
erythema nodosum--a manifestation of chlamydia pneumoniae (strain twar) infection.we describe 2 cases of erythema nodosum (en) secondary to an infection with the twar strain of chlamydia, recently designated chlamydia pneumoniae. two young patients, 17 and 11 years old, were admitted with en and no physical signs of pneumonia. one patient had a non-productive cough and fever. the other patient only ran a high fever. chest radiography revealed bronchopneumonias. infection with the c. pneumoniae species was proven by serologic testing using microimmunofluorescence technique. se ...19892694350
detection of chlamydia psittaci in free-ranging koalas (phascolarctos cinereus): dna hybridization and immuno-slot blot analyses.dna-slot hybridization and immuno-slot blot analyses were compared for the detection of chlamydia psittaci in crude swab material from free-ranging koalas. immuno-slot blot analysis detected chlamydiae in 43 out of 68 koalas, with the sensitivity of the assay varying from 52 to 73% depending on the site of infection. gene probe analysis was also used employing a genus-specific probe pcko-10 isolated from a koala chlamydial gene library (ocular strain) and a plasmid probe pcku cloned from a uroge ...19892696197
atypical pneumonia. 19892716319
[ornithosis in domestic and imported bird species].in investigations of imported bird species, domestic fowl and feral birds, ornithosis antibodies were found also in feral city pigeons and sparrows which live among them.19892744466
chlamydia in ovine milk. 19892756637
an outbreak of psittacosis in minnesota turkey industry workers: implications for modes of transmission and control.from june through november 1986, an outbreak of psittacosis occurred in turkey industry workers in central minnesota. a total of 186 suspect cases were identified, and 122 cases (66%) were serologically confirmed. cases occurred in three turkey processing plants, two rendering plants, one farm, and one "further processing" plant (where meat is removed from previously eviscerated carcasses and consumer products, such as roasts, are made). as in previous outbreaks, workers exposed to the viscera o ...19892764001
haemolytic anaemia due to cold agglutinins caused by psittacosis.a 69-yr-old previously healthy woman, presenting with jaundice and the clinical symptoms of an atypical pneumonia, was hospitalized. haemolytic anaemia due to cold agglutinins was diagnosed, and erythromycin therapy for a suspected mycoplasma pneumoniae infection was instituted. serological testing revealed, however, that the infection was attributable to chlamydia psittaci. the literature on psittacosis and haematological complications is reviewed. cold agglutinins are sometimes found in associ ...19892770941
variations in the virulence of strains of chlamydia psittaci for pregnant ewes.invasive and non-invasive strains of chlamydia psittaci isolated from faeces of clinically healthy ewes and from vaginal swabs of ewes which had aborted were injected intravenously or intradermally into pregnant ewes. the results were studied by recording the ewes' thermal and serological responses, lambing performance and the excretion of chlamydia from the vagina. the differences between the effects of different invasive strains were greater after intradermal inoculation than after intravenous ...19892773238
[incidence of coxiella burnetti and chlamydia psittaci in cattle in southern bohemia].in 1986 and 1987 in six districts and 22 localities of the southern bohemian region, and in one district and one locality of the western bohemian region the total of 747 head of cattle was examined by a microagglutination method (mar) and complement fixation method (kfr) for antibodies to coxiella burnetii and chlamydia psittaci. the positivity of c. burnetii detection was 44.4% in mar and 16.5% in kfr. the positivity of chl. psittaci detection was 7.1%. the widespread incidence and highly posit ...19892800248
chlamydia infections in racing pigeons in great britain: a retrospective serological survey. 19892800294
seroprevalence of chlamydia psittaci-specific antibodies in small stock in namibia--epidemiological study with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa).an igg (h+l)-elisa was applied as a screening test for antibodies against chlamydia (c.) psittaci in sera of goats and sheep in namibia. in 576 (27.3%) of a total of 2,107 sera (299 = 25.2% of 1,185 caprine and 277 = 30.0% of 922 ovine sera) chlamydial antibodies could be detected. 86% of all farms tested revealed seropositive animals. chlamydial infections were prevalent in all the geographical regions tested. the infection rates per state veterinary district varied from 12.0% (otjiwarongo) to ...19892800787
restriction endonuclease analysis of dna from two isolates of chlamydia psittaci obtained from human abortions. 19872825905
comparison of chlamydia psittaci isolates by restriction endonuclease and dna probe analyses.dnas from eight chlamydia psittaci isolates (koala conjunctivitis, avian psittacosis, avian ornithosis, ovine abortion, ovine polyarthritis, sporadic bovine encephalomyelitis, and feline conjunctivitis) and one chlamydia trachomatis isolate (lymphogranuloma venereum) were compared by restriction endonuclease and dna probe analyses. digestion with hindiii yielded a series of discrete fragments which allowed the differentiation of most isolates. a gene probe, pfen207, which encodes the chlamydia-s ...19882826336
acute myocarditis. serologic diagnosis, clinical findings and a prospective study, 57 patients with a preliminary diagnosis of myocarditis were investigated. twenty-four patients were considered to have an acute myocarditis, 14 had a suspected myocarditis, while in 19 patients myocarditis was excluded. episodes of frequent supraventricular and/or ventricular extrasystoles during hospital stay were seen in 8/24 cases (33%) with myocarditis and in 1/19 cases (5%) without myocarditis. on follow-up 1 month later, no supraventricular extrasystoles were obser ...19882831699
serological investigations for some bacterial and viral pathogens in fallow deer (cervus dama) and wild boar (sus scrofa) of the san rossore preserve, tuscany, italy.sera of 43 fallow deer (cervus dama) of the san rossore preserve (tuscany, italy) were examined for antibodies against eight pathogens; one proved positive for brucella sp., 21 for listeria monocytogenes, 34 for chlamydia psittaci, three for coxiella burnetii, one for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, 11 for parainfluenza-3 virus, 25 for bovine viral diarrhea virus and six for bovine respiratory syncytial virus. no age and sex difference in the positivity rates and titers was evidenced, w ...19882832622
restriction endonuclease analysis of dna from chlamydia trachomatis biovars.dna from a total of 60 chlamydia trachomatis isolates was examined by restriction endonuclease analysis. strains from all established biovars and serovars were tested. there was great diversity between the mouse biovar and the lymphogranuloma venereum (lgv) and trachoma biovars. the lgv and trachoma biovar isolates generated similar fragment patterns; however, distinct fragments appeared to be unique to both biovars, thus allowing differentiation of these two major groups. in most cases, strains ...19882835386
[serological survey of feline leukemia virus infection and the outcome of antibody-positive cats].a serological survey was carried out to examine the presence of antibodies against feline leukemia virus (felv) and feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen (focma) in 208 cat sera collected at teikyo university school of medicine. seven cats (3.4%) were positive for felv antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay whereas no cat was positive for focma antibody by indirect membrane immunofluorescent test. anemia, leukemia and/or lymphoma formation were not observed in these felv ...19882840305
[chlamydia twar respiratory infection in cytomegalovirus infection].a middle-aged male smoker with cytomegalovirus infection developed a respiratory tract infection, mostly bronchitis, associated with a low chlamydia psittaci titer and a high c. trachomatis titer in indirect immunofluorescence tests. this situation, previously encountered in children and elderly people having no contact with birds and no genital infection, was reminiscent of the twar strains interhuman infections described by grayston and wang. a serum sample was therefore sent to proff. graysto ...19882847139
comparison of dna-spot hybridization, cell culture and direct immunofluorescence staining for the diagnosis of avian chlamydiae.dna-spot hybridization, cell culture and direct immunofluorescence staining were compared for the detection of avian chlamydia psittaci strains in cell culture dilutions and in routine samples submitted for diagnosis. with dilutions of infected cell culture material, growth in bgm cells was by far the most sensitive technique, detecting 0.01 infected cells (20 elementary bodies) ml-1. dna-spot hybridization and direct immunofluorescence staining were of approximately equal sensitivity, both dete ...19882847401
disulfide-mediated interactions of the chlamydial major outer membrane protein: role in the differentiation of chlamydiae?the effects of exogenous reducing agents on a number of biological properties of purified chlamydia trachomatis lgv-434 and chlamydia psittaci meningopneumonitis elementary bodies (ebs) have been examined in an attempt to identify in vitro correlates of early events in the differentiation of the infectious eb to the replicative cell type, the reticulate body (rb). treatment of ebs with dithiothreitol elicited a number of changes normally associated with differentiation to the rb. ebs in the pres ...19852857160
prevalence of various enteropathogens in the feces of diarrheic and healthy calves.the presence of various enteropathogens was examined in the feces of homebred dairy calves reared in a restricted geographical area of france (north west of county of indre-et-loire) during winter 1983-1984. two distinct surveys were carried on: a case-control study including 32 diarrheic calves and 21 healthy calves bred in 53 different farms; and a separate study on nine diarrheic calves in another farm. the following infectious agents were looked for, by specific methods of detection: escheri ...19862877609
exposure to chlamydia psittaci in pregnancy. 19872883467
outbreak of psittacosis associated with a cockatiel. 19872888965
respiratory tract infections and importation of exotic birds. 19882895349
symptomatic chlamydia psittaci reinfection. 19882896822
twar--chlamydia in a new guise? 19882896832
chlamydial infection. 19882896939
family outbreaks of psittacosis in israel.eight family outbreaks of clinical or subclinical psittacosis in israel after exposure to infected birds were studied. throat cultures for chlamydia psittaci and serological tests for chlamydia species, including strain twar, were obtained from 37 people. cloacal smears and cultures of internal organs for c psittaci were taken from 9 dead birds. 62% of the people studied had symptoms, and 67% of the birds that died had previously been sick. evidence for acute c psittaci infection was found in 81 ...19882900989
psittacine birds and chlamydia. 19882903406
isolation of a gene encoding a chlamydia sp. strain twar protein that is recognized during infection of humans.chlamydia sp. strain twar is a unique chlamydia sp. that causes acute respiratory disease. a gene bank consisting of twar isolate ar-39 dna in puc19 was screened with anti-ar-39 rabbit immune sera. two positive clones were isolated that contained 7.3-kilobase (plc1) and 14.9-kilobase (plc2) plasmids. restriction mapping and hybridization studies showed that both plc1 and plc2 contained a common 4.2-kilobase psti fragment. plasmids were used as templates of in vitro transcription-translation. all ...19892909493
superimposed high frequency ventilation with conventional mechanical ventilation.a 73-year-old man with ards-multiple organ failure due to chlamydia psittaci, was successively supported with conventional respiratory techniques. after 48 hours of no clinical improvement, hfv was superimposed to cmv in order to combine the advantages of each one. since improvement has been seen in all ventilatory parameters, this method is suggested as another mode of ventilation for patients with refractory hypoxia and hypercarbia who do not respond to conventional respiratory care.19892920598
mouse models for evaluation of virulence of chlamydia psittaci isolated from ruminants.intestinal strains of chlamydia psittaci isolated from faeces of clinically healthy sheep or goats were differentiated from pathogenic strains isolated from animals affected with chlamydial diseases by their virulence in mice. the invasiveness of strains after footpad inoculation was estimated in non-pregnant mice by recording the colonisation and the enlargement of the spleen on days 6 and 9 after inoculation. the abortifacient effect was judged by measuring the colonisation of placenta and fet ...19892922503
comparison of protein patterns between invasive and non-invasive ovine strains of chlamydia psittaci.protein patterns displayed in sodium dodecyl sulphate (sds) electrophoresis by invasive and noninvasive strains of chlamydia psittaci showed three constant differences, the most distinctive being a band at 90 kd from invasive strains. in comparison with other methods so far described, this method provides a more efficient means of differentiating between invasive and non-invasive strains. furthermore, it may lead to the development of improved methods of diagnosis.19892922504
relationship between virulence of chlamydia psittaci strains and establishment of persistent infection of mccoy cells.the pathogenicity of chlamydial strains for their natural hosts and their ability to induce persistent infections in mccoy cells were compared. both virulent and avirulent strains persistently infected mccoy cells, but the appearance of the cell culture varied between strains. avirulent strains induced completely inapparent persistent infection (infection type 1), while with invasive strains the culture alternated between periods of cell multiplication and periods of extensive cytopathic change ...19892922922
chlamydial pelvic infection in cats: a model for the study of human pelvic inflammatory disease.the inoculation of feline keratoconjunctivitis agent (chlamydia psittaci) directly into the oviducts of eight cats produced an acute disease that was characterised by hyperaemia of the tissue and pronounced polymorphonuclear leucocyte infiltration of the epithelium and subepithelial stroma. the lumens of the tubes contained exudates of desquamated epithelial cells and polymorphonuclear leucocytes. after about 30 days the disease subsided leaving chronic inflammation with the tissue infiltrated w ...19852931347
[etiological structure of pneumonias in children and adults].the bacteriological study of sputa, nasopharyngeal smears and bronchial washings taken from pneumonia patients has shown that the leading etiological agent was streptococcus pneumoniae isolated in the diagnostic titre (10(7) bacteria per ml) in 78.1% of the cases. staphylococcus aureus, haemophilus influenzae, enterobacteria and yeast-like fungi have been found to play an insignificant role in the etiology of acute pneumonia (2.5 +/- +/- 0.9%). the results of the serological diagnosis by means o ...19872960106
[epidemiologic significance and diagnosis of chlamydias]. 19872962051
respiratory disease (rhinotracheitis) of turkeys in brittany, france. iii. interaction of multiple infecting agents.a candidate breeder flock of turkeys was studied during and after an outbreak of rhinotracheitis. laboratory studies revealed the presence of three pathogens during the acute phase of the disease. these agents were hemorrhagic enteritis virus (hev), paramyxovirus type 2 (pmv2), and chlamydia. twenty-five turkeys in the flock were individually identified, and blood samples from these birds were collected for serological studies each week for 21 weeks. the serological results revealed high titers ...19852985039
antigens of chlamydia trachomatis.chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular parasite that elaborates antigens on its surface. these antigens are divided into genus-, species-, subspecies-, and serovar-specific determinants. the genus, or group antigen(s), are lipopolysaccharides similar to those found in gram-negative bacteria and a glycolipid that is secreted by infected cell cultures. species-specific antigens differentiate chlamydia trachomatis from chlamydia psittaci and are expressed on the outer membrane. these pr ...19852999944
investigations on lentivirus infections in italian caprine population. 19853000114
monoclonal antibodies against chlamydia psittaci.five monoclonal antibodies were prepared against chlamydia (c.) psittaci strain pigeon-1041 isolated from a feral pigeon in sapporo. reactions of these antibodies to chlamydiae were examined using five strains of c. psittaci and two strains of c. trachomatis in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, microimmunofluorescent test and complement fixation test. the antibodies were divided into two groups: three genus-specific (a2, d2, and i21) and two strain-specific (f2 and h9) antibodies. the antige ...19863025566
mixed infection with chlamydia psittaci, fowlpox virus and haemophilus gallinarum in broiler breeder chicks. 19873037759
pneumonias in adults due to mycoplasma, chlamydiae, and viruses.pneumonias in adults due to mycoplasma, chlamydiae, and viruses are a common clinical problem. these microorganisms contribute to the etiologies in 6-35% of all cases of pneumonia and are the sole pathogens in 1-17% of hospitalized cases. important trends and developments in the field include the emergence of a chlamydia psittaci strain (twar) that is passaged from human to human, causes a mycoplasma-like illness, and that is relatively resistant to erythromycin, the recognition of respiratory s ...19873037901
analysis and preparation of bartonella bacilliformis antigens.twenty-four antigens of bartonella bacilliformis, a bacterium which causes bartonellosis in residents of high altitude valleys of the andes, were identified by immunoblot and immunoprecipitation using rabbit anti-bartonella sera as well as sera of patients. the antigens were designated according to their relative molecular mass which ranged from 16 to 160 kda. twelve antigens were detected by antibodies in sera of bartonellosis patients using immunoblot, of which six antigens were detected by im ...19883044156
[method of titration of chlamydia psittaci by immunofluorescence]. 19883049616
chlamydial antibodies in farmers in north-west england.because of recent reports of abortion in farmers' wives following infection with ovine strains of chlamydia psittaci during pregnancy, the distribution of chlamydial antibodies was studied in rural populations in north-west england, where endemic chlamydial infection with abortion is common in sheep. immunoperoxidase assays with c. trachomatis and ovine c. psittaci showed no significant differences in either the frequency or titres of antibodies between sheep farmers and other types of farmer or ...19883053222
immunomodulation and chlamydia: immunosuppression and the protective immune response to c. psittaci in mice.mice immunized intramuscularly with a low dose, viable inoculum of c. psittaci survived an otherwise lethal intraperitoneal challenge with the homologous chlamydial strain. immunized animals were not protected from intraperitoneal challenge by the unrelated pathogen, listeria monocytogenes. spleen cells from animals that exhibited protective immunity were suppressed in their proliferative responses to mitogens or chlamydial antigen in an in vitro blastogenic assay. this suppression was transfera ...19883059773
shedding and transmission of chlamydia psittaci in experimentally infected chickens.three avian strains of chlamydia psittaci were inoculated into 8-day-old chickens by the intra-air-sac or peroral route. uninoculated chickens were kept as cagemates with the air-sac-inoculated birds. the air-sac-inoculated birds had systemic infection, and chlamydiae were detected frequently in the livers, lungs, jejunums, and colo-rectums at high titers (greater than or equal to 10(5.0) eld50). all three groups of birds had intermittent and persistent shedding of chlamydiae into feces during t ...19883060085
molecular cloning and sequence analysis of a developmentally regulated cysteine-rich outer membrane protein from chlamydia trachomatis.two overlapping genomic fragments have been cloned from chlamydia trachomatis serovar l1 dna. sequence determination of 2530 bp has revealed two open reading frames coding for 'cysteine-rich' (cr) proteins. one of these proteins was confirmed, by analysis of the inferred amino acid sequence, as the 60-kda cr outer membrane protein associated with differentiation of reticulate bodies (rbs) into elementary bodies (ebs). the other smaller 15-kda protein contained a high percentage of methionine and ...19883066701
oxygen-independent inhibition of intracellular chlamydia psittaci growth by human monocytes and interferon-gamma-activated macrophages.we have demonstrated previously that chlamydia psittaci grows well in human monocyte-derived macrophages, but to a limited extent in lymphokine-or interferon-gamma (ifn-gamma)-activated macrophages. in this investigation, freshly explanted human monocytes inhibited chlamydial inclusion formation by 85% as compared to macrophages, and the level of inhibition was similar to that exhibited by lymphokine-activated macrophages (79%). to determine whether the oxygen-dependent antimicrobial mechanisms ...19863088106
induction of tryptophan catabolism is the mechanism for gamma-interferon-mediated inhibition of intracellular chlamydia psittaci replication in t24 cells.human uroepithelial (t24) cells were incubated for 24 h in the presence of various concentrations of human recombinant gamma interferon (hu-rifn-gamma) and then infected with the 6bc strain of chlamydia psittaci. this resulted in a reduction of intracellular chlamydial inclusion development in proportion to the concentration of hu-rifn-gamma present when giemsa-stained cells were examined by light microscopy 24 h after infection. when tryptophan was added to hu-rifn-gamma-treated cells just afte ...19863089936
[evaluation of sero-diagnostic technics in the diagnosis of chlamydia psittaci infection, a study on experimental infection]. 19863093599
[study on avian chlamydiosis. part iii. chlamydial isolation from the feces of feral pigeons]. 19863093603
identification of a new group of chlamydia psittaci strains called twar.a new group of chlamydia psittaci strains has been identified. they are called twar after the laboratory designation of the first two isolates. twelve strains were isolated from pharyngeal swabs of different persons with acute respiratory disease in seattle, wash., during 1983 to 1986. one strain was obtained from the eye of a child during the trachoma vaccine study in taiwan in 1965. nine strains were characterized in this study. twar organisms formed intracytoplasmic inclusions in hela cells w ...19863097063
[a case of pneumonia associated with increased antibody titers to simultaneous mycoplasma pneumoniae and chlamydia psittaci]. 19863100694
[experimental infection of c. psittaci (mp) strain in mice--evaluation of changes in the histopathological findings in lungs and serum antibodies in mice intranasally inoculated with c. psittaci, and comparison with histopathological findings in organs in mice inoculated by various routes of infection]. 19863104509
ophthalmia neonatorum with special reference to chlamydia trachomatis. diagnosis and treatment. 19863107338
[study of the reactivity and immunogenicity of a combined vaccine against abortion due to coxiellosis and chlamydiosis in sheep].reactogenicity was studied in a combined vaccine against q-fever and chlamydia-induced abortion in ewes; the vaccine consisted of a mixture of purified corpuscles of chlamydia psittaci (100 micrograms) and coxiella burnetii (50 micrograms). the immunogenicity of the combined vaccine, evaluated by the number of positive serums after vaccination and by the average geometric titre of antibodies, was the same as that of the vaccine separate constituents as to the antibodies to c. burnetii, but somew ...19873111068
[demonstration of antibodies against chlamydia psittaci and coxiella burnetii in dogs and cats: comparison of the enzyme immunoassay, immunoperoxidase technic, complement fixation test and agar gel precipitation test]. 19873113133
the wide range of chlamydial infection. 19873115356
newer oral antimicrobials and newer etiologic agents of acute bronchitis and acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis.although the role of antimicrobial therapy in the treatment of chronic bronchitis is unproven, physicians continue to look for microbial etiologies to explain episodes of clinical acute bronchitis and better antimicrobial agents with which to treat these episodes. the newest major pathogen of acute bronchitis is branhamella catarrhalis, a neisseriae-like organism that has become the third most commonly recognized cause of this disease after haemophilus influenzae and streptococcus pneumoniae. be ...19883129770
in vivo-activated mononuclear phagocytes and protective immunity to chlamydiae in mice.peritoneal macrophages (m phi s) collected from chlamydia psittaci 6bc-immune mice after intraperitoneal challenge with 10(6) 6bc (immune-boosted [ib] m phi s) were compared by various functional criteria with other in vivo- and in vitro-activated m phi populations. while casein-, protease peptone-, and thioglycolate (thio)-elicited m phi s were equally susceptible to in vitro infection with 6bc, ib m phi s did not support chlamydial growth and m phi s from mycobacterium tuberculosis bcg- or lis ...19883131246
survival of intracellular pathogens within human mononuclear phagocytes.the preceding discussion makes it clear that there are multiple determinants, related to the microorganism, the host defense cell, and the presence of activating t cell stimuli that must be considered when examining at the cellular level how and why intracellular pathogens are able to cause infection. from the standpoint of the interaction of the mononuclear phagocyte's antimicrobial mechanisms with t gondii, l donovani, and c psittaci, the determinants which appear to influence directly the out ...19883133769
demonstration of chlamydia psittaci antigen in smears and paraffin tissue sections using a fluorescein isothiocyanate labelled monoclonal antibody. 19883135791
[a case report of psittacosis and chlamydial isolation from bowel and faeces of a pet bird]. 19883141529
[confusional form of chlamydia psittaci encephalitis. diagnostic value of microimmunofluorescence. a case].a rare case of chlamydia psittaci encephalitis is reported. the disease started with anxiety, agitation and fever (38.5 degrees c) accompanied with hallucinations and regressed within 48 hours, but a confusional syndrome persisted for 9 days. alterations in the blood-brain barrier with low csf protein levels and signs of lateralization could be demonstrated. the inflammatory syndrome remained discrete. the cause of the disease was disclosed by serology and epidemiological investigations. the spo ...19853156331
serological examinations of crows in colombo's slaughter-house sri lanka.crows from colombo's slaughter-house were examined serologically towards ornithosis, rickettsia, newcastle disease and adenovirus. positive reactions were shown in ornithosis, q-fever, rmsf-rickettsia-group and adenovirus.19883169563
[a study of antichlamydial effect of rokitamycin].mics of a new macrolide antibiotic, rokitamycin (rkm), for chlamydia psittaci and chlamydia trachomatis were determined. meanwhile, the organisms were observed under the electron microscope for morphologic changes with the addition of rkm. 1. mics of rkm for c. psittaci mp and 3 strains of c. psittaci isolated from budgerigars kept by patients ranged from 0.05 to 0.10 microgram/ml, and those for 3 strains of c. trachomatis b, e and l2 ranged from 0.20 to 0.39 microgram/ml. these mics were higher ...19883172456
isolation and serological survey of chlamydia psittaci in sheep in hokkaido. 19883172598
anti-chlamydial immunity in ewes conferred by vaccination with a combination of three live chlamydia, brucella and salmonella attenuated vaccines against chlamydia psittaci var ovis, brucella melitensis and salmonella abortus ovis have previously been shown to be compatible in mice by subcutaneous administration. immunity against challenge with virulent chlamydia was, however, slightly decreased in associations including the b melitensis rev 1 vaccine. the chlamydia strain 1b vaccine was administered to four- to five-month-old female lambs, either alone or in combination with the b melitensis rev1 and the s abortu ...19883176252
the development and evaluation of a mu-capture elisa detecting chlamydia-specific igm.a mu-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for detecting chlamydia-specific igm was developed by use of the heat stable, lipopolysaccharide group-specific antigen and an alkaline phosphatase-labelled anti-chlamydia group-specific monoclonal antibody conjugate. the test was used to study the serological response in chlamydial respiratory tract infection among patients with acute respiratory tract symptoms in cambridgeshire during the past 7 years. results were compared with those of t ...19883181320
protein synthesis early in the developmental cycle of chlamydia psittaci.the incorporation of [35s]methionine into protein by intracellular and host-free chlamydia psittaci 6bc was analyzed at intervals between 15 min and 28 h postinfection by autoradiography of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. the profiles of proteins synthesized in the two systems were similar at all times, indicating that the host-free system can be used to monitor the temporal expression of genes in chlamydiae. the host-free system permitted detection of synthesis of chlamydial protein ...19883182069
activity of spiramycin against chlamydia, in vitro and in and in-vivo studies were performed to assess the activity of spiramycin against chlamydiae. in tissue culture spiramycin exhibited very good activity against chlamydia trachomatis but less against c. psittaci. c. psittaci was also studied in a mouse experimental model. there was 100% clinical cure of the mice with 50 mg/kg, demonstrating excellent in-vivo activity. the livers of mice recovering after therapy showed less chlamydial antigen than controls. these results show good in-vitro ...19883182449
distribution of plasmid sequences in avian and mammalian strains of chlamydia psittaci.plasmid dna from an avian strain of chlamydia psittaci was purified and estimated to be 7.9 kb in size using restriction endonuclease analysis. a 5.9 kb fragment of this plasmid was cloned, mapped and used to screen a range of chlamydial strains. hybridizing dna was absent from ovine abortion and arthritis isolates and also from the cal 10 strain but related sequences were detected in c. psittaci strains of feline pneumonitis, guinea-pig inclusion conjunctivitis, ovine conjunctivitis and c. trac ...19883183616
[psittacosis of non-avian origin]. 19883187129
isolation and typing of a strain of chlamydia psittaci from angora goats. 19883190599
isolation of chlamydia psittaci from the genital tract of lambs: a possible link with enzootic abortion of ewes. 19883195039
relationship between infectivity and cytopathology for l-929 cells, membrane proteins, and antigenicity of avian isolates of chlamydia psittaci.seventeen isolates of chlamydia psittaci from various avian species were examined. based on their infectivity and cytopathology for l-929 cells, these isolates were separable into a high-infectivity group (hig) and a low-infectivity group (lig). differences in the molecular weight of the major outer membrane proteins (momps) of the isolates correlated with differences in infectivity. the hig momps had a molecular weight of 43,500, and the lig momps had a molecular weight of 45,500. the momp of o ...19883196260
[twar--a newly discovered cause of pneumonia]. 19883205099
[pleuropneumonia with abscess formation caused by twar]. 19883205110
a chicken model of systemic infection with chlamydia psittaci: comparison of the virulence among avian and mammalian strains. 19883210475
experimental chlamydial mastitis in goats. 19883223857
perinatal infections with chlamydia trachomatis.much has been relearned and learned anew about perinatal chlamydial infections during the past 10 to 15 years. the adverse effects of infection on pregnancy outcome have been suggested but not fully documented or explained. epidemiologic, biologic, and immunologic correlates of risk for infection and complications of pregnancy due to c. trachomatis are not yet fully understood. increased appreciation of the importance of this organism in pregnancy, coupled with more facile methods for diagnosing ...19883288426
[etiologic and pathomorphologic parallels in chlamydial abortion in sheep]. 19883289889
monoclonal antibodies to chlamydia psittaci: characteristics and antigenic analysis. 19883290562
immunotyping of chlamydia psittaci by indirect immunofluorescence antibody test with monoclonal antibodies.monoclonal antibodies against pigeon and budgerigar strains of chlamydia psittaci were used to classify the immunotypes of c. psittaci strains by an indirect immunofluorescence antibody (ifa) test. thirty-three c. psittaci strains from pigeons and 24 from budgerigars were divided into three immunotypes (p-i, p-ii, and p-iii) and (b-i, b-ii, and b-iii), respectively. two strains from human psittacosis patients were identified as p-iii and b-i, coinciding with the epidemiological evidence of each ...19883292879
production and partial characterization of monoclonal antibodies to four chlamydia psittaci isolates.monoclonal antibodies (mabs) were produced to four chlamydia psittaci isolates: nj1 and tt3 from turkeys, vs1 from a parakeet, and b577 from an ovine abortion. mabs were tested for reactivity with each isolate by the indirect immunofluorescent antibody technique and for neutralization by an inclusion reduction neutralization technique in tissue culture. two genus-specific and 14 serovar-specific mabs were produced. genus-specific mabs reacted with all avian and mammalian isolates; however, each ...19883294184
[comparative studies on the demonstration of antigens of chlamydia psittaci from deep organ samples using mouse assays and elisa (preliminary report)]. 19873297602
chlamydial hemagglutinin identified as lipopolysaccharide.chlamydial lipopolysaccharide (lps) agglutinated mouse and rabbit erythrocytes but not human, guinea pig, or pronghorn antelope erythrocytes. hemagglutination was not specific for chlamydia spp., as rough lpss from coxiella burnetii and escherichia coli also agglutinated erythrocytes from the same animal species. nonagglutinated and agglutinated erythrocytes bound equivalent amounts of lps, indicating that hemagglutination was not due to a specific interaction of chlamydial lps with erythrocytes ...19873301820
[ofloxacin (ru 43280). clinical study].thirty-two patients were treated by ofloxacin on bacteriological documented infections. they were enterobacterias: n = 15 (mic less than or equal to 0.06 to 0.5 microgram/ml); pseudomonas aeruginosa and acinetobacter: n = 1 (mic 0.5 and 4 micrograms/ml); staphylococcus: n = 6 (mic less than or equal to 0.06 to 4 micrograms/ml); pneumococcus: n = 1; mycoplasma: n = 1; chlamydia psittaci: n = 2; legionella pneumophila: n = 1; rickettsias: n = 4 (three mediterranean fevers one query fever). ofloxac ...19873302873
[comparative studies on the occurrence of chlamydia psittaci in organ samples of birds using the mouse infection test and elisa]. 19873304947
detection of chlamydial inclusions in cell culture or biopsy tissue by alkaline phosphatase-anti-alkaline phosphatase immunological technique for detecting chlamydia trachomatis and chlamydia psittaci inclusions in infected mccoy cell cultures was developed by using a genus-specific monoclonal antibody to chlamydia spp., rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulin g bridging antibody, alkaline phosphatase-anti-alkaline phosphatase (apaap) monoclonal antibody conjugate, and naphthol as-phosphate/fast red substrate. chlamydial inclusions stained red and were easily detected against a background of blue hematoxylin-staine ...19873312286
psittacosis in a highly endemic area in one locality in italy where the incidence of psittacosis has increased rapidly since 1980, a hospital-based study and a seroepidemiological survey were carried out in order to define the clinical and epidemiological features of psittacosis in that area. registers of the virology unit of the university of ancona, italy, were reviewed and all hospitalized patients with a serological diagnosis of psittacosis were identified. a total of 76 cases were found and studied. a presumptive bird source w ...19873315709
the application of the elisa technique to the serology of chlamydiosis in goats: statistical evaluation of a method.the evaluation of the elisa technique has been studied in the special case of its application to the serological diagnosis of chlamydiosis in goats. the results showed that this technique is reliable (accurate and reproducible) and efficient. sera from 96 goats were studied with the elisa technique, indirect immunofluorescence (iif) and complement fixation (cf), the latter being the standard method in france. a comparison of the results revealed a similarity of findings with elisa and indirect i ...19873316232
q fever vaccines for animals.the results of different workgroups and those obtained in own investigations with q fever vaccines for cattle and sheep are reviewed and discussed. in field trials coxiella (c.) burnetii vaccines of inactivated whole cells (wc) in phase (ph) i as well as wc ph ii vaccines prevented infections of cows exposed to naturally infected environments, provided they were vaccinated as noninfected calves. to monitor calves for this purpose the sensitive elisa has superseded the complement fixation test (c ...19873324574
[epidemiologic significance of the immunofluorescence typing of chlamydia psittaci].a group of 39 strains isolated from pigeons, parakeets, parrots, sheep, goats, cats, guinea-pigs, mice and humans were immunotyped by a one-way or two-way cross-reaction micro-immunofluorescence test. eight immunotypes were found. among them, two new immunotypes were characterized: a cat conjunctivitis strain and a mouse inapparent respiratory infection strain. the immunotypes of feline pneumonitis and guinea-pig conjunctivitis, recently described by perez-martinez and storz, were confirmed. thr ...19863324944
pneumonia--1987: new developments. 19873326740
chlamydial disease in koalas. 19873328978
chlamydia parasitism: ultrastructural characterization of the interaction between the chlamydial cell envelope and the host cell.ultrastructural analysis of the growth cycles of chlamydia trachomatis and chlamydia psittaci showed that the chlamydial cell envelope became rigid and septated at the time of the reorganization from reticulate to elementary body. this process occurred in the immediacy of the inclusion membrane and in close proximity with the mitochondria or the endoplasmic reticulum of the host cell.19883343223
immunochemical diversity of the major outer membrane protein of avian and mammalian chlamydia psittaci.immunochemical properties of the major outer membrane protein (momp) of 16 strains of chlamydia psittaci isolated from psittacine birds, budgerigars, a pigeon, turkeys, humans, cats, a muskrat, sheep, and cattle and a strain of c. trachomatis, l2/434/bu, were compared by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by immunoblotting analysis with hyperimmunized rabbit antisera to strains of parrot, turkey, feline, and bovine origin. the momps of the strains showed variation in m ...19883366861
Displaying items 401 - 500 of 2314