
[providing vitamin b 2 in the complex treatment of patients with chronic cholecystitis]. 20154658415
ion concentration profile normal to cell membrane. 20165090351
[pancreatic exocrine function in diseases of the digestive organs]. 2000316614
acute intoxication as a cause of wild bird mortality in the netherlands from 1975-1989. 20071805755
devastating cerebral edema in diabetic ketoacidosis before therapy. 20071899369
prostacyclin in systemic lupus and anticardiolipin syndrome. 20113296970
prostacyclin in systemic lupus and anticardiolipin syndrome. 20113296970
[cancer of the corpus uteri]. 1987260702
association of helper activity for b-lymphocyte differentiation with lymphocytes having both srbc and complement receptors in a patient with lymphoproliferative disease. 1989313300
analgesics at the bedside. 1990258561
[gold-colored metal surface film in prosthetic treatment--preclinical studies]. 19903535172
portrait of a female inmate. 1991258128
[health minister's address: it is serious that deficiencies in continued education get worse]. 1991258040
can appraisal systems work? 1992257227
study tour appendix continued. 1992257139
[problems of the nomenclature and classification of bite anomalies]. 1993281037
changing pattern of alcoholic liver disease. 1994303136
carcinoma of the pancreas in four brothers. 1994186135
effect of cycloxilic acid administration on ethanol-induced hepatic steatosis. controlled clinical trial. 199541738
[advances in the use and mechanism of action of theophylline]. 19972199082
hla aw19, b12 in immunoproliferative small intestinal disease.a group of 21 patients with immunoproliferative small intestinal disease (ipsid), 10 with alpha heavy chain paraproteinaemia and 11 without it, were hla typed. the results were compared with 35 disease controls and 120 normal controls. a significant increase of aw19 and b12 antigens was noted among the patients compared with the control subjects. the high rate of association of both aw19 and b12 antigens in patients as compared with controls suggests a possible haplotype (aw19, b12) association ...1998108183
absence of distal to proximal intercalary regeneration in imaginal wing discs of drosophila melanogaster. 1998108153
[localized xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis]. 1998107906
[histoautoradiographic study of two target organs (epididymis and femoral glands) after injection of 3h testosterone in a non-mammalian vertebrae, the viviparous lizard].after 3h testosterone injection into castrated males of the lizard lacerta vivipara, the radioactive compound is detected by radioautography of epididymis, femoral glands, gut and liver. between 1 hr. 30 min. to 12 hrs. of retention the 3h material concentrates progressively into nuclei of the glandular cells of epididymis and femoral organs although no particular concentration occurs in gut and liver cells. this submammalian model is consistent with those previously described for mammals.199997028
incubator noise and hearing-loss. 199985885
hla-dr antigen matching in cadaver renal transplantation. 199985842
failure of endoscopic transmission of hepatitis b.emergency endoscopy was performed on two patients subsequently found to be hepatitis b surface antigen carriers. before their carrier state was determined, nine other patients underwent endoscopy using the same instruments, which had been routinely cleaned between procedures. these patients were all notified within five days of the incident, given standard gamma globulin, and prospectively followed for the development of hepatitis. after one of the endoscopes was gas sterilized, the next three p ...199985514
macular cherry-red spots and myoclonus with dementia: coexistent neuraminidase and beta-galactosidase deficiencies. 199996839
carrier detection in duchenne muscular dystrophy. 199989433
[causes of regression in the exchange transfusion of newborn infants in styria]. 199996610
anti-d immunoglobulin preparations: the stability of anti-d concentrations and the error of the assay of analysis of the assay of 28 preparations of anti-d immunoglobulin using a radioisotope method carried out at 6-montly intervals for 2--4.5 years showed an average fall in anti-d concentration of 10.6% each year, with 99% confidence limits of 6.8--14.7%. the fall in anti-d concentration after storage at 37 degrees c for 1 month was less than 8%, the minimum change that could be detected. no significant change in physical characteristics of the immunoglobulin were detected. the error of a singl ...199996601
[closed drainage in surgery of the biliary tracts]. 199996561
[w. ch. hecker's stand on circumcision]. 2000101809
[catheter infection in subclavian vein puncture]. 2000101801
determination of the site of synthesis of some euglena cytoplasmic and chloroplast ribosomal proteins. 200098335
sample preparation variation and its effects on automated blood cell differential analysis.uniform and reproducible sample preparation is an indispensable ingredient in automated instruments for cell analysis. differences in measured cell morphology resulting from nonuniform sample preparation are indistinguishable to the instrument from differences reflecting different cell types or functions. as a result, as sample preparation becomes more variable, subtle cell distinctions are first confused and then completely obscured. as part of the development of the abbott adc-500 differential ...200094524
epsilon-aminocaproic acid in prevention of subarachnoid haemorrhage. 200086803
[preoperative application of nk 631 for carcinoma of oral cavity (author's transl)]. 200086621
[serum levels and urinary excretion of zinc, magnesium, calcium and phosphates during postoperative parenteral feeding].in 45 patients serum levels and urinary excretion of zinc, magnesium, calcium and phosphate were examined during postoperative parenteral nutrition. the patients received the same parenteral nutrition and were divided in groups according to different types of operations. serum levels of calcium and magnesium were found to be normal in all groups at highly varying degrees of urinary excretion. zinc and phosphate serum levels, as well as urinary excretion, show a markedly different behavior.200097217
[bullous mastocytoma of the infant]. 200097103
units for immunoreactive trypsin. 200086024
regulative interactions between cells from different imaginal disks of drosophila melanogaster.the regulative behavior of cells from the imaginal wing disk of drosophila melanogaster can be modified by interaction with cells from different disk types. both thoracic and nonthoracic disks are able to interact, but there are major differences in the effectiveness of interaction. the finding lends experimental support to the idea that cells in different fields within the same organism use the same mechanism for specifying positional information. a similar conclusion has been reached by wilcox ...200198843
normal values for free light chains in serum different age groups.the concentration of free light chains from the immunoglobulins was measured in twelve paired sera from mothers and newborns and from 149 sera from normal individuals in various age groups. variations in concentration during life are correlated to the variations in the concentration of 'regular' immunoglobulins. a concentration of light chains in cord blood of 35% of mean normal adult level (mna) together with a rapid passage of light chains across the placenta is interpreted as indicating catab ...200198826
[personal experience with the total hip prosthesis]. 20013739284
sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern following intrauterine fetal transfusion.two patients with severe rhesus isoimmunization had sinusoidal fetal heart rate patterns following intrauterine fetal transfusion. a consistent temporal relationship between fetal transfusion and sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern was observed. survival of a fetus who had a sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern after each of three transfusions suggests that this pattern may not be ominous when observed transiently after fetal transfusion.200198743
the ovarian plantiff. 200198681
dietitians play a role in the home training of patients. 200198656
igd myeloma protein with "unreactive" light chain determinants.serum from a patient with multiple myeloma showed a monoclonal protein, classified by immunoelectrophoresis as igd. immunofixation electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis failed to demonstrate a precipitation reaction between the paraprotein and antisera to immunoglobulin light chains. the light chains of the monoclonal protein, immunologically inaccessible in the intact molecule, reacted with anti-lambda chain antisera only after reduction and alkylation of the paraprotein. moreover, interpre ...200188283
the gene-size dna molecules in oxytricha. 200198283
[syndrome of familial polycystic ovaries (stein-leventhal type): serum levels of luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormones before and after wedge resection of the ovaries]. 2001311042
histaminergic pharmacology of primate lower esophageal sphincter.we have studied the lower esophageal sphincter (les) response to exogenous histamine and to h1- and h2-blocking agents in the awake baboon. increasing intravenous bolus doses of histamine produce an increase in les pressure with a maximum response at a dose of 12 microgram/kg. h1-receptor blockade with chlorpheniramine over a wide dose range did not alter basal les pressure but did abolish the response of the les to exogenous histamine. h2-receptor blockade with cimetidine at doses markedly inhi ...200198059
clinical experience and expectation with protons and heavy ions. 200196045
nutritional support of burn patients. 200197867
evaluation of a method for study of kinetics of autologous apolipoprotein a-i.apolipoprotein a-i (apoa-i) participates in transport of plasma cholesterol. concentrations of apoa-i depend on the balance between production and fractional clearance. to elucidate factors influencing apoa-i levels, accurate estimates of apoa-i turnover rates may be valuable. we describe a method for isolation of autologous apoa-i and its use in turnover studies. free apoa-i was isolated from high density lipoproteins (hdl) by treatment with guanidine hydrochloride. this free apoa-i was radioio ...20021906523
typing for hla-d: primed ld typing and homozygous typing cells. 2002135377
[proceedings: coronary and ventricular angiographic findings in infarct patients]. 2002128227
malaria, quinine and red cell hypothesis is presented to explain the red cell lysis which accompanies an acute malarial infection, as well as the mode of action of certain schizonticidal drugs in the quinoline and acridine series. quinine and a number of other antimalarial drugs have been found to counteract the inhibition by protein of fatty acid-induced lysis, when tested in an in vitro system. it is suggested that these schizonticides exert their chemotherapeutic effect by inducing the premature lysis of the parasitize ...20021187180
photoperiodic and gonadal steroid regulation of pineal hydroxyindole-o-methyl transferase and n-acetyl transferase in coturnix quail. 2002127913
comparison between urinary 17-ketosteroids and serum androgens in hirsute order to ascertain the usefulness of urinary 17-ketosteroids (17-ks) in the evaluation of hirsutism, 28 paired determinations of 17-ks and serum androgens were performed in 26 hirsute women before (control) and after (post dex) 7 days of dexamethasone (dex) administration. upper normal control and post dex urinary 17-ks and serum steroid levels were as follows: 17-ks, 15 and 5 mg/24 hour urine collection; dehydroepiandrossterone sulfate (dhea-s), 2500 and 400 ng/ml serum; testosterone (t), 0. ...2002140340
growth inhibition observed following administration of an lhrh agonist to a clonal variant of the mcf-7 breast cancer cell line is accompanied by an accumulation of cells in the g0/g1 phase of the cell cycle. 20021906293
the rate of diffusion of urea to the c.s.f. in diabetics. 2003262251
[the value of abdominal radiographs in the diagnosis of bromurea intoxication (author's transl)].brom-substituted mono-urea hypnotics, which may be taken with suicidal intent, can be demonstrated radiologically. the value of routine abdominal x-rays in the recognition of intoxications has been examined at the university clinic, ulm, on patients admitted in 1976 and 1977. it has been shown that it is usually possible radiographically to indicate whether bromurea compounds have been taken in significant quantities, the bromurea has low solubility in the stomach and it is therefore possible to ...2003153273
dental management of the physically and mentally handicapped. 2003153197
deanol in the management of involuntary movement disorders: a review. 2003145359
[management of recurrent genital herpes simplex with the sabin triple vaccine]. 2004535681
does persistent fetal femoral anteversion contribute to osteoarthritis?: a preliminary report.persistence of femoral anteversion into adulthood is a developmental abnormality which somerville has postulated may predispose to the later development of osteoarthritis of the hip. to test this hypothesis, the femoral anteversion was measured in 20 adult patients with idiopathic osteoarthritis of the hip. the average anteversion in painful hips was found to be 24 degrees compared with 12.11 degrees in the uninvolved hip. none of the pain-free hips had an anteversion of greater than 22 degrees ...2004535277
professional services should be mandated. 2004517417
[determination of the subjective sound damping of radio receiver earphones using békésy exper. audiometery in an open sound field]. 2004516818
an elective, survey course for undergraduates: "introduction to toxicology". 2004516366
characterization of the giant cells in the abdominal and parietal ganglia of the giant snail archachatina. 20041142149
febrile convulsions: diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. 2004375163
sciatica and the intervertebral disk. an experimental study: m.j. smyth and v.j. wright. j. bone joint surg. 40a: 1401, 1958. 2004343965
evaluation of customers' complaints about sunscreen cosmetics sold by the swedish pharmaceutical company.sweden's pharmacies hold more than a 1/3 of the country's market for sunscreen cosmetics (sunscreens). customers complaining of skin problems associated with the use of sunscreens obtained from the pharmacies were offered dermatological investigation and tests with standard allergens and sunscreens. 27 of 58 complaining customers were fully investigated, and another 8 partly tested. 2 disease entities, a burning sensation and erythema for one or a few days, and dermatitis with scaling lasting fo ...20051809534
genetic control of bone remodeling.biological research related to orthodontics naturally leads to two general areas. one is the investigation of craniofacial growth and development in normal and abnormal circumstances, attempting to understand the etiological basis for the development of malocclusion or dentofacial deformity. the other concerns developing an understanding of the basic mechanisms involved in tooth movement during orthodontic therapy. this paper reviews ongoing research in both areas.20051283875
[bialatan in eye infections]. 20051230935
[certain problems of clinical course, diagnosis and treatment malignant tumors of the external and middle ear]. 20051231132
t-lymphocytes and psoriasis. 20051087550
transbronchial lung biopsy through the fiberoptic bronchoscope in diffuse lung disease. 20051081357
confessions of a capitalist. 20051070365
the child with leukemia: the disease and its treatment. 20051065219
[potentials and successes of coronary surgery]. 2005538939
non fatal barium intravasation during barium enema. 20062241670
ondansetron to prevent vomiting after cancer chemotherapy. 20061828531
ondansetron to prevent vomiting after cancer chemotherapy. 20061828531
relationship between the preexistent coronary collateral circulation and successful intracoronary thrombolysis for acute myocardial infarction.the purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the existence of coronary collateral circulation influences recanalization rates of intracoronary thrombolysis. the study population consisted of 85 consecutive patients undergoing intracoronary thrombolysis within 6 hours after the onset of the first acute myocardial infarction, all of whom had a complete occlusion of the infarct-related coronary artery. intracoronary thrombolysis with high-dose urokinase (960,000 iu) was attempted at a rate of ...20061595523
antithyroid drugs and breastfeeding. 20061698065
[clinical aspects of arrhythmias].arrhythmias are frequent and occur in normal individuals as well as in patients with structural heart disease. in supraventricular arrhythmias the indication for treatment is mainly based on symptoms. in atrial fibrillation the thromboembolic risk has to be taken into account. in ventricular arrhythmias, especially in combination with significant structural heart disease, prognostic considerations play an important role in decision-making.20061594843
growth and the tethered cord syndrome.we investigated the role of growth in relation to the tethered cord syndrome. by investigation of the growth curve in relation to the operation date we could not establish a period of increased growth preceding the operation date. thus the operation date was not related to periods of increased length growth. overstretching with microtraumata of the myelum may be a more important factor.20061489740
submalar augmentation. an alternative to face-lift surgery.submalar augmentation is a new approach that effectively deals with many of the problems encountered in midfacial rejuvenation. this study reports the results of 78 patients who were successfully treated over 6 years by submalar augmentation. this procedure consists of inserting newly designed silastic (silicone rubber) implants over the midface to create the appearance of restoring the vibrant and youthful fullness of the middle third of the face while avoiding distortion of normal facial anato ...20072660851
simultaneous 'dual system' rehabilitation in the treatment of facial paralysis.simultaneous dual system rehabilitation of facial paralysis involves using two independent reanimation techniques to optimize facial movement in both a quantitative and qualitative manner. these techniques involve the use of nerve grafting or crossover procedures combined with a dynamic muscle transfer. a group of 37 patients who underwent five different combinations of reanimation was analyzed. the techniques were evaluated using a standard rating scheme for judging success of reanimation proce ...20072248739
simultaneous 'dual system' rehabilitation in the treatment of facial paralysis.simultaneous dual system rehabilitation of facial paralysis involves using two independent reanimation techniques to optimize facial movement in both a quantitative and qualitative manner. these techniques involve the use of nerve grafting or crossover procedures combined with a dynamic muscle transfer. a group of 37 patients who underwent five different combinations of reanimation was analyzed. the techniques were evaluated using a standard rating scheme for judging success of reanimation proce ...20072248739
to treat or not to treat: the legal, ethical and therapeutic implications of treatment professionals faced with refusal of life-saving treatment may wish to override a person's wishes, especially if that person suffers from a mental disorder. mental illness does not automatically mean a patient is incapable of making decisions of this nature. it is not always clear whether an individual is legally competent to decide whether to undergo treatment or not. this article discusses a clinical example and analyses some of the moral implications.20071941953
on the reliability of the penaz cuff during systemic and local fingertip vasodilatation at rest and in compare the readings of blood pressure by the riva-rocci (rr) method with those of peripheral arterial pressure (pap) as recorded by the finapres (fp) device, exercise was performed by six male subjects on a cycle ergometer at a constant exercise intensity of 140 w. in addition, forearm volume was determined by impedance plethysmography. at rest, systolic fp values exceeded rr values by greater than or equal to 10 mmhg. during 60-min exercise both values at first increased almost in parallel ...20072044523
case history number 80: respiratory depression in the recovery room. 20074472023
the impact of school-based drug education.outcome evaluation of the impact of drug education on a representative sample of 1197 pupils revealed no effects of drug education on drug-related behaviour or drug-related attitudes. however, drug education raised levels of drug-related knowledge. the long term implications of these findings would require further study. comparison of process and outcome measures indicated that, with the exception of knowledge, teachers' positive views of drug education were misplaced. critical aspects of good p ...20071932881
a comparison of clinical and evoked potential (vep and median nerve sep) evolution in patients with ms and potentially related conditions.a clinical and electrophysiological (vep and median nerve sep) follow-up was performed in 27 subjects selected among 200 consecutive patients previously examined by multimodality evoked potentials because of ms or potentially related conditions. the mean interval between the examinations was 20 months. there was a concordance between the clinical and electrophysiological evolution for the majority of examined pathways. however, alterations were more frequent for evoked potentials than for clinic ...20071950449
brachymetapody: case report of surgical correction.brachymetapody is an uncommon condition that can have both cosmetic and functional considerations. the literature is reviewed with respect to techniques for repair of short metatarsals. surgical indications are discussed as well as techniques for repair. a case report of bilateral first and fourth metatarsal brachymetapody is reviewed with illustration of a successful surgical outcome after more than 5 years of follow-up.20071865062
measurements of dental cast profile and three-dimensional tooth movement during orthodontic treatment.we have developed a system for measuring three-dimensional profiles of dental casts and three-dimensional tooth movement during orthodontic treatment. the profile measurement is based on the triangulation method which detects a laser sport on a cast using an image sensor. the system is computer-controlled and designed to achieve the depth and lateral resolutions of 0.05 and 0.1 mm, respectively, within a depth range of 25 mm. we have applied our system to measuring three-dimensional movement of ...20071855799
virology and the twentieth anniversary of the liberation of czechoslovakia. 20074379498
age-related changes of cerebral ventricular size. part ii: normalization of ventricular size following shunting.thirty-one hydrocephalic patients were investigated prospectively by means of computed tomographic scan performed prior to and one week after cerebrospinal fluid (csf) shunting. planimetric measurements of the size of the cerebral ventricles were compared before and after shunting. children under two years of age and elderly patients showed significantly less reduction of ventricular size (8.5 +/- 6.3% and 9.7 +/- 3.5% respectively) than older children and young adults (61.2 +/- 5.2%). the degre ...20082718806
Displaying items 5401 - 5500 of 6991