.the genus cercospora is one of the largest and most heterogeneous genera of hyphomycetes. cercospora species are distributed worldwide and cause cercospora leaf spot on most of the major plant families. numerous species described from diverse hosts and locations are morphologically indistinguishable from c. apii and subsequently are referred to as c. apii sensu lato. the importance and ecological role that different hosts play in taxon delimitation and recognition within this complex remains unc ...200616894973
modeling the environmental fate of cadmium in a large wastewater irrigation area.the fate of cadmium in soils is governed by spatially heterogeneous processes that proceed from decades to centuries. this study aimed at modeling the fate of cd within the wastewater irrigation area (wia) of braunschweig (germany). the sandy soils (mainly dystric cambisol or typic haplumbrept) at this site (28 km2) have received considerable loads of heavy metals by irrigation of municipal wastewater for up to 40 yr. the soils of the wia are in agricultural use. the main crops are sugar beet (b ...200616899742
terpenes and carbohydrate source influence rumen fermentation, digestibility, intake, and preference in sheep.we hypothesized that toxins and nutrients in foods interact to influence foraging behavior by herbivores. based on this hypothesis we predicted that 1) terpenes in big sagebrush (artemisia tridentata) influence intake and preference in sheep for diets varying in sources of nonstructural (barley grain) and structural (sugar beet pulp) carbohydrates, and 2) these effects are due to the differential effects of terpenes on fermentation products and apparent digestibility of each class of carbohydrat ...200616908651
the effect of dietary carbohydrates and trichuris suis infection on pig large intestine tissue structure, epithelial cell proliferation and mucin characteristics.two experiments (exps. 1 and 2) were performed to study the influence of trichuris suis infection and type of dietary carbohydrates on large intestine morphology, epithelial cell proliferation and mucin characteristics. two experimental diets based on barley flour were used; diet 1 was supplemented with resistant carbohydrates from oat hull meal, while diet 2 was supplemented with fermentable carbohydrates from sugar beet fibre and inulin. in experiment 1, 32 pigs were allocated randomly into fo ...200616920263
release of ferulic acid and feruloylated oligosaccharides from sugar beet pulp by streptomyces tendae.given several promising industrial applications of ferulic acid, this study was designed to identify actinomycete strains able to release high levels of this acid from sugar beet pulp (sbp). out of 47 strains tested, 37% were found to release free ferulic acid from the growth substrate. one strain, identified as streptomyces tendae by 16s rna gene sequencing, was capable of releasing 80% of the ferulic acid ester-linked to the pectin in sbp after 5 days of growth. these data suggest that some ac ...200716920354
in situ study of the relevance of bacterial adherence to feed particles for the contamination and accuracy of rumen degradability estimates for feeds of vegetable in situ study was conducted on four rumen-cannulated wethers to determine (using (15)n infusion techniques) the microbial contamination (mg bacterial dm or crude protein (cp)/100 mg dm or cp) and the associated error on the effective degradability of fourteen feeds: barley and maize grains, soyabean and sunflower meals, full-fat soyabean, maize gluten feed, soyabean hulls, brewers dried grains, sugarbeet pulp, wheat bran, lucerne and vetch-oat hays, and barley and lentil straws. the dm or cp ...200616923226
role of ptsp, orft, and sss recombinase genes in root colonization by pseudomonas fluorescens q8r1-96.pseudomonas fluorescens q8r1-96 produces 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (2,4-dapg), a polyketide antibiotic that suppresses a wide variety of soilborne fungal pathogens, including gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, which causes take-all disease of wheat. strain q8r1-96 is representative of the d-genotype of 2,4-dapg producers, which are exceptional because of their ability to aggressively colonize and maintain large populations on the roots of host plants, including wheat, pea, and sugar beet. in ...200616936061
influence of glyphosate on rhizoctonia and fusarium root rot in sugar beet.this study tests the effect of glyphosate application on disease severity in glyphosate-resistant sugar beet, and examines whether the increase in disease is fungal or plant mediated. in greenhouse studies of glyphosate-resistant sugar beet, increased disease severity was observed following glyphosate application and inoculation with certain isolates of rhizoctonia solani kuhn and fusarium oxysporum schlecht. f. sp. betae snyd. & hans. significant increases in disease severity were noted for r. ...200616988927
variation analysis of two cucumber mosaic viruses and their associated satellite rnas from sugar beet in china.two cucumber mosaic virus (cmv) isolates xj1 and xj2 were obtained from sugar beet showing yellow mosaic symptom in shihezi, xinjiang uigur municipality of china. the coat protein gene of the two cmv isolates and their associated satellite rnas were amplified by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) and were cloned and sequenced. comparison of cp gene sequences showed that xj1 and xj2 have the highest sequence identity with that of cmv-danshen (97.8%) and cmv-sd (98.7%), respe ...200616991000
influence of different fibre sources on digestibility and nitrogen and energy balances in growing pigs.the present study was undertaken to investigate how three different fibre sources, sugar beet pulp, soya bean hulls and pectin residue, constituting 15% of diets for growing pigs, influenced daily body gain, feed conversion, apparent faecal digestibility and nitrogen and energy balances. eight castrated crossbreed pigs (30-80 kg live weight) were used in a replicated 4 x 4 latin-square design with one control diet and three fibre containing diets. daily body weight gain and feed conversion were ...200617036748
exploration of members of aspergillus sections nigri, flavi, and terrei for feruloyl esterase production.the ability of members of aspergillus sections nigri, flavi, and terrei to produce feruloyl esterases was studied according to their substrate specificity against synthetic methyl esters of hydroxycinnamic acids. type a feruloyl esterases (faea), induced during growth on cereal-derived products, show a preference for the phenolic moiety of substrates that contain methoxy substitutions, as found in methyl sinapinate, whereas type b feruloyl esterases (faeb) show a preference for the phenolic moie ...200617110981
effects of added fermentable carbohydrates in the diet on intestinal proinflammatory cytokine-specific mrna content in weaning piglets.there is increasing evidence showing that dietary supplementation with prebiotics can be effective in the treatment of intestinal inflammation. because weaning time is characterized by rapid intestinal inflammation, this study investigated the effect of a diet supplemented with a combination of 4 fermentable carbohydrates (lactulose, inulin, sugarbeet pulp, and wheat starch) on the mrna content of proinflammatory cytokines in newly weaned piglets. cytokines (il-1beta, il-6, il-8, il-12p40, il-18 ...200717121974
environmental and human health impacts of growing genetically modified herbicide-tolerant sugar beet: a life-cycle assessment.there is ongoing debate concerning the possible environmental and human health impacts of growing genetically modified (gm) crops. here, we report the results of a life-cycle assessment (lca) comparing the environmental and human health impacts of conventional sugar beet growing regimes in the uk and germany with those that might be expected if gm herbicide-tolerant (to glyphosate) sugar beet is commercialized. the results presented for a number of environmental and human health impact categorie ...200417134388
liver-protecting effects of table beet (beta vulgaris var. rubra) during ischemia-reperfusion.table beet (beta vulgaris var. rubra) contains important bioactive agents (betaine and polyphenols), which have a wide range of physiologic effects. because nutritive antioxidants may reduce the occurrence of complications and postoperative mortality, dietary intake of polyphenols and vitamins before surgery may greatly contribute to the survival of patients. our aim was to determine the liver-protecting properties of bioactive substances of table beet in a model of ischemia-reperfusion injury o ...200717234508
the effect of low-density broiler breeder diets on performance and immune status of their offspring.effects of low-density broiler breeder diets on offspring performance and mortality were studied using 2,100 female and 210 male cobb 500 breeders. breeder treatments involved 4 experimental groups and a control group with normal density diets (nd, 2,600 kcal of ame/kg during rearing and 2,800 kcal of ame/kg during laying). in treatment 2, nutrient densities were decreased by 12% (ld12) and 11% (ld11) during the rearing and laying periods, respectively, whereas in treatment 3, nutrient densities ...200717234841
in vitro fermentability and physicochemical properties of fibre substrates and their effect on bacteriological and morphological characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract of newly weaned piglets.fermentability of fibre has a great impact on the bacterial flora along the gastrointestinal tract of newly weaned piglets. therefore, this parameter was determined by incubating in vitro different fibre substrates (chicory roots, sugar beet pulp, wheat bran and corn cobs) with contents of jejunum or caecum sampled from slaughtered pigs. incubating with small intestinal contents, lactic acid was the only fermentation product. fermentability was highest for chicory roots, followed by wheat bran a ...200617236707
survival of mycobacterium bovis on feedstuffs commonly used as supplemental feed for white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus).mycobacterium bovis, the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis, has become established in free-ranging white-tailed deer odocoileus virginianus in northeastern michigan. the practice of supplemental feeding of white-tailed deer during the winter is believed to contribute to transmission of m. bovis between deer. the current study was conducted to determine the ability of m. bovis to survive on various feedstuffs commonly used as supplemental feed for deer in northeast michigan (i.e., apples, co ...200617255455
five year water and nitrogen balance for a constructed surface flow wetland treating agricultural drainage waters.the performance of a constructed surface flow wetland in reducing diffuse n pollution coming from croplands is being investigated in an ongoing experiment, begun in 1998 in ne italy. the 0.32 ha wetland is vegetated with phragmites australis (cav.) trin. and typha latifolia (l.). it receives drainage water from 6 ha of land managed for an experiment on drainage systems, where maize, sugarbeet, winter wheat and soybean are cultivated. during the period 1998-2002, the wetland received from 4698 to ...200717270250
comparative analysis of sequences preceding protein-coding mitochondrial genes in flowering plants.we examined the nucleotide sequences preceding 23 mitochondrial protein-coding genes held in common by maize, rice, wheat, sugar beet, tobacco, arabidopsis, and brassica to look for features related to translation initiation and to assess the degree of conservation in mitochondrial mrna leaders among these plants. we observed broad variation in sequence similarity as illustrated by dot plot analysis, ranging from a level rivaling that of coding sequences to complete absence of homology due to li ...200717301062
comparison of its sequences from uk and north american sugar-beet powdery mildews and the designation of erysiphe betae.powdery mildew of sugar beet, a disease of major economic significance, was first described at the beginning of the 20th century, and since then there has been some confusion over the correct taxonomic identity of the causal agent. in europe, the fungus was initially classified as the novel species microsphaera betae, later re-named erysiphe betae, whilst in america it was identified as e. polygoni, despite sugar-beet isolates from both regions having a host range restricted to beta species. it ...200717324758
an anchored linkage map for sugar beet based on aflp, snp and rapd markers and qtl mapping of a new source of resistance to beet necrotic yellow vein virus.rhizomania, caused by beet necrotic yellow vein virus (bnyvv), is an important sugar-beet disease worldwide and can result in severe losses of root yield and sugar content. we have identified a major qtl for bnyvv resistance from a new source in a segregating population of 158 individuals. the qtl explained an estimated 78% of the observed phenotypic variation and the gene conferring the partial resistance is referred to as rz4. aflp was used in combination with bulked segregant analysis (bsa) t ...200717333102
single-cell raman spectral profiles of pseudomonas fluorescens sbw25 reflects in vitro and in planta metabolic history.single-cell raman microspectroscopy has the potential to report on the whole-cell chemical composition of bacteria, reflecting metabolic status as well as growth history. this potential has been demonstrated through the discriminant functional analysis of raman spectral profiles (rsp) obtained from the soil and plant-associated bacterium pseudomonas fluorescens sbw25, grown in vitro using defined media, and in planta using 3-month-old sugar beets (beta vulgaris var. roberta). sbw25 in vitro rsp ...200717334857
the effect of low-density diets on broiler breeder development and nutrient digestibility during the rearing period.low-density diets might help to reduce hunger feeling in restricted-fed broiler breeders. effects of low-density diets on nutrient digestibility and bird development were studied in cobb 500 broiler breeder hens from 4 wk of age until the onset of the lay (wk 26). the experiment included 4 treatments. the control treatment was a normal density diet (nd; 2,600 kcal/kg). treatments 2 and 3 had a 12 and 23% lower nutrient density than nd (ld12 and ld23, respectively) through inclusion of palm kerne ...200717369544
spreading and germination of yellow nutsedge (cyperus esculentus l.) in hungary.yellow nutsedge (cyperus esculentus) is a cosmopolitan, tropical, subtropical plant. on the basis of ujvarosi life-form it is a g2 perennial plant, overwintering with tubers in the soil. it occurs in all continents: along eastern and western coastlines of africa and even in south-africa, north and south america, japan, india, near-eastern countries, western, southern and eastern europe. it has been spread since the 70's in europe, but its remarkable occurrence was between 1980 and 1995 years. no ...200617390823
plasma glutamine concentrations in the horse following feeding and oral glutamine supplementation.pharmacological benefits of glutamine supplementation have been shown in athletically and clinically stressed human subjects. in the horse, infection and intense exercise have also been shown to significantly decrease plasma glutamine concentrations, but little is known on how best to supplement.200617402497
glycaemic and insulinaemic response of quarter horses to concentrates high in fat and low in soluble carbohydrates.quarter horses are particularly susceptible to polysaccharide storage myopathy (pssm). nutritional therapy and possibly prophylaxis includes fat-supplemented diets whilst starch supply should be kept to a minimum.200617402498
safety of virus-resistant transgenic plants two decades after their introduction: lessons from realistic field risk assessment studies.potential safety issues have been raised with the development and release of virus-resistant transgenic plants. this review focuses on safety assessment with a special emphasis on crops that have been commercialized or extensively tested in the field such as squash, papaya, plum, grape, and sugar beet. we discuss topics commonly perceived to be of concern to the environment and to human health--heteroencapsidation, recombination, synergism, gene flow, impact on nontarget organisms, and food safe ...200717408355
rna4-encoded p31 of beet necrotic yellow vein virus is involved in efficient vector transmission, symptom severity and silencing suppression in roots.rna3 and rna4 of beet necrotic yellow vein virus (bnyvv) are not essential for virus multiplication, but are associated with vector-mediated infection and disease development in sugar beet roots. here, a unique role for rna4 in virus transmission, virulence and rna silencing suppression was demonstrated. mutagenic analysis revealed that the rna4-encoded p31 open reading frame (orf) was involved in efficient vector transmission and slight enhancement of symptom expression in some beta species. no ...200717412994
mapping of five resistance genes to sugar-beet powdery mildew using aflp and anchored snp markers.sugar-beet powdery mildew, caused by the fungus erysiphe betae, now occurs in all sugar-beet growing areas and can reduce sugar yield by up to 30%. powdery mildew resistant plants from three novel sources were crossed with sugar beet to generate segregating populations. evaluation of resistance was carried out in artificially inoculated field and controlled environment tests. the resistance level in two of the sources was found to be significantly higher than that in currently available sugar-be ...200717426954
efficient dsrna-mediated transgenic resistance to beet necrotic yellow vein virus in sugar beets is not affected by other soilborne and aphid-transmitted viruses.rhizomania caused by beet necrotic yellow vein virus (bnyvv) is one of the most devastating sugar beet diseases. sugar beet plants engineered to express a 0.4 kb inverted repeat construct based on the bnyvv replicase gene accumulated the transgene mrna to similar levels in leaves and roots, whereas accumulation of the transgene-homologous sirna was more pronounced in roots. the roots expressed high levels of resistance to bnyvv transmitted by the vector, polymyxa betae. resistance to bnyvv was n ...200817431806
mitigation of indirect environmental effects of gm crops.currently, the uk has no procedure for the approval of novel agricultural practices that is based on environmental risk management principles. here, we make a first application of the 'bow-tie' risk management approach in agriculture, for assessment of land use changes, in a case study of the introduction of genetically modified herbicide tolerant (gmht) sugar beet. there are agronomic and economic benefits, but indirect environmental harm from increased weed control is a hazard. the farm scale ...200717439853
the role of a p1-type atpase from pseudomonas fluorescens sbw25 in copper homeostasis and plant colonization.the genome of the plant-colonizing bacterium pseudomonas fluorescens sbw25 possesses a putative copper-transporting p1-type atpase (cuea) that is induced on the plant surfaces. using a chromosomally-integrated cuea-lacz fusion, we show that transcription of cuea can be induced (in vitro) by ions of copper, silver, gold, and mercury. to investigate the biological significance of cuea, a nonpolar cuea deletion mutant (sbw25 delta cuea) was constructed. this mutant strain displayed a twofold reduct ...200717506335
phylogenetic analysis of the aspergillus niger aggregate in relation to feruloyl esterase activity.species of the aspergillus niger aggregate are known to produce feruloyl esterases, enzymes involved in the degradation of cell wall polymers. however, species delineation is difficult in these fungi. we combined aflp analysis with its rdna and beta-tubulin sequencing to characterize the isolates of this aggregate in terms of feruloyl esterase production. a preliminary re-examination of isolates based on comparison of its rdna and beta-tubulin sequences with those of typical taxa deposited in in ...200717531445
production of d-lactic acid from sugarcane molasses, sugarcane juice and sugar beet juice by lactobacillus delbrueckii.lactobacillus delbrueckii was grown on sugarcane molasses, sugarcane juice and sugar beet juice in batch fermentation at ph 6 and at 40 degrees c. after 72 h, the lactic acid from 13% (w/v) sugarcane molasses (119 g total sugar l(-1)) and sugarcane juice (133 g total sugar l(-1)) was 107 g l(-1) and 120 g l(-1), respectively. with 10% (w/v) sugar beet juice (105 g total sugar l(-1)), 84 g lactic acid l(-1) was produced. the optical purities of d: -lactic acid from the feedstocks ranged from 97.2 ...200717541505
penicillium brasilianum as an enzyme factory; the essential role of feruloyl esterases for the hydrolysis of the plant cell wall.the production of arabinoxylan-degrading enzymes by the fungus penicillium brasilianum, grown on different carbon and nitrogen sources as well as different environmental conditions was investigated. highest feruloyl esterase (225 mu/ml) and alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase (211 mu/ml) activities were obtained when p. brasilianum was grown on sugar beet pulp, whereas maximum xylanase (17 u/ml) activity was found during growth on oat spelt xylan. yeast extract was the preferable nitrogen source for the ...200717544537
Displaying items 501 - 600 of 2767