urinary peristalsis investigated by radionuclide and x-ray methods: a comparison. | | 2011 | 3187425 |
future developments in the food industry. | | 2011 | 3123680 |
thyroid stable iodine measurement in patients with hyperthyroidism. | | 2013 | 3832800 |
multiple dose insulin regimen using the novopen. | | 2013 | 3534657 |
aspects of the pathology of presenile dementia. | | 2016 | 4917682 |
haptotactic islands: a method of confining single cells to study individual cell reactions and clone formation. | | 2016 | 4862713 |
[water-filled antidecubitus ulcer mattress. presentation of a new apparatus and results of clinical experimentation]. | | 2016 | 4773659 |
poly(a)+ rna from tetrahymena: stimulation of protein synthesis in vitro. | cell-free synthesis of high molecular weight polypeptides, programmed by rna from tetrahymena pyriformis strain w is reported, and methods for preparation of the rna are described. the rna was extracted by the sds-phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol technic. the bulk of extracted rna was ribosomal and on sucrose gradients peaked at approximately 17s and 25s. after heat denaturation all the 25s rna was converted to 17s, indicating the presence of hidden breaks, possibly the result of nuclease activ ... | 2000 | 94610 |
[improvement of blood viscosity after infusion of low-molecular hydroxyethyl starch (expafusin) in healthy subjects]. | in healthy volunteers, 500 ml of a 6% low molecular weight hydroxyethyl starch solution (expafusin) was infused intravenously within 30 minutes. blood samples for the measurement of rheological parameters were obtained before and after the infusion. blood and plasma viscosity were significantly decreased after the infusion of hes. red cell deformability as measured by a filtration technique was slightly improved. red cell aggregation as measured by a light transmission method was markedly reduce ... | 2000 | 94316 |
hysterographic double-outlined uterine cavity: a sign of unsuspected pregnancy. | a review of three hysterograms inadvertently performed during early pregnancy reaffirms the regular appearance of infiltration of aqueous opaque media into the substance of the decidua, producing the sign of the double-outlined uterine cavity. although such endometrial opacification may also occur during the late secretory phase, its recognition should arouse suspicion of pregnancy. a coexisting intrauterine filling defect may then be more confidently diagnosed as an amniotic sac. | 2001 | 98013 |
[interaction between the basic polypeptide trasylol and proteoglycars. iii. proteinase inhibitor]. | | 2002 | 127918 |
radionuclide left ventricular dv/dt for the assessment of cardiac function in patients with coronary disease. | to investigate potential uses of left-ventricular (lv) systolic ejection rate (lv dv/dt) in the evaluation of lv function, we examined the effect of exercise, angiotensin, and leg raising on lv ejection fraction and lv dv/dt in patients with coronary-artery disease. the following observations were made: a) lv ejection fraction and dv/dt changed proportionately, but in opposite directions, during supine exercise; b) lv ejection fraction and dv/dt decreased to a similar extent during angiotensin i ... | 2003 | 430171 |
angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy. recent advances. | | 2008 | 2292572 |
carcinoma in situ of the testis in infertile men. a histological, immunocytochemical, and cytophotometric study of dna content. | of 723 infertile men (128 with a history of cryptorchidism) whose testes were biopsied at the outer lateral face of the testis, five presented carcinoma in situ (cis) in one testis. these testes were removed, serially sectioned, and examined by light microscopy. in order to evaluate whether only one or two biopsies are sufficient to diagnose cis, before sectioning the testes four biopsies were taken at the anterior face, posterior face, superior pole, and inferior pole of the testis, respectivel ... | 2008 | 2593044 |
evaluation of techniques for recognition of ventricular arrhythmias by implanted devices. | implantable devices that provide antitachycardia and defibrillation capability currently have limited ability to distinguish among different cardiac rhythms. we have investigated three methods of electrogram analysis: rate, irregularity, and amplitude distribution. in 35 episodes in 19 patients, we applied these three algorithms to 15 s recorded passages of ventricular electrograms during supraventricular tachycardia (n = 11), ventricular tachycardia (n = 11), and ventricular fibrillation (n = 1 ... | 2009 | 2731947 |
traumatic disruptions of right upper bronchus and truncus intermedius in a five-year-old boy. | a case of uncommon ruptures of right upper bronchus and truncus intermedius in a 5-year-old boy is presented. two operations provided bronchial continuity, with insertion of an 18-gauge catheter required at the second operation. problems in anastomosis and early postoperative management in small airways of growing children are also discussed. | 2012 | 3560280 |
reduced early diastolic extension in the infarcted portion in patients with old myocardial infarction. | to study relaxation characteristics of the infarcted myocardium, cyclic changes in the global left ventricular (lv) volume were measured in 20 patients with old myocardial infarction (omi) and 17 normals (normal) and those in the regional segment length were measured in 9 patients with anterior old myocardial infarction (anterior omi) and 11 normals. the lv volume was calculated by using biplane lv cineangiograms. the regional segment length was calculated by measuring the spatial length between ... | 2012 | 3411764 |
who decides which lens is best? | | 2012 | 3351183 |
acth effect of pituitary glands of pacific salmon demonstrated in the hypophysectomized couesius plumbeus. | | 2015 | 4288282 |
[tubal sterilization with a clip applicator under laparoscopic control]. | tubal sterilization with a clip or spring-loaded applicator under laparoscopic control reduces complications that appear in other forms of sterilization. the clip or spring-loaded applicator is inserted by means of a 2nd cut or insertion. this system has many advantages over the single cut or single insertion method as it permits much clearer vision and location of the tubes as well as the exact placement of the clips. the laparoscopic system of tubal sterilization is effective and the number of ... | 2003 | 149716 |
technique for measurement of one-dimensional instantaneous ablation velocity. | an oscillating mirror scanned a he-ne laser beam along the length of a thin rod while the rod was ablated by an argon laser beam. the shadow of the scanning beam on an image plane provides a picture of the instantaneous ablation velocity of the rod. this configuration provides a unique method for investigating one-dimensional ablation. | 2010 | 2976448 |
reversal of rejection-induced coronary vasculitis detected early after heart transplantation with increased immunosuppression. | four patients who underwent heart transplantation, in whom coronary obstruction was seen early after transplantation, are described. repeated acute rejection episodes were detected within the first 2 months in each patient. coronary obstruction or ischemia was shown through a combination of t1-201 isotopic study findings, evidence of vasculitis of a small coronary arteriole seen at endomyocardial biopsy, or coronary angiographic results. vigorous treatment for rejection (antithymocyte globulin a ... | 2009 | 2795284 |
cytosolic calcium management, regulation and biologic significance in epithelial tissue. | | 2012 | 3347196 |
glycosaminoglycan degradation. | | 2012 | 3310531 |
[risk factors of coronary disease among foreign workers in switzerland]. | in a study covering the state of health and nutrition, 255 single italian and spanish seasonal workers were examined for the risk factors of coronary heart disease. the prevalences of hypertension (31.7%), hypertriglyceridaemia (38.8%) and adiposity (41.4%) were clearly above the frequencies of comparable swiss groups. in the prevalences of hypercholesterolemia (13.8%) and smoking (51.7%), no major differences were apparent between the foreign workers and the swiss population. | 2013 | 3811610 |
platelet aggregation induced by type iib platelet von willebrand factor. | platelet lysates from five patients with a form of type iib von willebrand's disease (vwd), associated with spontaneous platelet aggregation and thrombocytopenia, induced platelet aggregation of normal and other vwd's platelet-rich plasma (prp). platelet lysate from normals, type i or type iia vwd did not cause platelet aggregation of normal prp. when polyclonal monospecific antibodies directed against plasma von willebrand factor (vwf) were incubated with the type iib platelet lysate, they inhi ... | 2009 | 2784325 |
cardiac rupture secondary to isolated midcircumflex artery obstruction. | | 2012 | 3480457 |
eating behavior in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis patients. | three groups consisting of 12 subjects each (continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis [capd] patients, hemodialysis patients, and healthy controls) matched for age, sex, and body weight were invited to a test meal for the study of hunger, fullness, and food preferences. they were served an excess portion of hash served on a plate placed on a hidden scale ("viktor"), which was connected to a computer registering the eating process on-line. the patients filled in visual analogue scales (vas) conc ... | 2006 | 1462988 |
gamesmanship: the art of strategizing. | how can you turn your personal power into organizational power? by recognizing that the hospital or university is motivated by politics and using the political system to your advantage. learn how to select and use specific approaches and tactics to increase your effectiveness. | 2013 | 3845092 |
[glucocorticoid activity of the adrenal cortex in sexual disorders in men]. | | 1987 | 211730 |
[severe burns: understanding the burn patient well; need for high level specialized surgery]. | | 1988 | 259332 |
caring fot the cardiac patient: rehabilitation begins in the ccu. | | 1990 | 258671 |
letter: reye's syndrome and the kinetics of ornithine carbamoyltransferase. | | 1991 | 51430 |
copper: essential for health in long-term parenteral hyperalimentation. | | 1998 | 107606 |
[qualitative and quantitative studies on the lateral geniculate body in an ontogenic series of male tupaia belangeri]. | the cyto-, fibrillo- and myeloarchitectonics of the dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate body are described in an ontogenetic series of male tupaia belangeri using light microscopy. the qualitative maturational changes show a heterochronical development. the ventral nucleus is developing earlier than the dorsal nucleus. a quantitative analysis of the fresh volume growth of the two brain regions also shows a heterochronical development. two different kinds of growth curves were found. the dorsal ... | 1998 | 105039 |
the use of titanium (iv) oxide for the immobilisation of carbohydrate-directed enzymes. | the use of particles of porous titanium (iv) oxide as a suitable matrix for enzyme immobilisation has been investigated with dextranase. treatment of the particles with enzyme in the presence and absence of ammonium ions showed that the presence of ammonia induced a greater coupling of protein, whereas a greater retention of enzyme specific activity was achieved in the absence of ammonia. properties of the immobilised enzyme include a ph-dependence and reversibility of the coupling between enzym ... | 1998 | 20228 |
peripheral nerve pathway to the ciliary muscle. | | 1998 | 108120 |
the location of 5s rna genes in lampbrush polytene chromosomes from drosophila. | | 1998 | 108119 |
[detection of coronary artery spasm by the methylergometrin test. technic. results. indications]. | methylergometrine (methergin) was given intravenously (0.4 mg) to 118 patients undergoing coronary arteriography. the electrocardiogramme and intraaortic pressure was continuously monitored whilst coronary arteriography was performed, 1,3, and 5 minutes after the injection of the ergot alkaloid. the test was positive if: 1) coronary spasm was observed; 2) if st segment elevation was recorded with or without pain. positive tests were obtained in 13 out of 14 patients with prinzmetal angina. the t ... | 1998 | 107890 |
diminished cellular immunity due to impaired nutrition in oesophageal carcinoma. | the nutritional status of 15 negro patients suffering from unresectable carcinoma of the midthoracic oesophagus was evaluated before and after palliative pulsion intubation. all were shown to be in negative nitrogen balance and to have a compromised non-specific cellular immune response. correction of protein-calorie malnutrition and the achievement of positive nitrogen balance were associated with an increase in absolute lymphocyte and t lymphocyte numbers and a significant increase in lymphocy ... | 1999 | 96903 |
[retinal neovascularization: topological, morphological and hemodynamic features (author's transl)]. | | 1999 | 91317 |
visual averaged evoked responses in psychiatric patients. relationship to levels of 5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid, homovanilic acid and tryptophan in cerebrospinal fluid. | | 2000 | 94355 |
maternal influence upon the v-type gene position effect in drosophila melanogaster. | | 2001 | 98705 |
transpyloric feeding in the newborn. | | 2001 | 98194 |
induction of differentiation of myeloid leukemia cells with various chemicals. | | 2001 | 95145 |
idiopathic aldosteronism: a diagnostic artifact? | | 2001 | 92626 |
the bender gestalt: use of clinical judgment versus recall scores in prediction in huntington's disease. | | 2002 | 130390 |
comparison of lymphocyte reactivity in patients with cancer, systemic lupus erythematosus and renal allografts. | the pha and mlc reactivity of lymphocytes from patients with cancer, sle or renal allografts was comparatively tested in the presence of autologous and of normal homologous serum. sera from patients with advanced cancer, active sle or chronic allograft rejection strongly inhibited the mlc reactivity of autologous lymphocytes. it is suggested that serum inhibitory factors might be antibodies which are directed against modified antigenic determinants of the major histocompatibility complex, and ar ... | 2002 | 127968 |
antigen-induced cyclophosphamide-resistant suppressor t cells inhibit the in vitro generation of cytotoxic cells from one-way mixed leukocyte reactions. | mice sensitized against a tumor allograft and given cyclophosmamide 6 days later failed to generate an immune response to the allograft. spleen cells derived from these mice suppressed the generation of cytotoxic t cell response by normal spleen cells in mixed leukocyte cultures. the suppressor cells were not specific, thymus dependent, and resistant to 2000 r. | 2003 | 142792 |
medical education in ohio: today and tomorrow. part ii--graduate medical education. | | 2004 | 523052 |
effect of dexamethsone on luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone responses to lhrh and to clomiphene in the follicular phase of women with normal menstrual cycles. | in an attempt to elucidate the mechanism of suppressive action of glucocorticoids on the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis, we studied the effects of short-term high dose dexamethasone administration of the lh and fsh responses to lhrh and to clomiphene in healthy women with normal menstrual cycles. seven women, 21--35 years of age, received 100 micrograms of lhrh i.v. on day 6 of two consecutive menstrual cycles, once with and once without pre-treatment with dexamethasone 2 mg orally every 6 h ... | 2004 | 387565 |
scda policy on continuing education. | | 2005 | 1064924 |
an analysis of maximum mandibular movements, craniofacial relationships and temporomandibular joint awareness in children. | this paper evaluates the relationship between maximum mandibular vertical opening and the following variables: chronological age, craniomandibular relationships, and temporomandibular joint awareness in children. the range of mandibular movement was evaluated in 189 children between the ages of 4 and 14 years, using the method of agerberg. measurements were found to be accurate and reliable only in the vertical plane. cephalometric tracings were made on 131 of the subjects. significant relations ... | 2007 | 2064068 |
renal vascular response to sodium loading in sons of hypertensive parents. | studies of normotensive offspring of hypertensive parents offer the potential to identify inherited abnormalities that contribute to essential hypertension. we compared renal and systemic hemodynamic responses to saline infusion between normotensive sons of two hypertensive parents (soht) and sons of two normotensive parents (sont) selected from the general population of rochester, minn. hemodynamic measurements were performed after a week of low sodium intake (10 meq/day) and were repeated afte ... | 2007 | 2045180 |
redefinition of cutaneous lymphatic drainage with the use of lymphoscintigraphy for malignant melanoma. | lymphoscintigraphy was performed on 82 patients with melanoma registered at the university melanoma clinic. from these data, precise lymphatic drainage basins could be drawn for the head, neck, shoulder, and trunk. these drawings differed significantly from the classic anatomic studies, providing a functional look at the cutaneous lymphatic drainage. this new method correlates much better with clinical experiences and demonstrates much larger areas of ambiguous drainage than previously reported. ... | 2007 | 1951904 |
[immune status in patients with acute adnexitis]. | | 2007 | 1951979 |
characterization of transcriptionally active dna-protein complexes from chloroplasts and etioplasts of mustard (sinapis alba l.). | dna-protein complexes that are capable of rna synthesis in vitro (transcriptionally active chromosomes) were isolated from both chloroplasts and etioplasts of mustard (sinapis alba l.) seedlings. analyses of the polypeptide pattern of these complexes indicate that they comprise a specific subset of plastid proteins, distinct from the overall pattern of either the soluble or membrane-bound plastic proteins. dna-protein complexes from the two plastid types have polypeptides in common. however, at ... | 2008 | 2580705 |
immunohistochemical demonstration of tumor-associated antigens in prostatic carcinomas of various histological differentiations. | prostate acid phosphatase (pap), prostate-specific antigen (psa), carcinoembryonic antigen (cea) and keratin were determined immunohistochemically in paraffin sections from 64 prostatic carcinomas fixed in formalin according to the conventional method. the results obtained with psa led to the correct diagnosis of prostatic carcinoma in 90.7% of the cases. 80.3% of the diagnoses obtained with pap were correct. the intensity of the staining of the marker decreased with increasing differentiation. ... | 2008 | 2580711 |
why have our patients lost faith in us? | | 2008 | 2238685 |
chronic pain in psychiatric [correction of psychotic] patients. | | 2010 | 2942045 |
[the function of the neutrophil granulocyte in acne vulgaris]. | twenty seven patients with acne vulgaris were studied. of them, 10 had minimal lesions and 17 had severe inflammatory lesions: nodulocystic, and conglobata. nbt and lysosomal neutrophil function was performed. the results shows a significative decreased values for the three test in patients with inflammatory lesions compared to patients with non-inflammatory lesions. the values for chemotactic function was 56.23 and 93%, for nbt test 50.82 and 93% and for lysosomal activity 60.88 and 88.9%, resp ... | 2010 | 2976441 |
monoclonal antibodies against transitional cell carcinoma for detection of malignant urothelial cells in bladder washing. | the diagnosis of transitional cell carcinoma by cytological examination of exfoliated urinary cells is important in the early detection and followup of patients with this disease. proper interpretation requires a skilled pathologist. accuracy also is influenced by collection methods and nonmalignant pathological conditions of the bladder. an immunocytochemical technique using monoclonal antibodies g4 and e7 successfully identified tumor-associated antigens on the surface of transitional carcinom ... | 2011 | 3894692 |
prescribing--future possibilities. | | 2013 | 3735195 |
monoamine oxidase inhibitors. | | 2013 | 3697591 |
[we can make the conference effective]. | | 2013 | 3650548 |
why hospice nurses are a breed apart. | | 2013 | 3645767 |
alcohol and stress erythrocytosis. | | 2014 | 4121622 |
[in tribute to those who have departed ... (janina dudkiewicz, wanda zofia orloĊ)]. | | 2014 | 3911229 |
[carpal tunnel syndrome]. | | 2005 | 1183292 |
[surgical treatment of cancer of the lung]. | | 2003 | 219397 |
effects of indomethacin and prostaglandins on ovulation of goldfish. | a technique is described whereby elevated temperature and hcg injection yield a high percentage of ovulation in gravid goldfish. indomethacin (10 mug/g; i.p. injection) completely inhibits ovulation if given within 6 hours following hcg (4 iu/g); the unovulated oocytes develop rapidly into corpora atretica. pge1, pge2, and pgf2alpha (5 mug/g; i.p. injection) induce ovulation in fish treated with indomethacin and hcg; pge2 was most effective when given 11 hours after hcg. the results suggest that ... | 2005 | 1153811 |
[a case presenting myoclonic seizures of eyelids induced by closing the eyes (author's transl)]. | | 1999 | 96457 |
[severe anti-d allo-immunization: failure of repeated antenatal plasmapheresis (a case report)]. | | 2000 | 97627 |
vertigo and drop attacks caused by acute transient monocular disequilibrium (halpern's syndrome). | among the causes of acute vertigo the syndrome of sensorimotor induction in unilateral disequilibrium (halpern's syndrome) should be considered. this syndrome was found in a patient and described in detail. the major features of this syndrome are the displacement of vertical and horizontal axes induced by looking with the "affected" eye only, which are further aggravated by applying red filters to the eyes only, which are further aggravated by applying red filters to the eyes and corrected by bl ... | 1999 | 93628 |
[platelets, adp, camp, and antiplatelet drugs]. | | 2015 | 4366039 |
editorial: reflection on colonoscopy. | | 2016 | 4829187 |
[the nurse in psychiatry. sleep disorders in adults]. | | 1986 | 261084 |
comparison of specificity of agonist and antagonist radioligand binding to beta adrenergic receptors. | | 1998 | 19707 |
poland's syndrome. | | 2000 | 92137 |
[experimental studies on the cytotoxic effects of adriamycin and daunomycin used alone and in combination (author's transl)]. | | 2001 | 98401 |
arthroscopic findings of the knee in patients with pseudogout. | | 2003 | 181011 |
[crossover bypasses in reconstructive vascular surgery]. | | 2003 | 152470 |
[fibrinogen and pentoxifylline. results of a french cooperative exploratory study of stage ii arteritis]. | a collaborative exploratory study was undertaken by 139 private angiologists in 427 out-patients with pvd stage ii treated for 90 days with pentoxifylline 1 200 mg per day. in 306 patients (71,6%) the fibrinogen level was decreased by 0,21 g/l in mean (p less than 0.01). this significant decrease is correlated to the global improvement (p less than 0.01) and is within the magnitude of difference that is associated between vascular death and comparative groups in recent epidemiologic studies. in ... | 2009 | 2715734 |
[experience in serving the child population in hard-to-reach areas of kazakhstan]. | | 2010 | 2975412 |
berger's disease without iga deposits? | | 2010 | 2918964 |
[cell distribution and macrophage function in bronchoalveolar lavage of patients with sarcoidosis and lung tumors]. | bal was performed to differentiate cases of sarcoidosis and bronchial carcinoma. significant differences in the cell differentiation are stated. an increase of spontaneous interleukin production seems to be another sign of activity of sarcoidosis. | 2010 | 2833039 |
amino acid sequence similarity between drosophila acetylcholinesterase and the active site region of trypsin. | | 2011 | 3241671 |
spectrometric analysis of the influence of metal substrates on the color of metal-ceramic restorations. | the development and use of ceramic alloys have created the potential for variation in the color of dental porcelain. in order to define the nature of the alterations, it is necessary to examine quantitatively the color of dental porcelain baked onto ceramic alloys. the purpose of this study was to examine spectrometrically where color differences occur in the fabrication process. one shade of vita porcelain was baked onto coupons of three ceramic alloys (high gold, palladium-silver, base metal). ... | 2013 | 3855423 |
trace element profiles in skin-tumour and tissues of tumour-bearing mice. | | 2013 | 3843095 |
[intravitreous myiasis. apropos of a case]. | | 2013 | 3790847 |
proposed method to study the factors affecting local control with combined external beam and interstitial implantation of mobile tongue and floor of mouth. | twenty-seven patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the mobile tongue and floor of the mouth were treated with external beam and interstitial radiation. good prognostic factors were t1n0, t2n0, superficial tumors, tumor shrinkage by 75% with external beam, and no apparent tumor clinically 2 months after treatment. on the other hand, t3n0, t1-3n1, and deeply necrotic tumors had a poor prognosis. we recommend using a flexible afterloading system to implant the initial local tumor volume (not jus ... | 2013 | 3784566 |
[remote results of the treatment of hemophilic contractures of the knee joint in children]. | | 2013 | 3750634 |
metoclopramide decreases baroreflex sensitivity in patients with essential hypertension. | the effect of metoclopramide (10 mg, iv.) or physiological saline on the exercise-induced (standardized bicycle ergometry) increase in blood pressure and heart rate of patients with essential hypertension was investigated in a double blind, randomized, self controlled study. metoclopramide had no effect on the exercise-induced increase in blood pressure but significantly enhanced the tachycardia due to ergometry after 4-6 min exercise. the mean slope of linear regression lines calculated from th ... | 2013 | 3561160 |
[effect of natural and artificial polynucleotides on the incorporation of labeled amino acids by landschütz cells in vitro]. | | 2014 | 4157958 |
the pediatric nurse practitioner in the private office. | | 2015 | 4518504 |
visual mechanism determining flight distance in zebra danios (brachydanio rerio pisces). | | 2015 | 4503812 |
[proper organization of drug supply is the guarantee for improving medical service to the population]. | | 2015 | 4774714 |
dental health of university students. | | 2015 | 4693204 |
epidemiological study of vitiligo in surat area, south gujarat. | | 2016 | 4756867 |
[a clinico-electroencephalographic analysis of aphasia]. | | 2015 | 4662783 |