
infected cardiac myxoma: an updated review.this study aims to present an updated clinical picture of the infected cardiac myxoma. revankar & clark made a systematic review of infected cardiac myxoma based on the literature before 1998. since then, there has not been any updated information describing its recent changing trends.201526735605
exploring the population-level impact of menb vaccination via modeling: potential for serogroup replacement.various meningococcal conjugate vaccines exist against serogroups a, c, w and y. a new protein-based vaccine targeting serogroup b (menb) is also now available. the potential of such vaccines to drive serogroup replacement is considered a possible public health concern when implementing nationwide routine immunization programmes. the aim of this work was to investigate if and how serogroup replacement may occur following widespread vaccination with a menb vaccine that may protect against carriag ...201526308796
exploring the population-level impact of menb vaccination via modeling: potential for serogroup replacement.various meningococcal conjugate vaccines exist against serogroups a, c, w and y. a new protein-based vaccine targeting serogroup b (menb) is also now available. the potential of such vaccines to drive serogroup replacement is considered a possible public health concern when implementing nationwide routine immunization programmes. the aim of this work was to investigate if and how serogroup replacement may occur following widespread vaccination with a menb vaccine that may protect against carriag ...201526308796
population-based surveillance of neisseria meningitidis antimicrobial resistance in the united states.background.  antimicrobial treatment and chemoprophylaxis of patients and their close contacts is critical to reduce the morbidity and mortality and prevent secondary cases of meningococcal disease. through the 1990's, the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance to commonly used antimicrobials among neisseria meningitidis was low in the united states. susceptibility testing was performed to ascertain whether the proportions of isolates with reduced susceptibility to antimicrobials commonly used f ...201526357666
the impact of aggregating serogroups in dynamic models of neisseria meningitidis transmission.neisseria meningitidis (nm) is a pathogen of multiple serogroups that is highly prevalent in many populations. serogroups associated with invasive meningococcal disease (imd) in canada, for example, include a, b, c, w-135, x and y. imd is a rare but serious outcome of nm infection, and can be prevented with vaccines that target certain serogroups. this has stimulated the development of dynamic models to evaluate vaccine impact. however, these models typically aggregate the various nm serogroups ...201526223223
seroprevalence of antibody-mediated, complement-dependent opsonophagocytic activity against neisseria meningitidis serogroup b in england.the correlate of protection for the licensure of meningococcal vaccines is serum bactericidal activity. however, evidence indicates that a complex situation and other mechanisms, such as antibody-mediated, complement-dependent opsonophagocytosis (op), may play a role in protection and should be investigated in order to understand immunity to this disease. in this study, a high-throughput flow cytometric opsonophagocytic assay (opa) was optimized. the assay measures the presence of killed fluores ...201525739917
the diversity of meningococcal carriage across the african meningitis belt and the impact of vaccination with a group a meningococcal conjugate of meningococcal carriage is essential to understanding the epidemiology of neisseria meningitidis infection.201525858956
prevalence and epidemiology of meningococcal carriage in southern ethiopia prior to implementation of menafrivac, a conjugate vaccine.neisseria meningitidis colonizes humans and transmits mainly by asymptomatic carriage. we sought to determine the prevalence and epidemiology of meningococcal carriage in ethiopia prior to the introduction of menafrivac, a serogroup a meningococcal conjugate vaccine.201627814682
outer membrane vesicles from flagellin-deficient salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium induce cross-reactive immunity and provide cross-protection against heterologous salmonella challenge.outer membrane vesicles (omvs) isolated from salmonella typhimurium are potentially useful for developing subunit vaccines because of high immunogenicity and protective efficacy. however, flagella might remain in omv pellets following omv purification, resulting in non-essential immune responses and counteraction of bacterial protective immune responses when developing a vaccine against infection of multiple serotypes salmonella. in this study, a flagellin-deficient s. typhimurium mutant was con ...201627698383
analysis of the mouse gut microbiome using full-length 16s rrna amplicon sequencing.demands for faster and more accurate methods to analyze microbial communities from natural and clinical samples have been increasing in the medical and healthcare industry. recent advances in next-generation sequencing technologies have facilitated the elucidation of the microbial community composition with higher accuracy and greater throughput than was previously achievable; however, the short sequencing reads often limit the microbial composition analysis at the species level due to the high ...201627411898
novel strategy to protect against influenza virus-induced pneumococcal disease without interfering with commensal colonization.streptococcus pneumoniae commonly inhabits the nasopharynx as a member of the commensal biofilm. infection with respiratory viruses, such as influenza a virus, induces commensal s. pneumoniae to disseminate beyond the nasopharynx and to elicit severe infections of the middle ears, lungs, and blood that are associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. current preventive strategies, including the polysaccharide conjugate vaccines, aim to eliminate asymptomatic carriage with vaccine-type ...201627001538
neisseria lactamica causing a lung cavity and skin rash in a renal transplant patient: first report from india.neisseria lactamica, a commensal, has been very rarely reported to cause diseases in immunocompromised hosts. in medical literature, there is only one report of a cavitatory lung lesion caused by it. the patient was a kidney transplant recipient. neisseria lactamica was found to be the cause of his pulmonary cavity and a desquamating rash on feet. with the rapidly spreading medical advance, more and more patients are getting organ transplants, so the population of immunocompromised people is on ...201627006840
bacterial succession on rat carcasses and applications for pmi estimation.abstract:201627301077
neisseria proteomics for antigen discovery and vaccine development.neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus) is a major causative organism of meningitis and sepsis and neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonococcus) is the causative organism of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea. infections caused by meningococci are vaccine-preventable, whereas gonococcal vaccine research and development has languished for decades and the correlates of protection are still largely unknown. in the past two decades, complementary 'omic' platforms have been developed to interrogate neiss ...201425017717
interstrain cooperation in meningococcal biofilms: role of autotransporters nalp and auta.neisseria meningitidis (nm) and neisseria lactamica (nl) are commensal bacteria that live in the human nasopharynx, where they form microcolonies. in contrast to nl, nm occasionally causes blood and/or meningitis infection with often fatal consequences. here, we studied interactions between neisserial strains during biofilm formation. fluorescent strains were engineered and analyzed for growth in single- and dual-strain biofilms with confocal laser-scanning microscopy. different strains of diver ...201728382026
activation of trif-dependent and independent immune responses by neisserial heat shock protein complex vaccines.asbtract heat shock protein complex (hspc) vaccines are composed of hsp purified from pathogenic bacteria along with their chaperoned protein cargo. mouse studies have shown that hspc vaccines can induce a strong immune response against pathogenic bacteria without addition of an exogenous adjuvant. these vaccines are now entering clinical trials. it was predicted, but not previously tested, that hspc vaccines induce an immune response due to the activation of toll-like receptors (tlr) by their c ...201627322634
heat shock protein complex vaccines induce antibodies against neisseria meningitidis via a myd88-independent mechanism.neisseria meningitidis are common colonizers of the human nasopharynx. in some circumstances, n. meningitidis becomes an opportunistic pathogen that invades tissues and causes meningitis. while a vaccine against a number of serogroups has been in effective use for many years, a vaccine against n. meningitidis group b has not yet been universally adopted. bacterial heat shock protein complex (hspc) vaccines comprise bacterial hsps, purified with their chaperoned protein cargo. hspc vaccines use t ...201626876441
role of pena polymorphisms for penicillin susceptibility in neisseria lactamica and neisseria meningococci, reduced penicillin susceptibility is associated with five specific mutations in the transpeptidase region of penicillin binding protein 2 (pbp2). we showed that the same set of mutations was present in 64 of 123 neisseria lactamica strains obtained from a carriage study (mic range: 0.125-2.0mg/l). the pbp2 encoding pena alleles in these strains were genetically similar to those found in intermediate resistant meningococci suggesting frequent interspecies genetic exchange. fifty- ...201526321007
nasal inoculation of the commensal neisseria lactamica inhibits carriage of neisseria meningitidis by young adults: a controlled human infection study.herd protection by meningococcal vaccines is conferred by population-level reduction of meningococcal nasopharyngeal colonization. given the inverse epidemiological association between colonization by commensal neisseria lactamica and meningococcal disease, we investigated whether controlled infection of human volunteers with n. lactamica prevents colonization by neisseria meningitidis.201525814628
variations in neisseria meningitidis carriage by socioeconomic status: a cross-sectional study.deprivation is associated with an increased risk of invasive neisseria meningitidis disease, but little is known about the relationship between deprivation and asymptomatic carriage of n. meningitidis. this analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between meningococcal carriage and deprivation.201625742719
on-line sers detection of single bacterium using novel sers nanoprobes and a microfluidic dielectrophoresis device.the integration of novel surface-enhanced raman scattering (sers) nanoprobes and a microfluidic dielectrophoresis (dep) device is developed for rapid on-line sers detection of salmonella enterica serotype choleraesuis and neisseria lactamica. the sers nanoprobes are prepared by immobilization of specific antibody onto the surface of nanoaggregate-embedded beads (naebs), which are silica-coated, dye-induced aggregates of a small number of gold nanoparticles (aunps). each naeb gives highly enhance ...201425115777
neisseria lactamica y92-1009 complete genome sequence.we present the high quality, complete genome assembly of neisseria lactamica y92-1009 used to manufacture an outer membrane vesicle (omv)-based vaccine, and a member of the neisseria genus. the strain is available on request from the public health england meningococcal reference unit. this gram negative, dipplococcoid bacterium is an organism of worldwide clinical interest because human nasopharyngeal carriage is related inversely to the incidence of meningococcal disease, caused by neisseria me ...201728770026
structure of the neisseria adhesin complex protein (acp) and its role as a novel lysozyme inhibitor.pathogenic and commensal neisseria species produce an adhesin complex protein, which was first characterised in neisseria meningitidis (nm) as a novel surface-exposed adhesin with vaccine potential. in the current study, the crystal structure of a recombinant (r)nm-acp type i protein was determined to 1.4 å resolution: the fold resembles an eight-stranded β-barrel, stabilized by a disulphide bond between the first (cys38) and last (cys121) β-strands. there are few main-chain hydrogen bonds linki ...201728662181
Displaying items 501 - 523 of 523