
changes in the common vole (microtus arvalis) and east european vole (microtus rossiaemeridionalis) social behavior after combining conspecific groups. 201619760885
modeling zinc regulation in small mammals.due to large zinc discharges into the global environment, both terrestrial and aquatic environments have been polluted with zinc. the embanked floodplains of the lower rhine river in the netherlands contain large amounts of heavy metals, including zinc. these large amounts of heavy metals may pose risks to flora and fauna by accumulation in food webs, and risk assessment may be required. however, toxicokinetic models for zinc metabolism in mammalian wildlife species are currently lacking. the pr ...200919642831
morphological modularity and assessment of developmental processes within the vole dental row (microtus arvalis, arvicolinae, rodentia).knowledge of mammalian tooth formation is increasing, through numerous genetic and developmental studies. the prevalence of teeth in fossil remains has led to an intensive description of evolutionary patterns within and among lineages based on tooth morphology. the extent to which developmental processes have influenced tooth morphologies and therefore the role of these processes in these evolutionary patterns are nonetheless challenging. recent methodological advances have been proposed allowin ...200919469857
transalpine colonisation and partial phylogeographic erosion by dispersal in the common vole (microtus arvalis).the colonisation history and genetic structure of the common vole (microtus arvalis) was investigated in the region of the alps by analysing the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (mtdna) and 19 microsatellite loci (nucdna) for 137 voles from 52 localities. mtdna data provided a much refined distribution of three highly divergent evolutionary lineages in the region compared to previous studies. although high mountain ranges are widely accepted to be barriers for colonisation processes for many orga ...200919389166
new insight into the colonization processes of common voles: inferences from molecular and fossil evidence.elucidating the colonization processes associated with quaternary climatic cycles is important in order to understand the distribution of biodiversity and the evolutionary potential of temperate plant and animal species. in europe, general evolutionary scenarios have been defined from genetic evidence. recently, these scenarios have been challenged with genetic as well as fossil data. the origins of the modern distributions of most temperate plant and animal species could predate the last glacia ...200818958287
[some features microtus arvalis arvalis and microtus arvalis obscurus behaviour in family groups in experiment].social behaviour and time bunget of microtus arvalis arvalis and microtus arvalis obscurus was studied in 34 sq m enclosures. 10 family groups of each chromosome form (totally 60 animals) were used for observations. the experiment consisted of four stages: setting of a new territory by the voles (i); behaviour of the voles on fsmiliar territory (ii); putting an unfamiliar male (iii) or an familiar female (iv) into the groups. totally 1120 hours of observation were conducted. we compared time bud ...201618956734
food deprivation in the common vole (microtus arvalis) and the tundra vole (microtus oeconomus).arvicolinae voles are small herbivores relying on constant food availability with weak adaptations to tolerate prolonged food deprivation. the present study performed a comparative analysis on the responses to 4-18 h of food deprivation in the common vole (microtus arvalis) and the tundra vole (microtus oeconomus). both species exhibited rapid decreases in the plasma and liver carbohydrate concentrations during phase i of fasting and the decline in the liver glycogen level was more pronounced in ...200817929028
fine-scale genetic structure and dispersal in the common vole (microtus arvalis).the genetic structure and demography of local populations is tightly linked to the rate and scale of dispersal. dispersal parameters are notoriously difficult to determine in the field, and remain often completely unknown for smaller organisms. in this study, we investigate spatial and temporal genetic structure in relation to dispersal patterns among local populations of the probably most abundant european mammals, the common vole (microtus arvalis). voles were studied in six natural population ...200717561906
vasopressin immunoreactivity, but not vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, correlates with expression of circadian rhythmicity in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of common voles (microtus arvalis), natural variation in locomotor behavior can be exploited to study the mechanism of pacemaker control over circadian timing of behavior. here we studied daily patterns in numbers of neuropeptide immunoreactive suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons in rhythmic, weakly rhythmic, and non-rhythmic voles. circadian rhythmic voles showed circadian variation in numbers of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and vasopressin immunoreactive suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons with a ...200717553561
[chromatin modifications during x-chromosome inactivation in female mammals].in female mammals, the process of dosage compensation occurs during early embryonic development. as a result of this, one of x-chromosomes becomes transcriptionally inactive. this process is accompanied by chromatin remodeling on inactivated x-chromosome, providing transcriptional silencing of the genes and maintenance of their inactive state. in the present review, the dynamics of modifications occurring during embryonic inactivation, their distribution over the inactive x-chromosome, interacti ...200617100090
[factors of maintaining chromosome polymorphism in common vole microtus arvalis pallas, 1779: reduced fertility and meiotic drive].the common vole microtus arvalis (the form obscurus) exhibits polymorphism of a pericentric inversion in chromosome pair 5 throughout the species range. in the urals populations, the frequency of an acrocentric variant of the heteromorphic chromosome is very low (on average 3.2%) and virtually does not change annually. the factors of maintaining stable chromosomal polymorphism in the common vole were studied under conditions of a laboratory colony. heterozygous and homozygous for the acrocentric ...200616808242
features of the expression of the c-fos gene along the rostrocaudal axis of the hippocampus in common voles after rapid training to solve a spatial task.the level of expression of the c-fos protein in neurons was used as a measure of the activation of transcription in the hippocampus of common voles (microtus arvalis pall.) after rapid spatial training. stained fos-positive cells were counted on 20 brain sections along the rostrocaudal axis of the hippocampus. voles were trained to find the exit to their home cages through one of the arms of a modified eight-arm radial maze (using a 2-h series of six trials on one day). animals were initially tr ...200616583160
common voles of the microtus arvalis group in the urals: genome instability and chromosomal polymorphism. 201716485643
impact of behavior on central and peripheral circadian clocks in the common vole microtus arvalis, a mammal with ultradian most mammals, daily rhythms in physiology are driven by a circadian timing system composed of a master pacemaker in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn) and peripheral oscillators in most body cells. the scn clock, which is phase-entrained by light-dark cycles, is thought to synchronize subsidiary oscillators in peripheral tissues, mainly by driving cyclic feeding behavior. here, we examined the expression of circadian clock genes in the scn and the liver of the common vole microtus arvalis, a r ...200616481616
genetic structure and colonization processes in european populations of the common vole, microtus arvalis.the level of genetic differentiation within and between evolutionary lineages of the common vole (microtus arvalis) in europe was examined by analyzing mitochondrial sequences from the control region (mtdna) and 12 nuclear microsatellite loci (nucdna) for 338 voles from 18 populations. the distribution of evolutionary lineages and the affinity of populations to lineages were determined with additional sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. our analyses demonstrated very high lev ...200516405166
[features of the c-fos gene expression along the hippocampal rostro-caudal axis in common voles after rapid spatial learning].the levels of the fos protein expression in neurons was used as an index of transcription activation in the hippocampus of common voles (microtus arvalis pall.) after their rapid spatial learning. fos-positive cells were stained and calculated in 20 brain sections along hippocampal rostro-caudal axis. voles (learning group) were trained in a modified 8-arm radial maze to find the entry to the home cage through a target arm (6 trials per session, 2-hour session). the animals were pretrained to en ...200615895865
bayesian estimation of recent migration rates after a spatial expansion.approximate bayesian computation (abc) is a highly flexible technique that allows the estimation of parameters under demographic models that are too complex to be handled by full-likelihood methods. we assess the utility of this method to estimate the parameters of range expansion in a two-dimensional stepping-stone model, using samples from either a single deme or multiple demes. a minor modification to the abc procedure is introduced, which leads to an improvement in the accuracy of estimation ...200515716508
[alternative splicing of xist rna in common voles (microtus, arvicolidae)]. 201315612588
molecular phylogeny of the speciose vole genus microtus (arvicolinae, rodentia) inferred from mitochondrial dna sequences.voles of the genus microtus represent one of the most speciose mammalian genera in the holarctic. we established a molecular phylogeny for microtus to resolve contentious issues of systematic relationships and evolutionary history in this genus. a total of 81 specimens representing ten microtus species endemic to europe as well as eight eurasian, six asian and one holarctic species were sequenced for the entire cytochrome b gene (1140 bp). a further 25 sequences were retrieved from genbank, prov ...200415522793
mitochondrial gene diversity in the common vole microtus arvalis shaped by historical divergence and local adaptations.the phylogeography of the common vole (microtus arvalis) was examined by analysing mitochondrial dna (mtdna) sequence variation in 1044 base pairs (bp) of the cytochrome b (cytb) gene and in 322 bp of the control region (ctr) among 106 individuals from 58 locations. the geographical distribution of four previously recognized cytb evolutionary lineages in europe was refined and a new lineage was found in southern germany. all lineages were distributed allopatrically, except in one sample that was ...200415488007
age variation in a fluctuating population of the common vole.we analysed variation in age in a fluctuating population of the common vole ( microtus arvalis) in southern moravia, czech republic, to test the assumption of the senescence hypothesis that the age of voles increases with increasing population density. between 1996 and 1998, we monitored the demographic changes by snap-trapping and live-trapping in a field population passing through the increase, peak and decline phase of the population cycle. we used the eye lens mass method to determine the ag ...200314523639
voles of the microtus arvalis group in zones of ecological risk: interspecies hybridization. 201712918435
holarctic phylogeography of the root vole (microtus oeconomus): implications for late quaternary biogeography of high latitudes.a species-wide phylogeographical study of the root vole (microtus oeconomus) was performed using the whole 1140 base pair mitochondrial (mt) cytochrome b gene. we examined 83 specimens from 52 localities resulting in 65 unique haplotypes. our results demonstrate that the root vole is divided into four main mtdna phylogenetic lineages that seem to have largely allopatric distributions. net divergence estimates (2.0-3.5%) between phylogroups, as well as relatively high nucleotide diversity estimat ...200312753215
not only vasopressin, but also the intracellular messenger protein kinase calpha in the suprachiasmatic nucleus correlates with expression of circadian rhythmicity in voles.the suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn) is the locus of the main pacemaker for circadian behavioral rhythms. in common voles, variation in circadian behavioral rhythmicity correlates with vasopressin (avp) immunoreactive cells in the scn. here we studied the immunostaining of four avp linked ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase c (pkc) isoforms (pkcalpha, pkcbeta1, pkcbeta2, and pkcgamma) at the beginning of the light period, and conclude that pkcalpha is highly expressed in the vole scn compared to the ot ...200312637037
[specific features of nitrogen transformation in the soddy-podzolic soil in the areas of habitat of the common vole microtus arvalis].the influence of common vole microtus arvalis on processes of nitrogen fixation and denitrification in the soddy-podsolic soil was studied. in the common vole colonies, the level of nitrogen fixation was reliably lower and that of denitrification higher, than in the control soil outside these colonies. nitrogen-containing excretory products of voles accumulating in the soil are among the main factors that determine the activity of these processes.201712068433
comparative analysis of the msat-160 repeats in four species of common vole (microtus, arvicolidae).the highly repeated tandemly arranged satellite dna from the msat-160 family has been studied in 4 species of common vole (the microtus arvalis group). all the monomer units analysed were classified into 4 subfamilies on the basis of similar nucleotide substitutions. the first 3 subfamilies do not show any species specificity since they combine monomers from several of the vole species examined; the fourth subfamily contains monomer units with substitutions specific to m. arvalis. certain monome ...200211993932
[genomic organization and chromosomal localization of a new repeat ms7, specific for heterochromatin of sex chromosomes in microtus species voles of the arvalis group].the tandemly arranged ms4 repeat with monomeric units of 4.1 kb is species-specifically distributed in heterochromatin of sex chromosomes of four common vole species of genus microtus, group arvalis [1, 2]. in this work, we studied the genomic organization of the ms4 homolog in euchromatin of the x chromosome of m. arvalis. it has been shown by analyzing the phage genomic clones that one ms4 copy makes a part of a monomeric unit exceeding 8.5 kb that also includes a new ms7 repeat and, possibly, ...200611605531
[parasite-host relationship of flies and small mammals in the omsk region].a generalized analysis of data on a flea fauna, range of their hosts in various natural zones, and features of parasite-host relationships between fleas and small mammals obtained in the omsk province during long term researches in 1963-1997 is given. 35 flea species are recorded. the most mass species both on animals and in their nest is ctenophthalmus assimilis; the numerous species are amalareus penicilliger, megabothros rectangulatus, m. walkeri, peromyscopsylla silvatica, ctenophthalmus unc ...200711558335
[gene for structural proteins of the smc family in the common vole microtus arvalis].genes for four subfamilies of smc (structural maintenance of chromosomes) proteins have been isolated from the genome of a common vole microtus arvalis. the high degree of homology between representatives of each smc protein subfamily of different classes of organisms has been demonstrated. the full-sized copy of a mammalian gene encoding smc4 protein has been isolated and analyzed for the first time. the smc proteins enter into the composition of complexes responsible for cohesion of sister chr ...200611443917
comparative chromosome and mitochondrial dna analyses and phylogenetic relationships within common voles (microtus, arvicolidae).the four species of common voles within the genus microtus--m. kirgisorum, m. transcaspicus, m. arvalis, and m. rossiaemeridionalis--are so closely related that neither morphological features nor paleontological evidence allow clarification of their phylogeny. analysis of vole karyotypes and mitochondrial dna sequences, therefore, is essential for determining their phylogenetic relationships. a comparison of high resolution gtg-banding patterns allows us to ascertain the similarity between the k ...200111321366
[organization of extended repeats in heterochromatin in sex chromosomes in the common vole species microtus group "arvalis"].two long repeats, ms3 and ms4, are predominantly located in sex-chromosomal heterochromatin in common vole species. their tandem arrangement was revealed by means of the pcr analysis of genomic dnas of four microtus species and by restriction mapping of clones selected from a m. rossiaemeridionalis genomic library. several mobile elements proved incorporated in a monomeric unit of each repeat and amplified together with its other components. in addition, line inserts were found in ms4 tandem arr ...200611234379
[chromosomal instability in offspring of voles in unfavorable radiation zones].a high frequency of cells having chromosomal aberrations was shown to be preserved in the first generation of laboratory offspring of common voles, whose ancestors were captured near the east ural radioactive track (eurt). in f2 and f3, a decrease in frequency was observed. most likely, the cytogenetic effects observed were caused by environmental contamination with plutonium in the locality of capture. an increased chromosomal instability observed in the first laboratory generation of nonirradi ...200010867892
[intrapopulation autosomal polymorphism in the common vole microtus arvalis from the transcaucasian region].the broad autosomal polymorphism in form obscurus of common voles microtus arvalis from the transcaucasian region that is associated with the variation of subtelocentric chromosome pair 5, as well as the mechanism and evolutionary significance of this polymorphism, are discussed. based on the morphological analysis of heterozygotes for chromosome pair 5 after differential g-, c-, and ag-nor-banding and on the measurements of homologues, the following conclusion has been made. the occurrence of t ...199910687096
organotypic suprachiasmatic nuclei cultures of adult voles reflect locomotor behavior: differences in number of vasopressin cells.this study is the first to demonstrate organotypic culturing of adult suprachiasmatic nuclei (scn). this approach was used to obtain organotypic scn cultures from adult vole brain with a previously determined state of behavioral circadian rhythmicity. we examined vasopressin (avp) immunoreactivity in these organotypic slice cultures. avp is one of the major neuropeptides produced by the scn, the main mammalian circadian pacemaker. avp immunoreactivity in the scn of adult common voles in vivo has ...199910584174
[variability in dna repeats in four species of common voles]. 200610546227
progesterone and testosterone concentrations during oestrous cycle and pregnancy in the common vole (microtus arvalis pallas).serum progesterone and testosterone concentrations were measured during different stages of oestrous and pregnancy in paired and unpaired female common voles (microtus arvalis). hormone concentrations were measured by elisa, and cycle stages were determined by vaginal smears. paired females usually had serum progesterone concentrations of more than 10 ng/ml in the oestrous cycle. a significant maximum was detected in prooestrous (51.70 +/- 7.84 ng/ml, mean +/- s.d.). serum progesterone concentra ...199910422259
[characteristics of new family of tandemly organized repeats str47 in common voles]. 20059929875
repetitive dna sequences in the common vole: cloning, characterization and chromosome localization of two novel complex repeats ms3 and ms4 from the genome of the east european vole microtus rossiaemeridionalis.we have characterized two novel, complex, heterochromatic repeat sequences, ms3 and ms4, isolated from microtus rossiaemeridionalis genomic dna. sequence analysis indicates that both repeats consist of unique sequences interrupted by repeat elements of different origin and can be classified as long complex repeat units (lcrus). a unique feature of both repeat units is the presence of short interspersed repeat elements (sines), which are usually characteristic of the euchromatic part of the genom ...19989872664
[characteristics of short repeating sequences of dna from the msat-160 family in the microtus arvalis vole (rodentia, cricetidae)]. 20059785562
[the individual characteristics of 90sr accumulation in the body of 2 species of the common vole inhabiting the territory of the eastern urals radioactive trace].individual peculiarities of 90sr skeleton deposition in voles m. gregalis and m. arvalis inhabiting at the territory of east ural radioactive trace were investigated. more high accumulation of radionuclide in the organism of m. gregalis was registered. considerable variations (3-6 times more, than in linear mice ones) of individual indices of radionuclide accumulation exceeding interspecies level are found. possible reasons of both interspecies differences and an individual deposition' variabili ...20169682730
autonomic nervous function in mice and voles (microtus arvalis): investigation by power spectral analysis of heart rate variability.we have studied the autonomic nervous function in voles (microtus arvalis) and mice. for this purpose, ecgs were recorded from conscious and unrestrained voles and mice using radiotelemetry and the autonomic nervous function was investigated by the power spectral analysis of heart rate variability. heart rate in voles was lower than mice and the coefficient of variance was larger in voles. in the power spectra of voles and mice, there were two major spectral components with the high frequency (h ...19968938623
[morphological criteria for determining taxon holotypes of common vole species (microtus, rodentia, mammalia)]. 19968924862
high-resolution g-banding of chromosones in the common vole microtus arvalis (rodentia, arvicolidae)we have applied the g-banding technique to early metaphase chromosomes of the vole microtus arvalis, form 'arvalis'. fifty metaphase spreads were analysed from spleen and primary fibroblast cell cultures from six voles. we were able to distinguish 435 bands in the haploid set. an idiogram was constructed from the chromosomes at various stages of condensation.19968931356
high sensitivity to streptozotocin in herbivorous voles, microtus arvalis, compared to mice.herbivorous voles, microtus arvalis, have characteristics similar to herbivores in that their hepatic glycolytic enzyme activities are relatively low. the effects of a single low dose (100 mg/kg body weight) of streptozotocin (stz) in voles were studied and the difference in sensitivity to or toxicity of stz in voles and c57bl/6 mice was compared. in voles which received stz, the cumulative incidence of glycosuria reached 53% by 4 weeks after administration. the diabetic voles showed marked incr ...19968739520
the telemetric monitoring of heart rate, locomotor activity, and body temperature in mice and voles (microtus arvalis) during ambient temperature changes.we have studied the physiological and behavioural responses in small rodents to ambient alterations. for this purpose, voles and mice were exposed to relatively low (12 degrees c) and high (35 degrees c) ambient temperatures, and heart rate (hr), locomotor activity (la) and body temperature (bt) were recorded using telemetry system. the control hr (at 24 degrees c) of voles was lower than that of mice. the 'heat exposure' decreased hr to 85.0 +/- 3.3% in voles, and to 78.0 +/- 3.2% in mice compa ...19968709577
[a taxonomic interpretation of the morphological variability exemplified by common voles (microtus s. lato, rodentia)].an analysis of variability of the crown pattern of the first lower molars in gray voles has indicated the existence of two trends in its transformation, the "pitimoid" and the "ratticepoid" ones. the first trend is characteristic of microtus, whereas the second one is found in alexandromys. these taxa differ also by diploid chromosome numbers. this regular pattern of variability is discussed from the taxonomic standpoint.20087631522
expression of circadian rhythmicity correlates with the number of arginine-vasopressin-immunoreactive cells in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of common voles, microtus arvalis.we have studied the number of arginine-vasopressin (avp)-immunoreactive (ir) cells in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (scn) in common voles, microtus arvalis, with a strong (n = 18), weak (n = 10) or absent (n = 9) expression of circadian rhythmicity. spontaneous expression of rhythmicity was assessed from records of wheel running activity and general activity, measured with passive infra-red detection during 4 weeks of continuous low light (ll) conditions. subsequently, 20 voles were perfused in ll. ...19948180844
[morphology of the scent gland in the vole].the presence of the scent glands were examined macroscopically and histologically in the japanese vole, microtus montebelli and the hungarian vole, microtus arvalis. a pair of scent glands were observed on the buttocks of the japanese vole as the oval nodules with yellowish colored skin. the size of the glands was larger in males than in females. histologically, the glands were composed of the aggregation of many acini of sebaceous glands. the epidermis above the scent glands were thicker than t ...19938253141
[an unusual heteromorphic bivalent in the common vole (microtus arvalis) from byelarus].electron microscopic analysis was carried out on the synaptonemal complexes of ten male common voles (microtus arvalis) caught of 1990 in byelorussia. in the early pachytene stage of spermatocytes of four males heteromorphic bivalent has been found in one of five large autosomes. in the central region of the bivalent one of the lateral elements is in the form of a d-loop, characteristic of insertion/deletion heterozygotes. however, high-resolution g-band staining of mitotic chromosomes from fibr ...19938354471
[diurnal fluctuations of heart rate and locomotive activity in the vole (microtus arvalis)].diurnal fluctuations of heart rate and locomotive activity were observed in the unanesthetized and unrestrained voles (microtus arvalis) and mice, and the differences in these biological characters between voles and mice were also investigated. the mean heart rate of vole in whole day was lower than that of mice. in voles, there were no significant differences in the mean heart rate between in light period and in dark period. it was observed that most of voles were active in not only dark period ...19938462635
phase control of ultradian feeding rhythms in the common vole (microtus arvalis): the roles of light and the circadian their ultradian (2- to 3-hr) feeding rhythm, common voles show intraindividual synchrony from day to day, as well as interindividual synchrony between members of the population, even at remote distances. this study addresses the question of how resetting of the ultradian rhythm, a prerequisite for such synchronization, is achieved. common voles were subjected to short light-dark cycles (1 hr darkness with light varying between 0.7 and 2.5 hr); to t cycles (long light-dark cycles in the circad ...19938369551
[structural heterochromatin and x-chromosome inactivation].our previous studies on the expression of the g6pd and alpha-gal genes from the x chromosome of inter-specific hybrids of voles of the microtus genus have demonstrated an unusual pattern of x-inactivation in the parents. the observed phenomenon was explained as the presumable result of nonrandom inactivation of the x chromosomes with a heterochromatin block in crosses involving microtus arvalis whose x lacks a heterochromatin region and also of random x inactivation when both parents had heteroc ...19921294445
unusual heteromorphic bivalents in the common vole (microtus arvalis) from belorussia.electron microscopic analysis was carried out on the synaptonemal complexes of 10 male common voles (microtus arvalis) caught in 1990 in belorussia. in the early pachytene stage of spermatocytes of four males, a heteromorphic bivalent has been found in one of five large autosomes. in the central region of the bivalent one of the lateral elements is in the form of a d-loop, characteristic of insertion/deletion heterozygotes. however, high-resolution g-band staining of mitotic chromosomes from fib ...19921535306
sex chromosome abnormalities in natural populations of the common vole (microtus arvalis).four specimens with an aberrant sex chromosome constitution were found in natural populations of the common vole (microtus arvalis). two females had an x0 sex chromosome constitution and single males were 2n = 47, xxy and 2n = 47, xyy, respectively. no apparent phenotypical anomalies were recorded in the sex chromosome aneuploids, but their fertility may have been impaired. the incidence of sex chromosome aneuploidy seems to be unusually high in natural populations of the common vole (1.5% of an ...19921295847
immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and hormonal studies on the endocrine pancreas of voles (microtus arvalis) with monosodium aspartate-induced diabetes.a single subcutaneous administration of monosodium aspartate (msa) to 30 neonatal voles, microtus arvalis pallas, induced a diabetes mellitus in 50% of the treated animals in early adulthood. the voles (18 males and 12 females) were weaned at 3 weeks of age and fed pellets for herbivora and cubed hay. diabetic voles with glycosuria (nine males and six females) were classified into two groups according to the duration and grade of glycosuria. one group had slight diabetes with glycosuria (+: 0.1% ...19911685274
ongoing ultradian activity rhythms in the common vole, microtus arvalis, during deprivations of food, water and rest.the timing mechanism underlying ultradian (2-3 h) activity patterns in the common vole, microtus arvalis, was studied using behavioral deprivation experiments. these were aimed at distinguishing between a homeostatic control mechanism, in which the rhythmic behaviour itself is part of the causal loop, and a clock mechanism, independent of the behaviour. in 175 experiments, deprivation of food during 3 ultradian cycles in (subjective) daytime did not result in significant changes in the ultradian ...19911920159
[heterochromatin as a factor influencing x-chromosome inactivation in hybrids of the common vole (microtinae, rodentia)].expression of x-linked genes for g6pd and alpha-gal was studied in female interspecific hybrids of microtus. the g6pd and alpha-gal isozymes of microtus arvalis were found to predominate in all cases when a species carrying a heterochromatin block on the x-chromosome served as one partner of hybridization and m. arvalis containing no heterochromatin block served as another. the proportions of g6pd and alpha-gal parental forms were approx. equal in hybrid females when both species participating i ...19911649782
a case of spontaneous trisomy in the spermatocytes of microtus arvalis.a triple synaptomal complex was observed between 3 small-sized chromosomes in 4 spermatocytes closely connected by intercellular bridges, of the common vole (microtus arvalis l.). other spermatocytes from the same and from 2 other males had a normal chromosome complement and pairing patterns. this finding was interpreted as the result of a single act of non-disjunction taking place in a spermatogonium. these data suggest that chromosome non-disjunction in premeiotic germ cells can be considered ...19911986282
differential elimination of circadian and ultradian rhythmicity by hypothalamic lesions in the common vole, microtus arvalis.effects of hypothalamic lesions on the ultradian and circadian organization of wheel running and feeding were studied in the common vole, microtus arvalis. circadian organization broke down within 30 days in continuous darkness in 24% of intact voles (n = 135). ultradian rhythmicity of feeding (period 2-3 hr) persisted in constant conditions in all intact voles. following lesions of the suprachiasmatic nuclei (scn), circadian rhythmicity disappeared when lesions were complete (n = 8) or more ext ...19902133128
diabetic syndrome induced by monosodium aspartate administration in microtus arvalis pallas.administration of monosodium aspartate (msa) to neonatal voles, microtus arvalis pallas induced neuronal necrosis in several brain regions including the arcuate and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei. in the growing stage, 56.7% showed glycosuria. in the mild diabetic voles, blood glucose concentrations rose to 180 mg/dl (72 mg/dl in normal), and plasma insulin levels were also increased to 112 microu/ml (21 microu/ml in normal). in the severe diabetic voles, on the other hand, blood glucose conce ...19892685436
absence of synapsis during pachynema of the normal sized sex chromosomes of microtus arvalis.the pachytene behavior of the chromosomes of males of microtus arvalis (pall.) (rodentia, arvicolidae) was examined by electron microscopy in microspread preparations of spermatocytes. there was no synapsis between the axes of these two chromosomes during this period. since synapsis is universally considered a prerequisite for crossing over and chiasmata formation, disjunction of the sex chromosomes in this species prerequisite for crossing over and chiasmata formation, disjunction of the sex ch ...19892698872
hepatic enzyme activities and plasma insulin concentrations in diabetic herbivorous voles.the activities of the hepatic glycolytic enzymes glucokinase (gkase) and hexokinase (hkase) in herbivorous microtus arvalis were very low and the hepatic fructose-1,6-diphosphatase (fdpase) activities were almost the same as those in c57bl/6j mice. glycosuria was observed in over 50% of voles fed on a low fibre, high concentrate diet. voles with a high incidence of glycosuria for over 6 weeks became insulin deficient. in these diabetic voles, the hepatic gkase, hkase and fdpase activities decrea ...19892561034
characteristics of lactate dehydrogenase isozymes in tissue extracts of herbivorous vole, microtus arvalis pallas. 19883283396
[double effect of inversion in the karyotype of the common vole]. 19883286169
[characteristics of tear proteins in the vole, microtus arvalis].tear proteins were detected by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the vole, microtus arvalis. the tear proteins were separated to 6 to 8 bands and the bands were divided to three regions on the anodic side. in the adult male vole, a male specific band (vtp-1) was detected in the first region. the first region of adult female and immature voles contained two specific bands (vtp-2, 3). in the castrated adult males or adult males injected with estrogen, the male specific hand, vtp-1, disappeared ...19883284756
[external structure of cuticle injuries and larval mouth parts of the chiggers euschoengastia rotundata and neotrombicula vulgaris (trombiculidae)].when e. rotundata larvae parasitize the abdominal part of the body of their host (clethrionomys glareolus), capsules with round terminal opening are formed from which hind part of the mite's body projects forwards. organization of the capsules shows that their walls are formed by a substance (probably by larval saliva) which differs from host's tissues. at the bottom of the capsules there are larval adhesive sites with openings in the proximal parts of stylostomes which resemble in their structu ...20073528991
induction of alimentary diabetes and insulin responses to glucose in microtus arvalis pallas. 19853900497
[diurnal rhythm of mitoses in the corneal epithelium of common voles].circadian rhythms of mitoses were studied in the corneal epithelium of common voles in summer (n-155). it was found that the mean mitotic index in the day time was 3.65 +/- 1.04% for males and 4.75 +/- 1.10% for females. at night the mitotic index was 5.67 +/- 1.10% for males and 5.62 +/- 1.43% for females.19853886040
an estimation of the degree of the genetic divergence of sibling species microtus arvalis and microtus subarvalis (rodentia) based on electrophoretic analysis.the electrophoretic mobilities of 52 enzymes and proteins were used as measures of the genetic similarity between the sibling species microtus arvalis and m. subarvalis. the two vole species differed in the electrophoretic mobilities of seven (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, adenylate kinase, diaphorase, lactate dehydrogenase-a, alpha-galactosidase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, and hemoglobin) of these markers. this allowed us to accept the seven markers assayed as species-specific marke ...19846397194
[evaluation of the degree of genetic divergence in the twin species of the common vole microtus arvalis and microtus subarvalis (rodentia)].by means of starch electrophoresis, 52 proteins and enzymes of microtus arvalis and m. subarvalis were studied to establish the extent of their similarity. out of 52 markers studied, 7 proteins and enzymes had different electrophoretic mobility: glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (g6pd), phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (pgd), diaphorase (dp), adenylate kinase (ak), lactate dehydrogenase b (ldhb), alpha-galactosidase (gal) and hemoglobin (hb), which make up to 13% of all the enzymes and proteins st ...19846386603
seasonal change in the daily timing of behaviour of the common vole, microtus arvalis.1. seasonal effects on daily activity patterns in the common vole were established by periodic trapping in the field and continuous year round recording of running wheel and freeding activity in cages exposed to natural meteorological conditions. 2. trapping revealed decreased nocturnality in winter as compared to summer. this was paralelled by a winter reduction in both nocturnal wheel running and feeding time in cages. 3. frequent trap checks revealed a 2 h rhythm in daytime catches in winter, ...198428311381
age and androgen-related changes in morphological parameters, haematological indices and serum protein fraction in common vole (microtus arvalis pall.) growing in different male voles raised under different light conditions (l:d = 24:0, l:d = 18:6, l:d = 6:18) the following results were obtained. in the young males erythropoiesis seemed to be greatest in voles growing in "winter" photoperiod. in this light condition rbc count showed a tendency to decrease with age while in other illuminations erythrocyte numbers increased. the age related changes in rbc count were very similar to those observed in common voles aging in the different natural seasonal generations. ...19846148190
[induction of dietetic diabetes in microtus arvalis pallas and its developmental mechanism].in microtus arvalis pallas, new born voles were fostered to icr mice and supplied with pellets for mice after weaning. a high concentration of glycosuria was shown in about 50% of the voles and continued for over ten weeks. concentrations of blood glucose and plasma ffa iun glycosuric voles were three or four times as high as those in normal controls. the fermentation ability and ph lowered in the esophageal sac, and comparatively large amount of starch existed in the pyloric stomach of the glyc ...19836363103
influence of photoperiod on morphological parameters, androgen concentration, haematological indices and serum protein fractions in common vole (microtus arvalis, pall.).1. in male voles developed under three different photoperiods (l:d = 24:0, l:d = 18:6, l:d = 6:18) the following results were obtained. 2. higher variability of most of the parameters (except testes weight and protein fraction levels) was observed in young males. hormonal synchronization of parameters studied in adult voles was discussed. 3. sexual activity measured by morphological symptoms was related to increase of body and testes weights, rbc count, alpha 2- and gamma-globulin levels. there ...19836131786
variability of hematocrit value, blood serum beta- and gamma-globulin level and body weight in different transferrin genotypes of common vole (microtus arvalis, pallas 1779) from natural population.1. heterozygotes tff/tfe of voles did not differ in body weight, they had higher hematocrit value (males and females), higher beta-globulin fraction (males) or higher gamma-globulin fraction (females). 2. a smaller variability of parameters studied was observed in heterozygotes than in homozygotes. small and similar variability occurred in hematocrit value and beta-globulins while higher variability occurred in body weight and gamma-globulins. 3. in common voles the faster migrating e system of ...19826181932
serum gamma-globulin concentration in different stages of sexual activity in females of common vole, microtus arvalis, pall.1. in young and adult females of common vole low gamma-globulin levels at the greatest individual variability in the estrous phase were observed. 2. in natural population when the nonactive females were probably not under hormonal suppression (northern poland, late summer) they had significantly higher level of gamma-globulins than pregnant, lactating and post partum ones. 3. it is suggested that decreases of gamma-globulin concentration may be an important physiological consequences of hormonal ...19826174267
hematologic values of the common vole (microtus arvalis pall. 1758) using sublingual blood samples. short communication. 19817018119
histopathological changes resulting by some pesticides in the common vole (microtus arvalis pallas). 19816753546
[hopopleura edentula (anoplura, hoplopleuridae), a parasite of voles of the genus clethrionomys].the louse hoplopleura edentula fahrennolz occurs not only on the vole clethrionomys glareolus schreb. but also on the other members of the genus widely distributed in the ussr, c. rutilus pall. and c. rufocanus sund. the characters distinguishing h. edentula from the close species h. acanthopus (burm.) described from microtus arvalis pall. are the differences in the shape of the dorsal lobe of the pleural plate of the third abdominal segment and in the size of the male copulative organ.20076992052
[morpho-functional differences at the tissue level between rodents from arid zones, the common vole and laboratory c57bl mice with different degrees of radiation resistance]. 19873552538
insulin responses induced by glucose, ketone body or volatile fatty acids in microtus arvalis pallas. 19863531657
changes of glucokinase and hexokinase activities in the diabetic microtus arvalis pallas. 19863531654
activity patterns of the common vole, microtus arvalis - automatic recording of behaviour in an enclosure.the activity behaviour of the common vole, microtus arvalis was studied in an enclosure during a one-year cycle. the number of voles varied between 2 and 25 specimens. emergence from burrows, running through pathways and visits at a feeding site were automatically recorded by passage counters which we developed for use in the field. the results can be summarized as follows: 1. the voles were day-active throughout the year - no change of the activity phase was observed. a significant proportion o ...198028309630
a simple method for obtaining blood from the common vole (microtus arvalis pallas). 1977335703
[effect of soil cultivation on the occurrence of fleas on microtus arvalis]. 1977331691
ecological features of the tularemia natural focus in central posavina (croatia).a five-year ecological study of the largest tularemia natural focus in croatia (yugoslavia) has revealed that the focus is of a meadow-field type and that the common vole is the crucial member of the local tularemia pathobiocenosis. the occurrence of epizootics and of concomitant epidemics is associated with the bionomy of the latter which, in its turn, is strongly influenced by environmental factors. it was possible therefore to link tularemia outbreaks with special meteorological and hydrologi ...1976795754
the effect of exogenic thyroxine on activity of the thyroid gland, blood serum proteins and leukocytes in the common vole microtus arvalis, pallas. 19763312
[a method of comparison of dna polynucleotide sequences].the results of a comparative analysis of the kinetic curves of reassociation of dna of closely related species of microtus (microtus arvalis, microtus oeconomus oeconomus, microtus oeconomus chachlovi) are presented. a five power polynomial was used as a mathematical model of the kinetic dna reassociation curves. the values of polynomial coefficients and the theoretical value, both with statistical deviations dispersion, have been estimated with the help of a standard computer programme. the mod ...2006765772
[morphological and cytofluorometric study of the giant cells of the trophoblast of the common vole].the primary and secondary giant cells of trophoblast in placenta microtus arvalis were studied. the giant polyploid nuclei are formed in result of series of successively proceeding endomitotic polyploidization of chromosomes. two stages of endomitosis are described: endointerphase with the uniform net of thin chromatin threads and the stage when small round or rod-shaped paired chromosomes gather mostly under the nuclear membrane. great number of round, oval, and complex-shaped nucleoli may be s ...197549114
seasonal changes in hemoglobin and erythrocyte indexes in microtus arvalis (pallis, 1779). 19751104104
seasonal changes in leukocyte indexes in microtus arvalis (pallas, 1779). 19751104103
experimental adiaspiromycosis of the common vole (microtus arvalis) and other small wild mammals after intraperitoneal inoculation. 19744431431
studies on the dynamics and spatial structure of helminthocoenosis in an isolated population of microtus arvalis (pallas, 1778) (rodentia). 19744454300
a seasonal variability in the infection of an isolated population of microtus arvalis (pallas, 1778) with index species of nematodes. 19744454299
calcium, magnesium and inorganic phosphorus levels in the serum of the common vole in relation to habitat, sex and physiological condition. 19734700337
[genetic structure of mammalian populations according to data from transplantation experiments with the common vole (microtus arvalis transuralensis serebr.)]. 20064557012
[seasonal changes in the number and fauna of fleas in nests of the common vole]. 20105086333
a new chromosomal sex-determining mechanism in microtus arvalis pallas. 19695800693
the influence of darkness on the oxygen consumption of the nesting european common vole microtus arvalis (pall). 19685654345
the effect of huddling on the resting metabolism rate of the european common vole microtus arvalis (pall). 19685654344
Displaying items 401 - 500 of 577