
distribution of iron in the parrot brain: conserved (pallidal) and derived (nigral) labeling patterns.the distribution of iron in the brain of a vocal learning parrot, the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus), was examined using iron histochemistry. in mammals, iron is a highly specific stain for the dorsal and ventral pallidal subdivision as well as specific cell groups in the brainstem, including the substantia nigra pars reticulata [neuroscience 11 (1984) 595-603]. the purpose of this study was to compare the distribution of iron in the mammalian and avian brain focusing on pallidal and nigra ...200111720720
isolates of sarcocystis falcatula-like organisms from south american opossums didelphis marsupialis and didelphis albiventris from são paulo, brazil.isolates of sarcocystis falcatula-like organisms from south american opossums were characterized based on biological and morphological criteria. sporocysts from intestinal scrapings of 1 didelphis marsupialis and 8 didelphis albiventris from são paulo, brazil, were fed to captive budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus). budgerigars fed sporocysts from all 9 isolates became ill and s. falcatula-like schizonts were identified in sections of their lungs by immunohistochemical staining. sarcocystis fa ...200111780836
in vitro cultivation of schizonts of sarcocystis speeri dubey and lindsay, 1999.schizonts of sarcocystis speeri dubey and lindsay, 1999 were cultured in vitro in bovine monocyte and equine kidney cell cultures inoculated with infected tissues of nude and gamma-interferon knockout mice fed sporocysts from opossums, didelphis albiventris. at least 1 asexual cycle was completed in 3 days. in vitro-grown merozoites were structurally and antigenically distinct from those of sarcocystis neurona and sarcocystis falcatula. culture-derived merozoites of s. speeri were not infective ...200010958438
neural song control system of hummingbirds: comparison to swifts, vocal learning (songbirds) and nonlearning (suboscines) passerines, and vocal learning (budgerigars) and nonlearning (dove, owl, gull, quail, chicken) nonpasserines.males of certain hummingbird species such as anna's hummingbirds (calypte anna) learn their song during postnatal development. here we report that male anna's hummingbirds and male amazilia hummingbirds (amazilia amazilia), two singing hummingbird species, possess forebrain areas that are similar in morphological appearance, location, and connectivity to the song control areas ra (nucleus robustus archistriatalis), hvc (nucleus hyperstriatalis ventrale, pars caudale, or higher vocal center), and ...200010982462
development of a blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of avian polyomavirus-specific antibodies.avian polyomavirus, described originally as budgerigar fledgling disease virus, has been associated with devastating contagious disease outbreaks in budgerigar aviaries. at present, this virus affects a wide range of psittacine and non-psittacine birds worldwide, and the serum neutralisation test is used for the serodiagnosis of avian polyomavirus infections. a blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was developed for the screening of large numbers of sera collected from various avian species ...200010996638
reclassification of bisgaard taxon 33, with proposal of volucribacter psittacicida gen. nov., sp. nov. and volucribacter amazonae sp. nov. as new members of the pasteurellaceae.a total of 25 strains isolated from parrots, budgerigars, parakeets (psittaciformes) and a chicken, mostly associated with respiratory disease or septicaemia, were classified as a new genus, volucribacter gen. nov., within the family pasteurellaceae, on the basis on unique phenotypic characteristics and clear monophyly as determined by 16s rrna gene sequence comparison. comparison of 16s rrna gene sequences from six strains showed at least 98.8 % similarity and the closest similarity outside the ...200415143029
nutrition and energetics of the canary (serinus canarius).canaries appear to be primarily seed-eaters, although there are no reports of their feeding ecology in the wild. in captivity, they are offered seed-based diets, preferring to consume seeds such as canary, rapeseed and millet. the mean daily dry-matter intake ranges from 3 to 4 g, which corresponds to a mean gross energy intake of approximately 70 kj per bird per day. the efficiency of dietary metabolism is high (0.85), which equates to individual metabolizable energy intakes of 45-75 kj per bir ...200011007169
the roles of receptor noise and cone oil droplets in the photopic spectral sensitivity of the budgerigar, melopsittacus undulatus.individual budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) were taught to detect narrow bands of wavelengths under ambient illumination of known spectral composition. because the cone pigments of this species of bird have been identified and data on carotenoid absorbance present in the cone oil droplets are available, predictions of the vorobyev-osorio equations can be calculated with reasonable confidence. based on more than 27,600 individual choices made by several birds at 10 wavelengths, the photopic ...200312607042
varied pathogenicity of a hong kong-origin h5n1 avian influenza virus in four passerine species and budgerigars.this investigation assessed the ability of the zoonotic a/chicken/hong kong/220/97 (chicken/hong kong) (h5n1) highly pathogenic avian influenza virus to infect and cause disease in zebra finches (taeniopygia guttata), house finches (carpodacus mexicanus), house sparrows (passer domesticus), european starlings (sternus vulgaris), and budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) after intranasal administration. zebra finches were the most severely affected of the five species, demonstrating anorexia, dep ...200312627709
contact call-driven zenk protein induction and habituation in telencephalic auditory pathways in the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus): implications for understanding vocal learning processes.expression of the immediate early gene protein zenk (zif 268, egr-1, ngf1a, krox24) was induced in forebrain auditory nuclei in a vocal learning parrot species, the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus), when the subjects either listened to playbacks of an unfamiliar contact call or to a contact call with which they had been familiarized previously. auditory nuclei included the field l complex (l1, l2a, and l3), the neostriatum intermedium pars ventrolateralis (nivl), the neostriatum adjacent to ...200211992018
experimental toxoplasmosis in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus).the susceptibility of budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) to graded doses of toxoplasma gondii oocysts was studied. sixteen budgerigars were divided into 4 groups (a-d) of 4 each. birds in groups a-c were fed 100,000, 1,000, or 100 infective oocysts of the veg strain of t. gondii, respectively. budgerigars in group d were not fed oocysts and served as controls. all 4 birds in group a died (or were killed) because of acute severe enteritis 5 or 6 days after feeding oocysts (dafo). three of the ...200212099420
variation in the behavioral responses of budgerigars melopsittacus undulatus to an alarm call in relation to sex and the budgerigar melopsittacus undulatus, the significance of a conspecific alarm call was investigated in two seasons, winter and spring. two qualitatively different behavioral responses were displayed by the receivers in reply to playbacks: call(s) and/or taking flight(s). the comparative analysis of the number of birds responding to the alarm and to the control signals revealed two major facts: 1) in both seasons, the responses to the alarm signal were only observed for females, not for male ...200415258650
acetylcholinesterase in central vocal control nuclei of the zebra finch (taeniopygia guttata).the distribution of acetylcholinesterase (ache) in the central vocal control nuclei of the zebra finch was studied using enzyme histochemistry. ache fibres and cells are intensely labelled in the forebrain nucleus area x, strongly labelled in high vocal centre (hvc) perikarya, and moderately to lightly labelled in the somata and neuropil of vocal control nuclei robust nucleus of arcopallium (ra), medial magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (mman) and lateral magnocellular nucleus of ...200415286416
hearing and vocalizations in the orange-fronted conure (aratinga canicularis).the auditory sensitivities of the orange-fronted conure (aratinga canicularis) were examined in relation to the spectral characteristics of its vocalizations. absolute thresholds, masked thresholds, frequency difference limens, and intensity difference limens for pure tones were obtained using psychoacoustic techniques. in general, hearing abilities are similar to those found in many avian auditory generalists. one exception is the unusually low critical ratio (masked threshold) between 2.0 and ...200312735368
brain lesions that impair vocal imitation in adult budgerigars.vocal imitation is a complex form of imitative learning that is well developed only in humans, dolphins, and birds. among birds, only some species are able to imitate sounds in adulthood. of these, the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus) has been studied in most detail. previous studies suggested that the vocal motor system in budgerigars receives auditory information from the lateral frontal neostriatum (nfl). in the present study, we confirm this hypothesis by showing that infusions of the ga ...200212382268
morphology of the vas deferens of the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus).a morphological study of the budgerigar vas deferens was conducted to demonstrate the electron-microscopic features of its epithelial lining. the analysis showed that the vas deferens of the budgerigar was found to be of a tubular and serpentine structure, continuous with the epididymal region and lined with stereo ciliated pseudostratified epithelium, which contained folds projecting into the tubular lumen and a characteristic brush border. the epithelium consists of ciliated and non-ciliated c ...200312762655
comparitive sensitivity of polymerase chain reaction diagnosis of psittacine beak and feather disease on feather samples, cloacal swabs and blood from budgerigars (melopsittacus undulates, shaw 18005).a longitudinal study was performed in order to investigate virus excretion and viraemia during a clinical outbreak of the psittacine beak and feather disease in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus). viral nucleic acid was detected in feathers, cloacal swabs and blood samples. overall, beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) dna was detected most commonly in feather samples, followed by cloacal swabs, and least frequently from blood samples. in most cases the viraemia was short lived and correlate ...200415545027
the skull development of parrots with special reference to the emergence of a morphologically unique cranio-facial hinge.the order psittaciformes (parrots) has unique morphological features in the head that are evolutionarily novel. to better understand the unique evolution of the head in parrots, the developmental pattern of the skull of the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus) was initially described on the basis of transparent skeletal specimens. although the fundamental pattern of the skull development of birds is conserved in parrots, some differences were observed between parrots and other groups of birds. i ...200312832827
chlamydia psittaci pneumonia presenting as acute generalised peritonism.a 63 year old man presented with the signs of acute generalised peritonism in the presence of a clear chest radiograph. at laparotomy no abnormal findings were noted. further inquiries revealed a history of recent acquisition of budgerigars, over the following days the chest radiograph developed patchy opacification. subsequently igg immunofluorescence confirmed the diagnosis of chlamydia psittaci. the presentation of psittacosis with gastrointestinal features is well recognised. this is believe ...200312835369
detection of beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) and avian polyomavirus (apv) dna in psittacine birds in italy.beak and feather disease (psittacine circovirus) and budgerigar fledgling disease (avian polyomavirus) are viral diseases that can frequently affect captive psittacine birds. we designed the first survey to investigate the presence of beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) and avian polyomavirus (apv) inside the population of captive psittacine birds in italy. samples were collected in 18 italian psittacine breeding centres and four trade centres over a 4-year period. a total of 1516 birds were t ...200515752264
reproductive aging in female birds.birds are underutilized as animal models for studying the basis of longevity, cellular adaptations for resisting oxidative damage, and delayed reproductive senescence. reproductive aging patterns in female birds range from slightly slower than those in rodents of similar size to extremely slow or even negligible. the best-studied laboratory bird model of female reproductive aging is the relatively short-lived, rapidly aging domestic laying hen. promising long-lived avian models for the prolongat ...200312855282
influence of outlying values and variations between sampling days on reference ranges for clinical chemistry in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus).reference ranges for clinical chemistry variables were established for 99 budgerigars sampled monthly for 12 months. the data from the repeated measurements were compiled to obtain the most reliable population-based reference range defined to be relevant for the population of budgerigars over the whole year. outlying values were excluded by reference to the population-based reference range and to previously determined values from the same individual, following the guidelines of the international ...200515786920
phylogenetic analysis by 16s rdna gene sequence comparison of avian taxa of bisgaard and characterization and description of two new taxa of pasteurellaceae.characterization and classification of members of pasteurellaceae isolated from birds by extended phenotypic characterization and 16s rdna gene sequence comparison.200312859769
experimental infection of white-leghorn cockerels with macrorhabdos ornithogaster (megabacterium).macrorhabdos ornithogaster is a newly described anamorphic ascomycetous yeast that has been reported to cause a chronic, debilitating disease in many species of birds, including poultry. study of this organism is complicated by the limited ability to grow m. ornithogaster in vitro. in this study, we showed that the chicken can be used to amplify this organism and as a model to study its pathogenicity. an infection rate of 100% was achieved in day-old chicks orally inoculated with 10(5) m. ornith ...200312887185
contact call-driven zenk mrna expression in the brain of the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus).contact call-driven zenk (zif268, egr1, ngf1a, krox 24) mrna expression was mapped with in situ hybridization histochemistry in a vocal learning parrot, the budgerigar (m. undulatus). relative to controls, call stimulation induced high zenk mrna expression in all auditory areas including those closely associated with the vocal system within the anterior forebrain (brauth et al. (2001) j. comp. neurol. 432, 481; (2002) learn. memory 9, 76). thus there is a high correspondence between the distribu ...200314499486
[a case of acute bird fancier's lung caused by feather duvet].a 57-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of cough and low-grade fever for 2 months and shortness of breath for 2 weeks. she had raised two budgerigars for the last 15 years and had been using a feather duvet for one year. a chest radiograph showed diffuse ground-glass opacities in both lung fields, and a chest ct scan showed centrilobular micronodules and ground-glass opacities. bronchoalveolar lavage (bal) revealed a marked increase in lymphocytes, and a transbronchial lung biop ...200314503346
feeding and contact call stimulation both induce zenk and cfos expression in a higher order telencephalic area necessary for vocal learning in budgerigars.stimulation with natural contact calls and feeding were used to assess zenk and fos protein expression in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus), a vocal learning parrot species in which feeding and physical contact often occur in conjunction with vocalization. although only calls induced gene expression in field l, the primary telencephalic auditory area, both calls and feeding induced gene expression in the frontal lateral nidopallium (nfl), a brain area in receipt of input from field l which p ...200616310258
assessment of plasma concentrations of doxycycline in budgerigars fed medicated seed or determine whether plasma doxycycline concentrations considered effective for treatment of avian chlamydiosis could be safely established and maintained in budgerigars via administration of doxycycline in water or seed.200314552488
pathogenicity of a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, a/chicken/yamaguchi/7/04 (h5n1) in different species of birds and mammals.outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) have been occurring in domestic poultry in asia since 1996. in the beginning of 2004, hpai outbreaks were caused by h5n1 virus in two farms and a group of pet chickens in different areas of japan. in the present study, the pathogenicity of a/chicken/yamaguchi/7/04 (h5n1), which had been isolated from a dead chicken during the first outbreak in japan, was assessed in chickens, quails, budgerigars, ducklings, mice, and miniature pigs by experim ...200616502281
experimental infection of budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) with a low virulent k21 strain of toxoplasma total 53 budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) were divided into six groups and orally infected with a suspension of oocysts of low virulent toxoplasma gondii k21 strain in the doses of 10(2), 10(3), 10(4), 10(5) and 10(6), respectively. blood was collected from the birds prior to the inoculation and then on days 10, 20 and 30 post infection. latex-agglutination test (lat) was used for the detection of antibodies in the inoculated birds. the infected birds showed no apparent signs of disease. ...200314580800
organization of the avian basal forebrain: chemical anatomy in the parrot (melopsittacus undulatus).hodological, electrophysiological, and ablation studies indicate a role for the basal forebrain in telencephalic vocal control; however, to date the organization of the basal forebrain has not been extensively studied in any nonmammal or nonhuman vocal learning species. to this end the chemical anatomy of the avian basal forebrain was investigated in a vocal learning parrot, the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus). immunological and histological stains, including choline acetyltransferase, acet ...200212455005
[the myocardial thickness in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and australian king parrots (alisterus s. scapularis)].due to lack of reference values an objective assessment of myocardial dilatation and hypertrophy in cage and aviary birds so far is not possible. therefore the thickness of the myocardium of the left and the right ventricle of the heart of 14 budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and 5 alisterus parrots (alisterus s. scapularis) of both sexes was examined according to a standard protocol to establish morphometric data and first reference values. in order to compare the results of birds of differ ...200212481651
budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) copy virtual demonstrators in a two-action test.juvenile budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) observed thin film transistor video playback of a virtual conspecific demonstrator using its beak to remove a stopper from a food box, either by pulling the object upward or by pushing it downward. simultaneously (experiment 1) or subsequently (experiment 2), the observers were offered a similar stopper box and rewarded with access to food for each removal response, regardless of its direction. observers of upward movement made a greater proportion ...200314717637
neuronal activation in female budgerigars is localized and related to male song complexity.females of several songbird species have been shown to respond preferentially to a more complex song. the male budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus) sings complex songs consisting of discrete components, known as syllables. we exposed female budgerigars to either standard male song, complex song, or simple song, the iteration of only one syllable (either frequency-modulated or unmodulated). using immunocytochemistry, we analysed the expression of the protein product of the immediate early gene ze ...200312534978
[a case of acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by contact with budgerigars (bird-breeder's lung)].a 58-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital for repeated episodes of dry cough, low-grade fever, and gradual development of dyspnea on exertion. chest computed tomography showed diffuse ground-glass opacities in both lung fields. bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (balf) showed an increased number of lymphocytes, and transbronchial lung biopsy revealed alveolitis and epithelioid cell granuloma. the acute onset and the patient's living environment suggested summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis ...200314727551
ultraviolet signals in birds are special.recent behavioural experiments have shown that birds use ultraviolet (uv)-reflective and fluorescent plumage as cues in mate choice. it remains controversial, however, whether such uv signals play a special role in sexual communication, or whether they are part of general plumage coloration. we use a comparative approach to test for a general association between sexual signalling and either uv-reflective or fluorescent plumage. among the species surveyed, 72% have uv colours and there is a signi ...200312590772
mortality in budgerigars associated with a reovirus-like agent. 200415134173
psittacine beak and feather disease virus in budgerigars and ring-neck parakeets in south africa.psittacine beak and feather disease (pbfd) is a common disease of the psittacine species and is caused by the psittacine beak and feather disease virus (pbfdv). in this study the occurrence of the disease in ring-neck parakeets and budgerigars in south africa suffering from feathering problems, using polymerase chain reaction as a diagnostic test was investigated. the genetic variation between viral isolates was also studied. results indicate that pbfdv can be attributed to being the cause of fe ...200415185572
the topographical anatomy and arterial supply of the thyroid and parathyroid glands in the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus).this investigation was conducted on 30 adult, male and female budgerigars. the thyroid and parathyroid glands adhere to each other on both sides of the body and are surrounded by a common connective tissue capsule. the glandular "cluster" on the right side was cranial and dorsal in relation to that on the left. the thyroid glands were most often supplied with blood by the following glandular arteries: the caudal thyroid (1-4), the cranial thyroid (1-3) and the middle thyroid (1 or 2). the caudal ...200415232771
development of auditory sensitivity in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus).auditory feedback influences the development of vocalizations in songbirds and parrots; however, little is known about the development of hearing in these birds. the auditory brainstem response was used to track the development of auditory sensitivity in budgerigars from hatch to 6 weeks of age. responses were first obtained from 1-week-old at high stimulation levels at frequencies at or below 2 khz, showing that budgerigars do not hear well at hatch. over the next week, thresholds improved mark ...200415237834
the precedence effect in three species of birds (melopsittacus undulatus, serinus canaria, and taeniopygia guttata).the perceived locations of paired auditory images, simulating direct sounds and their echoes, have been recently studied in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus; m. l. dent & r. j. dooling, 2003a, 2003b). in this article, the authors extend those experiments to include measurements of the precedence effect using a discrimination paradigm in two additional bird species: canaries (serinus canaria) and zebra finches (taeniopygia guttata). although time courses of summing localization, localization ...200415482060
clinical approach to renal neoplasia in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus).renal neoplasia in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) is seen regularly in general practice and is of interest to many practicing veterinary surgeons. this review article provides an overview of the current knowledge and the most recent reports in avian literature regarding renal tumours in budgerigars, with the emphasis on clinical diagnosis and treatment. the high prevalence of renal neoplasia in budgerigar is discussed, with notes on the most commonly diagnosed tumours, possibility of meta ...200616961467
effects of two diets on the haematology, plasma chemistry and intestinal flora of budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus).two groups of 22 budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) were housed for 12 months under identical conditions. one group was fed a commercial seed mixture plus carrots and a mineral supplement, and the other group was fed a commercially formulated diet plus carrots. samples of blood and faeces were collected initially and after three, six, nine and 12 months. there were no significant differences between the haematological values of the two groups. the group fed the seed mixture had significantly ...200617028249
chronic bird fancier's lung presenting with acute exacerbation due to use of a feather duvet.a 67-year-old man was admitted due to fever and exertional dyspnea. he used to raise budgerigars and hill mynahs from 1980 to 1988. he was diagnosed as having chronic bird fancier's lung (bfl) based on a positive peripheral lymphocyte proliferation to pigeon serum in 1994. his disease was stable until 2000. three months before admission he became a daily user of a feather duvet. a chest ct showed newly-developed peribronchial ground-glass opacities and preexisting honeycombing. inhalation provoc ...200415497520
human microsporidial infection and possible animal sources.sources of human microsporidial infection remain speculative, but possible animal reservoirs are emerging. of the common human microsporidial infections, enterocytozoon bieneusi has now been identified in non-human primates, pigs, dogs and a cat; encephalitozoon intestinalis in dogs, pigs, cows, goats and donkeys and encephalitozoon hellem in budgerigars and parrots. evidence of species heterogeneity is also emerging suggesting that some animal isolates may be distinctive. further molecular epid ...199917035814
circadian and seasonal variability and influence of sex and race on eight clinical chemistry parameters in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus, shaw 1805).the aim of the study was to investigate if there is a clinically relevant influence of daytime or season and if there are sex-dependant differences in some frequently determined clinical chemistry parameters. the study was performed with 99 1.5- to 2-year old healthy budgerigars of three races. a harmonic regression analysis was performed taking into account linear and cyclic trends over the year. correlations were investigated by the calculation of spearman correlation coefficients. summarizing ...200515500844
biological variation, individuality and critical differences of eight biochemical blood constituents in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus).the aim of the study was to obtain basic data on individual biological variation, the required number of specimens to define the homeostatic setpoint (the aspired value of a variable adjusted to the individuals homeostasis) and critical differences of selected chemistry parameters in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus). blood from 99 healthy budgerigars was sampled 12 times at four-week intervals. aspartate aminotransferase (ast), calcium, creatine kinase (ck), glutamate dehydrogenase (gldh), ...200617172478
sexual dimorphism of vocal control nuclei in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) revealed with nissl and nadph-d staining.nissl staining and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (nadph-d) histochemistry were used to explore the existence of sexual dimorphism in vocal control nuclei of adult budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus), a parrot species capable of lifelong vocal learning. behavioral studies indicate that adult males possess larger vocal repertoires than adult females and learn new calls more quickly. the results of the present study show that the volumes of all vocal nuclei, as measured u ...200515717302
new record of afrimenopon waar (eichler) (phthiraptera: menoponidae) from budgerigar melopsittacus undulatus (psittaciformes: psittacidae) from karachi, pakistan.chewing lice of the species afrimenopon waar (eichler) were collected from captive budgerigar melopsittacus undulatus (shaw) in pakistan. this is the first record of amblyceran lice from this host. it is also the first record of the genus afrimenopon from pakistani region. the primary host species of afrimenopon waar is the rosy-faced lovebird agapornis roseicollis (vieillot). the finding of a. waar on budgerigars is, most likely, a result of a contamination in captivity. morphological variation ...200717334969
the vasotocinergic system in the hypothalamus and limbic region of the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus).we report a morphological and biochemical analysis on the presence, distribution and quantification of vasotocin in the hypothalamus and limbic region of the budgerigar melopsittacus undulatus, using immunohistochemistry on serial sections and competitive enzyme linked immunoadsorbent assay measurements on tissue extracts. analysis of the sections showed large vasotocin-immunoreactive neurons in three main regions of the diencephalon, of both male and female specimens. vasotocinergic cell bodies ...200415718202
testicular tumor in a budgerigar. 196117421379
papovavirus induced feather abnormalities and skin lesions in the budgerigar: clinical and pathological findings.feather abnormalities and skin lesions caused by a papovavirus infection in budgerigars are described. diseased one to 15 day old birds displayed a lack of nestling down feathers and filoplumes on the head and neck. survivors older than 15 days exhibited retarded growth and temporary absence of feathers variable from bird to bird. several birds between 15 and 25 days of age had flight feathers with total absence or marked sparseness of the vanes. after 25 days, feathers began to grow, although t ...198417422435
outbreaks of budgerigar fledgling disease in three aviaries in ontario.outbreaks of budgerigar fledgling disease (bfd) occurred in three budgerigar aviaries in ontario. acute death in seven to ten-day-old nestlings and feather abnormalities in birds over three weeks of age were common findings. ascites, hepatomegaly and hydropericardium were prominent gross lesions. histologically, basophilic intranuclear inclusions were seen in many tissues. a severe drop in hatchability occurred in one aviary-a finding not previously reported with bfd. interruption of breeding co ...198917423398
duplex shuttle pcr for differential diagnosis of budgerigar fledgling disease and psittacine beak and feather disease.two common viral diseases in psittacine birds including budgerigar fledgling disease (bfd), generally called avian polyomavirus (apv) infection, and psittacine beak and feather disease (pbfd) have similar clinical manifestations characterized by feather disorders. a duplex shuttle pcr was developed for detection of apv and pbfd virus (pbfdv). two pairs of oligonucleotide primers were designed to amplify a 298-bp fragment of the t/t antigen region of apv genome and a 495-bp fragment of the capsid ...200515781996
growth and metabolic characterization of macrorhabdus ornithogaster.macrorhabdus ornithogaster (m. ornithogaster) is an anamorphic ascomycetous yeast found only in the stomach of birds. infection is often benign but has also been associated with disease in some species of birds under some circumstances. in vitro efforts to grow m. ornithogaster have been largely unsuccessful. in this report, multiple liquid and solid media of varying ph, sugar concentration, and fetal bovine serum (fbs) concentrations, incubated at various temperatures in room air or microaeroph ...200717459854
the mechanical power requirements of avian flight.a major goal of flight research has been to establish the relationship between the mechanical power requirements of flight and flight speed. this relationship is central to our understanding of the ecology and evolution of bird flight behaviour. current approaches to determining flight power have relied on a variety of indirect measurements and led to a controversy over the shape of the power-speed relationship and a lack of quantitative agreement between the different techniques. we have used a ...200717507329
evaluation of the renal effects of flunixin meglumine, ketoprofen and meloxicam in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus). 200717575249
ante mortem diagnosis of mycobacterial infection by liver biopsy in a budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus).avian mycobacteriosis is an important disease which affects exotic, wild and domestic birds. the disease is most commonly caused by the ubiquitous soil and water organisms mycobacterium avium sp. avium and mycobacterium genavense. mycobacteriosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any pet bird with chronic disease characterized by weight loss, an inflammatory leukogram and abdominal enlargement. ante mortem diagnosis of avian mycobacteriosis in birds remains difficult. the pre ...200717645037
budgerigar birds and poliomyelitis. 195817649045
[hypersensitivity pneumonitis in budgerigar fanciers. a seldom recognised disease?].a hypersensitivity pneumonitis (hp) can be easily recognized either in acute manifestations, as in farmer lung syndrome, and in subacute, as bird fancier's lung; the following case shows an insidious hp occurred to a 44 year old, non smoker woman, fancier--during the winter--of 8 budgerigars kept in the kitchen. the authors suppose hp is underestimated, considering italy's likely high number of bird fanciers, versus only 260 general cases of hp that have been reported every year in italy (1999-2 ...200516078759
color vision of the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus): hue matches, tetrachromacy, and intensity discrimination.budgerigars, melopsittacus undulatus, were trained to discriminate monochromatic lights from mixtures of two comparison lights. the addition of small amounts of uv (365 nm) to blue or yellow lights dramatically changed the color for the birds. hue matches showed the birds to be dichromatic both at long wavelengths (only p565 and p508 active) and at short wavelengths (only p370 and p445 active because of screening of p508 and p565 by cone oil droplets). in mid-spectrum (only p445 and p508 active) ...200516086150
the evolution of the spindlin gene in birds: sequence analysis of an intron of the spindlin w and z gene reveals four major divisions of the psittaciformes.the psittaciformes (parrots, parakeets) are among the most widely held captive birds. yet, their evolution and their phylogenetic relationships have been relatively little studied. this paper describes the phylogenetic relationships between a number of psittaciformes as derived from the sequences of the third intron of the z-chromosomal and w-chromosomal spindlin genes. the z-chromosomal sequences of the kakapo (strigops habroptilus), the kea (nestor notabilis), and the kaka (nestor meridionalis ...200516099384
increasing incidence of megabacteriosis in canaries (serinus canarius domesticus).a total of 312 post-mortem examinations of 178 canaries (serinus canarius domesticus), 40 parakeets (melopsittacus undulatus, nymphicus hollandicus) and 94 parrots (amazona aestiva, psitaccus erithacus) were conducted at the birds and rabbits service of the university of liège, belgium. after a detailed gross examination, tissue samples were collected for virological and/or bacteriological and/or parasitological examination to complete the diagnosis. in all cases, a microscopic examination of th ...200616140025
diagnosis and treatment of avian renal disease.reports on the incidence of renal disease in the avian patient vary,but renal disease is common in poultry and birds of prey. clinical renal disease is probably under-recognized in the companion bird,with the notable exception of renal tumors in the budgerigar (melopsittacusundulatus). diagnosis of renal disease may rely on the identification of consistent clinical signs, clinical pathology, survey radiographs, and laparoscopic evaluation and biopsy of the kidneys. treatment of avian renal disea ...200616407082
overgrown beak in a budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus). 200616505820
keratoacanthoma causing beak deformity in a budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus).this report describes a keratoacanthoma causing abnormal maxillary beak growth in a 6-year-old male budgerigar (melopsittacus undulates). although the bird was still capable of eating, it had recently been demonstrating signs of respiratory distress and euthanasia was recommended. on histological examination, the neoplasm was dramatically effacing the normal structure of the maxilla and infiltrating into the rostral nasal sinuses. the tumour consisted of many cyst-like proliferations of well-dif ...200717994330
retrobulbar rhabdomyosarcoma in a budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus).this report describes a retrobulbar rhabdomyosarcoma in a 7-year-old male budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus). the bird was presented with orbital distension and exophthalmia of the left eye and died during surgery. necropsy revealed a tan to grey retrobulbar mass compressing all components of the left eye with obscured vision. in histopathological examination, the mass was composed of sheets of spindle-shaped cells with pleomorphic nuclei, numerous bizarre mitotic figures and mononucleated or ...200516537163
an outbreak of the polyomavirus infection in budgerigars and cockatiels in slovakia, including a genome analysis of an avian polyomavirus winter 2003-04, large numbers of budgerigars (mellopsitacus undulatus) and cockatiels (nymphicus hollandicus) fell ill and died in a large parrot-breeding aviary in slovakia. in budgerigars, the disease outbreak occurred at the age of 2-3 weeks; cockatiels died within their first 7 days of life. in budgerigars, symptoms of the disease included delayed growth, tremor, darkish discoloration of skin, quill bleeding, and feathering defects. cockatiels often died without any symptoms and with a fu ...200616617994
species differences in the identification of acoustic stimuli by birds.the perceptual organization of auditory stimuli can reveal a great deal about how the brain naturally groups events. the current study uses identification techniques to investigate the abilities of two species of birds in identifying zebra finch song as well as synthetically generated speech stimuli. budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and zebra finches (taeniopygia guttata) were trained to differentially peck keys in response to the presentation of various complex stimuli. although there were ...200818164143
experimental infection of budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) with five mycobacterium species.the aim of the present study was to determine the susceptibility of budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) to infections with different mycobacterium species. for inoculations the following mycobacterium species were used: mycobacterium avium subsp. avium, mycobacterium bovis subsp. bovis, mycobacterium tuberculosis subsp. tuberculosis, mycobacterium intracellulare and m. fortuitum subsp. fortuitum. the bacterial suspension was administrated intramuscularly and all the birds were monitored for 70 ...200818202951
cannabinoid system in the budgerigar brain.cannabinoid receptor density and cannabinoid receptor-mediated g protein stimulation were studied by autoradiographic techniques throughout the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus) brain. the maximal cb(1) receptor density value (using [(3)h]cp55,940 as radioligand) was found in the molecular layer of the cerebellum (mol), and high binding values were observed in the nucleus taeniae amygdalae (tna), nucleus preopticus medialis, and nucleus pretectalis. the highest net-stimulated [(35)s]gtpgammas ...200616626655
perception of complex sounds in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) with temporary hearing loss.songbirds and parrots deafened as nestlings fail to develop normal vocalizations, while birds deafened as adults show a gradual deterioration in the quality and precision of vocal production. beyond this, little is known about the effect of hearing loss on the perception of vocalizations. here, we induced temporary hearing loss in budgerigars with kanamycin and tested several aspects of the hearing, including the perception of complex, species-specific vocalizations. the ability of these birds t ...200616642864
qualitative and quantitative evaluation of bird-specific igg antibodies.exposure to organic dust produced by birds often gives rise to an immune response, e.g. igg antibodies, but intense exposure can lead to high concentrations of igg antibodies and the development of allergic alveolitis, often known as "bird fancier's lung". the aim of this study was to establish the distribution of bird-specific igg antibodies in exposed and nonexposed individuals and compare a nonquantitative and quantitative method in evaluating raised levels of igg antibodies.200415153798
comparative analysis of gene expressions among avian brains: a molecular approach to the evolution of vocal learning.among avian species, three families of birds (songbirds, parrots, and hummingbirds) learn songs. in the brain of these vocal learners, there are neural networks called 'song systems' that specialize in song learning and production. to explore the evolution of the molecular basis of vocal learning, we conducted a comparative analysis of gene expression in vocal learners (bengalese finches and budgerigars) and non-learners (quails and pigeons). the expression of one gene is similar in vocal learne ...200818331917
a behavior analysis of absolute pitch: sex, experience, and species.absolute pitch (ap) perception refers to the ability to identify, classify, and memorize pitches without use of an external reference pitch. in tests of ap, several species were trained to sort contiguous tones into three or eight frequency ranges, based on correlations between responding to tones in each frequency range and reinforcement. two songbird species, zebra finches and white-throated sparrows, and a parrot species, budgerigars had highly accurate ap, they discriminated both three and e ...200415157978
multidrug-resistant bacterial ingluvitis associated with squamous cell carcinoma in a budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus).a 2-year-old budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus) was presented to the massey university veterinary teaching hospital for chronic regurgitation. multiple drug-resistant klebsiella oxytoca was cultured from the crop. necropsy revealed a mass in the crop that was histologically diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma (scc). to the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of scc in a budgerigar associated with a multidrug-resistant bacterial ingluvitis.200616931374
influence of a new slow-release gnrh analogue implant on reproduction in the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus, shaw 1805).the neuroendocrine conditioning of reproduction in birds could perform a very important role in captive breeding, especially in endangered species. whereas in domestic and wild mammals pharmacological reproductive conditioning is well developed, in birds an effective method is not available. the aim of this study was to test the influence of a new slow-release gnrh analogue (buserelin acetate) implant on the reproductive activity of the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus), used as model species ...200918440734
contact-call driven and tone-driven zenk expression in the nucleus ovoidalis of the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus).the effectiveness of species-typical contact calls and a 3-khz pure tone to induce zenk gene protein expression in the primary thalamic auditory relay nucleus ovoidalis was compared in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus), a parrot species capable of lifelong vocal learning. ovoidalis consists of a core which projects topographically to field l of the telencephalon and a ventromedial shell containing many calcitonin-gene-related peptide neurons that project throughout field l as well as to an a ...200616932148
genetic diversity of the rep gene of beak and feather disease virus in south africa.a study on the genetic variation of beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) isolates in south africa was performed by amplifying and sequencing a region within the orf1 of the genome. six different bfdv isolates were found in 15 psittacine species from 6 regions within south africa, representing three unique isolates and three isolates that clustered into a budgerigar lineage (bg) previously described.200616932986
benefits of budgerigars. 200818500129
enterococcus hirae infections in psittacine birds: epidemiological, pathological and bacteriological observations.cases of enterococcus hirae septicaemia are described in 10 different species of psittacine birds. in most of the cases other disease causes were not detected, and cytological examination confirmed the aetiological role of the bacteria isolated. despite these findings, attempts to reproduce the disease in young budgerigars failed. the bacterium was isolated frequently from the faeces of healthy psittacine birds belonging to a wide range of species, and appeared to be member of the normal intesti ...199518645808
auditory feedback is necessary for long-term maintenance of high-frequency sound syllables in the song of adult male budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus).among avian species that communicate using vocalization, songbirds (oscine passeriformes), hummingbirds (trochiliformes), and parrots (psittaciformes) are vocal learners. early studies showed that songbirds require auditory feedback for song development in young and maintenance in adults. to determine whether auditory feedback is also necessary for adult song maintenance in non-passerine species, we deprived adult male budgerigars (psittaciformes) of auditory input by surgical cochlear removal. ...200717031653
detection of retrovirus sequences in budgerigars with tumours.renal tumours are a common neoplastic disease of budgerigars. although a retro-virus has been implicated as the aetiological agent, there is no definitive proof for this hypothesis. sixteen birds suspected to have renal tumours were examined in an attempt to elucidate the possible role of retroviruses. thirteen birds had renal tumours and the majority of these birds showed abdominal enlargement and paresis. renal masses were detected by radiography in nine birds. post-mortem examination confirme ...199318670995
differences in bone mineral content and density between male and female budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) during the non-reproductive is known that female birds increase medullary mineral stores in long bones shortly before egg laying. here, we present results from two groups of budgerigars, in both of which females had significantly higher bone mineral contents and densities, as measured by peripheral quantitative computed tomography of the tibiotarsus, during a reproductively dormant period. the results could indicate that female birds can accumulate mineral stores outside of the breeding season.200617054480
multiple cutaneous capillary haemangioma in a red partridge (alectoris rufa).a 6-year-old healthy decoy red partridge (alectoris rufa) developed rapidly growing multiple cutaneous nodules in the dorsal aspect of the neck. histologically, they were distinctly exophytic growths composed of variably-sized blood vessels often surrounded by solid masses of endothelial-like cells set in an oedematous stroma with abundant inflammatory cells. they were diagnosed as multiple cutaneous capillary haemangiomas. these tumours have been described in chickens in association with viral ...199318671047
requests information on euthanasia method in a budgerigar. 200717326288
does the metabolic rate-flight speed relationship vary among geometrically similar birds of different mass?based on aerodynamic considerations, the energy use-flight speed relationship of all airborne animals and aircraft should be u-shaped. however, measures of the metabolic rate-flight speed relationship in birds have been available since tucker's pioneering experiments with budgerigars nearly forty years ago, but this classic work remains the only study to have found a clearly u-shaped metabolic power curve. the available data suggests that the energetic requirements for flight within this species ...200717337719
experimental reproduction of psittacine beak and feather disease/french moult.nestling budgerigars and galahs and one-day-old spf chickens were inoculated with an homogenate prepared from the feathers of a variety of birds with psittacine beak and feather disease (pbfd), and known to contain virus-like particles 20 nm in diameter. uninoculated birds were included as in-contact controls and groups of birds were also inoculated with homogenate treated with beta-propriolactone to inactivate any virus present. typical pbfd developed in many of the inoculated birds and in some ...198718766613
papovavirus-like infection in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus).outbreaks of a disease in two budgerigar aviaries caused 20% and 53% mortality respectively in recently hatched chicks during the 1985 breeding season. clinical signs were first observed at 5 to 7 days of age. in most birds darkening of the normal skin colour was followed by death in 2 to 10 days. in individual nests all or part of a hatch could be affected. occasional survivors had abnormal plumage. few gross lesions were found at post-mortem examination. histologically, many large basophilic i ...198718766650
neoplasms in budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus): clinical, pathomorphological and serological findings with special consideration of kidney tumours.according to findings of others and to our own investigations, kidney tumours represent a remarkably high proportion of all tumours in budgerigars. therefore, 74 budgerigars, clinically suspicious for abdominal tumours, were analysed individually by monitoring clinical signs, gross lesions, histology, the expression of the group-specific (gs) antigen of avian leukosis virus (alv), the expression of immunoglobulins m and g, and the distribution of age and tumour incidence. lameness and abdominal ...198318766792
rapid contact call-driven induction of nr2a and nr2b nmda subunit mrnas in the auditory thalamus of the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus).in situ hybridization histochemistry was used to assess the effect of auditory stimulation with natural contact calls on expression of nr2a and nr2b nmda subunit mrnas in neurons of the thalamic auditory relay nucleus ovoidalis (ov) of a vocal learning parrot species, the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus). the results showed that both the core (ov) and ventromedial shell subdivisions (ovm) of ovoidalis contained neurons expressing nr2a and nr2b mrna in no-stimulation control subjects and that ...200717449285
chromosome repatterning in three representative parrots (psittaciformes) inferred from comparative chromosome painting.parrots (order: psittaciformes) are the most common captive birds and have attracted human fascination since ancient times because of their remarkable intelligence and ability to imitate human speech. however, their genome organization, evolution and genomic relation with other birds are poorly understood. chromosome painting with dna probes derived from the flow-sorted macrochromosomes (1-10) of chicken (gallus gallus, gga) has been used to identify and distinguish the homoeologous chromosomal ...200717675844
[comparison of three strains of herpesvirus isolated from psittacine birds with the pigeon herpesvirus].two strains of herpesvirus isolated from psittacine birds in belgium (psihv/b/cu; vindevogel et al., 1978) (psihv/b/u; meulemans et al., 1978) and a third one isolated in switzerland (psihv/s/1355; ehrsam et al., 1978) were compared with the pigeon herpesvirus (strain phv/b/cu1; vindevogel et al., 1975). on chick embryo fibroblasts, the cytopathic effect of strain psihv/b/cu was focal whereas strains psihv/b/u and psihv/s/1355 showed a diffuse cytopathic effect. also, under agarose overlay, the ...198018770276
avian influenza a viruses in birds of the order psittaciformes: reports on virus isolations, transmission experiments and vaccinations and initial studies on innocuity and efficacy of oseltamivir in ovo.birds of the order psittaciformes are - besides chickens, turkeys and other birds - also susceptible to infection with avian influenza a viruses (aiv) and succumb following severe disease within one week. published data prove that various parakeets, amazons, cockatoos, african grey parrots and budgerigars (genera barnardius, psittacula, cacatua, eolophus, amazona, myiopsitta, psittacus and melopsittacus) were found dead following natural infections. natural infections of highly pathogenic avian ...200717724934
oxygen consumption of a flying bird.budgerygahs (melopsittacus undulatus) flew with a minimum oxygen consumption of 38 milliliters per gramhour at each of three speeds between 19 and 33 kilometers per hour in a recirculating wind tunnel. an oxygen debt accumulated in the first minute of flight and was repaid in the minute following cessation of flight. frequency of wingbeat was independent of flight speed. the data suggest that flying budgerygahs have a higher cardiac output per kilogram of body weight than mammals and that flight ...196617740104
molecular characterizations of avian polyomavirus isolated from budgerigar in china.budgerigar fledgling disease is an acute viral infectious disease caused by avian polyomavirus (apv). in this study, 34 liver tissue samples of young, dead budgerigar with typical symptoms were collected in 2004. all the samples had positive polymerase chain reaction (pcr) test based on the vp1 specific primers. vp1 genes of these samples were sequenced and had high similarities to each other (99%-100%). a strain (hbym02) was isolated and sequenced. as shown in the phylogenetic tree, there are t ...200818939634
[intestinal parasites of parrots].the aim of this study was to determine a parasitic species composition, prevalence and intensity of infection in selected parrots.200717912808
vocal control area-related expression of neuropilin-1, plexin-a4, and the ligand semaphorin-3a has implications for the evolution of the avian vocal system.the avian vocal system is a good model for exploring the molecular basis of neural circuit evolution related to behavioral diversity. previously, we conducted a comparative gene expression analysis among two different families of vocal learner, the bengalese finch (lonchura striata var. domestica), a songbird, and the budgerigar (melopsittacus undulatus), a parrot; and a non-learner, the quail (coturnix coturnix), to identify various axon guidance molecules such as cadherin and neuropilin-1 as v ...200919128404
the discrimination of natural movement by budgerigars (melopsittacus undulates) and pigeons (columba livia).three experiments examined the ability of birds to discriminate between the actions of walking forwards and backwards as demonstrated by video clips of a human walking a dog. experiment 1 revealed that budgerigars (melopsittacus undulates) could discriminate between these actions when the demonstrators moved consistently from left to right. test trials then revealed that the discrimination transferred, without additional training, to clips of the demonstrators moving from right to left. experime ...200717924786
modulation of flight muscle power output in budgerigars melopsittacus undulatus and zebra finches taeniopygia guttata: in vitro muscle performance.the pectoralis muscles are the main source of mechanical power for avian flight. the power output of these muscles must be modulated to meet the changing power requirements of flight across a range of speeds. this can be achieved at the muscle level by manipulation of strain trajectory and recruitment patterns, and/or by intermittent flight strategies. we have measured the in vitro power outputs of pectoralis muscle fascicles from budgerigars melopsittacus undulatus and zebra finches taeniopygia ...200717951419
Displaying items 401 - 500 of 857