
[crenotherapy]. 1988259336
toil without tears: a new concept in rehabilitation. 1988259245
[cooperation between public health nurses of the municipal office and public health clinic (in the care of a smon patient)]. 1989260776
[treatment of diabetes mellitus with complications]. 1989260752
congenital midline porencephaly: a new brain malformation associated with scalp anomaly.5 cases of dysgenetic hydrocephaly associated with scalp anomalies are described. this brain-scalp anomaly complex is characterized by congenital hydrocephalus, alopecia or cephalocele in the parietal midline and symmetrical defect of the bilateral posterior cerebral mantle along the midline. midline septal structures of the cranial cavity and tentorium cerebelli were also defective and replaced by a huge dorsal csf cavity. histological features of the covering membrane of the dorsal cyst indica ...1989313317
[reduction of radiation load and early radiologic caries diagnosis]. 1990268092
exercise: a misused factor in weight control. 1990258723
therapeutic potential of conformal applicators for induction of of the basic requirements for effective use of hyperthermia in treatment of cancer is the delivery of uniform heat to specific volumes of tissues and maintenance of the optimal temperature for an appropriate period of time. preliminary results of temperature distribution in volumes of tissue placed between two conformal applicators energized at 2.45 ghz are presented. the applicators consist of a jointed-circuit antenna array comprising a multiplicity of dipoles backed by a metal cavity fill ...1991259083
planning to implement preoperative interviews. 1991258993
[lspv (law for providing inpatient psychiatric care) becomes lpv (law for providing psychiatric care): alcoholics and narcotic addicts, basis for compulsory care of adults]. 1991258948
[current developments within nursing education (t.v.z. no. 12 and 13, 1979)]. 1991258906
[the role of salivary immunoglobulins in dental caries]. 1991270178
[condition of oral cavity in workers exposed to soot]. 1991270165
[pensioners' rebellion]. 1991258078
[nursing viewpoit of respiration therapy in children]. 1991257918
[norwegian nurses' association's national section of supervisory nurses exists 10 years]. 1991245136
[children with cleft lip and palate: a good start is most important]. 1991257874
[they "forgot" to mention nursing groups]. 1991257872
[analysis of lending to private subjects: private persons do not borrow for luxury purchases]. 1991257855
day programme to help alcoholics. 1991258377
nurse could you care more? 1991258347
[cardiopulmonary resuscitation in extreme emergencies]. 1991257699
landmark statement: consideration of legislative mandatory continuing education proposals. 1992258236
sclerosing haemangioma of the penis. 1992190325
[overseas status of nursing and medical care: practicing nursing system in france]. 1992257077
[evaluation of reports on manpower (public health nurses). a survey on the characteristics of recent applicants to public health nursing schools - a survey at a school associated with a national university]. 1992257060
[chemotherapy of gynecologic tumors]. 1993192786
plagiocephaly. 1993281247
antibiotic sensitivity patterns of facultative and obligate anaerobic bacteria from pulp canals. 1993266011
use of intraoral cassettes for dental xeroradiography.before clinical trials of intraoral xeroradiography are begun, we felt the need to evaluate the clinical acceptability of the thicker, more rigid xerographic cassettes. we stimulated these cassettes by fastening rigid acrylic plates of appropriate thickness to conventional film packets and then conducted parallel evaluations of simulated cassettes and conventional film packets, using thirty volunteer patients. we found no difference in anatomic placement, operator acceptance, and patient accepta ...1993280862
the metal oxide/eugenol cements. ii. a diffuse reflectance spectrophotometric study of the setting of zinc oxide and magnesium oxide a continuing study, spectrophotometry has been used to study the diffuse reflectance of the setting of zno and mgo cements.1993281353
metabolism of the frog outer segments: a kinetic study.1. the reaction of the high-energy phosphate esters of the frog isolated rods, with the firefly lantern extract, has been studied by recording the luminescence in a stopped-flow apparatus. the onset of the reaction was determined by the rapid mixing of the firefly lantern extract with the high-energy phosphates released from the rods fragmented during the mixing.2. the time course of the reaction, i.e. of the luminescence, was not typical of adenosine-5'-triphosphate (atp), indicating that the m ...1993302859
[effect of avitaminosis b6 in mice on the function of the t-lymphocytes in vitro].the influence of different degrees of avitaminosis b6 in mice on the cytolytic activity of t-lymphocytes measured by the amount of na2cr51o4 released from the lysed target cells was studied on a model of primary immune response in a mixed lymphocyte culture in vitro. keeping of the animals for 3 weeks on pyridoxine-free diet failed to influence the capacity of lymphocytes to proliferate in vitro and their cytolytic activity. in animals on pyridoxine-free diet for 45 days the amount of pyridoxal ...1993302724
[scientific research on the problem of rheumatology: the plan for 1977]. 1994303017
[spatial deployments of morphogenetic movements as elements of the oral field in anuran amphibians. ii. the structure of the oral field].the structure of morphogenetic movements in the oral field of anura was studied. the movement of any region of the oral field depends on several "elementary waves" of morphogenetic rearrangements, each of them being swept in space along the same cell layer. the waves of morphological rearrangements of cells from different layers are coupled with each other in a stable manner. the cells of the given layer are involved in their morphogenetic movements consecutively, whereas the morphogenetic movem ...1994302927
[comparative breeding of helisoma duryi and biomphalaria glabrata in laboratory (mollusca, planorbidae)]. 1994263671
fetal rhabdomyomatous nephroblastoma-a variant of wilms' tumor.the fetal rhabdomyomatous nephroblastoma is considered to be a predominantly monophasic mesenchymal variant of wilms' tumor, which has not been seen in patients older than four years. it acts less aggressively than a wilms tumor despite its much larger size. its better prognosis appears to be related to either the absence of or the insignificant amounts of neoplastic epithelium. the bilaterality of this tumor in one-third of the cases, however, may negatively affect the overall prognosis, becaus ...1994186382
an esr study of the hydration steps of lecithin multilayers.a spin-labeled stearic acid and other spin-labeled molecules have been used for an esr study of the hydration process of the egg lecithin lamellar phase for water concentrations, cw greater than 10%. two hydration steps are found for cw approximately 20% and cw congruent to 30%, in good agreement with results of the literature. to explain discontinuities in the behavior of three spin-labeled molecules at cw congruent to 20%, a conformational change of the phosphatidylcholine polar head and a pha ...1994186205
effect of quartz and asbestos on erythrocyte surface charge. 1995173659
effects of levamisole and imidazole on lymphocyte proliferation and cyclic nucleotide levels. 1995173469
baby check. 19951553273
[total acid phosphatase and prostate phosphatase in urological diagnosis]. 1995173110
confidence in test taking: a comparison of health profession students by sex and professional school. 1995227955
epidemiologic and clinical studies of long-term prognosis of low-back pain and order to justify the selection of therapeutic measures for low-back pain and sciatica, epidemiologic and clinical studies were performed of the natural histories or the long-term prognosis of those symptoms. the main conclusions drawn in relation to decision making are as follows: low-back pain is more frequent than sciatica or intermittent claudication, but the latter is more disabling; acute attacks are generally more disabling than chronic pain, and the frequency may be more closely relate ...1995162551
brachial plexus neuropathy. association with desensitizing antiallergy injections.two patients had acute, self-limiting, unilateral brachial plexus neuropathy in association with desensitizing subcutaneous injections of extracts of dusts and molds. diminution of pain and return of function of the affected limb followed a short course of prednisone therapy, although a beneficial effect of the steroid cannot be considered proved. there is a large variety of antigenic substances already known to produce neuropathy following intramuscular injection; desensitizing antiallergy inje ...1996170430
[differences in the buoyant density of mitochondria from hepatoma, krebs ascitic tumor ii and normal liver].mitochondria isolated from normal liver, experimental hepatoma, and krebs ii ascites tumor tissues in mice were examined by isopycnic centrifugation in a sucrose density gradient (25--50%). normal liver mitochondria were shown to be characterized by two visible zones, while those of tumors were distributed homogeneously. such a distribution pattern was also confirmed by the investigation of marker enzyme activities (glucose-6-phosphatase and cytochromoxidase). a comparison of homologous tissues ...1996174312
[abacillary cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis not treated with bacteriostatics].a study was carried out on 48 cases of tuberculosis with a clinical and radiologic symptomatology but negative at the repeated bacteriologic examinations. the results suggested that these might be cases of spontaneous recovery since there were no evolutive radiologic signs. although the lack of contagion may be admitted these cases especially the young children should be isolated and kept under radiologic and bacteriologic surveillance for at least three years.1996174179
[pathological classification and prognosis of breast neoplasms--including their malignancy and epidemiology]. 1996173906
light-microscopic observations of individual microtubules reconstituted from brain tubulin.the course of polymerization of individual brain microtubules could be observed with a light microscope employing dark-field illumination. statistical analysis of the increase in microtubule length during the polymerization was in accordance with the time course of viscosity change of the tubulin solution. after a plateau level in viscosity was attained, there was no significant change in histograms showing length distribution. these observations were confirmed with fixed and stained microtubule ...1996173726
[granulosa cell and thecacell tumors in 25 cases (author's transl)].granulosa cell tumors are derived from specific ovarion stroma and have the ability to produce hormones. in the 25 cases of granulosa cell tumors no concommitant endometrial carcinoma was found. because of the varying degree of malignancy tumors which contain granulosa cells must be differentiated from pure theca cell tumors. granulosa cell tumors are frequently malignant. theca cell tumors are benign. the treatment of granulosa cell tumors is fundamentally the same as that of epithelial cancers ...1997230118
treatment selection in primary breast cancer. pathologic considerations.minimal breast cancer is defined as including in situ lobular carcinoma, noninvasive intraductal carcinoma, and invasive carcinoma forming a mass no greater than 0.5 cm in diameter. intraductal, intralobular, and microinvasive carcinomas of this degree of development are classed together, and are associated with at most a 10% probability of having associated axillary lymph node involvement. lesions of this classification have been shown to have a five year survival rate of 97% and a ten year rat ...1997175672
the syndrome known as wpw: a review. 1997175110
inheritance of tomaculous neuropathy. 19971456749
[computerized tomography in infants with seizures (author's transl)].a total of 228 children suffering from seizure disorders were investigated by means of cranial computerized tomography (ct). their age ranged from 3 weeks to 15 years. structural abnormalities were assessed in 63% of these cases. the greatest incidence of organic abnormalities occurred in children with major epilepsy (83%) and with focal seizures (71%). clinical data and the course of illness may require additional angiographic and repeated ct investigations.1998105308
amniotic epithelial ultrastructure in normal, polyhydramnic, and oligohydramnic pregnancies.the ultrastructure of the amniotic epithelial cells from normal, polyhydramnic, and oligohydramnic pregnancies were studied with the transmission electron microscope. the amniotic epithelial cell layer from normal pregnancies was 8- to 12-mu thick. in polyhydramnic pregnancies the cell layer varied widely from the normal thickness to as much as 18 to 56 mu in diabetic patients. other ultrastructural changes observed in pregnancies complicated by polyhydramnios were abnormal microvilli, diminishe ...19983523333
[congenital chagas' disease in a non-endemic area]. 1998108501
[repeated intrauterine fetal death in a woman with genotype rh-d-/-d-]. 1998106758
[solitary juvenile xanthogranuloma. apropos of 3 cases].three cases of solitary juvenile xanthogranulome of the skin are reported, one of them with tumoral appearance. histologycal pictures were characteristic, except for the tumoral form. other few cases of this atypical form of juvenile xanthogranuloma are reported in the literature.1998105212
runaway temporary pacemaker: case report of a "runaway temporary pacemaker" with a rate over 1500/min. 199895647
college majors of students who consult a psychological services center. 19981112886
adequacy of endoscopic biopsy specimens for disaccharidase assays.intestinal mucosa from 40 patients obtained by fiber-endoscopic biopsy was assayed for disaccharidases to determine suitability of this tissue for assay. the combined specimens from each patient provided 4.7-38.7 mg of tissue, adequate in all instances for duplicate determinations of protein, lactase, sucrase, and maltase. tissue remained for assays of palatinase in 39 instances, trehalase and cellobiase in 37, and alkaline phosphatase in 22 cases. twenty-four subjects had normal lactose toleran ...1998104620
screening for pancreatic disease: a comparison of grey-scale ultrasonography and isotope scanning.the efficiency of ultrasound in the diagnosis of pancreatic disease was compared prospectively with that of selenomethionine isotope scanning in 46 patients presenting with abdominal pain or weight-loss or with jaundice. of 14 patients who later proved to have pancreatic carcinoma, all had an abnormal isotope scan and 13 had an abnormal ultrasound scan. of 10 patients with chronic pancreatitis, all had an abnormal isotope scan and 9 had an abnormal ultrasound scan. the small advantage of selenom ...199985871
woodpeckers hammer on. 199989457
studies on serum pre-alpha-lipoprotein. an albumin-apoa-i-lysolecithin-containing lipoprotein family (aal). 199985328
esophagitis related to cromolyn. 1999116013
[an unusual case of pseudomembranous colitis]. 199996546
tartrazine sensitivity in renal failure. 199984198
magnetic field modification of electron-beam dose distributions in inhomogeneous media.modern curative radiotherapy requires higher doses to the tumor volume and, necessarily, minimal doses to the surrounding normal tissues. attempts to use heavy charged particles to achieve such optimization are currently under investigation in many centers. our data indicate that a static, superimposed magnetic field on a clinical electron-therapy beam also offers the capability of some "tailoring" of isodose distributions. furthermore, a variable, superimposed magnetic field minimizes those tis ...2000101758
the mechanism of electrical breakdown in the membranes of valonai utricularis.the dielectric breakdown in the membranes of cells of valonia utricularis was investigated using intracellular electrodes and 500 mu sec current pulses. electrical breakdown, which occurs when the membrane potential reaches a well-defined critical value, is not associated with global damage to the cell or its membranes (the membrane reseals in smaller than 5 sec). it was thus possible to investigate the effect of temperature on dielectric breakdown in single cells. it was found that the critical ...20001127686
[congenital hereditary coagulopathy. part 1: classification, diagnosis]. 20001220998
acute effects of hmg-coa reductase inhibitors on biliary lipids in patients with interrupted enterohepatic circulation.hmg-coa reductase inhibitors decrease serum cholesterol by inhibiting hepatic cholesterol synthesis, but their influence on biliary lipids is not well characterized. in the present study pravastatin (80 mg) was administered as a single oral dose to 10 patients with external bile fistula, after 1 week of interruption of the enterohepatic circulation, in order to assess the effect of inhibition of hepatic cholesterol synthesis on biliary lipids in conditions of stimulated bile acid synthesis. bile ...20001905632
ultrasound scanning for monitoring childhood hydronephrosis.ultrasound scanning of the kidneys in four children with radiologically proven hydronephrosis was undertaken with a new modification: scanning before and after copious intake of fluid. the anteroposterior diameter of the renal pelvis was used as an index of the hydronephrosis. alterations in the dilatation were followed over a long period. good agreement with simultaneous ivp was found. improvement in the degree of hydronephrosis was apparent by reduction and disappearance of the dilatation of t ...200097316
some experience in an area health authority child health clinic.three years' experience as a doctor taking two clinics a week in an area health authority child health clinic was reviewed. a wide range of clinical conditions was seen, including: problems associated with feeding in breast- and bottle-fed infants; minor developmental abnormalities (mental, behavioural, and physical); surgical and orthopaedic conditions requiring treatment; medical conditions, mainly respiratory and alimentary infections, skin conditions, and problems of over-treatment for minor ...200086374
parietal association cortex in the primate: sensory mechanisms and behavioral modulations. 200198614
enzymatic solubilization of fish protein concentrate: batch studies applicable to continuous enzyme recycling processes. 20014925034
enzyme immunoassay of progesterone receptor in cancerous and normal endometrial tissue. a comparison with dextran coated charcoal method.enzyme immunoassay (eia) was compared with the dextran-coated charcoal method and scatchard analysis for the measurement of progesterone receptor (pgr) in cancerous and normal endometrial samples. a highly significant correlation was obtained between the two assays in both types of tissue (rs = 0.77 and 0.91, respectively; p less than 0.001). the measurable amount of pgr was usually higher with eia (mean increase 90 and 100 per cent, respectively). eia is suggested to be a suitable method for pg ...20022483302
electrocardiographic and hemodynamic correlations in patients with idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis.the ecg and frank vcg were compared to the hemodynamic findings in 33 patients with idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis in whom cardiac catheterization had excluded concomitant valvular heart disease, congenital heart disease, or occlusive coronary artery disease. the patients were divided into two groups according to the absence (group i) or presence (group ii) of left ventricular hypertrophy on the ecg and/or vcg. the 11 patients in group i were found to have neither mitral insufficienc ...2002128282
[severely slipped femoral epiphyses treated by the d. dunn open reduction method].the authors describe the dunn's technique that they have followed in 19 cases of severely displaces slipped upper femoral epiphysis. the approach was posterior, subperiosteal for preserving vascularity. the results were good in 15 cases, poor in 4 cases. the indications are detailed.2002128054
increased erythrocyte ca2+ content in hereditary spherocytosis.the ca2+ content of red blood cells (rbc) appears to correlate inversely with the ca2+-atpase activity of the red cell membrane (fig. 1). when hereditary spherocytosis (hs) cells and normal control erythrocytes are compared, the dependence of ca2+ content upon atpase activity is similar. the ca2+ content of hs red cells is increased compared with appropriate control erythrocytes matched for cell age (fig. 2). splenectomy has a different effect upon hs cells than upon normal cells (fig. 2). eryth ...2002127974
a cation-anion-nonelectrolyte pump. 2002127922
[prevention of malignant glaucoma: pars-plana vitrectomy? (author's transl)].prevention of malignant glaucoma: in first case report lens extraction and trabeculectomy was followed by a malignant glaucoma; in the second case report pars-plana vitrectomy and trabeculectomy was successful. the role of a vitreous posterior blockage is discussed.2002153358
who cares for the elderly? 20021906278
photoinitiated mediated transport of h3o+ and/or oh- across glycerol monooleate bilayers doped with magnesium octaethylporphyrin.photogenerated magnesium octaethylporphyrin cation in glycerol monooleate bilayers is shown to mediate the transport of h3o+ and/or oh-. data from voltage clamp and open-circuit experiments are consistent with the classic markin or laüger carrier model. photoinitiated currents exhibit the expected transient and steady-state behavior.2003262434
[mrs r.'s postpartum period in the maternity ward]. 2003254341
[after-care of surgical removal of wisdom teeth]. 2003201125
[size, structure, and dynamics of bile salt/lecithin mixed micelles (author's transl)].the structure and size of lecithin/sodium glycocholate mixed micelles was investigated by quasi-elastic laser light scattering and spin label techniques. the investigations are in accordance with a bilayer model for these micelles. the order parameter and the phase transition enthalpy of the micellar bilayer were determined. the lateral and rotational diffusion constants of label molecules are compared with the corresponding diffusion constants in liposomes.2003201116
primary inoculation tuberculosis.a case of primary inoculation tuberculosis of the finger is described, in which mantoux test conversion reverted after prompt surgical and medical treatment. the pathology of primary inoculation tuberculosis is reviewed briefly, and the rationale for excision of the early tuberculous lesion is discussed.2003155709
the voltage dependence of the slow inward current staircase in frog atrium [proceedings]. 2004529146
[the treatment of varicose veins].in the treatment of varicose veins and their complications most european phlebologists use today, unlike the past, surgery, sclerotherapy and compression without any preconceived preference, guided solely by the indications of choice of each method. within this framework, it is generally admitted that surgery is by far the best treatment for incompetent saphenous terminations, main saphenous trunks and insufficient bulky perforating veins. sclerotherapy, on the other hand, is given the task of e ...2004523000
recognizing the visual stimulus from neuronal this article, experiments are reviewed that have a bearing on the question of how 'meaning' is related to neuronal activity in the mammalian cortex; there is evidence that the excitation time pattern plays a major role. we suggest that 'objective meaning' is related to spatiotemporal activity distributions, whereas spike counts indicate the importance of the contribution of a given neurone to that meaning. such a 'dual-coding' principle allows the visual system to emphasize selected activity ...20041719674
tetanus and psychiatry: unexpected bedfellows.six patients who were admitted with the initial diagnosis of tetanus to a general hospital serving 130 000 people over a 10-year period are reviewed. in three of these patients psychogenic factors played a major part in the presenting pictures. these cases followed a markedly different course from the others. guidelines to the early differentiation of such atypical cases, and to the way psychogenic factors can be identified and their importance evaluated, are discussed.2004470695
[the departments]. 2004440608
effect of simvastatin in patients with type i (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus and 10 hypercholesterolemic patients with type i (insulin-dependent) diabetes, simvastatin 10-40 mg/day was compared to placebo in a randomized, double-blind, cross-over study with treatment periods of 12 weeks. between each treatment there was a wash-out period of 4 weeks. compared to placebo, simvastatin reduced total cholesterol by 19% (p less than 0.001) and low density lipoprotein (ldl) cholesterol by 24% (p less than 0.001). simvastatin therapy reduced plasma triglyceride by 8% and increase ...20041574950
chronic renal failure: the economics of treatment. 2004343981
the architecture of the hospital: a study of spatial organization and medical knowledge. 20053282591
the architecture of the hospital: a study of spatial organization and medical knowledge. 20053282591
a prospective study of hyperamylasemia and pancreatitis after cardiopulmonary bypass.general surgical complications after cardiopulmonary bypass (cpb) are infrequent but serious. no prospective studies have evaluated their incidence. we analyzed in such a study 135 patients who were to undergo cpb. among these 135 patients, an abdominal complication developed in 6.6%; it contributed to 2 of the 5 deaths. postoperative hyperamylasemia was found in 36% of patients, but only 2 had overt pancreatitis. the hyperamylasemia was not due to the salivary component, pulmonary complications ...20052581520
tropomyosin coiled-coil interactions: evidence for an unstaggered structure. 20051195389
relationship of pain drawing scores to ratings of pain description and function.we examined the relationship between pain distribution and measures of self-reported behavioral functioning, pain intensity, frequency, and quality in 51 patients with chronic pain. results indicate that patients with more distributed pain report their pain as more disruptive to important areas of functioning and also report their pain as more intense and frequent. these results corroborate previous findings and suggest that pain distribution may be used as a useful clinical marker of disability ...20051809440
multi-centre trials in pain research. 20051809438
Displaying items 5701 - 5800 of 6991