137cs determination and mutagenicity tests in wild mus musculus domesticus before and after the chernobyl accident. | wild rodents were collected alive in a suburban area to the north of rome before, during, 6 months and 1 year after the chernobyl accident. radionuclide determinations to assess their content of (137)cs and mutagenicity tests (bone-marrow micronucleus test and sperm abnormalities assay) were performed on the captured animals. the results obtained for the species mus musculus domesticus (which was the rodent captured in highest numbers), compared with the results obtained before the fallout, show ... | 1990 | 15092303 |
developmental regulation of skull morphology. i. ontogenetic dynamics of variance. | in the absence of processes regulating morphogenesis and growth, phenotypic variance of a population experiencing no selective mortality should increase throughout ontogeny. to determine whether it does, we measure variance of skull shape using geometric morphometrics and examine its ontogenetic dynamics in the precocial cotton rat (sigmodon fulviventer) and the altricial house mouse (mus musculus domesticus). in both species, variance of shape halves between the two youngest samples measured (b ... | 2004 | 15099307 |
adaptive energetics in house mice, mus musculus domesticus, from the island of porto santo (madeira archipelago, north atlantic). | the bioenergetic strategies of house mice (mus musculus domesticus) from the island of porto santo were investigated and compared with those of mice from mainland portugal. energy obtained from food ingestion was 18.2% lower in porto santo mice than in mainland mice (1.53 vs. 1.87 kj/g/day). the same pattern was observed for metabolisable energy intake, which was 19.2% lower in island specimens (0.87 vs. 1.08 kj/g/day for mainland specimens). apparent digestibility was similar in both groups of ... | 2004 | 15123178 |
entrainment of the master circadian clock by scheduled feeding. | the master circadian clock, located in the mammalian suprachiasmatic nuclei (scn), generates and coordinates circadian rhythmicity, i.e., internal organization of physiological and behavioral rhythms that cycle with a near 24-h period. light is the most powerful synchronizer of the scn. although other nonphotic cues also have the potential to influence the circadian clock, their effects can be masked by photic cues. the purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of scheduled feeding to ... | 2004 | 15155280 |
chromosomes and speciation in mus musculus domesticus. | thirty years after its identification, the model of chromosomal speciation in mus musculus domesticus is reevaluated using the methods of population biology, molecular cytogenetics and functional genomics. three main points are considered: (1) the structural predisposition of m. m. domesticus chromosomes to robertsonian fusion; (2) the impediment of structural heterozygosity to gene flow between populations of mice with karyotypes rearranged by robertsonian fusion and between them and population ... | 2004 | 15237225 |
the tobacco mouse and its relatives: a "tail" of coat colors, chromosomes, hybridization and speciation. | the article reviews over 30 years' study of the chromosomal variation of the western house mice (mus musculus domesticus) from the neighboring valleys of poschiavo and valtellina on the swiss-italian border. this is done in the context of the social and political history of this area, on the grounds that mice, as commensals, are influenced by human history. the chromosomal study of mice in this area was initiated because their unusual black coat color led a 19th century naturalist to describe th ... | 2004 | 15237227 |
differential organization of a line-1 family in indian pygmy field mice. | southern blot hybridization analysis of genomic dnas digested with restriction endonuclease ecor i and ava ii from mus musculus domesticus, mus booduga and mus terricolor with a cloned repetitive dna fragment of mus booduga as a probe showed difference in restriction pattern of this dna in these three species. further southern analysis of the bamh i digested genomic dnas from these species hybridized with cloned dna fragment as a probe and sequencing of the cloned dna revealed that this 252 bp c ... | 2003 | 15267136 |
genetic analysis of x-linked hybrid sterility in the house mouse. | hybrid sterility is a common postzygotic reproductive isolation mechanism that appears in the early stages of speciation of various organisms. mus musculus musculus and mus musculus domesticus represent two recently separated mouse subspecies particularly suitable for genetic studies of hybrid sterility. here we show that the introgression of chr x of m. m. musculus origin (pwd/ph inbred strain, henceforth pwd) into the genetic background of the c57bl/6j (henceforth b6) inbred strain (predominan ... | 2004 | 15366371 |
development and initial characterization of xenomitochondrial mice. | xenomitochondrial mice harboring trans-species mitochondria on a mus musculus domesticus (md) nuclear background were produced. we created xenomitochondrial es cell cybrids by fusing mus spretus (ms), mus caroli (mc), mus dunni (mdu), or mus pahari (mp) mitochondrial donor cytoplasts and rhodamine 6-g treated cc9.3.1 or pc4 es cells. the selected donor backgrounds reflected increasing evolutionary divergence from md mice and the resultant mitochondrial-nuclear mismatch targeted a graded respirat ... | 2004 | 15377882 |
functional morphology of the ear in fossorial rodents, microtus arvalis and arvicola terrestris. | functionally relevant features and parameters of the outer, middle, and inner ear were studied morphologically and morphometrically in two species of voles, smaller microtus arvalis and larger arvicola terrestris. the findings in these fossorial (i.e., burrowing) rodents with components of surface activity were compared with respective findings reported for taxonomically related muroid rodents representing the same size classes but different eco-morphotypes: obligate subterranean rodents (ellobi ... | 2004 | 15487005 |
polymorphism and conservation of the genes encoding qa1 molecules. | to evaluate the polymorphism and conservation of the major histocompatibility complex class ib molecule qa1 in wild mouse populations, we determined the nucleotide sequence of exons 1-3 of qa1 of eight mouse haplotypes derived from wild mice, including mus musculus domesticus, m. m. castaneus, m. m. bactrianus, and m. spretus, as well as two t haplotypes. our data identify eight new alleles of qa1. taken together with previously published data on qa1 among the common laboratory inbred strains, a ... | 2004 | 15517242 |
behavioral characterization of wild derived male mice (mus musculus musculus) of the pwd/ph inbred strain: high exploration compared to c57bl/6j. | pwd/ph is an inbred mouse strain derived from wild mice trapped in central czech republic. these mice are of the mus musculus musculus subspecies, whose ancestors separated from those of mus musculus domesticus about one million years ago. there is a high degree of variation in the genomic sequence and a wide range of phenotypes between pwd/ph and standard laboratory inbred mouse strains, the genomes of which are principally mus musculus domesticus in origin, making pwd/ph mice an useful resourc ... | 2004 | 15520518 |
the evolution of gene expression in mouse hippocampus in response to selective breeding for increased locomotor activity. | the evolution of behavior has been notoriously difficult to study at the molecular level, but mouse genetic technology offers new promise. we applied selective breeding to increase voluntary wheel running in four replicate lines of mus domesticus (s mice) while maintaining four additional lines through random breeding to serve as controls (c mice). the goal of the study was to identify the gene expression profile of the hippocampus that may have evolved to facilitate the increased voluntary runn ... | 2004 | 15521463 |
characterization of diabetes-related traits in msm and jf1 mice on high-fat diet. | we examined the effect of a high-fat diet on the diabetes-related traits of the japanese fancy mouse 1 (jf1), msm, and c57bl/6j (b6j) mice. msm and jf1 mice were derived from mus musculus molossinus. b6j is a commonly used laboratory strain, with the vast majority of genome segments derived from mus musculus domesticus and mus musculus musculus, and is susceptible to high-fat diet-induced type 2 diabetes. none of the strains showed symptoms of diabetes or obesity when fed a laboratory chow diet. ... | 2004 | 15542353 |
agonistic onset during development differentiates wild house mouse males (mus domesticus). | wild house mouse populations have been suggested to locally adapt to varying dispersal regimes by expressing divergent aggressivity phenotypes. this conjecture implies, first, genetic polymorphism for dispersive strategies which is supported by the finding of heritable variation for male dispersal tendency in feral house mice. secondly, aggressivity is assumed to translate into dispersal rates. this speculation is reinforced by experimental evidence showing that non-agonistic males display lower ... | 2004 | 15605255 |
the animal reservoir of tunga penetrans in severely affected communities of north-east brazil. | tungiasis is a zoonotic ectoparasitosis caused by the sand flea tunga penetrans l. (siphonaptera: tungidae). this disease is hyperendemic in poor communities of north-east brazil, causing considerable morbidity in affected human populations, but the animal reservoirs have not been investigated previously in brazil. to assess the prevalence and intensity of t. penetrans infection in domestic and peri-domestic animals, as well as in the human population, we surveyed two typical communities of nort ... | 2004 | 15641998 |
delayed sry and sox9 expression in developing mouse gonads underlies b6-y(dom) sex reversal. | the phenomenon of b6-y(dom) sex reversal arises when certain variants of the mus domesticus y chromosome are crossed onto the genetic background of the c57bl/6j (b6) inbred mouse strain, which normally carries a mus musculus-derived y chromosome. while the sex reversal has been assumed to involve strain-specific variations in structure or expression of sry, the actual cause has not been identified. here we used in situ hybridization to study expression of sry, and the critical downstream gene so ... | 2005 | 15680364 |
microinjection of cytoplasm or mitochondria derived from somatic cells affects parthenogenetic development of murine oocytes. | cloned mammals are readily obtained by nuclear transfer using cultured somatic cells; however, the rate of generating live offspring from the reconstructed embryos remains low. in nuclear transfer procedures, varying quantities of donor cell mitochondria are transferred with nuclei into recipient oocytes, and mitochondrial heteroplasmy has been observed. a mouse model was used to examine whether transferred mitochondria affect the development of the reconstructed oocytes. cytoplasm or purified m ... | 2005 | 15716395 |
agonistic onset marks emotional changes and dispersal propensity in wild house mouse males (mus domesticus). | the authors investigated implications of agonistic onset for anxiety and dispersive motivation in maturing wild house mouse males (mus domesticus). laboratory-kept fraternal pairs either developed agonistic dominance or stayed amicable during their first 2 months of life, when the authors assessed open-field behavior and dispersal propensity. state anxiety was lower in amicable than agonistic males and higher in subordinate than dominant ones. during subsequent dispersal trials, 1 dominant and 1 ... | 2005 | 15740430 |
molecular evolution of cadherin-related neuronal receptor/protocadherin(alpha) (cnr/pcdh(alpha)) gene cluster in mus musculus subspecies. | the mouse cadherin-related neuronal receptor/protocadherin (cnr/pcdh) gene clusters are located on chromosome 18. we sequenced single-nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) of the cnr/pcdh(alpha)-coding region among 12 wild-derived and four laboratory strains; these included the four major subspecies groups of mus musculus: domesticus, musculus, castaneus, and bactrianus. we detected 883 coding snps (csnps) in the cnr/pcdh(alpha) variable exons and three in the constant exons. among all the csnps, 586 ... | 2005 | 15758202 |
second intermediate host land snails and definitive host animals of brachylaima cribbi in southern australia. | this study of infection of southern australian land snails with brachylaima cribbi metacercariae has shown that all commonly encountered native and introduced snails are susceptible second intermediate hosts. the range of infected snails is extensive with metacercariae-infected snails being present in all districts across southern australia. c. virgata has the highest average natural metacercarial infection intensity of 6.1 metacercariae per infected snail. the susceptibility of birds, mammals a ... | 2005 | 15828579 |
serological study of the lymphochoriomeningitis virus (lcmv) in an inner city of argentina. | lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (lcmv) is the prototype of the family arenaviridae and is associated with the natural reservoir, mus domesticus (md). it causes meningitis and a flu-like illness characterized by malaise, myalgia, retrorbital headache, and photophobia. this study presents the data obtained in a rodent and human serological study during 6 years (1998-2003) in the city of rio cuarto, argentina. antibodies anti-lcmv were sought by elisa in rodents and humans. lcmv was found only i ... | 2005 | 15834871 |
allozymic polymorphism among 14 populations of the house mouse, mus musculus domesticus, from greece. | nineteen loci from 239 individuals of the house mouse mus musculus domesticus (rodentia, muridae) were analyzed by means of thin layer electrophoresis. the mice were collected from 14 localities of greece mainly confined to the area of nw peloponnese, where a robertsonian (rb) system is observed. the individuals were chromosomally characterized by nine diploid numbers, the 2n = 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 40. the statistic elaboration revealed that all 14 populations studied were not cha ... | 2005 | 15859516 |
structural and functional differences in isoforms of mouse major urinary proteins: a male-specific protein that preferentially binds a male pheromone. | the mups (major urinary proteins) of the house mouse, mus domesticus, are lipocalins that bind and slowly release male-specific pheromones in deposited scent marks. however, females also express these proteins, consistent with a second role in encoding individual signatures in scent marks. we have purified and characterized an atypical mup from the urine of male c57bl/6j inbred mice, which is responsible for the binding of most of the male pheromone, 2-sec-butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole, and which is ... | 2005 | 15934926 |
contractile abilities of normal and "mini" triceps surae muscles from mice (mus domesticus) selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running. | as reported previously, artificial selection of house mice caused a 2.7-fold increase in voluntary wheel running of four replicate selected lines compared with four random-bred control lines. two of the selected lines developed a high incidence of a small-muscle phenotype ("mini muscles") in the plantar flexor group of the hindlimb, which apparently results from a simple mendelian recessive allele. at generations 36-38, we measured wheel running and key contractile characteristics of soleus and ... | 2005 | 15947032 |
kin interactions and changing social structure during a population outbreak of feral house mice. | populations of feral house mice (mus domesticus l.) in australia undergo multiannual fluctuations in density, and these outbreaks may be partly driven by some change in behavioural self-regulation. in other vertebrate populations with multiannual fluctuations, changes in kin structure have been proposed as a causal mechanism for changes in spacing behaviour, which consequently result in density fluctuations. we tested the predictions of two alternative conceptual models based on kin selection in ... | 2005 | 16029479 |
transmission of two australian strains of murine cytomegalovirus (mcmv) in enclosure populations of house mice (mus domesticus). | to control plagues of free-living mice (mus domesticus) in australia, a recombinant murine cytomegalovirus (mcmv) expressing fertility proteins is being developed as an immunocontraceptive agent. real-time quantitative pcr was used to monitor the transmission of two genetically variable field strains of mcmv through mouse populations after 25% of founding mice were infected with the n1 strain, followed by the g4 strain 6 weeks later. pathogen-free wild-derived mice were released into outdoor enc ... | 2005 | 16050517 |
the anogenital distance index of mice (mus musculus domesticus): an analysis. | the anogenital distance (agd) is sexually dimorphic in mus musculus domesticus, with the male agd approximately twice as long as that in female mice. among female mice, the agd varies as a function of prenatal androgen exposure. the anogenital distance index (agdi) has been developed to serve as an indicator of prior androgen exposure due to intrauterine position (iup). concerns have been raised that the agdi may not be an appropriate indicator of female iup in mice. to further refine the agdi, ... | 2005 | 16050669 |
grouping in auditory temporal perception and vocal production is mutually adapted: the case of wriggling calls of mice. | auditory gestalt perception by grouping of species-specific vocalizations to a perceptual stream with a defined meaning is typical for human speech perception but has not been studied in non-human mammals so far. here we use synthesized models of vocalizations (series of wriggling calls) of mouse pups (mus domesticus) and show that their mothers perceive the call series as a meaningful gestalt for the release of instinctive maternal behavior, if the inter-call intervals have durations of 100-400 ... | 2005 | 16075266 |
the paternal gene of the ddk syndrome maps to the schlafen gene cluster on mouse chromosome 11. | the ddk syndrome is an early embryonic lethal phenotype observed in crosses between females of the ddk inbred mouse strain and many non-ddk males. lethality results from an incompatibility between a maternal ddk factor and a non-ddk paternal gene, both of which have been mapped to the ovum mutant (om) locus on mouse chromosome 11. here we define a 465-kb candidate interval for the paternal gene by recombinant progeny testing. to further refine the candidate interval we determined whether males f ... | 2006 | 16172501 |
alveolar bone loss and aging: a model for the study in mice. | several animal studies have shown a positive correlation between aging and alveolar bone loss (abl). the purpose of this study was to develop a model for the study of abl in mice and aging. | 2005 | 16274317 |
asymmetrical reproductive character displacement in the house mouse. | our study addressed reproductive character displacement between two subspecies of the house mouse, mus musculus musculus and mus musculus domesticus that hybridize in europe along a zone where selection against hybridization is known to occur. based on a multi-population approach, we investigated spatial patterns of divergence of mate preference in the two taxa. mate preference was significantly higher in the contact zone than in allopatry in both subspecies, suggesting that reproductive charact ... | 2005 | 16313461 |
regional variations in the distributions of small intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (iels) in outbred laboratory mice (mus musculus domesticus) and the inbred strain of mice established from japanese fancy mice (mus musculus molossinus). | previously, we reported regional variations in small intestinal iels of mice. in this study, we examined the regional variations of iels in outbred laboratory mice (ddy: mus musculus domesticus) and the inbred strain of mice established from japanese fancy mice (jf1: mus musculus molossinus). iels were isolated from the proximal, middle and distal parts of the small intestine and analyzed by flow cytometry. the percentages of gammadelta t cells and alphabeta t cell subset of extrathymic origin w ... | 2006 | 16373077 |
effects of size, sex, and voluntary running speeds on costs of locomotion in lines of laboratory mice selectively bred for high wheel-running activity. | selective breeding for over 35 generations has led to four replicate (s) lines of laboratory house mice (mus domesticus) that run voluntarily on wheels about 170% more than four random-bred control (c) lines. we tested whether s lines have evolved higher running performance by increasing running economy (i.e., decreasing energy spent per unit of distance) as a correlated response to selection, using a recently developed method that allows for nearly continuous measurements of oxygen consumption ... | 2006 | 16380930 |
genetic engineering of mice to test the oxidative damage theory of aging. | the laboratory mouse mus musculus domesticus provides the best current mammalian models for the genetic analysis of aging. we give a brief overview of the use of transgenic manipulations to test the oxidative damage theory of aging. these manipulations are of two types: the first approach engineers mice that exhibit increased sensitivities to oxidative damage and thus produces mice that are likely to be short-lived. the second approach engineers mice to be more resistant to such injuries, and th ... | 2005 | 16387715 |
the prevalence of neospora caninum and co-infection with toxoplasma gondii by pcr analysis in naturally occurring mammal populations. | neospora caninum and toxoplasma gondii are closely related intracellular protozoan parasites associated with bovine and ovine abortion respectively. little is known about the extent of neospora/toxoplasma co-infection in naturally infected populations of animals. using nested pcr techniques, based on primers from the nc5 region of n. caninum and sag1 for t. gondii, the prevalence of n. caninum and its co-infection with t. gondii were investigated in populations of mus domesticus, rattus norvegic ... | 2006 | 16393351 |
developmental regulation of skull morphology ii: ontogenetic dynamics of covariance. | canalization may play a critical role in molding patterns of integration when variability is regulated by the balance between processes that generate and remove variation. under these conditions, the interaction among those processes may produce a dynamic structure of integration even when the level of variability is constant. to determine whether the constancy of variance in skull shape throughout most of postnatal growth results from a balance between processes generating and removing variatio ... | 2006 | 16409382 |
selenium-binding protein 2, the major hepatic target for acetaminophen, shows sex differences in protein abundance. | liver samples from female and male mice of two subspecies, mus musculus musculus and mus musculus domesticus, were investigated by a combination of 2-de and maldi-ms. the image analysis of the generated 2-de patterns revealed several protein spots with significant differences in intensity/abundance between the sexes. seven protein spots, which were prominent in 2-de patterns of male mice, but which showed very low intensities in females, were identified as selenium-binding protein 2 (sbp2) also ... | 2006 | 16532517 |
developmental exposure to environmental estrogens alters anxiety and spatial memory in female mice. | humans and wildlife are exposed to numerous anthropogenic drugs and pollutants. many of these compounds are hormonally active, and recent evidence suggests that the presence of these endocrine disruptors permanently alters normal development and physiology in a variety of vertebrate species. here, we report on the effects of developmental exposure to two common estrogenic pollutants, bisphenol a and ethinyl estradiol on sexually dimorphic, non-reproductive behavior. mice (mus musculus domesticus ... | 2006 | 16540110 |
mixed infection with multiple strains of murine cytomegalovirus occurs following simultaneous or sequential infection of immunocompetent mice. | as with human cytomegalovirus (hcmv) infection of humans, murine cmv (mcmv) infection is widespread in its natural host, the house mouse mus domesticus, and may consist of mixed infection with different cmv isolates. the incidence and mechanisms by which mixed infection occurs in free-living mice are unknown. this study used two approaches to determine whether mixed infection with mcmv could be established in laboratory mice. the first utilized two naturally occurring mcmv strains, n1 and g4, in ... | 2006 | 16603512 |
self-regulation within outbreak populations of feral house mice: a test of alternative models. | 1. outbreaks of feral house mice, mus domesticus, in australia represent a fundamental failure of the behavioural control mechanisms of population density, as proposed in the hypothesis of self-regulation. 2. mice have the potential to keep numbers in check via a suite of spacing behaviours; however, the self-regulation hypothesis implies that some social change occurs that permits the population to erupt. it also suggests that at different phases of an outbreak, distinct patterns of social acti ... | 2006 | 16638011 |
artificial selection for increased maternal defense behavior in mice. | maternal aggression is directed towards intruders by lactating females and is critical for defense of offspring. within-family selection for increased maternal defense in outbred house mice (mus domesticus; hsd:icr strain) was applied to one selected (s) line, using total duration of attacks in a 3-min test as the selection criterion. one control (c) line was maintained and both lines were propagated by 13 families in each generation. prior to selection, heritability of maternal aggression was e ... | 2006 | 16676225 |
wild mouse open field behavior is embedded within the multidimensional data space spanned by laboratory inbred strains. | the vast majority of studies on mouse behavior are performed on laboratory mouse strains (mus laboratorius), while studies of wild-mouse behavior are relatively rare. an interesting question is the relationship between the phenotypes of m. laboratorius and the phenotypes of their wild ancestors. it is commonly believed, often in the absence of hard evidence, that the behavior of wild mice exceeds by far, in terms of repertoire richness, magnitude of variables and variability of behavioral measur ... | 2006 | 16879632 |
longitudinal diffusion of a polar tracer in the outer segments of rod photoreceptors from different species. | vertebrate rod photoreceptors are the ultimate light sensors, as they can detect a single photon. in darkness, rods maintain a high concentration of the intracellular messenger cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cgmp), which binds to and keeps open cationic channels on the plasma membrane of the outer segment. absorption of a photon by the visual pigment of the rod, rhodopsin, initiates a biochemical amplification cascade that leads to a reduction in the concentration of cgmp and closure of the cha ... | 2006 | 16906792 |
a change of expression in the conserved signaling gene mkk7 is associated with a selective sweep in the western house mouse mus musculus domesticus. | changes in gene expression are known to occur between closely related species, but it is not yet clear how many of these are due to random fixation of allelic variants or due to adaptive events. in a microarray survey between subspecies of the mus musculus complex, we identified the mitogen-activated protein-kinase-kinase mkk7 as a candidate for change in gene expression. quantitative pcr experiments with multiple individuals from each subspecies confirmed a specific and significant up-regulatio ... | 2006 | 16910979 |
the evolution of aging and age-related physical decline in mice selectively bred for high voluntary exercise. | we tested whether selective breeding for early-age high voluntary exercise behavior over 16 generations caused the evolution of lifelong exercise behavior, life expectancy, and age-specific mortality in house mice (mus domesticus). sixteenth-generation mice from four replicate selection lines and four replicate random-bred control lines were individually housed from weaning through death and divided between two activity treatments (either with or without running wheels). thus, there were four tr ... | 2006 | 16929666 |
innate antiviral resistance influences the efficacy of a recombinant murine cytomegalovirus immunocontraceptive vaccine. | recombinant betaherpesviruses are attractive vaccine candidates because of their persistence in the host. a recombinant murine cytomegalovirus expressing the mouse ovarian glycoprotein zona pellucida 3 induces long lasting sterility in female balb/c mice. using inbred mouse strains selected for their innate resistance or susceptibility to mcmv, we show that genetically determined innate resistance to mcmv can reduce immunocontraceptive success. the cmv1 locus that controls natural killer cell me ... | 2007 | 17007971 |
heterogeneity of the coumarin anticoagulant targeted vitamin k epoxide reduction system. study of kinetic parameters in susceptible and resistant mice (mus musculus domesticus). | vitamin k epoxide reductase (vkor) activity in liver microsomes from a susceptible and a genetically warfarin-resistant strain of mice (mus musculus domesticus) was analyzed to determine the mechanism of resistance to this 4-hydroxycoumarin derivative. kinetic parameters for vkor were calculated for each strain by incubating liver microsomes with vitamin k epoxide +/- warfarin. in susceptible mice, an eadie-hofstee plot of the data was not linear and suggested the involvement of at least two dif ... | 2006 | 17009238 |
rescue of the mouse ddk syndrome by parent-of-origin-dependent modifiers. | when females of the ddk inbred mouse strain are mated to males of other strains, 90-100% of the resulting embryos die during early embryonic development. this ddk syndrome lethality results from incompatibility between an ooplasmic ddk factor and a non-ddk paternal gene, which map to closely linked loci on chromosome 11. it has been proposed that the expression of the gene that encodes the ooplasmic factor is subject to allelic exclusion in oocytes. previous studies have demonstrated the existen ... | 2007 | 17050856 |
the frequency of multiple paternity suggests that sperm competition is common in house mice (mus domesticus). | sexual selection is an important force driving the evolution of morphological and genetic traits. to determine the importance of male-male, postcopulatory sexual selection in natural populations of house mice, we estimated the frequency of multiple paternity, defined as the frequency with which a pregnant female carried a litter fertilized by more than one male. by genotyping eight microsatellite markers from 1095 mice, we found evidence of multiple paternity from 33 of 143. evidence for multipl ... | 2006 | 17054508 |
disruption of genetic interaction between two autosomal regions and the x chromosome causes reproductive isolation between mouse strains derived from different subspecies. | reproductive isolation that initiates speciation is likely caused by incompatibility among multiple loci in organisms belonging to genetically diverging populations. laboratory c57bl/6j mice, which predominantly originated from mus musculus domesticus, and a msm/ms strain derived from japanese wild mice (m. m. molossinus, genetically close to m. m. musculus) are reproductively isolated. their f1 hybrids are fertile, but successive intercrosses result in sterility. a consomic strain, c57bl/6j-chr ... | 2007 | 17057240 |
searching the genomes of inbred mouse strains for incompatibilities that reproductively isolate their wild relatives. | identification of the genes that underlie reproductive isolation provides important insights into the process of speciation. according to the dobzhansky-muller model, these genes suffer disrupted interactions in hybrids due to independent divergence in separate populations. in hybrid populations, natural selection acts to remove the deleterious heterospecific combinations that cause these functional disruptions. when selection is strong, this process can maintain multilocus associations, primari ... | 2007 | 17208932 |
characterization and comparison of major urinary proteins from the house mouse, mus musculus domesticus, and the aboriginal mouse, mus macedonicus. | urine from the house mouse, mus musculus domesticus, contains a high concentration of major urinary proteins (mups), which convey olfactory information between conspecifics. in wild populations, each individual expresses a different pattern of around 8 to 14 electrophoretically separable mup isoforms. to examine whether other mus species express mups and exhibit a similar level of individual heterogeneity, we characterized urinary proteins in urine samples from an aboriginal species, mus macedon ... | 2007 | 17268823 |
mtdna phylogeny and evolution of laboratory mouse strains. | inbred mouse strains have been maintained for more than 100 years, and they are thought to be a mixture of four different mouse subspecies. although genealogies have been established, female inbred mouse phylogenies remain unexplored. by a phylogenetic analysis of newly generated complete mitochondrial dna sequence data in 16 strains, we show here that all common inbred strains descend from the same mus musculus domesticus female wild ancestor, and suggest that they present a different mitochond ... | 2007 | 17284675 |
species-specific expression of major urinary proteins in the house mice (mus musculus musculus and mus musculus domesticus). | the analysis of expression of pheromone-carrying major urinary proteins (mups) from two subspecies of house mice (mus m. musculus, mus m. domesticus) was studied. it has been previously shown that commensal populations of the two subspecies can discriminate on the basis of urinary signals. mups are predominant urinary proteins that protect pheromones from rapid degradation in a hydrophilic environment, and individuals of m. m. musculus tend to rely on these urinary cues in the process of subspec ... | 2007 | 17333372 |
kidney function in the spinifex hopping mouse, notomys alexis. | notomys alexis (spinifex hopping mouse) is found in the arid zone of australia. the structure and function of the kidneys allow this species to conserve water. this study investigated the rate at which n. alexis can reduce urine volume and increase the concentration of electrolytes and solutes when water deprived. it also looked at the response to rehydration, following a period of water deprivation. the laboratory mouse, mus musculus domesticus, was used for comparison. n. alexis is able to red ... | 2008 | 17374563 |
the dynamic of the t-haplotype in wild populations of the house mouse mus musculus domesticus in israel. | the t-haplotype, a variant of the proximal part of the mouse chromosome 17, is composed of at least four inversions and is inherited as a single genetic unit. the haplotype causes embryonic mortality or male sterility when homozygous. genes within the complex are responsible for distortion of mendelian transmission ratio in males. thus, the t-haplotype in heterozygous males is transferred to over 95% of the progeny. we examined the dynamic and behavior of the t-haplotype in wild populations of t ... | 2007 | 17415614 |
reproducibility of a hemi mandible positioning device and a method for measuring alveolar bone loss area in mice. | the objective of this study was to determine the reproducibility of a positioning device and a method for measuring the area of alveolar bone loss (abl) in hemi mandibles of mice. mucoperiosteal flaps were raised in cf1 mus domesticus mice (n = 10) on the buccal aspects of the left side of the mandibles. twenty-one days after surgery, the animals were sacrificed, and the mandibles were resected and stained with 1% toluidine blue. two positioning devices, one for the buccal and the other for ling ... | 2007 | 17429177 |
serological survey of virus infection among wild house mice (mus domesticus) in the uk. | the serological prevalence of 13 murine viruses was surveyed among 103 wild-caught and 51 captive-bred house mice (mus domesticus), originating from several trapping locations in northwest england, using blood samples obtained during routine health screening of an established wild mouse colony. a high proportion of recently caught wild mice were seropositive for mouse hepatitis virus (86%), mouse cytomegalovirus (79%), mouse thymic virus (78%), mouse adenovirus (68%), mouse parvovirus (59%) and ... | 2007 | 17430622 |
centimorgan-range one-step mapping of fertility traits using interspecific recombinant congenic mice. | in mammals, male fertility is a quantitative feature determined by numerous genes. until now, several wide chromosomal regions involved in fertility have been defined by genetic mapping approaches; unfortunately, the underlying genes are very difficult to identify. here, 53 interspecific recombinant congenic mouse strains (ircss) bearing 1-2% seg/pas (mus spretus) genomic fragments disseminated in a c57bl/6j (mus domesticus) background were used to systematically analyze male fertility parameter ... | 2007 | 17483418 |
developmental exposure to low-dose estrogenic endocrine disruptors alters sex differences in exploration and emotional responses in mice. | estrogenic endocrine disruptors (eeds) are naturally occurring or man-made compounds present in the environment that are able to bind to estrogen receptors and interfere with normal cellular development in target organs and tissues. there is mounting evidence that eeds can interfere with the processes of sexual differentiation of brain and behavior in different animal models. we investigated the effects of maternal exposure to eeds, at concentrations within the range of human exposure and not pa ... | 2007 | 17568585 |
intra-female aggression in the mouse (mus musculus domesticus) is linked to the estrous cycle regularity but not to ovulation. | intraspecific communication between mice takes place mainly via urinary chemosignals or "pheromones". pheromones can influence aggressive and reproductive behavior as well as the neuroendocrine condition of the recipient female mice via their olfactory system. in this study, reproductively cyclic mice in the estrus phase were used to test intraspecific agonistic aggressive behavior. data were obtained also on the count of the eggs shed in the oviducts. the results showed that (i) individually ho ... | 2008 | 17647257 |
on the subspecific origin of the laboratory mouse. | the genome of the laboratory mouse is thought to be a mosaic of regions with distinct subspecific origins. we have developed a high-resolution map of the origin of the laboratory mouse by generating 25,400 phylogenetic trees at 100-kb intervals spanning the genome. on average, 92% of the genome is of mus musculus domesticus origin, and the distribution of diversity is markedly nonrandom among the chromosomes. there are large regions of extremely low diversity, which represent blind spots for stu ... | 2007 | 17660819 |
a new chromosomal race of the house mouse, mus musculus domesticus, in the vulcano island-aeolian archipelago, italy. | in this paper we describe a new robertsonian (rb) race of the house mouse from vulcano (aeolian archipelago) through the identification of the metacentric chromosomes. we analysed fifteen mice. all the specimens were found to have the same karyotype 2n=26. this karyotype is characterized by rb(1.2), rb(3.9), rb(4.13), rb(5.14), rb(8.12), rb(10.16) and rb(15.17). the differences between the race of vulcano and the races in a neighbour island (lipari) consist in the presence of rb(10.16) and rb(15 ... | 2007 | 17663698 |
tick-borne zoonotic bacteria in wild and domestic small mammals in northern spain. | the prevalence and diversity of tick-borne zoonotic bacteria (borrelia spp., anaplasma phagocytophilum, coxiella burnetii, and spotted fever group rickettsiae) infecting 253 small mammals captured in the basque country (spain) were assessed using pcr and reverse line blot hybridization. trapping sites were selected around sheep farms (study 1, 2000 to 2002) and recreational parks (study 2, 2003 to 2005). the majority of the studied mammals (162) were wood mice (apodemus sylvaticus), but six othe ... | 2007 | 17693556 |
gonadal expression of aromatase and estrogen receptor alpha genes in two races of tunisian mice and their hypofertile hybrids. | house mice (mus musculus domesticus) in tunisia consists of two races, one carries the 40-acrocentric standard karyotypes and the other one is a robertsonian race (2n=22) homozygous for nine centric fusions (rb). the f1 hybrids between the two chromosomal races showed a significant decrease in reproductive success and litter size. such results can be related to the formation of meiotic trivalent in the hybrids leading to the production of viable aneuploid gametes and post-zygotic elimination of ... | 2007 | 17873965 |
novel cryptosporidium genotype in wild australian mice (mus domesticus). | a total of 250 mouse fecal specimens collected from crop farms in queensland, australia, were screened for the presence of cryptosporidium spp. using pcr. of these, 19 positives were detected and characterized at a number of loci, including the 18s rrna gene, the acetyl coenzyme a gene, and the actin gene. sequence and phylogenetic analyses identified two genotypes: mouse genotype i and a novel genotype (mouse genotype ii), which is likely to be a valid species. cryptosporidium parvum, which is ... | 2007 | 17921267 |
genetic resistance to infection influences a male's sexual attractiveness and modulation of testosterone. | females may be attracted to males genetically resistant to infectious diseases, and one potential mechanism for this mating bias is that such males may be better able to maintain high testosterone. to test these two hypotheses, we collected scent-marks from male house mice (mus domesticus) genetically resistant and susceptible to salmonella due to a single locus (nramp 1, also known as slc11a1). we tested whether females are more attracted to the scent-marks of resistant males, and whether such ... | 2008 | 17945466 |
development of unique house mouse resources suitable for evolutionary studies of speciation. | two house mouse subspecies, mus musculus domesticus and mus musculus musculus, form a hybrid zone in europe and represent a suitable model for inferring the genes contributing to isolation barriers between parental taxa. despite long-term intensive studies of this hybrid zone, we still know relatively little about the causes and mechanisms maintaining the 2 taxa as separate subspecies; therefore, to gain insight into this process, we developed 8 wild-derived inbred house mouse strains. in order ... | 2008 | 17965200 |
prevalence of mouse mammary tumor virus (mmtv) in wild house mice (mus musculis) in southeastern australia. | we determined the prevalence of mouse mammary tumor virus (mmtv) in introduced, free-roaming, wild house mice (mus musculus domesticus) [corrected] and compared envelope (env) and long terminal repeat (ltr) nucleotide sequences of viruses from wild mice and other sources. mice were trapped on two occasions, in october (spring) and the following may (autumn) of 2003-2004 in the mallee region of northwestern victoria, australia. animals were assigned to three cohorts (subadult, young, and old adul ... | 2007 | 17984262 |
preimplantation embryo development (ped) gene copy number varies from 0 to 85 in a population of wild mice identified as mus musculus domesticus. | the preimplantation embryo development (ped) gene regulates the rate of preimplantation embryonic cleavage division and subsequent embryo survival. in the mouse, the ped gene product is qa-2 protein, a nonclassical mhc class i molecule encoded by four tandem genes, q6/q7/q8/q9. most inbred strains of mice have all four genes on each allelic chromosome, making a total of eight qa-2 encoding genes, but there are a few strains that are missing all eight genes, defining a null allele. mouse strains ... | 2007 | 17990033 |
risk of accidental invasion and expansion of allochthonous mice in tokyo metropolitan coastal areas in japan. | house mouse (mus musculus) is one of the perilous animal vectors for imported zoonosis such as a lymphocytic choriomeningitis (lcmv) infectious disease, and probably unknown emerging and/or re-emerging infectious diseases as well. it is necessary to prevent such diseases by regular surveys for behavioral trends of these allochthonous mice. however, such a trial has never been attempted in japan. from 1998 to 2002, we analyzed partial sequences of the d-loop region in mtdna, which provides powerf ... | 2007 | 17991997 |
the genetic basis of inbreeding avoidance in house mice. | animals might be able to use highly polymorphic genetic markers to recognize very close relatives and avoid inbreeding. the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) is thought to provide such a marker because it influences individual scent in a broad range of vertebrates. however, direct evidence is very limited. in house mice (mus musculus domesticus), the major urinary protein (mup) gene cluster provides another highly polymorphic scent signal of genetic identity that could underlie kin recognit ... | 2007 | 17997307 |
genome-wide patterns of gene flow across a house mouse hybrid zone. | hybrid zones between closely related species or subspecies provide useful settings for studying the genetic architecture of speciation. using markers distributed throughout the mouse genome, we use a hybrid zone between two recently diverged species of house mice (mus musculus and mus domesticus) as a natural mapping experiment to identify genomic regions that may be involved in reproductive isolation. using cline analysis we document a nearly 50-fold variation in level of introgression among ma ... | 2008 | 18025268 |
[behavior of argentine lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus strains in rodents]. | the activity of lcm virus was first reported in argentina at the beginning of the seventies and only five strains have been isolated from rodents mus domesticus and two from humans. the objective of this paper was to find differential biological characteristics of argentine strains of lcm virus comparing them in relation to the historical strains we and armstrong. regarding the results obtained in tissue culture, when l 929 cells were used, plaque forming units (pfu) were obtained with human and ... | 2007 | 18051229 |
measurement of the digit lengths and the anogenital distance in mice. | in humans, research has demonstrated the ratio of the 2nd to 4th digit lengths (2d:4d) are: (i) sexually dimorphic with males having a lower ratio than females, the latter having near equidistant lengths [j. manning, d. scutt, j. wilson, & d. lewis-jones, (1998). the ratio of 2nd to 4th digit length: a predictor of sperm numbers and concentrations of testosterone, luteinizing hormone and oestrogen. hum reprod. 13(11):3000-3004], and are theorized to be (ii) determined in utero during gestational ... | 2008 | 18054055 |
aggressive and mating behaviors in two types of sex reversed mice: xy females and xx males. | aggressive and mating behaviors were assessed in xx females, xy females, and xy males of the c57bl/6/j/ei ("c57bl/6" or "b6") strain of mouse. the y chromosome of the xy females derives from mus domesticus poschiavinus and the y chromosome of the xy males derives from mus musculus. the poschiavinus y in the c57bl/6 background results in xy mice with either ovaries or ovotestes. only those with ovaries were tested. these xy females appear to be endocrinologically identical to xx females. aggressi ... | 2008 | 18064553 |
nucleotide variation in wild and inbred mice. | the house mouse is a well-established model organism, particularly for studying the genetics of complex traits. however, most studies of mice use classical inbred strains, whose genomes derive from multiple species. relatively little is known about the distribution of genetic variation among these species or how variation among strains relates to variation in the wild. we sequenced intronic regions of five x-linked loci in large samples of wild mus domesticus and m. musculus, and we found low le ... | 2007 | 18073432 |
phylogeography and postglacial expansion of mus musculus domesticus inferred from mitochondrial dna coalescent, from iran to europe. | few genetic data document the postglacial history of the western house mouse, mus musculus domesticus. we address this by studying a sample from the southeastern tip of the fertile crescent in the iranian province of ahvaz. including other published and unpublished data from france, germany, italy, bulgaria, turkey and other places in iran, altogether 321 mitochondrial d-loop sequences are simultaneously analysed. the patterns of coalescence obtained corroborate the classical proposal according ... | 2008 | 18179435 |
reproductive isolation between chromosomal races of the house mouse mus musculus domesticus in a parapatric contact area revealed by an analysis of multiple unlinked loci. | the house mouse, mus musculus domesticus, exhibits a high level of chromosomal polymorphism because of the occurrence and fast fixation of robertsonian fusions between telocentric chromosomes. for this reason, it has been considered a classical speciation model to analyse the role of the chromosomal changes in reproductive isolation. in this study, we analysed a parapatric contact area between two metacentric races in central italy, the cittaducale race (cd: 2n = 22) and the ancarano race (acr: ... | 2008 | 18205781 |
rb(7.17), a rare robertsonian fusion in wild populations of the house mouse. | robertsonian (rb) translocation is the largest source of chromosomal diversity in the western european house mouse (mus musculus domesticus). recently, the fusion rb(7.17) was found in the chromosomal polymorphic zone of this subspecies in the north-east of the iberian peninsula. this fusion has not been reported in any other european population. here we give data on the distribution and frequency of this mutation in this region. results revealed that rb(7.17) is restricted to a small geographic ... | 2007 | 18208626 |
adaptive evolution of the insulin two-gene system in mouse. | insulin genes in mouse and rat compose a two-gene system in which ins1 was retroposed from the partially processed mrna of ins2. when ins1 originated and how it was retained in genomes still remain interesting problems. in this study, we used genomic approaches to detect insulin gene copy number variation in rodent species and investigated evolutionary forces acting on both ins1 and ins2. we characterized the phylogenetic distribution of the new insulin gene (ins1) by southern analyses and confi ... | 2008 | 18245324 |
mouse inter-subspecific consomic strains for genetic dissection of quantitative complex traits. | consomic strains, also known as chromosome substitution strains, are powerful tools for assigning polygenes that control quantitative complex traits to specific chromosomes. here, we report generation of a full set of mouse consomic strains, in which each chromosome of the common laboratory strain c57bl/6j (b6) is replaced by its counterpart from the inbred strain msm/ms, which is derived from japanese wild mouse, mus musculus molossinus. the genome sequence of msm/ms is divergent from that of b ... | 2008 | 18256237 |
cranial bone morphometric study among mouse strains. | little is known about the molecular mechanism which regulates how the whole cranium is shaped. mouse models currently available for genetic research include several hundreds of unique inbred strains and genetically engineered mutants. by cross comparing their genomic structures, we can elucidate the cause of any differences in the phenotype between two strains. the craniometry of subspecies, or closely related species, of mice provide a good systemic model to study the relationship between genet ... | 2008 | 18307817 |
basal metabolic rate of aged mice is affected by random genetic drift but not by selective breeding for high early-age locomotor activity or chronic wheel access. | the study of correlated evolution can lead to new insights about the inheritance patterns of complex traits. in order to better understand the evolution of metabolic rate, we tested whether voluntary activity levels and basal metabolic rate are genetically correlated in 90-wk-old mice (mus domesticus) from replicated lines of the sixteenth generation of an artificial selection experiment for high early-age wheel-running activity. we measured basal rates of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide p ... | 2008 | 18419555 |
the chromosome 11 region from strain 129 provides protection from sex reversal in xypos mice. | c57bl/6j (b6) mice containing the mus domesticus poschiavinus y chromosome, ypos, develop ovarian tissue, whereas testicular tissue develops in dba/2j or 129s1/svimj (129) mice containing the ypos chromosome. to identify genes involved in sex determination, we used a congenic strain approach to determine which chromosomal regions from 129sl/svimj provide protection against sex reversal in xypos mice of the c57bl/6j.129-ypos strain. genome scans using microsatellite and snp markers identified a c ... | 2008 | 18458101 |
there is no heterotic effect upon developmental stability in the ventral side of the skull within the house mouse hybrid zone. | fluctuating asymmetry (fa) of a body is expected to be related to an organism's developmental instability. we studied patterns of fa in the ventral side of the skull along a transect across the central-european portion of the hybrid zone between two house mouse subspecies, mus musculus musculus and mus musculus domesticus. we found that fa was not significantly different between introgression classes relative to differences between localities within those classes and that the within-class differ ... | 2008 | 18462319 |
the mitochondrial genome sequence of mus terricolor: comparison with mus musculus domesticus and implications for xenomitochondrial mouse modeling. | knowledge of the mitochondrial dna (mtdna) sequence of divergent murine species is critical from both a phylogenetic perspective and in understanding nuclear-mitochondrial interactions, particularly as the latter influences our xenocybrid models of mitochondrial disease. to this end, the sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the murine species mus terricolor (formerly mus dunni) is reported and compared with the published sequence for the common laboratory mouse mus musculus domesticus strain ... | 2008 | 18501533 |
dynamic instability of the major urinary protein gene family revealed by genomic and phenotypic comparisons between c57 and 129 strain mice. | the major urinary proteins (mups) of mus musculus domesticus are deposited in urine in large quantities, where they bind and release pheromones and also provide an individual 'recognition signal' via their phenotypic polymorphism. whilst important information about mup functionality has been gained in recent years, the gene cluster is poorly studied in terms of structure, genic polymorphism and evolution. | 2008 | 18507838 |
the urban house mouse (mus domesticus) as a reservoir of infection for the human parasite toxoplasma gondii: an unrecognised public health issue? | toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite capable of infecting almost all warm-blooded animals. the cat is the definitive host and becomes infected by consuming contaminated meat or infected prey. humans can act as intermediate hosts and in healthy individuals the infection is mild and self-limiting. in pregnant women it can cause spontaneous abortions and foetal abnormalities and is capable of inducing serious illness in immuno-compromised patients. in infested dwellings, mice could act as inte ... | 2008 | 18569146 |
does the house mouse self-regulate its density in maturing sorghum and wheat crops? | 1. one of the central questions in population ecology and management is: what regulates population growth? house mouse mus domesticus l. populations erupt occasionally in grain-growing regions in australia. this study aimed to determine whether mouse populations are self-regulated in maturing sorghum and wheat crops. this was assessed by examining food supply to mice (i.e. yield) and the relationship between initial mouse density (d(i)) and density at harvest (d(h)). eight levels of d(i) ranging ... | 2008 | 18624745 |
faster fertilization rate in conspecific versus heterospecific matings in house mice. | barriers to gene flow can arise at any stage in the reproductive sequence. most studies of reproductive isolation focus on premating or postzygotic phenotypes, leaving the importance of differences in fertilization rate overlooked. two closely related species of house mice, mus domesticus and m. musculus, form a narrow hybrid zone in europe, suggesting that one or more isolating factors operate in the face of ongoing gene flow. here, we test for differences in fertilization rate using laboratory ... | 2009 | 18752610 |
signalling components of the house mouse mate recognition system. | subspecies-specific mate recognition may represent significant barrier to gene flow between diverged genomes potentially leading to speciation. in the house mouse, assortative mating involves the coevolution of several signals and receptors. we compared signalling ability of bedding material, faeces, urine, saliva, salivary androgen binding proteins (abp) and combinations of urine with saliva and urine with abp in mate choice in two wild-derived inbred strains (one of mus musculus musculus and o ... | 2009 | 18790024 |
identification of selective sweeps in closely related populations of the house mouse based on microsatellite scans. | genome scans of polymorphisms promise to provide insights into the patterns and frequencies of positive selection under natural conditions. the use of microsatellites as markers has the potential to focus on very recent events, since in contrast to snps, their high mutation rates should remove signatures of older events. we assess this concept here in a large-scale study. we have analyzed two population pairs of the house mouse, one pair of the subspecies mus musculus domesticus and the other of ... | 2008 | 18791245 |
the diverse origins of new zealand house mice. | molecular markers and morphological characters can help infer the colonization history of organisms. a combination of mitochondrial (mt) d-loop dna sequences, nuclear dna data, external measurements and skull characteristics shows that house mice (mus musculus) in new zealand and its outlying islands are descended from very diverse sources. the predominant genome is mus musculus domesticus (from western europe), but mus musculus musculus (from central europe) and mus musculus castaneus (from sou ... | 2009 | 18826937 |
of mice and (viking?) men: phylogeography of british and irish house mice. | the west european subspecies of house mouse (mus musculus domesticus) has gained much of its current widespread distribution through commensalism with humans. this means that the phylogeography of m. m. domesticus should reflect patterns of human movements. we studied restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) and dna sequence variations in mouse mitochondrial (mt) dna throughout the british isles (328 mice from 105 localities, including previously published data). there is a major mtdna li ... | 2009 | 18826939 |
mendelian inheritance of t haplotypes in house mouse ( mus musculus domesticus) field populations. | alleles of many genes in the house mouse (mus musculus domesticus) t complex influence embryonic development, male transmission ratio, male fertility and other traits. homozygous t lethal alleles cause prenatal lethality, whereas male t semilethal homozygotes and males heterozygous for two complementing t lethal haplotypes are sterile. without a mechanism maintaining these deleterious genes, t lethals and t semilethals should be eliminated by selection. the mechanism for maintaining them is tran ... | 2008 | 18840307 |
adaptive plasticity of mammalian sperm production in response to social experience. | sperm competition theory predicts that males should invest prudently in ejaculates according to levels of female promiscuity. males may therefore be sensitive to cues in their social environment associated with sexual competition, and tailor investment in sperm production accordingly. we tested this idea experimentally for the first time, to our knowledge, in a mammal by comparing reproductive traits of male house mice (mus musculus domesticus) that had experienced contrasting encounter regimes ... | 2009 | 18986975 |
dissecting the effects of mtdna variations on complex traits using mouse conplastic strains. | previous reports have demonstrated that the mtdna of mouse common inbred strains (cis) originated from a single female ancestor and that mtdna mutations occurred during cis establishment. this situation provides a unique opportunity to investigate the impact of individual mtdna variations on complex traits in mammals. in this study, we compiled the complete mtdna sequences of 52 mouse cis. phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that 50 of the 52 cis descended from a single female mus musculus domest ... | 2009 | 19037013 |
vitamin k epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (vkorc1) haplotype diversity in mouse priority strains. | abstract: | 2008 | 19046458 |