
[research progress on the mechanisms of antigenic variation in giardia lamblia].the intestinal protozoan parasite giardia lamblia is one of the most common causes of diarrhoea and undergoes antigenic variation. in pathogenic microorganisms, antigenic variation is often described as a mechanism to evade the host immune system, resulting in chronic and/or recurrent infections. in the recent years, significant advances in the knowledge of the antigen switching process have been achieved. here we review the principal knowledge on the mechanisms that regulate this process, inclu ...201223072166
[construction of rapid tagging vector of genes in giardia lamblia].to construct a recombinant vector for rapid gene tagging in giardia lamblia.201223072129
immunophenotyping in post-giardiasis functional gastrointestinal disease and chronic fatigue syndrome.a giardia outbreak was associated with development of post-infectious functional gastrointestinal disorders (pi-fgid) and chronic fatigue syndrome (pi-cfs). markers of immune dysfunction have given conflicting results in cfs and fgid patient populations. the aim of this study was to evaluate a wide selection of markers of immune dysfunction in these two co-occurring post-infectious syndromes.201223061432
differential dissolved protein expression throughout the life cycle of giardia lamblia.giardia lamblia (g. lamblia) has a simple life cycle that alternates between a cyst and a trophozoite, and this parasite is an important human and animal pathogen. to increase our understanding of the molecular basis of the g. lamblia encystment, we have analyzed the soluble proteins expressed by trophozoites and cysts extracted from feces by quantitative proteomic analysis. a total of 63 proteins were identified by isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (itraq) labeling, and were ...201223058231
evolutionarily divergent spliceosomal snrnas and a conserved non-coding rna processing motif in giardia lamblia.non-coding rnas (ncrnas) have diverse essential biological functions in all organisms, and in eukaryotes, two such classes of ncrnas are the small nucleolar (sno) and small nuclear (sn) rnas. in this study, we have identified and characterized a collection of sno and snrnas in giardia lamblia, by exploiting our discovery of a conserved 12 nt rna processing sequence motif found in the 3' end regions of a large number of g. lamblia ncrna genes. rna end mapping and other experiments indicate the mo ...201223019220
genotyping of giardia lamblia isolates from human in southern iran.giardia lamblia cysts isolated from human faeces in south of iran were analyzed with pcr-restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) assay, based on the detection of glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) genes. among 205 faecal samples from microscopically diagnosed giardiasis patients, the gdh gene was amplified from 172 cases with a semi nested pcr assay and typed by rflp analysis. of the 172 positive samples, 128 (74.41%) were typed as assemblage aii, 30 (17.44%) assemblage biii, 6 (3.49%) assemb ...201223018499
prevalence and distribution of cryptosporidium and giardia in wastewater and the surface, drinking and ground waters in the lower rhine, germany.samples from different water sources (n = 396) were collected during 2009 and 2011. wastewater (2-5 l) was purified by aluminium sulphate flocculation. surface, ground and drinking waters (400-6400 l) were collected by filtration. cryptosporidium oocysts and giardia cysts were further concentrated by sucrose centrifugation. (oo)cysts were identified by ift (immunofluorescence test), dapi (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) staining and dicm (difference interference contrast microscopy). out of 206 w ...201323010178
a detailed, hierarchical study of giardia lamblia's ventral disc reveals novel microtubule-associated protein complexes.giardia lamblia is a flagellated, unicellular parasite of mammals infecting over one billion people worldwide. giardia's two-stage life cycle includes a motile trophozoite stage that colonizes the host small intestine and an infectious cyst form that can persist in the environment. similar to many eukaryotic cells, giardia contains several complex microtubule arrays that are involved in motility, chromosome segregation, organelle transport, maintenance of cell shape and transformation between th ...201222984443
vacuolar protein sorting receptor in giardia giardia, lysosome-like peripheral vacuoles (pvs) need to specifically coordinate their endosomal and lysosomal functions to be able to successfully perform endocytosis, protein degradation and protein delivery, but how cargo, ligands and molecular components generate specific routes to the pvs remains poorly understood. recently, we found that delivering membrane cathepsin c and the soluble acid phosphatase (acph) to the pvs is adaptin (ap1)-dependent. however, the receptor that links acph an ...201222916299
giardia lamblia: a new target for miltefosine.giardia lamblia, the causative agent of giardiasis, is an intestinal infection with worldwide distribution and high rates of prevalence. increased resistance of the parasite and the side effects of the reference drugs employed in the treatment of giardiasis make it necessary to seek new therapeutic agents. therefore,the aim of this study was to examine the activity of hexadecylphosphocholine (miltefosine), a membrane active alkylphospholipid, that is licensed as an antileishmanial agent against ...201222787585
effect of giardiasis combined with low-protein diet on intestinal absorption of glucose and electrolytes in gerbils.studies have shown that symptomatic infection by giardia lamblia causes acute or chronic diarrhea, dehydration, abdominal pain and malabsorption, leading to undernutrition and weight loss. the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of giardiasis and its combination with a low-protein diet on the intestinal absorption of glucose and electrolytes in gerbils. the intestinal absorption of glucose, sodium and potassium was investigated in male gerbils weighing 46-64 g (n≥5). a tyrode so ...201222659230
giardia infection: protein-losing enteropathy in an adult with immunodeficiency.the case of a 52-year-old woman with a past history of thymoma resection who presented with chronic diarrhea and generalized edema is the focal point of this article. a diagnosis of giardia lamblia infection was established, which was complicated by protein-losing enteropathy and severely low serum protein level in a patient with no urinary protein loss and normal liver function. after anti-helmintic treatment, there was recovery from hypoalbuminemia, though immunoglobulins persisted at low seru ...201222654437
giardia lamblia and respiratory allergies: a study of children from an urban area with a high incidence of protozoan infections.there is a high incidence of intestinal parasite infection in urban areas in the northeast of brazil. giardia lamblia infections have been associated with increased prevalence of cutaneous allergies and gastrointestinal disorders. however, little is known about the relationship between giardiasis and allergic diseases of the airways. the present study aimed to investigate the possible association between respiratory allergic diseases and infections by giardia lamblia in children from urban areas ...201222622669
celiac disease and giardiasis: a case report.when investigating a patient with suspected celiac disease (cd), several other conditions must be considered, including potential infection with giardia lamblia. although giardiasis is rare, its histopathological and serological picture may resemble that of cd. we report the case of a young man with diabetes mellitus and a family history of cd referred to our hospital because of diarrhoea and weight loss. investigation showed, among other factors, partial villous atrophy in duodenal biopsies and ...201222617359
structural bioinformatics of the human spliceosomal this work, we describe the results of a comprehensive structural bioinformatics analysis of the spliceosomal proteome. we used fold recognition analysis to complement prior data on the ordered domains of 252 human splicing proteins. examples of newly identified domains include a pwi domain in the u5 snrnp protein 200k (hbrr2, residues 258-338), while examples of previously known domains with a newly determined fold include the duf1115 domain of the u4/u6 di-snrnp protein 90k (hprp3, residues ...201222573172
the profile of snorna-derived micrornas that regulate expression of variant surface proteins in giardia the current investigation, we analysed all the known small nucleolar rnas (snornas) in the deeply branching protozoan parasite giardia lamblia for potential micrornas (mirnas) that might be derived from them. two putative mirnas have since been identified by northern blot, primer extension, 3' race and co-immunoprecipitation with giardia argonaute (glago), and designated mir6 and mir10. giardia dicer (gldcr) is capable of processing the snornas into the corresponding mirnas in vitro. potentia ...201222568619
analysis of giardin expression during encystation of giardia lamblia.the present study analyzed giardin transcription in trophozoites and cysts during encystation of giardia lamblia . encystment was induced using standard methods, and the numbers of trophozoites and cysts were counted at various time points during the process. at all time points, rna from both stages were assayed for levels of alpha2-, beta-, and delta-giardin mrna as well as for cyst wall protein 3 (cwp3) mrna using quantitative rt-pcr. in encystation medium, the number of g. lamblia trophozoite ...201222524244
giardia lamblia nek1 and nek2 kinases affect mitosis and excystation.the nima-related serine/threonine kinases (neks) function in the cell cycle and regulate ciliary and flagellar length. the giardia lamblia genome encodes 198 neks, of which 56 are predicted to be active. here we believe that we report the first functional analysis of two g. lamblia neks. the glnek1 and glnek2 kinase domains share 57% and 43% identity to the kinase domains of human nek1 and nek2, respectively. both glneks are active in vitro, have dynamic relocalisation during the cell cycle, and ...201222429767
validity of silver, chitosan, and curcumin nanoparticles as anti-giardia agents.this study was carried out to evaluate the anti parasitic potential of silver, chitosan, and curcumin nanoparticles as anti-giardia agents. non-treated infected control rats were inoculated with giardia lamblia cysts in a dose of 2 × 10(5) cysts/rat. experimental group was infected then treated with curcumin, curcumin nanoparticles, chitosan, chitosan nanoparticles, and silver nanoparticles as single or combined therapy. the number of giardia cysts in stools and trophozoites in intestinal sectio ...201222392135
a data-driven predictive approach for drug delivery using machine learning drug delivery, there is often a trade-off between effective killing of the pathogen, and harmful side effects associated with the treatment. due to the difficulty in testing every dosing scenario experimentally, a computational approach will be helpful to assist with the prediction of effective drug delivery methods. in this paper, we have developed a data-driven predictive system, using machine learning techniques, to determine, in silico, the effectiveness of drug dosing. the system framewo ...201222384063
functional redundancy of two pax-like proteins in transcriptional activation of cyst wall protein genes in giardia lamblia.the protozoan giardia lamblia differentiates from a pathogenic trophozoite into an infectious cyst to survive outside of the host. during encystation, genes encoding cyst wall proteins (cwps) are coordinately induced. pax family transcription factors are involved in a variety of developmental processes in animals. nine pax proteins have been found to play an important role in tissue and organ development in humans. to understand the progression from primitive to more complex eukaryotic cells, we ...201222355320
chronic fatigue syndrome after giardia enteritis: clinical characteristics, disability and long-term sickness absence.a waterborne outbreak of giardia lamblia gastroenteritis led to a high prevalance of long-lasting fatigue and abdominal symptoms. the aim was to describe the clinical characteristics, disability and employmentloss in a case series of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) after the infection.201222316329
analysis of giardia lamblia interactions with polymer surfaces using a microarray approach.the interaction of the waterborne protozoan parasite, giardia lamblia, with polymeric materials was investigated by microarray screening of 652 polymers. polymers were identified which either bound g. lamblia cysts or prevented their binding. correlation of material properties such as wettability and surface roughness with cyst attachment revealed no influence of these factors upon giardia adhesion. however, the study of polymer composition allowed the correlation of binding and generation of po ...201222303893
nitazoxanide for the empiric treatment of pediatric infectious diarrhea.we conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial to demonstrate the efficacy of nitazoxanide suspension for the treatment of presumed infectious diarrhea in children. eligible patients must have had diarrheal illness lasting 3-29 days. patients were randomized to receive either nitazoxanide or placebo twice daily for three days. the primary endpoint was time from first dose to resolution of symptoms. one hundred children mean age 3.3 years were enrolled. the median time to resoluti ...201222301075
assessment of water quality of some swimming pools: a case study in alexandria, spite of the importance and popularity of swimming pools in summer, they have been identified as posing some public health risks to users due to either chemical or microbiological contamination. this study was carried out aiming at assessing the quality of water for some alexandria's swimming pools in order to determine its compliance with the egyptian standards no. 418/1995. five swimming pools were selected randomly from different districts. physical and chemical parameters, as well as biol ...201222258741
excretory-secretory products of giardia lamblia induce interleukin-8 production in human colonic cells via activation of p38, erk1/2, nf-κb and ap-1.giardia lamblia, a pathogen causing diarrhoeal outbreaks, is interesting how it triggers immune response in the human epithelial cells. this study defined the crucial roles of signalling components involved in g. lamblia-induced cytokine production in human epithelial cells. incubation of the gastrointestinal cell line ht-29 with g. lamblia gs trophozoites triggered production of interleukin (il)-1β, il-8 and tumour necrosis factor (tnf)-α. il-8 production was not significantly decreased by phys ...201222224945
sumoylation in giardia lamblia: a conserved post-translational modification in one of the earliest divergent modifications are able to regulate protein function and cellular processes in a rapid and reversible way. sumoylation, the post-translational modification of proteins by the addition of sumo, is a highly conserved process that seems to be present in modern cells. however, the mechanism of protein sumoylation in earlier divergent eukaryotes, such as giardia lamblia, is only starting to become apparent. in this work, we report the presence of a single sumo gene encoding to sumo ...201224970140
serum levels of zinc, copper, vitamin b12, folate and immunoglobulins in individuals with giardiasis.giardia lamblia is one of the most important intestinal parasites. the aim of this study was to measure serum levels of iga, ige, zinc, copper, vitamin b12 and folate in individuals with giardiasis in comparison to normal subjects.201223641390
a novel spliceosome-mediated trans-splicing can change our view on genome complexity of the divergent eukaryote giardia intestinalis.although spliceosomal introns are an abundant landmark in eukaryotic genomes, the nuclear genome of the divergent eukaryote giardia intestinalis, the causative agent of giardiasis, has been considered as "intron-poor" with only five canonical (cis-spliced) introns. however, three research groups (including ours) have independently reported a novel class of spliceosomal introns in the g. intestinalis genome. three protein-coding genes are split into pieces in the g. intestinalis genome, and each ...201128510047
[construction of gcv-specific hammerhead ribozyme recombinant vector of alpha-8 giardin in giardia lamblia].to construct a gcv-ribozyme recombinant vectors of alpha-8 giardin in giardia lamblia.201124830190
apyretic gastrointestinal disorders due to giardiasis contracted in morocco.we present the case of a 32-year-old french man who presented with morning nausea, bloating, frequent flatulence, burping, occasional pyrosis, and alternating diarrhea and constipation two weeks after a trip to morocco. the diagnosis was established by a parasitological stool exam that revealed cysts of giardia lamblia. he was successfully treated with tinidazole.201124765301
a ten-year survey of giardia cysts in drinking water supplies of seoul, the republic of understand the distribution of giardia cysts in drinking water supplies in seoul, korea, we collected water samples quarterly at 6 intakes in the han river, its largest stream and 6 conventional water treatment plants (wtps) serving drinking water, from 2000 to 2009. giardia cysts in each of 10 l water were confirmed in 35.0% of intake water samples and the arithmetic mean was 1.65 cysts/10 l (range 0-35 cysts/10 l). the lowest cyst density was observed at paldang and kangbuk intakes, and the ...201121461263
[knowledge, perceptions and practice of dermatologists with respect to giardia lamblia infection].to ascertain the level of knowledge, the perceptions and practice of dermatologists in the city of havana with respect to giardia lamblia infection.201323431635
expression of sodium-glucose co-transporter and brush border disaccharidases in giardia lamblia infected rat intestine.the absorption of d-glucose and brush border membrane disaccharidases in the intestine of rat during infection by giardia lamblia has been studied. the level of mrna encoding na+/glucose co-transporter (sglt1) and brush border sucrase and lactase activities were also analyzed. at the peak of infection, i.e, day 7, 11 and 15 post-infection, there was a marked decrease in the signal of 4.5 kb and 2.8 kb mrnas encoding sgtl1 compared to the controls. a similar decrease in sucrase and lactase mrna's ...200222905389
laboratory diagnosis for giardia lamblia infection: a comparison of microscopy, coprodiagnosis and evaluate newer techniques such as coproantigen detection and serology in the diagnosis of symptomatic giardia lamblia infection.199722514475
[not available].giardiasis has recently been added to the list of infectious diseases whose transmission is favoured by day care centers. this article discusses an epidemic that occurred in a outremont day care center where the systematic search for parasites in the stool has identified 19 cases of giardia lamblia in a group of 82 persons at risk, and three additional cases in their families. sixty-eight percent of the identified cases were asymptomatic. the dissemination process throughout the day care center ...198321283469
Displaying items 5101 - 5136 of 5136