
when headaches are good.occasionally patients with headache present with the complaint of "a really good one." this paper examines three cases of patients with migraine who often referred to their headaches as "good." when the patients were asked what made the headaches good, they immediately tried to clarify their terminology as "just a figure of speech" that really meant bad. further exploration usually revealed the headache symptoms had indeed been "good" in a relative sense, in that it had somehow served to help th ...20082708037
when headaches are good.occasionally patients with headache present with the complaint of "a really good one." this paper examines three cases of patients with migraine who often referred to their headaches as "good." when the patients were asked what made the headaches good, they immediately tried to clarify their terminology as "just a figure of speech" that really meant bad. further exploration usually revealed the headache symptoms had indeed been "good" in a relative sense, in that it had somehow served to help th ...20082708037
ethnic differences in blood pressure, pulse rate, and related characteristics in young adults. the cardia study.this study examined ethnic differences in blood pressure and pulse rate in young adults to see whether the differences, if they exist, can be explained by differences in body mass index, lifestyle, psychological, and socioeconomic characteristics. data used were from the baseline examination of the coronary artery risk development in (young) adults study (cardia). cardia is a longitudinal study of lifestyle and evolution of cardiovascular disease risk factors in 5,116 young adults, black and whi ...20082759681
orally administered enalapril for infants with congestive heart failure: a dose-finding study. 20082538615
[diagnosis of obesity: psychological aspects]. 20082519405
design, properties, and effective use of the oral chelator l1 and other alpha-ketohydroxypyridines in the treatment of transfusional iron overload in thalassemia. 20082291562
increasing public awareness of the risk of cardiovascular disease using 'health activists' in a community health project in israel: a feasibility innovative approach to health education in the field of cardiovascular risk factor control was implemented in an urban community in southern israel. the objective of the project was to determine the efficiency of utilising lay health activists (has) to convey the health message to the community. after undergoing a selection process, 22 has completed the course of instruction which included: 24 hours of lectures on health topics given by medical experts; 25 hours of training in communication s ...20082258873
[the peutz-touraine-jeghers syndrome complicated by multiple invaginations of the small intestine]. 20092770168
african trypanosomiasis and s. intercalatum infection in equatorial guinea: comparative epidemiology and feasibility of integrated control.the integration of schistosomiasis control with the activities of different endemic disease control or health programmes has been endorsed by a who expert committee on the control of schistosomiasis (who 1985). endemic countries face increasing economic and manpower constraints which limit the coverage and effectiveness of control activities. integration would be expected to optimize available resources for control. the feasibility of integration can be assessed by a comparative evaluation of: t ...20092772519
pterygium colli: surgical treatment.the authors report three cases of pterygium colli. two of them presented as part of turner's syndrome and were treated following a personal technique. the third, which was probably due to jugular lymphatic obstruction, was treated according to the butterfly excision technique of shearin.20092702365
the roles of work and of working in disorders of the upper extremity. 20092661024
darman crafts bush's health policy agenda. 20092656486
[prisoners-cleaners in the concentration camp hospital for the ss personnel]. 20092655034
[chronic monoarthritis induced by a synovial sarcoma]. 20102997898
[chronic monoarthritis induced by a synovial sarcoma]. 20102997898
[measurement of gla proteins by dot method and clinical study (protein s, protein c, and prothrombin)].in this study, as a new assay method for gla protein antigens, the "dot immunobinding assay" which is used on screening for a large number of antibodies (dot method) was applied. plasma protein s(ps), protein c(pc) and prothrombin were measured in normal and toxemic pregnant women by the "dot method". the results obtained are as follows. 1. the ps concentration in the third trimester was significantly decreased, with a count of 90.0 +/- 18.6%. 2. pc in the first trimester was significantly decre ...20102976078
[immunologic indices in patients with cancer of the breast following surgical treatment]. 20113210623
[primary abscesses of the pancreas]. 20113352171
[use of a micromethod for quantitative testing of disinfectants].a micromethod will be recommended for indirect enumeration of bacteria in quantitative testing of disinfectants. this method works with only 10 percent of volumina used in commonly macromethod. the advantages of microtechnique are reduction of working time and material as like as a rising of trial quantity and a reduction of substance doses needed for testing.20113134775
[conservative surgery of the spleen--autotransplantation and current status of the problem]. 20113122458
antihypertensive treatment with metoprolol or hydrochlorothiazide in patients aged 60 to 75 years. report from a double-blind international multicenter a randomized double-blind study (n = 562), a traditional treatment schedule, starting antihypertensive treatment in elderly hypertensive patients (60 to 75 years old) with 25 mg of hydrochlorothiazide once daily and doubling the dose if a satisfactory response was not achieved, was compared with antihypertensive treatment of 100 mg of metoprolol once daily, adding 12.5 mg of hydrochlorothiazide for patients whose response was not satisfactorialy achieved with metoprolol alone. systolic and di ...20123511308
use of colchicine in behçet's syndrome.colchicine is of benefit in the treatment of ocular, articular, oral, and genital lesions in bs. polymorphonuclear neutrophil function, which is important in the pathogenesis of the disease, is modified by the drug. there is no evidence that colchicine alters the tendency for this disease to become chronic; however, the drug lessens the severity of certain manifestations and does not have the more deleterious side effects of prolonged steroid and immunosuppressive regimens.20123519102
[roentgenographic observation about root deflection of developing tooth under orthodontic treatment]. 20123506553
the cytopathogenic agent in csf: evidence for a relationship with enolase levels. 20123981199
respiration in heat stressed camels.respiration and heat exchange in relation to brain temperature (th) and body temperature (tb) were investigated in four heat stressed camels subjected daily to high temperature (47 degrees c) in a climate chamber while resting when hydrated and dehydrated by approximately 10%, 15% and 20% of initial weight. diurnally tb followed patterns described previously. th was usually 0.2-0.5 degrees c greater than tb: occasional reversals with brain cooling were observed. minute ventilation increased with ...20123659612
coronary artery variation in a native iraqi population.the variation and distribution of the coronary arteries were studied in 119 hearts of individuals, 4 fetal months to 40 years old, who died from noncardiovascular causes. all individuals included in this study were natives of the mosul area of northern iraq. the coronary arteries were examined by injection-corrosion and unaided dissection. almost all (90%) of the anomalies observed were in the right coronary artery. nine hearts (8% of total sample) possessed ectopic ostia in the right coronary s ...20123815505
coronary artery variation in a native iraqi population.the variation and distribution of the coronary arteries were studied in 119 hearts of individuals, 4 fetal months to 40 years old, who died from noncardiovascular causes. all individuals included in this study were natives of the mosul area of northern iraq. the coronary arteries were examined by injection-corrosion and unaided dissection. almost all (90%) of the anomalies observed were in the right coronary artery. nine hearts (8% of total sample) possessed ectopic ostia in the right coronary s ...20123815505
a career in nursing starts well before graduation. 20123416510
[bandage lenses in neuroparalytic keratitis].the successful treatment of two cases of neuroparalytic keratitis with bandage lenses is described. the possible pathogenesis of epithelial damage and our experience with the problems of fitting soft contact lenses on anesthetic corneas are discussed.20123489859
[patients with multiple trauma with abdominal involvement]. 20123387800
physicians' decisions to limit medicaid participation: determinants and policy implications.although most primary care physicians participate in state medicaid programs, they may accept all medicaid patients, or they may choose to limit their participation. this decision allows physicians to adjust their medicaid caseloads to a desired level, and it has important implications for the access of low-income patients to health care. surveys of pediatricians in 1978 and 1983 indicate that the proportion of pediatricians limiting their medicaid participation increased significantly from 26 p ...20123302000
who decides which lens is best? 20123351183
[effect of operative technic on the development of postoperative facial paralysis and the auriculotemporal syndrome in parotid surgery]. 20133861543
radiographic findings in pulmonary hypertension from unresolved embolism.pulmonary artery hypertension with chronic pulmonary embolism is an uncommon entity that is potentially treatable with pulmonary embolectomy. although the classic radiographic features have been described, several recent investigators report a significant percentage of these patients with normal chest radiographs. in a series of 22 patients, no normal radiographs were seen. findings included cardiomegaly (86.4%) with right-sided enlargement (68.4%), right descending pulmonary artery enlargement ...20133872021
[neutral lipid spectrum in the blood plasma and erythrocytes of patients with psoriasis]. 20133811578
confidentiality and the medical report. 20133831650
oral desmopressin in neonatal diabetes insipidus.a neonate with cranial diabetes insipidus was successfully treated with oral desmopressin. the patient had a midline cleft lip and palate and we obtained a more consistent response using the oral route than using the usual nasal route.20133688926
[aldosteronism--past, present and future]. 20134324172
ovarian tumors in infancy, childhood, and adolescence. 20144293766
serum ige levels and the use of sodium cromoglycate (bp) in hay fever: a study of forty-six patients from a single general practice. 20144204882
preservation of sulphacetamide eye drops. 20144144887
electron paramagnetic resonance signal ii in spinach chloroplasts. ii. alternative spectral forms and inhibitor effects on kinetics of signal ii in flashing light. 20144360258
[the hypochondriacal syndrome]. 20144010825
intracranial malignant teratoma.a case of malignant teratoma arising near the third ventricle in an adult is reported. it represented a true teratoma containing elements of all three germ layers of which two, namely the mesenchymal and endodermal elements have undergone malignant change. it was characterized by rapid recurrences after two operations with death occurring shortly after the second operation.20144033875
the connective tissues of peripheral nerves. 20144285460
mercury pollution near an industrial source in southwest finland. 20143947769
[therapy of anxiety, mental anguish and sleeplessness. 3. clinical pharmacological viewpoints]. 20144389476
contaminated cosmetics as cause of eye infections. 20154712263
[bronchial stenosis premonitory of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with pneumoconiosis]. 20154638143
bufexamac in the treatment of skin diseases in general practice. 20154609377
[experiences and results in work time analyses in a stomatological university clinic]. 20154530521
protection of the dental pulp in construction of fixed partial denture prostheses. 20154598774
[influencing of the sequelae of early brain damage]. 20154630739
[proceedings: reception of mechanical stimulus by the the 2nd antenna of the crayfish]. 20154478384
a practical guide to assisted operating. 3. instrument handling. 1. 20154510029
promotion of cell arrest in g2 in root and shoot meristems in pisum by a factor from the cotyledons. 20154415334
[nursing of patients with parkinson,s disease. one must take time to listen to the patient]. 20154499106
comparative growth of the thermal algae cyanidium caldarium on nitrate and ammonia at different temperatures. 20165072724
glucagon, insulin, and growth hormone response to exchange transfusion in premature and term infants. 20165063344
new technology creates a need for specialized training for graduate nurses. 20165045137
release and return rates for patients in state mental hospitals of maryland. 20164959228
[mutation effect of x-rays. i. mutagenesis and consequences]. 20164820533
[food toxicology as a part of nutrition hygiene and a training course]. 20143979864
quantitation of hormone replacement induced withdrawal bleeds. 20071847822
[intraluminal diverticulum of the duodenum. report of a case and review of published cases].the intraluminal diverticulum of the duodenum is very rare; it is an anatomical sac like formation, located in the interior of the duodenum and communicating with it through an orifice situated a the upper pole of the diverticulum where the wall is covered by mucosa on both faces. it has interesting etiopathogenic problems. we present an observation after reviewing the corresponding literature. it was a 32-year old woman suffering from moderate epigastric pains, pyrosis, chronic constipation, ma ...200097140
immunofluorescent techniques in the analysis of chromosomal proteins. 200198686
mouth-controlled devices to assist the handicapped. 2003161985
treatment of chronic renal failure with "serial recipes for renal failure": a report of 64 cases.the "serial recipes for renal failure" (srrf), are 11 recipes formulated in accordance with the morbid mechanisms of deficiency, stagnation, dampness and reverse in chronic renal failure (crf), for the purposes of replenishing deficiency, and activating blood stagnation as an etiological approach and eliminating dampness and suppressing reverse flow as an symptomatic approach. in the treatment of 64 cases of crf, the total effective rate of srrf was 84.4%, and the markedly effective rate 51.6%. ...20082615442
an office of rural health. a focal point for rural health concerns. 20082259307
map formation in the developing xenopus retinotectal system: an examination of ganglion cell terminal arborizations.single axonal arbors of retinal ganglion cells have been stained by injecting cobalt extracellularly into the retinae of xenopus embryos and tadpoles. the axonal endings of the earliest retinal axons to arrive in the midbrain were usually simple in appearance, often ended in growth cones, and terminated in tectal regions appropriate to their location in the eye. thus, a topographic projection exists very early in the development (stages 37 to 39) of the projection, before the elaboration of comp ...20103001241
combination chemotherapy with dacarbazine and vindesine in the treatment of metastatic malignant melanoma. 20133719588
[composition of commercial beta-sitosterol products]. 20165037298
preventive treatment of neonatal hypoglycaemia in infants of insulin dependent diabetic mothers. 199996659
patient with chronic and apparently treatment-resistant dysthymia. 20143946673
medico-legal aspects of private practice. 2004523561
wildrid beric beauvais southwell, t.d., l.d.s. 2004356861
an improved method for measuring the size of myocardial infarctions. 20051214676
[interferon in the treatment of hairy cell leukemia]. 20072515708
[interferon in the treatment of hairy cell leukemia]. 20072515708
reversal of rejection-induced coronary vasculitis detected early after heart transplantation with increased immunosuppression.four patients who underwent heart transplantation, in whom coronary obstruction was seen early after transplantation, are described. repeated acute rejection episodes were detected within the first 2 months in each patient. coronary obstruction or ischemia was shown through a combination of t1-201 isotopic study findings, evidence of vasculitis of a small coronary arteriole seen at endomyocardial biopsy, or coronary angiographic results. vigorous treatment for rejection (antithymocyte globulin a ...20092795284
[electrophoretic mobility of the cells of non-t, non-b acute lymphoblastic leukemia].in order to ascertain the possibility of the use of electrophoretic mobility (epm) as one of the criterion for delicate identification of the leukemic cell, a study was made of the epm of blast cells having an approximately equal status of differentiation. a study was also made of lymphoblasts of the most frequently occurring variant of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, namely of the non-t, non-b variant. it has been established that the given cells are marked by the similar values of the epm, which ...20092744376
students' preferences for male or female counselors for social and educational problems.fifty-eight male and 66 female junior high school students were examined to determine their preferences for sex of counselor under personal/social and educational hypothetical counseling situations. girls demonstrated a definite same-sex preference for both counseling situations, while boys preferred male counselors for personal/social counseling and had opposite-sex preferences for educational counseling. implications of the findings are discussed in light of earlier contradictory results from ...20092763909
effects of precocene analogs on the nematode caenorhabditis remanei (var. bangaloreiensis). ii. competitions with a juvenile hormone analog (methoprene).fourteen 7-alkoxy-2,2-dimethychromenes were synthetized and studied in jh competition experiments: precocenes (ps) pi and pii, and synthetic analogs (pas) including (i) three with both antiallatal and p-like activities: 7-ethoxy-pii (7-epii); 7-(prop-2-ynyloxy)-2,-2-dimethylchromene (ppi); and 6-methoxy-7-(prop-2-ynyloxy)-2,2-dimethylchromene (ppiii); (ii) six without antiallatal activity, exerting p-like activity in nematodes; and (iii) three without either antiallatal or p-like activity, but w ...20092737453
decreased cardiac toxicity of doxorubicin administered by continuous intravenous infusion in combination chemotherapy for metastatic breast carcinoma.two hundred and seventy-four consecutive patients with measurable metastatic breast cancer, without prior exposure to cytotoxic agents were treated with tamoxifen, 5-fluorouracil, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide (fac). the initial 133 patients received doxorubicin by bolus iv administration and for the next group of 141 patients doxorubicin was administered via a central venous catheter over a 48-hour (79 patients) or 96-hour (62 patients) continuous infusion schedule. patients treated with bo ...20092910423
successful liaison between the health team and social workers in blackburn, west lothian. 20113101819
[erythema nodosum and brucellosis]. 20123352359
rupture after nonresective treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms. 20133969633
rupture after nonresective treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms. 20133969633
[ct findings in gastrointestinal tumors].any suspicion of lumino-abdominal tumour growth should be confirmed or invalidated by contrast medium examination. the authors of this paper, deviating from the generally accepted diagnostic strategies, used computed tomography and succeeded in recording gastrointestinal tumours from 25 patients. high-accuracy organ localisation of palpable intestinal tumours proved to be possible by means of computed tomography. hence, primary diagnostic use of ct appears to be justified in exceptional cases.20133811651
counselling on smoking. 20133719492
supranuclear paralysis of voluntary lid closure. 20155053249
supranuclear paralysis of voluntary lid closure. 20155053249
access to social services records--ethical and practical issues. 20113131519
dermatological problems in thailand. the solution by the institute of dermatology during 1972-1983. 20144078517
start your own collection agency? 20154510350
[homozygotic beta-thalassemia with 95-100 per cent content of fetal hemoglobin]. 20164776306
endoscopic findings and diagnoses in unselected dyspeptic patients at a primary health care center.this study reports the findings on endoscopy and the final diagnoses of 172 consecutive patients with dyspepsia from a primary health care center. the purpose of our study was to carry out a thorough gastroenterologic investigation of all patients consulting their general practitioner and reporting dyspepsia during 1 full year, from a population within a defined geographic area. the examinations included patient history, physical examination, laboratory tests, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (egd), a ...20102928729
endoscopy-controlled study of the safety of nabumetone compared with naproxen in arthritis therapy.nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (nsaid) gastropathy is now a commonly recognized and reported complication of such arthritis therapy. significant gastric lesions develop in up to 40 percent of arthritic patients treated with long-term anti-inflammatory doses of nsaids, 20 percent of which represents actual ulcer crater disease. this 12-week endoscopy-controlled, double-blind study was constructed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of nabumetone 1,000 mg at bedtime compared with naproxen 250 ...20123318424
[laser endoscopy in photodynamic therapy]. 20123359876
convenient method for labeling computed tomographic images. 1998107765
Displaying items 4901 - 5000 of 6991