
an investigation of equine infectious anaemia infection in the central anatolia region of this study, 162 horses, 80 donkeys and 51 mule serum samples were collected in konya city. additionally, 64 horse serum samples from ankara and 49 samples from kayseri city were included in the study. a total of 406 serum samples were examined by agar gel immunodiffusion (agid) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for antibody to equine infectious anaemia virus (eiav) and no positive result was detected.200717665759
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2006.during 2006, 49 states and puerto rico reported 6,940 cases of rabies in animals and 3 cases in humans to the cdc, representing an 8.2% increase from the 6,417 cases in animals and 1 case in a human reported in 2005. approximately 92% of the cases were in wildlife, and 8% were in domestic animals. relative contributions by the major animal groups were as follows: 2,615 raccoons (37.7%), 1,692 bats (24.4%), 1,494 skunks (21.5%), 427 foxes (6.2%), 318 cats (4.6%), 82 cattle (1.2%), and 79 dogs (1. ...200717696853
malignant catarrhal fever associated with ovine herpesvirus-2 in free-ranging mule deer in colorado.malignant catarrhal fever (mcf) was diagnosed in four free-ranging mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) in january and february of 2003. diagnosis was based on typical histologic lesions of lymphocytic vasculitis and pcr identification of ovine herpesvirus-2 (ohv-2) viral genetic sequences in formalin-fixed tissues. the animals were from the uncompahgre plateau of southwestern colorado. deer from these herds occasionally resided in close proximity to domestic sheep (ovis aries), the reservoir host of ...200717699095
evaluation of repetitive extragenic palindromic-pcr for discrimination of fecal escherichia coli from humans, and different domestic- and wild-animals.the objective of this study was to investigate the potential of repetitive extragenic palindromic anchored polymerase chain reaction (rep-pcr) in differentiating fecal escherichia coli isolates of human, domestic- and wild-animal origin that might be used as a molecular tool to identify the possible source(s) of fecal pollution of source water. a total of 625 fecal e. coli isolates of human, 3 domestic- (cow, dog and horse) and 7 wild-animal (black bear, coyote, elk, marmot, mule deer, raccoon a ...200717704635
regulated expression of the ubiquitin protein ligase, e3(histone)/lasu1/mule/arf-bp1/huwe1, during spermatogenesis.a ubiquitin protein ligase (e3), e3(histone)/lasu1 (mule/arf-bp1/huwe1), was recently identified that mediates ubiquitination of core histones, the mcl-1 anti-apoptotic protein, and the p53 tumor suppressor protein. however, the expression of e3(histone)/lasu1 remains poorly studied. because we identified e3(histone)/lasu1 from the testis, we explored its regulation during spermatogenesis. in the first wave of rat spermatogenesis, e3(histone)/lasu1 mrna and protein had peak expression at days 10 ...200717823942
expression of the glucokinase gene in mule duck liver and glucokinase activities in chicken and mule duck livers.the presence of glucokinase (gk), a critical enzyme controlling glucose homeostasis, particularly liver glucose utilization in mammals, has long been a matter of debate in avian species because a number of investigators have failed to detect gk activity in the livers of chickens and several other avian species. in this study, we cloned a partial gk cdna from mule duck livers and measured gk-like activity in the livers of mule ducks and broiler chickens under 2 nutritional states. liver samples f ...200717878452
normal ranges and temporal variation in plasma concentrations of l-lactate and free amino acids in adult determine baseline variation in blood plasma concentrations of free amino acids and l-lactate, samples were collected at a single time point from nine flocks of different breeds of ewes at a common physiological stage and monthly from one flock of crossbred mule ewes over a 12 month period. significant differences were detected between time points in the concentrations of all plasma metabolites. with few exceptions prion protein genotype had no significant effect on the plasma metabolite conc ...200817900638
irruptive population dynamics in yellowstone pronghorn.irruptive population dynamics appear to be widespread in large herbivore populations, but there are few empirical examples from long time series with small measurement error and minimal harvests. we analyzed an 89-year time series of counts and known removals for pronghorn (antilocapra americana) in yellowstone national park of the western united states during 1918-2006 using a suite of density-dependent, density-independent, and irruptive models to determine if the population exhibited irruptiv ...200717913126
influence of lipoprotein-lipase activity on plasma triacylglycerol concentration and lipid storage in three genotypes of ducks.the lipoprotein-lipase (lpl) hydrolyses the triacylglycerols (tg) secreted by the liver and, thus, allows the storage of lipids onto the extrahepatic tissues. the lpl activity has been studied by injection of lpl antibodies in three genotypes of ducks (muscovy (cairina moschat), pekin (anas plathyrhynchos) and mule (hybrids of male muscovy ducks and female pekin ducks)) under overfeeding condition. the results show a similar weight gain between injected and control animals. a higher liver steato ...200717950017
febrile response and decrease in circulating lymphocytes following acute infection of white-tailed deer fawns with either a bvdv1 or a bvdv2 strain.although commonly associated with infection in cattle, bovine viral diarrhea viruses (bvdv) also replicate in many domestic and wildlife species, including cervids. bovine viral diarrhea viruses have been isolated from a number of cervids, including mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), european roe deer (capreolus capreolus), red deer (cervus elaphus), white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), and mouse deer (tragulus javanicus), but little information is available regarding clinical presentation ...200717984260
demodicosis in a mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus) from saskatchewan, canada.infestation of deer with demodex spp. mites has been described in white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) and in columbian black-tailed deer (odocoileus hemionus columbianus) in north america, as well as in four species of deer in europe. we describe demodex sp. infestation in an adult female mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus) with skin lesions found dead near saskatoon, saskatchewan, canada. this is believed to be the first report of demodicosis in mule deer.200717984276
age-related lesions in laboratory-confined raccoons (procyon lotor) inoculated with the agent of chronic wasting disease of mule deer.this communication documents age-associated pathologic changes and final observations on experimental transmission of chronic wasting disease (cwd) by the intracerebral route to raccoons (procyon lotor). four kits were inoculated intracerebrally with a brain suspension from mule deer with cwd. two uninoculated kits served as controls. one cwd-inoculated raccoon was humanely killed at 38 months after inoculation, and 1 control animal died at 68 months after inoculation. both animals had lesions t ...200717998557
concentrations of metals (zinc, copper, cadmium, and mercury) in three domestic ducks in france: pekin, muscovy, and mule ducks.the role of different factors such as biological material (tissues, organs) and trophic condition (overfeeding or not) in the metal accumulation was studied in three genotypes of ducks (pekin, muscovy, and mule) under breeding conditions. results showed that overfeeding decreased the concentration in cd, cu, and zn through the dilution process. in contrast, mercury concentration increased with this method. a relation between lipidic metabolism of genotypes and the distribution of this metal in b ...200818072740
genetic diversity of trypanosoma evansi in beef cattle based on internal transcribed spacer region.this study was focused on genetic diversity of trypanosoma evansi which is a widely distributed haemoflagellate of veterinary importance that infects a variety of larger mammals including horses, mules, camels, buffalo, cattle and deer. the genetic diversity of t. evansi of beef cattle lam19 was accomplished by using phylogenetic analysis based on internal transcribed spacer region (its). blood sample was collected from a naturally infected beef cattle lam 19 and parasitemia was raised by mouse ...200818096444
seroprevalence of equine babesiosis in the black sea region of turkey.the prevalence of theileria equi and babesia caballi was determined in equid blood samples in five provinces of the black sea region of turkey by using the indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat). of 153 samples, 53 (34.6%) and 33 (21.5%) were seropositive to b. caballi and t. equi, respectively. in addition, 8 (5.2%) of samples were seropositive to both t. equi and b. caballi. anti t. equi and b. caballi antibodies were detected in all five regions. the prevalence of b. caballi was higher tha ...200818234550
relationships between human disturbance and wildlife land use in urban habitat fragments.habitat remnants in urbanized areas typically conserve biodiversity and serve the recreation and urban open-space needs of human populations. nevertheless, these goals can be in conflict if human activity negatively affects wildlife. hence, when considering habitat remnants as conservation refuges it is crucial to understand how human activities and land uses affect wildlife use of those and adjacent areas. we used tracking data (animal tracks and den or bed sites) on 10 animal species and infor ...200818254856
muscleworms, parelaphostrongylus andersoni (nematoda: protostrongylidae), discovered in columbia white-tailed deer from oregon and washington: implications for biogeography and host associations.parelaphostrongylus andersoni is considered a characteristic nematode infecting white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus). host and geographic distribution for this parasite, however, remain poorly defined in the region of western north america. fecal samples collected from columbia white-tailed deer (o. v. leucurus) in a restricted range endemic to oregon and washington, usa, were examined for dorsal-spined larvae characteristic of many protostrongylid nematodes. multilocus dna sequence data ( ...200818263818
validation of an anaplasma marginale celisa for use in the diagnosis of a. ovis infections in domestic sheep and anaplasma spp. in wild ungulates.a commercially available (celisa) kit for diagnosing anaplasma marginale infection in cattle was validated for diagnosing a ovis infection in sheep using the bovine serum controls as supplied by the manufacturer (bcelisa) and sheep serum controls from pathogen-free sheep (ocelisa). true positives were identified using two previously established assays, a nested pcr (npcr) test and an indirect immunofluorescent assay (ifa). the bcelisa was also applied to sera from various species of wild ruminan ...200818272296
isolation of a gammaherpesvirus similar to asinine herpesvirus-2 (ahv-2) from a mule and a survey of mules and donkeys for ahv-2 infection by real-time pcr.equids are commonly infected by herpesviruses, but isolation of herpesviruses from mules has apparently not been previously reported. furthermore, the genomic relationships among the various equid herpesviruses are poorly characterized. we describe the isolation and preliminary characterization of a mule gammaherpesvirus tentatively identified as asinine herpesvirus-2 (ahv-2; also designated equid herpesvirus-7 (ehv-7)) from the nasal secretions (ns) of a healthy mule in northern california. the ...200818280676
[the former knackers yard in zurich-albisrieden: pathological findings in excavated animal bones].during archaeological excavations in the former knackers yard in zurich-albisrieden bones and joints of 8 horses and 1 mule were found and examinedfor pathological lesions. degenerative changes (arthropathies, spondylosis and spondylarthrosis) as well as tooth irregularities were most often seen. one horse had a discospondylitis and spondylitis of c7 and th1.200818306937
ethnophytotherapeutical research in the high molise region (central-southern italy).in the years 2003-2005 research was carried out concerning ethno-medicine in the high molise (central- southern italy), a region that has been the object of very little investigation from the ethnobotanical point of view. upper molise is a continuation of the mountain profiles of the abruzzi appenines: a series of hills, steep slopes and deep fluvial valleys making communications difficult. primordial traditions (e.g. harvest feasts) are typical of the region.200818334029
a prion disease of cervids: chronic wasting disease.chronic wasting disease (cwd) is a prion disease of deer, elk, and moose, initially recognized in colorado mule deer. the discovery of cwd beyond the borders of colorado and wyoming, in canada and as far east as new york, has led to its emergence as a prion disease of international importance. epidemiological studies indicate that cwd is horizontally transmitted among free-ranging animals, potentially indirectly by prion-containing secreta or excreta contaminating the environment. experimental c ...200818381058
characterization of clinically-attenuated burkholderia mallei by whole genome sequencing: candidate strain for exclusion from select agent lists.burkholderia mallei is an understudied biothreat agent responsible for glanders which can be lethal in humans and animals. research with this pathogen has been hampered in part by constraints of select agent regulations for safety reasons. whole genomic sequencing (wgs) is an apt approach to characterize newly discovered or poorly understood microbial pathogens.200818446194
ram novelty and the duration of ram exposure affects the distribution of mating in ewes exposed to rams during the transition into the breeding season.this study compared the affect of short-term and continuous exposure to rams during the transition between anoestrus and the breeding season on the distribution of mating and subsequent lambing. further, within ewes continuously exposed to rams we investigated the effect of replacing these rams every 17 days with 'novel' rams. during august (late anoestrus, northern hemisphere), multiparous, north of england mule ewes were allocated to one of four groups: svr ewes were exposed to vasectomised ra ...200918456439
respiratory and intestinal trichomoniasis in mule ducks.two types of trichomoniasis, respiratory and intestinal, were found in two duck farms. based on the morphological features, the organism was identified as tetra-trichomonas anatis. in the first outbreak, main clinical signs were bilateral swelling of infraorbital sinuses, sneezing and profuse diarrhoea with high fatality (300/400) in young ducks. histological lesions were confined to the upper respiratory tract and lower small intestine and consisted of mucofibrino-purulent sinusitis and catarrh ...199718483934
experimental transmission of chronic wasting disease (cwd) of elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni), white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), and mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus) to white-tailed deer by intracerebral compare clinical and pathologic findings of chronic wasting disease (cwd) in a natural host, 3 groups (n = 5) of white-tailed deer (wtd) fawns were intracerebrally inoculated with a cwd prion of wtd, mule deer, or elk origin. three other uninoculated fawns served as controls. approximately 10 months postinoculation (mpi), 1 deer from each of the 3 inoculated groups was necropsied and their tissues were examined for lesions of spongiform encephalopathy (se) and for the presence of abnormal pri ...200818487485
equine giant cell tumor of soft parts: a series of 21 cases (2000-2007).in horses, giant-cell tumors of soft parts are rare neoplasms, with the majority of reported cases occurring within the hind limb muscles and soft tissues in older horses. the following article documents 21 cases of equine giant-cell tumors of soft parts clinically examined within the state of colorado from 2000 to 2007. the majority of cases occurred in male horses aged 10 years or older. nine (43%) arose within the hind limbs. key histologic features included numerous multinucleated giant cell ...200818599861
a disruption of ctpa encoding carboxy-terminal protease attenuates burkholderia mallei and induces partial protection in cd1 mice.burkholderia mallei is the etiologic agent of glanders in solipeds (horses, mules and donkeys), and incidentally in carnivores and humans. little is known about the molecular mechanisms of b. mallei pathogenesis. the putative carboxy-terminal processing protease (ctpa) of b. mallei is a member of a novel family of endoproteases involved in the maturation of proteins destined for the cell envelope. all species and isolates of burkholderia carry a highly conserved copy of ctpa. we studied the invo ...200818614331
mule cognition: a case of hybrid vigour?this study compares the behaviour of the mule (equus asinus x equus caballus) with that of its parent species to assess the effects of hybridization on cognition. six mules, six ponies (e. caballus) and six donkeys (e. asinus) were given a two choice visual discrimination learning task. each session consisted of 12 trials and pass level was reached when subjects chose the correct stimulus for at least 9 out of the 12 trials in three consecutive sessions. a record was made of how many pairs each ...200918636282
somatic cell nuclear transfer in horses.the cloning of equids was achieved in 2003, several years after the birth of dolly the sheep and also after the cloning of numerous other laboratory and farm animal species. the delay was because of the limited development in the horse of more classical-assisted reproductive techniques required for successful cloning, such as oocyte maturation and in vitro embryo production. when these technologies were developed, the application of cloning also became possible and cloned horse offspring were ob ...200818638143
prevalence of equine herpesvirus-1 and equine herpesvirus-4 infections in equidae species in turkey as determined by elisa and multiplex nested this report we examined the presence of specific antibodies against equine herpesvirus type 1 (ehv-1), and equine herpesvirus type 4 (ehv-4) in several equidae, including mules, donkeys, horses. the presence of ehv-1 and ehv-4 in respiratory diseases of equids, and ability of multiplex nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr) screening in simultaneous diagnosis of horses acutely infected by ehv-1 and ehv-4 were also investigated. sera from 504 horses, mules and donkeys sampled were tested for t ...200918649902
seroprevalence of neospora caninum and toxoplasma gondii in black-tailed deer (odocoileus hemionus columbianus) and mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus).deer are considered important intermediate hosts for the coccidian parasites, toxoplasma gondii and neospora caninum. antibodies to n. caninum and t. gondii were determined in sera of 42 mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus) and 43 black-tailed deer (odocoileus hemionus columbianus) from washington state, usa, using direct agglutination test with specific antigens. a titer of 1:25 was considered diagnostic for both parasites. n. caninum antibodies were found in 7 of 42 mule deer and 8 of 43 b ...200818650016
[pathogenicity of eimeria mulardi chauve et al., 1994 in experimentally infected mule-ducks. precision on pathological stages].pathogenicity of eimeria mulardi chauve et al., 1994 in experimentally infected mule-ducks. precision on pathological stages the pathogenicity of eimeria mulardi has been studied in mule-ducklings orally inoculated with sporulated oocysts. with two dose levels (10(5) or 10(6) oocysts per bird), a significant loss of body-weight was observed, whereas no loss of weight was observed with a dose level of 10(4). with a dose of 10(6) oocysts per bird, inflammatory and haemorrhagic changes associated w ...199418671122
effects of meloxicam or tolfenamic acid administration on the pain and stress responses of merino lambs to determine the effectiveness of two long-acting non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) at reducing the pain and stress responses to mulesing in lambs.200818673471
[coccidia of mule ducks: preliminary survey in three farms of the south-west region of france].coccidia of mule ducks: preliminary survey in three farms of the south-west region of france a coprological survey carried out on mule duck farms, has revealed seven different coccidian species: cryptosporidium (1), tyzzeria (2) and eimeria (4). tyzzeria was the most frequent. the four eimeria species have never been previously noted in france and one of them could be a new species.199118680068
why clone flies? using cloned drosophila to monitor epigenetic defects.since the birth of the first cloned sheep in 1996, advances in nuclear transplantation have led to both the creation of genetically tailored stem cells and the generation of a number of cloned organisms. the list of cloned animals reared to adulthood currently includes the frog, sheep, mouse, cow, goat, pig, rabbit, cat, zebrafish, mule, horse, rat and dog. the addition of drosophila to this elite bestiary of cloned animals has prompted the question - why clone flies? organisms generated by nucl ...200718690060
pathologic findings in equine muscle (excluding polysaccharide storage): a necropsy study.gross and histopathologic evaluation of skeletal muscle was performed in 229 equids (217 horses, 8 ponies, 3 donkeys, and 1 mule) 1 year of age or older undergoing postmortem examination at oregon state university in a 2.5-year period. animals were evaluated for grossly evident muscle lesions, and muscle samples were fixed in formalin, processed routinely, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (he) and periodic acid-schiff (pas) for glycogen. muscle lesions were detected in 149 animals (65%). c ...200818776088
persistent bovine viral diarrhea virus infection in wild cervids of colorado.bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv) is a significant viral pathogen of domestic cattle. worldwide, there is evidence of bvdv exposure and infection in wild ungulates; however, the frequency and significance of such events are unknown. to determine the prevalence and distribution of colorado deer, elk, and moose persistently infected (pi) with bvdv, a cross-sectional study was conducted using full-thickness ear tissue samples collected from animals presented to the colorado division of wildlife fo ...200818776103
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2007.summary: during 2007, 49 states and puerto rico reported 7,258 cases of rabies in animals and 1 case in a human to the cdc, representing a 4.6% increase from the 6,940 cases in animals and 3 cases in humans reported in 2006. approximately 93% of the cases were in wildlife, and 7% were in domestic animals. relative contributions by the major animal groups were as follows: 2,659 raccoons (36.6%), 1,973 bats (27.2%), 1,478 skunks (20.4%), 489 foxes (6.7%), 274 cats (3.8%), 93 dogs (1.3%), and 57 ca ...200818795848
miz1 and hecth9 regulate the stability of the checkpoint protein, topbp1.the myc-associated zinc-finger protein, miz1, activates transcription of the p21cip1 gene in response to uv irradiation. miz1 associates with topoisomerase ii binding protein1 (topbp1), an essential activator of the atr kinase. we show here that miz1 is required for the recruitment of a fraction of topbp1 to chromatin, for the protection of topbp1 from proteasomal degradation and for atr-dependent signal transduction. topbp1 that is not bound to chromatin is degraded by the hecth9 (mule, arf-bp1 ...200818923429
ocular plague (yersinia pestis) in mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) from wyoming and oregon.although plague is relatively rare in wild ungulates, this report describes ocular lesions associated with yersinia pestis infection in three free-ranging mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) from wyoming and oregon, usa. all deer were observed antemortem and seemed to be blind. post-mortem examination revealed gross lesions of bilateral keratoconjunctivitis and/or panophthalmitis in the first two deer, but only partial retinal detachment in the third deer. microscopically, all deer had moderate-to-s ...200818957655
evidence for persistent bovine viral diarrhea virus infection in a captive mountain goat (oreamnos americanus).bovine viral diarrhea (bvd) viruses are pestiviruses that have been isolated from domestic and wild ruminants. there is serologic evidence of pestiviral infection in more than 40 species of free-range and captive mammals. vertical transmission can produce persistently infected animals that are immunotolerant to the infecting strain of bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv) and shed virus throughout their lives. seven species (white-tailed deer, mouse deer, eland, domestic cattle, alpaca, sheep, and ...200818987224
lions and prions and deer demise.contagious prion diseases--scrapie of sheep and chronic wasting disease of several species in the deer family--give rise to epidemics that seem capable of compromising host population viability. despite this prospect, the ecological consequences of prion disease epidemics in natural populations have received little consideration.200819107193
regulation of heat-induced apoptosis by mcl-1 degradation and its inhibition by hsp70.cellular stress eliminates irreversibly damaged cells by initiating the intrinsic death pathway. cell stress is sensed by pro- and antiapoptotic members of the bcl-2 protein family, which regulate the release of apoptogenic factors, such as cytochrome c, from mitochondria. exposure of cells to hyperthermia results in the activation of the proapoptotic bcl-2 family protein bax, which plays an essential role in cytochrome c release. heat directly affects bax activity in vitro; however, antiapoptot ...200919148187
assessment of welfare of suckling lambs following intradermal injection of cetrimide as a non-surgical alternative to conventional assess in suckling lambs the impact of intradermal injection of cetrimide, a quaternary ammonium compound formulated to induce non-surgical mulesing, on some physiological and behavioural indicators of welfare.200919178471
effect of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, carprofen, on weaned sheep following non-surgical mulesing by intradermal injection of assess in weaned lambs the palliative effects of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, carprofen, following intradermal injection of cetrimide to induce non-surgical mulesing.200919178472
parental genomes mix in mule and human cell nuclei.whether chromosome sets inherited from father and mother occupy separate spaces in the cell nucleus is a question first asked over 110 years ago. recently, the nuclear organization of the genome has come increasingly into focus as an important level of epigenetic regulation. in this context, it is indispensable to know whether or not parental genomes are spatially separated. genome separation had been demonstrated for plant hybrids and for the early mammalian embryo. conclusive studies for somat ...200919198867
evaluation of the seminiferous epithelial cycle, spermatogonial kinetics and niche in donkeys (equus asinus).kinetics of spermatogonia as well as localization in niches have been described in rodents, but rarely in large animals or in species of economical interest. in this regard, and envisioning the possibility of spermatogonial transplantation from donkeys (equus asinus) to mules (equus mulus mulus), many variables that may contribute for an enhanced understanding of the spermatogonial biology in donkeys were investigated. testes from five adult donkeys were routinely processed for high-resolution l ...200919211205
validation of use of rectoanal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue for immunohistochemical diagnosis of chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus).the examination of rectoanal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (ramalt) biopsy specimens for the diagnosis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies has been described in sheep, elk, and small numbers of mule and white-tailed deer. previous sample numbers have been too small to validate examination of this type of tissue as a viable antemortem diagnostic test. in this study, we examined ramalt collected postmortem from 76 white-tailed deer removed from a farm in wisconsin known to be affected ...200919261781
short beak and dwarfism syndrome of mule duck is caused by a distinct lineage of goose parvovirus.from the early 1970s to the present, numerous cases of short beak and dwarfism syndrome (sbds) have been reported in mule ducks from france. the animals showed strong growth retardation with smaller beak and tarsus. it was suggested that the syndrome was caused by goose parvovirus on the basis of serological investigation, but the causative agent has not been isolated and the disease has not so far been reproduced by experimental infection. the aim of the present study was to characterize the vi ...200919322718
effectiveness of a non-surgical alternative to the mules operation in measure changes to the perineal bare area, local tissue reaction and healing responses of young sheep, following intradermal administration of cetrimide and polyvinylpyrrolidone (pvp), with and without ethanol, to the breech and tail.200919335468
eleven generations of selection for the duration of fertility in the intergeneric crossbreeding of ducks.a 12-generation selection experiment involving a selected line (s) and a control line (c) has been conducted since 1992 with the aim of increasing the number of fertile eggs laid by the brown tsaiya duck after a single artificial insemination (ai) with pooled muscovy semen. on average, 28.9% of the females and 17.05% of the males were selected. the selection responses and the predicted responses showed similar trends. the average predicted genetic responses per generation in genetic standard dev ...200919335901
dermoid cysts in caribou.subcutaneous dermoid cysts were identified in eight wild caribou (rangifer tarandus) from widely dispersed locations in northern canada and in one wild caribou from alaska. the dermoid cysts from canadian caribou were found among 557 diagnostic specimens that had been detected by hunters and submitted by resource officers and biologists between 1 january 1966 and 15 may 2007. all of the cysts were located in the cervical region, and five of nine cysts were found in the throat area. all of the an ...200919395761
predator and heterospecific stimuli alter behaviour in cattle.wild and domestic ungulates modify their behaviour in the presence of olfactory and visual cues of predators but investigations have not exposed a domestic species to a series of cues representing various predators and other ungulate herbivores. we used wolf (canis lupus), mountain lion (puma concolor), and mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) stimuli (olfactory and visual), and a control (no stimuli) to experimentally test for differences in behaviour of cattle (bos taurus) raised in arizona. we mea ...200919429201
an overview of the mosaic bacteriocin pln loci from lactobacillus plantarum.the pln locus responsible for bacteriocin biosynthesis in lactobacillus plantarum c11 was first unraveled about 15 years ago and since then different strains of l. plantarum (nc8, wcfs1, j23 and j51) have been found to harbor mosaic pln loci in their genomes. each locus is of 18-19kb and contains 22-25 genes organized into 5-6 operons. together these strains produce four different class iib two-peptide bacteriocins, plantaricins ef, jk, nc8 and j51 and a pheromone peptide plantaricin a with anti ...200919465075
use of infrared thermography to detect thermographic changes in mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) experimentally infected with foot-and-mouth disease.infrared thermography (irt) measures the heat emitted from a surface, displays that information as a pictorial representation called a thermogram, and is capable of being a remote, noninvasive technology that provides information on the health of an animal. foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) caused by fmd virus (fmdv) is a severe, highly communicable viral disease of cloven-hoofed animals, including both domestic and wild ruminants. early detection of the disease may reduce economic loss and loss of s ...200919569476
cervids with different vocal behavior demonstrate different viscoelastic properties of their vocal folds.the authors test the hypothesis that vocal fold morphology and biomechanical properties covary with species-specific vocal function. they investigate mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) vocal folds, building on, and extending data on a related cervid, the rocky mountain elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni). the mule deer, in contrast to the elk, is a species with relatively little vocal activity in adult animals. mule deer and elk vocal folds show the typical three components of the mammalian vocal fold (ep ...201019603411
granulomatous inflammation in retropharyngeal lymph nodes of wild cervids in saskatchewan.a portion of retropharyngeal lymph nodes from 6,824 wild cervids, comprising 1,458 white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), 5,345 mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), 11 unidentified deer (odocoileus spp.), and 10 elk (cervus elaphus), were examined histologically for evidence of inflammation. focal granulomatous lymphadenitis was detected in 0.3% of white-tailed deer, 1.3% of mule deer, and in one of 10 elk. material consistent with splendore-hoeppli phenomenon was present in 70 (93%) of 75 case ...200919617472
the protist trichomonas vaginalis harbors multiple lineages of transcriptionally active mutator-like elements.for three decades the mutator system was thought to be exclusive of plants, until the first homolog representatives were characterized in fungi and in early-diverging amoebas earlier in this decade.200919622157
detection and identification of rickettsial agents in ticks from domestic mammals in eastern panama.several outbreaks of rocky mountain spotted fever have occurred in recent years in colombian communities close to the border with panama. however, little is known about rickettsiae and rickettsial diseases in eastern panamanian provinces, the darien province and the kuna yala, located north of the endemic area in colombia. in 2007, 289 ticks were collected in several towns from dogs, horses, mules, cows, and pigs. dna was extracted from 124 dermacentor nitens, 64 rhipicephalus sanguineus, 43 amb ...200919645289
genetic relationship between longevity and objectively or subjectively assessed performance traits in sheep using linear censored models.genetic parameters of longevity in crossbred mule ewes, and genetic relationships among longevity, growth, body composition, and subjectively assessed traits on mule lambs and ewes have been estimated using bayesian linear censored models. additionally, the genetic associations between longevity and culling reasons were examined. data comprised 1,797 observations of mule ewes for longevity, culling reasons, growth, body composition, mouth scores, and type traits. longevity was defined as the tim ...200919648485
polymorphisms at the prnp gene influence susceptibility to chronic wasting disease in two species of deer (odocoileus spp.) in western canada.chronic wasting disease (cwd) is increasingly prevalent in multiple wild mule (odocoileus hemionus) and white-tailed deer (o. virginianus) herds in north america. cwd was first found in canadian wild mule deer in saskatchewan in 2000 and has since spread into the neighboring province of alberta. the infectious agent for cwd is a misfolded prion protein encoded by the prnp gene. previous studies revealed association between prnp genotype and susceptibility to cwd in both mule and white-tailed dee ...200919697236
ubiquitin ligase arf-bp1/mule modulates base excision repair.base excision repair (ber) is the major cellular pathway involved in removal of endogenous/spontaneous dna lesions. here, we study the mechanism that controls the steady-state levels of ber enzymes in human cells. by fractionating human cell extract, we purified the e3 ubiquitin ligase mule (arf-bp1/hecth9) as an enzyme that can ubiquitylate dna polymerase beta (pol beta), the major ber dna polymerase. we identified lysines 41, 61 and 81 as the major sites of modification and show that replaceme ...200919713937
asymptomatic deer excrete infectious prions in faeces.infectious prion diseases-scrapie of sheep and chronic wasting disease (cwd) of several species in the deer family-are transmitted naturally within affected host populations. although several possible sources of contagion have been identified in excretions and secretions from symptomatic animals, the biological importance of these sources in sustaining epidemics remains unclear. here we show that asymptomatic cwd-infected mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) excrete cwd prions in their faeces long be ...200919741608
visual pathology in animal prion diseases.prion diseases, also known as the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (tses), are a group of slowly developing neurodegenerations occurring in human and animals. prion diseases can be transferred between animals, humans, from humans to animals, and from animals to humans. as a result, the central nervous system is attacked, resulting in microglia activation, astrocytosis, prion plaque deposition, and neuronal degeneration. prion also targets on the eye and brain visual system. in scrapie-i ...200919795355
mountain lions prey selectively on prion-infected mule deer.the possibility that predators choose prey selectively based on age or condition has been suggested but rarely tested. we examined whether mountain lions (puma concolor) selectively prey upon mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) infected with chronic wasting disease, a prion disease. we located kill sites of mountain lions in the northern front range of colorado, usa, and compared disease prevalence among lion-killed adult (> or =2 years old) deer with prevalence among sympatric deer taken by hunters ...201019864271
colic caused by panicum maximum toxicosis in equidae in northern the amazon region of northern brazil, panicum maximum cultivars mombaça, tanzânia, and massai cause severe colic and death in horses and mules. the disease occurs in the rainy season, when sprouting pastures are grazed by equidae. in the 8 separate disease outbreaks studied, a total of 52 out of 153 equidae were affected, including 19 that died (10 mules and 9 horses). clinical signs were colic and abdominal dilatation, with a clinical manifestation period of 12 hr to 4 days. serum activities ...200919901296
echinococcus granulosus in gray wolves and ungulates in idaho and montana, usa.we evaluated the small intestines of 123 gray wolves (canis lupus) that were collected from idaho, usa (n=63), and montana, usa (n=60), between 2006 and 2008 for the tapeworm echinococcus granulosus. the tapeworm was detected in 39 of 63 wolves (62%) in idaho, usa, and 38 of 60 wolves (63%) in montana, usa. the detection of thousands of tapeworms per wolf was a common finding. in idaho, usa, hydatid cysts, the intermediate form of e. granulosus, were detected in elk (cervus elaphus), mule deer ( ...200919901399
serological and parasitological survey of dourine in the arsi-bale highlands of ethiopia.this study was conducted from august 2005 to january 2007 to determine prevalence and distribution of dourine in horses and to investigate the occurrence of clinical and carrier cases in donkeys and mules in the arsi-bale highlands. study methodology was based on questionnaire, serological, clinical and parasitological survey. the questionnaire indicated that dourine is a major health problem of equines in the arsi-bale highlands. though dourine is commonly observed throughout the year, it has a ...201019924557
effects of maternal protein nutrition and subsequent grazing on chicory (cichorium intybus) on parasitism and performance of lambs.forty-eight 4- to 5-yr-old blackface x bluefaced leicester (mule) ewes and their 24-d-old twin lambs were used to assess the effects of maternal protein nutrition and subsequent grazing on chicory (cichorium intybus) on performance and parasitism. the experiment consisted of 2 grazing periods: safe pasture period and experimental pasture period. during an adaptation period of 66 d, ewes were infected through oral dosing with teladorsagia circumcincta infective larvae (3 d per wk) and were supple ...201020023143
a weighted surveillance approach for detecting chronic wasting disease foci.a key component of wildlife disease surveillance is determining the spread and geographic extent of pathogens by monitoring for infected individuals in regions where cases have not been previously detected. a practical challenge of such surveillance is developing reliable, yet cost-effective, approaches that remain sustainable when monitoring needs are prolonged or continuous, or when resources to support these efforts are limited. in order to improve the efficiency of chronic wasting disease (c ...201020090025
bovine tuberculosis in canadian wildlife: an updated history.mycobacterium bovis infection in wild animals attracted little attention in canada until the disease was almost eliminated from domestic livestock. tuberculosis was endemic in plains bison and occurred in elk, moose, and mule deer in buffalo national park (bnp), alberta during the 1920s and 1930s. bison were moved from bnp to wood buffalo national park (wbnp), where tuberculosis became, and remains, endemic in bison, posing a risk to efforts to restore bison in northern canada. tuberculosis was ...200920119541
seroprevalence of equine piroplasms and host-related factors associated with infection in greece.serum samples were collected from a total of 544 equids that included 524 horses, 13 mules, and 7 ponies from various regions of mainland greece and were examined by competitive-inhibition elisa (celisa) to evaluate the level of exposure of greek equids to theileria (babesia) equi and/or babesia caballi, the causative agents of piroplasmosis. association between seropositivity and host-related factors of species, gender, age, origin, activity and location were investigated. the overall seropreva ...201020138434
a cross-sectional study of trypanosomosis and its vectors in donkeys and mules in northwest ethiopia.a preliminary study was conducted in january 2009 in four peasant associations (pas) selected from two districts in benishangul gumuz regional state, northwest ethiopia to investigate the prevalence and species of trypanosomes infecting donkeys and mules and identify the fly vectors playing a role in the transmission of trypanosomosis. blood samples were collected from a total of 334 donkeys and 52 mules and examined by dark ground/phase contrast buffy coat technique and giemsa-stained blood sme ...201020143093
dysautonomia in a six-year-old mule in the united states.equine dysautonomia, also known as equine grass sickness (egs), is a well documented disease in several countries. to the authors' knowledge, egs has not been reported previously in north america. this report describes egs in a 6-year-old female mule in the usa. failure initially to consider egs resulted in a delayed diagnosis. egs should be considered as a differential diagnosis and appropriate diagnostic tests performed in similar cases in north america.201020156255
a seroepidemiological study of exposure to toxoplasma, leishmania, echinococcus and trichinella in equids in greece and analysis of risk factors.the role of horses in the transmission of parasitic zoonoses either as a source of infection to vectors or through contamination of definitive hosts is gaining importance worldwide. for this reason sera from 773 equids including 753 horses, 13 mules and seven ponies in four regions of greece were investigated by elisa for the presence of igg antibodies against toxoplasma, leishmania, echinococcus and trichinella. anti-toxoplasma antibodies were detected in all regions with an overall prevalence ...201020197215
anticipating forest and range land development in central oregon (usa) for landscape analysis, with an example application involving mule deer.forest policymakers, public lands managers, and scientists in the pacific northwest (usa) seek ways to evaluate the landscape-level effects of policies and management through the multidisciplinary development and application of spatially explicit methods and models. the interagency mapping and analysis project (imap) is an ongoing effort to generate landscape-wide vegetation data and models to evaluate the integrated effects of disturbances and management activities on natural resource condition ...201020300934
further taxonomic studies on internal parasites of horses and mules. 194720340892
molecular identification of host feeding patterns of snow-melt mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae): potential implications for the transmission ecology of jamestown canyon virus.we collected blood-fed, snow-melt mosquitoes (culicidae: culiseta and aedes) to describe the feeding patterns of potential mosquito vectors of jamestown canyon virus (jcv, bunyaviridae: orthobunyavirus). jcv is an arthropod-borne, zoonotic virus with deer as the primary amplifying host in western alpine ecosystems. we collected mosquitoes from natural resting areas, fiber pots, and carbon-dioxide baited miniature light traps in the colorado rocky mountains in 2007. we conducted two polymerase ch ...201020380304
genetic parameters for carcass composition and performance data in crossbred lambs measured by video image analysis.a total of 7074 crossbred lambs, produced by mating crossbred mule ewes with terminal sire rams were used in this study. of these, 630 were scanned using a video image analysis (via) to estimate carcass quality traits. genetic parameters for average daily gain (adg), scanning live weight (sw), ultrasonic measures of muscle (umd) and fat (ufd) depths, cold carcass weight (ccw) and via measurements of primal carcass joint weights (leg, chump, loin, breast and shoulder) were estimated using multiva ...200820416581
the effect of conditioning period on loin muscle tenderness in crossbred lambs with or without the texel muscling qtl (tm-qtl).a texel muscling quantitative trait locus (tm-qtl) has been identified on chromosome 18, which increases loin muscling, but may also have a negative impact on mechanically-measured loin tenderness in crossbred lambs, depending on conditioning time. this study investigated the influence of a range of conditioning times (3, 5, 7 or 9 days) on the effect of tm-qtl on loin muscle tenderness. using texel rams heterozygous for tm-qtl, mated to non-carrier mule ewes, heterozygous (n=45) and wild-type ( ...201020416792
the role of geographic information systems in wildlife landscape epidemiology: models of chronic wasting disease in colorado mule deer.the authors present findings from two landscape epidemiology studies of chronic wasting disease (cwd) in northern colorado mule deer (odocoileus hemionus). first, the effects of human land use on disease prevalence were explored by formulating a set of models estimating cwd prevalence in relation to differences in human land use, sex and geographic location. prevalence was higher in developed areas and among male deer suggesting that anthropogenic influences (changes in land use), differences in ...200720422537
use of an in vitro culture system to detect theileria equi strains from infected equids and/or reservoirs.a horse erythrocyte culture technique, partly modifying that originally developed by holman, was used to detect the presence of theileria equi strains in 12 horse and 2 mule blood samples. the animals were placed into four groups on the basis of their case history and laboratory test results: the mules and two horses were considered as infected and included in the 'recent infection' group, four horses with a history of past infection were included in the 'past infection' group and four animals s ...200620429061
behavioral and adrenal responses to various stressors in mule ducks from different commercial genetic selection schemes and their respective parental genotypes.the mule duck, a hybrid produced by crossing a muscovy drake and a pekin female, is reported to express inappropriate behavior such as collective avoidance of people, the resulting distress and physical consequences potentially compromising their welfare. the present study was carried out to characterize the responses of mule duck strains from different commercial selection schemes to various stressful conditions and to confirm previous data on the genetic cross effects observed in a specific ge ...201020460654
the toxigenic features of strains of the diphtheria bacillus isolated from horses and from a mule. 192120474735
rabies out-break in mules at mansehra, unusual sickness in mules at batrasi camp, district mansehra, pakistan, was reported. twelve animals died with in 2-3 days after showing the clinical symptoms confusing with colic and nervous disorders. animals did not respond to any treatment. a team of veterinary doctors/researchers from institute visited the place and collected the samples and information in all aspects related to any disease occurrence on epidemiological basis. animals were also showing symptoms confusing with rabies. bra ...201120483443
faecal cwd prion excretion and inflammation.chronic wasting disease (cwd) is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (tse)--or prion disease (pd)--that has become of increasing concern throughout years among different captive and free-living deer species and populations in north america. starting from the recent pre-clinical evidence of prion infectivity in faecal material from cwd-infected mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), this contribution takes into special consideration the potential role of certain gut inflammatory conditions as a f ...201020518283
development of specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays to evaluate the duck immune response after experimental infection with h5n1 and h7n1 low pathogenic avian influenza viruses.the role of wild ducks as vectors of avian influenza viruses (aivs) is well known but the immune response induced by aiv has different patterns according to the species of duck. the local antibody produced on the mucosal surface may play an important role not only in protection but also in limitation of the primary replication at the portal of entry and shedding of the virus. with this aim, specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisas) for duck igy, ig light chain, igy (heavy chain), iga, ...201020521711
endocrine alterations around the time of abortion in mares impregnated with donkey or horse semen.the objective of this study was to monitor and compare the concentrations of equine chorionic gonadotropin (ecg), progesterone and estrone sulphate during normal and failed pregnancies of mares impregnated with donkey or horse semen, relating their individual endocrine profiles to the time of pregnancy loss, and to the histopathologic findings in the aborted fetuses and placenta. mares (n=54) were used, 32 of them impregnated with donkey semen and 22 impregnated with horse semen. blood samples w ...201020558016
chronic wasting disease prions are not transmissible to transgenic mice overexpressing human prion protein.chronic wasting disease (cwd) is a prion disease that affects free-ranging and captive cervids, including mule deer, white-tailed deer, rocky mountain elk and moose. cwd-infected cervids have been reported in 14 usa states, two canadian provinces and in south korea. the possibility of a zoonotic transmission of cwd prions via diet is of particular concern in north america where hunting of cervids is a popular sport. to investigate the potential public health risks posed by cwd prions, we have in ...201020610667
equine protozoal myeloencephalitis due to neospora hughesi and equine motor neuron disease in a mule.a 23-year-old female mule was presented for bilateral ocular abnormalities and an abnormal pelvic limb gait.201020618805
e3 ubiquitin ligase mule ubiquitinates miz1 and is required for tnfalpha-induced jnk activation.the zinc finger transcription factor miz1 is a negative regulator of tnfalpha-induced jnk activation and cell death through inhibition of traf2 k63-polyubiquitination in a transcription-independent manner. upon tnfalpha stimulation, miz1 undergoes k48-linked polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation, thereby relieving its inhibition. however, the underling regulatory mechanism is not known. here, we report that hect-domain-containing mule is the e3 ligase that catalyzes tnfalpha-induced miz ...201020624960
comparison of nonlinear and spline regression models for describing mule duck growth curves.this study compared models for growth (bw) before overfeeding period for male mule duck data from 7 families of a qtl experimental design. four nonlinear models (gompertz, logistic, richards, and weibull) and a spline linear regression model were used. this study compared fixed and mixed effects models to analyze growth. the akaike information criterion was used to evaluate these alternative models. among the nonlinear models, the mixed effects weibull model had the best overall fit. two paramet ...201020634537
comparison of repeatability and multiple trait threshold models for litter size in sheep using observed and simulated data in bayesian analyses.bayesian analyses were used to estimate genetic parameters on 5580 records of litter size in the first four parities from 1758 mule ewes. to examine the appropriateness of fitting repeatability (rm) or multiple trait threshold models (mtm) to litter size of different parities, both models were used to estimate genetic parameters on the observed data and were thereafter compared in a simulation study. posterior means of the heritabilities of litter size in different parities using a mtm ranged fr ...201020646113
new records of hair follicle mites (demodecidae) from north american cervidae.individuals of three species of cervids, with varying degrees of alopecia, were examined for ectoparasites: rocky mountain elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni) and mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus) in colorado and white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) in south dakota. hair follicle mites were recovered and identified as demodex kutzeri, a species originally described from the european red deer (cervus elaphus, from austria) and the sika deer (cervus nippon pseudaxis, captive in germany). the ...201020688655
select tissue mineral concentrations and chronic wasting disease status in mule deer from north-central colorado.trace mineral imbalances have been suggested as having a causative or contributory role in chronic wasting disease (cwd), a prion disease of several north american cervid species. to begin exploring relationships between tissue mineral concentrations and cwd in natural systems, we measured liver tissue concentrations of copper, manganese, and molybdenum in samples from 447 apparently healthy, adult (> or = 2 yr old) mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) culled or vehicle killed from free-ranging popul ...201020688718
nutritional sensitivity of periparturient resistance to nematode parasites in two breeds of sheep with different nutrient demands.the periparturient relaxation of immunity (ppri) to parasites in mammals is sensitive to both metabolisable protein (mp) supply and animal genotype (different reproductive outputs). we tested the hypothesis that the sensitivity of ppri to mp scarcity would not differ between different levels of reproductive output when nutrient intake is adjusted for associated differences in mp demand; this hypothesis assumes that ppri has a nutritional basis only. scottish blackface (bf) and the more productiv ...201020691124
deep mitochondrial dna lineage divergences within alberta populations of dermacentor albipictus (acari: ixodidae) do not indicate distinct species.the winter tick dermacentor albipictus (packard) has a single-host life cycle that allows it to reach severe infestation levels on ungulates, particularly moose. genotypic variation within these and related ticks has been a source of taxonomic confusion, although the continuity in their morphology and life history has generally been interpreted as indicating the existence of a single species. to further investigate this variation, we sequenced regions of two mitochondrial dna (mtdna) genes (coi ...201020695271
morphological and biochemical changes in the blood of horses naturally infected with gasterophilus sp. larvae.gasterophilus sp. constitute a group of specific parasites, which larval forms are found in horses and other phylogenetically related species--donkeys, mules and zebras. their invasion is associated with marked fluctuations of hematological and biochemical blood parameters, including the activity of many enzymes and the electrolyte concentration. the purpose of the study was to analyze changes in selected biochemical and morphological blood parameters of horses infected with botfly larvae. the e ...201020731178
studies of quinapyramine-resistance of trypanosoma brucei evansi in the present article, we summarize our studies of antrycide-resistance of trypanosoma brucei evansi in four aspects in the last recent several years, the analysis of quinapyramine-sensitive situation of t. b. evansi in china, biological characteristics of t. b. evansi population in quinapyramine-resistance and biological materials of quinapyramine-resistance in t. b. evansi population. firstly, the correlative assays of effective dosage of quinapyramine on t. b. evansi disease between in vivo ...201020813092
Displaying items 501 - 600 of 1257